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Disclaimer: All characters in this story are adults and above 18 years of age

It was Holi and Lakshmi and her childhood friends had been playing Holi since early morning like they always did since childhood laughing and giggling and just being happy village girls in this rural village.

Lakshmi was 20 and because of her beauty and awesome luscious body was easily married off at the age of 18.
Her bridegroom was considered an awesome catch as he was Government employed and worked as a clerk in a rural post office in another small town in the same state.
Since Lakshmi was the only girl in her family and just had a younger brother 2 years younger, her father who was a small farmer like most in the village, had saved up enough to agree to all the terms and conditions put by the bridegrooms family and the wedding was a grand success with both sides of the families satisfied and the bride was whisked off to her new married life with a stranger in a faraway place but luckily in the same state.
Lakshmi was a matriculate and her husband had a college degree and was actually quite handsome and a gentleman.
But like most Indian boys, he was a mother's boy and always obeyed his mother.
Her in-laws were also farmers like her family and of equal status and Lakshmi was the youngest of three DIL's. Lakshmi was treated well and everything was good for the 1st year and her in-laws were very keen on having a male grandchild as the older two DIL's had produced only girl children.
When Lakshmi did not get pregnant in the first year, things started changing and Lakshmi felt the atmosphere change and there was subtle and not so subtle pressure for her to produce a child and that too a male child


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Lakshmi's and her husband's sex life was normal like any newly married Indian couple and Lakshmi was a good Indian wife and always spread her legs for her husband whenever he was in the mood even if she was not.
But Lakshmi was not getting pregnant.
Lakshmi's in-laws got her checked in the nearby town by a lady gynec and found that everything was normal with her but still she was blamed for her not getting pregnant.
Neither she nor her parents had the guts to tell her in-laws to get their son (Lakshmi's husband) also examined by a doctor and now after two years, Lakshmi was given an ultimatum that if she did not get pregnant in the next three months, her in-laws would get her husband married for the second time and he would have two wives.
Lakshmi's husband Balram did not oppose his mother and quietly shrugged his shoulder in defeat when she had a pillow talk after fucking at night and asked him to stand up to his mother.


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So now Lakshmi had come home for Holi as her in-laws now were demanding more money and jewels and a new motorbike for their son.

Lakshmi still being a very young girl had soon forgotten her worries meeting her still unmarried childhood friend and reliving her childhood and now enjoying Holi like they always did.


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Lakshmi like her many friends had been hugged by numerous male relatives and in the guise of applying Holi colours and pumping coloured water on their young sexy bodies, she had been mauled and her 36" buttocks and 36" boobs had been pressed and squeezed.
Holi was the time when all the old and young tharki buggers got a chance in all the crowd of happily screaming groups of girls and men and the colours and water squirting everywhere, to feel and squeeze young female bodies without fearing any reprisal or MeToo crap.
Society had sanctioned open season on the females and through generations the females had endured all that happened on this day.

Not to say that many females even looked forward to this day as they could get their sometimes frustrated hot bodies touched and admired by strange men and this empowered the females, so there were no complaints ever.


Well-Known Member
Now it was a few hours into playing Holi and the men and boys were getting a bit bolder and aggressive due to imbibing Bhang(cannibis drink).


(((((((((From Wikipedia ((((((((((Bhang (Hindi: भांग) is an edible preparation of cannabis originating from the Indian Subcontinent. t has been used in food and drink as early as 1000 BC in ancient India. Bhang is traditionally distributed during the spring festival of Holi. Bhang is mainly used in bhang shops, which sell the cannabis-infused Indian drinks bhang lassi and bhang thandai.)))))))))))))))))))))



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Also Lakshmi and her friends were getting a bit tired but as it was her last day in her home village and she would be returning to her Sasural (married home) the next day, she wanted to enjoy as much as possible.

The group of friends had by now inadvertently reached the outskirts of their small village and Lakshmi's friends decided that it was time to turn back as this area was scarcely populated and quite remote.

They had reached the dreaded fork in the road and were walking back towards their home when their way was stopped by 4 young boys on bicycles.

Normally on Holi young boys raided nearby villages in groups of friends in the hope of getting to meet and play with some beautiful young village girls from a different village as the girls in their own village knew them and they had to be within their limits. Also the girls from their village may be the sisters of some of their friends and they could not do anything. But neighbouring girls were fair game and they could at least indulge in some heavy petting and kissing.


Well-Known Member
Now having imbibed Bhang and in high spirits they looked surprised finding the group of young girls so far away from their village center.
The boys who had played with various females of all ages including the village aunties the last 2 hours and had their fill of squeezing boobs and buttocks and sporting massive hardons were frustrated and had taken a break and had come here to take a piss in the field's close by.

Now suddenly seeing young girls giggling and walking near the edge of the village boundary they now looked hungrily at the group of young girls.

They parked their bikes and picked up their water guns and coloured powder and started walking towards the 5 girls with a determined look on their faces.
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Lakshmi's friends squealed and giggled and holding hands started running away from the boys screaming in excitement knowing very well that if caught their boobs and buttocks would be mauled by these young studs.
Normally when in groups the boys were within their limits and never went beyond some harmless making out.
The unmarried girls also did not mind being mauled a bit and enjoyed the soft sexual nature of these interactions.

The squealing and screaming excited girls had now reached the dreaded fork in the road.

One path in the forked road led back into the village and there were a few huts and had relative safety, while the other forked road led into the green crop fields.

Every girl and woman in the village knew from warnings from their mothers that on Holi or most other days to avoid going into the fields alone or risk being raped and gang fucked.


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Few girls who wanted to be fucked usually used the road into the fields and would after entering through the dense fields would invariably meet a strong farmer hopefully younger one who was always willing to satisfy the girl's or women's lust discreetly in the secure safe location hidden inbetween the tall crops.

About 100 yards into the fields was a small pump house and a small clearing.

Lakshmi remembered her mother's strict instructions every year to avoid going into the fields alone and she had also strictly followed her mother's instructions.

Lakshmi now remembered her mother's strict instructions that morning on this particular and following her mother's instructions she jerked her friend's hand holding her tightly and ran toward the right forked road while her friends took the left safe forked road leading to safety.
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Lakshmi ran as fast as she could with fast beating heart while her friends watched in dismay at their married friend make such a big mistake.
They screamed warnings at Lakshmi but realized that their friend had forgotten in two years of marriage and being away from their village, that the road led into the fields and it was dangerous with 4 young studs following her into the fields.
They hoped that Lakshmi managed to escape and join them back at their homes and with their silent girl's code kept quiet about Lakshmi's whereabouts if asked about her.