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XF Elections Task 4 | Quiz

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Ban Count :- 3009
Staff member
Moving onto the fourth task of the Elections.

This will be the first live task of this election, so for the first time in election where both teams will go head to head on a live thread. As you can see by the title of the Thread this task will be a Quiz. The Quiz will contain General Knowledge questions from all over the world and from different topics (Science, Technology, Sports, entertainment etcetera). This is the Task which gives the most credit points 40 credit points wil be on the line here so better prepare yourselves.


1). Quiz will be held tonight at 9:00 PM sharp in this thread. It will be done in live mode.

2). This Quiz will be based on General Knowledge of different topics. It will be in Simple English.

3). 2 Core team members from each party can take part in this Quiz (The assigned Moderator can also take part if he/she is a member of core team).

4). Total 20 Questions Will be asked, whoever answer first correctly inside 40 Seconds Will get the point.. After the 40 Seconds question will be passed.
Each Right Answer = 2 Credit Points.

5). There is no negative marking for wrong answer.

6) Only the first response to the question will be considered.

7). If you have any queries regarding any questions or answers you will ask them after the given questions is answered or passed.

8). Apart from EC's and participants, no one else is allowed to post in this thread during the quiz. Doing so can result in infraction and repeating the same mistake will get you banned.

9). A team can post unlimited answers in the given time period (40 Seconds) first person to get it right will win there team 2 credits.

10). You have to nominate two core team members who will participate in this quiz before 9:00 Pm in this thread.
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