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Incest Mother Son Bonds: Son Love Transforms a Mother's Life (Completed)


New Member
Hello everyone, I'm new here and not an experienced writer, but I'm excited to share my first unique story. It's original content, not copied from anywhere. If there are any mistakes in my writing, I appreciate your support and understanding.


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Episode 1
Hello, my name is Amisha Reddy. Today, I’m sharing a story with you that blends the fantastical with the harsh realities of life. My tale is set in the small, verdant village of Marappan, nestled within the rolling hills of Tamil Nadu, just a 30-minute bus ride from the bustling city. Here, amidst the greenery and simplicity, I live with my husband, Vikram Reddy, and our children: our son Arsh, and our two daughters.
I have always been told that I resemble an actress, though we have many differences. I am a fair-skinned woman, and my children have inherited this fair complexion as well. I have a voluptuous figure with a bust size of 34B. My appearance often attracts attention when I go out; I notice men and boys glancing at me frequently.

My body is curvy, and my hips are especially striking. I am often considered attractive and sexy, and people in my village often remark on my beauty. Overall, I am regarded as a hot and sexy woman, known for my alluring appearance throughout the entire village.
When I was 18 years old, my life took a turn that I had not anticipated. My father, a humble shop owner in Kerala, received a marriage proposal for me. In our culture, such proposals often carry the weight of destiny, and my parents, trusting in the goodness of Vikram’s family, accepted without much investigation. They believed he was a good man, and for the first two years, it seemed they were right. Our marriage was filled with hope and the promise of a bright future.
During the first year of our marriage, our son Arsh was born. His arrival filled our lives with joy and renewed purpose. Arsh was a beautiful baby, with eyes that sparkled with curiosity and a smile that could melt the hardest of hearts. I felt an overwhelming sense of happiness and fulfillment as I cradled my newborn son, dreaming of the life we would build together.
However, as the years went by, cracks began to appear in the facade of our seemingly perfect life. Vikram’s demeanor started to change. The man who once showered me with love and affection began to spend more and more time away from home, returning late at night with the unmistakable scent of alcohol on his breath. Initially, I tried to ignore it, convincing myself that it was just a phase, that Vikram was merely unwinding after a long day.
But it wasn’t a phase. Vikram’s drinking grew worse, and with it, his temper. He began to abuse me, both verbally and physically, in his drunken stupors. The loving husband I had once known was replaced by a volatile stranger who spent our hard-earned money on alcohol and cigarettes, leaving little for the family’s necessities. Our financial situation deteriorated rapidly, and I found myself struggling to make ends meet.
Vikram’s addiction consumed him entirely. He would disappear for days, returning home only to demand more money for his vices. When I refused, he would lash out, his rage manifesting in cruel words and painful blows. The home that was once my sanctuary became a prison of fear and despair. I often found myself hiding my bruises and putting on a brave face for the sake of my children.
Despite the turmoil, I tried to maintain a semblance of normalcy for Arsh. I wanted him to have a stable environment, to grow up with dreams and aspirations unmarred by the chaos that surrounded us. I encouraged him to focus on his studies, to channel his energy into something positive and constructive.
Arsh proved to be a bright and diligent student. He excelled in his academics, securing 82% marks in his 10th-grade board exams, a remarkable achievement given the circumstances. His success brought a glimmer of hope into our lives, a reminder that not all was lost. However, the pressures of our home life began to take a toll on him as well. In his 11th grade, his marks dropped to 74%, but he remained determined, and I continued to support him in every way I could.
Now in his 12th grade, Arsh is working harder than ever. He dreams of a future where he can escape the confines of our small village and make something of himself, a future where he can provide for his family and ensure that we never have to endure such hardships again. His resilience and determination inspire me to keep going, to push through the pain and fight for a better life.
Amidst the chaos, I found solace in my education. Having completed an MA in English Literature, I was fortunate to secure a job at a nearby coaching center, teaching English speaking classes. It was a 30-minute bus ride away, but it provided a necessary escape from the oppressive atmosphere at home. The job allowed me to contribute financially, albeit barely enough to survive. Every rupee I earned went towards our daily needs and the endless stream of hospital bills for Vikram’s deteriorating health.
Teaching became my refuge. It was a place where I could forget my troubles for a few hours and focus on helping others improve their lives. The students appreciated my efforts, and their progress brought a sense of accomplishment that was otherwise absent from my life. It was through this job that I managed to keep our family afloat, even as Vikram’s behavior continued to spiral out of control.
Vikram’s health continued to decline as his addiction worsened. He became a shell of the man he once was, spending his days in a stupor, unable to work or contribute in any meaningful way. His presence became a constant reminder of the life we had lost, of the dreams that had been shattered by his choices. Despite everything, I could not bring myself to leave him. Perhaps it was out of a sense of duty or the hope that he might one day change, but I remained by his side, enduring the abuse and hardship for the sake of our children.
The financial strain was immense. Every penny I earned was spent on medical bills, leaving us with barely enough to cover basic necessities. There were days when I would go without food to ensure that my children had enough to eat. It was a constant struggle, but I refused to give up. My children were my priority, and I was determined to provide them with a better future, no matter the cost.
Four years after Arsh was born, I became pregnant again. This time, I was blessed with a daughter, a beautiful baby girl who brought a new sense of purpose into our lives. Despite the challenges, I found joy in caring for her and watching her grow. Four years later, I had another daughter, further expanding our little family. My daughters became the light in the darkness, their laughter and innocence providing a brief respite from the harsh realities of our situation. I made it my mission to nurture my children, to provide them with as much love and support as I could muster. I wanted them to grow up knowing that they were valued and cherished, despite the chaos that surrounded them. I encouraged them to pursue their dreams, to strive for excellence in their studies, and to believe in themselves.
In 2015, I was 37 years old. My son Arsh had just completed his 11th grade and took admission in a different school for his 12th. However, this year was different. Our situation changed drastically because I fell ill due to the weather conditions. My health deteriorated to the point where I had to stop going to work. Without any savings, we struggled to manage our household expenses.

Arsh, at just 16 years old, stepped up to take responsibility. He found a job at a nearby restaurant in the city, working hard to earn enough to support us. Despite his young age, he managed the restaurant efficiently and brought home enough money to cover our basic needs. But life was far from easy. My husband, Vikram, continued his destructive habits, demanding money from me without any care for my health or our children. He was indifferent to the fact that we had two daughters, aged 8 and 5.5 years old, who needed attention and care. All he did was drink and smoke, making my life a living hell.
I was confined to the house, unable to walk outside due to my illness. Most of Arsh's income went towards my medical bills. I often thought about how hard he worked to provide for us. When he came home, he would prepare food for us, and sometimes he even brought food from the restaurant. He served me meals, made sure I took my medicine, and looked after his younger sisters.
Arsh always found time to talk to me about his day at the restaurant and how he was managing his school fees. He was a science student, having chosen biology in the 11th grade. Despite the overwhelming responsibilities, he was determined to continue his education. Our daughters attended a government school, but Arsh paid his own school fees, refusing to compromise on his education.
Every night, after dinner, Arsh and I spent time together. I would teach him as much as I could, sharing my knowledge and helping him with his studies. Due to my illness, I was unable to do any housework. Whenever I tried, the pain in my body became unbearable. Arsh saw my struggles and did everything he could to ease my suffering.

One of the most touching parts of our routine was the massages he gave me each night. Arsh would gently massage my legs, shoulders, and head, relieving the pain that plagued me daily.
Arsh's massages were a source of great comfort to me. He would start by sitting beside me, his hands warm and soothing. He began with my legs, applying gentle pressure with his fingers and palms. Slowly, he worked his way up from my ankles to my calves, kneading the muscles with care. His touch was firm yet tender, easing the tension that had built up throughout the day.

He would then move to my shoulders, where he used his thumbs to press into the knots and tight spots. The pain would melt away under his skilled hands. Arsh was patient, taking his time to ensure that every part of my body was attended to. He would massage my shoulders in small, circular motions, gradually increasing the pressure to release the stiffness.

Finally, he would massage my head, his fingers gently running through my hair. He knew exactly where to apply pressure to relieve my headaches. His hands moved rhythmically, and I could feel the stress and pain dissipate with each stroke. The sensation was almost magical, bringing a sense of peace and relaxation that I desperately needed.

As Arsh massaged me, we talked about his day, his dreams, and his plans for the future. Despite the hardships, these moments were filled with love and hope. I cherished the time we spent together, feeling grateful for his care and devotion.
Arsh's dedication went beyond providing financially. He was the emotional anchor of our family, holding us together with his love and strength. His nightly massages were more than just physical relief; they were a testament to his unwavering support and compassion.

I loved hearing about his experiences at the restaurant, how he balanced work and school, and his interactions with customers. His stories brought a sense of normalcy to our chaotic life. Despite the long hours he spent working and studying, he never complained. Instead, he remained focused on his goals, determined to create a better future for us all.
The bond between Arsh and me grew stronger each day. His presence was a constant source of comfort and hope. Even though I couldn't contribute much physically, I made sure to be there for him emotionally. Our conversations at night were filled with laughter, dreams, and plans for a brighter future. Arsh's hard work and dedication inspired me to keep fighting, to hold on to the hope that things would get better. He was not just my son; he was my hero, my strength, and my reason to keep going.
As time went by, Arsh and I became more than just mother and son; we became friends. Spending so much time together, we talked about everything under the sun and shared countless funny moments. Despite the hardships we faced, these were some of the best times of my life. Arsh treated me with such respect and care, like a true gentleman. Slowly, I began to see him not just as my son, but as someone who could be a lover, though not in a romantic way—more as a deep, affectionate bond that brought us closer together.
Every evening, after Arsh finished his work at the restaurant, he would come home and we would play games together. Even though my illness made it hard for me to walk or do much physical activity, Arsh found ways to include me. We would play simple games like board games or cards. Sometimes, he would read stories to me, adding funny voices to the characters, making me laugh until my sides hurt. He would also tell me about his day at the restaurant, often mimicking his boss or the customers, which always cracked me up.

One of our favorite games was a simple version of "catch" where he would gently toss a soft ball to me while I lay in bed, and I would try to catch it. It was a small, silly game, but it brought us so much joy. Arsh would sometimes exaggerate his throws or make funny faces, and I would pretend to be a professional ball player, which always ended with us laughing uncontrollably.


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Episode 2

One night, Arsh came home with a big grin on his face. He had brought home a small cake from the restaurant, a rare treat for us. We decided to have a mini celebration, just the two of us. As we ate the cake, we talked about our dreams and hopes. Arsh told me about his plans to become a doctor, to help people like me who were suffering. His dedication and love for me shone through his words, filling me with pride and hope for the future.
After our little celebration, Arsh suggested we play charades. Even though I was confined to bed, we made it work. Arsh would act out different characters and situations, often making them hilariously over-the-top. I would try to guess, sometimes getting it right, sometimes wrong, but always having a great time. His playful antics and exaggerated gestures brought so much laughter and light into our home.
Despite these moments of joy, there were dark times as well. One night, Vikram, my husband, came home drunk as usual. He demanded money from Arsh, who refused, explaining that we needed the money for essentials. Enraged, Vikram slapped Arsh hard across the face. The sound of the slap echoed through our small house, and my heart broke seeing the pain and shock in Arsh's eyes.
From that moment on, my feelings towards Vikram changed. I began to hate him. His selfishness, his addiction, and his abusive behavior had destroyed the man I once knew. He didn't care about our children, about our struggles, or about the love and effort Arsh put into keeping our family together. I couldn't stand to look at him anymore.
Vikram and I started living separately in our small house. We had two rooms, a tiny kitchen, and a bathroom. Vikram mostly slept on the terrace, drinking himself into a stupor every night. Arsh and I shared one room, beacuase he gave me medicine and help me in other things for short time time he is living with me while our daughters shared the other. Vikram and I had no physical relationship after our third child was born. He had lost the ability to satisfy me physically, and any affection I once had for him had long disappeared. Now, I found myself longing for the intimacy and care that Vikram could no longer provide.
Arsh slept in my room, often falling asleep with his head on my shoulder. I love to kiss him on his forhead I loved to watch him sleep, admiring how handsome he looked. His peaceful face, free of the worries and responsibilities he carried during the day, was a source of comfort and pride for me. I would gently kiss his forehead, not out of any romantic feeling, but purely as a mother’s love for her child.
Arsh knew how much I loved sarees, and during my illness, he often bought them for me. Even though I couldn’t go out, I loved to wear the new sarees and maxi he got for me and do light makeup. It made me feel beautiful and cherished. I never admitted it, but I enjoyed dressing up for him, taking pride in the fact that my son cared so much for me.
Every night, after our games and stories, Arsh would massage my legs, shoulders, and head. His hands were strong yet gentle, easing the pain and tension in my body. As he worked, we talked about his day, his dreams, and his plans for the future. Despite the hardships, these moments were filled with love and hope.
One night, while he was massaging my shoulders, Arsh started telling me about a funny incident at the restaurant. Apparently, a customer had mistaken him for the owner’s son and started complaining about the service. Arsh had played along, pretending to be the son, and had managed to calm the customer down with his charm and wit. The way he told the story, with exaggerated expressions and gestures, had me laughing so hard that tears streamed down my face.
Arsh had a talent for finding joy in small things. One evening, he came home with a small pot of flowers. He had found it at the market and thought it would brighten up our room. We spent the evening planting the flowers in a little garden we made on the windowsill. Watching the flowers bloom over the next few weeks brought us both a sense of accomplishment and happiness.
Life was difficult, but Arsh’s love and dedication made it bearable. Our nightly routines, filled with games, laughter, and massages, were a source of joy and comfort. Despite his young age, Arsh carried the weight of our family on his shoulders, always with a smile and a kind word. Through the darkest times, his strength and love shone brightly, giving me hope and the will to keep fighting. Our bond, built on mutual respect, care, and countless shared moments, became the foundation of our lives. Despite the challenges, we found happiness in each other, and in the little joys that life had to offer.
One night, something happened that changed everything for me. Arsh came home late but was very happy. He served me and his sisters dinner with a big smile on his face. After finishing all the work, he came to my room. I asked him why he was three hours late and why he didn't pick up my calls. I said this with sadness. Suddenly, he hugged me tightly. I felt so good. His hands were on my shoulders, and his head rested on my left shoulder.he pressed my boobs i was shocked but its just a accidents even d=he didn't relise that he did so i don't mind.
I asked him playfully, "Why do you look so happy? Did you meet a girl?"
He kissed my cheek and said, "No, Mom. Today, I got something very important for me and for us."
Confused, I asked, "What is it?"
He told me that the restaurant he worked at would be closed for a while because the owner was going to his son wedding in the village. "But," I said, even more confused, "this isn't good news. It's bad news."
Arsh shook his head, smiling even wider. "No, Mom. The owner told me I could run the restaurant for 30 days. I don't have to pay for anything except the workers. Imagine, Mom, I'll make a lot of money in 30 days! After this, I can start my own small restaurant. This is my chance to save 3 to 4 lakhs in a month. I have a strong plan to increase sales."
Hearing this, I kissed his cheek, feeling proud and happy for him.
then he lay down on the bed and trying to take rest
Then I told him, "I was missing you today when you were late. I was scared." I put my hand on his head and started giving him a head massage. He closed his eyes, relaxing. I began teasing him. "I thought you were meeting a girl from the restaurant."
He opened his eyes and said, "Mom, I'm not like that. I don't focus on those things."
"Why not?" I asked.i gave him compliment that you are a handsome guy in thisa age of 17 years i believe girls relly like you to see
He said i noticed yeah they do like even some girls come to me to ask my number but
He hesitated and shyly replied, "I just don't like it."
"Any reason?" I pressed.
"I don't know," he said.
"Beta, you have to tell me without hesitation. Don't be shy; you are a biology student," I laughed.

Arsh laughed too and said, "Because it's not the right age."

"Oh, okay," I said, understandingly.
i said in our village after 3 years you will get a marriage proposal he said yeah then we laugh
He smiled, and I continued, "Because your father didn't love me."

"Do you love papa?" he asked.

"No," I replied.

Arsh was silent for a moment, then said, "I have to tell you something." He got up from the bed, closed the door, and then returned.

"Please don't mind, mom, if I say anything wrong. I'm just sharing my feelings," he said with a tense face.

"Yes, beta, share. You know we can talk about anything. Just say it," I encouraged him.

Read Next


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Episode 3

"When I was nine years old, I saw father drunk and being very mean to you. It scared me so much. I saw him do things that made me feel really bad and I couldn't understand why."

I was shocked and told him, "Beta, stop. I will explain. Wait, I need a moment."

Then Arsh asked, "Mom, can I ask you a question?" He looked afraid.

"Yes, beta, you can ask anything and everything. You are my best friend, my best son. In this situation,
Me beta please don't think about me anything wrong when i get married to your father without seeing his face because its was a arranged maariage he is littel bit with hestation on our first night he came in my room and even didn't look me he told me that im in love with someone i don't like you and i will just use you to make my self satisfy, I was shocked what he is saying then suddenly he start taking off my clothes and did what he want, But after some days i talk to my mother i explained each and every thing and i got another shocked when my mother said he will be fine in after somedays don't owrry he will love you once you got pregnant after hearing this statement i was completly shcoked that every husbend have a right o do this things with women whatever he want she have to give him after this i wait 3 mothes even i told him my sasural nothing happend they blammed me thats's why you never see to me to talk i got pregnant and not much happned i wait 2 more years nothing is happend even this is a better to me after 2 yesrd he dtop doing any job and i started just drink and drink this made me to hate him i stop taling to my mother and father because he reuin my life im graduated women i deserve better life i alwsyas loves my kids to provide everything but husbned never do any help he always beat me and just use me never love me as a husbned do when saying this i was about to cry same situaton was Arsh too, the nigh you are talking he trird to do something and torture me by doing this first time i best him with lot of anger im not like that beta he is not a good guy imagine i was illed from last 7 monthes he never asked me what happend to me 3 monthes ago he came in my room and sit on the bed i was sleeping in morning daughters out for the school you went to resto work and he start atking off my clothes and i wakeup i tried to not to do anything i beat him again remeber that night i got pain and you asked me what happend today you looked so tired this happened to make bet im don't have a husbend from when my third kids born i never allowe him to touch me even we're not husbend wife for society yes im married this all lot of things happed to me my parents and relatives only come to see me, not to help. I'm glad to have a son like you. In my next life on Earth, I want a husband like you."Arsh listened with tears in his eyes. "Mom, I'm sorry you had to go through all this. I'm here for you," he said.
I hugged him tightly. "Thank you, beta. You are my strength. We will get through this together. I start kissing on his cheeks, forhead and Neck and I tightly hugged him and tears coming in his eye after this he said mom doctor told me that you will be fine in 20 to 30 days i will give you what ever you want and again i kissed on his for head
I held his hand and made a promise that he didn't need to worry anymore. We could talk about anything because we were alone, with no one else to take care of us.

The next morning, I woke up around 7 and found Arsh sleeping on my shoulder. I kissed his forehead gently, but when I tried to move, he stirred and woke up. By 10 o'clock, we had planned to visit the doctor to discuss my condition. I could move around the house now, my legs and body were working better, but I still wasn't ready to walk outside. Initially, I couldn't even go to the bathroom without Arsh's help, but after a few days, I managed on my own. Now, I was getting ready to take a bath when Arsh came out of the bathroom. I hesitated, but he reassured me with a look, and I understood it was okay.
That day, Arsh had the day off, so we decided to go for the doctor's appointment. It was almost 10 o'clock when we reached the hospital, only to find out there was construction on the ground floor, and the doctor had moved to the 4th floor. It was challenging for me to use the stairs, so I asked Arsh to go to the doctor and request him to come downstairs. He went up to the 4th floor and returned, saying the doctor wasn't there and we had to wait. I told him I couldn't walk, but he insisted he could carry me. We both laughed when he said I was heavy, and I joked about my "great personality."
He hailed an auto, and after 20 minutes, we arrived at the mall. I felt hesitant because I couldn't walk, but Arsh reassured me and got a wheelchair from the mall staff. Inside, I saw others using wheelchairs, which made me feel less self-conscious. We explored three floors of the mall, and when we reached the clothes section, Arsh suggested I buy some sarees. I also needed some undergarments, which made me hesitate, but Arsh encouraged me. It was the first time I was buying such clothes with my beloved son.
Arsh then suggested we watch a movie, and though I initially declined, he insisted, saying he wanted to do something special for me. We watched a funny romantic movie, enjoying popcorn and cold drinks together. Afterward, we returned to the hospital, facing the same challenge of climbing the stairs to the 4th floor. By then, it was early evening, and there was no crowd. I asked Arsh to go again and call the doctor down.
Then suddenly, he gently grabbed my shoulder and grabbed my ass his hand down to my waist, scooping me up into his arms. I protested softly, fearing I might fall, but he reassured me with a confident smile, "Trust me, I'm strong enough. Let's wait for the doctor, just give me five minutes." With surprising agility, he started moving swiftly, and despite my initial nervousness, I began to feel a rush of excitement.
As he carried me effortlessly, my attention shifted, and I found myself captivated by the earnest expression on his face. His lips, so inviting and tender, beckoned to me. In that moment, I couldn't resist the impulse to show him how much his care meant to me. I leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, savoring the warmth and closeness between us. It was a moment filled with a profound sense of connection and gratitude.
By the time we reached the 4th floor, I couldn't help but admire how handsome he looked, his determination etched in every line of his face. His strength and unwavering support had not only carried me physically but had also touched me deeply within.
Doctor announce my name and i enter to doctor room and after looking my report he said yu will be well in 20 days now please start walking slowly slowly you have to walk around the house and take this injection daily he wrote in the paper i told him thst Arsh know how to do use injection he will give me doctor said okay you don't have to come here this is a final im sure you will be fine and this diesies will not come in your body hopefully becuase we did our full course from the last 7 monthes we are treating you are strong women enough to handle this i thnks him and again he lift me but this time after reching to 2 floor no one is here i looked around them i push him around the floor and told what are you doing in naughty way without telling you you lift me atlest asked me then he feel bad his face saying than i kiss him and said go sorry arsh if i heart you first time i said baby because i have seen in movie that women saying baby to his boyfried he laugh when i did this we reached to home and then make dinner he did all house chore and come in my room and said mom i ready to give massage i was lying on the bed he is starting giving me massage in my leg he is doing very well i was very enjoyed but dcotor suggest me to use this oil for doing massage i told him he grabe it and and i pull my saree and i put some oil in my body then i said put some in my back as well without thinking much i take off my clothes my little clothes then he did but firdt time i notice his hand was shaking when i come to my close ares of ass i understand then i said okay for today

A few days after he started working hard at the restaurant, I was able to manage all the housework and take care of my children. He was doing a lot of work, and after 30 days, he came home with a good amount of money—5.5 lakhs in just one month. When I asked how he made that much money, he didn't tell me. I wasn't sure how he earned it, but he assured me that he had 5.5 lakhs rupees in his bank account. I asked him if he was doing anything bad to earn that money, and he said no. He was confident that it was our money, and I felt happy for him. He had completed his 12th class with 61% marks.



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Episode 4

After a few months, I also started working at a tuition center and was feeling completely fine. He took a big step in his career. Then, he came into my room and told me that he was thinking about buying the restaurant where he worked.

I asked him, "How?"

Arsh explained that the owner of the restaurant was selling it for 15 lakhs. I stopped and said, "But beta, we don't have the money to buy it. It's a great time to buy because we will get an established business that will change our lives."

After thinking for one or two minutes, I said, "I will sell this house, buy the restaurant, and get a new house near the restaurant. We will move there. This is an amazing move in our life. We can easily sell this house because it's near the road. We will buy a bit larger house; I heard the prices are not high in that area."

Arsh said, "Mummy, I'm also thinking the same, but Papa is the main problem. He will not agree to sell this house. How can we convince Papa? If we buy the restaurant, we will work at the same place and do our best to make more and more money."

I replied, "Yeah, I do agree that's a big problem."

Arsh suggested, "Let's talk to Papa together."

I agreed, "Okay, let's go and talk."

After that, we went to the terrace, and I offered him food to eat, which Arsh got from the restaurant when he came back home. After 3 or 4 minutes, I started explaining things, saying that our Arsh is planning to buy a restaurant for doing business. His boss is selling it due to his age and is now settling in the town with his family. Arsh will handle this business easily as he is already working in the restaurant and knows how to manage things.

My husband started laughing and said, "He is my son." I looked at Arsh and saw in his eyes that our plan might work.

My husband continued, "So, sell this house, buy a new one near the city, or use the money for buying the restaurant. I will also work in your restaurant," he said, laughing.

Arsh came close to him and said, "Yes, Papa, we can. We will work together and live a good life." He hugged him.

In my mind, I was very happy because I never thought he would agree to sell the house. I felt extraordinary at that moment.

It took 30 days to complete all the work. Finally, we bought a new house which was a 20-minute walk from the restaurant, and we moved there. Our new house had two floors, three rooms, one bathroom, and a kitchen. It was a good house, better than the old one. My daughters were very happy, and so was I. My son completed all the paperwork in 8 days. Now, he was starting his own restaurant at the age of 18. This was amazing. We did some puja to open the restaurant, and my husband was also happy. I left my job and started working in the restaurant kitchen. We were two women and one 60-year-old man working as kitchen staff, along with a few girls and boys. Life was going great. I was enjoying life and was surprised to see how, in less than one year, my life had changed. A year ago, I was worrying about finances and my husband's health problems. Then he suddenly fell ill and couldn't walk in the house. Even my son had to help him go to the bathroom. Now, I was fit and fine, going everywhere, and my daughters were going to a good school. My son and I had become best friends, watching movies, shopping, and wearing my favorite clothes. Our earnings were good, and my husband was doing well in his life. He was drinking and spending a lot of time with his friends, but he came to the restaurant to work, doing cleaning, buying vegetables from the market, and getting chicken from the shop. However, he was drinking some different kind of alcohol, which was making him weaker day by day. Everything was good for me, but one incident changed everything in just one day.



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Episode 5

My husbend told that we have to go to in a wedding of my brother in law daughter in his village which is 350 km from our city he will come i said to him that we are busy in restaurent work you can go he told me suddenly my daughter saying i will also want to go there to meet uncle and his family i said because they only 8 adn 12 years old that he is going with our two daugters i agree then he leave for the train its a after some hours in afternoon time we rrealised that today is heavy rain so we decided to close resto and go to home we reached home when i enter in my house i see that my son is looking my cleavge and looking with lusty eye i was stunned but i said what are you looking he said you are looking beautiful in the rain i said okay i though its normal In night he came to me and told me that i want to sleep with you in your bed because today its aheavy rain lets watched movie so we play movie and start watching after some time i realised that they are lot of hot scene coming so he is shying and swicth off the T.V then i though in my mind that we do discuss every thing in every i said why you switch off the tv he was quit silence in a minutes then said muumy its a bad movie i said okay don't be shy after few minutes
Me Do you have any female friend in your college ?( he is doing BBA)
Arsh Nope i don't have it
Me Why? its importent to have friends
Arsh i don't have trime to wast on this things and he lay down in bed close to me
Me I made him sit on my lap and started caressing his head.
Me so one day you will get married and how you will give time to your wife ?
Arsh I will give time i know how to manage both things at a time
Me what if your wife fight with me ? with laughing
Arsh I wills support you alwasys
Me by the way tell what you want in your wife
Arsh like you
Me what i have ?
Arsh you are beautiful caring mother loyal wife harworking women and very cleaver lady. Your hairs and eyes are very beautiful every men should want wife like you hot and sexy he laugh
Me ooh okay
Arsh Even if you are not my mother i will propuse you and get married to you and make give you lot of love he stand his head and hug me
Me im very lucky to have son like you, you changed my life thanks you beta for giving me lot of love even if im not your mother i would like to be your wife too, i hugged him tightly suddenly he broke the hugged and said i want water i gave him and then we slept
next morning is also rain i call to my husbend to ask are you okay and talk about wedding funcution i see while talking to him my son was thinkng in his mind aftr call i asked what are you thinking why you not doing excerise he said im thingking about something.
After 3 days it was a eveining time he come in the restaurent kitchen and told me that he had a pain in his down side of head he told me that he was not able to look down we reached home and i gave him a medicine after few housrs its a night time i came in his room to see his health we was talking with to him.
When I entered the room I saw that my son was talking to you, he was shocked and confused, instead of getting better he got worse, then I saw that the bottle which I had given him had expired, then I felt a sound of the glass breaking, which was a small one, I caught hold of my son and hugged him and held his hand, then after that I kissed his forehead and then suddenly he kissed my lips and even bit me a little, I suddenly pushed him away from you and looked at him, he was no longer in his senses
Then I went towards him and this time I caught him and made him sit on the bed and suddenly he grabbed my waist and pulled me on the bed. He pressed my boobs. I got suspicious, what is he doing? I asked him, what are you doing son? But he was not listening, he was just pressing my boobs very hard. After that he took my cheek in his mouth and he was just sucking my cheek very hard. Now I was going to protest when he took one of my ears in his mouth and started sucking the area near the ear. After about 30 seconds, I pushed him away from me and stood up. He was lying on the bed. After some time, I felt that how handsome he is, if I do it, he will become mine. I love him somewhere, I had not thought about it and my pussy was also wet somewhere. I lost control and I also started enjoying because I had not done sex for many years. I was only doing masturbation for many years. I started opening his pants and pulled his pants down, then took off his clothes. When I took off his underwear, I could not imagine that it would be so big at this age, so I made myself completely naked and sucked him too. As soon as I held his long tight penis, a strange feeling started flowing inside me. I lay down on the bed, took him on top of me, held his link in my hand and placed it on my pussy. Then I gave a jerk and his penis went under my pussy. After that, I kept doing it like this for some time. Then he was not even aware of what was happening. When he jerked me a few times, I held him and felt it. The feeling I was feeling, I had never experienced it till date. In all these years, my husband had never fucked me like this. It was very tasty, while he was not aware.
After some time both of them released each other and now I was tired, I fell asleep and I hugged Arsh and slept. After that in the morning when I woke up, there was a scream and Arsh was crying and saying mummy what happened. I woke up at night and saw him. He was holding a pen in his underwear and I was completely naked. It must have been around 11 o’clock at that time. Then he said sorry mummy what have I done to you please forgive me and started crying loudly. I felt that he was feeling guilty but I did not know that he had lead in his hand and he was about to cut his vein. I suddenly got up from the bed and ran towards him and caught him and hugged him and threw the lead from his hand and I was still naked. He was crying and was feeling guilty. I hid him and said Sanjay beta it is not your fault. Then I wrapped myself in a sheet and then my children and their father came and Arsh immediately ran towards me. Then I also wore my clothes and came out and met the kids. Still in my mind, Arsh was my son. I was afraid that he might take a wrong step. After that, Sita, I went to his room and locked it. He was crying and cursing you. As soon as I entered, he started saying that I did something to my mother that I cannot even imagine. God will not forgive me.
My mother, please forgive me, I did not do this intentionally. Then I went and sat near him and hugged him but he was not hugging me. He started rubbing his nose on my leg and started apologizing. I held his head but he was not letting me hold him, he was not letting me speak. His eyes had become red. Then I slapped him and he became silent. Then I kissed him on his lips and started sucking my cream and after that he separated me from himself and he stood up. Then suddenly I started licking the tears that were coming on his cheeks. I started licking his entire cheek and he was trying to separate me from himself but I was not getting up. After that I started crying and he said, mother, what are you doing? Then he suddenly kisses me on my lips and my head goes against the wall and he sucks my lips and rubs my head. His eyes were closed. The part of my head which was touching the wall was there. I was rubbing your heads lovingly, it was a kiss of around 3 minutes, suddenly I heard a voice, it was my daughter's, so Arsh, my son went back and I said, I love you son, you wanted a wife like me, I have found her, and he was a little happy, I said, don't do anything, you have to accept her, I nodded my head
After breakfast they are ready to go to the restaurant, I and Arsh were ready for going to the restaurant, they walk suddenly he put his hands on my hands, so they are just going, not looking at each other and not talking anything, they reached the restaurant was already open, then I and I both got busy in our work, whenever I saw Arsh, he was looking at me, it was really feeling good, that is I have a young lover and he is my totally hearted son, when we finished the restaurant work at 11 pm, everyone was about to leave, so I told everyone that I will do it, you go, then Arsh and I were in the restaurant, Arsh closed the shutter of the restaurant, it and there was a small gate there which was open but then he closed it from inside, now we both were alone and he came to me and told me that I want to talk to you about something. I finished my work and went and sat beside him, then Arsh said, Mummy, whatever happened last night was an accident, but I want to tell you something, I said, tell me beta, I love you, I said, I also love you, then he said, Mom, I love you like a woman, I used to always keep looking at you and I loved you since you were sick, but I could never say it, and he showed me a dairy, I used to write in this dairy at night and then sleep, I had always seen it, but I used to think that maybe the restaurant would have some account, but it was not so, that it was almost 1. We read it till the end, after that it was clear that he loves me a lot, he has written every little thing about me, he also told me about me, after that as I kept the diary down, he told me that he has seen me naked in the bathroom too and said a lot of things, he hugged me and then he started sucking my lips and I was also there, we kept doing this for some time, then he put his hand on my ass and pressed it, then he moved away and said so now we should go, I said wait I also love you and from today we are secret lovers, remember one thing that don't tell this to anyone, first mother-son we cannot have sex, this is our secret and don't tell it to anyone, he then sucked my lips and I also said, now I am only yours, let's go home, then he said but what about mummy-papa, son, your father should not come to know otherwise he will kill us, ok mummy, my father will not come to know and we left the restaurent

last part coming soon


New Member
Episode 5

My husbend told that we have to go to in a wedding of my brother in law daughter in his village which is 350 km from our city he will come i said to him that we are busy in restaurent work you can go he told me suddenly my daughter saying i will also want to go there to meet uncle and his family i said because they only 8 adn 12 years old that he is going with our two daugters i agree then he leave for the train its a after some hours in afternoon time we rrealised that today is heavy rain so we decided to close resto and go to home we reached home when i enter in my house i see that my son is looking my cleavge and looking with lusty eye i was stunned but i said what are you looking he said you are looking beautiful in the rain i said okay i though its normal In night he came to me and told me that i want to sleep with you in your bed because today its aheavy rain lets watched movie so we play movie and start watching after some time i realised that they are lot of hot scene coming so he is shying and swicth off the T.V then i though in my mind that we do discuss every thing in every i said why you switch off the tv he was quit silence in a minutes then said muumy its a bad movie i said okay don't be shy after few minutes
Me Do you have any female friend in your college ?( he is doing BBA)
Arsh Nope i don't have it
Me Why? its importent to have friends
Arsh i don't have trime to wast on this things and he lay down in bed close to me
Me I made him sit on my lap and started caressing his head.
Me so one day you will get married and how you will give time to your wife ?
Arsh I will give time i know how to manage both things at a time
Me what if your wife fight with me ? with laughing
Arsh I wills support you alwasys
Me by the way tell what you want in your wife
Arsh like you
Me what i have ?
Arsh you are beautiful caring mother loyal wife harworking women and very cleaver lady. Your hairs and eyes are very beautiful every men should want wife like you hot and sexy he laugh
Me ooh okay
Arsh Even if you are not my mother i will propuse you and get married to you and make give you lot of love he stand his head and hug me
Me im very lucky to have son like you, you changed my life thanks you beta for giving me lot of love even if im not your mother i would like to be your wife too, i hugged him tightly suddenly he broke the hugged and said i want water i gave him and then we slept
next morning is also rain i call to my husbend to ask are you okay and talk about wedding funcution i see while talking to him my son was thinkng in his mind aftr call i asked what are you thinking why you not doing excerise he said im thingking about something.
After 3 days it was a eveining time he come in the restaurent kitchen and told me that he had a pain in his down side of head he told me that he was not able to look down we reached home and i gave him a medicine after few housrs its a night time i came in his room to see his health we was talking with to him.
When I entered the room I saw that my son was talking to you, he was shocked and confused, instead of getting better he got worse, then I saw that the bottle which I had given him had expired, then I felt a sound of the glass breaking, which was a small one, I caught hold of my son and hugged him and held his hand, then after that I kissed his forehead and then suddenly he kissed my lips and even bit me a little, I suddenly pushed him away from you and looked at him, he was no longer in his senses
Then I went towards him and this time I caught him and made him sit on the bed and suddenly he grabbed my waist and pulled me on the bed. He pressed my boobs. I got suspicious, what is he doing? I asked him, what are you doing son? But he was not listening, he was just pressing my boobs very hard. After that he took my cheek in his mouth and he was just sucking my cheek very hard. Now I was going to protest when he took one of my ears in his mouth and started sucking the area near the ear. After about 30 seconds, I pushed him away from me and stood up. He was lying on the bed. After some time, I felt that how handsome he is, if I do it, he will become mine. I love him somewhere, I had not thought about it and my pussy was also wet somewhere. I lost control and I also started enjoying because I had not done sex for many years. I was only doing masturbation for many years. I started opening his pants and pulled his pants down, then took off his clothes. When I took off his underwear, I could not imagine that it would be so big at this age, so I made myself completely naked and sucked him too. As soon as I held his long tight penis, a strange feeling started flowing inside me. I lay down on the bed, took him on top of me, held his link in my hand and placed it on my pussy. Then I gave a jerk and his penis went under my pussy. After that, I kept doing it like this for some time. Then he was not even aware of what was happening. When he jerked me a few times, I held him and felt it. The feeling I was feeling, I had never experienced it till date. In all these years, my husband had never fucked me like this. It was very tasty, while he was not aware.
After some time both of them released each other and now I was tired, I fell asleep and I hugged Arsh and slept. After that in the morning when I woke up, there was a scream and Arsh was crying and saying mummy what happened. I woke up at night and saw him. He was holding a pen in his underwear and I was completely naked. It must have been around 11 o’clock at that time. Then he said sorry mummy what have I done to you please forgive me and started crying loudly. I felt that he was feeling guilty but I did not know that he had lead in his hand and he was about to cut his vein. I suddenly got up from the bed and ran towards him and caught him and hugged him and threw the lead from his hand and I was still naked. He was crying and was feeling guilty. I hid him and said Sanjay beta it is not your fault. Then I wrapped myself in a sheet and then my children and their father came and Arsh immediately ran towards me. Then I also wore my clothes and came out and met the kids. Still in my mind, Arsh was my son. I was afraid that he might take a wrong step. After that, Sita, I went to his room and locked it. He was crying and cursing you. As soon as I entered, he started saying that I did something to my mother that I cannot even imagine. God will not forgive me.
My mother, please forgive me, I did not do this intentionally. Then I went and sat near him and hugged him but he was not hugging me. He started rubbing his nose on my leg and started apologizing. I held his head but he was not letting me hold him, he was not letting me speak. His eyes had become red. Then I slapped him and he became silent. Then I kissed him on his lips and started sucking my cream and after that he separated me from himself and he stood up. Then suddenly I started licking the tears that were coming on his cheeks. I started licking his entire cheek and he was trying to separate me from himself but I was not getting up. After that I started crying and he said, mother, what are you doing? Then he suddenly kisses me on my lips and my head goes against the wall and he sucks my lips and rubs my head. His eyes were closed. The part of my head which was touching the wall was there. I was rubbing your heads lovingly, it was a kiss of around 3 minutes, suddenly I heard a voice, it was my daughter's, so Arsh, my son went back and I said, I love you son, you wanted a wife like me, I have found her, and he was a little happy, I said, don't do anything, you have to accept her, I nodded my head
After breakfast they are ready to go to the restaurant, I and Arsh were ready for going to the restaurant, they walk suddenly he put his hands on my hands, so they are just going, not looking at each other and not talking anything, they reached the restaurant was already open, then I and I both got busy in our work, whenever I saw Arsh, he was looking at me, it was really feeling good, that is I have a young lover and he is my totally hearted son, when we finished the restaurant work at 11 pm, everyone was about to leave, so I told everyone that I will do it, you go, then Arsh and I were in the restaurant, Arsh closed the shutter of the restaurant, it and there was a small gate there which was open but then he closed it from inside, now we both were alone and he came to me and told me that I want to talk to you about something. I finished my work and went and sat beside him, then Arsh said, Mummy, whatever happened last night was an accident, but I want to tell you something, I said, tell me beta, I love you, I said, I also love you, then he said, Mom, I love you like a woman, I used to always keep looking at you and I loved you since you were sick, but I could never say it, and he showed me a dairy, I used to write in this dairy at night and then sleep, I had always seen it, but I used to think that maybe the restaurant would have some account, but it was not so, that it was almost 1. We read it till the end, after that it was clear that he loves me a lot, he has written every little thing about me, he also told me about me, after that as I kept the diary down, he told me that he has seen me naked in the bathroom too and said a lot of things, he hugged me and then he started sucking my lips and I was also there, we kept doing this for some time, then he put his hand on my ass and pressed it, then he moved away and said so now we should go, I said wait I also love you and from today we are secret lovers, remember one thing that don't tell this to anyone, first mother-son we cannot have sex, this is our secret and don't tell it to anyone, he then sucked my lips and I also said, now I am only yours, let's go home, then he said but what about mummy-papa, son, your father should not come to know otherwise he will kill us, ok mummy, my father will not come to know and we left the restaurent

last part coming soon