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Incest 2 Maami Vs 2 Bhanja


Raju: 1st HERO
Shiv: 2ND HERO
Suresh: Side Character (Raju Elder Mama)
Sumiti: 1st HERIONE (Suresh' wife)
Prakash: 3R HERO (Raju's Youngest Mama)
Pooja: 2nd HERIONE (Prakash's wife)

Raju's mom died while giving birth to him. That's why he have been brought up in his Nana-nani home. His mom's family is quite the unique one. The male members of the family run around naked in the house
from generations.
The very first memory of his is not quite vivid, but he do remember that while visiting his Mama house, his Mamas was always insisted him to roam around naked. In fact, His Elder Mama, younger mama and Nana himself
roam naked inside the house. As they have been doing this since forever, that's why it never was awkward for them. His mom and Mama has huge
age difference. Its because, His Nana got married very early and his mom born soon after. Later His Nana run away from home because he was jobless and he has been continuously scolded by his pa.
After years of struggling he come back with a good job in city. They belong to village but when Raju Nana got job in city, they shifted there with his family.
Raju was doing his schooling in boarding school. After setting foot in teenage, his hormones are on fire. He was always a bright student, so he never participated in the harmless sexual activities like
masturbation contest organised by my hostel mates. He don't take interest in such activities, it doesn't mean he was not into such things. He like watching movies hot scenes, sex themed ads in the newspaper,
reading erotica, and etc. His favourite thing was reading adult magazine which his roommate used to keep in his closet. His penis get hard whenever he read such stories but he didn't know how to relieve
himself but
still he like reading such magazines. He was living a wonderful life in hostel, he don't even like visiting his relatives because he don't feel affectionate towards anyone, but it all changed with the arrival
his new Aunty (Badi Maami). His elder Mama got married. After meeting his elder maami, his life changed abruptly. She was very kind and jolly person. The love she showered on him, made her his
favourite person.

Raju's seatmate, roommate was Shiv. Shiv was completely opposite of Raju. He was adventurous person and bold. In hostel each Saturday, he organise the masturbation competition and most time he is the one who
wins the competition. Despite of opposite personalities, Raju and Shiv has great bonding. They were like brothers.

Raju's youngest mama wedding was going on . His roommate Shiv, who has nothing to do in summer holiday, joined him in the ceremony. To be honest, He was the one who was having all the fun, Raju
was just getting bored in the wedding activates but he was enjoying every bit of it. During the Jai-Maala ceremony, they both were sitting at the corner and looking at the bride groom.

Shiv: Man you are so lucky, you have got such hot maamis

Raju: Don't talk shit about my Maami, she is my maami

Shiv: So what, can't a maami look hot?

Raju (with smiley face): Yeah they can be but bro she is my maami

Shiv: Maami can be hot too bro

And then they both laugh over it. There is no doubt that both of his maami were looking damn hot, they both were wondering howcome Men like my mamas end up with such hotties.

The wedding ceremony lasted for a week. Good thing, Raju had a friend with him all the time, otherwise He wouldn't be able to survive here in such strange place. After completion of all ceremony,
it has been decided that his both maama, maami will move to live in the city's home. It has also been decided that, Raju and Shiv will go along with them. Shiv was supposed to leave soon but after spending week with him, Raju proposed that
it will be so fun if Shiv will stay with him the whole summer. Shiv don't have any problem with it, he can live and enjoy anywhere. So, they all 6 captured the train, they enjoyed and had fun with their new maami while
travelling. It was really a very awesome time of his life. His elder Maami was very affectionate and very soon she become friendly towards Shiv. They reached at their house, it was not exactly in the city but
at the countryside. They reached home early in the morning. Firstly both Maami took bath and went to the kitchen to cook some dishes.. Shiv and Raju were brushing teeth in the hall in front of handpump. There was
an indoor handpump, all men bath there only as its spacious. This house have two bathroom, one is attached with Elder Maami room and one is for all members. Actually after marriage, his elder mama constructed
an attached bathroom for the comfort of her wife. The other bathroom, but no one prefer to bath there, as there was no water connection, one has to carry bucket of water from hand-pump to
bathroom. Anyway, Raju and Shiv were brushing our teeth near the hand-pump only. Raju Younger Mama came and start taking off his clothes.

Y.Mama: Raju, you haven't took off your clothes yet?

Raju knew what his mama means by this statement. Next moment, he took off all his clothes and start bathing complete naked. Shiv was completely surprised.

Shiv (whispering in Raju ear): Brother, what's going on here.

Raju: they like being naked here

Shiv: They?

Raju: both mama, nana

At the same time, my Elder Maami came and hit her hand over the bare back of younger mama.

E. Maami (in scolding manner): There’s new bride at home, and you’re roaming around naked—have some shame!

Y.Mama: Bhabhi, The sooner she understand this, the better it will be.

E. Maami: You'll ruin the family name

Elder Maami was busy in scolding younger mama, the very moment elder mama came and stood behind her. He was naked too, his penis was hanging with bushes of hair completely visible.

E.Mama: What happened Shivani ( Elder Maami name), why are you being so loud early in the morning

E. Maami: You too naked, Oh God, please save the dignity of my house.

E.Mama: you’re unnecessarily making a fuss. None of this is new. We’ve been living like this since childhood

Y. Mama: Exactly, now don't stress yourself and go have some rest, now you have a bahu who will do all the chores.

E.Mami: As if she can do everything all by themselves.

E. Mama: Then go and help her out, don't bother us.

Raju and Shiv still standing there brushing their teeth and meantime E. Maami was arguing with both Mamas. It seems like she is gonna fail in her mission.

Y.Mama: Raju, what are you waiting for, be free , take off your clothes, otherwise I will do it.

Shiv: This is the best.

No body asked Shiv to take off its clothes but he did it anyway and while doing so he was smiling as if its a fun for him.

E. Maami (with smile on her face): One more nudist.

It has been more than years since Elder Maama marriage and Elder Maami has seen everything. Firstly, she felt strange when she came to know about this nudist behaviour of men in this family. But with passing
time, its become common for her.

Y.Mama: Raju, look at your friend, he is having so much fun. So don't be a boring person and take off your clothes.

Shiv: yeah bro, do it, its always been my dream to roam naked in the house. God must have sent me here, so that I can fulfil my long waited desire.

Raju: Maami, what should I do, these people are bullying me.

E. Maami: Well, even if I say no, they won't listen to me. So its totally upto you, beta.

Raju was still in dilemma, suddenly Elder Mama came from behind and pull off his lower along with the underwear. Raju penis spring out with the sudden removal of clothes, however due to his T-shirt, its still not visible. Raju quickly grabbed his lower-underwear and pulled it up to his waist. Everybody burst into laughter including Maami.

Raju: Very funny, hahah (mimicking them), Maami you too.

E.Maami: Sorry, beta but the way you pulled up your lower to hide your pee pee is very funny.

Raju: That's why, I don't like visiting here.

Shiv: Why are you being so dramatic bro. Its heaven here. Mama, you know what he acts like same in hostel too, that's why he has no friends other than me.

E.Maami: Don't tell me, he get bullied?

Shiv: No no, nothing like that, he has strong bonding with school faculties, no one dares to bully him. But, he lives such a boring life in hostel, we often feel sorry for him.

Y.Mama: That's why, we are trying to open him a little. Be naked and be free, son. Once you will be nude, you will be free from this world moh-maya, you will feel so relaxed. To attain ultimate truth, some
monks around the world live naked.

Shiv: Right, Mama is absolutely right.

Everybody pressured Raju so much that he have to take off his clothes. Now all men were naked. They all
can see each others penis. Younger Maami was working in the kitchen, she was preparing some kind of new dish which she learn lately. Elder Maami was assisting her. At very time, Younger Mama enter in the
kitchen all naked, Younger Maami saw him in this state and out of surprise the spoon fell from her hand.

Y.Mama: Don't be shocked dear, its not like I haven't told you before. We are the family of nudist men. We live here like this only.

Younger Mama and Mami had love marriage, Maami belong to the same caste, that's why no one have any problem with this marriage. So, while in dating period, Mama had told her about his family nudist custom.

Y.Maami: Yes you did tell me, but its still surprising to me.

Y.Mama: Be ready to get surprise more, other nudists are here too.

E.Maami: Let me give you an advice, Pooja, just ignore them, that's how I dealt with them. Don't waste your energy in convincing and arguing, all they want is attention.

Y.Mama: Bhabhi, you are wrong. We don't want any attention at all. Papa had told me that, being naked is gesture of freedom. We don't want any unnecessary attention or anything

E.Maami: Devar Ji, Papa has brainwashed you, by delivering such proactive statements. If you really want to be free why don't you go roan naked in the neighbourhood or your workplace, market.

Y.Mama: Our freedom has limitations you know (with smily face)

Raju and Shiv were watching TV. They both were naked and sat on single sofas. Raju have a pillow in front of his crotch while, Shiv was showing her penis boldly, in fact he has spread her leg apart shamelessly.

Shiv: Bro, you know. Its very hard being naked.

Raju: Hmm....huh

Shiv: I am not able to control my boner, there are two hotties in the house and I am naked. How can I control my poor buddy.

Raju: This is what you are worried about?

Shiv: Well its not a big deal, I am just surprised that your both mama has such absolute control over their dick. I saw, they have no boner at all.

Raju: They have lived naked throughout their life. Of course, they would have learnt to control themselves

Shiv: Yeah, sixth sense

Raju: What?

Shiv: They have controlled their sixth sense

Raju: Whatever

Younger Maami enter in the room with some snacks. They were sitting naked on single sofas, the bigger sofa was in the middle. She hesitated when she saw the boys naked but she ignored them and sit in the middle
sofa. Raju saw, Shiv dick is hard and it facing the ceiling, perhaps Younger Maami presence has boost his inner sexual fantasies. But this is not only the case with him, Raju was too having erection by the presence
of younger maami. He have become naked a lot many time before in this house, but the only lady he saw was Naani, so his dick never erected so hard. The presence of young women like maamis has brought
this change in him. They all were sitting silently, no one was daring to start the conversation. Maami was little ashamed looking at them. At that time, Elder Maami came in as a saviour and she broke the ice.

E.Maami: Raju, Shiv, beta, why are you not enjoying the snacks which your younger maami has brought.

Shiv: She didn't offer us.

Y. Maami (extending snacks towards shiv): Ohh sorry, here you go.

E.Mmaami (With smile): She’s feeling a bit shy. You guys are roaming naked, why wouldn't she?

Shiv: But why? Maama told me that its the family custom. You are quite chill about this

E.Maami: She is new, beta. It take time.

E.Maami saw his hard dick and said, "you should also control your pee pee, it seems to be out of control".

Shiv shamelessly pressed down his hard dick between his leg, so as to calm it down.

E.Maami: Don't do this, it will hurt your thing, by controlling, I mean make your mind stable. You seem restless, I guess this is the cost of so called freedom.

Raju: Maami, where is both Mama?

E.Maami: Your elder mama has gone to duty and younger mama has gone to market. He has some accessories to buy for the night ceremony.

Raju: What kind of night ceremony.

Shiv(in teaseing manner): Bro, that kind of night ceremony (hinting towards suhaag raat)

E.Maami: You naught boy, its for the muh dikhari ceremony. Neighbours are invited at night. We are going to have a small party. And yeah, don't roam around naked in front of guests, okay.

Raju: Obviously maami

Shiv: Shit I thought

E.Maami: Heyy language, what were you expecting its a nude party.

Shiv (with wicked smile): Yeah,

E.Maami: Unfortunately, its a cutured people party, sorry to disappoint you kiddo. (She waived her hand over his hair, in a cute manner).

Raju was bit jealous, because Maami was adoring Shiv in the same manner as him, and he always thought that he is her favourite person. Shiv was a talkative person, despite of his cunning behaviour, people instantly
like him.

Raju: Okay, both Mama are not here, it means I can dress myself.

Shiv: Why? Its so cool being naked

E.Maami: Yeah, don't you like it, this freedom.

Raju: No, I like constraints.

Raju was about to wear clothes, at the same time door bell rang. We heard younger Mama voice who was calling to open the gate.

E.Maami: Now, sit. Your Mama has come and you know he won't let you revolt.

Raju: Yeah.

Younger Mama enter inside the room with 2 bags full of household stuffs. Y.Maami took the bag but it was very heavy for her. Raju was just sitting beside the room door. He stood to help her in carrying the bag.
The moment he stood, everybody saw his penis which was rock hard.

Y.Mama: Its looks like pencil isn't it, Bhabhi.

Shiv: This pencil was never used that's why. (talking about masturbation)

Y.Mama (with surprised look): Raju, is this true? Your pencil hasn't been used yet.

Shiv: Because he don't know how to use it

Raju: Shiv shut up

Y.Mama: I see it isn't even sharpened. (talking about my penis skin, which I haven't peeled yet). Show me a bit more.

Raju carried the bag and left the room.

E.Maami: Why do you keep teasing Him, he is young and fragile.

Y.Mama: Bhabhi, you don't understand. I am training him for this cruel world. Look yourself, this boy has not even masturbated yet. This is the prime age, if he won't do this time then when? I am sure, Shiv
must have created many tributaries by now, right?

Shiv: You are thinking too high about me, Mamaji.

Y.Mama has just arrived and he began stripping his clothes. And soon he took off all his clothes. His penis has no hardness, such subtle and stable.

Y.Mama: Bhabhi, look at my thing

E.Maami (trying to move her face away): why are you directing it towards my face.

Y.Mama: Bhabhi, it don't have energy, help it a little bit.

E.Maami: Ask Pooja, she will be happy in helping you.

Y.Mama: Pooja is amateur, you are experienced one. Help me please

Shiv was sitting there only. He was listening all there conversation. He was not able to fully understand, what kind of help is he asking for?

Shiv: Mama are you asking for hand job?

Y.Mama: What else do you think I am asking for

Shiv: But, I am not able to understand the set up here. Why would Elder Maami help you, isn't Younger Maami supposed to help you in this regard.

Y.Mama: You are saying this because you don't know the history. Bhabhi, has helped me lot lately.

E.Maami: But now its not my duty, its Pooja responsibility to please you

Y.Mama: Bhabhi don't be like this, it won't be relieved until it feel the warmth of your hand.

Younger Mama kept convincing her but she didn't listen. Elder Maami has worn a blue saree and she was sitting on the long sofa, meantime Mama was sitting on the floor, full naked. He bent on his kness, and grab his tool and began to rub it on his Bhabhi leg over the saree.

E.Maami (in a funny manner): Heyy, what are you doing, don't rub it on my saree. Shoo...move away. No matter how much you convince me, we had deal that I will help you until you get married. What about that?

Y.MaamI (with smile): That was fake deal, I just wanted to convince you that's why I accepted it.

E.Maami: Very smart, now I am even more determined. Move ....

She pushed him away and walk oustside of the room. Mama dick was still semi erected, while Shiv dick was complete hard because of this scene. He was thinking, Mama is so bold and such a pervert.

Shiv: What is this Party, Mama?

Y.Mama: Its just small party organised to welcome your maami.

Shiv: So what is the dress code or no dress at all? (ask teasingly)

Y.Mama (with smile): Well, this is the issue living in society, you have to do certain things which you don't want. One of them is "wearing cloth".

Shiv: Right, Mama, I totally agree

At evening, everyone were getting ready for the night party. Raju and Shiv were living in a corner room, which neither have proper ventilation nor natural light source. It was quite cramped room too. But, this
is the only room available for them to acquire. They were wearing clothes, Raju was combing his hair while looking in the mirror. At very time, younger Maami came in the room informing that their mama is calling. She was still wearing a green suit, which means she hasn't even begin getting ready.

Shiv: Maami what is this, you haven't even started what will we do after getting ready so early

Maami (with smile): I am the hot topic of today's party, so Indeed I will take time. Don't worry, your both Mama will accompany you soon

Then she left.

Shiv: Bro, your younger Maami is so hot.

Raju (while combing his hair): hmmm.. (ignoring his comment)

Shiv: Her boobs are even more awesome

Raju: What is wrong with you

Shiv: Bro, I have seen you checking her out lately, so don't try to play so innocent here

Raju was caught off guard. Indeed, while sitting in the TV room, he was checking out her younger maami cleavage as she has worn a deep neck suit.

Shiv: Don't take so much stress bro, I know it was hard to look away from those perky peaks.

Raju: I wasn't

Shiv: Deny as much as you can bro, but truth will come out eventually.

Shiv and Raju both went into his younger Mama room. He is all ready and worn a black suit, meantime younger maami is still looking for proper cloth to wear.

Y.Mama: I got this two coats for you both, its upto you guys to choose one for yourself.

Shiv: Thank you Mama

Raju: Thank you Mama (with happy face)

Y.Maami: It was me, who asked to buy coats for you guys.

Y.Mama: Yeah Right, thank her

Raju: Why didn't you said before, we thanked you for nothing. Thank you Maami

Y.Maami: Thank you betu.....NOW you all go out, I have to change

Mama: so change, I am your husband, you shouldn't feel ashamed in front of me.

Y.Maami: Right, but there are two other fellows too, I can't change my clothes in front of them

Mama: I was talking about myself only, why the heck will I let them see my wife beauty.

Shiv: Its okay Maami, we dont't mind (in a teasing manner)

Y.Maami (with fake anger expression): But I do, you all move out

Shiv: Let us stay, maami please

Y.Maami: No way,

She start pushing them.

Y.maama: Let me stay atleast, I will help in putting on your blouse hook

Y.Maami: I can manage.

She pushed them all out and then closed the door. In the party, Elder Maama delivered a huge information about his career. He has been chosen by his company to visit Saudi Arabia on a tour for over 3 months.
Everyone was delighted after listening the news. Elder Maami was little bit sad as he has to leave India in 3 days only. It turn out everybody already knew about it except Raju, Shiv and other non family members.

Shiv: Bro, you also didn't know about this news

Raju: Yeah, nobody told me.

Shiv: Now I understand why you don't like visiting here, nobody cares for you or even consider you family

Raju: Right bro, Elder Maami should have told me, atleast.

Shiv: exactly.

It was June and summer was on peak. Only Younger Mama and Maami room has AC, as the AC was given to her in dowry. This has made Elder Maami a bit jealous as her room was burning like furnace in this summer.
So she insisted Elder Maama to install AC before his departure. Maama did install AC in their room. So deliberately Shiv and Raju start hanging out in their room only.

The day before Elder Mama departure. Shiv and Raju were playing some game in E.Mama Laptop under the AC. And of course they both were naked. It was about 10 PM at night.

E.Mama: Now its time for both of you to leave.

Raju: Mama can't be sleep here, its so cold here. In our room, we can't even sleep because of the the heat.

E.Mama: No no, you guys have to earn this room and that can only possible when you start earning money

Shiv: Be straightforward Mama, you don't want us to stay in the room.

Raju: We will sleep on the floor

E.Mama; No

Shiv: We will be like invisible to you, there is so much space on the floor.

E.mama: No

Raju (in affectionate tone): Maami

E.Maami: Today, you both go and sleep in another room, from tomorrow onwards you guys can sleep here

E.Mama: No way, this is not gonna happen

Raju and Shiv (with smile); Okay Maami, thanks Maami.

They both left.

E.Mama: Hey, its not gonna happen.

Ofcoure Elder Mama wouldn't want two grown man to sleep in the same room with his wife.

E.Mama: You were just kidding right?

E.Mami: Let them sleep, its really very hot in their room, I have seen it.

E.Mama; But, but...

E.Mami: Don't worry they are good kids, nothing gonna happen.

Shiv and Raju went to their room and laid on a single bed.

Shiv: Do you know Bro, why Mama didn't want us to stay in their room

Raju: Because of privacy

Shiv: Privacy of what?

Raju: What

Shiv: Sex....its last night for Mama, he must will do sex all night.

Raju: yeah right and bro wear your underwear, I don't want being touched by your dick.

Shiv: I too didn't want my dick to be touched to your skin.

Raju: So wear the underwear bro

Shiv: No its feel so good sleeping naked.

Raju: I am going to sleep on floor

Shiv: That will be the best.

Next day E.Mama left. In the Kitchen, E.Maami preparing dinner. Shiv was also there, chit and chating with E.Maami. Suddenly, Y.Mama come and hug her from behind. He was all naked and his dick pressing on
E.Maami's ass. E.Maami was a bit frightened because of his sudden action but when she came to know its Y.Mama, she cooled down.

E.Maami: What are you doing devarji,

Y.Mama: Bhaiya has gone, so I can hug you right.

Shiv: Did E.Mama don't allow you hugging her

Y.Mama: Ofcoure, why would he allow a naked man hug his wife (in a laughing tone)

It is clearly visible that Y.Mama dick was rubbing her ass over the saree and Maami was not minding it. Shiv dick was already hard but seeing Mama rubbing dick on his Bhabhi, his dick become even more hard. He thought of doing the same, that's why he asked.

Shiv: Mama, can I also hug you like this

Y.Mama (smiled): only I am allowed to hug Bhabhi, isn't it Bhabhi

E.Maami (looked back and pushed him with belan): No one is allowed to hug me from behind other than your elder brother.

Mama hug her back in the same manner and teasing said her, "Bhabhi, until Bhaiya is not here let me fill his gap".

E.Maami (with smile): Devar ji, I think you haven't realised yet, you have another duty to fulfil now.

The very time, Younger Maami (Pooja) enter in the room. She saw her husband back hugging his Bhabhi all naked. Realising the presence of younger Maami, Elder Maami hit maama tummy with belan a little bit hard.

E.Maami: Go and hug your own wife.

Meantime, Younger Maami stood beside Elder Maami and ask her, "Bhabhi, let me make the roti".

E.Maami: No I will manage, you keep eye on the vegetable.

By now, Younger Mama has already let go his Bhabhi. Younger Maami has worn a suit salwar, like always. Mama hug his wife from behind. She got scared a little bit because of his sudden
action. Now Mama dick was poking Pooja Maami ass.

Younger Maami: let me work, its already so hot.

Mama: Neither Bhabhi let me hug nor you, so whom should I hug, tell me.

Mama was not just hugging her, he was rubbing his tool over her ass crack over the salwar kamij. Also, he has kept his hand over her tummy.

Y.Maami: you don't feel ashamed, but I do.

Elder Maami was listening their talk and smiling over their conversation. Suddenly, Shiv took this opportunity and hugged her from behind and pressed her hard by keeping his hand over her tummy.

Shiv: My beautiful Maami.

Shiv was basically trying to please his hard dick by pressing it over Elder Maami saree cladded ass.

E.Maami: Shiv beta what are you doing?

Shiv: I am hugging you Maami, it feel so good

E.Maami: Its so hot beta, Pooja is right, I don't understand how you boys wanting for hug in such a hot weather. Look we are already so sweaty.

E.maami was trying to bound off from his grip but Shiv has captured her very tightly. His hard dick was pressed between her ass crack but he was not rubbing it like Younger Mama. Shiv height was little less
than Maami height, that's why his face was resting on Maami back. As she has worn a blouse, that's why most of her back was naked and wet due the sweating. Shiv was enjoying her smooth white back and while his dick was swimming in the wonders. Suddenly, the door bell rang.

E.maami: Go and see Shiv, who's there?

Shiv: Raju is in the TV room only, he will open the door.

E.Maami: But still, what if someone get inside, you guys are roaming naked. Go and hide

At the same time, they heard Raju opening the door. They listening the voice of some lady.

E.Maami: This is must be Ms. Gupta. You both go and cover yourself, she can be here anytime.

Younger Maami let go of Younger Maami and Shiv also have to loose his grip. They both run towards their respective room to dress themselves.


चरित्रं विचित्रं..
Raju: 1st HERO
Shiv: 2ND HERO
Suresh: Side Character (Raju Elder Mama)
Sumiti: 1st HERIONE (Suresh' wife)
Prakash: 3R HERO (Raju's Youngest Mama)
Pooja: 2nd HERIONE (Prakash's wife)

Raju's mom died while giving birth to him. That's why he have been brought up in his Nana-nani home. His mom's family is quite the unique one. The male members of the family run around naked in the house
from generations.
The very first memory of his is not quite vivid, but he do remember that while visiting his Mama house, his Mamas was always insisted him to roam around naked. In fact, His Elder Mama, younger mama and Nana himself
roam naked inside the house. As they have been doing this since forever, that's why it never was awkward for them. His mom and Mama has huge
age difference. Its because, His Nana got married very early and his mom born soon after. Later His Nana run away from home because he was jobless and he has been continuously scolded by his pa.
After years of struggling he come back with a good job in city. They belong to village but when Raju Nana got job in city, they shifted there with his family.
Raju was doing his schooling in boarding school. After setting foot in teenage, his hormones are on fire. He was always a bright student, so he never participated in the harmless sexual activities like
masturbation contest organised by my hostel mates. He don't take interest in such activities, it doesn't mean he was not into such things. He like watching movies hot scenes, sex themed ads in the newspaper,
reading erotica, and etc. His favourite thing was reading adult magazine which his roommate used to keep in his closet. His penis get hard whenever he read such stories but he didn't know how to relieve
himself but
still he like reading such magazines. He was living a wonderful life in hostel, he don't even like visiting his relatives because he don't feel affectionate towards anyone, but it all changed with the arrival
his new Aunty (Badi Maami). His elder Mama got married. After meeting his elder maami, his life changed abruptly. She was very kind and jolly person. The love she showered on him, made her his
favourite person.

Raju's seatmate, roommate was Shiv. Shiv was completely opposite of Raju. He was adventurous person and bold. In hostel each Saturday, he organise the masturbation competition and most time he is the one who
wins the competition. Despite of opposite personalities, Raju and Shiv has great bonding. They were like brothers.

Raju's youngest mama wedding was going on . His roommate Shiv, who has nothing to do in summer holiday, joined him in the ceremony. To be honest, He was the one who was having all the fun, Raju
was just getting bored in the wedding activates but he was enjoying every bit of it. During the Jai-Maala ceremony, they both were sitting at the corner and looking at the bride groom.

Shiv: Man you are so lucky, you have got such hot maamis

Raju: Don't talk shit about my Maami, she is my maami

Shiv: So what, can't a maami look hot?

Raju (with smiley face): Yeah they can be but bro she is my maami

Shiv: Maami can be hot too bro

And then they both laugh over it. There is no doubt that both of his maami were looking damn hot, they both were wondering howcome Men like my mamas end up with such hotties.

The wedding ceremony lasted for a week. Good thing, Raju had a friend with him all the time, otherwise He wouldn't be able to survive here in such strange place. After completion of all ceremony,
it has been decided that his both maama, maami will move to live in the city's home. It has also been decided that, Raju and Shiv will go along with them. Shiv was supposed to leave soon but after spending week with him, Raju proposed that
it will be so fun if Shiv will stay with him the whole summer. Shiv don't have any problem with it, he can live and enjoy anywhere. So, they all 6 captured the train, they enjoyed and had fun with their new maami while
travelling. It was really a very awesome time of his life. His elder Maami was very affectionate and very soon she become friendly towards Shiv. They reached at their house, it was not exactly in the city but
at the countryside. They reached home early in the morning. Firstly both Maami took bath and went to the kitchen to cook some dishes.. Shiv and Raju were brushing teeth in the hall in front of handpump. There was
an indoor handpump, all men bath there only as its spacious. This house have two bathroom, one is attached with Elder Maami room and one is for all members. Actually after marriage, his elder mama constructed
an attached bathroom for the comfort of her wife. The other bathroom, but no one prefer to bath there, as there was no water connection, one has to carry bucket of water from hand-pump to
bathroom. Anyway, Raju and Shiv were brushing our teeth near the hand-pump only. Raju Younger Mama came and start taking off his clothes.

Y.Mama: Raju, you haven't took off your clothes yet?

Raju knew what his mama means by this statement. Next moment, he took off all his clothes and start bathing complete naked. Shiv was completely surprised.

Shiv (whispering in Raju ear): Brother, what's going on here.

Raju: they like being naked here

Shiv: They?

Raju: both mama, nana

At the same time, my Elder Maami came and hit her hand over the bare back of younger mama.

E. Maami (in scolding manner): There’s new bride at home, and you’re roaming around naked—have some shame!

Y.Mama: Bhabhi, The sooner she understand this, the better it will be.

E. Maami: You'll ruin the family name

Elder Maami was busy in scolding younger mama, the very moment elder mama came and stood behind her. He was naked too, his penis was hanging with bushes of hair completely visible.

E.Mama: What happened Shivani ( Elder Maami name), why are you being so loud early in the morning

E. Maami: You too naked, Oh God, please save the dignity of my house.

E.Mama: you’re unnecessarily making a fuss. None of this is new. We’ve been living like this since childhood

Y. Mama: Exactly, now don't stress yourself and go have some rest, now you have a bahu who will do all the chores.

E.Mami: As if she can do everything all by themselves.

E. Mama: Then go and help her out, don't bother us.

Raju and Shiv still standing there brushing their teeth and meantime E. Maami was arguing with both Mamas. It seems like she is gonna fail in her mission.

Y.Mama: Raju, what are you waiting for, be free , take off your clothes, otherwise I will do it.

Shiv: This is the best.

No body asked Shiv to take off its clothes but he did it anyway and while doing so he was smiling as if its a fun for him.

E. Maami (with smile on her face): One more nudist.

It has been more than years since Elder Maama marriage and Elder Maami has seen everything. Firstly, she felt strange when she came to know about this nudist behaviour of men in this family. But with passing
time, its become common for her.

Y.Mama: Raju, look at your friend, he is having so much fun. So don't be a boring person and take off your clothes.

Shiv: yeah bro, do it, its always been my dream to roam naked in the house. God must have sent me here, so that I can fulfil my long waited desire.

Raju: Maami, what should I do, these people are bullying me.

E. Maami: Well, even if I say no, they won't listen to me. So its totally upto you, beta.

Raju was still in dilemma, suddenly Elder Mama came from behind and pull off his lower along with the underwear. Raju penis spring out with the sudden removal of clothes, however due to his T-shirt, its still not visible. Raju quickly grabbed his lower-underwear and pulled it up to his waist. Everybody burst into laughter including Maami.

Raju: Very funny, hahah (mimicking them), Maami you too.

E.Maami: Sorry, beta but the way you pulled up your lower to hide your pee pee is very funny.

Raju: That's why, I don't like visiting here.

Shiv: Why are you being so dramatic bro. Its heaven here. Mama, you know what he acts like same in hostel too, that's why he has no friends other than me.

E.Maami: Don't tell me, he get bullied?

Shiv: No no, nothing like that, he has strong bonding with school faculties, no one dares to bully him. But, he lives such a boring life in hostel, we often feel sorry for him.

Y.Mama: That's why, we are trying to open him a little. Be naked and be free, son. Once you will be nude, you will be free from this world moh-maya, you will feel so relaxed. To attain ultimate truth, some
monks around the world live naked.

Shiv: Right, Mama is absolutely right.

Everybody pressured Raju so much that he have to take off his clothes. Now all men were naked. They all
can see each others penis. Younger Maami was working in the kitchen, she was preparing some kind of new dish which she learn lately. Elder Maami was assisting her. At very time, Younger Mama enter in the
kitchen all naked, Younger Maami saw him in this state and out of surprise the spoon fell from her hand.

Y.Mama: Don't be shocked dear, its not like I haven't told you before. We are the family of nudist men. We live here like this only.

Younger Mama and Mami had love marriage, Maami belong to the same caste, that's why no one have any problem with this marriage. So, while in dating period, Mama had told her about his family nudist custom.

Y.Maami: Yes you did tell me, but its still surprising to me.

Y.Mama: Be ready to get surprise more, other nudists are here too.

E.Maami: Let me give you an advice, Pooja, just ignore them, that's how I dealt with them. Don't waste your energy in convincing and arguing, all they want is attention.

Y.Mama: Bhabhi, you are wrong. We don't want any attention at all. Papa had told me that, being naked is gesture of freedom. We don't want any unnecessary attention or anything

E.Maami: Devar Ji, Papa has brainwashed you, by delivering such proactive statements. If you really want to be free why don't you go roan naked in the neighbourhood or your workplace, market.

Y.Mama: Our freedom has limitations you know (with smily face)

Raju and Shiv were watching TV. They both were naked and sat on single sofas. Raju have a pillow in front of his crotch while, Shiv was showing her penis boldly, in fact he has spread her leg apart shamelessly.

Shiv: Bro, you know. Its very hard being naked.

Raju: Hmm....huh

Shiv: I am not able to control my boner, there are two hotties in the house and I am naked. How can I control my poor buddy.

Raju: This is what you are worried about?

Shiv: Well its not a big deal, I am just surprised that your both mama has such absolute control over their dick. I saw, they have no boner at all.

Raju: They have lived naked throughout their life. Of course, they would have learnt to control themselves

Shiv: Yeah, sixth sense

Raju: What?

Shiv: They have controlled their sixth sense

Raju: Whatever

Younger Maami enter in the room with some snacks. They were sitting naked on single sofas, the bigger sofa was in the middle. She hesitated when she saw the boys naked but she ignored them and sit in the middle
sofa. Raju saw, Shiv dick is hard and it facing the ceiling, perhaps Younger Maami presence has boost his inner sexual fantasies. But this is not only the case with him, Raju was too having erection by the presence
of younger maami. He have become naked a lot many time before in this house, but the only lady he saw was Naani, so his dick never erected so hard. The presence of young women like maamis has brought
this change in him. They all were sitting silently, no one was daring to start the conversation. Maami was little ashamed looking at them. At that time, Elder Maami came in as a saviour and she broke the ice.

E.Maami: Raju, Shiv, beta, why are you not enjoying the snacks which your younger maami has brought.

Shiv: She didn't offer us.

Y. Maami (extending snacks towards shiv): Ohh sorry, here you go.

E.Mmaami (With smile): She’s feeling a bit shy. You guys are roaming naked, why wouldn't she?

Shiv: But why? Maama told me that its the family custom. You are quite chill about this

E.Maami: She is new, beta. It take time.

E.Maami saw his hard dick and said, "you should also control your pee pee, it seems to be out of control".

Shiv shamelessly pressed down his hard dick between his leg, so as to calm it down.

E.Maami: Don't do this, it will hurt your thing, by controlling, I mean make your mind stable. You seem restless, I guess this is the cost of so called freedom.

Raju: Maami, where is both Mama?

E.Maami: Your elder mama has gone to duty and younger mama has gone to market. He has some accessories to buy for the night ceremony.

Raju: What kind of night ceremony.

Shiv(in teaseing manner): Bro, that kind of night ceremony (hinting towards suhaag raat)

E.Maami: You naught boy, its for the muh dikhari ceremony. Neighbours are invited at night. We are going to have a small party. And yeah, don't roam around naked in front of guests, okay.

Raju: Obviously maami

Shiv: Shit I thought

E.Maami: Heyy language, what were you expecting its a nude party.

Shiv (with wicked smile): Yeah,

E.Maami: Unfortunately, its a cutured people party, sorry to disappoint you kiddo. (She waived her hand over his hair, in a cute manner).

Raju was bit jealous, because Maami was adoring Shiv in the same manner as him, and he always thought that he is her favourite person. Shiv was a talkative person, despite of his cunning behaviour, people instantly
like him.

Raju: Okay, both Mama are not here, it means I can dress myself.

Shiv: Why? Its so cool being naked

E.Maami: Yeah, don't you like it, this freedom.

Raju: No, I like constraints.

Raju was about to wear clothes, at the same time door bell rang. We heard younger Mama voice who was calling to open the gate.

E.Maami: Now, sit. Your Mama has come and you know he won't let you revolt.

Raju: Yeah.

Younger Mama enter inside the room with 2 bags full of household stuffs. Y.Maami took the bag but it was very heavy for her. Raju was just sitting beside the room door. He stood to help her in carrying the bag.
The moment he stood, everybody saw his penis which was rock hard.

Y.Mama: Its looks like pencil isn't it, Bhabhi.

Shiv: This pencil was never used that's why. (talking about masturbation)

Y.Mama (with surprised look): Raju, is this true? Your pencil hasn't been used yet.

Shiv: Because he don't know how to use it

Raju: Shiv shut up

Y.Mama: I see it isn't even sharpened. (talking about my penis skin, which I haven't peeled yet). Show me a bit more.

Raju carried the bag and left the room.

E.Maami: Why do you keep teasing Him, he is young and fragile.

Y.Mama: Bhabhi, you don't understand. I am training him for this cruel world. Look yourself, this boy has not even masturbated yet. This is the prime age, if he won't do this time then when? I am sure, Shiv
must have created many tributaries by now, right?

Shiv: You are thinking too high about me, Mamaji.

Y.Mama has just arrived and he began stripping his clothes. And soon he took off all his clothes. His penis has no hardness, such subtle and stable.

Y.Mama: Bhabhi, look at my thing

E.Maami (trying to move her face away): why are you directing it towards my face.

Y.Mama: Bhabhi, it don't have energy, help it a little bit.

E.Maami: Ask Pooja, she will be happy in helping you.

Y.Mama: Pooja is amateur, you are experienced one. Help me please

Shiv was sitting there only. He was listening all there conversation. He was not able to fully understand, what kind of help is he asking for?

Shiv: Mama are you asking for hand job?

Y.Mama: What else do you think I am asking for

Shiv: But, I am not able to understand the set up here. Why would Elder Maami help you, isn't Younger Maami supposed to help you in this regard.

Y.Mama: You are saying this because you don't know the history. Bhabhi, has helped me lot lately.

E.Maami: But now its not my duty, its Pooja responsibility to please you

Y.Mama: Bhabhi don't be like this, it won't be relieved until it feel the warmth of your hand.

Younger Mama kept convincing her but she didn't listen. Elder Maami has worn a blue saree and she was sitting on the long sofa, meantime Mama was sitting on the floor, full naked. He bent on his kness, and grab his tool and began to rub it on his Bhabhi leg over the saree.

E.Maami (in a funny manner): Heyy, what are you doing, don't rub it on my saree. Shoo...move away. No matter how much you convince me, we had deal that I will help you until you get married. What about that?

Y.MaamI (with smile): That was fake deal, I just wanted to convince you that's why I accepted it.

E.Maami: Very smart, now I am even more determined. Move ....

She pushed him away and walk oustside of the room. Mama dick was still semi erected, while Shiv dick was complete hard because of this scene. He was thinking, Mama is so bold and such a pervert.

Shiv: What is this Party, Mama?

Y.Mama: Its just small party organised to welcome your maami.

Shiv: So what is the dress code or no dress at all? (ask teasingly)

Y.Mama (with smile): Well, this is the issue living in society, you have to do certain things which you don't want. One of them is "wearing cloth".

Shiv: Right, Mama, I totally agree

At evening, everyone were getting ready for the night party. Raju and Shiv were living in a corner room, which neither have proper ventilation nor natural light source. It was quite cramped room too. But, this
is the only room available for them to acquire. They were wearing clothes, Raju was combing his hair while looking in the mirror. At very time, younger Maami came in the room informing that their mama is calling. She was still wearing a green suit, which means she hasn't even begin getting ready.

Shiv: Maami what is this, you haven't even started what will we do after getting ready so early

Maami (with smile): I am the hot topic of today's party, so Indeed I will take time. Don't worry, your both Mama will accompany you soon

Then she left.

Shiv: Bro, your younger Maami is so hot.

Raju (while combing his hair): hmmm.. (ignoring his comment)

Shiv: Her boobs are even more awesome

Raju: What is wrong with you

Shiv: Bro, I have seen you checking her out lately, so don't try to play so innocent here

Raju was caught off guard. Indeed, while sitting in the TV room, he was checking out her younger maami cleavage as she has worn a deep neck suit.

Shiv: Don't take so much stress bro, I know it was hard to look away from those perky peaks.

Raju: I wasn't

Shiv: Deny as much as you can bro, but truth will come out eventually.

Shiv and Raju both went into his younger Mama room. He is all ready and worn a black suit, meantime younger maami is still looking for proper cloth to wear.

Y.Mama: I got this two coats for you both, its upto you guys to choose one for yourself.

Shiv: Thank you Mama

Raju: Thank you Mama (with happy face)

Y.Maami: It was me, who asked to buy coats for you guys.

Y.Mama: Yeah Right, thank her

Raju: Why didn't you said before, we thanked you for nothing. Thank you Maami

Y.Maami: Thank you betu.....NOW you all go out, I have to change

Mama: so change, I am your husband, you shouldn't feel ashamed in front of me.

Y.Maami: Right, but there are two other fellows too, I can't change my clothes in front of them

Mama: I was talking about myself only, why the heck will I let them see my wife beauty.

Shiv: Its okay Maami, we dont't mind (in a teasing manner)

Y.Maami (with fake anger expression): But I do, you all move out

Shiv: Let us stay, maami please

Y.Maami: No way,

She start pushing them.

Y.maama: Let me stay atleast, I will help in putting on your blouse hook

Y.Maami: I can manage.

She pushed them all out and then closed the door. In the party, Elder Maama delivered a huge information about his career. He has been chosen by his company to visit Saudi Arabia on a tour for over 3 months.
Everyone was delighted after listening the news. Elder Maami was little bit sad as he has to leave India in 3 days only. It turn out everybody already knew about it except Raju, Shiv and other non family members.

Shiv: Bro, you also didn't know about this news

Raju: Yeah, nobody told me.

Shiv: Now I understand why you don't like visiting here, nobody cares for you or even consider you family

Raju: Right bro, Elder Maami should have told me, atleast.

Shiv: exactly.

It was June and summer was on peak. Only Younger Mama and Maami room has AC, as the AC was given to her in dowry. This has made Elder Maami a bit jealous as her room was burning like furnace in this summer.
So she insisted Elder Maama to install AC before his departure. Maama did install AC in their room. So deliberately Shiv and Raju start hanging out in their room only.

The day before Elder Mama departure. Shiv and Raju were playing some game in E.Mama Laptop under the AC. And of course they both were naked. It was about 10 PM at night.

E.Mama: Now its time for both of you to leave.

Raju: Mama can't be sleep here, its so cold here. In our room, we can't even sleep because of the the heat.

E.Mama: No no, you guys have to earn this room and that can only possible when you start earning money

Shiv: Be straightforward Mama, you don't want us to stay in the room.

Raju: We will sleep on the floor

E.Mama; No

Shiv: We will be like invisible to you, there is so much space on the floor.

E.mama: No

Raju (in affectionate tone): Maami

E.Maami: Today, you both go and sleep in another room, from tomorrow onwards you guys can sleep here

E.Mama: No way, this is not gonna happen

Raju and Shiv (with smile); Okay Maami, thanks Maami.

They both left.

E.Mama: Hey, its not gonna happen.

Ofcoure Elder Mama wouldn't want two grown man to sleep in the same room with his wife.

E.Mama: You were just kidding right?

E.Mami: Let them sleep, its really very hot in their room, I have seen it.

E.Mama; But, but...

E.Mami: Don't worry they are good kids, nothing gonna happen.

Shiv and Raju went to their room and laid on a single bed.

Shiv: Do you know Bro, why Mama didn't want us to stay in their room

Raju: Because of privacy

Shiv: Privacy of what?

Raju: What

Shiv: Sex....its last night for Mama, he must will do sex all night.

Raju: yeah right and bro wear your underwear, I don't want being touched by your dick.

Shiv: I too didn't want my dick to be touched to your skin.

Raju: So wear the underwear bro

Shiv: No its feel so good sleeping naked.

Raju: I am going to sleep on floor

Shiv: That will be the best.

Next day E.Mama left. In the Kitchen, E.Maami preparing dinner. Shiv was also there, chit and chating with E.Maami. Suddenly, Y.Mama come and hug her from behind. He was all naked and his dick pressing on
E.Maami's ass. E.Maami was a bit frightened because of his sudden action but when she came to know its Y.Mama, she cooled down.

E.Maami: What are you doing devarji,

Y.Mama: Bhaiya has gone, so I can hug you right.

Shiv: Did E.Mama don't allow you hugging her

Y.Mama: Ofcoure, why would he allow a naked man hug his wife (in a laughing tone)

It is clearly visible that Y.Mama dick was rubbing her ass over the saree and Maami was not minding it. Shiv dick was already hard but seeing Mama rubbing dick on his Bhabhi, his dick become even more hard. He thought of doing the same, that's why he asked.

Shiv: Mama, can I also hug you like this

Y.Mama (smiled): only I am allowed to hug Bhabhi, isn't it Bhabhi

E.Maami (looked back and pushed him with belan): No one is allowed to hug me from behind other than your elder brother.

Mama hug her back in the same manner and teasing said her, "Bhabhi, until Bhaiya is not here let me fill his gap".

E.Maami (with smile): Devar ji, I think you haven't realised yet, you have another duty to fulfil now.

The very time, Younger Maami (Pooja) enter in the room. She saw her husband back hugging his Bhabhi all naked. Realising the presence of younger Maami, Elder Maami hit maama tummy with belan a little bit hard.

E.Maami: Go and hug your own wife.

Meantime, Younger Maami stood beside Elder Maami and ask her, "Bhabhi, let me make the roti".

E.Maami: No I will manage, you keep eye on the vegetable.

By now, Younger Mama has already let go his Bhabhi. Younger Maami has worn a suit salwar, like always. Mama hug his wife from behind. She got scared a little bit because of his sudden
action. Now Mama dick was poking Pooja Maami ass.

Younger Maami: let me work, its already so hot.

Mama: Neither Bhabhi let me hug nor you, so whom should I hug, tell me.

Mama was not just hugging her, he was rubbing his tool over her ass crack over the salwar kamij. Also, he has kept his hand over her tummy.

Y.Maami: you don't feel ashamed, but I do.

Elder Maami was listening their talk and smiling over their conversation. Suddenly, Shiv took this opportunity and hugged her from behind and pressed her hard by keeping his hand over her tummy.

Shiv: My beautiful Maami.

Shiv was basically trying to please his hard dick by pressing it over Elder Maami saree cladded ass.

E.Maami: Shiv beta what are you doing?

Shiv: I am hugging you Maami, it feel so good

E.Maami: Its so hot beta, Pooja is right, I don't understand how you boys wanting for hug in such a hot weather. Look we are already so sweaty.

E.maami was trying to bound off from his grip but Shiv has captured her very tightly. His hard dick was pressed between her ass crack but he was not rubbing it like Younger Mama. Shiv height was little less
than Maami height, that's why his face was resting on Maami back. As she has worn a blouse, that's why most of her back was naked and wet due the sweating. Shiv was enjoying her smooth white back and while his dick was swimming in the wonders. Suddenly, the door bell rang.

E.maami: Go and see Shiv, who's there?

Shiv: Raju is in the TV room only, he will open the door.

E.Maami: But still, what if someone get inside, you guys are roaming naked. Go and hide

At the same time, they heard Raju opening the door. They listening the voice of some lady.

E.Maami: This is must be Ms. Gupta. You both go and cover yourself, she can be here anytime.

Younger Maami let go of Younger Maami and Shiv also have to loose his grip. They both run towards their respective room to dress themselves.
Nice 👍



Elder Maami was right, it was Mrs. Gupta. She was chatty lady, and out of boresome she had come here. After clothing himself, Shiv went into the TV room and sat on the sofa with Raju. Raju who was unaware of
the kitchen incident, he was watching TV with full attention. On the other hand, Shiv who was quite frustrated because of Mrs. Gupta's arrival because he was having a wonderful time with Elder Maami.

Shiv: Bro, who is this lady

Raju: Who? Mrs Gupta. She is our neighbour

Shiv: Why had she come ?

Raju: I don't know, she is a chatty lady, may be she was craving for some gossip. Why are you being so restless

Shiv: I was having so much fun with your Elder Maami

Raju (switching his attention from tv to Shiv): Fun, what kind of fun?

Shiv: You don't need to bro, its R-rated fun

Raju (with even more curiosity): Shiv, what do you mean by R-rated.

Shiv (with smile): today, My little boy had fun with your Maami big ass.

Raju: What?

Shiv told him about his encounter in Kitchen in full detail. While listening his story, Raju dick become very hard. Although, he has enormous respect and love for his elder maami but after listening about Shiv's
adventure, he wasn't able to control his teen hormones.

Raju: Maami didn't mind?

Shiv: Yeah, she didn't mind at all bro.

Raju: Well, its understandable both Mamas have made her habitual to such things. Otherwise, you won't believe, initially she used to scold both mama a lot but now she has become quite lenient.

Shiv: Bro, there is more. I think, Elder Maami used to handjob or masturbate Younger Mama.

Raju: I know

Shiv: What? It is true then?

Raju: His penis can't erect.

Shiv: So

Raju: So Maami helped him and miraculously it worked.

Shiv: Ohh, Now I understand everything. That's why, few days ago Mama was asking Maami to give him a hand job but your Maami turned him down.

Raju: Younger Mama, is always like this.

Now it was night 11 PM. Everybody was sitting in the TV room except Younger Maami. She has already gone to her room. Raju, Shiv and Mama, all were naked. They had already done the dinner. Elder Maami stood to turn off the TV.

E.Maami: Its already midnight, we should sleep now.

Shiv: Maami, the movie is so good, just let us watch for few more hours.

Mama: I have to sleep as from tomorrow, I have to go to office.

E.Maami: Holidays over

Mama: Yeah Bhabhi, I have taken leave for 20 days, it vanished like nothing.

E.Maami: Its good, you are doing noting at home anyway.

Mama: So you want me to do something to you (with crooked smile)

E.Maami: Pooja is waiting for you, go and sleep.

Mama: right.....good night, everybody.

E.Maami (with smile): good night.

Younger Maama left. Shiv, Raju and E.Maami continued watching the movie. After a while, Elder Maami said.

E.Maami: Raju turn off the TV as soon as this movie end, I am going to sleep, okay

Shiv: Maami wait for just few minutes, it just about to end.

E.Maami: You watch, I am not stopping, but I am feeling sleepy.

Raju: Okay, Maami you go and sleep, but don't lock the door.

E.Maami: why?

Shiv: as if you don't know, we are supposed to sleep in your room from today. You promised us yesterday, remember.

E.Maami: Oh that promise, it was just a hoax. I can't let two naked dudes sleep with me (with a smile)

Shiv: Maami that's not fair.

Raju: Yeah, maami you know that our room is pan on fire.

Shiv: Besides, that room feels so hideous.

Raju: Also, the bed is so small for both of us.

E.Maami: Stop...stop...I was just joking with you guys. I understand, that its very hard to live in that room. I will leave the door open, okay. But I do have one condition, you guys won't sleep naked with me on bed. You have to wear your underwear. Okay

Raju: Okay fine

Shiv: No, its not fine. I want to sleep naked its so comfortable.

E.maami: Choose your comfort then sleep in your room. Raju you can come to my room. Remember, only people with cloth on are eligible to sleep on my bed.

Shiv: Maami...(in a distress tone)

E.maami: Okay, good night.
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After almost half an hour, movie ends and then, Shiv and Raju decided to go to sleep. They both left the room naked and the moment they sneak into their elder Maami room, they found that Elder Maami is in
deep sleep. Instead entering inside, Raju began to walk towards his room. Shiv looked at him with confusion and asked, "where you going, bro?"

Raju: Did you forgot, we will get entry only when we have our underwear on.

Shiv: Bro, Maami is already in deep sleep, even if she wake up, do you really think, she is gonna argue with us. Just come and sleep.

Raju: No, she was serious about it.

Shiv: Then you go and wear your underwear, I am good.

Raju: Okay, as you wish.

After a while, he came back. Shiv was still waiting for him outside of the room. The door was closed but not locked. They both enter inside with minimum noise. Shiv was all naked but Raju have worn underwear.
E.Maami was sleeping soundly, at one side of the bed. The bed was a mega size bed, where 3 people can sleep very easily. Looking her sleeping at one side, Shiv looked at Raju and said, "I will sleep in the

Raju (smiled in disbelief): What are you talking bro, she is my Maami, do you really think she will be comfortable with you sleeping beside her instead of me?

Shiv: Why would be, this be a problem?

Raju: Because I am her real niece

Shiv: So

Raju (With little anger): So, .....so nothing. I will sleep in the middle and you will sleep at another side of bed.

Raju seems quite rigid in his decision. So Shiv become little polite and requested him.

Shiv: Can I sleep in the middle just for few minutes.

Raju understood why Shiv is so desperate to sleep in the middle. Raju thought, "he must be thinking of doing something unspeakable thing with her"

Raju: What's in your mind

Shiv: Bro, look at my thing (pointing at his erect dick). Look its so hard. It is so hard because of your Maami only. It will take just few minutes, so please let me sleep in the middle.

Raju: What are you planning to do

Shiv: I just want my dick to rest on your Maami ass.

Raju: What are you talking man, I can't let you do this

Shiv: Bro please, please, I wouldn't have requested you so hard, if its not necessary. You don't understand because you don't masturabate but once your dick become hard, you have to do something to please it.
Otherwise, your mind will remain unstable. Its just one time thing. I will make sure to do it with carefully, your maami won't feel a thing.

Raju: What if she wake up

Shiv: Look bro, first of all. It wouldn't be a big deal, as I have already done that in the kitchen. And 2nd thing, I will pretend that I did it in sleep.

Ultimately, Raju agreed and let him sleep in the mid for few minutes, until he completes his business.

Shiv: Thank you brother, I will repay you someday,

Raju: Yeah, yeah....just do it in the fastest manner possible

Shiv: Sure

Then, Shiv pulled down his dick skin from top.

Raju: What are you doing?

Shiv: By taking off the top skin of dick, the pleasure doubles

Raju: Is that so

Shiv: Yes

Shiv laid in the middle of bed and Raju at another side. He was lucky that Maami was sleeping at side, so her back was facing Shiv. It means that he can rest his dick on her ass with ease. He did the same. With very little contact, he rested his dick on her ass. He wanted it to be in middle of her, on her ass crack, but because Maami has worn a Saree, and peticot beneath, that's why he wasn't able to find
the ass crack easily. So he just touched his dick at the mid of her ass, in this thought that it should be her ass crack. Maami was sleeping deeply, it can be conclude by her breathing pattern. She was
breathing heavily, which is a indication that she is in deep sleep. While, Shiv was busy in his business. Raju was sleep there and looking at Shiv's back. He wasn't able to see anything, but he was very curious to see because of his action. Besides, his dick has also become very hard because of all this erotica going around his surrounding. It has been a while since Shiv rested his dick on her ass over
the saree. His dick was solid hard, now he want to go little bit further. That's why, he poked her dick with little more pressure on her ass. It made him so horny, that he made "Ahh" sound in pleasure.
Listening his "Ahh" sound, Raju stood up and whispered in his ear.

Raju: Don't make such noise, Maami might wake up

Shiv: Sorry bro, it just happened, don't worry it won't happen again.

Shiv continued poking his dick on her ass. He was getting a very strange feeling, as he was touching the saree fabric with his dick. It was very first time, him touching a female body with naked dick. And
that female is nobody but his best friend Sweet Maami. That's why he was even more aroused. Beside Elder Maami was quite big and little dick was sort of getting submerged on her ass. He continued rubbing his
dick on all over her ass. His precum has started to leave trail on her saree but right now he was so much indulge in his activity that he forgot what will happen if she saw the precum trail on her saree next
day. It has been just 7 minutes since he began his activity, he was already on the verse to explode. That thing he hasn't planned yet. The moment he was about to discharge, he hurriedly asked Raju to toss

Raju: Cloth

Shiv: Bro hurry, its emergency

Raju happen to find a Maami handkerchief and he passed it to him

Raju saved him just by few seconds, the moment he put handkerchief in between his dick and maami ass, he exploded all his cum on that hankerchief only. However, some of his cum happen to fall on the bed, which
he later cleaned by that handkerchief. Raju was seeing all this with his eyes standing at the side of bed. He has never masturbated in his life, that's why he was unaware of its outcome and pleasure. But looking at his friend erotic act, he was aroused at his peak. His dick was trying to pierce through his underwear. As promised, the moment Shiv got some relaxation, he changed his position and let Raju sleep
in the middle. He gave the handkerchief to Raju to hide it somewhere.

Raju (in whispering): where am I suppose to hide it?

Shiv: I don't know

The hankerchief was las with shiv semen, which Raju find quite gross to touch, but he don't want Maami to find it out that's why he hid it under his pillow. He did so, that next day he will hide it somewhere
safe. After a while, Shiv slept and start snoring, meantime he can also listen the high breathing of his maami, which ensured him that Maami is still into deep sleep. A lot of wild thoughts were
running in his mind. He was thinking of doing the same which Shiv did lately but he wasn't bold like him and he was afraid too. But very soon, his lust overcome his fear, he looked at shiv to check his sleeping rate and then move towards his Maami who back and ass was facing Raju. They were in AC room, that's why the room was quite cold, but out of fear and lust, Raju body has start sweating a little.
The fear was real so as the lust. So instead of touching his dick directly to his Maami ass, he slowly place his hand over her ass. He did it with very little pressure. He found out little wetness on her
ass. It was obviously the sperm trail left by shiv. Raju was sure that by morning it will be dried. Touching his maami ass made him so
aroused that his dick inside his underwear began to come out through the underwear hole. He was so aroused that he let his dick come out the underwear hole. So his hard dick is out now, and his hand is
touching his maami ass. Maami ass was so big that his hand only able to cover 1/4th of her ass surface. As he was touching her ass through his hand, instead of dick that's why it has become easy for
him to find her ass crack. He can feel it through her saree and petticoat fabric. His dick was out in the air. To his surprise, Shiv whisper in his ear.

Shiv: Its so fucking awesome, right bro.

Raju (with shock): man, you haven't slept yet.

Raju tried to hide his dick.

Shiv: What are you hiding, I have seen everything. It nothing wrong in lusting over your maami bro, don't feel so shame.

Raju: I ...I. was

Shiv: let me guide you. Pull you dick skin up and down with your hand. Do it

Raju: What

Shiv: Stroke your penis bro, trust me bro. If you didn't masturbated today, you will regret it forever.

Raju followed his instruction and began peeling off top skin of his dick. His red top come out and it was submerged in sticky precum. It made him so aroused that he began stroking his dick like mad person. His dick has become very big, he has never seen his dick reach at such length. He happen to realise that it gonna explode.

Raju: Bro I am feeling strange sensation, it seems like something is about to come out.

Shiv: Don't let it waste bro, stick your dick on your maami ass. But before doing that secure it by placing the hankerchief in between your dick and your maami ass.

Raju was lost in lust. With his left hand, he bring out the hankerchief and open it which has become sticky because of shiv dick. First he cleaned henky on hi own underwear than placed the hankerchief on
his maami ass. In the next step, gradually he targeted his dick on her ass. To his surprise, the moment he touch his dick on her ass, he explode and all his sperm spread over the hankerchied. His semen
explosion was so strong that it happen to fall on her maami ass and bed anyway. After a while he came back to sense, he clean the semen from maami ass and bed. It was his very first masturbation, that's why
he felt very relaxed but at the very same time, he felt guilt too. He promised himself that he will never do it again.

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Next morning, Raju wake up and saw that he and shiv is sharing a blanket. He wake up his friend.

Raju: Bro, wake up.

Shiv: What time is it?

Raju: I don't know

Shiv wake up with confusion when he saw the blanket.

Shiv: Bro, had we slept with blanket last night

Raju: No, Maami must have put this on us.

Shiv (with foolish smile): Right....okay, so how was the previous night.

Last night after the sperm ejaculation, Raju felt a bit regret and guilt. But now since his dick is all charged up, his lust has again overpowered all his other emotions.

Raju (with big smile): It was wonderful

Shiv: weren't you missing this wonderland for rest of your life

Raju: No, its fine that I started late. I have read in newspaper about (childhood mistakes)

Shiv: That's all bullshit bro

Raju: May be, but its okay, if I started late.

Shiv: We will do the same tonight. Okay

Raju: okay.

Last night, he masturbated for the very first time. And that very first masturbation brought such a change in his life that now he has begun to think total differently. Now he has begun to lust over his
elder maami. Then, he happen to remember the handkerchief which he has kept below his pillow. He checked and find it there only, he pulled it out and gave it to Shiv.

Shiv: What am I supposed to do with this

Raju: First wash it and then hide it somewhere safe.

Shiv: Isn't it easy to throw it.

Raju: We might need it again tonight

Shiv (with big smile): Ohh you naughty boy.

Raju: now go and wash it.

In maami room, there was an attached bathroom. He went there and locked the door. Then Raju began to look for his Maami. He listen her voice which was coming from the kitchen. He went there and found that both
maami are busy in cooking poori. Elder Maami was frying the pooris while younger maami was making it with belan. Raju who has worn underwear saw, both of them from behind. Even though younger maami was more
closer to him, but his eyes stuck to Elder Maami ass only. Elder maami has worn a blue saree, her back hip region was naked and below that Raju was ogling over her fat saree clad ass. Well it is the very
same saree which Maami worn last night. But, last night he was not able to look at her ass so vividly as it was dark in the room.

He gather some courage and hugged elder maami from behind. She has become so habitual of getting back hug, that this time she didn't even respond. She just look behind to check, who is this?

Y. Maami: look who is there, your lovely niece.

Elder Maami look behind and find that its Raju. Its very first time, since he has hugged her like this. Otherwise, its either Younger Mama or his husband, who often do so.

E.Maami: So finally you woke up, you guys slept quite late today.

Raju: Yes, its because of the AC. It was so cozy sleeping in AC, it felt like winter season.

E.Maami: That's why, you both were shivering at the morning. If you wont't wear clothes, indeed you will feel cold. By that I remember that Shiv slept naked on bed, even though I firmly told him to wear underwear.

Y. Maami (with laughing tone): They roam around naked all day, Bhabhi. Do you really think that they will wear underwear while sleeping.

E.Maami: Why not? look at my adorable Niece, he kept his promised and worn underwear before sleep. Infact he has worn underwear this time too.

Raju: Where is youner Mama btw?

Y.Maami: Your Y.Mama has already left for his company.

Raju: So early, its 8 AM only.

Y.Maami: From today on, its his morning duty for a week. He will come back before 2PM.

Raju: Does his duty keep changing?

Y.Maami: Yes its a shift duty, each week there schedule changes.

Raju: Night duty?

Y.Maami: After completion of this week, he will be on Night Duty only.

Raju: Okay

Raju who was very happy that her E. maami is acknowledging him, but at the very same time. He was desiring to let go his underwear this time, so as to feel her ass with his naked dick. Although, his hard dick
already poking Maami ass. But Maami wasn't minding it. So Raju gained even more confidence and groped her stomach with his hand, in a gesture to show love.

E.Maami: Raju now let go me, its so hot, here beta

Raju: Its feels so good Maami, let me hug you for a while.

Y.Maami: Everybody want to feel your warmth Bhabhi, even my husband too (in a laughing manner)

E.Maami laughed at her statement. At the very same time, Shiv entered in the kitchen all naked. He saw that Raju was back hugging E.Maami. He felt a bit frustrated as he entered in the kitchen with sole goal
to rub E.Maami ass with his dick. But his place had already been occupied by Raju. E.Maami saw him getting inside all naked.

E.Maami: Look one nudist has gone to office but left behind his heir.

Shiv went behind Raju and asked him bodly, "Bro, Now its enough now let me hug her".

E.Maami: What's the big deal beta, you can hug younger maami too.

Shiv wanted to hug E.Maami because she had very big ass in comparison to Y.Maami. That's why he was leaching on Raju to give him chance to hug her. But Raju dick was already submerged in E.Maami ass, his lust
wasn't allowing him to leave Maami.

Raju: E.Maami is right, go and hug Youner maami bro.

Y.Maami (with smile): No no I don't need any hug.

Shiv looked at younger maami and then his eyes went directly to her ass. Younger Maami has worn churidar suit salwar. His ass was covered with the suit's Kamij. He was not able to map clearly see her ass structure. But, looking at her Body physique, it seems like, her body his quite rigid in comparison to Elder Maami. When he understood that Raju won't give him chance to hug Elder Maami, he turn towards
Younger Maami. Looking at his gaze, Y.Maami already had predicted what he is going to do next. She laughed at he tried to come closer to her and then tried to protect herself by pushing him away. But, Shiv
eventually succeed in capturing her. He caught her stomach with both of his hand and stocked his crotch with her ass over the salwar-kamij. He was naked and his dick was already hard, so even though there
2-3 fabric of clothes, Younger Maami can still feel her dick length and thickness. She was a bit uncomfortable but she didn't say anything to him. She continued working and Shiv continued rubbing his naked
dick over her ass. The same thing is being done by Raju too but his dick was inside underwear. Shiv has covered Y.Maami stomach with his hand, his hands were right beneath her boobs, that's why he was able
to feel her below boobs bulge. This set up made him even more horny and he pressed his dick completely into her ass. The situation was so tense, that her dick has made a huge dent in her salwar kamij.
Both of them have some pros and some cons at their situation. Raju has got big Elder Maami who has big ass, every boy dream while Shiv can feel younger Maami ass with his naked dick.

E.Maami : now You are fine Shiv, how's hugging your younger maami (she asked in a teasing manner)

Shiv: Yeah its fine.

Y.Maami (with fake anger/ jokingly): just fine, let go me then (she tried to take off his hand from her tummy)'

Shiv: No no, its very good, way better than Elder Maami

Y.Maami: Be Happy with what you have.

Shiv: Right maami.

Well, Shiv was regretting in the beginning as he was not able to rest his dick on Elder Maami ass. But after feeling younger maami ass with his dick he found out that younger maami ass is even more better.
Y.Maami ass was quite firm and tight, it has small melons. After enjoying the depth of Younger Maami ass he thought of lifting up her kamij so as to feel her ass with even more ease. But he don't want to take
off his hand from her tummy. So he let go this thought of lifting up her kamij. In his mind, he thought that, "he will lift her kamij next time before sticking his dick on her ass". Meantime, Raju was dealing
with another issue. His dick has become very hard, he wanted to take off her underwear but he wanted to act all innocent and sweet in front of her maami. Beside ,just few minutes ago E.Maami praised him for not sleeping naked last night. So he decided not to take off her underwear instead he rubbed his dick all over her ass in seek of her ass crack. But he wasn't able to find it as, there were numbers of fabric
which were restricting him to find her ass lining. Beside her ass was so big, that it is even hard to find his cake valley.

Very soon, all puris were fried and they have left no excuse to stay there.
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Raju and Shiv were sitting in the TV room and watching movie as always. Shiv was totally naked while Raju has worn just a underwear.

Shiv: Bro, this is the best summer of my life, trust me.

Raju: Mine too

Shiv (in teasing manner): ofcourse it will be yours, you have opened the gate of wonderland this summer.

Raju (With smile): yeah that's wonderful.

Shiv: What is wonderful, Maami's ass or masturbation.

Raju: Both, btw how was Younger Maami's ass.

Shiv (With excitement): you won't believe me, younger maami ass is better

Raju: Stop bluffing, it can't be

Shiv: Trust me bro, it is. Although it is small but totally firm and rigid. I loved it.

Raju: okay if you are saying so.

Shiv: Check that out when you deem suitable

Raju: okay

At the very same time, Younger Maami entered in the room.

Y.Maami: Do any one of you knew how to ride a bike.

Raju: Shiv knew

Y.Maami: Can you give me ride to market, I have some work

Shiv: Ofcourse Maami.

Shiv stand up and said, "Let's go". He was all naked and when he stood up, his bushy penis can be clearly seen by Y.Maami. She saw it and said, "Not like this, wear some clothes".

Shiv (with smile): Is it necessary.

Y.Maami (in a joking manner): No its okay, if you are okay to go out naked, it fine to me. If you are courageous enough?

Obviously, Shiv was not expecting this answer and ofcoure, he can't go out naked.

Shiv (in teasing manner): I will if you will accompany me

Y.Maami: I am coming with you anyway

Shiv: Not like this,...but naked?

Y.Maami: Very funny, I am good and I like wearing clothes unlike you and your Mama

Shiv: haha..you are just afraid of society.

Y.Maami: Whatever you say, I don't care. You get ready, see you after 10min.

Shiv: Okay

Maami left and while she was leaving. Shiv signaled Raju to look at her shaking ass. He did so but unlike Shiv, he didn't find it attractive. Besides, because of the kamij, its not even visible. Then Shiv run
towards his room happily. Soon they left for market on bike. At home only two persons were left, Raju and Elder Maami. Raju help her maami in various chores like cleaning, setting bed, and other things.

E.Maami: Beta, you will spoil me

Raju: How come Maami

E.Maami: You are doing so much work with me, no one does so. So of course I will find it hard when you will be gone

Raju: Younger Maami will be there, train her to be your assistant.

E.Maami: Haha....Its very rare that two daughter in laws can work together, you know

Raju: Don't worry Maami, Younger Maami seems to be a good lady.

E.Maami: Okay I believe you ?

Its already had been 2 PM, Shiv and Y.Maami hasn't returned yet. At the same time, the door bell rang.

E.Maami: It must be Pooja, go and open the door.

Raju went and opened the door and found Y.Mama instead of his friend and Y.Maami.

Raju: I thought it is Y.Maami.

Mama: They haven't returned yet.

Raju: No,

Mama: When had they left.

Raju: 3hours ago.

Mama: It has been quite time

Raju: They must be on their way

They both get inside and closed the door. Then Mama began to strip himself in the hall. Raju who was standing there only, in his underwear was looking at him. Very soon he stripped all his clothes and
become all naked.

E.Maami was just passing through the hall, she was carrying several clothes in her hand which she has brought from roof after drying. She saw Mama who had stripped himself to naked. With little disappointment,
she said to him, "Can't you act like a social person just for little time, after arriving home". With smiling face, Mama hugged her from front in order to tease her and said in a flirting tone, "My lovely
Bhabhi, how long are you going to rebel". Maami has a lot many clothes in her hand, that's why Mama was not able to hug her properly, it means that his tool wasn't able to touch Maami body. Maami push him
away and in fake anger tone she said, "don't be so touchy, go and bath, you are all sweaty".

Y.Mama: where are you going

E.Maami: to bath

Y.Maami: let's bath together

E.Maami: Devar Ji, I should remember you, now you are married, you have a wife whose name is Pooja. Bath with her, she won't mind

Y.Maami: Bhabhi, whosoever comes to my life but no one can replace you

E.Maami nod her head in a gesture of "disbelief", then she went into her room without saying a thing. Mama followed her inside. Maami went inside her attached bathroom and hanged her clothes behind the door
hook which she was going to wear after taking bath. Then she move out of room to look for something. Mama was still there. Finding the right opportunity, Mama went inside the bathroom and picked up her clothes
from the hanger. As the cloth hanging hook was behind the door, so he thought his Bhabhi might not notice it. Maami come back with a bathing soap in her hand. Mama has hidden her clothes below the bed, he
was smiling at her. Maami smiled him back but said nothing. When Maami was about to close the door. Maami said, "Bhabhi, should I join you". Maami smiled and said, "in your dreams". Mama is like, "dream
is about to come true". Raju has also come in the room by now. He turned off the pc, began playing some game. Mama also joined him.

Y.Mama: Raju, why are you wearing underwear (with tense look)

Raju: Oh, actually I worn it to open the door then forgot to take it off.

Y.Mama: Then take it off now.

Raju stood and take off his underwear. His hair just began to grow, Mama looked at his crotch and suggested him, to cut his pubic hair regularly once they full developed. Raju noded in a gesture to say "Yes" and continued playing game.
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