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Role play Ideas/ theme


चरित्रं विचित्रं..
Trip with a Colleague
(English or Malayalam)

That was the trip that we were planning for long! She was my senior in office, me reporting to her, yet our relationship was different, that of friends, of a sibling and at times two people who were flirting with each other. She was married and her husband was working in another state. She had hinted that she would be resigning soon and might move along with him. When she had decided to quit the company, it was not a brainer for me to decide to quit and look for further career opportunities.

Even after we parted, we kept in touch, almost messaging daily. I was working in Bangalore and was leading quite an engaged lifestyle while she was with her husband, working in fields she preferred. Both knew that each were busy and that was the only reason why we were not able to meet in person. Yet we always planned to meet, finding hotels and resorts that looked promising. Both did not knew when would it happen, but both did want it to happen. I knew that when we met, whenever it be, it would be an experience we both would not forget!

And it was a surprise when she called on a fine morning asking me to take leave for a week! She shared the photo of a resort, a premium one, which would ensure that we would be left to ourselves, relaxing from the usual hustle bustle. The only issue I noticed was that the hotel only had a couple of single room cottages left, which offered only a bedroom and a hall, instead of the planned two bedroom cottages. Still, looking at the furniture in the hall, I was pretty sure that I would have more than enough options.

I messaged her, "heyy... that's a beautiful cottage but ain't it a single room one?" She responded, "yeah.. noticed it, we can manage. I love the way the resort looks and I don't want to postpone the trip to another week as my husband will be on a business tour that week! and it is not like you would mind a lot anyway!"

I did not respond to that any further.
We checked in. I was happy to meet her and I knew that she too was happy that we could meet. The resort looked as beautiful as it was in the photos and the cottage was just like we thought. It was a beautiful one bedroom cottage with a beautiful cozy hall. I let her have the bedroom and kept my things in her room so that the hall was not congested. One of the major attraction was the swimming pool and as soon as we checked in she kept pestering me to change as she wanted to explore the pool. I let her change first and entered her bedroom after she changed. As I was changing, I noticed a pile of dress she had kept neatly organized. I noticed a red strap poking out of it, which arouse curiosity in my mind. I went closer and understood that it was the dress that she was wearing today and that the red strap was that of her bra. I did not know what came over me, as I took it out of the neatly folded pile. I smelled, enjoying that aroma. I knew that I did not have much time and kept it back immediately, with my mind still thinking about her aroma. As I opened the door, she was standing just outside the door with a lazy smile, a smile which said she had planned something!

"How is it?" she asked suddenly! I asked, "What?", She replied with a seductive smile, " smell of my bra...." I was shell shocked! she did not stop, instead, pulled out a pair of panties out of her pocket as she said "I am pretty sure that my panties would smell better than my bra......" she stood there, offering me the garment in her hand!

(English or malayalam players only. Bold ladies, with love for cheating, exhibitionism, cuck kinks required)


चरित्रं विचित्रं..

Dirty Politics
"May I come in madam?"....Rustom asked....knocking at the door...on which the name plate read....."Chief Minister - Paschim Pradesh"

"Yes, please come in"....Renuka said...sitting on her chair..

Rustom Singh, aged 32 years, was a young officer in the ATU unit of the state. He had attained some fame recently after the secret operation which led to the foiling of the assassination attempt on the Chief Minister by a group of terrorists...however his fame was limited to the internal departments only as the matter was kept secret and was never exposed to the public. The way Rustom had risked his own life while shooting down three trained assassins did earn him many accolades from the government, but it had also led to a lot of jealous colleagues in his own department.

Renuka Vardhan was 39 years old and had sworn in as the Chief Minister just 2 months back after the unfortunate demise of her husband and the late Chief Minister Ravinash Vardhan. It was a remarkable ascent for Renuka who was at one time the Executive Secretary to the Chief Minister. Renuka was a model and used to walk the ramp till her early 30s and no one quite knew the exact way how she made her way to the chief minister's office. But when her marriage to the late CM, 15 years older to her, was announced 3 years back then that raised a few eyebrows and led to some ripe whispers in the alleys. And what looked even more remarkable to many was the way she had managed to wield her influence in the party in these few years. Her husband's death from the accident had been shrouded in mystery, but the swiftness with which she established her claim to the CM's chair was a surprise to many and she trumped many of the seasoned politicians in the party with the sympathy wave which turned the tide in her favour.

Rustom walked into the Chief minister's room. He has been here once before, but with his supervisor, when they had come over to meet the CM after his feat with the terrorist gang. He could still not comprehend how he was feeling the same tickling sensation in his groin as she looked at the gorgeous woman sitting on the Chief Minister's chair and was greeting him with a charming smile, just as she did the first time he met her. But something told him that behind that veil of charm and warm courteousness, lay hidden a crafty mind which was by no means less ruthless than the many hardcore criminals he had come across often.

After the initial exchange of pleasantries, Renuka got to the point...."Rustom, I hope you understand why I called you to my office to discuss in private"

Rustom shook his head...."Not really madam!....But I can guess it is something urgent and possibly confidential for you."
Renuka took a sip from a glass of water kept in front of her....then kept the glass down on the table and said..."I need your help with something which is very important for me Rustom, and I am counting on you not only to get the job done but also to keep it secret."
She then bent slightly forward, looked at Rustom's eyes and said...."Can I depend on you, Rustom? That whatever I tell you in this room will remain between us"

There was something in those eyes which had a bit of a mesmerizing effect on Rustom....For a moment he could not say anything, but then tried to compose himself and said...."Of course Ma'm, you can fully depend on me. I will try to do whatever I can to help you."
"There is a guy blackmailing me, Rustom, for quite some time. He has some damning videotapes in his possession for which I had been paying him for some time. But now, considering the post I am holding, I cannot keep doing it. The stakes are much higher. And I am afraid he is going to ask for some price which is just too high. And I feel a bit helpless because if he exposes those videotapes then I will not be able to hold on to my post. I hope you understand what I am asking of you."....Renuka said, looking a bit restless, and twitching her fingers

"I see Ma'm. So what do you want me to do?"....Rustom asked....trying to conceal his curiosity about what Renuka did not reveal to him yet.

"Get the evidence, destroy it, and then get the man out of the way. He cannot live on with what he knows."....Renuka's voice sounded cold this time.

Rustom was trying to come to terms with what the CM was asking of him...."I...I mean....I will get the evidence and destroy it, but about the second part......I..."

He could not complete his sentence....Renuka had walked over to his side....and put the palm of her left hand on his shoulder...."Don't worry Rustom....I will not let anything happen to you....as I am sure you will not let anything happen to me because of that guy, will you?"
Rustom's resolve was weakened by the physical proximity of the Chief Minister. She was standing right beside him with the side of her white saree clad waist brushing against the side of his right arm and elbow....He could also feel her fingers caressing suggestively on his shoulder....

"Sure Ma'am....I will try to do whatever I can....you don't need to worry."......Rustom gulped and said....

"Thank you Rustom!....I knew I could depend on you. And you don't worry....I will also see what I can do for you once you get the work done."....Renuka said....this time shifting herself to place the weight of her arse on the side of the desk in front of Rustom, facing him, and sliding the fingers of her left hand along the sides of the pen she was holding on her right, smiling softly at him...

She knew she was walking a tightrope....but she could not falter and will have to do what she needed to....she felt as if she could depend on this young officer and he will not double cross her. But she cannot leave anything to chance....She will need to weigh her options once the job is done....regarding the way she would deal with Rustom thereafter...

As for Rustom....he had a surge of blood run to his groin....which had clouded his judgement for some time....but he was an intelligent man....and he could realize that the chief minister was in a spot and was therefore trying to use her physical charm to make him do something he was not supposed to....but the fact was despite that knowledge her appeal was too strong for him to refuse her....so he had just accepted to act on the man whose details the CM had shared with him.

One question kept sweeping his mind though...."What was there in the videotape the man had which was troubling the CM this much?"
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चरित्रं विचित्रं..
Tushant was HR manager in an IT company. The company had grown a lot recently and there were more policies and processes being introduced to conform to the industry standards. One of the controversial policies introduced was dress code. As a startup company, there were no restrictions which meant boys wore shorts and girls wore skirts. It was pretty easy and exciting environment, until Tushant took over HR department and brought up new policies.

It had been few weeks since the dress code became serious. People found it difficult to adapt. Gentlemen didn't want to wear formal dresses and ladies didn't want to cover their entire body. The junior and middle level employees somehow adapted slowly with resistance. The problem was with senior employees.

Mrs.Ankita Sharma was a senior technical manager who had been with the company since the beginning. She was an outgoing, bubbly and sexy woman for a 34 year old. She had maintained a gorgeous figure even at that age and didn't mind flaunting her beauty occasionally. Her regular attire to office was business formal coupled with a tight skirt, or a saree with sleeveless blouse. Her boldness and beauty was always the talk in the office amongst employees of all age range and gender. She was also kind and extremely hard-working. She believed that the employees perform well when they are given freedom and don't put pressure. Obviously she was against all the policies that Tushant brought up. She never stopped wearing what she used to wear, which led Tushant to send warning mails to her. As usual, Ankita kept ignoring them. Tushant felt that she was setting a bad example for the rest of the employees. The juniors were trying to adjust to the policy whereas senior people weren't. Tushant feared that the juniors would revolt against this. He decided that it was time to talk to Ankita directly and address the issue, since there was no response to his mails nor there was any change in her dressing style. It was time to discuss.


चरित्रं विचित्रं..
The Arrogant wife - Roleplay plot.

Manoj(33) is an IT team lead, reserved type, and Manjula (26) is new recruit who is joining his team, very out spoken and jovial type. Manoj started liking her and they both became close.

After few months they got married. Initial days were happy.. Manoj used his influence and made Manjula as a team lead in the new project.

Once she became the lead , she started showing attitude to team members and to him. But Manoj took that lightly.

Suddenly the company had a big layoff and Manoj was thrown out of company. He became became very disheartened and started searching jobs, but he didn't get any. Atlast without any option he went for a call center job.

Slowly manju started disrespecting and mocking him in front of her friends and family. Manoj has no other option but to keep the mouth shut. She started going to office parties and late night parties never allowed Manoj near her.. she even started ignoring household works.

Manoj's professor visited him once and saw his state and got worried. He thought of teaching his wife a lesson.

Next morning when Manju woke up she realised she's lying nu*e , her torn saree is in a corner and her inners were spread across the room. Her body is still paining and she can see visible marks in most of her body. She is trying to recollect what happens the previous night. She then wears a nighty and goes to the kitchen and makes coffee and wakes up her husband and serves him the coffee with a smiling face.

But what happend in the night? What made manjula to change? What will happen after this? We discuss in plot.

Language - English/Tamil

Genre - BDSM/Dark/abusive/agegaps/humiliation

Interested females ping me.
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