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The couple ( Rajesh,29 and Meena, 23 ) getting married and now on the reception stage greeting guests and receiving gifts and taking pictures were both employees of the same large Bank and the guest invited were predominantly from their present branches as well as from their earlier branches they worked in.

Normally in the life of Bankers, they collect friends and have a networking of numerous friends and colleagues who rise in ranks and sometimes reach top management.

Ramraj the peon worked in the bride's branch in Chennai where the bride Meena worked as a clerk.

Rajesh was a direct officer and had worked in various branches and gained a solid reputation as an excellent officer and now was in the Regional office as a Manager in the powerful HR department where only the well-connected and excellent employees got a chance to work and were envied by all other employees as the job was a cushy one without any contact with customers who can be horrible sometimes, this being a nationalized bank having all sorts of customers from corporation sweepers to Industrialists with Bank ombudsmen to complain to by customers .

Anyways-Now the wedding reception was coming to an end and the arranged marriage seemed to be going on well like clockwork with no major hiccups.
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The guests had left and the newly married couple also were also safely driven to their 5 star Hotel for their 1st night. The Hotel room was a wedding gift from one of the wealthy industrialist customer of Meena's branch and a close friend of Arvind the DM.

Meena came from a middle class family and her father was a Sanskrit teacher and mother a housewife. She had three younger sisters and actually the family were not ready to get her married off so soon as they were not financially stable.

But luckily for them there was no demand for a dowry and also the bridegroom side had arranged for the fancy wedding hall through their connections.

They were still shell shocked by all what was happening so fast as they never expected their daughter to land such a well-connected and well placed bridegroom and family who seemed to be way over their status. The bride groom seemed to be well liked and had high connections and now their daughter was off for her 1st night to a 5 star hotel and then off for their honeymoon to Singapore, all gifted by the bank executives friends.

The couple traveled in a stretch limousine accompanied by Khanna, Arvind, Shanti, Radha and Priya to the 5 star Hotel where there were 3 interconnected suites booked for the wedding party all paid for by the bank VIP customers.

The wedding was actually a three day affair with lots of traditional stuff and the 1st day was the engagement and after the engagement the bride was taken aside by the bridegroom's mother and they had a heart to heart talk and Shanti clearly and frankly told Meena what was expected of her as a DIL.
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Meena had to quietly accept all the conditions as she came from a poor middleclass family and the bridegroom was not asking for any dowry and also the wedding was going to be conducted by the bridegroom's family. Also now if she broke off the wedding then it will reflect badly on the family and her 3 sister's future.


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Rajesh's father had died when he was a young boy and he and his sibling older sister were brought up by a hardworking tough mother Shanti (49) who had to go through terrible struggles and compromises to educate and bring up her family of three and now had two children well off and well settled.

Shanti had vetted and selected the bride for her son Rajesh as he was too busy with his career to meet or date any girls even though many girls working in the bank were ready to date him. But Rajesh had the strict rule of not dipping the pen in company ink or crudely put not shitting where he ate. Also he worked long hours and had quickly been promoted to the Manager position. Shanti was thrilled as she was ambitious for her children and wanted them to achieve everything that she was unable to.

She spent a long time in vetting the bride and had ascertained that she was a virgin and had never been with any boy or had any boyfriend as she was from a very conservative middle class family from Triplicane, Chennai.

Everyone seemed to like the shy but intelligent young girl who also had a clean reputation.

The VIP's on the stage that Ramraj the peon had videoed were Khanna (DGM) and his wife Radha as well as Arvind (DM) and his wife Priya. Rajesh's boss was Khanna (DGM) and Meena's boss was Arvind (DM) of the branch.

The DGM and DM as well as their wife's seemed to be very close good friends.
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In the 1st pic the couple stood in between the 2 bosses on either sides and in the next the photographer asked the bride to stand in between the 2 bosses who were smiling happily while the shy bride was blushing and forcing a smile while the photographer clicked pics and the videographer took videos.

That's when the motley group of kids ran onto the stage behind the VIP's and newly married couple and quickly ran off the stage at the other end.


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Ramraj went to work the next day totally confused and in deep thought and the entire branch were only discussing the previous day's wedding of their favourite employee whom everyone liked a lot and respected.

Arvind the DM came in as usual at 10am full of smiles and in high spirits and he accepted the gratitude of the other employees as they all knew that he had been instrumental in finding the bridegroom for their bank clerk Meena and also had helped with his connection in the wedding etc.

Ramraj was the only one who was in a surly mood and looked at the DM Arvind with hatred and contempt as he knew the actual face behind the mask.

But Ramraj could not do anything or discuss this with anyone including his other close friends and had to wait till Meena returned from her honeymoon to confront her and get the truth.


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Shanti lost her husband in a road accident early on when the kids were little and had to go from being a housewife to the breadwinner of the family. Luckily she was educated and was able to find a job in her native Trichy through family connections as a junior accountant in a manufacturing company.

She quickly established herself as an honest excellent employee and was given the task of depositing daily cash in the Bank which she did happily as it gave her a change to get some fresh air outside the company. It was a lower middle class existence but Shanti struggled boldly and educated her children in good schools and they too were good students.

Then 10 years back when Rajesh was just 19 and wanting to study in a prestigious college in Chennai, Shanti as usual encouraged her son and promised him that she will somehow finance the fess etc. Shanti had maintained a good rapport with the Bank employees when she went to deposit cash every day for many years as she was friendly and knowledgeable able to discuss any topic with anyone.

When she was in the current account counter getting the passbook updated leaning on the counter happily chatting with the clerk, other peons and clerks would join in and happily chat with her. Shanti was happy to get so much attention and she thought that the Bank was a friendly place. In fact Shanti did not know that at 39 years she had blossomed into a MILF with her huge boobs and cleavage attracting every male she encountered. On few such occasions even the branch manager who was passing by joined in the lively conversation and Shanti was honoured that even the Bank manager found her interesting.
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But the Bank Manager (DM Khanna) was a Tharki pomble poriki and was in fact enjoying Shanti's awesome boobs and cleavage along with his bank peons who were just like him.

So when Shanti required an education loan she confidently went into The DM's cabin and was welcomed by a gushing branch manager who gave her a seat and ordered his peon to get her a coffee.

Shanti happily sipped the coffee and told the DM the reason for her visit.

Khanna already knew that Shanti was a widow with 2 kids and the peon had given her her life history also confirming that Shanti was a decent homely respectable woman without any scandals in her life which was concentrated only on her kids and not herself.

Khanna heard her request and assured her that he will do his best to grant her the education loan and gave her some forms to fill out.

As another VIP customer had arrived to see the DM, Khanna took her to the SM's (Senior Manager) cabin next to his and asked his SM to help Shanti with the forms while he attends to the VIP customer.
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The VIP customer Jain, was also a close friend of Khanna the DM and smirked at Khanna lewdly saying," Wow Khanna. You get all the beautiful women. Lucky bastard."

Khanna smiled," Suchhh. Not so loud you horny bugger. She is just a customer and not like you think."

Jain," Oh shucks. I thought you were hitting the MILF and I would not mind tapping her myself."

Khanna sighed ," Yeah. It's awesome and untapped for a long time."

Jain," Why don't you ask Radha Bhabi to help tap her?"

Khanna," Let's see yaar" and they started discussing official business and after 30 mins Jain left with a reminder," Yaar. Don't forget me when you tap her. Call me and I will come. Give Radha Bhabi my love till we meet again. OK. bye"

Shanti had filled the lengthy detailed Bank Red Tape forms for a loan with the SM happily helping her as she bent to write in front of him giving him a clear beautiful view of her fair plump cleavage and huge boobs. The 30 mins flew for him and seeing Jain leave the SM escorted Shanti back to the DM's cabin.

Khanna smiled encouragingly alleviating Shanti's anxiousness as she had realized while filling the form that getting an education loan from the nationalized Bank was not easy but had lots of red tape and was in fact very difficult.

But seeing Khanna Sir smile in such a friendly manner made Shanti calm as she handed over the form to Khanna Sir who sat back wearing his reading glasses and went through the forms with a serious look on his face that got more serious as he read to the end.

Khanna with his reading glasses on his nose end

peered at Shanti from above the glasses and exclaimed," Dear, I thought your son was older and going for MBA course. But he is going for a regular B.Com course."

Shanti now apprehensive," Sir, I wanted him to do his graduation from a prestigious English speaking college in Chennai so that his job prospects will be good. That's why we need funds for his fees as well as his hostel stay for 3 years."

Khanna," OK dear. Don't panic. I will talk to Head Office and see what I can do. OK. Leave the forms with me and I will let you know in a few days." (Actually being a DM the amount required for the education loan was within his sanctioning powers and he did not need HO permission.)

Shanti left the Branch Managers office a bit dejected which was noticed by everyone in the branch as she was normally a very upbeat person.
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As she exited the branch one of the peons Murli caught up with Shanti at the parking lot where she had parked her scooter.

Murali," Shanti madam, Shanti madam?"

Shanti who had mounted her scooter and was about to leave stopped and saw that the peon Murali was calling her.

Shanti smiled at the peon," What's it Murali? Is Sir (DM) calling me?"

Murali smiled back at the sexy MILF," No madam. I just wanted to make a suggestion for the loan."

Shanti intrigued knowing that Bank Managers sometimes wanted a bribe of 10% of the loan amount in nationalized Banks frowned," WHAT?"

Murali seeing the frown on madam's face smiled and assured her," No No madam. No bribe."

Shanti," Then what, Murali? I have to rush back to work."

Murali in a loud whisper," Shanti Madam. You know in the Bank education loans are given for Medical. Engineering or MBA courses only and not for regular courses. But If you meet sir's wife and tell her your problems, she will make Sir grant you the some other loan. I've seen this many times. She is very helpful."

Shanti," Won't Sir get upset if I go behind his back to get the loan?"

Murali laughed," Sir is hen pecked and his wife is the boss. He will not say anything. hehehehe."

Shanti who wanted the best for her kids and was very ambitious would try anything to get the loan immediately and replied," OK Murali. Thanks. How can I meet Madam?"

Murali," Don't worry Madam. I will contact her and make an appointment for you. Your # is on the application form. I will call you.OK.?"

Shanti," Thanks Murali for helping me. "

Murali smiled," No problem Madam. Ok, bye"

Shanti was grateful for having such good people in the Bank and again thanked Murali and left.

Murali ran back to Khanna and told him," The fish is on the hook Sir"

Khanna who had sent Murali behind Shanti to lay the ground work, as then she can't complain against him if anything went bad, smiled and licked his lips in anticipation.

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