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Incest Dream came true......

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Update 25

I gave Harika a flying kiss , turned bedroom’s light off and returned to my bedroom. I saw mobile Notification LED flashing.

Me to myself : Oh , Fuck I left my phone here. I think its Keerthi.

I saw 14 missed calls.

Me : Shit I am fucked , Keerthi called me 14 times ?

I unlocked my phone , it wasn’t keerthi. It was my elder sister Nidhi. She called me 14 times. She called me for 14 times means this must be urgent. I quickly called her back. After few rings she answered .

Nidhi : Hello bunny ? ( in lazy n sleepy voice)

Me : Yeah akka ( Akka means elder sis in Telugu). You called me 14 times.

Nidhi : I am coming home. Will you pick me up tomorrow morning. I am in bus currently.

Me : Yeah ofcourse I will come. Just message me your bus service number , I will track it on APSRTC mobile app.

Nidhi : Yeah I will. Were you sleeping ? Did I wake you ? I am sorry.

Me : No akka. I went to Harika’s room. She wanted to talk. I left my mobile in my room.

Nidhi : Your room. I thought you guys were sleeping together in one room.

Me : Nah. I took your room. Is it okay for you ?

Nidhi : Yeah I want company while at home. I am okay with you.

Me : Why sudden visit ? Are you okay?

Nidhi : I am fine. Just missing you guys so much.

Me : You are always welcome. Now take some rest , I will come for you in morning. You got luggage ?

Nidhi : No just one travel bag. Still get the car ra. I am wearing saree. Can’t sit properly on bike.

Me : Why are you wearing saree during travel ? Let me guess. You just want to show off your slim curves and figure or you wanted to keep young guys away because they will think u r married and won’t bothered.

Nidhi : Remind me this tomorrow I will kick you. Why would I want to show off my curves ? I have other outfits which would do better than saree.

Me : So you do show off your curves. Got you.

Nidhi : Youuuuu…hmm. Good bye.

Me : Hahaha naughty girl. Good night.

Nidhi : GN.

I laid on my bed , closed my eyes. But sleep was miles away. I was awake entire night. Couldn’t sleep due to excitement. I kept walking in my room entire night. Around 3:30am I checked APSRTC live tracking app. Bus was just 20mins away. I called Nidhi , asked her to be ready. I took car and went to pick up point. Nidhi was standing on roadside.

Nidhi : You’re late.

Me : Yeah , I am.

I took her bag and kept in back seat.

The moment I turned behind she caught my ears.

Me : Ouch ! , Akka please leave it. What I did?

Nidhi : What were you saying during night ? I wear saree to show off my body ?

Me : Yes , what is wrong in that. You got stunning curves. Who ever is going to marry you is just lucky fella.

Nidhi : You are such a pig.

Me : You are disgusting me just because of my words. You will kill me if you gotta know what I am doing.

Nidhi : I know you got a girl friend.

Me: Means you don’t anything.

Nidhi : Tell me.

Me : Look road is deserted. You want to setup panchayat discussion here. Let us go home.

I started to drive back home.

Nidhi : Well you can talk and drive.

Me : No , I was just kidding.

Nidhi : I don’t trust you.

Me : No need to. I got nothing hide.

After some chit chatting , we reached home. Harika was roaming on terrace. We both saw her , probably Harika didn’t see Nidhi.

Me : You wanna surprise Harika ?

Nidhi : Yeah.

Me : Look , I don’t think she knows you are here. I am gonna head inside only to get questioned by harika. You just come in slowly and surprise her.

Nidhi : It won’t work.

Me : You don’t know how much she misses you.

Nidhi : Alright.

I went inside and Harika was just standing like a ghost. She bombarded me with questions like where did you go ? Why? To meet whom..blah blah blah.

I simply went to my room and laid on bed. Harika stood beside bed and was demanding answers.

Me : I went to pick up Nidhi.

Harika : Lol. Why would nidhi come home now. This ain’t festive season and New year is two weeks away.

Slowly Nidhi managed to sneak up behind harika.

Me : Look Nidhi is standing behind you.

Harika : Hahaha..good joke.

Harika turns around to find Nidhi behind her , smiling.

Harika jumps in joys , screams and hugs her sister. Both start crying. I was like wtf ? What was the reason to cry ?

Those two made mum and dad wake up.

Dad: Bunny why Harika is crying ?

Me : She is crying because of your Daughter Nidhi.

Dad : Nidhi ?

Nidhi leaves Harika and hugs dad. They spend sometime talking crap.

Harika : Bunny why didn’t you tell me that Nidhi is coming.

Me : I didn’t knew until few minutes back that Nidhi is coming.

I hugged Harika and she kept her head on my shoulders. Suddenly Nidhi appears out of no where and finds us in tight embrace. We didn’t know what to do , so stood like that. Then Harika and Nidhi spoke for sometime.

Dad enters.

Dad : Nidhi take some rest. You must be tired , time is 4am.

Harika leaves and Me , Nidhi go to bed. After sometime Nidhi pokes me.

Nidhi : Hey I want to ask something.

Me : Yeah.

Nidhi : I think your hug was bit out of the line.

Me : It’s common between us. We are like friends than siblings.

Nidhi : Strange , even though I won’t hug my brother like that.

Me : Are you and Harika alike ?

Nidhi : No.

Me : Then why bother. Wake me around 6am.

She hits me ,

Nidhi : You are in Btech. Get up early and start reading.

Me : Yawnnn….let me sleep akka.

Next I felt someone poking. Then I realised it wasn’t poking but someone kicking my but.

Turned around , it was Nidhi.

Nidhi : Get up , don’t you have classes to attend ?

Me : Yeah , I do. Let me sleep for another half n hour.

Nidhi : I will get bucket of water if you don’t get up.

Unlike Harika , Nidhi is bit hot headed girl. She will end up doing what she says.

So I get up and head in washroom and got ready for college. I was sitting and dinning table with Nidhi waiting for mom to serve breakfast. Then my babe was climbing down the stairs. She was wearing sky blue chudidar. She was so adorable. She came and sat beside me. Nidhi was looking at us strangely because Harika used to sit beside Nidhi not me. Now Harika she started gossips with me that too in low voice. Nidhi was observing everything. We completed our breakfast and were about to leave , Nidhi stopped me and asked me to come to her room.

Nidhi : What is the matter ? why Harika is behaving strangely ?

Me : I didn’t notice anything.

Nidhi : Come on she was blushing while talking to you. I am woman myself. I know why woman blushes while talking to a man.

Me : When ?

Nidhi : When she likes him. I mean more than that.

Me : Love ?

Nidhi : Yeah.

Me : Look Nidhi after we came to Btech , we had several ups and downs in our life. We didn’t have any friends , so we choose to deal with those issues together. Since then we are not brother and sister anymore. We are like friends , just best friends.

Nidhi : 99% of time friendship end up into relation.

Me : We know our limits Nidhi.

She stared at me for a while.

Nidhi : Do you have any important classes today.

Me : Just First and second period classes are important. Remaining I can take care. Why do ask.

Nidhi : I actually I was thinking if you could come home and we both can go for shopping. I have something to discuss with you.

Me : Are you in trouble ?

Nidhi : I won’t say it’s trouble but I want your help.

Me : What is it ?

Nidhi : Not now. Come home after you are done with your classes. Don’t skip important classes , Okay. My problem can wait , not much urgent.

Me : Okay.

I grabbed my bag and head out , followed by Nidhi.

Harika was waiting for me outside beside my bike.

Nidhi : Yo! , When did get this bike.

Me : Few months ago.

Nidhi : This is nice. Alright see you after college.

Harika and I got onto bike . We started to our college.

Harika did a small mistake. She hugged me from behind and Nidhi saw it.

Harika : What was with Nidhi?

Me : You need to brush up your acting skills. Don’t blush while she is around.

Harika : I didn’t blush.

Me : Yes , You did. Okay be careful. I think she got some clue about our relation.

Harika was quite for a while.

Harika : We need to talk. This evening after college.

Me : Nidhi wants me to come home early. During lunch break. She asked me to not to tell this to anyone.

Harika : What is she upto ? she shows up suddenly.

Me : I will deal with her. If she asks anything about us . Just keep denying Okay. I want you to come home with Keerthi.

Harika : Okay.

We reached college , I dropped her at her department.

Me : Harika you are really stunning in this chudidar. It fits your curves neatly.

She blushes and kicks me,

Harika : Shut up!

And swiftly sprints into her department. While parking my bike , I met Keerthi. I kissed her and spoke to her for a while. Informed her about my plans with Nidhi and keerthi teases me that she doesn’t like me going out other woman.

Me : Hey , I did it.

Keerthi : I know. She told me last night.

Me : Is there anything which you both don’t share.

Keerthi : No , we will share everything , including this ( saying she rubbed my crotch with her left hand).

Then we started to walk towards are respective departments. I invited her to my house in evening , I wanted to introduce her to Nidhi. We bid good bye to each other and left for our respective department.

After classes I went home. Nidhi was making sandwiches for us.

I got freshed up and turned on music in my room. Nidhi brought sandwiches she made. While eating I asked her how I can help.

Nidhi : No need. I will ask my friends to help me.

Me : Why so?

Nidhi : Only a friend could help.

Me : I can be your friend.

Nidhi : You can’t , you keep too many secrets. I don’t like friends keeping secrets from me.

Me : I have nothing to hide from you Nidhi.

Nidhi : Alright I won’t force you. Thanks for your time bunny. I will ask my friends.

Me : What do you want ?

Nidhi : What I want is truth Bunny, I saw how Harika held you on bike this morning. I did held my boyfriend like that. Tell me whats happening or no need to help me.

I was in tight spot. She is boss of our house. Every decision is her decision.

Me : Harika and I love each other.

Nidhi : What the fuck? You told me you were friends.

Me : Yes , we were friends. Unfortunately we are among that 99% whose friendship turn into love.

Nidhi : Tell me you didn’t have physical relation with her.

I didn’t say anything , I was looking down. Then gathered some courage and spoke up.

Me : I won’t lie or deny.

Nidhi : Oh God! ( She held her head with her hands).

Nidhi : Why ? You have girlfriend why cheat her and pull Harika into this ?

Me : You won’t understand.

Nidhi : Yes , I can understand you misogynist pig. You are using two innocent girls for your pleasures.

Me : You don’t what kinda pain I took and I am taking right now Nidhi. If you think I am really happy fucking my own sister , you are wrong.
Heated argument between Bunny and Nidhi started. Bunny was defending his actions and trying to explain Nidhi why he was forced to keep sexual relation with Harika , while Nidhi was ,ad over bunny for having incest. For her it was nothing less than a sin.


Bro it's Wednesday
Yesterday was Sankranti/Pongal festival. I got drunk with my friends and got wasted at his home.
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Come on bro plz atleast update twice a week. It's such a beautiful story
I will try ny best.


Yesterday was Sankranti/Pongal festival. I got drunk with my friends and got wasted at his home.
It's ok bro

Bas inform kar diya karo
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Prince Charlee

Active Member
Nice update. You are writing ver well waiting for next.