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कुछ लिख लेता हूँ
This is the life story, kind of a diary, of a very close friend. He has had a very unusual life. I have known him for a better part of my life, and can personally vouch for the fact that the events are true. Upon my request, he posted the events from his life in a form of story on one of the popular forums, but he got cold response. Subsequently, he asked for my help in fictionalizing his story. I did that and posted it as my story (with his permission), but withdrew on his objection. A few months ago he told me that he wanted me to complete the documentary and share it with the world. So, here I am. Doing his bidding. Hope you all find it interesting.


Love and Sex are extremely fascinating aspect in everyone’s life - be it a man or woman. Everyone does it. It is only a matter of 'when' and not 'who'. Over history, we can observe how the age of marriage 'evolved'… why the age of marriage? Because, marriage also gives the societal consent that the man and the woman can now have sex. Long ago, what was a socially acceptable norm is now seen as child abuse. What is a norm at present, will be treated differently in future. My point is that everyone does it. Everyone does it differently, and in a variety of ways.

Through this journal, I am trying to share my experiences (when I say my experiences, I mean they are absolutely and completely mine - real life experiences) involving quest for finding love and also, through it, sex. Of course, I will take some literary and poetic liberty to spike the joy of your reading, but what I am sharing here will never be away from the actual truth. So, with that, let us begin the journal of "My Experience with Love".

(Names of persons and places have been either withheld or changed or both, for obvious reasons. The author also had a few such "experiences" in his younger days, information of which is withheld here for legal and moral reasons.)


कुछ लिख लेता हूँ
My Experience with Love

I don’t know how much you know about the life in the hinterlands in northern states in India, in the later 70s and early 80s. Life has changed so much since; however, I kind of miss those days. The reason behind this is because as a child you seem to cherish such memories of the old. It is important to talk about some of my background; otherwise it will not be a journal.

For children, their parents always are often backward, regressive and meddling. But I never felt in this way about my parents: they were a couple of the coolest, most progressive, and open-minded people on earth that I still know of! My parents married immediately after my father joined his government job. Mother was really an underage according to the current legal status of marriage, when she married him (before the late ‘70s, the minimum legal marriageable age for women in India was 14!). Her parents were poor, and they knew that they would never be able to arrange for the required dowry for her marriage. Therefore, when they received a marriage proposal for their daughter, they immediately agreed. She had just turned marriageable by law, and they did not waste any time in getting her married to my Dad. He was about twenty-three when he got a job of a clerk in a government department and he would have been a prized catch for any groom-hunting parents. But my mother was so beautiful, and although my maternal grandparents were poor, they were respected people in the community. So, they got married and within a year, when she was barely fifteen, I came to this world. They were a very young couple, and extremely young parents. But one good thing happened - because of my Dad’s job, both were forced to live separately from their extended families. This proved to be a boon in so many ways. Unlike many other married couples of their time, my parents were best friends and had vivacious love-life. Away from the meddling of their respective families, they were able to develop their own way of living. Overall, we were a happy family.

Money was hard to come by as my Dad was the only one earning and his salaries were not big; however, we were not really in big need of it. Both of my paternal and maternal grandfathers pooled in some money and purchased one two-bedroom house that was still under construction. It came in cheap because it was a bit further away from the town center, and also because much of the house was still needed in need of plastering etc. If you will look at that house today, it will look like a villa. But back then, it was a different story. Anyway, my father in due course of time expanded that house to a four-bedroom house. It was a comfortable home, and we were very happy there.

Healthy and organic at present are buzzwords, but my parents inculcated healthy habits since the time I was born. Both my parents believed in natural living, so we never used processed food at home. We had a connection with our native village, so, we used to get steady supplies of food-grains direct from the village farm. Mother on the other hand was fan of home remedies, home cooking and all things natural. Food was always home cooked, and I never felt the need to try things such as Maggi. There was only one good public school in the town, so anyone who was even slightly well-off, used to send their children to that school only. All I want to say is that not only the children in the school, but also their parents were friends with each other.


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North Indian hinterlands back then were characterized by their close affinity to rural roots, and just a touch of modern amenities. The people in my town were big on festivals: excitement around all kind of festivals was palpable. The nearby temple would start playing bhajans records on loudspeakers as early as 4am. Dad used to get up at around this time for his morning runs; mother did not run, but she too used to have long morning walks. I used to be happily asleep till around 7am, even till I was a teen. My daily routine was simple – get up, eat, go to school, return to home, eat, play, study, eat, and sleep. My Dad was a big advocate of sports that would invigorate all body parts – so his favorite was running, football and kabaddi. Life was simple, isn’t it?

Being a big fan of natural brought a few interesting things. When I was younger, my parents did not make me get dressed after bath, so I used to be naked a lot of the time during my childhood. It was a kind of norm for me, and my parents never objected to it. I would run around the house naked, the roof and even in the backyard, where even outside people could see me. After around the age of ten, being naked time started to reduce and eventually ended in my early teens. Similarly, my parents had liberal attitude towards breastfeeding. Like a lot of children in my time, I too was breastfed. There is a lot of hullabaloo these days about breastfeeding in public. There was no such taboo then. When I reached the age when most children are weaned from their mothers’ breasts, my mother felt no harm in letting me continue. My father never said anything about it. So, it was okay for me to simply ask my mother to nurse and she would open her blouse. It was normal to me. I remember accompanying my mother to temples in evening. There too, she allowed me to feed. Other women used to give her knowing smiles. This (public feeding) continued till about when I was about eight. Mother was in her early twenties. That was then some women told her to stop me feeding, because that might hinder her getting pregnant again. They also showed their surprise that she still produced milk even after so many years of giving birth to me.

That day, when we returned home, she told me that we can not do this in public anymore. But she was happy to continue giving her love to me in private. I did not know why my parents never had another child. It was only later that I came to know that they deliberately decided not to have any more after me. The feeding however continued till I was about ten. Around then, my mother kind of stopped producing much milk. It was often just a couple of spoon-full each time. But I continued. For me, it was always comforting to rest my head against her and to suck her sweet, warm milk. I still remember the rainy days when I would stay naked inside all day long and ask mother to nurse me.

When I entered high-school, my schoolwork as well as my friend-circle grew, mother reminded me that an average child did not nurse anymore nor was naked at home. She added that although she did not mind and I could be as I pleased at home, she wanted me to know that we should be discreet about it. Many people would not understand. I was okay with that. I still nursed from her when I used to come back from school. In fact, it was nice to get home from school, get naked and wait for mother to unbutton her blouse. Sometimes, she would come to tuck me in the bed and would breastfeed me until I fell asleep. This she particularly used to do during the exam time. I used to be so much peaceful that I always performed great in the exams. I was already taller than her, when I reached the tenth standard. By then, there was no milk. But I still continued. I think I simply loved the feeling of my mother’s nipples in my mouth and her skin against my lips. I do not know how she felt, but she never stopped me from doing it. Yes, staying naked at home almost stopped by that time.

It seems pretty average these days for kids to have some sort of ‘romantic’ relationship even in their early teens. I recently joked with my wife about it. We were in a shopping mall when I noticed a barely teen couple holding hands and acting romantic. I am sure they had no idea what it is all about or whether they are attracted to each other to begin with. At least, I scored a nil on both counts, which brings me back to the story.


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Before college, I never thought about making any kind of relationship with the opposite sex. It was not until late in the school days when I was able to develop some kind of relationship with one of my classmates. Her name was Rachna. She was a girl with brain… and breasts! It was surprising for me that she had such a nicely developed pair at that age! For a long time, I assumed that breast size was a function of age. We now know that good food and healthy lifestyle can contribute to this end. She told me later on that she did not have a pair of breasts any different from the other girls. It was only that she did not confine them.

Rachna was a new girl in the school. Her father and my father were in the same department and her family was recently transferred to this town. As I explained earlier, she had to join my school. When I first saw her, I was intrigued by how beautiful she looked, and I wanted to befriend her. It was audacious thing for me to do, as I had no experience in that matter. To make it worse, I had absolutely no idea of how to talk properly to girls. My interaction with people my age was mostly with boys, and with adults was usually limited to them asking about studies, and occasionally asking me questions from syllabus. That was it. So, I had no conversational skills to speak of.

With that kind of handicap, such dreams are not fulfilled. You need something beyond handicap and skills. You need divine intervention. I was good at studies, in fact, very good. One day, the class teacher, who also happened to be our Hindi (Literature, Grammar, Poetry and Sanskrit) teacher, made study groups of - mind it – two students, so that we can revise question-answers with each other. Rachna, fortunately, was paired with me. Such luck! So, we were discussing and occasionally talking too.

At one time I said with frustration,

"Yeh lang lakaar nahi, lund lakaar hai.." (It is not Lang Lakaar, it is Lund Lakaar)

[Lakaars are tenses in Sanskrit, and lang lakaar is the past tense]

All I wanted to do was to corrupt how the word was written and pronounced. It was an innocent thing to do, and I really did not know what the new word meant. First off, Rachna could not believe what I said. I was considered to be a sincere and decent person. I was known to have never uttered even a single slang. Of course, she was surprised, or even shocked. When she finally overcame the initial shock, she said,

"No Amar, we don’t talk like that."

"Why? What happened?"

"Don’t you know its meaning?"

"Whose meaning?"

"The word… what you just said."

"The word? You mean lund?"

"Yes - that. And don’t speak it loudly."

"Okay… but I don’t know what it means. Should it mean anything?" I was confused.

Later, during the lunch she told me its meaning. I was surprised that a penis could have such a name. She laughed when I told her that the only word that I knew for penis was chhunni. She enlightened me by telling me that chhunni is something that only boys have. Girls do not have chhunnis. She also told me that for older boys and men chhunnis are called lund. It is nothing but a chhunni that can grow and erect. Fascinating piece of information, isn’t it? She further asked me whether it grew like she explained. I confirmed that it sometimes did, and asked her not to tell anyone. She told me that it was a good thing because that is what it is supposed to do, and there was nothing to be ashamed of. She also told me that it meant that I was transforming into a man.

That was when I gathered the courage to ask her about her breasts. I must confess that I have always had a fascination with breasts (which man is not?). Breasts of any size catch my attention; always have and still do. One aspect of breasts that arouses my interest is when they produce milk. Rachna told me that they were the most useless parts of her body - everyone seemed to stare at them; they are difficult to manage; she could not run because they would jiggle, wobble and ache; and yes, they were very sensitive. Clearly, she was upset to discuss her breasts, so I did not press the matter further.

In those days, it was uncommon for girls to visit boys’ homes. However, our mothers had become very good friends, because as I told you earlier too that our fathers were in the same department. Since, in the classroom, Rachna and I were study partners, so it was logically okay for our parents to allow us to continue the arrangement at home too. So, both Rachna and I used to go to each other for combined studies. Rachna was more frequent visitor to my house because she loved my mother’s cooking and would not miss any opportunity to relish them.


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One day she came home, and we started our study session. We managed it well and we could quickly complete our homework, revised the class sessions, and completed the preparation for the next day. Suddenly, we had nothing to do.

"Do you want to play something together?" I asked after a bit.

"Like what?"

"How about Ludo?" I suggested.

She shrugged, "Ok."

We played for a bit but it wasn’t as fun as playing with four people, but it was okay, and better than nothing. We played for about half an hour, and again started to get bored quickly. We were evenly matched, so it was not fun. So obviously she should either leave for her home, but then it was even more of boredom to look forward to. I sighed.

"What’s wrong?" she asked.

"Just bored. I mean, playing this is fun, but only a couple of times. It just kind of gets old."

"Yeah… and you don’t have a TV either." she said. My parents decided against purchasing a TV - we only had a radio and a cassette player for entertainment and we hardly went out for movies, perhaps two three times per year.

"Yeah." I thought for a bit. "Well, any other games you want to play?"

She thought for a moment and then said, "We could play something new, if you want."


"Well, do you remember that day when you were shouting lund lund in class?"

"I was not shouting."

I was embarrassed recalling that day. Innocence is priceless; the more you know the more aware you become.

"Okay okay! You were not shouting."

"But what were you saying about playing?"

"Well, you can let me play with your chhunni?"

"What! Have you gone mad? Mother will kill me and you."

"Don’t worry. Your mother is talking to the neighbor and it will be some time before she returns."

I was uncertain, nervous, afraid and most of all, embarrassed.

"You know what," she played her masterstroke, "I will allow you to see my doodh, what do you say?"

That was the most daring thing that a girl had ever said to me in my entire life.


Grinning slightly, Rachna said, "Do you want to see me naked?"

"Uh..." I played safe with a lie, "No."

Rachna frowned, "You are lying, Amar."

"No, I am not." I protested weakly.

"You are lying because your chhunni is getting hard."

"Well…" no one could have missed the slight tent forming in front of my knickers.

"So you want to see me naked."

I sighed, caught. "Well, yes, okay, I guess I do," I mumbled.

"Do what?" she asked sweetly.

"I want to see you naked," I growled.

"Ha ha ha! For that, my dear, I will have to first see your chhunni."

Her hand moved and rested upon the top of my knickers and pulled them downwards. Under my knickers, I was naked - I knew this, and I think even Rachna knew this. I was suddenly breathing very hard; I am sure she could hear my heartbeats that sounded as if I had been in a long-distance run. She wrapped her finger into the band and moved the obstacle from her way. And there it was. My penis immediately sprang out to greet her. Lightly brown, smooth and hairless, my penis was bobbing in front of her hand, pulsing with the beating of my heart. It was about three inches long then, and very erect. It seemed to be pushing against its own skin. Below, my testicles seemed to be drawn up, waiting. She cupped it in her hand.

I exhaled and held my breath for a moment. She looked into my face, as I sank to the bed, too weak to keep standing. She followed, keeping her hand on my knickers and pulling them off as I went. So now I was just sitting there clad only in a shirt, with my penis sticking up between my legs and nearly quivering. My whole body was shaking, and my breathing was almost hyperventilating. She observed me and my nakedness with a lot of interest. After about two three minutes of agonizing evaluation, she pronounced her verdict,

"It is so beautiful."

Beautiful was the last word that I would have used to describe it. But coming from a pretty girl, I welcomed the compliment.

"It is not yet a lund, but it is very beautiful."

"How do you know?" I was hurt with her assessment, therefore, I started to protest.

But she interjected, "I have seen my Daddy’s… several times. When he makes love to my mother in the night, he sometimes walks naked to the kitchen to drink water. He doesn’t know it, but I have seen him naked. I have seen them making love. I think I can compare both of you. You are about half of his size. His penis is big and… ugly; yours is small and beautiful."


कुछ लिख लेता हूँ
That was a sincere compliment, I guess. I naturally responded with,

"Well, thank you!

"Can I… can I touch it? If you don’t mind that is…"

"Touch what?" I knew exactly what she wanted to touch.

"Your chhunni."

"I guess it is okay. But, it is not clean."

Mother had taught me how to take good care of it. She taught me the "right way" to pee and also told me to clean it after each use. But it was embarrassing to use her advice when I was in school, and since boys are boys - they don’t always do what their mothers tell them to do.

"It is okay."

She said and reached for my penis. She explored fully this time - she also held my testicles, checking for its weight - I asked her to be careful, as she could hurt me. She was very careful - her feather touch fingers on my organs felt wonderful! She squeezed lightly to test the sturdiness of my shaft and length and perimeter of the organ. When done, as if satisfied with what she observed, she tapped playfully at the tip of my penis, and winked at me,

"I like it."


"This silly," this time she took my penis between her forefinger and thumb, and gave it a little shake, "I like your chhunni."

"Don’t tease me." I protested.

"Not at all. You look so handsome this way! I had no idea."

I was getting strangely and inexplicably excited because of all this. I am not sure whether that was sexual excitement or simply adventure of being naked. But at that moment, a lot of blood was flowing through my organ. My penis twitched as the result. She noticed.

"Oh! I see." she smiled, "Ye bhi khush hai apni badhai sun ke." (This too is happy for being praised.)

She again covered the entire length and girth in her slender hand and pushed her hand back, partially exposing my glans. Of course, my erection was not very strong one; it could rather be described as a cute erection. Encouraged, she pushed further, and exposed the head completely. Even I noticed it for the first time – the pink color was interesting. Also, for the first time during this entire episode, I felt utterly naked. The whole experience was different. She was a friend, a classmate, a known face, a potential tease… but somehow, she also felt safe.

"Mmm… it is so cute! You know that?"

I blinked. I did not know what else to do. She explored my penis as much as she wanted and then finally let go. She was slightly disappointed that it could not yet grow as much as her dad’s did, but she was happy to have seen and explored something that was considered so forbidden by the society. I was too paralyzed to do anything - even put my knickers back on. She told me to keep it clean under the skin, as she noticed some smegma forming.

What Rachna did next was unbelievable. True to her promise, she reached down, picked the hem of her frock and lifted it over her body. She was wearing a white camisole and a pair of panties under her frock. As she spread her frock outward, standing there, she giggled, and pulled the camisole all the way off. She stood there naked, letting me see every inch of her naked breasts. That was the first time she showed me her breasts. I was amazed to know how such a beautiful and perfect organ could be so much inconvenient for her. It was almost unbelievable! Her skin was clear, without any blemish. Her nipples and areola were of dark burnt orange color. The size of the areola was not more than a one rupee coin and the nipple was only as large as a pea. Honestly, in her nakedness, she looked like a fairy to me… absolutely beautiful!

My mouth fell open; I absentmindedly licked my lips. I was nervous, not because of my own nakedness, but because of Rachna’s! She looked so beautiful! I got up and came closer to her, so close in fact that she could feel my breath on her nipples. My hands shook, and my breathing was in breathless, little gasps. I was tempted to do it before Rachna stopped this show. I lowered my head slightly and my lips brushed her nipple gently.

"Pi lo (suck them)" she whispered her encouragement.

So, Rachna was not going anywhere. I was assured. She too wanted me to do what I wanted. I opened my mouth and ran my tongue around the areola before wrapping my lips around that nipple. Unknown to her, I knew how to suck a woman’s breasts. I sucked Rachna’s nipple into my mouth, and the more I sucked on it, the more erect it became. I expected it to behave this way. Mother’s nipples also behaved in the exact same manner. I looked at Rachna’s face while sucking and found that she had closed her eyes. I moved my hand down her stomach to her nether region; my hand was shaking as I moved my fingers across her crotch. I did that as gently as possible or rather almost fearful. Indeed, she did not have a penis.


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Rachna moaned lightly in my ear, and I backed up. She smiled and slipped off her panties. My first completely naked girl! Before that day I used to think that breasts were the only difference between boys and girls, but this was new. I was amazed to see so much similarity and yet, so much of a difference between us. Her groin area was the same in texture and color as mine, but it was different.

"How do you pee with that?" I asked incredulously, looking at her slit.

"I sit… like this." She sat and showed me.

I watched with interest. It made sense, but still, felt to me as if she were robbed off a great experience. I mean, what could beat standing up, aiming your gun and shoot!

Hell, you could even draw pictures using your pee-jet! Alas, girls do not have much fun. But I agree - the view of her vaginal area was mesmerizing, and I could not look away. She was sitting, as if trying to invite me to see and explore; I obliged. I got close… so close that I could practically count every pubic hair on her soft, protruding mons. She had hair, which seemed unfair to me because I had none - just soft fuzz on her mound and her pussy lips were bald. I inched closer, which was close enough to inhale a whiff. A scent of soap emanated from the perfectly shaped puffy slit. I never touched her private parts because I had no wits even to do that. That was my first introduction to the differences between the two sexes.

"Do you know what your chhunni does?" she asked.

"I take piss from there, silly!"

"No, you silly… that is not it’s only use." She hissed and laughed.

"You tell me if you are that smart." I was visibly displeased.

"Sure. Your chhunni goes here…" she indicated her slit.

"W… what? Are you sure? Why?"

"Yes. I am sure. That is how children are born."

"What! Children are born in this way?"


"How do you know?"

"I have seen Mummy and Daddy doing it."

"They do this?"


"But then how come you are their only child?"

My logical argument disarmed Rachna completely. That was true - Rachna was an only child in her home. And if what she said was correct, she should have more siblings. Therefore, that was not how children are born! It seemed impossible, considering how little room there was and, I could see no way in which even her pinky finger could go inside.

Of course, I have no idea that it had to be hard to be able to penetrate. Of course, Rachna knew much more than I did, but her own knowledge and comprehension had limits. So, as is often the case, despite knowing it well, she could not produce counter to my arguments. I was silly – I should have asked to try to enter her. But the innocence of youth has its own merits and its own fun.

Anyway, that little argument brought both of us back to our senses and we quickly wore our clothes. Then she picked up her books and set off for her home. She was met with my mother on the way.

"Auntie, maine Amar ko doodh pila diya hai." (Auntie, I have fed Amar (my) milk.) She told her.

I could not believe my ears. Did she really say that! She was such a vixen.

"Theek hai beta, bye" Said my mother and saw her off.

"Ma…" I called my mother as Rachna left. She knew what I wanted.

"Beta, you are big now… and moreover, I don’t have any milk." My mother let out a sigh, while unbuttoning her blouse.

It was not a normal routine anymore. Today, I wanted to explore Mother’s breasts too. My heart was pounding with anticipation. Mother sat on the sofa and gave her breast for me to suckle. I eagerly took her nipple and continued suckling for some time. What I did next was something I never did earlier. Mother usually exposed just one breast (the one which she would suckle me with) at one time, and the other always used to be covered with either her blouse or her pallu. I removed the part of blouse that was covering her other breast and cupped that breast in my hand and started caressing it.

After a while, mother said, hugging me a bit closer to her, "You like Ma’s breasts?"

"Yes Ma." She smiled.

I kissed them one by one fondly and caressed her nipples slowly and they became erect. She allowed me to do it for some time and then buttoned up her blouse. She asked,

"What is the matter, son?"

"Ma, I love you."

"I love you too, beta. But what is the matter?"


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She has an amazing and innate ability to see through me. That is the reason, why I never hide anything from her. My mother is who I trust more than hundred percent. I always told mother everything and there was no reason to hide anything from her that day. I told her what happened between Rachna and I. Ma let everything sink in and sat quiet for a while and then said,

"Show me."

I got up and she helped me strip naked and had an eyeful of my body; the expressions she wore were that of appreciation and pride. My penis was partially erect, and she lovingly fondled it. She must have explored my body after such a long time, so she took her time and inspected my entire apparatus at leisure. When my penis got fully erect, she gave an appreciative smile and kissed it.

"I have nurtured such a handsome young boy!"

"Ma, please don’t embarrass me."

"I am not embarrassing you, son! You are very handsome. Rachna likes you too and that is why she did what she did." She said, waited for a while and then added, "Would you like to marry her?"

"What!" I exclaimed incredulously, and then thought about it for some time.

It was an interesting thought because I knew that people married who they ‘liked’.

I finally said, "I don’t know, Ma! I have to do a lot of things before I can even think about getting married."

"What a wise thing you said, honey. I am proud of you. Yes, there is time… but you have my blessings if you want to marry her. I like her." She said simply and left.

That was, and still is, one of the most memorable days of my life. I learned a lot that day, and I became wise and curious.

Later, Rachna and I grew even closer - it was not as if we got closer sexually. We just got closer at personal and intimate level. She would sometimes unbutton my pants and play with my penis, but we did not repeat what we did on our first encounter. In the subsequent months, my mother also grew extremely fond of her and jokingly used to ask Rachna’s mother to send her daughter to this house. Worldly people will know that it was an indirect way to say, ‘marry my son with your daughter’. Their closeness was such that after finishing studies with me, she used to stop and gossip with my mother.


One day after our final board exams got over, Rachna came to my house. It was shortly after the lunch time. Summers in the northern parts of India gets very hot, very fast. So, it was hot, and we were already feeling very lazy. My mother insisted that Rachna too ate some food and she graciously obliged. That was the easy part because she was a fan of my mother’s cooking. We had our lunch in the drawing room, with all the curtains drawn. Summers used to be hot then, but not anywhere as polluted as they are now. You would sweat, you got tired, but that was still enjoyable, unlike these days when you would simply want to get under shade. People did not mind the warm breeze, as it used to be enjoyable.

In the drawing room, all three of us played carom for a while (Ma and Rachna teamed and ganged against me). We played for some time and soon it got boring. Ma left to prepare bel (wood apple) sherbet for all of us; Dad had recently purchased a refrigerator, and mother wanted to make most use of it. So, there was ice and cold water… electricity supply was extremely tricky thing in those days, and you could not count on its availability, especially during the summer.

"It is hot!" Rachna exclaimed.

"Yes, it is… heat will only increase over the next few days." I agreed and added sagely.

"I know… hey! I want to get naked." She whispered mischievously.

"What! Really! Ma is here; I hope you remember it?"

"Yes. I remember it. I think it will be a nice surprise for her. You too get naked and we will greet her like that. What do you say?"

"I don’t know. I think she will scold and probably even beat both of us. Worse, she will complain to our fathers."

"I am sure that she won’t do anything like that. I know that. She loves us both and I think she will be amused."

"That is risky."

"I know. But worth the trouble if she doesn’t mind it."

I was in a fix. Deep down, I knew that mother will not mind it but still there was a major risk. What will happen is she got angry and complained to Dad? He would probably skin me alive. Big risk, yes, but all it was worth if mother did not mind. Rachna was looking at me quizzingly. It had been some time now and I wanted to see her completely naked again. So, curiosity got the better of me, and I nodded my agreement. In no time both of us were completely naked. Of course, anticipating the events that were about to unfold, I was excited and as a result, my penis was erect much to Rachna’s amusement.


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When mother returned with glasses of sherbet, she was indeed surprised to see us both naked. But, to my own surprise, she seemed only surprised, and not shocked. She acted as if it was fine with her. She even complimented both of us saying that we looked so cute that way.

She told Rachna that she was a very beautiful girl, and she would become a wife of a very lucky man some day and would also make a great mother. I asked Ma why she said that. To this she replied by saying that Rachna was a well behaved and loving girl… also, when she would grow older, her beautiful breasts would produce a lot of milk! That was an interesting revelation. I was familiar with Mother’s breasts, and they were bigger than Rachna’s. So, were my Mother’s breasts big? Will Rachna’s breasts grow as big as my Mother’s?

I asked.

Rachna was slightly embarrassed by this open discussion about her breasts, but I think she was the one who was to be blamed. Ma said that it was likely that Rachna will have bigger breasts than her own, for she was of smaller size in when she was Rachna’s age… bigger than my mother’s? That would be an amazing sight! Ma told me that she was younger than Rachna when she had me. Both Rachna and I were surprised to hear that. I never thought of Ma in terms of age. She was just my mother. But her revelation put things in perspective. Could this mean that Rachna too could have babies?

Ma looked at Rachna at my question. Rachna’s cheeks reddened and she lowered her eyes. I was the stupid one among the three; I could not understand what was unsaid between the two. Ma smiled, and told me that yes, she could. That was an amazing news! Wow! Rachna could have babies! That was something. My appreciation and even respect for Rachna increased many folds that day. It was amazing… isn’t it? Many things that we consider a taboo these days, I could discuss with my parents. I think, for them no topic was and is a taboo. Yes, they wanted their family to be protected and all, and that was it. They never stopped me from doing what I liked, if it did not hurt anyone, including myself.

"Rachna, when you have milk, I will also suck it from you." I exclaimed.

"For that she will need to be a mother first, my dear." Ma spoke before Rachna could say anything, enlightening both of us in the process.

"Is that so?" it was another revelation for me.

"Auntie, he doesn’t know how children are born." Rachna teased me, finally getting some ground to score over me.

"Ma, she says that my chhunni goes inside her slit, and that is how children are born." I blurted trying to hide my own embarrassment. I was sure that her information was baseless.

"Did she say that?" Ma narrowed her eyes… she was amazed at the extent of Rachna’s knowledge.

"Yes auntie, I have seen Mummy and Daddy doing it many times."

"Rachna beta, you know a lot."

"Is she right?" I did not want to concede defeat.

"She is right dear!"

"You mean Dad puts his chhunni in your slit, Ma?"

"Honey, that act is called ‘love making’ and yes, your father and I made love and… that is how we had you."

"Wow! Do you still make love?"

"We do, yes."

"Then why don’t you have any more children?"

"That is because your father and I take precautions and use protection to prevent any further pregnancies. We did not want any more children other than you. And Rachna honey, you should not sneak in to see your parents making love. That is a very private moment between a husband and a wife. Okay?"

Ma reprimanded Rachna in such a sweet and loving manner that she understood and did not feel bad.

"Yes auntie."

"Can I also make love to you, Ma?"

"No honey! You can not. Only my husband can make love to me. Understood?"

"Oh, you mean Dad?"

"Yes, I mean Dad."

"Then, can I make love to Rachna?"

"Maybe you can… or maybe not. You may, if she allows you, and when you both are a bit older. Then both of you can marry and make love as much as you like." mother smiled.

"Will you allow me?" I asked Rachna.

"I don’t know." She bluntly replied, "If you behave, then may be!"

It appeared to me that I was just too far behind in this hidden department to win any argument that day.

"I drink Ma's milk." I declared, feeling an urge to get even with Rachna. For long she had had an upper hand in this argument.

"What!" Rachna was incredulous.

"Yes!" I was triumphant.

"Amar! You should not speak of such things publicly." It was my mother.

"Auntie, is he telling the truth?"

"Yes. He suckles… occasionally. He is a spoilt boy."

"No. I do it every day!" I was triumphant: finally, I had something very privileged. I somehow knew that Rachna did not have the same privilege with her mother.


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"Wait, I will show you." I said and what I did next made my mother grimace for a second. I unbuttoned her blouse, moved over, and started to suckle. I was sucking on her and rolling my eyes to tease Rachna. Ma did a double take and blinked at my incredulous, childish behavior.

"Honey, you DO realize that Rachna is still here."

I think it did not matter - yes, Rachna was there, but she too was as butt naked as I was.

"It is okay Auntie," she lied to keep a brave front, "I don’t mind." She said nervously, "… if I too can get on the other one… please?"

Ma was not too sure, but she conceded.

"Oh God! You children are naughty! Very naughty. Well, okay. Come dear, you too can suckle... here, take the other one."

Rachna’s face lit up with happiness. She scooted on her knees next to Ma and moved her mouth onto her other breast and then she started sucking it. I was doing my usual drinking, but she looked different. Her eyes were closed, and it looked like she was really savoring the experience.

Ma gasped a little. I noticed Rachna’s mouth had way more of her breast than was needed and even moved off it once as her puckered lips sucked on the skin around the nipple. It was quick, but I saw it. Then she moved back to the nipple. Ma sounded out of breath; I was not sure what happened to her… she never acted like that before. I know now that she must have been aroused by our not so childish sucking on both breasts. After about five to seven minutes, Ma decided to end this game.

"That’s enough for now. You children enjoy your sherbet and play. I have other chores to do." She said.

I pulled off. When I stood up, I noticed that my penis was totally hard. Ma and Rachna must have realized the reason behind my erection. But they did not make any comments on that. Perhaps I was the only one who had no idea why that happened, and what I should have wanted to do with that. But Ma acted normally – even graceful; she calmly buttoned up her blouse and walked out of the room. She did not leave any instructions for us to follow.

"Oh God! That was so awesome!" Rachna exclaimed.

"It was?"

"Oh yes."

"You can’t tell anybody." I said.

"Who would believe me?"

After that incident, I found that Rachna and Ma started to grow even closer. Ma started to lovingly address Rachna as ‘beti’, ‘bitiya’, and Rachna too started to respond positively. I noticed that she had started touching Ma’s feet as a greeting, instead of the usual ‘namaste’. It felt kind of deprivation that Rachna was doing something that I should have done – so, even I started to touch my parents' feet as greeting. Their closeness grew so much that Rachna started to get her share of regular feeding from Ma. In all practical manner, she became Ma’s daughter. This was something that later Ma too accepted; she thought that she had found a daughter in Rachna, whereas Rachna too loved Ma back as daughter.
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