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Romance Arathi-Degradation of a lovely wife


Tanu left the hostel by taking emergency leave. She purposefully didn’t give the excuse of sick as per Mohan advise in college due to the reason of hospital attached with her college. She followed his instruction of not to carry any mobile phone, identification documents or bank cards. Initially she was worried, but she found the idea is better when Mohan gives the complete details of trip. As per the instruction, she reached the coffee day in CP Delhi. She was welcomed by Mohan person at Coffee day.
Amit: Hai Tanu.. I am Amit.
Tanu saw him staring at her body. She felt irritated by his look.
Tanu: Hi.
Amit: You are beautiful than expectation. You should have wear Jeans and T-shirt instead of Churidar. That will revel your body structure. Any way we must buy dress for you. Now onwards you are Shruthi. Here is your identity card. Mobile & some cash. Please hand over you purse to me. Tanu hand over her bag without showing any objections. She found her name in Id as Kajol. Amit checked her Purse and found nothing as per he suspects.
Tanu: Give my Purse back. What are you checking?
Amit: Making sure that nothing reveling your identity left in bag.
Tanu: I didn’t bring any clothes as per Mohan sir’s instruction.
Amit: Don’t worry. We are going to shopping after checking in to Hotel. We both are going to introduce as couples and should behave like that. Mobile has two numbers saved. One of Mohan sir & another one is mine. We will add other people’s numbers after reaching the destinations. Ensure that you will not call any of your relatives or friends from this phone. You should not use your name till we return to Delhi.
Tanu: Ok.
Amit: Come on darling. We will have break fast and move. Kajol…. You got the name resembles to your appearance.
After breakfast, they moved to Airport. They catch the domestic flight to the destination city in MP. Tanu was worried about the coming hours in her life.

When Deepak got up, He saw Arathi watching TV. He came near and hug her.
Arathi: Deepak Leave me.
Deepak: What happen yesterday? When you bring me to your room?
Arathi wants to tell him that ‘’I didn’t bring you here. You came by yourself. You have made a good scene yesterday’’
Arathi: Deepak. You came in night. You were drunk.
Deepak: Oh No.. Sorry. Yesterday father shouts at me. I drank too much on tensions. I hope our company will go through the tender.
Arathi: Our names are included in final list. You do the needful to arrange the balance money.
Deepak: Arathi. If everything as per the plan, I don’t have to give any money to that Bastard.
Arathi didn’t like Deepak abusing Sharmaji but she keeps quiet to avoid provoking Deepak.
Arathi: That is cheating.
Deepak: Sharmaji’s political career will start diminishing from today onwards. Don’t worry, I will give him money but will make sure that he will not take it back to home.
Arathi: Ok.
Deepak: Did someone else was with us yesterday?
Arathi: No. You go a get fresh. Here is your room access card.
Arathi has called the receptions and opened the door of Deepak room in morning. She slept for few hours in his room and returned to her room after waking up. Even though Arathi was watching TV, her mind was recollecting the good memories of yesterday. Still her hands are going to her pussy while thinking about Shambu.
Shambu handle her like a queen. Yesterday was the first time in Arathi life of getting a queen treatment. Shambu kissed every inch of her body and wake from sensations to it fullest. Arathi was expecting a hardcore fucking by the nature of Shambu but he was better man than anyone came in her life. Shambu didn’t given any gap for her pleasure through out the session. Rhythmic way of making her ride his cock was an unforgettable moment for Arathi. She had multiple orgasm while riding his cock. Arathi hidden milk in her boobs has fully sucked and drank by Shambu. Arathi got impressed by the patience and expertise of Shambu in sucking the breast. She treated him as her baby while sucking the boobs. Arathi thought of having bath in morning but in order to enjoy his saliva smell in her body, she postpones the morning bath. Arathi understands the value of man in a women life while she begs him to put his tongue inside her pussy. Shambu has nailed it. She never imagined that she will be begging to drink his cum. Arathi has done blowjob to give pleasure to man. She knows that every man like to get a blowjob from girl. She never enjoyed so far but done every time to give happiness to her man. Yesterday, she did for herself. More than Shambu, Arathi wants to taste his Lund and cum. Arathi left the Shambu’s room with great difficult mind. She wants to stay with him all day in bed and get his care. Arathi also got satisfied after watching the satisfaction in the eyes of Shambu. Arathi fulfilled her promises given to Shambu happily and even more than he expected. Till yesterday, Arathi was only experienced the forcing by men in bed where as yesterday, most of the time Arathi was forcing Shambu.
Arathi came out of her thoughts while her phone rings.
Shambu: Madam. Girl from Delhi will be arriving at hotel by 11 am. Update me, if there is any unusual movements.
Arathi: Shambu. Thanks for a wonderful night. I was thinking about yesterday.
Shambu: I also had a wonderful night. Please come out of dreams. Now no further discussion about yesterday. Please be compliance with our plan. It’s a big day.
Tanu reached the hotel at 11 am and check in to room opposite to Arathi.
After working with Adithya, Paru didn’t find any reason to cheat him apart from her commitment towards Kunal. Since her joining in new company, she started hearing lot about Kunal and his unethical business and lifestyle. Paru also started doubting the intension of Kunal. She can’t figure out whether he is genuine person or acting as good. Paru decided to take the step carefully rather than fall in Kunal advise. Kunal also felt the change in Paru but he remains calm. As an alternative plan, Kunal seeks the help from Mohan. Mohan informed his helpless situation in the case due to lack of control in middle east region, but he gave Kunal an alternative offer to fund 20% for his upcoming project with a guaranteed return of 50-60 % over 2 years for his help and loyalty to Mohan. Kunal find this offer as more beneficial than running behind the other tender. Kunal was upset due to lack of 100% assurance given by Mohan to involve Kunal in the project. Mohan informed Kunal about suggesting the name in board meeting and will awarded only after the board of directors approves. Kunal always wish to ask Mohan for considering him in any of his projects. Mohan’s company has good reputation and many of the projects are funded by big shots in country. He makes money out of others money, but everyone is getting handsome returns. Kunal’s started waiting for board approval. His interest in Middle east tender has gone. He plans to use Paru for his personal benefits for this project. He decided to call Paru immediately after getting the board approvals to Mumbai. Kunal’s final aim is to get partnership in Mohan’s business in London and US. He was tired of Indian style of operations.
Tanu reached the hotel. Amit has done the check in formalities and both reached the room. Amit called Mohan and got the instruction to meet Deepak in same hotel. Mohan has made check in to hotel with wrong name is to ensure the safety of everyone as well as no trace of Tanu’s name or his involvement. If any mishappening done, Mohan has instructed Amit to wipe of Tanu from earth. Deepak called Arathi to meet in Tanu’s room for detailing the event. Arathi informed Shambu about her arrival. Arathi entered the room of Tanu. She saw a frighten young girl.
Amit: Hai. I am Amit.
Arathi: Am Arathi. Working with Deepak.
Tanu: Hai I am Kajol. Nice to meet you.
Arathi looked at Tanu. From her appearance itself will understand that she is schoolgirl.
Arathi: Hey you resemble the actress Kajol.
Amit: Yes. Even. I told her same.
Arathi found Tanu as tensed. There was no happiness in her face.
Deepak also joined. All got introduced once more.
Deepak straight away went near to Tanu and started checking her like a slave kept for sale. Arathi didn’t like his behavior.
Arathi: Deepak. What are you doing?
Deepak: Nothing. Just checking her. What kind of dress she is wearing? we expect much better than this.
Arathi saw the angriness in the face of Amit due to the way of Deepak talk. Before Amit response
Arathi: Deepak. She has enough time to get new dress. I will take her for shopping. I guess she is tired of journey. Let her take rest for some time.
Amit looked at Arathi and gave a smile. All these time Tanu was standing with her head down. She felt humiliated by the way got treated by Deepak. She understands her value is lesser than a cheap prostitute. Deepak detailed her program to Amit and Tanu.
Deepak: VIP’s are coming. Make sure that you behave properly to them.
Tanu: Yes sir.
Deepak: Let me see what you hold inside.
Deepak took his hand and hold her boobs. Amit and Arathi was shocked by his movement.
Deepak released his hands quickly before any one response.
Deepak: Ok. Look like nice interiors.
Amit: Deepak. How dare to touch her.
Deepak: Oh no… Calm down you security officer. I was just checking. Hello Mr. Romeo. Don’t take advantage of her. I came to warn you as well. If you have any complaint against me. You can speak to your God. I will answer to him.
Suddenly Arathi interrupt to avoid an argument.
Arathi: Deepak. Leave. Let her take rest. I need to collect my dress also. Amit - call me after taking rest. We will have lunch together and will go for shopping at 2 Pm.
After Deepak & Arathi left. Amit shouted at Tanu.
Amit: Are you going stand like this idle?
Tanu: Amit sir. I was scared. I don’t know whether I can do it.
Tanu started crying.
Amit: Kajol. Stop crying. If you want to speak with Mohan sir. You can. I am assigned for your protection.
Tanu didn’t stop crying. Amit went near to Tanu. Time since he met her, his dick is erected. He really wants to make love with Tanu but controls his emotion due to the fear of touching Mohan’s girl. He felt envy on the luck of rich bastards. Amit was acting very gentle with Tanu for earing her respect. Amit wishes Tanu to get impress on him and allows him to fuck.
Amit: Kajol. Please stop crying.
Amit walked near to her. He took his hands and placed on her cheeks. He enjoys the smoothness. Suddenly Tanu holds his hands and increased the sound. Amit didn’t get any emotions after watching her crying. He holds the other hands in her shoulder.
Amit: Stop crying. Just take rest for 2 Hours. I guess we will not get time afterwards. He holds her shoulder and walk towards the bed. Tanu walked along with him.
Amit felt happy in his progress. When they reached near the bed.
Tanu: Which side you are sleeping?
Amit happiness wiped off from his face. Both slept in both side of bed.
Deepak got the news of his company name in the final list from Arathi. He got happy and kissed Arathi.
Arathi: How about the balance payment.
Deepak: The money is arranged.
Arathi got happy by hearing the good news about the money.
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Deepak has left to the farmhouse in afternoon. Arathi was assigned to arrange Tanu for evening party. Arathi was expecting the request from Deepak to help him for evening arrangement but he left early. Arathi was told to come back after shopping to farmhouse. Deepak has arranged another vehicle to pick Arathi from Hotel. Deepak instructed Arathi to finish the check out formalities and leave. Separate vehicle is arranged for Tanu.
Arathi escorted with Tanu to buy dress for party. Arathi selected a knee length folk for Tanu. She has bought couple of other jeans and T shirt for Tanu. Arathi informed Sharmaji about the plans. As instructed the car came and picked Arathi. Arathi wore a red slimming lace up dress. She has prepared to change it to Sari on need basis. The driver was completely new for her. Arathi tried to reconfirm the authentication of the vehicle with Deepak but his mobile was switched off. When the driver called her name, she enters without further enquiry. Driver left the hotel premises and started driving out of city. Arathi started feeling some danger in her inner mind but she consoles herself. She tried to call Deepak, but his mobile was out of coverage area. Arathi tried to call Sharmaji & Shambu but her number got rejected from both ends. Arathi keep on trying both number and got it rejected all time. She got furious and started calling Shambu continuous. Shambu’s mobile was busy. Arathi got angry on Shambu and she abused him in mind. When she looked outside, the car is travelling in a highway. Arathi asked the driver about the destination but got no response from him.
Arathi: Bastard. I am asking you the location details. Why the hell you are replying.
Driver: Mem Saab. I am instructed to drop you at a location and not authorized to talk with you.
Arathi: What the hell is this.
She cursed herself entering without consulting with Shambu. Suddenly her mobile got the call from Sharmaji. She felt relief and picked the phone.
Arathi: Hai Sharmaji. I was trying you for long.
Sharmaji: Hai. Have you reached the place?
Arathi: No. I am on my way. What time you will come?
Sharmaji: we will not meet today. I have other schedules. You enjoy the party.
Arathi: What ? You are not coming? What will be the plan for tonight?
Sharmaji: You will come to know after reaching. We will meet soon. I will call you later.
Before Arathi asking the further questing, call got disconnected.
When she looked outside the car was traveling in a muddy road. It already nearing the sunset.
After few minutes, car reached a house.
Arathi looked outside. The house is not a farmhouse. She can see few peoples sitting in a chair.
When the care stopped, they got up from seat and came near to car.
One person opened the door and ordered Arathi to come out. She didn’t find any respect on his word.
Arathi shows reluctant to come out of car. Arathi found them as criminal goon. The person opened the door was chewing some thing and she guessed as Thambaku. When she didn’t come out. The goon laughed loudly and told another companion.
Goon: Hey.. Bhundela.. Seems the Randi need invitation.
Arathi felt humiliated by his words. She took her mobile and try to call Shambu. The person snatched the phone from her. His hands burst her boobs.
Arathi: How dare you. Give my Phone back. Driver.. Take the car. Take me out of this place.
Goon: Khadak Mal He… Madam. Come out of car please. The driver has only instruction to drop you here.
When he found Arathi was not coming out of car. He entered the car. Arathi tried her force to stop him entering the car but she failed Infront of his strength.
Goon sat next to her.
Goon: Hey. You are so sexy.
With telling anything, he took his hands and pressed the boobs of Arathi. Arathi didn’t expect the move. She took her courage and shouted.
Arathi: Don’t touch me.
Due to knee length dress and sitting position, her legs are naked from half of thigs. Goons hold her thigs.
Arathi felt pain due to his hardness in holding.
Goon: Madam. What a thigs. Men can ejaculate by touching thigs itself.
Arathi: You know, I have sent by Sharmaji. I am her girl. Better stay away from me.
She saw the confusion in the eyes of Goon. Arathi felt relief by seeing the fear in his eyes.
He came out of car and called someone. After disconnecting the call, he came near to Arathi.
Goon: Madam. You are here for his job only. Shambu has send you here.
Arathi: give my phone. I need to talk to them.
Goon: Yes. You are assigned to this job. Now come out quickly. We need to move on.
Arathi didn’t understand what is happening but she understood one thing that if she is not going to obey him, she will be in trouble.
She came out of the car. The driver left the place. Arathi called the Goon. Bhaiyasab.
Goon: My name is Harsha..
Arathi: Can you connect to Sharmaji.
Harsha: I don’t have his number. You call from your mobile.
He handed over her phone. Arathi tried on Sharmaji’s mobile. When he didn’t pick up, she called the landline. The cook informed her that he has left the place. Arathi called Shambu.
Shambu: Hai Arathi.
Arathi: What is happening Shambu. Where is me? (Crying)
Shambu: Stop Crying. You are on Sharmaji’s mission. Follow the instructions of them.
Arathi: They are taking me to Kripal?
Shambu: Shut up. Don’t talk rubbish in Front of them. Just follow their instructions. Give the phone to Harsha. (Shouting voice)
Arathi got shocked by his shouting. She handover her phone to Harsha. When she recovered from shock, she understood that he might shout due to using Kripal name in front of others. She saw that Harsha listening to Shambu with respect and fear in his eyes. Arathi felt relief that she is not going to get harm from the Goons surrounded by her.
Harsha disconnected the Phone and give the phone to his gang member.
Harsha: Hey . Take the bag of her and keep it inside.
Arathi: What?
Harsha: You are already in sexy dress. You don’t need to change again. Come with me.
Harsha came and hold Arathi’s shoulder and forced her to walk with him. She felt his strong grip in her shoulder. Small effort made by her to resist him but went vein. Arathi walked along with Harsha to the house. Arathi use her hands to take him hands out of her shoulder but he keeps her to his body. When she entered the house, she understands that the house is not clean. This house looked like an alcohol drinking area. The drawing room is full of bottles. Harsha pull guided her to the bedroom. The man who was holding her bag was walking behind her. Arathi felt a hand pressing her butts. Arathi turn her head and looked angry on him. The man holding her bag smiled at Arathi and signaled her with eyes that she has a beautiful ass. Harsha shouted at him along with laughing loud.
Harsha: She has important work to do. She will come back afterwards.
While he was shouting at the man, Harsha hand went back to her and lift her dress upwards. Arathi took her hand and stopped him from lifting her dress fully till her panty.
Arathi understood that she is trapped. Harsha took his hand but when he brings back to shoulder, he held her boobs. He pressed her boobs and holds her much closer to him.
Harsha: How much you are charging daily madam? You don’t seem like from this city. I know most of from this city. Shambu become a big shot, I guess.
Harsha: Madam. You wait in bedroom.
Arathi went and sat in a single bed in the roo
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Last few hours with Arathi got some relief to Tanu. Tanu mind got calm down after knowing the presence of Arathi with her in function. Tanu was expecting to travel with Arathi but when she left without Tanu, she got tensed again. Amit started behaving awfully close intimacy with Tanu. Tanu feared to open with Amit due the reason of his connection with Mohan sir. Tanu noticed that Amit is asking permission for every action with Mohan Sir. Even after 2 hours of Arathi left, they didn’t get any information about the car for picking Tanu. Amit contacted Mohan sir.
Mohan Sir: What happen Amit?
Amit: It already 2 hours passed from schedule time. There is no information about the car.
Mohan Sir: Don’t worry. Car will come. I was about to call you. The actual program got cancelled. My friend will pick her tonight. He got engaged with some urgent work. He will pick her afterwards. You don’t have to assist her. You can relax in hotel till she returns. Your job is only to act as a companion to her from Hotel to her Hostel. Drop her to hostel after she returns by my friend. I repeat…. no harming her.
Amit: Understood Sir. I will take the role of her friend. What If she created any issues for going alone?
Mohan: That’s is the reason I send you with her. Make her understand.
Amit: Ok sir.
Amit disconnected the phone and came near to Tanu. After spending time with Amit, Tanu felt comfortable. Tanu knows that she doesn’t have any choice. It is better to keep good relationship with Amit so as he might help her difficult situation.
Amit looked at Tanu and found herself relief and pleasant. He decided to not reveal the information to Tanu for keeping her pleasant. Amit didn’t want to miss the happy moment with her. Amit perception got changed about her after seeing her at Textile Trial room in night gown. He got jealous on people who got the luck to enjoy her tender body. Amit felt pity on her innocence when Tanu started speaking with him normal tone. Amit felt love with her. Amit have decided not to kill Tanu if the order comes to kill. He decided to abduct her and hide her from others. If everything went normal and the orders from his boss to return Tanu to hostel, he has the plan to create an opportunity to spend some good time with Tanu before dropping her in hostel. Amit is not working for any gang. He takes quotations independently. Even though Amit & Mohan never met, he has performed couple of job done for Mohan.
Last case with Mohan was the kidnapping and abortion of a schoolgirl. Mother used to make her daughter sleep with rich peoples. The girl got pregnant from Mohan or someone else. The girl was a minor. Girl’s Mother shifted her daughter to unknown location and start threatening Mohan for huge ransom by taking the advantage of her daughter age. Mother of the girl had some politicians to support her so Mohan assigned the case to Amit. Amit found the girl’s hideout in 48 hours and abducted her without anyone notice. The actual contract was to kill her but seeing the arrogance of the girl even after kidnapping, Amit bang her 3 weeks and sold her to international human traffic agent. There was no evidence or hint of Mohan involvement in the case. Mohan got really impressed with the work of Amit. Since he got the quotation and plans, Amit knows that the case is not simple as it looks, there is some other deals behind this party. There is no need to hire a person like him for bringing one poor girl for fuck night.
Amit got relief after getting the confirmation of plan cancellation. This was the first case of Amit, which he wished to happen good to victim.
Tanu: Amit. What happen? What are you thinking? Who was on call?
Amit came out of his thoughts.
Amit: Its Mohan sir. The actual program is cancelled.
Amit saw the relief in the eyes of Tanu.
Tanu: we can go back?
Amit: Not yet. One of his friends is coming to pick you. You are going to stay with him.
Tanu called Mohan Sir and requested to relieve her. Mohan gently made her understand that she is going to his friend’s home. Mohan promised her in deleting all the photos and never disturb her. Mohan also promised her that Amit will be with you till dropping her in Hostel. Amit heard the Mohan’s conversation with Tanu.
Tanu got happy after the call got disconnected. She gave a hug to Amit. Due to happiness, she thanks Amit for his support and friendly nature with her. Even though Amit smiles, back in his mind was disappointed with failure of his plan. Before he could say something, room telephone rings. It was the call from reception about the driver waiting downside. Amit saw Tanu picking the newly bought jeans and T shirt to change. Amit knows that his chance to mingle with Tanu has come to an end. He wanted to take a try on her.
Amit: Why are you so hurry Tanu?
Tanu: I am not in hurry. Fear of getting angry by Mohan sir for delay.
Amit: No worries. I will inform about having bath.
Tanu: Anyway. I must go. That’s my faith. I am not cursing anyone. Everything was my fault.
Tanu started walking to toilet. Amit immediately blocked her way. Tanu looked him with questionable eyes.
Tanu: What is this Amit. Let me go.
Amit: Tanu. I am in love with you.
Tanu : Please move. Let me go.
Tanu tried to take diversion and proceed. Amit didn’t like the attitude of Tanu. Amit hold the hands of Tanu.
Amit: Tanu Please listen. I really want to spend some good time with you. It is not about the sex.
Tanu: Amit. I am already suffered with one wrong step of me. I didn’t want to commit another mistake.
Tanu pushed Amit and went to washroom. Amit didn’t stop her further. Tanu got changed and left to reception. Driver took her luggage to car and they left the hotel. It was already become 8 pm. The roads started becoming less crowd. After few minutes, the car entered highway and driver increased the speed to 140 Kms. Tanu started worrying due to complete dark outside. Tanu missed Amit presence with her. Tanu recollect the memories of the way Amit given care and protection to her since both met each other. Tanu felt that She shouldn’t be so rude with Amit. She decided to say sorry to Amit and make him understand about her plans of future without hurting his heart after returns. She travelled almost 1.5 hours to reach the destination. House was like an English villa. One Middle aged lady came and pick her bag then escorted her to visiting room.
Tanu looked at the beauty of the house. House look elegant and mostly made of wood. She got a welcome drink. When Tanu finished the drink, a middle-aged lady introduced herself.
Lady: Madam. I am Madhuri. I am working with them for past many years. Sir and his wife will reach by another 2 hours. Let me give you a bath before that.
Tanu didn’t under the word bath. Seeing the ambience of the home, Tanu understand the owner of house is some big shot guy. She didn’t try to show the resistance to the lady fearing the reaction from Mohan sir. Tanu was initially guided to the bedroom allotted to Tanu then to the bathroom.
Tanu surprised by the size and ambience of bathroom. It contains sauna bath, steam bath and much other facilities. Tanu fell awkward by seeing the fully open of the other side.
Tanu: The bathroom is open.
Madhuri: It is lake view madam. No one will come. We have men for security and cleaning is there, but they will only be allowed to come after getting my permission. Now you remove your dress and start sauna bath.
Tanu understand the Madhuri is preparing her for Boss feast tonight but was excited to know what is going to happen ?
Arathi was sitting in the room. She can hear the loud laughing of the peoples sitting outside. Arathi started trebling with fear. Till evening she was very much happy about the situations but now she feared about the danger a head. When she was about to get up, she heard the footstep of someone coming to the room. She remains seated in bed.
Harsha came with her mobile and handed over to her.
Shambu: Hai Arathi.
Arathi: Shambu. Where did you sent me? (Crying)
Shambu: Arathi stop crying. You must do an urgent work for me. You are the perfect one in such a short notice.
Arathi found the harshness in his tone. She got angry on Shambu for using her for his personal benefits. Without thinking she raised her voice on Shambu.
Arathi: Shambu. This is too much. Will you please connect to Sharmaji?
Shambu: He can’t attend the phone. He is busy in official meeting. Listen to me. You must exactly do as per our plan, but the location and person are different. Shortly my person will reach your location with equipment’s. for spying. Only the difference from our plan is, in our plan the spy cams are inbuilt but, in this case, you must place in perfect spot to capture the clear footage. This responsibility can’t give to any other girls. Please ensure the information should not leak to your fellow girls along with you.
Arathi: You mean. There are other girls with me.
Shambu: There is four of them including you it’s five. One girl is arranged through my friend. You are going in that role. The men at you place is thinking you as that girl. Just ignore their way of talking. Don’t give any hint to them. The vehicle is coming with 4 girls to your place. The necessary equipment’s are kept down to back seat. I hope you will smart enough to handle the rest.
Arathi: Who is the person hired escorts?
Shambu: All are of our party MLA’s. The exact details will tell you after meeting you tomorrow. Men around you are not aware about the agenda of meeting. Their gang is responsible for providing security to the Party area. They will allow only their vehicles to enter. I am disconnecting the phone. Don’t give them any doubt.
Harsha: What are you talking with Shambu for long? You like his dick very much. I think you are crazy about his dick. He is a lucky guy. His boss is expert in screwing bitches, and he is lucky to get after him. I think your pussy also screwed by both. We will also show you our strength while our turns come.
A vehicle sound came.
Harsha: Madam. Come. It is already late.
Arathi walked along with him. It was a minivan. She entered and seated in back seat. Arathi saw the other four girls in the Van. They all young aged 20-26 but their appearance looks traditional and moderate. Arathi found the jealous in the girl’s eyes. In order out her plan, she started mingling with others. Even was asking about her native place and she lied them as Pune. She made some fake story on her connection with the city. When Arathi found the relief in the eyes of other girls after hearing the non-presence of Arathi in the city, she felt ashamed of herself in portraying her as a prostitute. Arathi found a small bag down to the seat. She opened the bag and found two cameras of a small USB size. Initially she kept in her pocket but for a precautionary step, she transferred the cameras inside her panty.
Vehicle has reached an isolated location.
They say a jeep waiting at the area. A tall man came inside the van and ordered to come out of vehicle after leaving all belongings. Arathi put the bag to the extreme back side of van without the notice of the men. He ordered to come out one by one leaving all belongings including the ornaments. Due to dim light in back, he didn’t notice Arathi. When she got up to remove the ornaments, he found her.
Man: . What a beauty. Where are you from?
Arathi: Pune.
Man: Name?
Arathi: Arathi:
Man: (laugh loud) Nice fake name. nothing to do with name. action is more important. You four are lucky. You will get enough free time, every will behind Arathi. Now come out one by one.
Arathi quickly sat in the seat. Saleem started checking the girls. He is squeezing the breast and checking the body. Arathi slowly put her hands and pushed the cam to her pussy hole and hold tightly by closing her pussy lips. Even though, she pretends to be courage. She started shivering on her turn.
Saleem checked her full body. She gave a seductive smile to Saleem thus got him distraction from his job.
Everyone entered the Jeep and he drove them to a farmhouse. It was an off-road drive. They reached a farmhouse in a hilly area. Saleem instructed everyone to go to room and necessarily make up and dress material is arranged. Saleem called Arathi to side and told.
Saleem: Arathi Mam. You don’t change. Please don’t put any make up also. I need a favor from your side. You must tell sir that you are called by me. I will give you 2000 rupees more.
Arathi felt humiliated by hearing her price tag.
Arathi noticed that farm has an out house attached. All girls are shifted to the room.
Saleem: We are waiting for a VIP guest. He will be arriving soon. We will start the party after their meeting got over. We have kept the costume for everyone. Everyone except Arathi should change to the costume now. Everyone should remain in this room. Everyone should be with the guest after party starts. If any request for change in costume by guest, my person will be available at the door. He will assist you to this room.
Saleem saw that Arathi checking the washroom.
Arathi: Saleem. At least tell your men to keep the toilet clean. I need to pass urine in urgent basis.
Saleem saw the confidence in the voice of Arathi. Saleem finds Arathi as the showstopper to the party. He knows that by seeing Arathi, his boss will be happy. Saleem wants Arathi to perform well in the party. Moreover, he finds a problem in exposing Arathi to everyone. Saleem knows that all the guest will opt for Arathi and there will be a chance of disappointment among each member. He got the idea of keeping Arathi in a room and firstly will send his boss in between the party and followed by other four members one by one to Arathi as surprise package. After the rounds finished, she will be used as showstoppers. Sudden idea came in the mind of Saleem to separate Arathi.
Saleem: I will arrangement for you. Come with me.
He took her inside the farmhouse. She saw a seating arranged for few guests in the living area. She saw a lawn in back side with seating arranged.
Saleem: Guest will be served at lawn.
Arathi: What about the other guest. We have 5 rooms in the upstairs. Downside has only 2 bedrooms rest are used as dining, living hall and Kitchen. They are getting ready. Don’t make sound, I don’t want them to see you now. Let it be surprise.
Arathi analyzed the house quickly. She has the strong belief that, the meeting will not conduct in an open area. Arathi opened a closed door.
Saleem: Why are you opening the door?
Arathi: If the bathroom is attached. May I use it?
Saleem: Ok. Wishing to come with you.
Arathi: Saleem. You too. (she told on erotic way)
Arathi quickly entered the room and rush to bathroom. Her eyes were scanning the room while walking towards the bathroom. After entering the bathroom, she removed the camera. She has studied its functions and features. She recollected her memory of the room and finalized the place to hide. She slowly opens the bathroom door and peep through it see the positioning of Saleem. She activated the camera and walked out of bathroom. She found a calendar with same colour in the room. She sticks one camera on top of letter fond. This camera can easily remove. Suddenly the VIP guest car came.
Saleem: Arathi come with me. Don’t make any sound.
Saleem took her to another bedroom in the building.
Saleem: This room we are using as store house. You stay inside. I will come back and will shift.
Arathi heard Saleem locking the door of the room. Arathi can hear the laughing of the peoples. She understood that VIP guest has come. Arathi heard the voice of the VIP guest (Arathi assumed by his voice command) telling Saleem to ensure no one will come inside. He ordered Saleem to bring the bag from the Car. As per the Arathi’s expectation, they entered the bedroom and locked from inside after Saleem came out of the room. Saleem reached the door of Arathi’s room and called her name slowly.
Arathi was standing near to door but she waited for few minutes to response.
Saleem: The conference started. Once they come out, I will be taking them to the lawn. I will open you afterwards. You should go into the earlier room afterwards.
Arathi: Ok.
Arathi heard the loud sound of laughter. She understands that meeting is over. Few minutes later, she heard the girls sound. Door got opens by Saleem. She saw her colleagues. They all dressed in truly short `miniskirt. Arathi understood that she will not be send for serving the guest. She found a Sheesha in Kitchen.
Arathi: Whether we are making Sheesha. ?
Saleem: Yes, My boss. Digvijay likes Sheesha. Other didn’t show interest in it.
Arathi found a perfect place to plot the camera in Sheesha. She waited for the moment to stick it. Looking at the snacks set by the cook, she understood that food is not prepared at this kitchen. When Saleem ordered to start the party. Four girls took the Whiskey bottles along with the snacks to the table set in Lawn. The cook also walked along with them to set the table. Arathi got enough time to set the camera. she has properly wrapped the camera with aluminum foil. After the initial table setting. After the table got set, cook went outside the building through front door. Salem has placed two men in the front door to not let anyone inside. The lawn and place were set in way that guest can do any thing freely as per their wish. NO one will see apart from guests, girls and Saleem.
Arathi switched off the light in kitchen area to keep her in dark for watching the party. She can see the guest started groping and dancing with the girls. Arathi confidence started losing by seeing the madness and violent behavior of the guest. Once the guest got fully involved with girls, Arathi noticed a man sitting idle. She guesses the person will be boss of Saleem. He was discussing with Saleem in regular intervals. She quickly went inside the bedroom when Saleem started walking towards the kitchen from lawn.
Saleem came directly to the bedroom. Arathi got shocked due the sudden entry.
Saleem: Everyone is happy. All started enjoying. Let me fix Sheesha for bass and will come back. I need to talk with you. Arathi was worried so far due to the no order of Sheesha. She saw Saleem placing the Sheesha in front of his boss. Arathi was not worried by the angle due to the reason of party in lawn. The guest is dancing and moving around. They will come some point at the front of camera. Audio is anyway recording. Saleem came back with a girl. Girl looked angry at Arathi due the privilege getting by Arathi. Few minutes later, Saleem and girl brings more snacks to guest. Once they set the new snacks in the table, Saleem came near to Arathi.
Saleem: My Boss will come after few minutes to your room. Please give him good service. All these are old people. Don’t expect to have a big and strong dick. You must do your maximum effort to make them cum, you will not get satisfied your needs. That job will do by me and my men. Once the party got high, I guess we will get time.
Arathi: What you mean by your men?
Saleem: Not on you. You will be handling by myself.
Saleem went to lawn. She saw him speaking to his boss. Arathi saw the Boss got up from seat and walk towards the house.

Arathi's heart started beating hard.
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Tanu got relax after getting the SPA treatment from Madhuri. Even though she follows her instructions like a doll, she felt very relaxion in her mind. Tension and anxiety have melted down. Madhuri gave her drink a juice to drink and gave her a Yellow Trim short Robe from the cupboard. Tanu found a collection of modern dress for girls in the cupboard. Madhuri informed her that the collection belongs to the wife of her master Kripal. She heard this name from Mohan sir mouth while talking to her last night about the trip. As far her knowledge, her assignment in this city is for Kripal. Madhuri rush to the entrance after hearing a car. Tanu understood that Kripal has come. Tanu check in the mirror for confirming the appearance of her. Tanu wonder the reason behind checking mirror. She also not sure whether she enjoys the ambience and atmosphere. Back in the Tanu also eager to meet Kripal.

Tanu also followed after Madhuri to the entrance.

She found a Man with a lady coming near to her with smiley face. Even though meeting for first time, Tanu felt very intimacy with them. She smiles at them automatically.

Kripal: Hai Tanu…

Tanu got shocked by hearing her real name.

Tanu: I am Kajol.

Amrutha: Both names are Nice. We like everything original. Shall we call you Tanu?

They smiled at her. Tanu couldn’t ignore the charming face of both. Tanu was expecting a couple of 50+ from the explanation of Madhuri while giving her massage. Both are married for 20 years. Madhuri has brief about both. Kripal and Amrutha doesn’t have kids. They love each other’s very much. Amrutha’s miscarriage was happen after they met an accident during pregnancy. They got married after the college. Marriage was register marriage and Amruta’s family created big issue. Kripal was the leader of student wing and not from wealthy family. Due to his hold in party, he didn’t get killed by Amrutha’s family. Amrutha’s family is industrialist and rich. She pursued her studies and started a designer shop in early of 2000’s. She is a known designer in city and even in Bollywood industry. Due to studies or family planning, she got pregnant only after 5 years. Miscarriage as well as knowing the fact of not to become a mother made her in shocking stage for few years but she recovered after. During this time, Kripal has grown to higher position in party. Due to the difference in her visualizing the image of couple from Madhuri’s words, Tanu looked stunned by seeing the charming face of both. Both look incredibly young and extremely opposite to her visualization. Both look like at the age of early 30’s. Both are dress very elegant and have a royal look. She resembles him with Saif Ali Khan. She came out of her thoughts by hearing the voice of Kripal.

Kripal: Tanu. I am Kripal & This is my wife Amrutha. We are your host.

He took her hand and gave a shake hand.

Amrutha: You are looking awesome in this dress Tanu. Madhuri Aunty… (She called Loudly)

Madhuri: Yes, Amrutha beti.

Amrutha: You are giving my dress without my permission. (Fake angry)

Madhuri: I found the dress very elegant in Kajol Beti. Sorry

Amrutha: Why sorry Aunty? You did the best. The dress suits her. Seems this dress stitched perfect for her body shape. I think. I must offer her a job as my official model for my designer collection.

Kripal: Oh No. we are here for relaxation. Don’t start you detailing of you designing stuff my designer wife.

Everyone laughs. Tanu was reluctant to laugh due to have no idea of what happening. She looked at them in wonder.

Amrutha: I think Tanu is not feeling funny. Just Shut up your sick Joke Kripal.

Come Tanu. Will go.

Amrutha hold her hands and walk towards the bedroom. Tanu followed her with even a small sign of resistance. She entered the bedroom and Kripal also followed them. Amrutha hold her palm in Tanu’s cheeks and told.

Amrutha: Don’t worry. No one force you for anything in this home. Just relax. I think Madhuri Aunty forced you to become the victim of her SPA experiments. Don’t worry. We came here to relax from all busy life. Today you are part of ours. If you feel it. Join with our fun.

Tanu noticed the Kripal dressing. She understood that he came back from official work.

Amrutha: Tanu. We are tired. Going to get fresh. Would you mind joining with us?

Tanu was not sure about the answer. She was confused with all the progress. She has all question came in her mind. Whether she called for a lesbian act?

Kripal was changing dress. Tanu couldn’t take her eyes from him. Tanu was eager to see the body of him. She was curious see the body of Kripal.

Suddenly Amrutha made cough sound to get the attention of Tanu. Suddenly Tanu came to sense and looked at Amrutha.

Amrutha: You didn’t say Yes or no to my question.

Tanu didn’t pay attention to Amrutha while she is talking. Tanu doesn’t want Amrutha to understand the ignorance to her words. Tanu replied with out asking her to repeat the question.

Tanu: Yes Madam.

Amrutha: Kripal. Guess she will be star of tonight.

Kripal removed his dress and wrap a towel around his hip. He came near to Tanu and hugged her.

Amrutha: Oh No… There is another woman also.

Kripal hold his hands in Tanu’s hip and pull her along with him to near Amrutha. He holds Amrutha’s hip and told.

Kripal: You are my sweetheart.

Kripal and Amrutha started smooching. Kripal hand was still in her hip. Tanu ignore them for few seconds but when she hears moaning sound, she turns her head to see what happening. Tanu found them kissing deeply and passionately. Tanu felt her body also seeking to be loved. She brings her body closer to them. Suddenly a hand holds her shoulder and pulls her to front. She found it as Amrutha’s hand. Kripal broke the kiss from Amrutha and bring his lips to Tanu. Tanu felt like a boyfriend bringing his lips to get kissed. She automatically opens her lips to welcome his lips. Tanu felt very romantic in his kiss. She also responded to his kiss. Tanu feels a pleasure coming up from her toe to head. She took her hands to hug Kripal but due to Amrutha in between, her hands covered Amrutha. Amrutha took her hands and hold Tanu’s hip. Now all three are joined and Kripal kissing Tanu. Tanu realized the power of Amrutha’s hand holding her hip is increasing. Amrutha pinched Kripal. Tanu understand that she wants to distract Kripal from getting more passionate. When Kripal broke the kiss, Tanu saw that Amrutha is bringing her face to her. Tanu wants to withdraw the face but back in her mind got a fear of Amrutha’s anger. Amrutha started kissing her lips. Tanu felt awkward for few seconds but she started enjoying when she released the mental stress. Tanu started responding to Amrutha and they kissed passionately.

Kripal: Hello couples. It is already late. I guess Tanu might be hungry. We will push off to get fresh and will have dinner.

Amrutha: You Idiot. Did I disturb you? Getting jealous. Tanu we will show them that women don’t require men. They all are thinking that an 8 inch is required for all women to get satisfied.

Tanu smiled at Kripal face. Tanu was hungry but her body is forcing her to continue.

Kripal: Come on. Let’s move.

Tanu: I am not hungry now.

Amrutha: Madhuri Aunty. Will you please keep a wine bottle and few towels near to Jacuzzi.

Tanu heard the positive response from Madhuri. She appreciated the respect given by both to Madhuri. She also decided to call her Aunty. Tanu felt herself as part of family.

Tanu: I will also help her.

Amrutha: No Tanu. You are our guest. We are here to serve you. If you feel she need a help, then

(Amrutha turns her head to Kripal and ordered by laughing sound) Kripal. Help her to fix. Quickly…... We don’t have time. Everything should be set before we reach. Tanu do you want any thing else? You can tell our servant man.

Tanu felt awkward by hearing him called servant.

Tanu: Nothing.

Kripal: Yes madams. (Kripal bowed his head as symbol of respect and went to kitchen)

After Kripal went, Amrutha turns to Tanu and called her near to wardrobe)

Amrutha: Are you comfortable in this dress?

Tanu: yes madam.

Amrutha: No madam or sir here. Hope you know our names. Call us by name. Please don’t call as Uncle and Aunty. I will kill you.

Tanu felt very intimacy in her words. She wonders how she is allowing her husband to play around with another girl. First time, Tanu feel that sex is for enjoyment. There is no sin on having sex like enders make fear in mind.

Tanu: Yes Amrutha.

Amrutha: You don’t have to be very formal. Just think that everything belongs to you also except by grand collection of dress.

Amrutha open other wardrobes and showed her few collection of dress. Tanu looked at elegance and richness of the dress.

Tanu: No. I am not crazy about dress.

Amrutha: Don’t judge extremely fast. Once a girl is naked, men find similarity with other women. Their fantasy will be in peak while see a girl in elegant dress. Their mind will become crazy to remove the dress and see the beauty hide inside.

When Amrutha was telling, Tanu started visualizing her words. First time, she wishes to see her in designer cloth.

Kripal broke their conversation.

Kripal: What is planning by both girls.

Amrutha: We are planning to get married. Let’s see how both girls married.

Kripal: I like to be your kid. Keep me in middle of your bed while sleeping.

Amrutha: Tanu. What is your opinion?

Tanu got shocked by her question. She started searching for words.

Kripal: Don’t scare that poor girl. She was scared from last few days. Don’t make her scarier.

Tanu felt relaxed by his words. She decided to ease the pressure and join with them.

Tanu: Amrutha. I think you got the best Idea, but we don’t want kids.

Tanu saw a sudden sadness in her face but she recovered fast. Tanu didn’t extend her dialogue.

Amrutha: Let’s move. Tanu. Sorry to force you to have bath once again.

Tanu: Before finishing the Jacuzzi our Madhuri madam forcibly took me to take her Spa experiments.

Amrutha: You look very pretty. How about your studies?

Tanu: Doing fine.

Amrutha: here after. Don’t break your classes.

Tanu: I don’t want to break by class but .. (She stopped)

Amrutha: Understand. Here after, we don’t make such mistakes. Sorry.

Tanu: No Madam (respect came automatically. Amrutha also didn’t correct her). You are not at fault. Everything is my mistake.

Amrutha: If you feel any mistake during your stay with us. Tell us open.

All three entered the bathroom. Tanu found the floor are dry. She appreciates the dedication of Madhuri Aunt’s effort in keeping the house very tidy in her mind. Kripal straight away went and open the red wine and pour it to three glass. He placed the glass near to a table adjacent to Jacuzzi. Tanu was standing idle by keeping her eyes on Kripal. Her eyes were scanning his beautiful body. She accepted him as a handsome man. First time she is seeing such a handsome man naked with just towel wrapped around. Tanu found no hair in his body. Body is very fair and clean. He has some sort of red Raksha in his hand and just a gold chain in his neck. Her eyes were waiting for him to remove the towel. Tanu even didn’t realized, Amrutha has changed her costume to have bath. She came back to sense by hearing Amrutha’s voice.

Amrutha: Tanu. What? Are you going to Jacuzzi in this dress?

Tanu: No madam.

Amrutha: Who is your madam (Tanu realized that Amrutha didn’t correct while calling madam earlier due to intimacy with her. Now she is in playful mood and its Tanu’s time to give her return. Tanu got the confidence that no one will be disturbing her after return to college)

Tanu: Sorry Amrutha.

She looked at Amrutha. She was in her sexy Lingerie’s. she was extremely beautiful in her Rose Bra and panty. Tanu find her Bra and Panty as modern designed. She read the lines in her strap as Victoria. Tanu never heard about such brand. Tanu guessed the Bra might be designed by Amrutha. She looked Sexy in the attire. Tanu noticed only very few stretch marks in her stomach and rest part look clean. While shopping, Arathi bought her lingerie’s of Honey dew brand. That was like a dream come to true for Tanu. She saw her room mate using the brand and once she saw the price tag as 2200 & 3300 rupees. Seeing the attire of Amrutha, Tanu lost her confidence of standing in her Lingerie’s. Due to curiosity, she asked Amrutha.

Tanu: You look very sexy in these Lingerie’s. whether these are designed by you?

Amrutha laughed.

Amrutha: No Tanu. Defeatedly no. These are my hubby’s madness gift. He used to buy these crazy stuffs after returning from abroad. I am not crazy in Lingerie’s. I don’t design Lingerie’s. Only I suggest wearing the color of innerwear along with my designer dress. This is Victoria Secret worlds no 1 brand.

Kripal: Are you girls coming or complement each other’s innerwear beauty.

Amrutha: Come on Tanu..

Tanu removed her dress and placed in the wardrobe in bathroom. She didn’t feel any shy in removing. When she looked at mirror in her Lingerie, she cursed herself for not wearing the designer one in bag. She purposefully didn’t wear to getting undue compliments from men. Tanu saw Amrutha getting into the Jacuzzi. Tanu noticed her ass and then looked at her ass on mirror. Even though Amrutha has a milky white body, Tanu felt her body is sexier than her due to sexy structure and curves. She wishes her body colour to be like Paru and Renu. She made a self-appraisal of her body and finalized with 100% mark for her body.

Tanu walked towards the jacuzzi. Kripal and Amrutha looked at her and smiled.


Kripal extend his hands to help Tanu to enter Jacuzzi. Jacuzzi is a perfect square one which is ideal for two but four can accommodate. Amrutha was sitting in the opposite side. Kripal indicate Tanu to sit in corner next to him. Tanu is sitting close to Kripal. Kripal took the wine glass and served to them. Tanu felt disappointed when he gave the first glass to Amrutha. Tanu wishes to get her first from Kripal. Tanu mind started loving Kripal and start wishing to get loved by him. In regular intervals, Tanu started telling herself that she is just a stranger to them. She is just a toy bought by them for playing. Don’t get emotional. Even though decided to behave it as per she decided, she started slipping to fall in love with Kripal. All three were chatting casual stuffs and started enjoying the Jacuzzi. Amrutha increased the pace of water by pressing the button near to her corner. Power of water made Tanu more excited. She gets excited by the water flow from the bottom. She slowly widens her leg to give the water pressure to hit her pussy. A small sound came out of her mouth due to pleasure she got in her pussy.
Kripal: That area is specialized for our hips and down water.
Tanu felt ashamed and closed her legs in shy.
Amrutha: Kripal. You shut up. Let he enjoy. Tanu why you are Shy. Tell him on his face. Enjoyment is not meant for boys alone. Let us show him.
Tanu saw Amrutha coming near to her. Tanu wants to get loved by Kripal but she doesn’t have the courage to express it in front of Amrutha. She remains idle to give Amrutha to explore as per her wish.
Amrutha came near to her and hand over the glass to Kripal. Tanu saw him keeping the glass. Before her eyes came to front, she realized Amrutha’s lips in her lips. Tanu opens her mouth and give the freedom to Amrutha to explore her mouth. Amrutha started kissing passionate and Tanu started feeling heat in her body. This was her second experience. During her hostel days, her roommate kissed her after getting drunk. Tanu felt good while kissing but she didn’t encourage to proceed further. That day, she felt the kiss like the Mohan guest kissed her. But now she feels like good and wishes to not break the kiss by Amrutha. Tanu also respond on her ways and both started kissing passionately. Tanu felt the Amrutha’s hands in her boobs and started pressing. She didn’t feel excited by her pressing. Tanu understand the difference of a men hand and woman. Amrutha lift Tanu’s hand and placed on her boobs. Tanu started pressing it. She feels her Bra incredibly soft and smooth. Tanu can get the feeling of boobs above her bra. Tanu felt that she might not get the feeling due to the hardness of the bra cup of her. Tanu didn’t get much time to think. Amrutha’s hands went to her back and unhooked her bra. Tanu understand that Amrutha also felt same feeling of her about the hardness of Bra. Amrutha broke the kiss. She was in her kneels. She brings her hands to Bra and removed the bra from front. She throws the Bra to floor. She brings her lips back to Tanu and this time she started pressing Tanu’s boobs hard. Tanu also start getting excited by the way she progresses. Amrutha took her hands and bring Kripal hands to her boobs. Kripal started pressing her boobs and Amrutha moan. Tanu saw the Kripal’s hands in Amrutha’s boobs after breaking the kiss. Suddenly Amrutha life her body and brings her boobs to Tanu’s mouth. Tanu opens her mouth and Amrutha put her boobs into it. Tanu didn’t know what to do but she tried her best to suck it like a baby sucking the rubber nipples of feeding bottle. Tanu felt difficult in breathing when Amrutha started pushing her boobs on every opening of Tanu’s mouth. Tanu’s disappointed mind got changed to excitement and pleasure, when she started getting her boobs pressed by Kripal. Tanu hold her palm above Kripal’s hand and encouraged him. Even though, Kripal finds difficult to explore freely due to Amrutha’s body, Tanu feel exceptionally good. Tanu appreciate his ability to care a women breast. When Kripal gave care her nipples, she bites Amrutha’s boobs due to pleasure. Tanu heard a small sound of pain from Amrutha’s mouth but she continues in getting sucked by Tanu. Amrutha was kissing Tanu’s head and her hands were at the back of Tanu’s head and pushing towards her boobs. In few minutes, Tanu heard a sound of relief from Amrutha’s mouth. Tanu guesses as Amrutha’s orgasm.
Amrutha pulls her boobs from Tanu’s mouth and she came down to her boobs. When Amrutha found the Kripal hands in Tanu’s boobs, he removed it and give him a playful naughty smile. Amrutha brings her face to Tanu’s boobs and started sucking. Tanu excitement went high when she started sucking her nipples. Tanu felt bad about her sucking of Amrutha’s boobs. She felt like telling sorry to Amrutha for not sucking properly. Tanu’s eyes got closed due to pleasure. Tanu open her eyes and looked at Kripal. She found the lust in his eyes. Kripal hands were on back of Amrutha and caring her back. When his hands went down to her underwear and entered to her ass part. Tanu saw the hands of Amrutha coming back and giving a slap to Kripal for distracting her. Tanu felt overly excited due to the expertise of Amrutha in sucking her boobs. Her mind agreed to Amrutha’s word that there is no need for a man to satisfy a girl. Still a question of How a woman can enter in pussy? came in her mind. Tanu saw Kripal getting up from his sitting area. He removed his underwear. Tanu saw his erected dick. She found his dick is as beautiful as his other part of body. Kripal came near to Tanu. She understood that he is bringing the cock to get her care to it. He stans in front of her and his erect dick was just in front of her eyes. She looked at the pick tip of dick and bring her hands to it. She holds the dick with her hand and pull the skin down to see the rest part. She brings her face closer and gave a lick on the nerves bulged in his dick. Kripal didn’t move. Tanu liked the dick. She started kissing his dick from top to bottom. Kripal adjusted his position according to Tanu. She brings her mouth to his balls and took the whole inside her mouth. She looked at the face of Kripal to see the expression. When she found the excitement in his face, Tanu got thrilled. She started licking and sucking by giving a lusty look to him. Tanu has forgotten about her pleasure of getting sucked by Amrutha. They heard a sound of Amrutha made a smile in face.
Amrutha: Kripal got get over excited and fall on me.
After telling this Amrutha started sucking Tanu’s boobs. This time her hands went inside her panty and reached at the entrance of pussy. Tanu’s mouth got wide open by her touch. Amrutha started fingering her slowly along with sucking. Tanu’s attention went from sucking Kripal’s Lund to her pleasure. When Tanu realized the mistake of leaving Kripal in between, she continues to kiss his Lund. She brings her mouth to the Lund tip and bring to inside her mouth. Tanu felt the Kripal hands in her head and massaging. As per her previous experience, Kripal didn’t put any force on her hear or pushing towards his dick. He was only concentrating on giving a gentle massage to her head. Tanu took his dick deep inside and started blowing his Lund. Seeing the excitement and pleasure in Kripal face, she increased the pace. Dick started poking inside her mouth made her happy. Tanu wants him give see the face of Kripal after his climax. She speeds up his blow by mouth along with the shaking his dick by her hand. Amrutha got up from sucking her boobs and pull the Kripal Lund from Tanu’s mouth. Tanu saw Kripal started moving his hips and unloaded inside her mouth. Tanu felt disappointed by Amrutha taking charge of the final action but hides her expression. Amrutha took the dick from her mouth and bring it to Tanu’s mouth. Tanu took it again in her mouth and sucked the balance semen left in it. She tastes good. Tanu brings her face to Amrutha and kissed her. Tanu wondered why she kissed Amrutha? There were no confusions or double minded while kissing Amrutha. Tanu knows that she kissed her due her happiness and thankfulness towards the couple in giving her new experience in life.
Amrutha: Guess. Food will get cold. Let’s move. Tanu. There is new Lingerie’s in that wardrobe. She pointed towards the bathroom wardrobe.
Tanu: No Amrutha.
Amrutha: Oh!!! You want to stay without Lingerie. That nice.
Tanu: I didn’t mean by that. I have my pair in my bag.
Amrutha: You wear that while going. These lingerie’s are purchased for our guests use. We will throw it after using or you can even take back to home.
Tanu understood that other girls are also coming.
Everyone dries themselves and went to bedroom. Tanu was walking towards her bedroom.
Amrutha: Tanu. Come to our bedroom. The bedroom is for all three us.
Tanu walked along with them to the bedroom.
Amrutha: Tanu. Come upside. That was not our master bedroom. (Amrutha pointed to the earlier bedroom).
Tanu walked with them to upstairs. When Tanu entered the bedroom along with Kripal & Amrutha, she has shocked for a moment. The bedroom was like she was under the ocean. Live aquarium is used as walls. Entire room is painted and designed like an under water. Amrutha saw the excitement in Tanu’s eyes.
Amrutha: we gave only permission to special guests. We find you special so far and that is reason you are here now.
Tanu: Thank you Amrutha.
Amrutha: if you are happy with the place. You can change your dress according to the theme. There is a wardrobe behind the shark mouth.
Tanu went near but she can’t find the door. Amrutha came and pressed at the teeth of shark. Suddenly the wardrobe opens. All three changed the changed the dress. Amrutha looked at Tanu and kissed her.
Amrutha: You look so pretty in this dress. Hope am finding the best for my hubby.
Tanu felt a crack in her sound. She understood that there is some where a pain inside her voice.
They all came down to dinner table. Tanu see the happiness in the eyes of Madhuri aunty. Tanu was eager to the reason behind the happiness but she was afraid to ask up front.
They had dinner together. Food was so delicious. After dinner, Tanu saw Kripal & Amrutha walking out to back side of house. They called Tanu to join but she gave the excuse of going to bathroom. Tanu’s intension was to chat with Madhuri aunty and get clarifications to her. Tanu reached the Kitchen along with utensils from table. She found her putting the utensils for washing. Tanu kept the vessels in sink.
Madhuri Aunty: Hey Tanu beti. Please don’t do it. I will do it myself. That is my duty. You are our guest. May be our permanent family member.
Tanu didn’t understand by the term she used as permanent.
Tanu: Aunty. I must tomorrow or day after tomorrow. Maybe we will not meet or help again in life. That is the reason I helped you. Food was so delicious.
Madhuri Aunty: Beti. I am happy now. Amrutha never let anyone apart from family members to enter the bedroom. You are the first one. I am sure that we will meet again.
Tanu: I didn’t get you point but I have a question? If you don’t mind.
Madhuri Aunty: Yes, you can.
Tanu: There are frequent visit by outside girls at this house.
Madhuri: I understand you meaning. I think you got them wrong. Amrutha madam cannot give satisfaction to Kripal as per men wish after the surgery. She is weak in her hips. Yes, they have brought few girls here, but no one stayed till next day morning. Everyone is sent home back in night itself. Amrutha madam is looking for a girl who can his second wife. Kripal is not planning to marry that girl. Reason behind was to get marry a girl legally he needs to divorce Amrutha, which he never does. Tanu understood the reason behind her in this house. Amrutha cannot let Kripal to let his dick inside her cunt and fuck. Amrutha is finding other girl to satisfy her husband needs and Kripal is helping her to enjoy her wild fantasies.
Tanu went out of kitchen and walked towards the back-entrance door. She saw Kripal and Amrutha entering the house.
Kripal: Do you need to go for a walk?
Tanu: No. I just came to you.
Amrutha: Shall we go to bedroom?
Tanu: Sure.
Amrutha said loud to Madhuri Aunt that they are going to bed. She said good night and got the responds from Madhuri aunty from kitchen.

Tanu walked in their front side towards the bed room.
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Arathi saw the person walking towards her. Saleem walks along with him. As per his instruction she went inside the bedroom and closed the door. Her heart started ponding hard due to fear. She cursed the moment she agreed to come with Deepak. She consoles herself as the punishment for her sin to Anshu. She wishes to get an opportunity to go back to her previous life. Thought she was unhappy with the nature of Anshu, Arathi realized that she always gets the respect from him. Arathi understood that she was too late to identify her mistake. Till yesterday, she has the reason to justify her act but today she is standing as a slave. Arathi started doubting the intension of everyone. Arathi recollect her memory while she had conversation with Anshu after receiving the cash in home. After hearing the amount of money Anshu raised only one question. Whether the cash belongs to us? He never asked about her. His happy sound turned to gloomy after hearing the money belongs to her company. Anshu has asked only few questions to Arathi and didn’t talk about the daughter. Arathi doubt Anshu’s whether Anshu also seek only money?

Sound of opening the door bring her back to sense. Saleem entered the room along with his boss. Arathi saw his boss eyes bulged by seeing her. He seems to age of 55+. He wore a white Kurtha & Pyjama.
Saleem: Arathi. This is my boss. Ramnath. Hope you know him. Sir. This is my gift for you in this special day.
Ramnath: Oh!!!! Saleem… Where was this angel so far? I never saw her in this city.
Saleem: Special for this day from Pune. You enjoy. Arathi.. Take care of him. As I said before. He winkled his eyes.
Ramnath closed the door after Saleem went out. He walks near to her.
Ramnath: You look beautiful and this dress suits very well in your sexy body. How long you are in this profession?
Arathi felt humiliated by him asking about her prostitution period. Arathi didn’t reply to him.
He removed his Kurta. Due to the tightness, he found difficulty to remove from head.
Ramnath: Lady.. Why you are looking at me. Help me to remove.
Arathi went near to him and help him to remove the dress. when she was removing his Kurta, he hands pressed her ass.
Ramnath: What a smooth ass you have.
Saying it, he pressed hard.
Arathi removed his Kurta.
Ramnath: You remove my Pyjama also.
Arathi went near to untie his Knot. He took her hand and placed in top of his Lund.
Ramnath: Give a gentle massage to it. Let him starve for you cunt..
Arathi held her hands on his Lund. She felt his Lund in semi erected position and started shivering by her touch. Ramnath saw the Zip in the back of her dress while she bends down to untie his knot. He pulls the zip down. When Arathi pull his Pyjama down, she felt his hands hold her back of head and pressed her face towards his Lund. Due to sudden movement, Arathi couldn’t control herself. Her face came and pressed in his Lund above undergarment. She smells the urine in his undergarment. Arathi felt vomiting sensation by the smell. Arathi tried to pull his head back but he holds her to his Lund. Arathi continue to push him and he released her.
Before Arathi got up from down, she got a kick in her joe with his knee from Ramnath. Due to sudden movement, Arathi’s tooth got crush and her tongue got wounded. Due to anger and pain, Arathi got up and pushed him. Ramnath pyjama was still in bottom of his leg. When he took his legs to balance, he got stuck with pyjama and fell in floor. Arathi realized her mistake and suddenly helped him to get up. As soon as he got up, he slaps on Arathi’s face. Arathi sat on the floor by closing her cheeks. He started massaging his back of head with hands due to hit in floor. He went immediately and opens the door. He calls Saleem by shouting. Due to his shouting, the other guest with Saleem also rushed to the spot.
Ramnath: Where did you get this Randi?
Saleem: What happen?
Ramnath: You massage my head. See whether bruise in my head. This Randi pushed me.
Other guest who was watching them went inside the room. They saw Arathi sitting on the floor.
Everyone eyes got happy by seeing Arathi.
Suddenly Saleem pushed them and reached near Arathi. He pulls her from ground. He holds her neck and shouted.
Saleem: What did you do?
Tears were rolling out of Arathi’s eyes. She tried to apologize him, but her voice didn’t come out due to his power of holding. She held her hands together and begged him to leave. All four of the guests came near to her. She saw all 4 are of similar age of his boss Ramnath.
Saleem hear the call from Ramnath. He pushed her to bed and rush near to him.
Arathi: Sir.. It was my mistake. Please pardon me…
Her eyes were closed due to the pain and breathless position. When she opens her eyes, she saw the four guest are standing near to the bed and staring at her. One of the persons advanced and sit near to her. He placed his hands on her boobs and pressed. Arathi didn’t protest. He gave her a naughty smile to her.
Guest: What a girl?.
Suddenly other three joins him. One person held her other boobs and massaged her boobs.
Another person, lift her dress upward and rubs her thigs.
Suddenly Saleem and Ramnath came inside the bedroom.
Guest: Saleem. You hide this gem inside and gave us simple stone to us.
Saleem was speechless to their words. Suddenly he replied.
Saleem: She is the package for tonight. She is a wild horse. Need a training. Ramnath came to invite her to the arena. She started bargain for more money. She was told for one person and paid for that. Now she need money for each one.
Guest: What is wrong with that Saleem? She deserves it. No worries. I will pay for her.
Saleem felt the mistake of his words. Sir. No like exactly. Give me a moment with her. You please carry on. I will bring her soon.
Guest: Please. Don’t hurt her. I don’t like to fuck her with tears. What was the package you plan with her?
Saleem: It was a surprise. You please go to seat. We will join soon.
They left the room.
Saleem went near to her.
Saleem: I will cut you into pieces if you spoil the mood. He held her to his body.. I will let to enter everyone Lund in your ass hole. You will only realize the pain afterwards.
You remove your dress. Arathi looked at him by shock. Saleem forcefully removed her dress. Arathi was in her Bra & Panty. Your honeymoon period over. He took her to ground. Arathi felt very shy to walk in panty and bra to open area. She didn’t show any resistance to Saleem due to fear. When she reached the ground, Arathi found that all the girls are already in Bra and panty and sitting near to the guest.
Guest: Welcome Arathi .
All the girls took their eyes and looked at Arathi.
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Another side of the story:

Paru's life in last few months:

After joining the company, she found that many youngsters in the company is eagerly waiting to have friendship with her. Paru understood that most of them are finding her marital status (Divorce filed) as an opportunity to have one-night stay. Paru also initially didn’t disappointed them by ignoring. She behaves friendly with everyone. Her intension was to find the right guy to grab information about the tender values. She never allows anyone to explore her body. She found a person from accounts (Tarun) as her target. She started giving more attention to Tanu. During these days, Arathi went through many hidden truths about Kunal. Entire perception about him has changed and she decided to stop her support to him. She thought of calling Kunal and abuse him but thinking practically, she decided to wait for the right moment to strike against him. She was confident about the decent behavior from Kunal till he gets the information and order. Arathi doubt the Kunal involvement in trapping Ash. Paru feels as her mistake to react against Ash with the help of Kunal. Paru decided to meet Ash in Jail while her lawyer meet him to get few signatures. After 4-5 months of unsuccessful attempts on Paru, everyone’s perception about Paru has changed. There onwards, many of her colleagues become true friends. Tarun gave a big headache to Paru by proposing her to marry him. Paru rejected his proposal by stating her intension to stay as single for rest of life. Paru has taken a strong decision to bring the hidden truth of back play happen in father property. She wants to get the property and settle of the money owe to Kunal. She also took a strong decision to confess in front of Adithya about her intension while join the company. Paru knows that Ash will be right person to give information, she decided to meet him in Mumbai jail. Due to court trial happening in his other case, Ash is still in sub jail. Biggest relief for Paru was the less frequency of Kunal’s calls. She got proud for her idea to convince Kunal about the Adithya’s policy to monitor and get reports on new joiners through an outside agency.


Kunal’s elder son in law met an accident in US. He was with them for 2 months. During his stay in US, both daughters request him to get marry as they don’t have the plans to settle in India. During his stay in US he understood that his son in laws have huge mortgage from banks even after he gave good amount to them as dowry. The hospitals business is not running in profits. When his younger daughter asks about the possibility of getting her share confirms the financial crunch of his son in laws. Kunal was not happy with the financial stability of both son in laws from the time of proposals but agreed to his daughters wish. while returning from US he decided to raise funds for them in coming years.
Kunal knows the right person to help him is Mohan. Last few years, Kunal took lot of effort and passed many hurdles to become friendship with Mohan. Kunal always dreams to become big shot in market. He was tired of being the members of small clubs. Where Mohan has entry to Billionaire & Multi-millionaires clubs in Mumbai. Kunal also dream to achieve the membership once. Kunal knows he is not that giant to come in eyes of Mohan investment companies. If he got the opportunity to Invest in any of their project, he can earn good returns. After returning from US, he started spending most of his time to convince Mohan. Handing over Tanu’s possession to Mohan was key success factor of Kunal. He utilized the opportunity of Mohan’s thankfulness towards Kunal to meet him frequently. Kunal in fact behaving like a pimp for Mohan to get opportunity in discussing about his intension of being an investor to a project. He got success and Mohan agreed to put forward the request in board meeting.

Malhotra & Mohan connection.

: Malhotra- Deepak father is a big industrialist. He was one of the major funding personalities to the opposition party before the Mohan party come to power. Immediately after came into power, his party started act against Malhotra. Knowing the money strength of Malhotra, Mohan invite him to invest in his projects. Malhotra finds the partnership with Mohan will help him to keep away from revenge of CM, he started investing with small amount. Once Malhotra started getting decent returns, he started increasing the amount and become a major Investor. Malhotra finds Mohan as a good businessman and a useful politician. Mohan and Malhotra become good friends. While attending a family party in Malhotra residence, Malhotra wife proposed Mohan’s daughter (Vedika) to Deepak. Mohan was expecting an immediate Ok from Malhotra, but he given the excuse of Deepak assignment and immature behavior. Malhotra has made a clear statement about Deepak marriage will happen only after 1. Year and after reviewing the success of Deepak. Mohan and his wife felt strange with Malhotra’s demand. Malhotra will be agreed to Deepak marriage only after the success of Deepak as a businessman. With No options, everyone agreed to Malhotra’s opinion. Everyone decided to discuss with children only after the success of Deepak. Mohan has always planned about this marriage. He has already the plan to initiate the discussion with Malhotra or Deepak. Even though, Mohan acted happy he was disappointed with the decision. Mohan didn’t convince with the reason given by Malhotra. Mohan got the doubt on Malhotra’s cleverness to extend the marriage fixing date only after the next election. If his party is again in power, Malhotra will agree to marriage otherwise will give excuse to reject the proposal.

Mohan helps Deepak-

Mohan decided to help Deepak indirectly in business and get him success before the time frame. He sends Tanu for helping Deepak. Mohan has already made the necessary arrangement with Kripal. Due to some issues in past, Mohan & Sharmaji are enemies. As expected by Mohan, Deepak has cleared the Sharmaji part. They plan to trap Sharmaji and alternative options. Entire planning was done by Mohan and Kripal, but due to getting clearance from Sharmaji they dropped the Plan. Deepak was not aware with any of these backgrounds planning happening to help him. Mohan was very particular to hide his involvement from Deepak to make him feel that the success belongs to him. Since, the initial talk happens with Mohan & Malhotra about the marriage, Deepak was in the network of Mohan. He knows every detail about Deepak. Mohan finds his nature of womanizer as youth fun. He was only bothered to get alliance with Malhotra family so as he will not find difficulty to expand his business network even in out of power government.

Mohan Family History-

Mohan didn’t like his daughter as same as his son. He believes that she is not her daughter. His wife (Geetha) was the daughter of his party senior member. His wife has a boyfriend who is an active NGO participant from a different religion. Mohan knows about their affair and met them in many circumstances. Mohan has always jealous in the luck of her boyfriend. Mohan always fantasize on Geetha and she was his daily reason to masturbate. Mohan waited till elections to disclose it to Geetha Home. Mohan does it through one of his men. When the relationship of her daughter came in her father knowledge, he decided to get her married. Mohan created a rumor that the opposition party is going to highlight the affair of a senior party member as well as Higher cast ***** girl has affair with other religion man with the support of her family. The general election was just few months away and there might be a chance of these news will be utilized by the opposition party. When her father in law asked Mohan decision in getting married, he agreed immediately along with the hike of position in party. Mohan started fucking Geetha from day one onwards. Geetha was silent and was less cooperative in bed for one month. When she turned to cooperative, her pregnancy confirmed. Mohan got doubt in her boyfriend, but he didn’t bother to find the truth and get ashamed in front of the public. He diverts his mind to politics. Since his daughter born, mentally he didn’t accept her as his daughter. When he starts getting the Love from Geetha, he started feeling her as his daughter but some time his dirty minds force him to think negative.
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Paru's Family & Renu:

Few months after Paru’s new job, Paru’s family started to become normal. Paru visited them couple of times but she pretends to stay in Ahmedabad in most weekends to save money as well to avoid facing the emotional drama and sentiments showered by her mother. After couple of moths stayed in home without any work, Renu start putting on weight. After few months of staying in home as well as depending Paru for her expenses, Renu finds a front office job in an office with low salary. Renu’s mother was against sending her to job but father supports. Staring eyes of visiting customers on her body made her uncomfortable in job but she continued the job to manage her expenses by herself. Renu restarted the fitness program by her income. Within 2 months, she rejected 2 love proposals from her colleagues and one from a customer. She noticed one customer is behind her but didn’t showing the courage to reveal his love. One day her parents got the marriage proposal from the boy family but after her parents reveling the details about their present situation, boy parents never come back. Even though Renu got happy with the rejection from boy parent, she got worried about her future. She believed that Tanu’s life will be set after completion of her studies. Renu doesn’t want to think about Paru’s future. She doubts Paru’s relationship with Kunal might be the reason behind tragedy in Ash life. Renu understood that she needs to grow in her career to live a good life. One day while she was disturbed after thinking about her future, she called Kunal. But his phone was not in coverage. She didn’t make another attempt. Ash family has now become frequent visitor to their home made her angrier. Renu was against with her parents for allowing them to visit, but her father made her calm. Renu decided to try for modeling and she started working hard to make her body fit for it. While speaking with her in college who is pursuing her Masters in Mumbai, Renu got welcome by her friend to her flat. She is staying with her college mates in a rented flat. She has informed that one of her college mate sisters is staying with them is doing part time modelling in Mumbai. She has lot of good contacts in Industry. She is getting lot of offers but she is engaged and marriage will in December. She has only 9 months left to leave this country. She wants to get experience in job as per her education. She didn't take modelling as her primary career. Her fiancé is in Germany and she will shift to Germany after her marriage. She advise Renu to come before she gets married. Renu's friend has shared the profile of her and Renu got impressed by her work. Renu finds her far better than her. Since Renu started saving money to meet the expenses in Mumbai till she finds some work. She plan to go Mumbai with in 5 months so as she can spend some quality time with Renu's friend sister.

Vedika- Mohan's Daughter

Vedika is pursing her degree in a famous college in Mumbai. Even though she bought up with silver spoon in hand, she never felt happy in home. She always feels a rejection of love from her father. Even though she wants to get the attention from Father Mohan, he always shows the intimacy to her brother Varun. she gets loved by her mother Geetha. Vedika finds her comfort by getting engaged in social works. She gets lot of proposal in schools and college, but she was only felt in love with a boy in her school days. After boy’s parents came to know about their son affair with Mohan’s daughter, they met Vedika in school and request her to keep their son away. His parents were nice and lovable to Vedika. They convey their love towards her as well as Vedika is far better than their expectations. They praised her beauty and kind nature, but they are feared about danger after the relationship reached the ears of Vedika’s father. They shed their tears in front of her to save them from getting wiped out of this world. With great difficulty, Vedika broke the relationship. The tears of the parents hurt Vedika and took the decision to never let any parents to give opportunity to cry in front of her.
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