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Fantasy Life of a CUCKOLD

Mohan Ahuja

Active Member
Hi Guys! Love to see you all again....

Previous when we had xossip, i wrote this series under the name of THE CUCKOLD HUSBAND, but due to some reasons that xossip has gone as well as that series too, so now again am writing that series with more updated version with new name of LIFE OF A CUCKOLD. Please read this, hope u guys enjoy it, if u like it please share it with other, comment your suggestions & ideas.
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Mohan Ahuja

Active Member
1. Myself Pradeep, 27, recently married a beauty Neha 25 years, she has an mind blowing figure that every man wants, fair skin ,hairless body, perfectly sculptured shape, brown nipples, pink inside pussy, round tits & ass, curvy hips, juicy lips & many more. Our parents made our marriage like a celebration, we started living in a city due to our jobs, me & my wife working in IT profession, first 6 months things are very smooth & time passed just like that, later my job pressure increased & I am having less time to spend with her than compared to earlier, so now game changed a lot, lets see how it went into my life, how things degraded me….!

2. It’s a winter, early morning, I am sleeping in my bedroom with a hot hug of my wife, she is wearing a night gown just above her knees & sufficient amount of cleavage is visible as her yellow rope(Mangalsutra) is passing through that cleavage & hiding between her melons, on repeated hearing of doorbell I tried to wokeup from bed but my wife held my hands & she requested me to sleep on, as she woke up & opened the main door with that same nighty gown showing her white flesh to see who’s on door, it’s milk man with 35 years of age, opened his jaw on seeing my wife like that, she kept the door opened & walked back into the kitchen for a bowl to collect milk in, while she is walking his eyes got struck into her ass swinging to her steps, his eyes pooped out to enjoy the sight of my wife ass, she is back to that milk man with a bowl in hands, then she bend down to get the milk on, then that fellow is literally fucking my wife cleavage with his eyes, his face is all sweat due to the hotness created by my wife, to that cleavage show that fellow has poured some extra milk, once it is done my wife is back into the house with the milk bowl, when she is into the house her face gave a little smile as he poured extra milk than daily & pity as well because that fellow cannot grab the beauty standing right infront of him.

3. When my wife is working in balcony like cleaning it or washing clothes or by drying them, at that time my is in her nighty without inners, neighbour bachelor guys are enjoying the morning show, commenting nasty & talking dirty about her figure among themselves & if possible taking photos of her in every possible.
4. It’s office time, am already waiting in hall for my wife to get ready to office as I will drop her in bus stop daily, she sat behind me on bike side wards, while we are riding on my bike, people who are riding on our back side are getting the side view of my wife boobs because of saree pallu moved ahead towards shoulder, I drop her at bus stop so she picks a bus for her office, at peaks time city buses are always heavily crowed, even though she stands in ladies zone but somehow she will be pushed towards the end point of ladies section in bus so she will be grouped by max number of hands daily while up & down journey, if it is raining even I go by bus along with her, there I found that many hands are taking their turn to press her milky beauty & many eyes are literally travelling all over her body, so people will touch her, press her where ever possible, make dirty discussions, giving naughty gestures towards my wife. She silently stands there & bears all those. (even I saw her being molested but even I am getting used to slowly)
5. When me & my wife went to movie, settled in our seats, after some time 4 boys entered & got to sit on to her left side, soon lights are off & movie is being played on screen, in the dark shades they are trying to press my wife body, initially they poked her side parts of boobs with their elbows but there is no protest from my wife, then they got confident & tried to press her side hips, my wife is observing all these but due to her fear she sat silent, so they took it as advantage & continued their hands to press her boobs over blouse, later she started to generate fun out of it & let them have fun with her boobs, navel & thighs, guys swapped one after the other at regular periods, though am noticing all these stayed silently because I don’t want to create any nuisance by disturbing the other public, somehow first half is done, I asked my wife to come out for some refreshment & snacks but she politely rejected it (I thought she might be enjoying their presence & I wanna let her do what she want) by the time I came back with some snacks they are talking with my wife & she is responding with smiles (initially I was angry & jealous but started liking it), I came back & sat beside my wife, shared some snacks with her, soon movie started again, this time due to her positive response they moved a step ahead & tried to insert hands inside her blouse & saree but they are facing little hard to do it, I observed all this & got angry because they are out of limits, so instantly I moved out of screen, clam down in a moment, I took out my mobile & calling my wife to come out, but her phone is vibrating in my other pocket, stood a second, feel like urgent motion, went to washroom, got relieved from pressure, fresh up, drunk a glass of water, again I came back to seats, to my shock I found my wife hands on their pants rubbing their dicks, that guy is pressing my wife boobs as her blouse 1st 2 hooks are opened, its being first time seeing my wife like that it completely my mind went blank, it felt like firing that guy at that moment but something inside me is stopping to do that, I have nothing to do so sat in my place, my eyes struck to screen by ears & mind are completely focused in what’s going with my wife? I heard some sounds like guys are changing seats to sit beside my wife, finally after maybe around 45-50 minutes she cleaned her hands with kerchief, her hands are adjusting something under her pallu, she saw my face in a question mood that am I observing her or not?, now all those 4 boys including my wife sat like innocent kids as if nothing happened, movie ended in 5 minutes, while coming out of the screen
Me : How’s it?
She : looking at me in a tensed expression(she thought I caught her)
Me : what’s that crazy expression, am I asking about movie !
She: oh movie( seems relaxed now, let a small moan from her mouth, one of those guys pressed her ass in crowd)
Me: what happened ? are u ok?
She: yeah am fine, & the movie is awesome !
Me : (with no expression watching her face, her face is towards me but her eyes are signalling to one of the guys stood behind me, stating him that she liked it)
We came back home on my bike, I went into shower but unknowingly my mind started to rewind that incident, my hands started to stroke my dick & cummed a huge load…
(after coming home I cummed a lot in my washroom)
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Mohan Ahuja

Active Member
6. In my wife office my wife is the only lady & rest all are men, so she will be getting great attention from her colleagues, always they eye her, my wife mostly wears saree, long tops with leggings & jeans too, very less times T-shirts with jeans on, some kind of fancy sarees to office meetings & events, no matter what she wears to office her colleagues will always check her bra straps, bra embracing under her dress, ass swings, cleavage show in dresses, side view of boobs & belly while she is wearing saree, irrespective of anything they will never miss any chance to explore her body, every male starting from watchman to boss, clients too always keep an eye on my wife, especially they will go mad when she wears cotton saree, she looks like a lusty milf in it. Here & there they will try to hold her soft skin under the name of shake-hand, sitting very closely to her & make sure her skin is in contact with them, even some times they will try to hug her to convey some wishes, some-times they will success or some other times they don’t, but ultimately she is her sex goddess as she is the only lady in the office, very frequently some or other employee will offer a coffee or dinner or dropping her at home after office, even some colleagues will ask her to assist them in shopping so that they can spend some time, but ultimately those colleagues want the presence of my wife around them, even they will pass some naughty comments among them, I know most of these & ignored because it is quite common these days, even I will try to flirt with ladies in my office, so I took this as compliment(later I realised that I did a mistake, will see it more in upcoming episodes).

7. As my wife is working In an IT company always there will be going on some event or some party so my wife wears different kind of dresses as some of them reveals her sexy parts like cleavage, side hips, navel too, by seeing her in sexy outfits her colleagues are moving close with her for a touch & hug, many of her colleagues capture her pics secretly, they never miss any chance to watch her naked flesh, cracking double meaning jokes, always they are praising her beauty & trying all possibilities with my wife, having very close selfies with my wife, colleagues sharing her pics among themselves, each time different guy dropping her at home after parties & when watchman saw that he assumes that my wife is having an affair with that guy & he spreads that rumour all over the apartment that my wife is having an affair with one of her colleagues (that rumour is a proud moment for me)…

8. One day my wife asked me that she want to learn car driving, instantly I said yes as I am planning to buy a car, so we both went to a driving school, there that managing person is continuously checking my wife assets in front of me, he got attracted to my wife figure & admitted her for lower price, daily early morning driver reached my home for a practise session, a young guy around 25 years is teaching her while other learners also sitting at back seats but my wife is the only lady among them in the car, she being wearing a saree from the left where that young guy is sitting, he is getting a clear view of my wife’s side view of boobs & her belly, while that guy is changing gears he is touching her thighs & hips, all those guys are enjoying my wife’s presence & eyeing her assets in all possible manners, it’s dick raising moment for me
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Mohan Ahuja

Active Member
9. My wife went to tailor shop to get her blouses stitched, this time she went to a new shop located on main road as the old shop guy is not giving on time, she asked me to drop at shop but on lazy I denied it so my wife went alone into the shop by wearing a saree, blouse with bra, petticoat with panty, inside the shop the owner guy paused his work on seeing my wife, look her face, instantly his face lite up & greeted my wife, my wife also greeted him & looking around the wall filled with all latest designs, she selected a moderate blouse design,
My wife : can u show me that design,
Tailor : ok mam ( handed it to my wife)
My Wife : I want to get stitched my blouse in this design
Tailor : ok mam, but can I see the blouse material
My wife : (removed the blouse material which she carried in a small bag along with old blouse for measurement)
Tailor : mam! For you this design will not look good, I will show u some latest collections
My wife : (after seeing them) yeah this looks good, can you stitch this for me?
Tailor : yes mam! But this design will reveal a small amount of cleavage (in low tone) would u mind it ?
My wife : (stood silent for a moment) it’s ok fine no issue, but before that can I try this blouse so that I can get an idea !
Tailor : Sorry mam, it is unable to wear it, don’t worry mam, this design will looks beautiful on your fair skin, believe me!
My wife : OK! Fine stitch this.
Tailor : ok mam, do you have any old blouse for measurements ?
My wife : yes I got this, is this fine ?
Tailor : no mam it’s a cotton blouse that too old one we cannot depend on it.
My wife : what to do now ?
Tailor : if you are comfortable we will take measurements now or else you can a get another designer blouse for reference
My wife : ( she called me to get one of her blouse but I kept my mobile for charging & went to shower)
then after a little thinking my wife opted to give him measurements, tailor requested her to go to a little cabin inside for measurement, later the tailor along with his assistant came inside that cabin with tape & notes, he requested her to drop saree pallu for measuring her boobs over her blouse & she was taken back to hear that but stood silent, that tailor asked her again but this time she is looking at his assistant, that tailor observed this & told her ‘it’s ok mam he is my assistant a new joinee, I am training him how to take measurements, ignore him we will continue, nothing left to do so she made her mind ready with that, so my wife dropped her pallu infront of them, exposing her melons hidden in her blouse, instantly those 2 pairs of eyes struck to my wife boobs, unknowingly their face lit up, she is feeling uncomfortable but made herself to bear it, then tailor asked my wife to raise her both hands, she did as per his order, the tailor approached her with tape in hands took few measurements of her boobs & asked his assistant to repeat the same, that assistant repeated as per his boss order & did some mistakes, that tailor corrected the mistake which his assistant committed by taking more measurements of my wife, that assistant repeated the same with some other mistakes, this whole process repeated for 3-4 times, until then my wife stood like that, it took nearly 30 minutes as that tailor has taken more time than usual on my wife boobs, once measuring is done my wife put back her pallu in place, all 3 people came out of cabin with all sweat around, my wife cleaning her sweat with kerchief & those guys are looking at her, now my wife look back to him, he came into conscious & asked my wife to come back after 4 days to collect the new blouse, after 4 days my wife went to that tailor for collecting new blouse, she is very excited to see her new blouse with all designs & little exposing of cleavage, that tailor face lit up again to see my wife, now he seems more free to talk with my wife, he showed that new blouse and asked my wife to trial it inside the cabin for confirmation, as my wife did it but she noticed some tightness in her fittings, it need to be loosened, she came out of cabin in her old blouse & explained that tailor about that tightness, he did some alterations & asked my wife to try once again, as she did & again same mistake raised, then she called that tailor inside to show that mistake, he went inside that cabin, there my wife is standing with her pallu off, showing good amount of cleavage in sleeveless blouse, tailors dick raised instantly, he went near her checking for the mistakes in it, he asked her to raise the hands, she did it, he deeply scanned her boobs on the name of checking, finally he told her that some measurement went wrong & he need to take new measurements again, when my wife heard that she was silent but for no option left she accepts it, immediately that tailor ordered his assistant to come with tape & note book, assistant did with in a minute, then tailor told her a mind blowing word that “MAM COULD YOU PLEASE REMOVE THAT NEW BLOUSE”, my wife was speech less & her eyes popped to hear that, she stood silently with head down but that tailor is literally waiting for my wife to remove it, after some negotiations & convincing my wife finally agreed to becomes topless for measurement, her hands unhooked her blouse, made her boobs free from that tight fittings, that tailor & assistant are looking at as if they are seeing boobs for the first time, they want to eat them, but tailor leisurely took his time in measuring the naked boobs of my wife, after taking all measurements he reconciled them with old measurements, then he asked my wife that
Tailor : mam on that day are you wearing bra ?
My wife: yes !
Tailor : ah!, there went wrong, now I corrected it, now I will stitch perfectly.
Then my wife moved to wear her old blouse but that tailor stopped her doing soo, ordered his assistant in high tone to measurement those naked boobs again for practising, almost for more than 45 min my wife is standing topless infront of 2 strangers who are playing with her boobs, finally that guy succeeded in stitching her a perfect blouse, so my wife keep on giving him many blouse & he also pressing her boobs whenever got the chance.
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Mohan Ahuja

Active Member
10. One day I got a call from bank in response for application of new credit card, that they are sending their agent to my home for my credit card formalities, I said send him after 7 pm so that I can stay at home & assist him, they said ok, that fellow called me at 6:30 pm & conforming his presence at 7 pm in my home, I said ok, but unfortunately I was late by 15 min, meanwhile he approach my home knocked door bell, my wife opened the door with nighty without inners, he seems amazed to see a beauty like this, he instantly checked my wife from top to bottom in a glance,
My wife : who are u? whom do u want ?
Agent : ( with no words checking my wife from top to bottom)
My wife : hello, who are u?
Agent : mam, I am coming from bank, sir gave his appointment now regarding credit card
My wife : oh, he is on the way to home, come sit here (guided him to sit on sofa in hall)
My wife : just now I dialled my husband, he told he will take 15 min to reach, will you stay till then ?
Agent : (he is no willing to wait but after seeing a beauty like my wife he changed his changed his mind to stay until I come) it’s ok mam I will stay!
My wife : ok would you like to take tea or coffee ?
Agent: coffee man!
My wife : ok just a moment
My wife moved into the kitchen(in my flat hall is clearly visible from kitchen & vice versa), got him a glass of water, returned to kitchen, while walking back his eyes are enjoying her ass swings in rhythm, he instantly fell in love with it, again after 5 min my wife came back with a coffee in her hands, he took that, again same scene repeated that he literally enjoyed a hot coffee with a hot married chick’s ass swinging, my wife is cooking in kitchen but that fellow is enjoying every moment of her, as he thought to move into kitchen to keep coffee cup suddenly door bell rang & its me on the door, my wife walking towards the door & this guy is watching her boobs shaking according to walk, lucky fellow, my wife opened the door, I saw this guy sitting in sofa, he greeted me with smile but his eyes telling that disappointment on my arrival, then he started his marketing skills in explaining their credit plans & so on, finally I agreed for all those & started documentation mean while my wife roaming all around home in the process of house works, I gave him required documents but one paper is missing, I moved into bedroom to collect it, I thought to change dress as am smelling bad in that office formal, so took my time in dress change, came back to hall with that missing document, meanwhile I saw this incident that my wife is cleaning the floor that fellow eyes are completely checking her cleavage, when I observed him he turned his face towards me, he totally enjoyed the swinging ass & shaking boobs of my wife, his focus is more on my wife than application form, I got more excited when that stranger is watching my wife assets in front me, so I let him do because I can get my credit card easily, finally he got satisfied with my details & my wife body details, later bank approved me a credit card. (credit goes to my wife)

11. On this evening me & my wife went to vegetable market, I am wearing a shorts but no undies, she is wearing a loose top with leggings, a good amount of cleavage is visible when she bend but we don’t know at the time of wearing, its just 2 streets beside so we went by walk with basket, she is buying some vegetables, at some place she need to bend to fetch some good quality vegetables but a deep cleavage is giving a good view to that vendor, this leads to some discount of price or giving more quantity for the same price, this benefited us & back her ass will swing while walking, some people will rape her with eyes, in that crowd people will surely make a chance to grab her beauty.

12. On regular maintenance the painters are applying new paints to the whole apartment, a guys is hanging on the outer walls of building, while applying paint on the outer walls of our flat, he become lucky to watch my wife bathing from the bathroom ventilators, he shared the same with other labours, so they also tried their luck to see my wife nude.

13. One day me & my wife went to lunch in the mall, while we sat in a restaurant a random guy came & tapped my wife from back, she turned back, all of sudden her face gave a big smile, cheered his name in loud, he immediately sat beside her & they started talking, I was looking at them like watching Korean movie without subtitles, I don’t know what’s happening there, then my wife noticed me & told that he is her EX-BF in her college days, my wife introduced him to me, I shake hands with him, we 3 started to have lunch while they both are talking continuously & I am listening to them, he seems like a talkative person, later he exchanged phone number with my wife & me, in our convo he told us that he recently shifted to the same city where we are living as he got job placement, after lunch we did some shopping & we both left to our house, he moved to his flat, later at night my wife told me that they also had sex many times at his place since they are in relation for more than 2 years, I was taken back by listening to her words as I am thinking that my wife is virgin at the time of marriage, this truth revealed that I become a fool, even thought that excited me very much, that gave me a hardon thinking that how my wife has been crushed under him, this started next level of thinking towards my wife.

14. From next day onwards my wife & her EX are chatting for long hours & talking on phones for late nights, I ignored it, after office my wife used to meet him for dinner, soon they started to go movies, lunch & shopping also, few times her EX visited our house for dinner & lunch, even I got close with him, day by day their closeness is gradually increasing, once I went outstation on office work & won’t be back till 3 days, I left to airport in cab, soon her bf entered into my house & took out my wife for dinner, once they are done with dinner they both went to a movie, from there to my home, its already midnight my wife asked him to stay back at home as he may company her as she is alone, he said ok to her, then he changed his clothes into my shorts & tee, they started talking by sitting in hall, slowly they went to their college days convo, they are rolling their old pics in his phone, suddenly it came on a pic in which they are lip kissing each other, suddenly mood changed, both kept silent, they keep on rolling gallery & more pics of their fun time are coming out, some of them are semi-nude pics of my wife send to him, now they are totally silent, mood is changing very drastically, in a moment their lips got struck to each other & kissing each other passionately, kept the phone away & started to enjoy each other touch, he slowly moved his hands to her boobs, pressing them hard, she is in no mood to resist him, he kissing her passionately, pressing her boobs, now my wife slowly moved her hands towards his rock hard dick, his hands are sliding over her hips to slip off her tee shirt, with in no time her tee shift is off by showing her sexy boobs covered in bra, she is glittering like milky beauty, one by one their clothes are getting off from their bodies, now the real game starts as he started to enter the honey pot of my wife again after very long gap, he is experiencing it again, he feels like amazing, now both of them involved into it very deeply, they are fucking desperately, after a long deep fuck he cummed on her face, the same story went on for 3 days, eat-fuck-sleep, fuck-sleep-eat, sleep-fuck-eat, he left my home before I came, but my wife face seems very satisfied by the time I reach. I came to know all these after few days when I saw her WhatsApp chat with her EX, they shared their pics which are captured while fucking, I was speech less to see them but the cuck inside me ignored it & enjoyed the whole episode.

15. This day my wife went to office in a top with deep “V” neck that reveals a satisfactory view of her cleavage, if she is sitting anyone standing beside her can grab a view of her deep cleavage, as my wife is busy in her work in office, her boss called her inside, there is a client meeting tomorrow in the office so he want my wife to prepare a presentation as per his guidelines, so my wife is in his cabin, sat opposite to him, they both are discussing in detail, as he is slightly walking in his cabin he randomly found my wife cleavage, so he struck up there, every time he is looking into her dress to see more depth, its already beyond the office hours, almost everyone left, still they are in meeting, all the day he keep on checking her cleavage, once their meeting is done he sat beside my wife & talking very closely, at time keeping his hands on her thighs & trying more to touch her bare skin for more time, then my wife asked her boss that she is willing to leave as its getting late & climate is not good as it is about to rain, then her boss replied that he already ordered for dinner as both will leave by having dinner, also he promised to drop my wife at home, she felt it’s fine, then she went to washroom for fresh-up, meanwhile he sat in his chair, the office boy is serving the food in her boss cabin itself, by the time my wife enters in his cabin at the entrance door her mobile in hand fell down, when she bend down to pick up the phone, her cleavage is clearly visible from her boss chair, both her boss & that office boy are literally enjoying the show, my wife noticed that 2 pairs of eyes are exploring her cleavage that too highest & lowest designations of office are focusing her beauty made her mad (because after experiencing pleasures from past few months the devil inside her is growing rapidly), so she took more time than usual in picking her phone, as she is willing to show her beauty to those guys, it is giving self-satisfaction to her, those 2 guys are seeing each other face & having a naughty smile on lips, had dinner by sitting beside each other, while at dinner their conversation went into next level of adult content, they are done with the dinner, all the room is surrounded with silence apart by the cool breeze from the ac, both eye meat in contact, suddenly a romantic atmosphere came up, just like a magic their lips came into contact, they are kissing very passionately, he is holding her tight to kiss more deeply, after having a deep kiss for 5 min they broke down, again with a sudden moment they kissed again with deep breathes, they lost into their own world of pleasure, they forgot everything, at the same time that office boy opened the door to remove the plates & clean the table, he witnessed the ultimate scene of kiss, he closed the door partially & peeped through the gap in-between, his cruel mind thought to capture that moment in his mobile, he did it, he closed the door politely, meanwhile they broke the kiss & came back to their normal positions & both sat silently, that office boy also came back after 10 min as if he saw nothing, did his duty & left, they both came out of the office, while getting down in lift he is literally checking each & every curve of my wife, got into the car & started to my home, all the way there is a silence in the car, sometimes he tried to touch & place his hands on my wife thighs, initially she politely rejected it but she was unable to protest for more time, soon he succeeded in placing his hands on her thighs, more than half of the way he kept his hand on my wife thighs & pressing them gently, now she is comfortable with him in this manner, they reached to our area, exactly in our area he stopped his car at our street ending in a dark spot, he smooching her thighs with his nails & gently gestured for one more kiss as he just fell in love with it, now my wife also started liking him so she felt its fine to kiss because there is nothing more to hide in her lips for her boss, now they are into the real kiss, kissing very deeply, passionately, with desire he is tapping all over her body, finally he reached the hill station(boobs of my wife), fixed his hands over there & pressing them hard, she escaped a little moan but he keep on kissing her & pressing boobs hardly, its more than 15 min since they started the session, by hearing a car horn passing by, they sat back to their original positions, her boss seems satisfied for now but at the same time a big desire inside him lit up, immediately he drove him car, stopped infront of my apartment gate, my wife came home with a satisfaction, her boss left with new excitement of the day. After this incident their relation went to next level, their frequency of meetings outside the office has increased a lot, their moments inside the office are giving hints to others that something is going in between them, they are going for movies, shopping, diners etc… texting, exchanging pics over the phone also raised drastically, my wife started giving more importance to her boss than me, as I am noticing all these, I want to stop my wife from these activities but something hidden inside me is enjoying all these fun.
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Mohan Ahuja

Active Member
16. These days relation between my wife & her boss is going beyond the limit, daily her boss used to pick up & drop my wife, he used to gift her a lot of things, dresses, makeup items, even her inners too (they feel very premium & sexy too), they are enjoying to the core, meanwhile kissing, hugging & pressing her boobs have become common between them, this change in their behaviour reflected in the office also, my wife is spending more time in his cabin discussing unwanted topic for hours & hours, office staff is observing all these changes in between them, gradually rumours started to float on them, these days my wife is getting dare so she neglected their rumours, one fine day it’s just a small meeting with a client in a business hotel but it’s very prominent as well, so her boss ordered my wife to wear a nice transparent saree sexily wrapped over her curves, showing navel, sleeveless blouse(the blouse which she get stitched in episode 9) with deep neck revealing a good amount of cleavage, with all other accessories, my wife prepared herself exactly as per her boss orders, she is looking like an angel, any dick would salute her, her boss waiting in car down the apartment, calling my wife continuously to come fast as they are getting late to meeting, list if not working that day so she is going down stairs all the apartment people are stunned to see her beauty, when my wife reached parking are she realised that she forgot her hand back, she immediately called me over to bring her back down as she will be waiting in her boss car, immediately I rushed with her bag in hand, i didn’t found my wife in parking area so I moved towards her boss to check that she may be sitting inside, it’s true she is inside but to my surprise they both are in different pose, car glass are tinted in black but close observation revealed that they hugged each other & kissing passionately, I waited outside the car for 4-5 min with bag in hand but they didn’t break it, I knocked the window for 2 times & they rolled the window down, their face expressions showed me that no one can see from outside as it’s a tinted car but they don’t know that I saw their kissing, she took her bag waived me bye & they cruised to the hotel in his sedan, once after they reached the hotel, my wife took a selfie while her boss with the hotel as background, she uploaded that pic as her WhatsApp DP I was speechless to see that DP because she never did such activities, this move confirmed me that my wife has changed a lot, she is transforming drastically, they went into the proper hotel room, finished their meeting with their client, even the client got impressed with my wife appearance & finalised the deal in favour of the company, after meeting they ordered for lunch but client denied as he need to catch flight so he rushed out leaving my wife & her boss alone in the room, slowly they involved into their own discussions, he started to touch her, he is moving her hair falling on her face, they are moving very closer to each other, almost no gap in-between their bodies, silence surrounded the room they can hear their own breath, his hands are occupying her cheeks, their lips are very close to each other, when about to lock their lips, suddenly the door-bell rang as the lunch arrived, her boss with a big disappointment opened the door, server kept food on table, they finished the dinner, dishes has been taken away by server, again the silence lead towards their kiss, my wife closed her eyes & enjoying the pleasure, they broke the silence, very slowly they stepped towards the bed, he made her sit first, slowly laid her back while legs are still touching the floor, he made her relax, now she is totally in control of her boss commands, he expanded her hands, that transparent saree is showing the deep navel with a dick raising cleavage, he gently removed her pallu & kept aside, the round circular navel came into view, he kissed over there, his hard moustache poking her soft skin over there, a very little moan escaped from her lips, now he moving slowly towards upside, kissing her boobs over blouse, this time he bite her neck & she moaned with a big volume, his hands are working on her navel & boobs at the same time, meanwhile my wife hands caught his iron rod in his pants & rubbing it with desire, with all love & desire their dresses came off from their bodies, finally my wife is nude with her boss to serve him the beauty which she saved till that morning, he directly poked his dick into her sweet lips, very quickly he increased the speed & fucking her mouth very deeply, now the real game starts as he made her into doggy & entered from her back into her pussy, banging it like no tomorrow, slapping her ass very hardly, it become red to his slaps, even though she is moaning heavily & demanding more to fuck her, he literally crushing her boobs, tearing her pussy, slapping ass very hardly, she is enjoying it in another level, she cummed for 3 times but he is still with great stamina, my wife become a big fan to his dick from then onwards, first time he cummed on her boobs, her body is literally shivering, in the same flow he fucked her for 2 more rounds, end of the day she is fully exhausted, her pussy looks souring, her cheeks & ass become complete red due to his hard slaps, the ultimate fun generating thing for him is, while he is fucking my wife in missionary pose her mungalsutra is lying between her boobs & disclosing that she is another man’s wife, his ego satisfied there, once they are done they had a combined shower, at that time also he made her blowjob him, after when she is wearing her saree he took her bra & panty as the gift of their first fucking, all this entire scene has been captured in her boss mobile as some part in video & some as photos, finally they had a dinner, with a lip kiss they check out the room, by the time they reach to my home my wife is fully out as she was unable to walk, her body is shivering & pussy is paining a lot, her boss observed this situation of my wife & asked me to come down in support to my wife, I did, brought my wife into the flat with great effort, I kept her on bed, immediately she went into deep sleep, her boss left in his car, then I observed the biting marks on my wife neck & navel part, I also observed that her bra is missing inside her blouse, then I confirmed that my wife has opened up completely, she gifted her cherry to her boss, I sat beside her on bed, I was kissing her fore head & lost in my thoughts of transformation of my shy wife into a complete slut, suddenly her mobile started to beep continuously, I unlocked the phone with my wife finger print, its WhatsApp message from her boss, I didn’t opened the messages instead I opened the gallery, there I found the whole pics & videos which he captured during the day, he captured my nude wide in various angles, In videos he is fucking to the max speed, my wife is moaning a lot, at last round he entered her pussy & kept a finger in pussy & ass hole as well, she is dying with pain, literally begging to remove those fingers from her pussy but without mercy he drilled her pussy, lastly he sat on her boobs, cummed a huge load on her face, I was surprised to see his stamina, there she seems to be very satisfying, those videos also contain my wife bathing, after watching that video I raised my wife saree & saw her pussy, its total pinkish & unbearable, I locked the phone, kept it as it is, by seeing that video my dick become hard, went to bathroom for a quick refreshment, that night I slept with full satisfaction, by seeing another man drilling my wife to the core as if I fucked her, its ultimate pleasure for a cuckold husband like me, that incident completely transformed my wife into a slut, me into a cuckold husband, so its new beginning for more things to happen.
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Mohan Ahuja

Active Member
17. Due to messy work I was feeling tiered so I asked my friends to plan a trip in this summer, so my friends has planned to some beach resort, when everything is finalised I told my wife that
Me : dear, I am going to trip with my friends for few days!
My wife : what ? (her face turned red, angry)
Me : what happened dear ?
My wife : why don’t you tell me this before ? so you enjoying alone with your friends & I have to stay alone at home right!
Me : so what you want me to do ?
My wife : you have nothing to do, take me along with you !
Me : WTF! All are males how I take u ?
My wife : no more discussions, its over I am also coming & only you to bear all the expenses
I obeyed it silently, rather than arguing with wife it’s better to accept it, as the travelling day is coming me & my wife did some shopping, just 1 day before the trip I told my friends that my wife also coming & when they listen this they are cheering like hell, no limits to their happiness, arranged everything, packed the whole stuff in few bags, her clothes has occupied an entire bag, so a bag has been dedicated to her, finally the day arrived, it’s a whole night journey, that night around 8”o clock my friends arrived in an SUV loaded with stuff, my friends are fucking me in phone to come fast as they are excited to see my wife, because they are seeing her after many months of marriage, so in hurry I pushed all bags into car & I occupied the driver seat, my wife sat beside me, now the SUV is filled with 4 males & 1 hot wife, now my friends are very excited to see my wife like that, they are exploring her from top to bottom, 3 pairs of eyes are drilling her every curve, in college days we had a dream of going to a trip with only one hot chick in gang, now it came true that too it’s my wife, their high level of happiness is visible in their face, meanwhile in the car they started talking to my wife, asking about her, knowing more about her, praising he a lot, unknowingly we are beyond the city limits but for one of my tall friends back seat is not comfort so my wife swapped her seat with him, now my wife sat in between 2 guys, other 3 guys are passing some naughty jokes on me & cornering me to crack all dirty jokes, slowly topic changed to adult things, ladies physic, even my wife replied to those adult jokes in a naughty way, it’s almost 2 hours of our journey & my wife is more jovial with them, one guy beside her opened cool drink bottle to drink but it unfortunately spilled on her saree & made saree & blouse wet, due to AC inside she is feeling very cold, she need to change immediately otherwise it become sticky, so we halted at some dark zone beside the highway, parked SUV aside, we all got down, my friends went down to search a place for my wife to dress change, they came after 5 min & told her about that place, we asked my wife to go to that rock side for cleaning & changing, before going she guided one among the guys to bring her dress from her bag, she took a water bottle( its big bottle & heavy to manage with 1 hand so one of my friends helped to bring that bottle to that rock side & he came back to car after placing that bottle there), suddenly my stomach felt upset & i crossed road for unloading, other side my wife removed her saree, blouse, inners ( completely nude now), she rinsed those with water, kept them aside & waiting for that guy to come with her dress, its more than reasonable time but he is not coming back, even though she is waiting patiently because she cannot go naked towards them, meanwhile near the car my friends recognised that her bag is missing, so they started walking back to my wife, by seeing an insect she literally shouted loud & started running towards them nude, at half way she found that they are coming towards her, they switched on the phone torch, her boobs & clean shaved pussy is completely visible to them, they all freeze like that for a moment, then she sat on floor by hiding her pussy between her thigh & boobs by hands in front of 3 guys, after enquiry they laughed at her & asked her to come along with them towards car as its completely dark here, she questioned them “How can I come being nude ?”, then they answered that “ we go on front & you come behind us so that you can hide yourself” she agreed for that & they all came to car, she stood on the other side on the car by covering her boobs with hands, those guys stood on the another side of the car, meanwhile I came back from shitting, on enquiry they told me the whole scenario, (inside I was too excited that my wife is being nude with 4 guys beside road, OMG its awesome), while searching in boot space of car, her bag is completely missing, now I remembered that her bag forgot at home in hurry, I told my wife about it, within no time she got angry, forgot that she is nude, came towards me & started scolding me for being so irresponsible, but my friends are literally enjoying my wife nude body from top to bottom & some cars passed by road also got a golden chance to see her all naked back, she realised about her situation after some time & rushed to her original position hiding herself on the other side of car, no use now, already total thing revealed now, my friends have seen my wife nude now, it’s ok few more lucky guys, being no option she wore my friends short with sleeveless deep neck tee shirt, no inners at all, (her half of the boobs are visible from side & front view), even more hotter situation inside the car now due to my wife dressing, again my wife sat between 2 guys at middle seat, my tall friends is driving the car & am sitting beside him, our journey is going smooth, but my wife is angry on me & not talking to me, again those guys cracking adult jokes, & this time my wife took active part in it, now she placed her hand on beside guys shoulder & that guy is getting complete view of her one boob from sleeves gap, at over-night my wife has become very close to my friends, by morning we reached our fun destination point, we booked 2 cottages for us, me & my wife occupied one & my friends in another, we all slept till afternoon, had shower, had lunch all together, later went for shopping, purchased new clothes for my wife, many selected by my friends as they are revealing, even my friends gifted her a sexy 2 piece bikini for beach, we enjoyed there literally that we forgot there is a lady in our gang & that too my wife, INFRONT OF ME ITSELF MY WIFE BEING HUGGED, KISSED, SHE WAS TOTALLY CRUSHED BY THEN IN BEACH, EVERY ONE GOT A CHANCE TO SEE, PRESS & KISS HER NAKED BOOBS IN MULTIPLES TIMES, SHE SAW, PRESSED THEIR DICKS TOO, WE ALL DRINKED TOGETHER & DISCUSSED ABOUT ADULT STUFF WITH MY WIFE, EVEN TALKED BAD WORDS WITH & INFRONT OF MY WIFE, we enjoyed more than expected all because of my wife sudden surprise, started back home, she was too free with them, all the time her dressing is not more than her ass, on the return she too cracked some adult jokes, on the half way back she wants to change the dress, they told her that “we will stop the car & get down so that you change inside the car”, but she said no need to stop the car, then she dragged her tee shirt by hiding her boobs with hands & took the new tee shirt & wore it quickly even though we got a good chance to see her nude boobs, then placed her old shirt on her thighs, dragged down her knickers & wore the fresh one but those who sat beside her got a good chance to watch & touch her naked ass, everyone in the car know that she don’t have inners, that excited everyone including me, that trip had taken the relation between my wife & my friends to advanced level, am being silent everyone is showing their skills & using every chance to get closer to fuck her, after that trip even I decided that am ok for sharing my wife with my friends, let me see how they approach her & how she reacts for them….. in the trip we have captured many pics, in every pic my wife is there & posing naughtily, most of the pics are captured by me, they are holding her at random places of her body, in water while they lifted her totally up, her bra lost control over body by falling down in water, she hides her boobs by hands, then all those 4 pairs of hands are feeling her naked back, many pics I captured while they are randomly pressing her boobs in water, I shared all those pics with my friends, while glancing all those pics after the trip that made my dick erect a lot & cummed heavily, later their approach & view towards my wife has totally changed, now they are keeping my wife hot pics as their phone wallpapers & WhatsApp group on my wife name with her hot pics as DP, finally I incurred total expense & gifted them fun along with my hot wife to my friends, simply I love that,,, that has raised a cuckold husband inside me to next level,,,.
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Mohan Ahuja

Active Member
18. It’s a day of colours, festival of colours, Holi festival, I thought to sit at home & enjoy but people outside will never do right, already my apartment people are celebrating it by spraying water on eachother, by seeing all those my wife asked me to go out for celebration but I denied it, with sad mood she is doing her house hold works, I sat in couch & watching some movie in tv, but after some time I head door bell, when I opened it found neighbour bachelors at door with colours in hand, as early as I opened the door those fellows rushed on me & applied colours to me, with no uttering of sound I stood like statue with all colours on me, my turn is over now it’s my wife turn, those guys with excitement asked about my wife, right then my wife came out of washroom & found me in such a situation her face lit up, then those guys rushed to apply colours to her, she said “HOLD ON GUYS, LET ME CHANGE MY DRESS”, so she moved into bedroom, opened after 5 min with a T-shirt, shorts till her knees, they are very tight, stick to her body completely revealing her figure & inners impressions, everyone is mouth-watering by seeing my wife like that, she is smiling by seeing them & asked those to do it out of the flat as it may spoil the interiors, meanwhile I stood at the main entrance, infront of me those guys moved out of my flat following my wife, in a moment 5 guys attacked her with all colours & coloured water, those guys are applying colour all over her body, she is in no mood to observe where those guys are touching her, she forgot everything & enjoying it, even I let it, when water fell on her it made her dress more tighter, now her nipples ae poking on her dress, now my wife caught some colours to attack those guys, she is running behind them, she caught all guys(they intentionally get caught by her) & applied colours to them, meanwhile other flat guys also came out & playing with my wife, they are applying colours to her & she also doing the same to them, it’s almost an hours since they start playing in our apartment corridor, I am watching all those, finally everyone satisfied & my wife is coming to our flat, I thought it’s done for today, my wife came into our flat, I closed the door & asked my wife to take shower but we heard her mobile is ringing, she lifted it, it’s her colleague other side, he said he is waiting down with all colours come soon, then me & my wife went down in old clothes, when we step out of the apartment we found those guys on the other side of road, standing beside their car, 5 colleagues, on seeing us they greeted us politely, they even bought a sweet packet, opened it & kept a sweet piece in my wife mouth, remaining guys repeated the same & my wife also did the same for all 5 of them, when my wife kept a sweet piece they are licking her fingers than sweet, offcourse it’s the most erotic one, am watching all these standing beside them, once they all get share from my wife finally they kept a small sweet piece in my hand & wished me holi, it’s no surprise, I am getting used to this kind of treatments, then the real game starts, they all started applying colours to her, almost the same thing repeated here which happened few minutes ago with those neighbour bachelors, those 5 pairs of hands tapping her at every inch under the name of applying colours, she is running behind them to apply colours, it’s fun time, we all enjoyed it, captured it in their mobiles, more 30 minutes celebrated here with her colleagues, we all tiered, had a glass of cool drinks, just relaxed for a moment, on of her colleague said
Colleague : ok come neha, lets start !
(me & my wife looking at eachother like where?)
My wife : Where ?
Colleague : we have booked passes for holi event including u, we are going now, don’t u know that ?
My wife : what, is it ?, I don’t know that, ok let’s go.
(my wife isn’t caring about my opinion, not even bothered about me) (in a moment all those 5 guys occupied the car, but still my wife is standing outside)
Colleague: what are you waiting for ?
My wife : all you hunks have occupied the space, where I have to it ? on top of car or what?
Colleague: what to do dear, we have only this right now, do one thing, sit on this guys(guy sitting beside driver) lap
My wife : hmm ok!, (got settled on his lap) ( I am pretty sure that he is poking her ass with shaft)
Now everything is settled, engine on, windows rolled up, loud music is being played, suddenly I remember that she is not taking her mobile, then am tapping her window glass but due to loud noise inside they are in no mood to what’s happening outside, even though I am tapping the car to stop he didn’t, that car is revving infront of me, my wife is the only chick with all bulls in the small car, with low tone I started to walk into my flat with sweet box in hand, to be frank those sweets taste nice, while walking back I observed that watchman has seen all these scene & gave me a cheep look for sending my wife with them, then I realised that they kept a sweet box in my hand & taken a beauty with them that too with husband permission, I felt like a BAKARA for that instant but least bothered about it, came into my flat, did shower, it’s already lunch time, so had my food & did a good nap, now its about 6 pm, but still my wife is not yet home, even wanna call also she don’t have phone & I don’t know her colleagues mobile numbers, so sat idle & waiting for her, went into kitchen for preparing tea for myself, heard the door bell, as expected my wife on the door, I opened & saw her in crazy situation with all colours over her even on hair & teeth too, she smells very bad & dark in colour, a doubt raised in my mind that is this the same T shirt she wearing when leaving home? But I ignored it, she directly moved into shower, came out after 45 minutes to get rid of all those nasty colours, after shower she looks better, wore some casuals & sat for some snacks, meanwhile I just went for pissing in that same washroom, oh her dress spilled bad smell all over the washroom, so I took them out to dry them on, when I took her t shirt I confirmed my doubt that it’s not the same one which she wore when leaving home, one more this is bra is also missing, some kind of dirty thoughts are running in my mind, tensed a little of what happened & cheered a little of something happened, later at night we both sat for dinner, then I asked her about her t shirt change & missing bra, she in cool manner replied that her t-shirt has toren so her colleague bought a new one for her & she missed her bra while changing her old shirt to new shirt(god only know that mystery, is something happened? If yes then what happened?) after dinner she slept fast as tiered, but I sat to watch something on tv, then I heard her mobile ringing continuously, I opened to check it, her colleagues have created a whatsApp group & sending all the pics captured during that day, in those pics she is dancing like mad, playing with them in pool, hugging pose, even some are kissing too, in some videos I also found that guys are pressing her boobs, ass & she is least bothered about it, in some pics there are some other guys also who are strangers to me, this also shows how’s my wife bonding with her colleagues, finally it’s a satisfying day for all including me, It’s a very colourful holi I have ever celebrated..


Well-Known Member
1. Myself Pradeep, 27, recently married a beauty Neha 25 years, she has an mind blowing figure that every man wants, fair skin ,hairless body, perfectly sculptured shape, brown nipples, pink inside pussy, round tits & ass, curvy hips, juicy lips & many more. Our parents made our marriage like a celebration, we started living in a city due to our jobs, me & my wife working in IT profession, first 6 months things are very smooth & time passed just like that, later my job pressure increased & I am having less time to spend with her than compared to earlier, so now game changed a lot, lets see how it went into my life, how things degraded me….!

2. It’s a winter, early morning, I am sleeping in my bedroom with a hot hug of my wife, she is wearing a night gown just above her knees & sufficient amount of cleavage is visible as her yellow rope(Mangalsutra) is passing through that cleavage & hiding between her melons, on repeated hearing of doorbell I tried to wokeup from bed but my wife held my hands & she requested me to sleep on, as she woke up & opened the main door with that same nighty gown showing her white flesh to see who’s on door, it’s milk man with 35 years of age, opened his jaw on seeing my wife like that, she kept the door opened & walked back into the kitchen for a bowl to collect milk in, while she is walking his eyes got struck into her ass swinging to her steps, his eyes pooped out to enjoy the sight of my wife ass, she is back to that milk man with a bowl in hands, then she bend down to get the milk on, then that fellow is literally fucking my wife cleavage with his eyes, his face is all sweat due to the hotness created by my wife, to that cleavage show that fellow has poured some extra milk, once it is done my wife is back into the house with the milk bowl, when she is into the house her face gave a little smile as he poured extra milk than daily & pity as well because that fellow cannot grab the beauty standing right infront of him.

3. When my wife is working in balcony like cleaning it or washing clothes or by drying them, at that time my is in her nighty without inners, neighbour bachelor guys are enjoying the morning show, commenting nasty & talking dirty about her figure among themselves & if possible taking photos of her in every possible.
4. It’s office time, am already waiting in hall for my wife to get ready to office as I will drop her in bus stop daily, she sat behind me on bike side wards, while we are riding on my bike, people who are riding on our back side are getting the side view of my wife boobs because of saree pallu moved ahead towards shoulder, I drop her at bus stop so she picks a bus for her office, at peaks time city buses are always heavily crowed, even though she stands in ladies zone but somehow she will be pushed towards the end point of ladies section in bus so she will be grouped by max number of hands daily while up & down journey, if it is raining even I go by bus along with her, there I found that many hands are taking their turn to press her milky beauty & many eyes are literally travelling all over her body, so people will touch her, press her where ever possible, make dirty discussions, giving naughty gestures towards my wife. She silently stands there & bears all those. (even I saw her being molested but even I am getting used to slowly)
5. When me & my wife went to movie, settled in our seats, after some time 4 boys entered & got to sit on to her left side, soon lights are off & movie is being played on screen, in the dark shades they are trying to press my wife body, initially they poked her side parts of boobs with their elbows but there is no protest from my wife, then they got confident & tried to press her side hips, my wife is observing all these but due to her fear she sat silent, so they took it as advantage & continued their hands to press her boobs over blouse, later she started to generate fun out of it & let them have fun with her boobs, navel & thighs, guys swapped one after the other at regular periods, though am noticing all these stayed silently because I don’t want to create any nuisance by disturbing the other public, somehow first half is done, I asked my wife to come out for some refreshment & snacks but she politely rejected it (I thought she might be enjoying their presence & I wanna let her do what she want) by the time I came back with some snacks they are talking with my wife & she is responding with smiles (initially I was angry & jealous but started liking it), I came back & sat beside my wife, shared some snacks with her, soon movie started again, this time due to her positive response they moved a step ahead & tried to insert hands inside her blouse & saree but they are facing little hard to do it, I observed all this & got angry because they are out of limits, so instantly I moved out of screen, clam down in a moment, I took out my mobile & calling my wife to come out, but her phone is vibrating in my other pocket, stood a second, feel like urgent motion, went to washroom, got relieved from pressure, fresh up, drunk a glass of water, again I came back to seats, to my shock I found my wife hands on their pants rubbing their dicks, that guy is pressing my wife boobs as her blouse 1st 2 hooks are opened, its being first time seeing my wife like that it completely my mind went blank, it felt like firing that guy at that moment but something inside me is stopping to do that, I have nothing to do so sat in my place, my eyes struck to screen by ears & mind are completely focused in what’s going with my wife? I heard some sounds like guys are changing seats to sit beside my wife, finally after maybe around 45-50 minutes she cleaned her hands with kerchief, her hands are adjusting something under her pallu, she saw my face in a question mood that am I observing her or not?, now all those 4 boys including my wife sat like innocent kids as if nothing happened, movie ended in 5 minutes, while coming out of the screen
Me : How’s it?
She : looking at me in a tensed expression(she thought I caught her)
Me : what’s that crazy expression, am I asking about movie !
She: oh movie( seems relaxed now, let a small moan from her mouth, one of those guys pressed her ass in crowd)
Me: what happened ? are u ok?
She: yeah am fine, & the movie is awesome !
Me : (with no expression watching her face, her face is towards me but her eyes are signalling to one of the guys stood behind me, stating him that she liked it)
We came back home on my bike, I went into shower but unknowingly my mind started to rewind that incident, my hands started to stroke my dick & cummed a huge load…
(after coming home I cummed a lot in my washroom)