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  1. samrocker

    Chit-Chatters Thread - Live

    Tu abi bhi mod bana hua hai lolMujhe laga nipat gaya tu :cmouth:
  2. samrocker

    Chit-Chatters Thread - Live

  3. samrocker

    Moving a post to private area?

    OhoLagta h phool sab sungna chahte h lol :D:
  4. samrocker

    Moving a post to private area?

    Kya hua aakashKya chal rha h yahaThis thread is on the trending list :D
  5. samrocker

    Moving a post to private area?

  6. samrocker

    Chit-Chatters Thread - Live

    :wavey: mod madam
  7. samrocker

    Chit-Chatters Thread - Live

    It’s a general metafor man :dazed:Bhawanayein samjho , arth p mat jau
  8. samrocker

    Chit-Chatters Thread - Live

    Aila esa kuch ni h man :shy:
  9. samrocker

    Chit-Chatters Thread - Live

    Apun raat ko ni so pa rha aajkal :dazed:
  10. samrocker

    Chit-Chatters Thread - Live

    From the back :haha:
  11. samrocker

    Chit-Chatters Thread - Live

    Samaj m cross dressing ka chal rha h aajkal :dazed:
  12. samrocker

    Chit-Chatters Thread - Live

    Abe I mean genuine girls 👧Instead of choli m basuri types 😂
  13. samrocker

    Chit-Chatters Thread - Live

    Kon ? M?
  14. samrocker

    Chit-Chatters Thread - Live

    Akash kun :hug:Kaise ho
  15. samrocker

    Chit-Chatters Thread - Live

    You never knowI know few pure girls on xf B-)
  16. samrocker

    Chit-Chatters Thread - Live

    Choli k piche kya wala scene 😂You never know
  17. samrocker

    Funny Bakchodi and Memes

    She/her bhi rakhsakte h :lol1:
  18. samrocker

    Funny Bakchodi and Memes

    Kem cho :?:
  19. samrocker

    Funny Bakchodi and Memes

    Bhak savitri :girlcry:
  20. samrocker

    Funny Bakchodi and Memes

    Lol tu abi bhi mod bana hua h :cmouth: