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Adultery EXHIBITIONIST (completed)


Well-Known Member

Ramu was the night time security guard at Krishna's friend's condo and was not only from the same Security Agency as the day time security guard (named Anthony) at Krishna's condo but had also served with him and Durai(Anthony's cousin)in the same posting regiment before leaving the Army.

Anthony's cousin named Durai was the night watchman in Krishna's condo and was a gentleman like Ramu. But Anthony was the trouble maker in the group.

Also Anthony and Ramu also moonlighted at the Shenoy Nagar swimming club as life guards during the weekends as well as on their off days.

In the weekends there were special timings exclusively for Ladies and the life guards also were requested by some ladies to coach them for some extra cash.

Ramu and Durai were gentle men and subtle and never crossed the line and only when some horny sexually frustrated MILF's made the 1st move, did they reciprocate and some even ended in their getting free fucks in the showers.

Ramu had been truthful with Rekha when he had told her that he had never been with prostitutes but had fucked some ladies at the swim club.


Well-Known Member
Anthony who was the best looking and had the best body amongst the three ex-service friends and was also charming when he wanted but could not keep his mouth shut and his hands in control, nor was he subtle like the other two.

He also had the problem that once he had his hard cock inside a high class MILF's horny cunt, his mouth would go out of control and he would start talking dirty and then start abusing the women calling them prostitutes,whores,sluts and even curse their mother and sisters and daughters.

This caused the guilty cheating women to lose self esteem and some avoided coming in the weekends and the three were affected.

There were a few who like dirty talk and enjoyed the degrading abuses but they were very few and far in-between.

But eventually Anthony had gotten into a very serious situation and would have got all three of them in trouble with the law, when he squeezed the boobs of a new sexy MILF while coaching her and she had complained to the management and was even threatening to file a police FIR.

Luckily Ramu and Durai were able to convince the lady that it was an accident as the pool bottom was slippery that day and Anthony had lost his foothold and slipped and had inadvertently touched her inappropriately for which he was terribly sorry(which was a lie, as he had enjoyed squeezing the ladies boobs while she was almost drowning and swallowing water when Anthony purposely left his hold on her and instead squeezed her boobs)


Well-Known Member
The lady knew very well that the tharki life guard had purposely squeezed her boobs but retracted her complaint as it would lead to her reputation also dragged through the mud, if she made a police complaint.

Anthony was kicked out from the life guard job with a stern warning never to come back to the pool.

Now Anthony seeing the close friendship between the rich and high class condo owners and the Briyani waiter knew that there was something fishy going on and his tharki senses went off and he had to get to the bottom of this puzzle.

He immediately called his cousin Durai who was sleeping ,resting before he relieved Anthony for the night shift(they had 12 hrs shifts).

Durai answered the phone irritated at being woken up," What bro? I was sleeping."

Anthony," Sorry bro. This is important."

Durai now awake," Ok bro. what is it?"

Anthony," You know Krishna sir in the 12th floor?"

Durai," Yeah, we helped get him a motorbike. Friendly nice people."

Anthony," He and his wife just now presented a delivery guy with a new motorbike."

Durai," What? I know the guy. He's from a biriyani place and delivers Biriyani to the couple."

Anthony," Isn't something fishy?"

Durai," yeah. I too felt like he had stayed the night in the couple's apartment."

Anthony," Also Ramu has been acting strange. He's the one who bought another bike for Krishna sir which was presented to the young boy.Also Ramu has been visiting here everyday and when I questioned him he was vague and was hiding something. You are close to him, so ask him what's happening?OK?"


Well-Known Member
Durai now fully awake and alert replied," I too wanted to ask you about this. I remember the boy's name is Ali and I too have spoken with him a few times. I will speak with Ramu tonight and ask him."

Anthony chuckling," Ok bro. Did you seduce any new MILF at the pool last weekend. Don't forget to share them with me.OK?"

Durai also laughed," WTF bro. You think every rich high class woman coming to swim is looking for some low class cock and will bend over when we snap our fingers. hehhehe."

Durai and Ramu had learnt a hard lesson and knew that the easy way to get rid of a woman was to get her fucked by Anthony.

Anthony," Ok bro. Talk to you tonight.bye."

Durai now could not get back to sleep as his mind was going through everything and putting together all pieces of the puzzle as much as he could remember.


Well-Known Member
Now Durai could not get back to sleep and immediately called Ramu and woke him up.

Ramu seeing that it was his friend Durai answered," Wasup bro.Any special news?"

Durai," That's why I called. Do you have any special news for me?"

Ramu now alert asked," What do you mean?"

Durai," You got Krishna sir a new bike which he presented to that biriyani Ali guy. Why did you not tell me?"

Ramu lying," What's to tell bro. You know Krishna sir is nice to us and he wanted a new bike and I got it and delivered it to him. What's wrong with that and what's there to hide from you?"

Durai being smart also lied," Anthony tells me that you are visiting madam everyday and spending lots of time with her. What's with that bro?"

Ramu now cornered," I don't know what your cousin has been smoking bro. I just handed over the bike keys and Madam offered me a coffee. That's all. Other days I just might have come to take payment for the bike. That's all."

Durai who knew Ramu for a long time now knew that his friend was hiding something from him but knew that Ramu will not divulge any more, so he tactfully said," Ok bro. I believe you. Anthony must be smoking something and is hallucinating. Ok Bye."

Ramu sighed with relief and also said bye and decided that he had to be careful in the future as Anthony and Durai will have a hawk eye on him.



Well-Known Member
Durai immediately called Anthony," Bro. You are right. I called Ramu and Ramu is hiding something. He was vague and evasive and it was obvious that he was lying to me."

Anthony who was the criminal mind of the 3 friends chuckled," I knew that. I have to use some other tactics to get the truth. Let me think and I will let you know if there is any development.OK?

Durai now mentally exhausted with all this nonsense went back to sleep and his cousin was wracking his brains to find a solution.


Well-Known Member
That night the cousins handed over and took over the shift and Durai saw the happy young couple leave for the evening and they exchanged pleasantries as Krishna and Rekha in a saree left on their motorbike at around 10pm.

They returned at around midnight with both of them happy as usual and nothing abnormal to his eyes.

Durai wondered if they were wrong about the couple and if Anthony his cousin was making a mountain of a molehill.

What Durai did not know was what an exciting vulgar slutty evening the couple had just had.