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Adultery Tanvi Lost & Found

Raw To Ripe

Active Member
Tanvi- Lost and Found

When I thought I would pen down my experiences I wasn’t able to come up with a title that would fit. I made it to my office on a sleepy Monday and at the entrance of our office we have a ‘’Lost & Found” section; It caught my eyes and thus the title. This would be unlike many sex stories you find here wherein two people strip and fuck. This story is about my emotional journey which I am sure many people go through but are scared to take the next step. So be patient readers.

First let me introduce myself. My name is Tanvi and I am an Assistant Nursing officer with the Indian railways. I am 32 and married to Somesh (34) who is a Loco Inspector with the railways again. The marriage was arranged by my parents and I was more than happy to have met Somesh.

Somesh though had confessed that he enjoys his ‘drink’ and indulge in it once a while, I knew that this was common these days; my instant liking for him led to our marriage four months after we met for the first time. We have a son together who is 2 years old and my mother in law stays with us and we have completed 5 years of marriage.

Somesh got transferred to Kolkata and so I applied for a transfer too and that is generally given; as couple postings are allowed in the railways. We shifted here in December 2018. We were given a good furnished quarter in the Rail colony in Garden Reach.

Somesh was happy too; his friend’s circle had swelled and his drinking problem had worsened. Often he would come home drunk and had become abusive towards me and my mother in law. Next day he would wake up and apologize and we both ignored. This we thought would change things.

Language was no barrier to him as most people spoke Hindi in his workplace and he made friends soon. It’s a busy work station and much is expected from seniors; He couldn’t handle the load of work thrown at him and that had earned the wrath of his seniors. I knew from some people that they were contemplating transferring Somesh to a place of less importance.

This stressed him out and he again started indulging in alcohol. He became more abusive too and would very often end up beating me up and abuse my mother in law. This regular abuse and harassment had brought me and my mother in law very close to each other.

She would often tell me that I deserved better than Somesh and she would feel apologetic for my situation. For some reasons I would tolerate this and I could never comprehend why.

I was posted at the South Eastern Railway Central Hospital; I was finding it very difficult to follow the language and instructions. Most people who visited hospitals were locals and spoke the local language and even the doctors and other staff was mostly from West Bengal.

Somehow I managed to work well. My documentation was always meticulous unlike others and that had earned me praises from seniors as I was good at writing English language. But this meant I had to put long hours at work and couldn’t give much time to my son.

We had a visiting senior surgeon Dr Manish Handa who was an Urologist. During one of the surgeries his nursing officer Sriti Chatterjee had made a mistake which upset him and earned the wrath of the patient’s family.

He had complained about her to the top administration and top administration had suspended her under pressure from Dr Handa. Nobody wanted to upset him and his continuity at the hospital was vital as he was the only Surgeon in that division and the hospital had gained a reputation because of him.

The administration was looking for a replacement for Sriti.

My boss Dr Swaroop sent a peon to call me one day and when I visited his office he made me sit and in a cryptic way was praising my work ethic and sincerity. I knew something was fishy.

Finally he told me what he had called me for. “Tanvi, I want you to replace Sriti” he said. This was something I never wanted because Dr Handa had a reputation to be rude and unforgiving. I said no.

I respected Dr Swaroop very much as he was a gentle man and always cared for his subordinates and pampered them unlike Dr Handa. He listed the advantages of working for Dr Handa like less work-time as Dr Handa was a visiting surgeon who would come for 4 days a week and during surgeries.

Dr Swaroop knew that I wasn’t able to give enough time for my son and he used this as bait and like a hungry fish I finally fell for it. Dr Swaroop thanked me profusely as no one else was taking up that job.

I met Dr Handa the next day in his office. Till then I had only heard about him and I was expecting a big guy with a grim face and a mustache; but was surprised to see that Dr Handa was around 5ft 6 inches tall but broad, round face, wheatish color, clean shaved, wearing a spectacle and looked like a geek ,was in his late 30s.

He was smartly dressed and looked like someone who has always been rich and polished in his mannerism. He looked at me and asked my name and I fumbled to say ‘’Tanvi’’.

He realised I was nervous. “I want you to sort my schedule for tomorrow and postpone the surgery timing of Mr Dutta for Wednesday, send the bills to accounts after checking it thoroughly and set up an appointment with Mr Chandra who has already called twice after going through my schedule for tomorrow.”

“Yes sir” I said before turning back to leave.

“Tanvi, Send a coffee now”.

On the first day it was clear that I was to have a tough 4 days a week. I was not just to assist him during surgeries but also maintain his office and working out his schedule, paper work etc and was a one many army to do all tasks.

But I started to enjoy it as I was getting a lot of time to spend with my son even though my mother in law took good care of him. Time passed by quickly and in one month I had done well but never once was I appreciated.

I and Dr Handa would not talk much except official work and was generally well behaved but was a hard task master.

After a month Dr Handa called me to his office, the patients had all gone by then and asked for his schedule for tomorrow. As he was talking he started to cough profusely and wouldn’t stop.

I got a glass of water for him. He told me that he was unwell since yesterday night but since certain appointments were fixed he had come to the Hospital.

After sometime he left.

I called up Dr Handa at around 9 o clock.

Good evening Doctor, I called you to inform that I have done something without asking for your permission

“What is it Tanvi”? He enquired

I have postponed all your appointments for two days and informed the administration that you won’t be coming for two days

“What? No why did you do this?”

“Sir I have seen that you are unwell you need to take rest”

There was an unusual long pause and I could listen to his breath only

“Thank, you” he said and hung up.

For some weird reason I kept thinking about Dr Handa. I hardly saw him smile and lose patience. I started to think that my predecessor must have been really bad professionally. His reputation was contradictory to what I had seen in him.

My phone beeped at around 11 PM, when I checked it had a WhatsApp message from Dr Handa.

“Thank you very much, Tanvi”

“You desperately needed rest sir, Take rest sir”

“For once I am grateful to Dr Swaroop”

“Why sir?”

“He found a very efficient and warm person to help me out”

“It’s a pleasure to work with such a famous Doctor as you sir”

“Good Night, Tanvi”

“Good night sir, Sleep well”

I said sleep well to him but I couldn’t sleep for some reason. My heart was beating faster than usual and I couldn’t understand why. I couldn’t sleep so I finally started using my phone.

I was going through Dr Handa’s messages and found that he was online and it was around 12:30 AM. I felt an urge to send a message asking him to sleep but I did not.

As I was contemplating on this I saw “typing” on the top of WhatsApp and my heart started racing and it was beating so fast that I thought I would have a heart attack.

After a while that “typing” had gone. I kept looking and it appeared again and then gone again. This happened several times. Finally a text message came

“Good morning to the woman who cared”

“I care because that’s my job sir; It’s still late night to say good morning J”

“It’s 12:30 am”

“OK, technically yes. So good morning; but why haven’t you slept still sir?”

“The cough is keeping me awake, but why haven’t you slept till now Tanvi”

I didn’t know what to say and after a long pause I said

“I woke up to go to the loo sir” I was stupid to say this

“J Sorry I asked you this question, Tanvi”

“Don’t be sir, have you taken any cough syrup or medicines, is it dry cough sir?”

“Yes, but it’s not working and it’s dry cough”

We were chatting for almost two hours and by the end of it at around 3 am, I had come to know some more about him.

Things like he was 36, he stayed just 2 kms from our quarters and that he had a daughter who stayed with his parents.

The most shocking and terrible thing I had learnt was that his wife was suffering from Parkinson’s disease and was bedridden; she was in a facility in Howrah that provided for one to one care since the past three years.

That explained his grim nature and sad demeanor. I kept thinking about him and then had slept off. I woke up late the next day as I don’t go to the Hospital if Dr Handa doesn’t come.

For two days I would be free. Somesh had gone to Guwahati for some official work for three days and this meant enough time for me to spend time with my son.

We kept texting each other for hours together like college going kids and had got to know each other really well. We had a lot of commonalities like having only two meals a day, bathing twice a day, listening to Rafi songs, and we liked the same colour even “Green” and that he had gifted his wife green sarees, till she finally asked him to stop.

Next day I had visited a parlor and got myself waxed, got a fruit facial and pampered myself. There was an urge from inside after several years to look good.

To tell you all how I look; I am 5ft 6 inches tall, fair, round face, long hairs, “PEAR” body type. Now most readers would not know what PEAR body type means so let me explain.

PEAR body type people have, narrow shoulders with medium size bust (read breasts), wide hips and waist, lower body is wider than upper body, round bottom and fuller rear (read ass), most of the weight is concentrated in the lower part of the body, heavier thighs.

I was eager as well as nervous to go back to work the next day. I did not know how to react when Dr Handa came face to face. Previous night also we were chatting for a long time.

I had an urge to wear a green saree to work but somehow decided against it but wore green bindi, green earrings, and green bangles with a white Salwar Kurta.

I was sitting in my office chair and Dr Handa walked in. Unusual as it was he smiled at me and just walked past me into his cabin. That smile had reduced my anxiety.

I followed him into his cabin and handed over the day’s schedule. He checked and asked me to send the patients in. It was a long day that day and I was exhausted.

I was just finishing up the day’s work and Dr Handa walked out of his cabin to go home. He stopped, turned back, walked two steps towards me and as I raised my head to see him he said.

“Tanvi, you look gorgeous TODAY, Green and white go really well together.”

I couldn’t say anything and was blushing like a school girl. He left and it was as if somebody had charged a dead battery. I walked back home giggling and smiling.

After dinner I checked my WhatsApp and there was no message from Dr Handa. Somesh had come back home drunk as usual and had slept off by 9 o clock. I was thinking of how I start the conversation. Then it clicked.


“??????” came the reply

“Sir you said I looked gorgeous TODAY; other days I looked bad you mean?”

“No Tanvi, It was only today I noticed how gorgeous you are, forgive me for being blind”

“You only looked at me twice sir today that too for seconds only, I don’t think you noticed even”

“OK let me tell you what all I noticed in those ‘seconds’. You were wearing green ‘dangle earrings’, diamond shaped green bindi, green mirror in gold bangles”

“Wow I didn’t even know the types you just mentioned”.

“I am not done yet J”


You were wearing a white ‘Plazo’ salwar with a ‘piping placket’ neck style and a ‘double key hole’ back design.

“WOW. How do you know all of this sir?”

“My wife studied fashion designing and bored me with such details and yes ‘blue bra’ was a wrong choice”

I was stunned by the bra message. But he was right and instead of asking him to not say such things I said.

“Then what type and colour should I have chosen sir?”

“White & strapless” he said

My heart was beating faster, when I just said

“I will buy one sir”

There was no reply after that and after waiting for a while I slept off. Things had moved fast and I was anxious but happy to have met someone who knew so much about “girly” things.

I was melting down with anxiety and his knowledge about everything made me feel dumb and stupid.

When I woke up the next morning I had received a text message from Dr Handa. “I am wearing a green check shirt for office today”

I knew Dr Handa was playing mind games with me now; so I decided to play the game harder. I knew he was expecting me to wear a green colour dress, a saree or salwar or kurti.

I decide to wear a black kurti with yellow salwar that day and decided to wear a green bra and play the mind game myself.

Since I did not have one; before going to the office I went to a nearby shopping complex to purchase one.

I bought a green ‘NO SAG BRA’.

This comes with thick straps for holding the breasts tightly. I quickly wore and left for office.

Dr Handa arrived 10 minutes after I settled down. He came with a sense of urgency and when he saw me there was a clear look of disappointment on his face and he walked into his cabin.

There were only 10 appointments that day. At around 4 PM I decided to walk into his office to take his signature on a bunch of papers.

I tied my hair in a bun and slightly moved my bra strap out of the kurti and walked in. As I opened the door I saw that his head was down reading some papers.

I went close and put some papers in front of him to sign. I was disappointed that he did not raise his head. My heart was racing and my body was crying out loud for attention. He finally raised his head and his eyes caught the obviously visible bra strap.

He put his head down again to sign the papers.

I was expecting him to say something; there was too much tension but he did not say anything.

When I turned back to leave he said

“Did you buy that today”?

“What sir?”

He stood from his seat walked up to me, I was breathing heavily now; standing in front of me he raised his hand, slid two of his fingers inside the bra strap and with his thumb pulled the black kurti and tucked the strap under it. ‘’Neat” he said and left.

Raw To Ripe

Active Member

The act of putting my bra strap back under the kurti and calling it “neat” could have meant so many things; but one thing was sure that Dr Handa was not in a hurry and was ready to wait.

I needed to look less desperate. This act of his had made me respect him more.

That night we did not talk at all. Next morning I received a message from Dr Handa and it read “Orange striped shirt”. I did not reply but wore an orange blouse on a black saree.

Dr Handa had a big smile on his face once he saw me. From that day onwards I always used to wear something to match his shirt.

Be it saree, kurti, bra or blouse. I made sure he knew I was reciprocating. Such teasing continued for a week and something happened which turned things quickly.

Due to an upcoming project in Silchar, Somesh was tasked to go there for two months. He knew that he was being pushed out deliberately but there was nothing he could do.

I and my mother in law were happy in a way that there would be some peace at home.

Somesh left and after a week one night at around 12:30, my mother in law complained about severe abdomen pain and was crying. I called up Dr Handa and informed him about it and was panicking over the phone.

Dr Handa asked me to calm down and immediately rushed to our apartment with his kit bag. Having checked her he informed me that she must be having a urinary tract infection (UTI), but he wasn’t ruling out kidney stones.

So he gave her a pain killer injection and after the pain subsided we took her to the hospital to get an ultra sound. Luckily no stones were found and it was in fact UTI.

Dr Handa wrote some strong anti biotic and we brought her home. He recommended 5 days complete rest and asked me to take care of her and not worry about office.

Everyday Dr Handa would come up to check on my mother in law and sit for about an hour and talk to her. My mother in law would share a lot of things with him and soon they started addressing each other as ‘beta’ and ‘maa ji’

I and Dr Handa would steal glances with each other and exchange awkward smiles; my mother in law would have seen through us and one day told me.

“Achhe sir hai tumhare tanu, tumhe bohat pasand karte hai”.

“Matlab maa?”

“Jis tarike se tumhe dekhte hain aur jis tarike se tumne unke bare mein bataya hai”

“Aisa kuch nahi hai maa”

“Jo adhoora pan tumhare zindagi mein somesh ke wajah se hai who Manish poora kar sakta hai”

“Aap kaisi baatein kyun kar rahi hai Maa”

“Maine tum dono ko dekha hai, sach batao tumko who pasand nahi hai”

“Hai maa, par..”

“Dekho tanu, tum itna jaan lo ke mere taraf se tum dono ko koi dikkat nahi ayegi, tum bas apne dil ki baat suno”

I just hugged her and sobbed. I couldn’t believe I was being asked to follow my heart by my mother in law. I could never have met a more sensible person in my life ever.

Next day Dr Handa came to check on her in the afternoon. She was complaining about Kolkata to him and that she was bored here.

Since it was a Friday Dr Handa asked her if she would like to go to ‘Lake Kalibari’ where there was a Kali mata temple.

She was more than happy and agreed to go. My son Abinav was sleeping so I asked my mother in law to go and I stayed back.

Both of them did not return back till 8 PM and had Dr Handa had taken her around the city. I had not seen my mother in law so happy for months now.

Dr Handa was like a breath of fresh air in our lives. When Dr Handa was about to leave my mother in law said

“Manish kal shaam ko ghar aana, Khane pe”

“Bilkul maa ji agar app keh rahe hai toh”

My mother in law already knew about Dr Handa’s marital status and other conditions about him from me as I discussed him with her.

From our conversations I knew what food and delicacies Dr Handa liked. I had told my mother in law about this. Since afternoon we had started preparations for dinner and had Vegetable pulao, Poori, dum aloo, sewiyan in menu. A typical north Indian he was

After our preparation was over I asked maa ji

“Kya pehnu maa aaj?”

“Mai jo bolungi who pehnogi?”

“Ji Bilkul”

She took out a simple yello kurti and a red legging. The leggig, since it hugs the body tightly my big ass would show well. I wore a tight white bra.

Dr Handa had texted me a message which read “red kurta”. He was expecting me to wear something in red; but my mother in law had already decided what I would wear and was happy the legging I would wear was red.

I decided to wear my red hipster panty but wasn’t sure how I would convey that I was also wearing a red panty and not just a red legging.

This is how I would look. I hope the readers would now know what the PEAR shape body means.

At around 7 PM Dr Handa arrived, my mother in law opened the door and he was standing with a flower bouquet. He gave it to my mother in law and she gave a warm hug. We sat and talked for a while and then proceeded for dinner.

Long story short Dr Handa was forced fed by both of us with him seated in the middle and he was eating as if he hadn’t had good food in years.

Finally he raised the white flag; he took my mother in law’s hand and kissed her hands.

“Salon baad itna achha khana khya amma” he quipped

“Jo tumhe sab se zyada pasand aya (Pulao) who Tanu ne banay hai”

Dr Handa took my right hand gently and kissed them. My mother in law was setting me up; by know it was obvious.

I am not sure what she had told him when both had gone out together yesterday but Dr Handa was much more relaxed and confident.

“I thought you would be dressed in complete red, Tanvi”

“Waist downwards everything is red sir, you are just seeing the legging”

Raw To Ripe

Active Member

“Ahaann, you look stunning by the way Tanu” He knew what I had referred to

It was about 09:30 now and we all moved back to the living room. After some small talk Dr Handa got up to leave.

“Achha maa ji, mai chalta hun”

“Abhi kahan ja rahe ho Manish, aaj raat yahin rukna. Mujhe Tanu ne bataya hai ke tumhe aloo paratha bohat pasand hai, aur mai bohat achha banati hun. Ab kal subah naashta karke hi jaana, ghar ja ke bhi kya karna hai”?

“Koi nahi maa ji phir kabhi aa jaunga”

“Mai tumse puch nahi rahi hun beta, mujhse sawal jawab karoge ab haan?”

“Par, maa; aap logo ko faltu mein takleef hogi?”

“Mujhe koi takleef nahi , tumhe Tanu?”

I was shocked at the proposal but I was the last person to want Dr Handa to leave.

I fumbled to say “Koi dikkat nahi hai sir, please stay back”

He finally said “ok”

After some more small talk my son was sleepy, my mother in law picked him up and said.

“Aaj mai isko leke so jati hun; Tanu, tum Manish ko jo chahiye de dena, kapde wagera pehn na hai toh, Dono bade wale room mein so jao,

“khair sona hai ya jagna hai yeh aapas mein faisla kar lena” she said laughing

Dr Handa was melting with shame and I had no idea how to react.

We sat there for a while, I knew this was it. This would be the day things would change forever.

“Let me show you the room sir”

“You still want to address me as sir?”


We walked into the room, this was adjacent to the room in which my mother in law was sleeping but bigger, had a big bed and an attached toilet bathroom. There was one Almirah and a table.

“I ate too much sir today; I will have to walk for two hours tomorrow to burn the calories” I said

“Did you see how much I had, Tanu; looks like even I have to run for an hour tomorrow and do something tonight too to burn the extra calories”

“What do you plan on doing tonight sir”?

“Check, if you are wearing red; waist down, would you show?”

“Do I have the option to say no? sir?”

“Do you want to say no, Tanu”?

“I would never say no to you sir”

“Lift that kurti, Tanu”

I lifted the kurti.

Take it off completely he said.

“Bend over Tanu; Let me see you from the back”

“Yes sir”

He came close to me, so close that his torso was touching my ass. He planted a kiss on my back and grabbed my ass using both hands so tight that I squirmed. He slapped my butt over my legging gently and when I did not react the second slap came; this time harder. I knew it would be rough tonight.

His hands moved swiftly to pull my legging down. In a whisker I was standing in my red hipster panty and white bra.

I took his kurta off and un-buttoned his jeans and pulled the zip down; he lifted me up and turned me around and kissed me for the first time.

Our lips locked and slowly his tongue started parting my lips and I was sucking his tongue. I used my hands to un-hook my bra. He pushed me to the wall and came on top of me taking his jeans off. He was still wearing his briefs.

He kissed me again and started moving downwards, my neck was smeared in his saliva. He took my brown right nipple in his mouth pressing both my breasts and mauling them. My breasts were shining because of his saliva. He did not spend much time on my tummy and brought his mouth above my crotch.

Tuned me around “Bend Tanu” he said, as I did he pulled my panties down

He watched me in that position for a minute

He then pulled me towards the bed and made me bend over the bed now.

He must have watched me like this for another minute.

My ass was up for grabs now. He pressed my lower back with his right hand and with his left hand under my hip bone to raise it. Soon my naked ass was up in the air.

He planted some random kisses on it and neatly spread my ass. “Looks so deep Tanu” he said.

My big ass meant he had to make some effort for his tongue to reach my ass hole. He managed to do that and I felt a shock down my spine when his tongue hit my ass hole. I was apprehensive about how it smelled, but his actions indicated he gave no fuss about how it smelled.

May be it wasn’t smelling bad after all. When a man does this act to you realise how much he trusts you and how far he can go to show his love for you.

I did not want him to stop. He used his right middle and index fingers to reach my pussy and rub my clit. I was convulsing my groin area contracted and soon I had an intense orgasm.

Here I was, a man who I had not seen completely naked even; had used only his tongue and two fingers to give me the orgasm of my life.

He now lied on the bed and it was my turn to reciprocate. I straight away went to his groin area, pulled out his underwear. I could see in all glory a neatly shaved, circumcised, 6 inches of pure meat.

What surprised me was the girth of it. It was not sleek but full; about two inches thick. I brought my nose to smell the tip of his beautiful cock. It had some pre cum and I used my tongue to clean it. His pre cum tasted acidic and salty.

I then tried to take the head of his cock into my mouth and wanted to move downwards but it was so thick I couldn’t take more. He realised the futility and asked me to stop. He got up and held my hair tightly and pulling it back kissed me.

My heavy thighs moved away and he brought his hard cock to enter my pussy, rubbed it using the head of his cock and slowly breached the pussy that was tighter than it should be for my age.

I couldn’t hold back and screamed and kept screaming until it was comfortably inside.

I knew my mother in law might have heard me scream but I couldn’t care less. I was unapologetically and unabashedly screaming like a whore in a porn movie.

“Sir stop; please, easy sir, easy sir, sir thoda aram se”

“I can’t Tanu, bear with me love” he said pounding my pussy.

For the first time he used the word ’Love’ for me. I was actually overwhelmed; but my screaming was so loud and I actually needed to shut up, my hand reached for something.

It was his black briefs. I stuffed it in my mouth to reduce the noise. I grunted as he pounded. I could only hear

“hun, hun, hun , hun” from both of us.

I couldn’t breathe as I needed to take more oxygen for such pounding. I took his briefs out of my mouth and was now grinding my teeth to reduce noise.

This didn’t help either and my loud mouth was open again. He stopped for a while which was a relief.

He held my hair and turned me around

“Sorry Tanu I need to take you from the back,”

I got into doggy and he pushed his cock inside; getting on top of me. I thought he would go easy but my wishful thinking stopped the moment he started banging me, and soon he got into a rhythm.

I could hear loud noises of my ass hitting his groin area.

I slowly got used to it and my screams reduced to slow grunts. Two minutes later my groin muscles contracted and I was about to experience another orgasm.

Two seconds after my orgasm Dr Handa pulled out his cock and I heard some noises coming out of my stretched pussy.

He had cum on my ass crack; the cum ran down my pussy and thighs to stop somewhere close to my knee and some fell on the bed.

I was embarrassed by the noise coming out of my pussy and was twisting and turning to stop the noise from coming.

“These are pussy farts, love; Music to my ears, please don’t be embarrassed”


We kissed and collapsed on top of each other.

After a while Dr Handa got up

“I need to go to the loo” he said

“Me too, I fell like my bladder will burst but I don’t have the energy to wake up from the bed” I said laughing.

He got up and proceeded towards the loo. For the first time I saw his back, I mean ass. It was cute and round. A lady would definitely like to have one such ass I thought.

He opened the door of the washroom and started walking back to the bed. He came on to the bed lifted me up in his arms and started taking me towards the loo.

“What are you doing sir?”

“You said you wanted to go the loo too so helping out”

I was getting red in anticipation of things to come.

He took me inside and put me on the seat, sat kneeling between my legs, and separated them.

“Let’s see how full your bladder is Tanu”

I did not know what to say and was looking at him with my mouth wide open in amazement.

“Come on, let me see you pee” he said

I just had to let go. Shamelessly I relaxed my bladder muscles and the piss started flowing like a jet. It did not stop as I held onto Dr Handa’s hair. The final spurts of my piss kind off created n excitement and the shame had vanished. Some final droplets meant it was over.

I stood up to leave.

“You go ahead Tanu, I will be back in a minute” Dr Handa said asking me to leave as he wanted to pee too.

I started walking then stopped, turned back and took two steps forward. I placed my hands on my hips and looked at him and smiled. He realised that it was now my turn to watch him.

He took his semi erect cock between his thumb and index finger and aimed his cock to the pot and started peeing. There was something exciting watching him pee that I can’t describe. He shook his cock well for the final few droplets of his piss to fall. He flushed it and holding my hands took me out.

We got back to the bed only to start kissing each other. The pissing episode had made us both wanting something more.

I was a bit more confident now and got on top of him as we hit the bed. I wanted to get to his cock again and try wrapping around my mouth around his beautiful cock.

But he had other plans, as he turned me over to get on top of me again. He wanted my pussy again. Slowly his cock made way to the entrance of my pussy; he rubbed twice and pushed it inside. He fell on top of me kissing as he rhythmically stroked me. This was pure ecstasy; I never knew simple missionary style was such effective.

For the first time he said “I love you Tanu”

The shackles had truly broken. I kissed him with passion and broke off to say “I love you too Manish”. I say shackles were broken because I did not call him sir. He was Manish for me who made me fall in love with him.

“I love you Manish aa a a a aa a a aaaarrrrhhhh” I kept repeating this has he pound me harder.

He was about to cum as he yelled “Oh baby, oh baby, oh baby aaarhhhh, ah ahh ahh” My pussy flooded with his semen as he collapsed. I realised he had one of the best orgasms he ever had and he made sure my mother in law knew.

As we both gasped for air we smiled at each other and lay exhausted.

“”It’s about time we slept” I said

“Yes Tanu”

There was just one pillow on the bed as he looked around.

“You take this, I will sleep in your arms” I said.

“I have a better idea Tanu”

He signaled me to come over and lie down horizontally along the breadth of the bed.

As I lay on my back, he said “Turn around”

As I turned around and lay on my stomach, he placed a pillow under my head and lied down himself vertically and placed his head on my ass.

“That’s my pillow from here on”

I laughed loudly “What if I fart” I said

“Nothing could be cuter” he said “I love your ass more than I love you, I guess”

Laughter filled the room.

As I closed my eyes, I started contemplating the events of the day

· My mother in law had set me up proper

· I showed myself naked to someone other than Somesh

· My first pussy farts

· I had seen a man pee for the first time

· For the first time someone had seen me peeing

· A man thought, me farting while he slept on my ass was “cute”

My mind rested that day!

Raw To Ripe

Active Member
Part4 - Pen up my Ass

Next morning when I woke up, Manish was already up and was having breakfasta with Maa ji. I walked in after freshening up. Maa ji was kind enough to not give weird looks and make me feel awkward.

I was glad that I had her for support. She must have heard us both moan/scream while fucking like bunnies, but never created an awkward moment for us.

Manish left about an hour later and apparently he had a lengthy conversation with my mother in law.

He infact, informed my mother in law that he wanted to be in a long term relationship with me. When she asked him if he wanted to marry me he had just nodded his head.

My mother in law and me had a long deliberation and she said she would support any decision of mine. I was taken aback as if I decided to marry Manish then that would mean divorcing her son.

We did not have more conversations after that and she left me alone. I was sitting in my room puzzled and confused. I had finally said that I loved Manish but should I take that leap? I thought.

I decided to get into the shower and as I was washing myself off I could only think of the events of yesterday night. I just thought I need to meet him again.

I walked out of the shower with a towel wrapped and as soon as I picked up my phone to call Manish, my phone started ringing. Not even half a ring and I had picked up the call.

“Tanu, I am missing you” was the first thing he said.

He had no idea I had walked out of the shower with soap still on my body and that I missed him more.

“Do you love me Manish”? I asked

“I am crazy about you, and I just want to be with you”

“Were you serious when you told mom you wanted to be in a long term relationship with me”? “What does long term mean Manish”?

“I want to age with you, I want to be there with you in every happy and sad moment, I want to touch you every day, talk to you every day, I want to cry with you, laugh with you every fuckin day until I die”

“I love you, Tanu. Do you”?

I just kept quiet

“Say something please, Tanu” After a pause of about a minute I said

“Can we meet now?”

About two hours later we met at a coffee shop and talked for hours together about our future. Manish was extremely serious about getting married to me. He knew his wife would not mind and was confident about handling his daughter and parents. I was confused as hell and he promised me to help work things out from my side too. Looking at my uncertainty he asked me to accompany somewhere. I just got into the car and he drove to our home.

My mother in law opened the door and we walked in and I just sat down on the couch. All the talking was done by Manish. It was as if they were continuing their previous conversation and my mother in law was more than happy with the proposal of me getting married to Dr Handa I mean Manish.

As they both continued the conversation and were talking about my divorce my heart was pounding like crazy and was sweating profusely. My mother in law wanted me to divorce her son and get on with my life. My son had just woken up and was crying, As I stood up to take him from the room my mother in law stopped me and said.

“Tum baitho, mai dekhti hun” She entered the room picked up my son and after a while he was quiet again. My mother in law said

“Mai Akash ko leke chath pe jaati hun , khuli hawa mein isko achha lagega, Tum log batein karo”

While going back she closed the door and left.

My mind was completely occupied with things like divorce, remarriage, future etc. Manish walked up to me and sat beside me.

“I know, Tumhare liye yeh sab se zyada mushkil hai, Tanu”

“Mujhe kuch samajh nahi aa raha” I said

“Mai tumhe kehna chahta hunk e mai zindagi bhar tumhara khayal rakhunga, Kabhi taqleef nahi dunga. You deserve a better life and I want to provide that. Not because I pity your state but because I have fallen in love with you. More than you needing me I need you”

“I love you and will always do, even if you decide otherwise. Mai tumhare decision ka respect karunga”

Tears were rolling down my cheeks; I felt his hands wiping it off. I hugged him h\tightly and started sobbing like a little girl. He was caressing my haid with his right hand and his left hand had gripped me tight.

After a while he made me rest on my back and placed a sofa pillow under my head.

“Just relax Tanu, you need some rest”

As I laid down he said “Close your eyes”

I closed my eyes. He held my feet and folded at my knees. I was now resting with him sitting at my feet and my feet touching the sofa flat, my knees were folded upwards. He gently started to press leg and I felt good.

Slowly he started to slide my saree, upwards. As I opened my eyes he said

“Ssshhhh, close your eyes and trust me”

I closed my eyes again. My saree reached above my knee and collapsed at my hip along with my petticoat. Manish put his fingers underneath my black cotton panty and pulled it from my legs and threw it on the other couch.

He had in front of him my clean shaven pussy, he just spread my legs a bit and used his forefinger to run it on my clit. He did that for sometime and then inserted the finger inside. “Uffff”

Is all I could say. He started fingering my wet dripping pussy and I was in heaven. This continued for 5 minutes, maybe he expected me to cum but I wasn’t. He realized he had to use his middle finger too. Slowly he slid hi middle finger inside my pussy. It went it smoothly.

Now two fingers were at work but the pace of it was still slow and I was bloody enjoying it and low moans were coming out of my mouth.

“Ufff Manish yeh kya kar rahe ho”

“Stress relieve tumahara, Tanu, ” he said

“Par lagta hai kuch zyda hi stress hai” He said as I was still not in a mood to cum.

He quickly adjusted himself and started to finger fuck me with a faster pace. When his fingers were completely inside he bent them to try and hit my G-spot. His crooked fingers were sending me into a tizzy

My moans were now mild screams

“Manish, darwaza bhi locked nahi hai, Maa ji aa jayengi”

“Koi aa jaye ab toh tumhara nikaal ke hi manunga”

The anxiety turned to excitement as I was wondering what would happen if my other in law just walked in.

He kept finger fucking me and I was relentless. I wasn’t sure why I wasn’t able to cum but I just couldn’t.

He pushed my saree under my butt, raised one of my leg and and made it rest on his shoulder. He brought his face close to my pussy. He got to see my ass hole slightly and this gave him an idea.

Manish always used to carry an ink pen which had a tapered end. Narrow and smooth at the bottom and thich as it went up. My pussy juices had flown till my asshole and made it damp.

I felt something smooth hitting my asshole and I knew it wasn’t a finger.

He tied to slide it in

“Yeh kya hai Manish” I muffled

“Loosen your anal muscles bitch” he said.

For the first time someone called me a bitch and it din’t feel bad. I just relaxed my anal muscles.

“Ab dekhta hun kaise nahi nikalta tumhara saali randi”

“Oh Manish, Mai randi hun tumhari” I said

I couldn’t believe this dirty word was making me excited and I was feeling I was about to cum.

His pen had completely disappeared inside my asshole as I could feel his fingers hitting my asshole too.

“Oh rand, oh raaannnd, Randi meri” he was yelling as he finger fucked my pussy and asaoulted my asshole with his pen.

“Aaaahhhh Manish, aaaaahhhh mai randi hum tumahri, aaaahhhh”

“Nikalne wala hai Manish, OOOOO, aaahhahhhahhhhh”

“uff ufff ufff” I took a deep breath. I had never had a better orgasm ever.

All my thoughts had collapsed and he let me stay like that for a while.

We looked at each other and just smiled. He was sweating on his forehead.

We heard footsteps of someone approaching the door.

“Must be maaji” I said as I just got up. Manish quickly adjusted himself on the sofa and sat up straight and in a flash the door opened.

I was standing as I realized that Manish’s pen was still up my ass.

Maaji carrying my son came up to the other couch and was about to sit.

Me and Manish we both saw my black panty on the couch. Maaji since she was carrying Akash did not see it and sat on top of it.

I was getting red with shame. I was in two minds now. I wanted to go to the room and take out the pen stuck up in my ass or wait for maa ji to get up for some reason so I could quickly hide my panty on which she was sitting.

Since the pen was in my ass I couldn’t even sit well. I saw that Akash had almost fell asleep in Maa ji’s arms, so I went forward and picked him up

“Dijiye maa, akash ko sula deti hun” This would be my reason to go inside a room and also to not make maaji get up.

I took Akash in my arms and rushed to the room. I laid him down on the bed. I was about to enter the washroom to take that pen out but I hear

“”Tanu, suno idhar aao jaldi”

I was scared thinking maaji had found my panty. I rushed out but to my surprise she was still sitting there.

“Akash abhi so raha hai Tanu, Mai samjh rahi hun ke tum dono ko aapas mein kaafi baatein karni hongi, tum dono us kamre mein chale jao”

I was confused and stood there thinking. Maaji then said

“Are, jao dono andar”

We both rushed into the bedroom immediately like two kids being ordered to do so by their mother.

Siraj Patel

The name is enough
Staff member
Sr. Moderator

Hi dear,

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As your Friend,
Regards - Siraj Patel