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Adultery Wife strays to help repay Husband's loan


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Wife strays to help repay Husband's loan

"You did what?" Aditi screamed at her husband. "How could you do that without talking to me first?" In all of her twenty-four years she had never been so angry. Suresh and Aditi had been married three years, and right at that moment it looked doubtful to her that the marriage would survive to four years.

"I was under the gun," Suresh said. "It was time critical. I had to move and move fast. There just wasn't time." Suresh is twenty-nine years old and an account manager at Prima Energy.

"So you got our savings out of the bank and bought stock," Aditi said her voice dripping sarcasm. "You bought ten lakhs worth of worthless stock!"

"No, I had to borrow some more to put with it," Suresh said miserably.

Aditi looked hard at her husband for a full minute. "How much more?" she asked, willing herself to speak calmly.

"Twenty lakhs," he answered, his voice subdued. "Where on earth did you borrow twenty lakhs? Who would make you an unsecured loan for that much? Please don't tell me you stole it!"

"Of course I didn't steal it. I didn't get it at a bank," Suresh said, his voice so low she could barely hear him. "I got it from Pritam."

"Who, pray tell, is Pritam?"

"He a famous person who gives quick loans," Suresh said.

"Is that a euphuism for Money lender?" she snapped. "Surely you didn't borrow money from a loan shark." Aditi saw the expression on her husbands face. "Oh my God! You did get money from them. How stupid can you be, Suresh?"

"Aditi, this was a sure thing," Suresh said, his voice rising. "There was no way to loose on the deal."

"Yet apparently you did lose." She said the anger and disgust evident in her voice. "It wasn't such a sure thing. You have thirty lakhs in worthless stock."

"It could still take off," Suresh said. "Maybe it's just slow getting started."

"Slow? dammit Suresh, it's not going to take off. The company went belly-up and the managers are in Africa or somewhere. You couldn't sell that stock for ten dollars and you know it." She took a couple of turns around the room and came back to face him. "So, how much trouble are we in?"

"A lot," Suresh said looking at his shoes. "The first loan payment is due now. Pritam is looking for me, and I don't have it."

"How much do you have?"

"About the two lakhs owe for this week."

"Week?" Aditi yelled. "You have to pay two lakhs a week? How much interest are you paying?"

"I don't know for sure. I have to pay two lakhs a week for six months."

"That's forty-eight lakhs!" she said. "That's crazy, Suresh. We need to call the cops."

"No, no cops!" Suresh said jumping to his feet. "Do you have any idea what happens to people who blow the whistle on that kind of person? They don't live to testify. That's what happen to them! The very best case would be, I get fired."

"Okay, you're right, I suppose," she said in a calmer tone of voice. "Get your stereo and computer equipment on the market. What else can we sell or pawn?"

"That stuff might bring enough to pay a couple of weeks," Suresh said. "What will we do after that?"

"Maybe I can get my old job back," Aditi said.

She had been a secretary to a man she despised. Jamil, an up and coming high flyer with the company, had been transferred in to replaced her old boss, who was a nice older man. Jamil was a lecherous man who couldn't keep his hands off of her. It was an extremely happy day when she told her boss to go to hell and walked out. "God knows I hate to go beg that low-life bastard for anything. Can we borrow anything on the house?"

"No, I tried that before I went to Pritam. Maybe you can get a job somewhere else."

"Yeah right," she sneered. "In case you haven't noticed it, the job market is tight right now. I've had applications out for several months, and they're not knocking the door down."

"I hate for you to go back to your old job," Suresh said. "Maybe..." he let the thought die. They both knew there was no maybe anything.


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"Yeah, sure," Jamil said when Aditi called him the following morning. "Maybe we can find you something around here. Do we have your application on file?"

"No, you don't," Aditi said nervously. "If it's necessary, I'll have to fill one out, I guess."

"Yes, you will have to have an application on file," Jamil said. "Tell you what. I'll bring one when I come to your house for the interview."

"I don't understand," Aditi said. "What do you mean, you'll come to my house for an interview?"

"Now exactly what about that statement don't you understand," Jamil said with a sneer in his voice. "You do want me to come there and conduct an interview, don't you?"

"I thought I'd come to your office," Aditi said. "I..."

"No, that's not the way I do things," Jamil Jamil said interrupting her. "I come to your house, and you do everything you can to convince me to hire you, and I do mean everything. You call back when you are ready for my personal, and private interview." He hung up the phone.

For a long time Aditi just stared at the phone in her hand. Finally she put it on the receiver and went to splash cold water on her face. "Never," she said to herself, over and over again that day. She had convinced herself that she would never call Jamil again.

Aditi remained convinced until she saw her husband battered and bloody face. He came home, staggering through the front door, holding a bloody handkerchief to his face.

"Suresh, what happened?" she said helping him to a chair in the kitchen. "You need to see a doctor."

"No," Suresh said. "This was a warning from Pritam. He and a couple of his goons stopped me on the way home from work. I had to give them my car as part payment," he added miserably. "He made me sign the title over to him."

Aditi found the pain pills, left over from a tooth extraction, and gave them to her husband. She didn't mention her short, but candid, conversation with Jamil. She didn't see the need to add to his pain.

"To tell the truth, Aditi," Jamil said, "I was surprised that you called. I figured you wouldn't." They were sitting in the living room. It was ten o'clock in the morning. "Frankly I'm curious how you plan to convincing me to hire you. We didn't part on the best of terms, did we?"

"No Mister Jamil, we didn't," Aditi admitted. "I was under a lot of stress then."

"You must be under a lot more to call me, and ask for a job," Jamil laughed. "One hell of a lot."

"My husband and I have incurred a financial reversal since then," Aditi said. "I need a job."

"I see," Jamil said slowly. "What was it you called me? Ah yes, a nigger son of a bitch, wasn't it? I assume you had a change of heart about that."

"I was hasty and rude," Aditi said. "I'm sorry. I never used that word, and I don't know why I did then."

"Okay, I can understand that," Jamil said. "We often say thing in the heat of the moment that we wish we hadn't. Now go ahead and convince me to hire you."

"That's true, Aditi," Jamil said with a slight smile. "But, I haven't seen you naked. Why don't you try that?" Even though she had expected something like it, it still shocked her. She was immovable for a moment. "I am on a schedule, Aditi," Jamil said. "If you want the job..." He let the unfinished sentence hang in the air.

Aditi stood and slowly moved away from the sofa. She stopped, her hand on the top button of her shirt. "If I take off my clothing, you'll hire me?"

"If you take off your clothes, I'll stay interested," Jamil said smoothly.

Slowly she unbuttoned the shirt and took it off. She was wearing a black bra. With trembling hands she undid the skirt and let it fall to the floor. She now was displaying her matching black panties and bra.

"You'll want more, won't you?" she said unsnapping the bra and letting it fall to the floor.

"Yes," Jamil said staring at her breasts. "Much more, Aditi." His voice was husky.

Aditi put her thumbs in the waistband of the panties and push them down, turned facing him directly, and struck a pose.

"How much more, Mister Jamil?" she asked.

"All of it, Aditi," Jamil said. "I want all you have and then some. Come over here, and take my cock out."

Aditi wasn't at all sure her legs would continue to support her as she made her way to him. She wanted to run, to flee this terrible mess. She knew she couldn't. She had nowhere to run to. She knelt down between his legs and reached for him.

She undid his belt and unzipped him. Jamil Jamil wasn't a large man, being average height and weight. Aditi managed to release his cock. It wasn't large, maybe average in length and girth, but it was coal black and very hard. She stroked it a few times. "Do I get the job?" she asked.

"You have a better chance now than you did a moment ago. Suck me."

Aditi bent her head and took his hardness into her mouth. When she closed her eyes it was just like sucking her husband's dick.

Jamil let her suck him a few minutes and gently lifted her head from his glistening black cock. "Now let's get to the main event." He stood up and pushed his pants the rest of the way off. "Get on your hands and knees, I'm going to dog fuck you like the bitch you are."

Aditi's resolve to not enjoy it, quickly faded when Jamil pushed his hard cock into her. He varied his stroke from very hard and fast to slow and gentle. Aditi felt the orgasm building, and could do nothing to stop it. When it hit, she moaned, trying to stifle it. She heard Jamil laugh.

"You like that cock, don't you, Aditi? You like this son of a bitch fucking you don't you?" When she didn't answer, he reached around under her, and took both nipples between thumb and forefinger, He pinched hard, causing Aditi to have another climax. "I asked you a question, Aditi. Best you answer me. You like my cock fucking you don't you?"

"Yes," Aditi said with a moan, pushing back against him. "God forgive me, but I do."

"Yes, I know you do," Jamil said softly. He continued fucking her for another hour. He kept Aditi in a sexual frenzy for the entire time. She had several big orgasms and a lot of smaller ones. She even had a nice orgasm when he took her anally, which she normally didn't care for.


"Here's the deal," Jamil said as he dressed. "You will be paid fifty thousand a day. You will be paid in cash, and you won't be part of the company's benefit package. You will be on call twenty-four, seven. Any questions?"

"Yes sir. What are my duties? Who do I work for? How can I be on call twenty-four hours a day. I have a life, you know."

"You work for me," Jamil said tying his tie while looking in the hall mirror. "Your duties are to please me anyway I might demand. As to your life...you don't have one without me. I think we both know that. I don't know, and I don't really care, what trouble you got yourself into, but it had to be very bad for you to even call me. You, Aditi, are my personal whore. You will fuck, you will suck whenever, and whoever I say. " He took some bills out of his wallet and lay them on the hall table. "This is for today and the next couple of days. I'll call you tomorrow, so be available." He left the dazed and confused woman looking at the closed door.



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Jamil called shortly after ten o'clock the following morning. Aditi had been up for a couple of hours.

"Good morning Aditi," Jamil said brightly. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I guess," Aditi said. As a matter of fact she had not slept well at all. Of all the emotions she was feeling, guilt was the strongest.

She had lied to Suresh about her working arrangements. When she gave him the cash, Jamil left to pay on the loan. She told him that she had made a deal to be paid in cash to avoid the income tax. When Suresh asked about her duties and hours, Aditi told him that she was hired as a consultant and would be working odd hours out of her house. Suresh was so excited that some money was coming in, he didn't question her closely. He was just happy he had enough to make the next payment on his debt.

"I'm happy you got lots of rest," Jamil said with a deep chuckle. "I want you to go to the Aloft Hotel. Do you know where it is?" Aditi told him she knew the location. "I have a suite there. Suite fifteen-sixteen. I'll meet you there at eleven this morning. We'll have an early lunch."

"Okay," Aditi said.

"One other thing, dear Aditi," Jamil said. "I hate that hair you have around your pussy. Get rid of it. You can leave a small bit above your cunt if you want to. Don't be late."

"Okay," Aditi said into a dead phone. She had wrestled with her inter-self during her wakefulness. She had an opportunity to refuse Jamil, but that had been yesterday, and that opportunity had passed when she kept the money he left. She was committed until she could figure out how to raise enough money to pay off the loan shark.

At five minutes until eleven she got off the lift on the fifteenth floor of the Aloft Hotel.

"I admire punctuality," Jamil said opening the door for her. "Come in and make yourself comfortable."

"This is your suite?" Aditi asked as she looked around the luxurious suit. It was large, two rooms and a large bath with a dressing room. The suite was tastefully decorated.

"Actually it belongs to the company," Jamil said. "One of the perks of being in my position. I've ordered a champagne brunch. I hope that will be satisfactory. We'll get better acquainted while we dine." He left to answer the door. Soon a white jacketed waiter wheeled a cart into the front room. The waiter was a young white man and he gave Aditi a knowing look as he prepared the table.

"I'm sure you will enjoy your stay at the Aloft, sir," the waiter said to Jamil as he accepted the twenty dollar tip, and glancing at Aditi.

"I'm positive that I shall," Jamil said. He too gave Aditi a knowing look.

"You will need to dress more sexy," Jamil said to her after the waiter had gone. "That young man wasn't sure what you were. In the future you will wear clothing so that there will be no question. No panties, no bra, and never wear panty hoses. Dresses or skirts that show off your many charms. Shorts only if they are very short and sexy. Never wear pants." He poured the wine while he spoke. "In the mean while please remove your top. I want to see your tits while we eat."

Jamil kept small talk going while they ate the brunch. At first, Aditi was self conscious of her bare breasts, but as the meal progressed she got over it. Jamil was relaxed and that helped her. The four or five glasses of champagne didn't hurt either.

"Aditi, I want you to remove the rest of your clothing," Jamil said. "When the waiter comes for the cart, I want him to see all of your charms. Don't use your hands to cover up. Stand right there in the middle of the room."

It would have been funny, if Aditi had not been so embarrassed. The waiter's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw the beautiful fair skinned woman standing beside the black man. If the waiter had harbored any questions about the rendezvous, they were answered now.

"Why was that necessary?" Aditi asked when the waiter finally managed to get the cart out of the door. "It was embarrassing."

"It was necessary to enforce, in your mind, who is in charge. You will be asked to perform many tasks over the coming weeks. Some will seem bazaar to you. You need to get used to it. Next time I may ask you to give the waiter a blowjob." Jamil laughed. "Speaking of that, I need a blow job."

He took off his clothes and lay down on the massive bed. Aditi obediently got on the bed and preformed the requested service. After she had been sucking on his cock a few minutes he pulled her around into a sixty-nine position.

"I'm pleased you did as I asked," he said. "Keep the pubic hair gone. You might want to consider a more permanent solution. Of course we'll pay for it." Just before his lips latched on to her pussy lips, he said, "you'll find we are a generous employer."


Jamil fucked here several times during their stay, causing her to have numerous orgasms. While she dressed, Jamil gave her the instructions for the next meeting. He told her that she would come to the hotel the next night at seven o'clock. He told her that he was having a small business meeting, and she would act as hostess for the meeting.

"This is an important meeting, Aditi," Jamil told her. He handed her a key card. "This is for you to keep. You'll be using it a lot," he added with a leer.

"What are my duties as hostess?' Aditi ask.

"You will serve the drinks and snacks that will be here when you arrive." Jamil said. "You will also perform any other service that might be required of you. When I say services, do you understand what I am saying?"

"Yes," Aditi said softly. "I'm to have sex with them if they want it. Is that what you mean?"

"Exactly," Jamil said with a smile. "You are a smart lady, Aditi. You catch on quick."

"How many men will be at this meeting?" she asked.

"Two for sure," Jamil said. "They are important men who can give our company a lot of income. I want to have a contract signed by the end of the evening. If you do your part satisfactorily there will be a nice bonus for you." He looked sharply at her. "If you don't you will be unemployed again."

"How...I mean...Which one will...you know?" she stammered

"You ain't as smart as I thought," Jamil said with a laugh. "You will figure it out, I'm sure. I want you to go by the Chirag Dresses. See a lady named Sharmilee. She'll help you pick out some sexy clothes. Don't worry about the bill. I have a charge account there."

It was nearly three o'clock when Aditi left the hotel. She went directly to the shop where Jamil indicated. Sharmilee was an older lady, and she apparently knew exactly what Jamil wanted Aditi to have. Everything was a lot more revealing than Aditi would have ever selected.

"How on earth can I wear something this short without my panties showing?" Aditi asked Sharmilee, looking at a short dress.

"Simple," Sharmilee told her with a grin. "You don't wear panties...or a bra," she added. "You are one of the lucky ones. You have nice full breasts that doesn't need support...yet." Sharmilee cupped both of her breasts. "Gravity took over for me, so I have to have a little help."

After Aditi tried everything on, Sharmilee totaled it up and had Aditi sign the bill. "I take it you work for Mister Jamil?"

"Yes," Aditi said, her face turning red. She knew what Sharmilee thought, and it was true.

"Public relations, I assume," Sharmilee said with a grin. "You are the prettiest I've seen."

Aditi was surprised, but she knew she shouldn't have been. A lot of companies use women to smooth the rocky roads of business. She had been vaguely aware that her company did so. She just never expected that she would be one of them.

"Let me know if you need any help," Sharmilee said. "There nothing I like better than a stiff dick."

Aditi didn't know how to respond, so she grabbed her bags and nearly ran from the place. She asked herself again how she had gotten into this mess.

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When Suresh finely got around to asking what she was doing for the company in her new job, Aditi took a page from Sharmilee.

"I'm working in public relations," she answered. She was nearly dressed, and not in the attire that Kamini had sent home with her. Aditi planned on being at the hotel in time to change. She wasn't entirely sure that the dress was even legal for street wear. It barley covered her butt cheeks. She had the skimpy dress in her briefcase.

"You are sure having to work odd hours," Suresh commented. "Seems strange to me."

"This is the type work that's best done in the evening. Engaging the clients in a social atmosphere. More deals are made over dinner then in the conference room." Aditi had no idea if that was true or not. It seemed to her that she had heard that more deals were made on the golf course than in the boardroom. Either way it sounded good to her.

Well, the money's good, anyway" Suresh said. "What time will you be home?"

"Don't wait up," Aditi said checking her makeup. "Mister Jamil said these things go on later. In fact if it too late, I'll stay in the city tonight."

"Make them pay for the room if you stay," Suresh said. "We don't want it to come out of your pay."

The callousness of his comment caused her to bite her lip to keep from jumping down his throat. It was his gross stupidity that got them in the mess, not her. She managed to gain control of her tongue.

"I'm sure they will," she said giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "Good night, Suresh."


The hotel staff had stocked the bar and Aditi grabbed a quick drink before the guests arrived. She drank several, and soon she didn't feel so conspicuous in the short dress. After the third drink she stopped tugging at the hem.

At ten minutes after seven o'clock, Jamil called from the lobby to tell her they were on the way up to the room. Aditi felt her heart rate speed up. She considered another drink, but wasn't sure she would be able to function if she did. When the door opened her mouth was so dry she couldn't form words.

"Aditi, this is Mister Merchant who is the CEO of The Merchant Group." Merchant stepped forward and took her dainty hand into his massive paw. Lalit Merchant was well over six feet six, and almost as wide. His head was shaved, and he was the blackest man she had ever saw.

"Please to meet you Aditi," Merchant said in a surprisingly soft voice for such a large man. She managed a smile.

"This gentleman is Vikrant." Jamil said, introducing an equally large man, though not as dark as Merchant. "Mister Vikrant is the President of the Merchant Group. Between them they control eighty two percent of the stock in their company. What would you like Aditi to get you to drink, Gentlemen?"

"Old Monk large," Merchant said not taking his dark eyes off of Aditi.

"Same" Vikrant said "Might as well make it a double."

Aditi breathed a sigh of relief. She could make those drinks without any trouble.

"What would you like, Mister Jamil?" she asked, surprised that she had a voice.

"I'll have same," he said smiling at her. "And you know better than to call me mister. First names are fine here in this room." Aditi nodded and went to the bar. She knew that all three men were watching her. She made a conscious effort not to attempt to pull the dress down. She figured that even if she should be successful, her boobs would pop out of the top.

"Nice outfit," she heard Merchant said as she walked away.

"Yeah, that's nice," Stevens agreed.

"Ass ain't bad either," Jamil added, and they all laughed. The three men sat down at a round table in the front room. They took off their jackets, loosened the ties, and got down to business.

Over the next hour, Aditi hovered close enough to see if they needed their glasses refilled, which she did several times. From what she could gather from their haggling, Jamil wanted them to sign an exclusive contract with his company. The Merchant Group wanted an nonexclusive deal. Jamil cited a lot of figures to prove his point, but none of the numbers seemed to impress the other two men.

Aditi brought fresh drinks and sit them down in front of the men. As she started to leave, Jamil put his arm out and detained her. He pulled her over and sat her down on his lap while continuing to spout facts and figures. The other two black men watched him as if they thought he was going to do something magical. In a sense he did. With one hand he undid the two top buttons of her dress. He stopped talking long enough to take a sip of his drink and put the glass to Aditi's lips. She had to sip, or have it spill on her. Jamil started talking again about how his company could do a better job for Merchant, but only if they had an exclusive contract.

"I hear where you're coming from, man," Vikrant said. He was speaking to Jamil but his eyes never left Aditi's chest and her almost exposed breasts. "We can't justify the additional cost to our stockholders."

Jamil nodded and handed Aditi the glass of whiskey. She took another sip, feeling the liquor burn as it went down her throat. Jamil undid the last button, and slid his hand inside her dress. Aditi gasped when Jamil's fingers found her nipple. He stroked her breast and played with her nipple while continuing to discuss business.

"Man if you going to play with that gals tits, let us see what you're doing," Lalit Merchant said softly.

Jamil stopped fondling her long enough to pull the dress from her shoulders, exposing both white plump breasts. Both men locked their eyes on her breasts.

"What kind of host am I?" Jamil said. "Aditi, go sit on Lalit's lap. Get rid of that dress while you do."

"Now you're talkin'" Merchant said with a huge smile. "Come on over here Honey."

Aditi felt like her feet were imbedded in sticky glue as she made her way to where the big man sat. She let the tiny dress fall to the floor as she went. When she sat down on Merchant's lap she was dressed in only her heels, a gold necklace, and a sickly smile. She wanted to run screaming from the room.

Merchant nuzzled her breasts and lightly pinched her nipples. Aditi felt a slight shudder run through her. Merchant pushed her legs apart and caressed her clitoris as he played with her breasts. Soon he had a large finger in her. With his fingers and mouth, he brought her to an orgasm.

"Man, this is one hot chick," Merchant said with a laugh. "Her cunt is quivering like crazy."

"I know you're the CEO," Vikrant said. "But do you intend on hoggin' her?"

"No, my brother," Merchant said. "Here you play with her a while." He lifted Aditi off his lap and nudged her toward his business partner. "We share, don't we?"

Aditi settled onto Vikrant lap with less reluctance then with Merchant. She could feel the sexual excitement building up within her.

"Man these are some fine titties," Vikrant said biting down on her nipple. When she leaned forward to ease his bite, her legs opened and Vikrant shoved his middle finger deep in her. He wiggled and thrust it in and out a few moments, and brought Aditi to a racking orgasm. Vishrant laughed. "Man she is hot. It don't take her no time to come."

"She's a good fuck, too," Jamil offered. "I ought to know."

"You like large cock, sugar?" Vishrant said in her ear. Aditi nodded because she didn't know what else to do. "You want this large cock in your cunt?" She nodded again. Vishrant added another finger to her moist opening and she came again, this time with a loud moan.

"I'm thinking that our business discussion is over for the night," Lalit Merchant said to Jamil. "I know you want to tell your people something in the morning. Leave the contracts here and you run on along. We'll discuss it with Little Aditi."

"You want me to leave?" Jamil asked. Watching as Vikrant carried Aditi to the bedroom.

"Yeah, I do," Lalit Merchant said. "I don't think me and Vishrant need you for anything else. Maybe you'll have a pleasant surprise in the morning. Little Aditi will get her surprise tonight."

"Yeah, sure," Jamil said. "I want to remind you that she's really just a housewife and not..."

"Got it, Jamil," Merchant interrupted. "We'll take it easy on her. Now get the fuck out of here so we can get busy."

After Jamil left, Merchant went to the bedroom. His friend and partner was eating Aditi's pussy like there was going to be no tomorrow. Aditi was tossing her head and making whimpering sounds. Merchant chuckled as he got out of his clothes. This little girl was in for a fucking.

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Aditi woke up with a start. For a moment she didn't know where she was. It came back to her in a flood of memories. She was in suite fifteen-sixteen of the Aloft Hotel. She had been ravaged over and over again by two big men. Fucked was the only word that came to her mind, because there was no love involved in any of the acts.

Aditi lay still, thinking of the night. Both men had large dicks. Larger than any she had ever seen. Vikrant was the smaller of the two, but even he was over seven inches long and thick. Lalit Merchant was longer by an inch or so, but not quite as big around. Neither seemed to ever get completely soft. Even through the whiskey induced haze she could remember most of the details of the nights activity.

She remember Vikrant performing oral sex on her. He licked and sucked on her until she came several times. Then while she was being attended to by Vishrant, Lalit got up on the bed and presented his cock for her to suck. She hesitated only momentarily before taking the huge cock in her mouth. The time for hesitation had long passed.

Vikrant was the first to fuck her. While Lalit Merchant held her legs open, and Aditi sucking Merchant's cock, Stevens put the tip of his cock in her pussy and shoved it in her with one deep thrust. She came with flashing lights going off in her head. She tried to yell, but her voice was muffled by Merchant's black pole in her mouth.

From then on it was one continuous fuck fest, and one continuous orgasm for the small white woman. They took her one at a time for a while. They swapped her back and forth between them for a long time. Lalit Merchant was the first of them to take her ass. His large cock hurt at first, but he was gentle, and soon she adjusted and begun to enjoyed it. It was later that they doubled teamed her. Lalit lay on his back and Aditi, facing away from him, mounted his cock, taking it in her butt. Vishrant waited until Merchant's cock was seated in her, and he got on and fucked her pussy. During the first double penetration she had an orgasm so strong she blacked out for a few moments.

As she recalled the events, her hand went down and she stroked her tender and swollen pussy. She brought herself to a small, but satisfying orgasm.

"Son of a bitch," she heard Jamil's voice shout from the other room. "They signed it!"

Aditi swung her legs off the bed, She realized she was crusted with dried sperm and some of her muscles were sore. She was still sitting on the edge of the bed when Jamil came into the bedroom.

"They signed," he said again. "They actually signed the fucking contract. Son of a bitch, you look like hell."

"I feel like hell," Aditi groaned. "I need a shower."

"I'll say you do," Jamil said grinning as he looked at her nude body. Her breasts were covered with love bites and there was dried come on almost every inch of her body, even her hair was matted with come. "You want me to help wash you?"

"Not this morning, Jamil," she said stumbling to the bathroom. "Not today at all. I've had it for a while."

"I can't believe they signed," Jamil said to her back. "You did good, Aditi. Hell of a bonus for you."

"Whatever," she said closing the door on him.

It was Friday morning before Aditi heard from Jamil . The two days she had away from him were good in one respect. She had time to workout the conflicting emotions she felt. She had reached the conclusion that she was doing what she had to do to keep Suresh from being hurt or worse. They should be able to keep their house and nice furniture they owned. That was good, but by the end of the second day she was feeling restless. All the cash that Jamil had given her was gone to pay the loan shark.

"How are you feeling," Jamil asked when she answered the phone.

"I'm fine, Jamil," she answered. She had made up her mind she would not call him Mister Jamil.

"Good. I'm on my way to your house. I should be there in a few minutes. I have something for you." "Okay," Aditi said. She felt a strange stirring within her. Fifteen minutes later Jamil arrived.

"You look a lot better than the last time I saw you," he said. He took her in his arms and kissed her deeply. "You looked rough," he added. "I felt rough," she admitted. "What's going on?"

"Several things," Jamil said. "First, the Merchant group has a lot of good things to say about you. Lalit Merchant called me yesterday and he gushed like a school girl about what a great fuck you are. It appears that I misjudged you. Frankly I thought you wouldn't go along with the deal. I thought you would run screaming from the room. I badly underestimated your ability." He laughed, "I won't make that mistake again. Apparently you were a hit with Vishrant and Lalit, and they both have made sure I'm aware of it. The second thing is your bonus." He took an envelope out of his jacket pocket and handed it to her. "Here's ten grand for a job well done."

Aditi knew her mouth dropped open, and she made an effort to close it. "Thank you," she said simply. "You earned it, Aditi," Jamil said. "That was a multimillion dollar contract.. They have some more business we can get and I want it. From what Merchant and Stevens said, they want us to try and get it. Are you game?"

She nodded her head. The bonus would keep Pritam away from the door for a few weeks, but not forever. "Sure why not?" she said.

"Great. I knew I could count on you. How did you like having two men at the same time?"

It was something that she had given a lot of thought about since that night. How did she like it? She knew the answer.

"It was okay," she said with a smile she couldn't keep from showing. "Certainly different."

"Apparently it was a bit better than okay," Jamil said with a laugh. "Lalit Merchant said you were begging for more cock before the night hardly got started, and Vishrant told me that you damned near wore them out. You really got into it didn't you?"

"Yes, I suppose I did. It was a sexual frenzy like I had never even thought of before. Yes, I liked it. Does that make you happy?"

"It does make me happy," Jamil said. "I like the idea that you are enjoying yourself. Were they hung?" Aditi smiled and held her hands up, about a foot apart. "Bullshit," he laughed. "There are a few super cocks out there, but not all that many. Vikrant said they have a guy working for them that has an eleven inch cock. He wants to bring him along some time. They want to see if you can take it. Next item. Lalit wants some professional photos of you. I've made an appointment for you tomorrow morning."

"What kind of photos?" Aditi asked.

"Sexy shots. Wear some of the things you picked up the other day at the Chirag. I'm sure they'll want some topless and maybe some nude shots, too. Vishrant especially likes your boobs. He has a thing about white tits."

"Jamil, I'm not sure about that. What if someone I know sees them?"

"So what if they do? Big deal." Jamil was taking off his coat. "How about some of that great head, the boys were talking about? They seemed to thing you have quiet the talent as a cocksucker."

A little while later, Aditi watched from the door as Jamil drove away. With the back of her hand she wiped away the dripping sperm from her chin. She was surprised that she felt disappointed that Jamil had not screwed her. She had actually been looking forward to it.


Active Member

That afternoon her husband came home with an anxious expression. When she asked him what the problem was he told her that he was a fifty thousand short of the loan payment.

"Pritam is on his way to collect," Suresh said. "He'll be here any minute."

"Don't worry, Suresh," Aditi said. "I have enough to cover the payment. Let me have what you have and I'll talk with him." She had no intention of giving Suresh all of the money she had gotten as a bonus. Suresh didn't enjoy a good reputation of caring for money. At least as far as she was concerned.

That suited Suresh just fine. Pritam sacred the hell out of him, and Pritam's bodyguard or enforcer, Raghav something, was almost as scary. He gave Aditi what money he had, and told her that he needed to go to the hardware. He left telling her that he'd be back as soon as he could. Aditi knew he wouldn't be back until the loan shark left. She felt both pity and disgust for her husband at that moment.


When Aditi saw Pritam and his henchman, she could understand her husbands fear. Pritam was a large imposing man. Well over six feet tall, and weighed close to three hundred pounds. His face was a mass of scar tissue. His companion was about the same size, but black and just as ugly and frightening.

When Aditi answered the door she recoiled in shock and fear at the sight of the man.

"Where's Suresh?" the man growled.

"He had to go out," Aditi stammered.

"Did he leave something for me?"

"Yes, he did," Aditi said, her voice trembling. "I'll go get it." Pritam opened the storm door and came into the living room. His man came with him. "Yes, come on in," Aditi said unnecessarily. "I'll just be a minute." She hurried and got the envelope she had put the two lakhs in. When she returned, both Pritam and his guard were sitting down. Wordlessly she handed the big man the envelope. Pritam opened it and counted the bills.

"Short," Pritam growled.

"No sir, there's two lakhs in it. I counted it myself." She realized that her voice was unnaturally high.

"Yeah, but when I have to come for it, it's extra. Tell me, Honey, what's a good lookin' woman like you doin' with a looser like Suresh?"

"I...er...How much extra?"

"Don't know yet," Pritam said with an evil grin. "Depends on how friendly you are."

"What do you mean?" she asked, knowing exactly what he meant.

"Look Sweet tits, I ain't got time to chitchat with you. My man, Raghav here, likes women. You make nice with Raghav, and I'll not charge nothing extra for my trip. What do you say to that?"

"I say, no think you," Aditi snapped.

"Fine," the man grinned. "You owe me another two lakhs."

"What is I still say no," Aditi asked.

"Then I'll run ol' Suresh down and beat it out of him." Pritam answered. "Don't make no difference to me."

"Give me back half of what I've paid and forget the extra, and I'll be very nice to Raghav," Aditi said. She almost laughed at the surprised look on Pritam ugly face.

"Do it boss," Raghav urged. "She's a fine lookin' piece of ass."

"You got a deal, Lady," Pritam said taking half of the bills out of the envelope. "I watch you two. That's part of the deal."

Aditi, surprised that she had made the offer, and even more surprised that he took it, led both men to the bedroom.

"Take everything off," Raghav said when they reached the room. "I want to see you naked first."

Aditi slowly took off her clothes. She did it as sinuously as she knew how. She made a production out of removing her bra and panties. Both men were sporting a hard-on. She knew this because Raghav had removed his clothes and his cock was standing out straight. Pritam kept tugging at his through his trousers.

Raghav had a large cock, about the size of Lalit Merchant's, except Raghav's cock had a bend in it. She smiled in secret amusement, thinking that Raghav's dick looked like it was looking around to the side. A short while later that smile was wiped from her face. Raghav was a rough lover. Luckily she was aroused, and well moistened when Raghav took her, otherwise she would have been hurt. He didn't hesitate, he just slammed his cock into her with no gentleness or finesse. He hammered away for about ten minutes, bringing her to a nice climax. When he got ready to come, he took his cock out of her pussy, whipped the condom off and came profusely on her face. While Pritam and Raghav watched she used her hand and gathered the sperm off of her face and licked her hand clean. That caused Pritam to laugh loudly.

"You are somethin' else," Pritam said. "We'll see you next week."

After the two thugs left, Aditi sat down in the living room floor and cried. Not so much for what she had done, but for how easy it had been for her to do it.


"How come you didn't mention that Pritam charged extra when he had to come get his money?" she asked Suresh when he came home an hour later.

Huh? He never mentioned it before," Suresh said. "How much extra? Did you pay it?"

"Yes, Suresh, I paid it," she said. "I took care of it, so don't worry about it."

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good bro



That afternoon her husband came home with an anxious expression. When she asked him what the problem was he told her that he was a fifty thousand short of the loan payment.

"Pritam is on his way to collect," Suresh said. "He'll be here any minute."

"Don't worry, Suresh," Aditi said. "I have enough to cover the payment. Let me have what you have and I'll talk with him." She had no intention of giving Suresh all of the money she had gotten as a bonus. Suresh didn't enjoy a good reputation of caring for money. At least as far as she was concerned.

That suited Suresh just fine. Pritam sacred the hell out of him, and Pritam's bodyguard or enforcer, Raghav something, was almost as scary. He gave Aditi what money he had, and told her that he needed to go to the hardware. He left telling her that he'd be back as soon as he could. Aditi knew he wouldn't be back until the loan shark left. She felt both pity and disgust for her husband at that moment.


When Aditi saw Pritam and his henchman, she could understand her husbands fear. Pritam was a large imposing man. Well over six feet tall, and weighed close to three hundred pounds. His face was a mass of scar tissue. His companion was about the same size, but black and just as ugly and frightening.

When Aditi answered the door she recoiled in shock and fear at the sight of the man.

"Where's Suresh?" the man growled.

"He had to go out," Aditi stammered.

"Did he leave something for me?"

"Yes, he did," Aditi said, her voice trembling. "I'll go get it." Pritam opened the storm door and came into the living room. His man came with him. "Yes, come on in," Aditi said unnecessarily. "I'll just be a minute." She hurried and got the envelope she had put the two lakhs in. When she returned, both Pritam and his guard were sitting down. Wordlessly she handed the big man the envelope. Pritam opened it and counted the bills.

"Short," Pritam growled.

"No sir, there's two lakhs in it. I counted it myself." She realized that her voice was unnaturally high.

"Yeah, but when I have to come for it, it's extra. Tell me, Honey, what's a good lookin' woman like you doin' with a looser like Suresh?"

"I...er...How much extra?"

"Don't know yet," Pritam said with an evil grin. "Depends on how friendly you are."

"What do you mean?" she asked, knowing exactly what he meant.

"Look Sweet tits, I ain't got time to chitchat with you. My man, Raghav here, likes women. You make nice with Raghav, and I'll not charge nothing extra for my trip. What do you say to that?"

"I say, no think you," Aditi snapped.

"Fine," the man grinned. "You owe me another two lakhs."

"What is I still say no," Aditi asked.

"Then I'll run ol' Suresh down and beat it out of him." Pritam answered. "Don't make no difference to me."

"Give me back half of what I've paid and forget the extra, and I'll be very nice to Raghav," Aditi said. She almost laughed at the surprised look on Pritam ugly face.

"Do it boss," Raghav urged. "She's a fine lookin' piece of ass."

"You got a deal, Lady," Pritam said taking half of the bills out of the envelope. "I watch you two. That's part of the deal."

Aditi, surprised that she had made the offer, and even more surprised that he took it, led both men to the bedroom.

"Take everything off," Raghav said when they reached the room. "I want to see you naked first."

Aditi slowly took off her clothes. She did it as sinuously as she knew how. She made a production out of removing her bra and panties. Both men were sporting a hard-on. She knew this because Raghav had removed his clothes and his cock was standing out straight. Pritam kept tugging at his through his trousers.

Raghav had a large cock, about the size of Lalit Merchant's, except Raghav's cock had a bend in it. She smiled in secret amusement, thinking that Raghav's dick looked like it was looking around to the side. A short while later that smile was wiped from her face. Raghav was a rough lover. Luckily she was aroused, and well moistened when Raghav took her, otherwise she would have been hurt. He didn't hesitate, he just slammed his cock into her with no gentleness or finesse. He hammered away for about ten minutes, bringing her to a nice climax. When he got ready to come, he took his cock out of her pussy, whipped the condom off and came profusely on her face. While Pritam and Raghav watched she used her hand and gathered the sperm off of her face and licked her hand clean. That caused Pritam to laugh loudly.

"You are somethin' else," Pritam said. "We'll see you next week."

After the two thugs left, Aditi sat down in the living room floor and cried. Not so much for what she had done, but for how easy it had been for her to do it.


"How come you didn't mention that Pritam charged extra when he had to come get his money?" she asked Suresh when he came home an hour later.

Huh? He never mentioned it before," Suresh said. "How much extra? Did you pay it?"

"Yes, Suresh, I paid it," she said. "I took care of it, so don't worry about it."

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Yes because she is a whore now
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