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Incest Dream came true......

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Guys recently I have witnessed a horrific accident. I am bit disturbed.
Today u will get first part of" how I met keerthi"...second part will be given on Saturday or Sunday....and regular next updat e on every Tuesday.
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Special update….1

How I met my love….part 1 of 2

This should’ve been first update. This update will be contrast on how I met keerthi. As you all know how I has lust for Harika. We were friends than siblings. I watched Harika turning into beautiful sexy girl. I saw her boobs growing and her body taking shape. She got my moms’ genes. About me ? I am just an average guy with not so good looks.

After we both completed high school , we appeared for IIT and various Engineering college entrance exams. Bad luck , we didn’t get seat in any of IIT or NIT. But we managed to get admission in private university here in vizag , which is around 40kms from our place. First day at college , Dad dropped us at college gate and went to his office. First day at college was fine and while returning we took bus which was crowded. During pushing inside bus sometimes I accidentally brushed my elbow against her breast. She didn’t react and I took this as an advantage , kept enjoying the touch. After reaching home Harika started to explain about her first day at college. Guys were trying get her mobile number and trying to her. Obviously she is sex bomb and who wouldn’t. After few days Dad , asked me to take his bike because harika complained him about jam packed city bus. Going college on bike was my dream and my dream girl was sitting behind me. Day passed , while returning I was waiting for Harika at parking lot and I found her walking toward me with another girl. Yes brothers , she is Keerthi. She was slim , had enough flesh at right place but no match when compared with Harika. She had big eyes and perfect lips. I wish I was handsome or rich , I was getting greedy. I wanted both. Then I made eye contact with Harika , I was kicked back to my senses.

Harika : Keerthi , this is my brother .

Me : Hi.

Harika : Bunny , she is my classmate and best friend. You know what ? We have lot in common.

Me to Keerthi : Nice to meet you ( and I shook hands with her).

We had light chit chat and we left. We started to have lunch together. We three became best friends. I liked keerthi , as I know I am not her cup of tea so I kept my expections and feeling in my ass and behaved as friend of my sister. I was such an introvert that I was feeling shy to ask her number. Apart from small hi , hello , byes and greeting smiles there wasn’t much between us. Harika started to spend lot of time on her mobile phone. When asked she said its keerthi and I didn’t mind. Once Harika told my parents that she isn’t feeling well so she will stay back.

Me : Okay mom I will stay back with her.

Harika : No no You have to go to college. Yesterday I borrowed book from keerthi. You have to give this book to her.

Dad : Bunny it must be monthly girl problems ( periods) its not much problem she can take care of her , you don’t miss your classes.

Everyone left for their work and I left to college. After reaching college , I had to return keerthi’s notes. But how ? I don’t their classroom number or her contact number. I called her Harika , she didn’t answer. I called her about 6-7 times but no answer. During lunch Keerthi didn’t turn up to our lunch spot. I waited and waited. I called Harika again and same , she didn’t answer. So I started to search Keerthi’s profile on Harika’s friends FB list. I got it , thank god she didn’t hide her contact number and Email Id. I decided to call her , my hands were shivering. Why wouldn’t they , this was my first time to call a women. She answered.

Keerthi : Hello ?

Me : Hello ..keerthi ?

Keerthi : Yes , who is this ?

Me : Hey , its me bunny.

Keerthi : Bunny ?

Me : Harika’s brother,

Keerthi : Oh , sorry I didn’t recognise your voice .

Me I have some work with you , where are you?

Keerthi : I am in class , tell me what is this about ?

Me : Harika asked me to return your notes which she borrowed yesterday. Are you in class right now?

Keerthi : Are you in college ? You didn’t go?

Me : Go where ?

Keerthi : Harika told me you guys would be visiting your relatives.

Me : What no.

Keerthi : Okay leave it. Keep it with you. Meet me outside central library after your class I will collect it from you then.

Me : Ok

Keerthi : Bye.

After class I was waiting for her outside Central library and she was coming out with books in her hand. She was talking with this hot guy. I was jealous , its almost 3 months completed and I didn’t strike a conversation a girl. My class girls are already hooked up and this girl on whom I have crush is talking with a guy , no she was laughing and blushing. Then before she could catch me looking at her , I turned my eyes to phone and didn’t dare to take eyes away from mobile screen. I was feeling like a looser. She approached me after few minutes.

Keerthi : Hi

Me : Hey , here …Harika asked me to return this book.

Keerthi : By the way , how did you get my number ?

Me : From your FB.

Keerthi : Really is this why I am getting messages from unknown on my whatsapp ?

Me: Yeah , may be.

Keerthi : Fuck.

Me : I can help you by setting your privacy options so that your contact details will be hidden.

Keerthi : Yes , Help me. I am feeling embarresed. You are my friend and I didn’t share you my number at all.

Me : Hey , cool. Its Okay. Now I got it na.

Keerthi : Okay tomorrow after classes come to computer lab in central library and help me with privacy things.

Me : Sure , I will.

Keerthi : Thank you

Me : How will you go home ?

Keerthi : I got my scooty.

Me : Good choice. City bus ride is a hell.

Keerthi : Yes. Hey I got some work and I need to get back home as early as possible. Let us meet tomorrow in computer lab.

Me : Yeah. cU

She didn’t stay long . I reached home , I found Harika limping.

Me : What happened ?

Harika : I slipped in bathroom , its mild sprain. Did you return her book ?

Me : Yeah I did.

She was limping , I don’t know why I am getting feeling that Harika got fucked today. I was loosing my mind. Oh god.

Me : Why didn’t you answered my calls.

Harika : Sprain was painful so I wanted to take rest so I kept my mobile in silent mode.

She turned around and was blushing , smiling to herself.

Something is fishy. I noticed new bedsheet. I made excuse and went down stairs. Checked washing and found bedsheet with blood stains. I was really sweating. I could believe Harika had sex , but with whom ? her bf ? No way it is just 3 months in college and Harika is shy girl.

Even while I was sleeping , she was using her mobile under her bedsheet. Harika must be having periods , those must be that blood stains. I felt relief , again another question stuck me. If she is having periods then she would be using sanitary pads. There is no chance of leakage from pads. I acted as if I was in deep sleep just to find out how long she uses her mobile. It was around 1 am she kept her phone away. I am confident enough that she is talking to her BF. I was shattered , well I knew relation with Harika is near to impossible and decided to move on.

Next day I went to computer lab , Keerthi was talking with another guy.

Me : Hi , shall I come after sometime.

That guy : Oh yeah , you should come back. Leave us alone.

Before I could leave.

Keerthi : Hey he is friend , he is here to help. You are being very rude.

That guy : You could have asked me for help.

Keerthi : Can you please leave ? I got work.

That guy : Fine , shall I book tickets for tomorrow. You should come.

Keerthi : Okay , go.

He left and I settled down beside her. She opened her account and I changed her privacy setting. We were done. We got up and we exited library and were walking towards parking lot.

Keerthi : I am sorry on behalf of my friend. He is just like that.

Me : Ah..its okay. Still you should have scolded your boyfriend in front of me.

She giggled.

Keerthi : What makes you think he is bf ?

Me : Why is there any rule that no guy should date you ?

Keerthi : Why I will date someone , that too in first year itself ?

Me : If Harika can have BF in first year , why can’t you ?

I didn’t thought I would speak those words.

Keerthi : She wanted to date , so she is dating. Currently I am not interested so I won’t.

Then she realised her mistake. She looked at me.

Me : So knew since beginning and didn’t care to inform me ?

Keerthi : That’s her personal life so I thought not to poke my nose .

Me : Poke your nose ? Tell me you know this guy.

Keerthi : No , I don’t know. She told me he is from third year.

Me : What third year ? And you don’t know him ?

Keerthi : Yes. I don’t know him. She didn’t tell me and I didn’t pushed her.

Me : OH god.

Keerthi : Why are you worried ? He is nice guy and Harika loves him sincerely.

Me: You don’t know him and Harika joined this college 3 months ago and you want me to believe its true love ?

Keerthi : Harika , told me he is nice guy and he didn’t have past relations.

Me : wow….just wow…he told her that he is nice guy and she trusted him ? He couldn’t get a gf for last three years and suddenly he is able to impress a girl like Harika ?

Keerthi : Look this why Harika wanted to keep it secret from you. She knew you will react like this.

I freaked out….

Me : Of course I will react after learning that she is dating a guy who lying to her balantly. I am worried because she is my sister and I am concerned about her safety.

Keerthi : You are talking as if I don’t care for her.

Me : If you did cared about her even 1% , you could have stopped her or informed me after these many red flags. This is what happens when best friends turn out to be fake friends.

Keerthi : Don’t even try to show my friendship with Harika in negative side.

Me : Lol. Friendship.

Keerthi : Yes , She is my best friend and yes I care for her too.

Me : Yeah , tell me more jokes. You care for her yet you let her fuck with a guy who lying.

Keerthi : You were at college yesterday how do you ?

Me : She was limping and I found blood stained bedsheet in washing machine. She uses sanitary pads while she is on periods.

Keerthi was left with wide mouth.

Me : Harika will be ashamed to call you her best friend.

Keerthi : Stop , blaming my friendship. I tried my best to stop.

Me : Then why couldn’t you ?

Keerthi : I didn’t wanted lose her. She became serious when I pushed her more than limit.

Me : Why would you care about friendship with Harika ? You will find another friend , don’t you ?

Keerthi : No , because I love her.

Me : What.

She was silent for few seconds.

Keerthi : I tried my best to stop her getting into relation with him. Harika and I are lesbian partners. If you think I don’t care for her. Then you are wrong.

She started to walk towards her scooty and I sat on my bike shocked. This is what left to hear. I am already worried and feeling bad that Harika is getting banged by another guy and now another bomb dropped , she is lesbian too.

Keerthi got onto her scooty and left. I sat on my bike there itself , thinking what the fuk is happening around me and I am not even aware of it.

I heard vehicle sound coming towards me. It was keerthi. She parked her scooty beside my bike. She held me hands and pulled me into bench nearby. Campus was almost empty. She was sitting very close to me. I was nervous , there was pin drop silence between us.

Me : I want to know how did it started.

Keerthi : Every girl in this age wants to experience sexual pleasure. Harika and I weren’t different. We have same feeling but we didn’t know whom to trust. We got attracted to each other slowly and one fine day we had our first lesbo. Both were completely satisfied. We thought we didn’t need a man to bring pleasure to us. But I was wrong. Harika being horny women , her pussy itches more than mine. For me weekly once fingering is more than enough. But for her its different , she confessed many times that her heart is beating for dick. She tried her best to control , se was afraid to that guy my use her and dump her. But she couldn’t hold herself. She got laid to him yesterday. I spoke to her in this lunch break. She is satisfied. I never wanted her to leave me. She is only one whom I have. Lately she has reduced spending time with me. I know how you are feeling because I am feeling double o triple than you. I don’t want to miss her , so I listened to her. She asked me to keep it secret from you. She is looking for perfect time to tell you this.

Me : I never expected her to commit lesbo .

Keerthi : What is wrong in it ? We don’t trust guys easily , you guys are behind us for sex…only sex. Afterwards you will dump us like used condom.

Me : Chee still lesbian act ?

Keerthi : As if you are innocent.

Me : Now what I did ?

Keerthi : Don’t act smart mister. I have seen you ogling your sister’s curves.

Me : No , I don’t. You have mistaken me.

Keerthi : I know when a man is checking curves of a woman. I know that look. Come on , confess.

Me : Yes , I like my sister. 90% of the time I see her as my sister.

Keerthi : What about remaining 10% ?

Me : Young , beautiful , sexy woman with curves…

Keerthi : Haha…shameless people ogling their own sister. Feeling bad ah? I felt the same way when you were mocking my lesbo relation.

Me: Fine , Sorry. Shall we worry about Harika’s relation with that guy?

Keerthi : I don’t want her to be with that guy. He is definetly lying through his teeth. He will dump her after few months i.e before 2nd semester exams. We must be available for Harika , so that she may come out of depression. I understand your feeling but we can’t do anything right now.

She put her hand on my right shoulder.

Keerthi : GO home , talk to her . Now she is committed , so there nothing we can do now. My gf is very stuborn. Atleast this incident will drill some sense into her brain.

ME : Your gf ?

Keerthi : Yes , she is my gf. I am proud to have Harika as my gf.

I was scratching my head.

Keerthi : Look this may be disturbing for you. I know you like ur sis. So try to move on.

After going home , Harika told me everything about her relation. I tried to explain her that this guy is playing with her and will dump her. As you know my sis is stubborn , she didn’t listen. I said okay , your private life your wish. I am just a well wisher for yours.

Things kept happening. She used to stay back at home to have sex with him. She was getting away from Keerthi. Keerthi was now feeling lonely.

I used to drop Harika at bus stop nearby and she used to go with her bf on his bike. He used to drop her walkable distance away from home. I joined my department’s football team and I became good friend of keerthi. I still have crush on her , but never exhibited to her. Harika and Keerthi used to have lesbo sex very rarely. This made keerthi to move close to me as a friend.

Keerthi and I were having lunch in park.

Keerthi : I saw you talking with that red Tshirt girl. Is she your gf?

Me : No , she is my senior and I don’t have gf.

Keerthi : Why ?

Me : Why means ? I have an average guy. I am boring. I am still riding old fashioned pulsar while all boys are riding R15 and FZ. Who will date me ? No one.

Keerthi : It’s not like that. Not every woman is gold digger.

Me : What about you ?

Keerthi : I am not interested in these love/relation. I hate such dramas. Both of them knows that their relation won’t last longer than 6 months. I just don’t have patience and time for this shit.

Me : Then how do you control your lust ?

Keerthi : I finger my pussy. If still , it didn’t help me then I got Harika. She is more than enough for me. That’s how I control my lust.

Me : Keerthi there is lot of difference between fingering with your own finger , getting fingered by a woman and getting fingered by a man.

Keerthi : No there is much difference.

Me : If there isn’t much difference , your gf wouldn’t be dating that cow.

She started to think.

Me : Just ask Harika , if you want.

Keerthi : Still I can control myself. Harika has hard time arousing me.

Me : Maybe harika isn’t much experienced. Then don’t let a man make love with you. After that you need a man to douse your fire.

Keerthi : Not possible. I can control.

Me : Then let us have a challenge.

Keerthi : Yeah.

Me : I will arouse you.

Keerthi : You mean you gonna touch me to make me arouse.

Me : Yes, if you are okay with it. Remember it was just a friendly challenge .

Keerthi : No way I will ever let a man. Touch me.

Me : Then accept that you won’t be in your control if a man with his rough fingers is rubbing your pussy , sucking your breasts.

Keerthi : That may feel good , but it will be very difficult for him to arouse me.

Me : Then let us go for bet.

Keerthi : Ridiculous.

Me : You lost.

Keerthi : No , I didn’t.

Me : Yes , you did. Don’t you have dream to have some fun with a man.

Keerthi was quite. She was stuffing her food into her mouth , of course she is disturbed and thinking a lot. After she was done eating, she closed her and I was just staring at her pretty face. I was expecting her to reject but she didn’t.

Keerthi : Okay Challenge done. But few conditions. This will be first and last touching with me. It will be secret between us. You won’t force me to have sex while I am aroused.

I was like is this happening really ? Did she just agreed my proposal to touch her private parts. Wow…I was excited.

Keerthi : I want to do this after our semester exams which are just week away.

Me : Okay.

She was feeling shy and was blushing.

Keerthi : It doesn’t meant that I am wiling to have relation with you.

Me : I know that I am not your cup of tea. I am your friend and I will be your friend after we do this. Trust me , I will stop whenever you ask me to stop. You gave me word that we have challenge.

Keerthi : I dare you for challenge. I won’t hide.

She got up and started to walk fast away from me. My dick got erected by imagining her naked.

Both of thought this will be as usual fun moment and we will be on our own ways after that. None of us knew this challenge will be turning point in our relation. Next update will be lit.


Well-Known Member
Special update….1

How I met my love….part 1 of 2

This should’ve been first update. This update will be contrast on how I met keerthi. As you all know how I has lust for Harika. We were friends than siblings. I watched Harika turning into beautiful sexy girl. I saw her boobs growing and her body taking shape. She got my moms’ genes. About me ? I am just an average guy with not so good looks.

After we both completed high school , we appeared for IIT and various Engineering college entrance exams. Bad luck , we didn’t get seat in any of IIT or NIT. But we managed to get admission in private university here in vizag , which is around 40kms from our place. First day at college , Dad dropped us at college gate and went to his office. First day at college was fine and while returning we took bus which was crowded. During pushing inside bus sometimes I accidentally brushed my elbow against her breast. She didn’t react and I took this as an advantage , kept enjoying the touch. After reaching home Harika started to explain about her first day at college. Guys were trying get her mobile number and trying to her. Obviously she is sex bomb and who wouldn’t. After few days Dad , asked me to take his bike because harika complained him about jam packed city bus. Going college on bike was my dream and my dream girl was sitting behind me. Day passed , while returning I was waiting for Harika at parking lot and I found her walking toward me with another girl. Yes brothers , she is Keerthi. She was slim , had enough flesh at right place but no match when compared with Harika. She had big eyes and perfect lips. I wish I was handsome or rich , I was getting greedy. I wanted both. Then I made eye contact with Harika , I was kicked back to my senses.

Harika : Keerthi , this is my brother .

Me : Hi.

Harika : Bunny , she is my classmate and best friend. You know what ? We have lot in common.

Me to Keerthi : Nice to meet you ( and I shook hands with her).

We had light chit chat and we left. We started to have lunch together. We three became best friends. I liked keerthi , as I know I am not her cup of tea so I kept my expections and feeling in my ass and behaved as friend of my sister. I was such an introvert that I was feeling shy to ask her number. Apart from small hi , hello , byes and greeting smiles there wasn’t much between us. Harika started to spend lot of time on her mobile phone. When asked she said its keerthi and I didn’t mind. Once Harika told my parents that she isn’t feeling well so she will stay back.

Me : Okay mom I will stay back with her.

Harika : No no You have to go to college. Yesterday I borrowed book from keerthi. You have to give this book to her.

Dad : Bunny it must be monthly girl problems ( periods) its not much problem she can take care of her , you don’t miss your classes.

Everyone left for their work and I left to college. After reaching college , I had to return keerthi’s notes. But how ? I don’t their classroom number or her contact number. I called her Harika , she didn’t answer. I called her about 6-7 times but no answer. During lunch Keerthi didn’t turn up to our lunch spot. I waited and waited. I called Harika again and same , she didn’t answer. So I started to search Keerthi’s profile on Harika’s friends FB list. I got it , thank god she didn’t hide her contact number and Email Id. I decided to call her , my hands were shivering. Why wouldn’t they , this was my first time to call a women. She answered.

Keerthi : Hello ?

Me : Hello ..keerthi ?

Keerthi : Yes , who is this ?

Me : Hey , its me bunny.

Keerthi : Bunny ?

Me : Harika’s brother,

Keerthi : Oh , sorry I didn’t recognise your voice .

Me I have some work with you , where are you?

Keerthi : I am in class , tell me what is this about ?

Me : Harika asked me to return your notes which she borrowed yesterday. Are you in class right now?

Keerthi : Are you in college ? You didn’t go?

Me : Go where ?

Keerthi : Harika told me you guys would be visiting your relatives.

Me : What no.

Keerthi : Okay leave it. Keep it with you. Meet me outside central library after your class I will collect it from you then.

Me : Ok

Keerthi : Bye.

After class I was waiting for her outside Central library and she was coming out with books in her hand. She was talking with this hot guy. I was jealous , its almost 3 months completed and I didn’t strike a conversation a girl. My class girls are already hooked up and this girl on whom I have crush is talking with a guy , no she was laughing and blushing. Then before she could catch me looking at her , I turned my eyes to phone and didn’t dare to take eyes away from mobile screen. I was feeling like a looser. She approached me after few minutes.

Keerthi : Hi

Me : Hey , here …Harika asked me to return this book.

Keerthi : By the way , how did you get my number ?

Me : From your FB.

Keerthi : Really is this why I am getting messages from unknown on my whatsapp ?

Me: Yeah , may be.

Keerthi : Fuck.

Me : I can help you by setting your privacy options so that your contact details will be hidden.

Keerthi : Yes , Help me. I am feeling embarresed. You are my friend and I didn’t share you my number at all.

Me : Hey , cool. Its Okay. Now I got it na.

Keerthi : Okay tomorrow after classes come to computer lab in central library and help me with privacy things.

Me : Sure , I will.

Keerthi : Thank you

Me : How will you go home ?

Keerthi : I got my scooty.

Me : Good choice. City bus ride is a hell.

Keerthi : Yes. Hey I got some work and I need to get back home as early as possible. Let us meet tomorrow in computer lab.

Me : Yeah. cU

She didn’t stay long . I reached home , I found Harika limping.

Me : What happened ?

Harika : I slipped in bathroom , its mild sprain. Did you return her book ?

Me : Yeah I did.

She was limping , I don’t know why I am getting feeling that Harika got fucked today. I was loosing my mind. Oh god.

Me : Why didn’t you answered my calls.

Harika : Sprain was painful so I wanted to take rest so I kept my mobile in silent mode.

She turned around and was blushing , smiling to herself.

Something is fishy. I noticed new bedsheet. I made excuse and went down stairs. Checked washing and found bedsheet with blood stains. I was really sweating. I could believe Harika had sex , but with whom ? her bf ? No way it is just 3 months in college and Harika is shy girl.

Even while I was sleeping , she was using her mobile under her bedsheet. Harika must be having periods , those must be that blood stains. I felt relief , again another question stuck me. If she is having periods then she would be using sanitary pads. There is no chance of leakage from pads. I acted as if I was in deep sleep just to find out how long she uses her mobile. It was around 1 am she kept her phone away. I am confident enough that she is talking to her BF. I was shattered , well I knew relation with Harika is near to impossible and decided to move on.

Next day I went to computer lab , Keerthi was talking with another guy.

Me : Hi , shall I come after sometime.

That guy : Oh yeah , you should come back. Leave us alone.

Before I could leave.

Keerthi : Hey he is friend , he is here to help. You are being very rude.

That guy : You could have asked me for help.

Keerthi : Can you please leave ? I got work.

That guy : Fine , shall I book tickets for tomorrow. You should come.

Keerthi : Okay , go.

He left and I settled down beside her. She opened her account and I changed her privacy setting. We were done. We got up and we exited library and were walking towards parking lot.

Keerthi : I am sorry on behalf of my friend. He is just like that.

Me : Ah..its okay. Still you should have scolded your boyfriend in front of me.

She giggled.

Keerthi : What makes you think he is bf ?

Me : Why is there any rule that no guy should date you ?

Keerthi : Why I will date someone , that too in first year itself ?

Me : If Harika can have BF in first year , why can’t you ?

I didn’t thought I would speak those words.

Keerthi : She wanted to date , so she is dating. Currently I am not interested so I won’t.

Then she realised her mistake. She looked at me.

Me : So knew since beginning and didn’t care to inform me ?

Keerthi : That’s her personal life so I thought not to poke my nose .

Me : Poke your nose ? Tell me you know this guy.

Keerthi : No , I don’t know. She told me he is from third year.

Me : What third year ? And you don’t know him ?

Keerthi : Yes. I don’t know him. She didn’t tell me and I didn’t pushed her.

Me : OH god.

Keerthi : Why are you worried ? He is nice guy and Harika loves him sincerely.

Me: You don’t know him and Harika joined this college 3 months ago and you want me to believe its true love ?

Keerthi : Harika , told me he is nice guy and he didn’t have past relations.

Me : wow….just wow…he told her that he is nice guy and she trusted him ? He couldn’t get a gf for last three years and suddenly he is able to impress a girl like Harika ?

Keerthi : Look this why Harika wanted to keep it secret from you. She knew you will react like this.

I freaked out….

Me : Of course I will react after learning that she is dating a guy who lying to her balantly. I am worried because she is my sister and I am concerned about her safety.

Keerthi : You are talking as if I don’t care for her.

Me : If you did cared about her even 1% , you could have stopped her or informed me after these many red flags. This is what happens when best friends turn out to be fake friends.

Keerthi : Don’t even try to show my friendship with Harika in negative side.

Me : Lol. Friendship.

Keerthi : Yes , She is my best friend and yes I care for her too.

Me : Yeah , tell me more jokes. You care for her yet you let her fuck with a guy who lying.

Keerthi : You were at college yesterday how do you ?

Me : She was limping and I found blood stained bedsheet in washing machine. She uses sanitary pads while she is on periods.

Keerthi was left with wide mouth.

Me : Harika will be ashamed to call you her best friend.

Keerthi : Stop , blaming my friendship. I tried my best to stop.

Me : Then why couldn’t you ?

Keerthi : I didn’t wanted lose her. She became serious when I pushed her more than limit.

Me : Why would you care about friendship with Harika ? You will find another friend , don’t you ?

Keerthi : No , because I love her.

Me : What.

She was silent for few seconds.

Keerthi : I tried my best to stop her getting into relation with him. Harika and I are lesbian partners. If you think I don’t care for her. Then you are wrong.

She started to walk towards her scooty and I sat on my bike shocked. This is what left to hear. I am already worried and feeling bad that Harika is getting banged by another guy and now another bomb dropped , she is lesbian too.

Keerthi got onto her scooty and left. I sat on my bike there itself , thinking what the fuk is happening around me and I am not even aware of it.

I heard vehicle sound coming towards me. It was keerthi. She parked her scooty beside my bike. She held me hands and pulled me into bench nearby. Campus was almost empty. She was sitting very close to me. I was nervous , there was pin drop silence between us.

Me : I want to know how did it started.

Keerthi : Every girl in this age wants to experience sexual pleasure. Harika and I weren’t different. We have same feeling but we didn’t know whom to trust. We got attracted to each other slowly and one fine day we had our first lesbo. Both were completely satisfied. We thought we didn’t need a man to bring pleasure to us. But I was wrong. Harika being horny women , her pussy itches more than mine. For me weekly once fingering is more than enough. But for her its different , she confessed many times that her heart is beating for dick. She tried her best to control , se was afraid to that guy my use her and dump her. But she couldn’t hold herself. She got laid to him yesterday. I spoke to her in this lunch break. She is satisfied. I never wanted her to leave me. She is only one whom I have. Lately she has reduced spending time with me. I know how you are feeling because I am feeling double o triple than you. I don’t want to miss her , so I listened to her. She asked me to keep it secret from you. She is looking for perfect time to tell you this.

Me : I never expected her to commit lesbo .

Keerthi : What is wrong in it ? We don’t trust guys easily , you guys are behind us for sex…only sex. Afterwards you will dump us like used condom.

Me : Chee still lesbian act ?

Keerthi : As if you are innocent.

Me : Now what I did ?

Keerthi : Don’t act smart mister. I have seen you ogling your sister’s curves.

Me : No , I don’t. You have mistaken me.

Keerthi : I know when a man is checking curves of a woman. I know that look. Come on , confess.

Me : Yes , I like my sister. 90% of the time I see her as my sister.

Keerthi : What about remaining 10% ?

Me : Young , beautiful , sexy woman with curves…

Keerthi : Haha…shameless people ogling their own sister. Feeling bad ah? I felt the same way when you were mocking my lesbo relation.

Me: Fine , Sorry. Shall we worry about Harika’s relation with that guy?

Keerthi : I don’t want her to be with that guy. He is definetly lying through his teeth. He will dump her after few months i.e before 2nd semester exams. We must be available for Harika , so that she may come out of depression. I understand your feeling but we can’t do anything right now.

She put her hand on my right shoulder.

Keerthi : GO home , talk to her . Now she is committed , so there nothing we can do now. My gf is very stuborn. Atleast this incident will drill some sense into her brain.

ME : Your gf ?

Keerthi : Yes , she is my gf. I am proud to have Harika as my gf.

I was scratching my head.

Keerthi : Look this may be disturbing for you. I know you like ur sis. So try to move on.

After going home , Harika told me everything about her relation. I tried to explain her that this guy is playing with her and will dump her. As you know my sis is stubborn , she didn’t listen. I said okay , your private life your wish. I am just a well wisher for yours.

Things kept happening. She used to stay back at home to have sex with him. She was getting away from Keerthi. Keerthi was now feeling lonely.

I used to drop Harika at bus stop nearby and she used to go with her bf on his bike. He used to drop her walkable distance away from home. I joined my department’s football team and I became good friend of keerthi. I still have crush on her , but never exhibited to her. Harika and Keerthi used to have lesbo sex very rarely. This made keerthi to move close to me as a friend.

Keerthi and I were having lunch in park.

Keerthi : I saw you talking with that red Tshirt girl. Is she your gf?

Me : No , she is my senior and I don’t have gf.

Keerthi : Why ?

Me : Why means ? I have an average guy. I am boring. I am still riding old fashioned pulsar while all boys are riding R15 and FZ. Who will date me ? No one.

Keerthi : It’s not like that. Not every woman is gold digger.

Me : What about you ?

Keerthi : I am not interested in these love/relation. I hate such dramas. Both of them knows that their relation won’t last longer than 6 months. I just don’t have patience and time for this shit.

Me : Then how do you control your lust ?

Keerthi : I finger my pussy. If still , it didn’t help me then I got Harika. She is more than enough for me. That’s how I control my lust.

Me : Keerthi there is lot of difference between fingering with your own finger , getting fingered by a woman and getting fingered by a man.

Keerthi : No there is much difference.

Me : If there isn’t much difference , your gf wouldn’t be dating that cow.

She started to think.

Me : Just ask Harika , if you want.

Keerthi : Still I can control myself. Harika has hard time arousing me.

Me : Maybe harika isn’t much experienced. Then don’t let a man make love with you. After that you need a man to douse your fire.

Keerthi : Not possible. I can control.

Me : Then let us have a challenge.

Keerthi : Yeah.

Me : I will arouse you.

Keerthi : You mean you gonna touch me to make me arouse.

Me : Yes, if you are okay with it. Remember it was just a friendly challenge .

Keerthi : No way I will ever let a man. Touch me.

Me : Then accept that you won’t be in your control if a man with his rough fingers is rubbing your pussy , sucking your breasts.

Keerthi : That may feel good , but it will be very difficult for him to arouse me.

Me : Then let us go for bet.

Keerthi : Ridiculous.

Me : You lost.

Keerthi : No , I didn’t.

Me : Yes , you did. Don’t you have dream to have some fun with a man.

Keerthi was quite. She was stuffing her food into her mouth , of course she is disturbed and thinking a lot. After she was done eating, she closed her and I was just staring at her pretty face. I was expecting her to reject but she didn’t.

Keerthi : Okay Challenge done. But few conditions. This will be first and last touching with me. It will be secret between us. You won’t force me to have sex while I am aroused.

I was like is this happening really ? Did she just agreed my proposal to touch her private parts. Wow…I was excited.

Keerthi : I want to do this after our semester exams which are just week away.

Me : Okay.

She was feeling shy and was blushing.

Keerthi : It doesn’t meant that I am wiling to have relation with you.

Me : I know that I am not your cup of tea. I am your friend and I will be your friend after we do this. Trust me , I will stop whenever you ask me to stop. You gave me word that we have challenge.

Keerthi : I dare you for challenge. I won’t hide.

She got up and started to walk fast away from me. My dick got erected by imagining her naked.

Both of thought this will be as usual fun moment and we will be on our own ways after that. None of us knew this challenge will be turning point in our relation. Next update will be lit.

Daisy did it in her home! wow..... daring Girl.

nice update ... Keerti also waited for Harika as an estranged lover... to sad she lost her love to a cunning, lying bf...
but you lose some and you gain some... Harika's loss ..bunny's gain


Nice update bro
Let's see how the challenge bring a turning point in their life......
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Awesome ...


Special Update 2

How I met my love…..

Days passed , we remember our bet but still none of us had guts to talk about it. In absence of Harika , Keerthi and I became very close friends. There were moments when I flirted with her , gave compliments and teased her. We used roam on beaches every weekend. I didn’t know about her but yes , I started to like her. She is fitness streak , she goes to walking every morning so I started to accompany her. As I know about Harika’s relation ,she started to talk to her bf in my presence. I felt I should give her some privacy , so I shifted to my elder sister’s room.

After keerthi entered my life , everything changed.

Early morning walking with her. Then college. Again chit chat with her after college. Then again chatting / video call till late night. Like our chatting , our relation started to take shape. Ordinary chitchat used to cross line into sexting. We started to talk about sex etc. Sometimes I used to keep my phone off whenever I have football practise. Even though girls aren’t interested in me I make sure that Keerthi spots me while talking with other chicks. She used to act as if she didn’t see me.

One day there was Keerthi and Harika’s department fest. Harika was least intrested in extra curricular activities , so she stayed back home. Keerthi was one of the organiser so she came to college. That evening I had foot practise. As 1st semester exams were around the corner , we decided to have extra practise. After 4:30pm our practise started. Every student was leaving college campus. I saw Keerthi sitting on bench under a tree. I thought she just came to watch the game. I didn’t pay much attention. Time was 7:45pm we were packing up. We went to mens bathroom and had shower. I was talking to my team and I saw Keerthi standing under a tree . I thought she must have left. I started to walk towards her.

She was wearing dark blue saree with matching low cut blouse. She was standing facing away me , her back was exposed. Uff!!! Her complexion. I just wanted her touch her back and feel her smooth back. Keerthi isn’t shy girl like Harika. She is bold.

Me : Oye !. Nuvu inka velaleda ? ( Oye !. You didn’t leave ?)

Keerthi : Ledu. Na Laptop ki china problem vochindi. Natho vastava ? ( I have issue with my Laptop. Will you come with me ?)

Me : Enduku Ranu. Ayina 8pm ayindi , service center vadu untada ? ( I will come. But time is almost 8pm , what is working hours ?)

Keerthi : 9pm.

Me : Ayyo , intha sepu unava nakosam. Repu epudaina velevalam kada. ( We could have visited service tomorrow , you shouldn’t have stayed this late.)

Keerthi : Nenu notes maintain cheyanu. Study material motham indlone undi. Exams vasthunai kada ( I don’t have habit to maintain notes. All my study material are in this laptop. Exams are coming , that’s why.

I was just drowned into her intoxicating looks. She applied light Kajal to her eyes , her silky smooth hair. She drapped her saree below navel. I have never saw Keerthi in Saree. I knew she is a bold girl , never expected her this bold. She observed that I was starring at her without blinking my eyes. She understood what’s going in my head.

Keerthi : Veldama ? ( Shall we leave ?)

Me : Aggu! Kasepu nee andam lo munigiponi. Inta andam ga ela putavu. (Wait ! , Let me get intoxicated by your beauty. How come you were born with such beautiful features.

She blushed , turned around got onto her Activa.

Keerthi : Pada veldam , nee sodi viney time ledu. ( Come , let’s go. I don’t much time to listen your words.

Me : Hey. Nizam ra. Kirakk la unavu. ( Hey , I am not bluffing. You look gorgeous )

Keerthi started her scooty and I kept following her. We went to service center , handed over laptop to him. He asked us to wait. We came out and she sat on stairs while I stood infront of her. I wanted to tease her. I kept staring her , she was getting irritated but couldn’t stop blushing. Then I went ahead and sat beside her. She started to talk about her Department fest. I didn’t care to give attention to what she was speaking. I was just talking to my self that , “ I wish she is my girl , I would have planted a kiss on this pretty face.”

After few minutes , her Laptop was done. We were climbing downstairs of service center. Her back was exposed thanks to her low cut blouse. It was so tempting to kiss and back. We got onto our vehicles.

Me : Next time , you got such work with me. Inform me in advance. Look it’s 8:30pm , your parents must be worried.

Keerthi : Don’t worry , I informed my parents. Tell me one thing , why were you staring at me ?

Me : I can have a girl like you as my GF in dreams. So only I could do is enjoy watching your beauty.

Keerthi : What about beauty at your home ?

Me : She is someone else.

Keerthi : So I am. I am Harika’s partner.

Me : Forgot your bet ?

Keerthi : Uff , Is it necessary to bring that topic now ?

Me : You made promise and I need clarity.

Keerthi : Clarity about what ?

Me : Date , Time and Location.

She started to bite her lips and was thinking deeply. I moved closer to her , held her hands.

Me: If you are not okay with this , you can drop this. But you need to agree than a women can easily get aroused with touch of a man.

Keerthi : I will never accept defeat.

Me : Such an ego.

She pushed me away and got onto her scooty. I quickly followed her. I followed her till her lane. She stopped her scooty a lane before her’s.

Keerthi : Thanks for companying me. I can go from here.

Me : I was following you for my answer. You are egoistic Keerthi. You don’t want to admit defeat and you don’t want an average looking guy to arouse you.

She gave me sharp looks.

Me : Perhaps you were never touched by a man at your sensitive places.

Keerthi : Sensitive places ?

I got down from my bike , went close to her.

Me : Yes , boobs , neck , navel and your pussy are your sensitive parts. Aren’t they ?

She smiled and looked other way.

Me : You know how you feel when Harika touches you there, You can anticipate how would you feel if I do.

Keerthi : No , I am not that weak as you think.

Me: Then fix a date for our battle. I show you Male touch is different and much erotic than Female’s.

She kept thinking for a moment.

Keerthi : Alright after semester exam , I will decide the location.

Me : Now that’s progress. Alright , good night and All the best for your Exams.

Keerthi : Same to you bunny.

I came back to home. Next two weeks , I was busy in my preparations. After exams Keerthi and I started to spend time together as usual. Earlier Harika used to spend at least once in a week with Keerthi. In her absence , I am trying to get all I can.

It was mid November. I was feeling super lazy. I decided to take a break. I had light breakfast and my plan was to have pizza for lunch. Dominos pizza will open at 11:00 Am. So I was games on my PC when Keerthi called me.

Me : Hey Good Morning.

Keerthi : Good Morning. Enti class leda ? ( Don’t you have class?)

Me : College ki raledu ( I didn’t attend college today)

Keerthi : Antha okay kada . ( Is everthing Alright?)

Me : Ha baguna. ( Yeah , I am Fine.)

Me : Enti neeku class leda ? ( Don’t you have class ?)

Keerthi : Undi . Afternoon nundi bunk kodtamu ani chustuna. Ekadiki ayina baitaki veldama ? ( I have classes. I am thinking to bunk afternoon classes. Do you have any plans ?)

Me: Naku Ivala badakam ga undi. Plans emi levu. Lunch ki Pizza tepinchkuni tintanu.( I am feeling super lazy today. My plans are eat pizza and take rest.)

Keerthi : Naku pizza kavali ( I want Pizza)

Me : Ayithe class ayipoyaka intiki vochai , order chestanu idarki. ( Okay , come to my home. I will order for both of us.)

Keerthi : Okay.

I was usually laying on bed listening to music. Door Bell rings. I let Keerthi in.

Me : Okay , tell me your order.

Keerthi : Mexican Greenwave.

Me : That’s my fav.

Keerthi : Is it?

Me : Yep.

I place order for Pizza , while Keerthi and I were sitting on sofa talking casually. We got our delivery. As it was cheese burst pizza. Small drop of molten cheese fell on her chest. Or should I say “ Right breast”. Before she could react I removed that cheese with my finger ( Oh yeah , I touched her breast.) and licked cheese off my fingers. While removing I purposely applied bit extra pressure , poked her right breast while removing cheese drop. She was stunned by my bold move. To divert her attention , I started brought up Harika’s topic. We completed our pizza and cleaned everything. We just casually talking.

Keerthi : Look , I didn’t get aroused by your touch.

Me : What ?

Keerthi : Touched me right ? I felt nothing. It was just an ordinary touch.

Now devil inside me woke up. I cupped her left breast and started to massage it gently. She tried to push me away. But my grip was firm and told her that now game starts. Then I inserted my hand inside her kurti and started to play with her tender left breast. First time in my fucking boring life , I got chance to touch woman’s breast. Oh it was such a soft and spongy thing. Her kurti had 3 buttons. Usually she keeps her first button open. I went ahead and opened those remaining two buttons for better access to her breast. I could observe tense expression on her face , she was sweating and her breathing rate increases. I can understand that she getting aroused .

Me : Are you aroused ?

Keerthi : No.

I asked to raise her hands and removed her kurti in one go. She covered her breast using her hands.

Me : If you keep your self covered like this. It won’t work. Come on trust me.

I pushed her hands aside and unhooked her bra. Within seconds her bra was off and was on the floor. I started to play with her breasts. Rubbing her tiny nipples with fingers. She kept her eyes closed while bitting her lips. I saw this as an opportunity and started to suck her right breast…Ahhh umm is the moan she let out.. I took turns sucking her breast one by one. I made her to lay on sofa , while I kneeled down on the floor beside her. Then she opened her eyes and was watching her breasts were getting sucked , squeezed. I kissed her chin , then her neck , then her ear lobes and whispered into her ears.

Me : “ Are you aroused ?”

Keerthi was hell bent on keeping her mouth sealed to stop her moans escaping her mouth. I started to rub her pussy over her leggin. This has hit her very hard. She started to twist her body relentlessly like a snake. As her lips were free , I started to suck her lower lip gently , while rubbing her pussy over her leggin. I could feel her wetness over her leggin. Then I inserted my hand inside her leggin , directly onto her pussy. It was leaking. I started to rub her pussy with 3 fingers. She went mad , thus biting my lips which lead to light bleeding. Then I asked her to raise her waist and pulled down her leggin along with her panty. She was feeling shy to reveal her virgin pussy to me. I somehow parted her legs to get first glimpse of her pussy. Her pussy was clean shaved and was pink. I kept rubbing her pussy and kept moaning like a bitch by raising her waist up n down. She got her first orgasm , but still I didn’t stop this time I brought my tongue into action. Oh god. I never heard such moaning in porn videos at all. She was rolling on left n right while I sucked her pussy hard. Now I stopped and climbed over her , came face to face with her. She was looking at me with her lusty eyes. I kissed her pretty face and locked my lips with hers. She didn’t respond properly.

Me : Are you aroused ? ( I didn’t stop rubbing her pussy)

Keerthi : Ye…Yes..Yes..Oh god….ah…

Me : Want more ?

Keerthi: Ummm..uhh…yes…don’t stop. I am in heaven.

I gave her another round of oral till she got another orgasm. She then went to clean herself. When she returned , I was sniffing her panty.

Keerthi : Chheee.

She snatched her panty. I watched her getting dressed. Then she sat beside me. I got her some water. She wasn’t able to make an eye contact with me.

Me : Now tell me . Is man’s touch similar to woman’s?

Keerthi nodded her head in no.

Me : You do you accept your defeat.

Keerthi : Yes.

Me : Okay. When will be our next session ?

Keerthi : What hell no ? I won’t do it again with you.

Me : Look , now your level has increased . SO from today neither Harika or yourself could give any kind of pleasure to this body. You will feel urge to do it again.

Keerthi : That s a lie. You don’t know anything about women. We can control our sexual urge much better than men.

I handed Keerthi her bag and said.

Me : Mark my words. You will start to have sleepless nights. You will become restless.

Keerthi : OhO. Keep dreaming. Nothing will happen.

Then I pulled her close to me , kissed her cheeks.

Me : Remember , I am only person who could bring calm in you when you lose your mind.

She showed her tongue in teasing way and pushed me. She is shorter than me so she couldn’t reach door bolt.

Keerthi : Open the door. I am going home.

Me : I will open this door again for you. Mark my words.

She couldn’t stop herself throwing a pleasant smile. Before leaving she told me.

Keerthi : Tanks bunny to help me experiencing something which I wasn’t expecting. You promised me it will be between both of us.

Me : You are welcome. It will be secret. My time is 2 weeks.

Keerthi : What two weeks ?

Me : You will start having sleepless nights and urge for another session.

Keerthi blushed and rode away. I stood there on road till she left my lane. I checked not to leave any hint of our love making. I went to my bedroom , turned on ac. I was just praying to god for another chance to make out with her , not knowing that foundation for our relationship had been laid few minutes ago. I kept thinking and recollecting those moments , while slowly slipped into deep sleep.