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Romance Forbidden Love by Pinuram [Completed]

Arunima Roy Chowdhury

Well-Known Member
Chapter 2: Celeste and Angel convene


Paree stepped in to my domain and devastated me with her charms and sweet nature; I was having sleepless night unable to concentrate on my studies. She continued with her mockery, unwilling to douse the fire burning inside me. Seldom I got few pecks and kiss on my cheeks and ruffles of her soft thin fingers on my head and nothing more. She was adamant on her words, that the dreams of mine will only get fulfilled after my exams are over.

Two days passed, Debi called one fine morning. I was reading newspaper in the drawing room. Mom was getting ready for her school. Paree answered the phone. Whatever they spoke, I could hear only giggles and petty words and nothing else. Mom looked at Paree and bid her goodbye.

I was about to go to my room for studies. Paree entered the drawing room; she has already taken her bath as usual and has offered Puja also. I looked at her divine face. Few beads of water, dropped from her wet strand of lock, swaying on her right cheek created a halo of purity all round her sweet smiling face. She wore a light yellow coloured cotton saree with wide red border. There were small flowers all over the yellow saree. The way she wore the saree was of typical old Bengali style, covering all her hidden beauty in whole. No one could imagine what lies beneath those folds of saree. Her blouse was of matching red colour, half sleeved. She stood at the door way, partially behind the curtain and looked lovingly at me. Her creamy white skin glowing in the morning sun rays. She had her wet locks tied in a loose bun dangling softly on her nape. Her earlobes were adorned with gold earrings studded with small ruby. Her lips were pink and shining. On both wrists she was wearing few thin gold bangles. She I asked her as why she was smiling like that to me.

---“Debanjana called just now.”

---“I know, they way you were speaking on the phone I easily understood that on the other end it was her.”

---“She wants to meet with us today.”


---“She only told me to bring you at Nagerbazar. Then she will take us somewhere.”

---“Let me call her and ask where she is going to meet.”

---“No, you will not call her. She told me to ask you to take me with you to the designated place she has said.”

---“Has she told you where she is going to take us?”

Paree giggled at me ---“Don’t you have faith on such a beautiful friend of yours?” Two rows of white pearls shined in the soft morning sunrays, peeked behind her partially rosy lips. She was talking to me, all the time standing at the door partially behind the curtain.

I asked her ---“Why are you not coming out behind the curtain?”

“Who knows about your evil intention?” She smiled naughtily at me. “If you prowl upon me in this beautiful morning, then?”

I slapped my forehead ---“You naughty girl.” And stood from the couch to really prowl on my beauty.

She ran to her room and closed the door partially and peeked from the slit of the door.

---“You go and take your bath and dress up. She told me that she would be waiting for us by ten o’clock.”

I asked her as what was she going to wear. She said as usual she will wear saree.

I took bath and changed my dress to a pair of white trousers and a long cream coloured Punjabi so as to match with my EVE’s dressing sense as she was going to wear saree. On beholding her dressing sense, no one would be able to tell that she was from a tiny town away from Kolkata.

Paree wore a cream coloured cotton saree with dark green border. Very tiny flowers were all over the upper end of the saree that draped from her waist to her shoulder, covering her belly and bosoms. Short sleeved dark green blouse, same colour as the border of the saree. There was no makeup on her face, only a lip-gloss one her lips to keep the natural pinkish tint on her lips. A small green dot graced her forehead between those pair of whip like dark eyebrows. She put a faint kajal under her eyes to beautify her dark big eyes more. A very thin gold chain bedecked her creamy white slender neck and a small rhombus shaped gold pendant graced below the curve of her neck at the centre of her upper chest. The thin strand of lock that used to caress her right cheek was tucked behind her right ear. Her long black hairs, tied in a soft casual bun dangling just below her nape. Two gold earrings of few centimeters in length glamorized her earlobes. There was a tint of pink blush on her cheeks. Few thin gold bangles braced her thin right wrist and a golden titan wrist watch on her left one. She looked like a pure gold effigy of Lakshmi. I looked at my Paree with adorable eyes. I was literally speechless.


This beauty didn’t smite me with sensuousness but filled my heart with divinity. I came near to her and held her face between my palms and looked into her eyes with pure esteem and gently kissed her forehead.

She spoke softly ---“Shall we go now?”

I bowed and stretched my right hand to show her the way ---“Always after you, dear.”

We boarded a taxi to reach the designated place as Debi told us to, Nagerbazar. At the bus stand another divine surprise was waiting for me.

For the first time in two years I saw Debi in a saree. Her small frame very neatly covered under the folds of a light green cotton saree with dark green border. A pair of gold rimmed glass on her small nose. She usually doesn’t wear makeup so that day was nothing unusual, only special was she was in a saree. I looked at Paree as she looked at Debi. Sharmi as usual was in a casual salwar. Debi’s face was beaming with a smile and she ran towards Paree upon seeing her from a distance. Even if they had not met each other, both the ladies sensed their bond.

I stood few paces behind as Paree took Debi in her embrace and kissed her forehead as if she was her elder sister meeting after a long, long time. I looked two beautiful ladies, one my soul and the other my eye. I took a deep breath and looked at Sharmi and asked her that where we are going. She pointed to Debi and told me ask her.

Debi danced her eyebrows ---“I am really jealous of you. If I was born as a boy I would have courted Suchi Di.”

It was time for Paree to blush now. I enjoyed her sweet blush as Paree slapped softly on Debi’s cheek.

I asked Debi as where we were going. Her answer was unprecedented.

---“We are going to Dakhinehwar Kali Temple.”

“No way….” I yelled out.

“If you don’t want to go then you can stay at your home, but we ladies are going” she looked at Paree and tugged her hand and started walking.

Sharmi was always smiling at me. I just nodded my head as I walked with Sharmi behind those two ladies.

We took a taxi to go to Dakhinehwar from Nagerbazar. I was pushed to the front seat and the ladies took the back one. Debi was sitting in the middle of Paree and Sarmishta.

Both, Debi and Paree got very friendlier with each passing minute. Sarmishta as usual timid person, talks less but that day I found her to be actively participating in their conversation.

Debi asked Paree --- “How the hell you fell for this rascal?”

Paree smiled at me as our eyes met through the reflection of the rearview mirror.

---“It just happened inside me, when we met actually. I just felt that I was born only for him.”

I folded my arms and rested those over my head and bend my neck back to rest my head on the back rest of my seat. A soft slap landed on the back of my head.

Debi giggled ---“So romantic. He has the courage to take you under his wings and enjoy a vacation in the remote hills. No one can even think of such trip in such a place. Most of the people have not even heard of that place. How come you went with this idiot?”

Paree just smiled at her and said ---“Doesn’t Arindam takes you out anywhere?”

---“Arindam is bit timid in nature not so bold and outrageous like Abhimanyu. He is dumb head so he jumps in any situation to fight for. How do you handle him?”

Paree said nothing just smiled sweetly at Debi.

Debi continued ---“He came to college with a stone cold attitude. We all felt him as an alien and snobbish person. The day he saved my sister, the day real Bihari came out.”

Paree smiled at her ---“Why you are all praises for that idiot? Why don’t you tell about Arindam?”

They talked and talked and talked.

The time we reached temple premises it was thirty minutes past noon. The temple premises was not so crowded being a weekday. So it was not so much of congestions to get near the deity and offer puja.

I looked from behind as the three ladies engrossed in their puja.

I smiled in my mind that what a friend and a love I have got.

After they offered their puja; both the ladies again engrossed in their talks.

I walked with Sharmi little behind them. I asked her about her pain in her nose.

She said looking at me --- “It pains some times. My head becomes heavy. At time I feel that the pain will kill me.”


I looked at her and asked her what doctors are saying. Debi looked back over her shoulder as what were we two doing.

---“Doctor’s have advised for rest and no exams. They have asked for a MRI of my brain also.”

I was astonished to hear all these ---“When all these happened?”

---“Two days before, I fell in the bathroom and again my nose started to bleed.”

---“Why haven’t you called me then?”

---“Just like that, we thought why to bother you when everyone was around me.”

I relieved a deep sigh. My heart writhed in some unknown pain. Sharmi looked down to the tiled floor of the huge courtyard.

I observed a drop of tear on her nose tip; I was surprised to see her in that state. I looked at Debi and Paree; both were far from us, talking with each other.

She sobbed out in a timid whisper --- “Promise me one thing and don’t tell Debi.”

I touched her shoulder ---“What happened?”

I sensed a writhing pain deep inside my chest.

“Doctors have said that the veins connecting my nose and eyes with the frontal lobe of my brain are getting worsened.” She paused a little and looked to my face with sniveled eyes and quivering voice she said to me “I have very little time in my hand, Abhi. Tell Arindam to look after Debi if something happens to me.”

I felt large wave just crashed on my chest and blinded the sunrays in front of my eyes. I looked for Paree and Debi, they were nowhere in the sight. I felt how helpless I was, standing in front of Sarmishta. I took her in my arms and pressed my lips on her head. She stood as a stone effigy with no movement, only her back shook like a twig attacked by a huge cyclone.

Suddenly I felt a soft touch on my shoulder, I looked back to find Paree and Debi standing behind us looking at us with inquisitive eyes.

Paree asked me ---“What happened, why are yours eyes filled up?”

I promised Sarmishta and I had to keep her promise so I had to lie --- “She just got emotional, remembering the first incident of her bleeding nose.”

Debi yelled at Sharmi --- “Oh! My God, just by remembering that incident you two have got emotional.” She could not fathom the pain that I was harboring inside me, but Paree sensed that I was telling lie, there was something more behind those sniveled eyes. I gestured Paree with my eyes to keep quiet.

Debi said --- “See those twelve Shiva Temples. On the left corner there is a tree. People say that your wishes will be granted if you tie a thread to that tree. Why don’t we ask for our wishes also?”

Paree enjoyed the puerile nature of Debi and adhered to her. We walked to that tree. All four of us tied thread.

For the first time I was going to ask something from God, so I paused a bit as I felt myself as a beggar standing in the God’s place.

While tying the thread to tree trunk I asked from God “I want to see Debanjana and Sarmishta dancing, surrounded by our family members during my wedding with Suchismita.” I didn’t know whether God has heard this or not but I wanted my wish to be fulfilled very badly.


Arunima Roy Chowdhury

Well-Known Member
Chapter 3: Darkest Hour


Our exams just got over last week. For whole two months, April and May, Paree acted as my elder sister taking care of me, helping me with my studies and exams. She instructed me to study at the drawing room during the night so that she could keep a close watch on me. She changed herself to a very strict lady just like her ChotoMa. Several nights passed that I dozed off to sleep with the book under my head and in the morning I found that the book was closed and a bedcover spread out over me.

Several nights passed she sat in front of me reading some newspaper or reading some books all the time I was engaged in my studies. She used to bring me coffee whenever I felt sleepy or used to wipe my face with the corner of her night gown. I got scolded several times for not drawing properly during the revision of mechanics and optics. Mom closely watched us on first few days, she probably smelled some smoke bellowing between us but when she found Paree was sitting silently reading newspaper or any novels with all arrangements of coffee and snacks, her head became clear as water.

Paree built a huge wall between us after the first night kiss. I was unable to break that wall at any cost in these two months. Whenever I looked at her and asked her for a small peck, every time I was presented with a slap on my face or a small ruffle on my hairs. In these two months my EVE never sat near me, I also understood the importance of the situation and after sometime I also didn’t ask for any favour from her. Eventually Mother Nature won the battle with Menaka.

It was 22nd May 2001. (I have mentioned few dates in this tale. I felt those to be very important part of my life).

I was watching a movie on TV, lying on the long couch after dinner. Mom and dad do not like much of English movies and neither do Paree. It was my all time favourite movie “Gone with the wind” being aired on TCM channel. It was summer season and the over head fan was circling in full speed. Paree was in the kitchen with mom, keeping the utensils in the cupboard and washing the sink and the tiles. It was about thirty minutes past ten. Dad was preparing to retire to bed, suddenly the phone bell rang.

As dad was near to the phone he picked that to answer the call. As I was watching TV so I could not hear as what all conversation happened.

After sometime dad came in to the drawing room and looked at me, bit shaken.

I looked at my dad and asked as who had called.

Dad said ---“Bannerjee Uncle has called you at Belle Vue clinic at Shakespeare Sarani.”

I was surprised, my heart started to beat very fast ---“What happened and to whom?”

Paree heard our conversation and came running from the kitchen. Dad told her that Bannerjee Uncle means Debi’s dad has called me to the nursing home. Paree looked at me and became aware as what has happened. Mom was standing behind Paree.

I somehow got dressed up and was about to leave, dad called me and said that Paree wants to go with me. I looked at mom. Paree already got dressed and looked at mom with tearful eyes. Mom sensed that it would be useless to keep Paree at home.

Whole of the journey, Paree just kept quiet, clutched my hand tightly kept quiet. She knew that something very worse was to happen.

As we entered the courtyard of the nursing home, it was already dead night. Thirty minutes past eleven.

I saw Bannerjee Uncle, Sharmi’s dad and mom and Debi at the waiting area. Sharmi’s mom and Debi sat quietly at one corner of the hall. On seeing Paree, Debi came running towards her and hid her face in her lap and started to cry.

I went to Bannerjee uncle to ask as what has happened to Sarmishta.

He told me that, after the evening tea everyone was engaged in their works. Sarmishta was alone in her room arranging the cupboard by standing on a stool. She saw a spider coming out from the cupboard and she screamed out. She got disbalanced and fell from the stool; the handle of the cupboard hit the bridge of her nose and it started bleeding. At first they tried to stop the bleeding by calling the nearby doctor. He observed that some pus was coming out along with blood and he recommended taking her to hospital immediately. On arriving here at the Belle Vue, the doctors took her directly to the operation theatre.

I called at my home and informed about the situation. Dad asked me to take care of Paree and Debi.

I looked at the other end of the hall; I saw Arindam standing at one corner alone. Debi’s parent still does not know about Arindam so he kept himself away from the crowd. Slowly I walked towards him and asked him how he came to know. He told me that Debi called him, but here he found that every one of her family members to be present so he was unable to go near Debi.

I looked at Paree and wagged my palms and called her. Debi also saw Arindam standing with me. Paree helped Debi to stand up and we all four went to another corner of the hall, from where we were partially hidden from the sight of Bannerjee uncle. On seeing Arindam, Debi could not say anything but only her lips shook a little.

Paree took me away from them --- “Come, let them to be free for some time.”

I told Paree --- “If you leave Debi here, then a new scene will get created here, so no need to go anywhere. You stay with them while I go there.”

Each passing minutes felt like a year to me. I was anxiously walking up and down the corridor. Sharmi’s dad and mom were heavily perturbed as their only child was inside the operation theatre.

After sometime, Arindam called me and said that he can’t stay here all night as that might raise some eyebrows. He gave me his telephone number and asked me to call him if anything is needed.


Paree sat beside Debi, trying to console her. Her voice was also choked.

---“Nothing will happen to Sarmishta. That’s just a bleeding and the doctors will fix that.”

In my mind I shouted to God and reminded HIM about the plea that I asked for while I tied the thread to that tree at Dakhinehwar temple premises. I don’t know whether HE heard me or not.

Bannerjee uncle called me and asked me whether we want to have any tea or not. I asked Sharmi’s dad whether he wants anything to have or not. But parents’ hearts always writhe; he was not going to buzz till he gets any news from the OT.

At about four o’clock in the morning one doctor came out. All our eyes were fixed on him. Arteries pumping blood into the heart as fast as they can.

Debi clutched Paree’s hand with all might and closed her eyes.

The doctor said ---“The veins connecting to frontal lobe has got damaged. We are trying our best to fix something, but we can’t ensure. She is slipping in to coma. We can’t say anything till she regains her consciousness. We have to observe her for next seventy two hours in ICU before concluding anything.”

I looked at Paree; she is a very strong person. She held her tears greatly behind those big dark eyes and hugged Debi. Debi threw her around Paree’s neck and with all her might she has clutched her as a last straw. I came near them and kneeled down before those crying ladies.

Debi still has her head kept on Paree’s shoulder, and Paree was caressing her back to console her. Her eyes were also flooding with unknown fear.

Debi’s lips quivered a bit and she said to me which made my heart to collapse then and there.

---“You saved my sister once, bring her back to me again.”

Paree scolded her --- “Don’t say anything like this. Sarmishta is going to be alright. You are going to take her back home.” She looked at me with tearful eyes and said “Why don’t you say something, idiot.”

I tried to say something to Debi, just then Bannerjee Uncle approached us. It was morning outside.

Uncle asked me whether I want to go home or not. I told him that he should go taking the ladies with him and I along with Sharmi’s dad would stay.

Paree told me --- “Do you think Debi will buzz from here?”

Debi nodded her head and said that she does not want to leave till Sharmi open her eyes.

I went to aunt and asked her about her condition. Mother’s heart always pain. She also didn’t want to buzz.

I told Paree ---“It is your responsibility to take these ladies home while I and her dad stay here. Get them fresh and fresh yourself also as none of you have taken any food from yesterday night.”

With tearful eyes she said to me ---“How do I console a bleeding mother, whose child is inside ICU? Tell me?”

I took Paree to one corner and said to her ---“Just go. I know very well that we have very less time.”

She looked at me with full of question in her eyes --- “What do you mean by that?”

---“Sharmi, sensed beforehand that she didn’t have much time left in this world. Remember on the Dakhinehwar temple, I and Sharmi were standing in the middle of the huge courtyard. She said to me that if anything happens to her then I would ask Arindam to take care of Debi.”

Paree clutched my collar and with tears rolling down her red eyes --- “Why haven’t you told me this before?”

---“I promised her not to tell anyone.”

---“And now you break her promise? What type of person you are?”

---“I am just coping myself with the truth that has to come, Paree. Nothing else.”

She hid her face on my chest and my shirt soaked in her tears. I had no words to console her. After sometime, Paree looked at me.

---“You don’t cry easily, do you?”

---“At present I don’t have the luxury to shed my tears, Paree.”

---“How are you going to handle Debi and aunt?”

---“Time will heal them, but as of now let me handle them.”

Paree left my collar and walked to Debi, who was seated by side of her aunt, Sharmi’s mom.

I kneeled down before those ladies, took Debi’s and aunt’s hand in mine. Uncle, Sharmi’s dad, looked at me.

I spoke ---“Sarmishta is now in ICU and I and uncle are staying here. Doctors’ have said to wait for seventy two hours. It will be idiotic to stay here. You three go home with Bannerjee uncle, freshen up yourself and then if required I will call you and you can visit her.”


Both Sharmi’s dad and Bannerjee uncle nodded in accordance to my words.

Bannerjee Uncle took away all three ladies with him; he said to me that he will drop Paree at home. I knew that probably mom would be present at home by the time she reaches there.

After they departed I called Arindam to come to the nursing home.

Uncle was sitting with his head bent down and resting his head on his fist. I had no words to console anyone. Time was actually not passing.

Arindam came to nursing home at about ten o’clock. I called dad and said to him that Paree has gone to home. Dad asked me that what if she wants to go back to nursing home. I said that if she wants to go back then she will call him, I requested him to arrange some transport so that she can reach nursing home. Dad told me that he will talk to Bannerjee uncle if he can take Paree while he goes back to nursing home.

For the whole next six hours we all waited anxiously outside the ICU, expecting some good news.

At about four o’clock most of the family members arrived. I could not see Bannerjee uncle neither Debi. I asked Debi’s elder brother as where was his dad. Her brother told me that he has gone to our house to bring Paree as she called his dad at noon to bring her back to nursing home.

After sometime I saw Debi and Paree entering the waiting hall behind Bannerjee uncle. Debi’s face looked like calmness after storm. Paree looked bit fresh. Both the ladies eyes were sore red.

Paree came quietly and stood beside me. She asked me as what was the news. I told her that there was no news, neither good nor bad. Debi sat on a chair beside her mom rested her head on her fist and bowed down. Paree came near her and kept her arm on her shoulder. Debi looked at Paree’s face. None were in a position to say any words.

At about five thirty, we heard a commotion inside the ICU. Sharmi’s dad was called. The news came at last. Miss Sarmishta Bannerjee, a quiet calm timid girl, probably never hurt a fly in her life. The sweet girl who always kept quiet in the class, probably never quarreled with anyone in her whole life. Never spoke in loud voice with anyone. The only child, daughter of Mr. Subhankar Bannerjee and Mrs. Mala Bannerjee were no more among us.

A deep groan aroused from all the throats of all the family members present there. All pairs of eyes got deluged. Paree was also crying she held Debi in her arms. Debi hid her face on Paree’s chest, she held her as tight as she can.

I clenched my jaws as hard as I could to control the flood inside me and looked up to the ceiling and cursed GOD. I asked HIM repeatedly as why HE denied my pleas? I asked HIM repeatedly that there are several people in this world who are venomous and corrupt, why he has not taken them but plucked a tender flower like Sarmishta? If HE had real ears he could hear me, but alas, there was no one to hear my cries.

While I was asking those entire questions to The Almighty, Paree came and stood near me, with her deluged eyes she asked me to look at Debi.

I looked at her, she sat there dumbfounded, froze on the chair like a granite effigy. There were no tears in her eyes, no sensation on her body and no expression on her face. Her sight was fixed on the floor. She had her face between her palms with her elbow resting on her thighs. The look in her eyes was painstakingly expressionless. It seemed that her eyes were made of glass.

I called dad to give him the bad news, he was about to leave his office. I told him to come directly to Belle Vue and to take Paree home. He asked me whether she wants to go home or not.

---“Dad, just take her home. Here she will be more disturbed with each passing moment. What the fate had written on our forehead has happened, just take her away at least at home mom will be there to console her.”

---“What about you, you have not come home yet. When will you be returning?”

---“I can’t say dad. Probably only tomorrow morning I will be at home.”

I told Paree that she should go home.

---“Your Babu is coming to take you home.”

---“No I don’t want to leave. I want to go with you.”

---“Try to understand Paree. I don’t know when I will go home. I have lots of works to do now.”

---“Then I will stay with Debi.”

---“You can’t stay with her.”

She screamed at me ---“Why?”


---“A huge storm has gone over you from yesterday night. Even after that if you go with her to her house, then on reaching her house there will be another round of tears and mourning. Enough of that; Paree. Just go to your ChotoMa and take rest.”

She yelled out in her choked voice --- “Have you seen Debi? She is not even blinking her eyes, not even winching any muscle, she has become like a rock. If she doesn’t cry then it will be very hard for her. I need to stay with her.”

---“I will try to take care of her; she has got her family members also around her. For my sake just go home.”

Debi’s mom and his brother surrounded Debi as she was motionless. A new problem came up that if she doesn’t buzz or cry then this will hamper her.

We had to arrange for transport for carrying Sarmishta, for one last time to her house.

When Sarmishta was handed to us, Debi looked at her face coolly. She touched her cheeks and ruffled her hairs. She rubbed her palms all over the face of Sarmishta as if asking her to wake up from her sleep. Debi’s eyes did not blink for a second or her lips even did not quiver. She was only looking to the closed eyes of Sarmishta. Then she slowly stooped down on her face and kissed the ice cold forehead. She was so shocked that she forgot to speak up even. She then put her arms around Sarmishta’s neck and hid her face on her chest and lay there motionless. Most of us forgot to mourn for Sarmishta and watched Debi with horror as what the girl will do next. I looked at Paree and asked to pull up Debi somehow. Paree sat beside Debi and rubbed her back, she looked up to Paree’s face. No tears, no expression nothing. She was very calm, stood up coolly and walked away with Paree and sat on the chair.

Bannerjee uncle came near me and said to me that we should now leave for house.

Dad arrived and took away Paree with him. Before leaving she asked me to take care of Debi so as to make her cry.

Sarmishta was taken to her home. She was bedecked with white flowers and with a beautiful mauve coloured saree, her favourite colour. All the time Debanjana did not buzz from her side. For the whole time she sat beside her with her hand in her hand and gently tracing her fingers. As if her sister will wake up just now and talk with her. But alas Sarmishta would never wake up again.

At her home as we were about to start for her last journey I saw our friends from college. The time for last journey of Sarmishta arrived. Along with the cries, a deep voice was circling around to make Debi cry somehow. But she was in no mood to cry. As we all carried Sarmishta away from the gate, Debi walked up to the gate with us, saying nothing and then very calmly turned around and went away to her room. Most of the ladies did not accompany us to the Nimtola crematorium ground.

Sarmishta’s left for heavenly abode. That sweet calm and quiet girl left this dark world full of vengeance and fear and hatred. Her body burnt to ashes.

That day I had to behold the most pathetic scene in my entire life. A dotting father igniting the pyre of her only sweet daughter, I asked to GOD as to not to give this chance to any father.

Arindam and I sat beside the river and looked up the night sky. It was about one o’clock in the night.

Arindam asked me --- “What will happen to Debanjana if she doesn’t cry or show some emotions?”

---“You have to do something brother, if you want her really.”

---“You know her better than me. She is more attached to Suchi Di after Sarmishta so you two have to do something.”

I looked around to see whether there was anyone watching us. All the family members were seated under the shade. Arindam and I sat at the bank of the river.

After a long time I felt a deep urge to puff a cigarette and curse out loudly at the river or to the Heaven.



Arunima Roy Chowdhury

Well-Known Member
Chapter 4: Painstaking But Beautiful Promise


Each passing day, Debi’s condition worsened. She was not talking with anyone after that day she just went dumb and expressionless. She kept herself in the Sharmi’s room, day and night; looking blankly at the books lying on the table, the cupboard in which Sharmi used to keep her belongings and those snaps of her childhood days. Debanjana was just three months older than Sarmishta and they were inseparable since childhood. Every other day I used to visit their house to check Debi or called up to check her status.

Paree didn’t have the courage to face her, so she never accompanied me to her house. She seemed to be so much shaken that she also pulled herself into a shell as a frightened tortoise.

On the thirteenth day, of the mourn ceremony at Sarmishta’s house we were also invited.

Paree was adamant that she won’t go her house.

Mom and I tried to persuade her, but she locked herself in her room.

Then at last dad came into picture.

---“Paree, life is like a river, there are several corners and turns in whole length of her. Yet she flows in her own rhythm to meet the estuary and mingle with the ocean. I am not asking you to forget Sarmishta; I am just asking you to keep the pace with life. You know it very well that there is an old English saying that rolling stones gather no moss. If you don’t take your step forward then you will lose. Any ways we are getting late and you haven’t met Debanjana after that day. So like a good girl unlock the room and come with us.”

She screamed out behind the closed door --- “I don’t understand what the use of the ceremony, to call the people and relatives. Are we enjoying the demise of Sarmishta? I could understand if any old person would have left for heavenly abode but she was a little child only.”

Dad continued ---“My sweet child, see we all live in a society and we have some laws and binding to this society. We have to adhere to those?”

Paree opened the door and mom took her within her arms. She gently wiped the running tears from her cheeks and asked her to get dressed.

We arrived at Bannerjee uncle’s house in the evening. Paree was not leaving side of her ChotoMa, my mom, not for a single moment.

I went upstairs to Sarmishta’s room and saw that Debi was lying on the bed. I stood at the door and looked at her as she was turned to her side; her back was facing the door. I didn’t have the courage to enter the room and say something to her. I felt a touch on my shoulder and saw that aunt, Debi’s mom was standing behind me. Without Debi’s notice we both left that place quietly. Aunt asked me to come with her as she has to say something to me. In downstairs she took me inside to a room, I saw that Bannerjee uncle, mom and dad, Paree, Sharmi’s dad and mom were present.

Bannerjee uncle looked at me and then looked at dad. He came near me and said --- “Debi’s condition is deteriorating day by day. I consulted a psychologist about her condition. They gave some medicine but they wanted to make her express her feelings somehow.”

I looked at all of them as why he was telling me all these.

Sharmi’s mom spoke up in quivering voice, tears rolled down her cheeks --- “I have lost one daughter and I don’t have the strength to lose another one.”

I looked at Paree as what was going on in the room? She looked blankly at my face; she was not clear as what was going to happen next.

The next sentence from Debi’s mom was like a thunderbolt for me.

---“We all know that you like Debanjana.”

On hearing these words, my ears turned red and my eyes glistened in fear. I looked at Paree. She looked at me with deluged eyes and unknowingly clutched mom’s shoulder. She was standing behind mom.

---“Bring her back to me. Whatever you will ask for, I will give that to you.”

I clenched my jaws and closed my eyes. Someone spilled molten lead all over my face. “What are they saying? How can this be possible? No even in my horrific nightmare I have thought of these? They had confusion in their mind about I and Debi that we all were aware of, but that confusion will take such a turn I could not imagine.”

I opened my eyes and looked at Paree with corner of my eyes so as to check her face.

Her eyes were tightly shut, face turned red. She bit her lower lips so hard that the flesh would rupture anytime and spill blood. The corners of her eyes were flooding like a broken dam.


She had her head bend down on her left shoulder to hide her expressions. But her feelings were not hidden from me. There was a painstaking look all over her face. She stood there behind mom in utter dismay. Her heart was thumping like a steam engine. Her ears were gorged with blood.

All the pairs of eyes, except Paree were eagerly looking at my face for some answer.

I walked to Debi’s mom and held her hand and I made a promise, which I didn’t know that what will happen next. But something my head told me that “Be courageous Abhimanyu. Think wisely before you speak up. You LOVE is at stake.”

---“I will bring her back to you. I promise.”

I looked at Paree with corner of my eyes. She had her eyes closed, head bent on her chest. She was about to burst out, but controlled her tears so hard that I could feel her brains and her heart ruptured. Her heart broke into thousands of pieces on hearing my words, which was felt only by me in that room. For all other she was crying for Debi, only I knew what was going inside her heart. She could not run away from that room as it would look odd. She stood there as a granite statue frozen in dismay.

I looked down to the floor and then said to aunt --- “Promise me one thing, that whatever I will ask from you, you have to obey that.”

Bannerjee uncle touched my shoulder --- “Whatever you will ask for, you will get that. I promise this in front of everyone.”

I made the promise but didn’t have the faint idea as what would happen next to all our lives. I already had made a promise to Sarmishta that I would ask Arindam to look after Debanjana. How was I going to keep that promise I didn’t know.

Before leaving Bannerjee uncle’s house, I went inside Sarmishta’s room to check up with Debi. I saw her in the same posture as before. She was lying on her side. No one dared to come near her as she has forgotten to speak.

For whole the time of our return journey to our home, everyone was painstakingly silent in the taxi. No one had the words as of what I had said, neither did I had the faintest idea as what I had said there.

Once we were inside the house, Paree locked herself inside the room. It was very late so mom and dad also retired to their room.

I sat alone on the floor of the open roof and looked up to the sky. The stars were twinkling, full moon just passed few days ago. The moonshine felt as if she was crying by looking at me. Those twinkles of the blue stars seemed to lose their sheen forever. I was lost in thought that “What have I done? How to come out of this without breaking any ones heart? I made a promise to Suchismita, if I don’t keep that she will be devastated. I made a final promise to Sarmishta; if I can’t keep that then her soul will haunt me for my entire life. I made a promise to Bannerjee uncle; if I don’t keep that promise then a father’s heart will bleed. He will probably lose his daughter.”

I lost the count of time. I lied down on the floor of the roof, with my arms bend above my head and fist under my head.

After sometime I heard a faint footstep approaching me. Paree came and sat beside me. She looked at me with painful eyes, tears has made her beautiful dark eyes red as poppy flower. Her face and eyes were sore.

Her lips quivered and she spoke in a very cold voice ---“Why you made that promise?”

I had no answer.

She screamed at me and fell on my chest ---“Tell me Abhi, Why you made that promise and broke my heart?”

I put my arms around her body and pulled her into me.

She looked at me with deluged eyes ---“You never thought of me, before making that promise.”

Suddenly my eyes glistened; Sarmishta’s eyes were looking at me from the dark sky. She whispered into my head “You made a promise to me also and to Paree also. You can’t break anyone’s heart. The situation is same as Abhimanyu of Mahabharata; he was surrounded by his enemies. There in Kurukshetra, Abhimanyu lost the battle. This Abhimanyu should not lose this battle. Arise and awake and fight till the goal is reached.”

I took Paree’s face between my palms and pulled her head on my face to kiss her forehead. She looked at me queerly, she was unable to fathom as what was going inside my heart.

I spoke up ---“Why, what did you think of? Did you think that I was going to marry Debanjana?”

---“Yes, I thought that, you will bow under the pressure after seeing Debi’s face and I know you had once a soft corner for her.”


--- “Paree, I love you still the same as before. Nothing can take us apart.”

---“Then why you made that promise?”

---“I have an idea, to fulfill that promise so as not to hurt anyone.”

She looked at me with bewilderment.

---“We will take a vacation, to the hills, to the same place we went in January, but this time Debi will accompany us. Somehow she will be fine. Only she needs some compassion so that the stone in her heart melts.”

Paree was all amazed to hear these; her lips were parted in astonishment.

I continued --- “Once Debi is fine. After return I will divulge the truth between Arindam and Debanjana that they love each other. Bannerjee uncle has already promised me that whatever I will ask for he will obey. I know it very well that upon hearing about Arindam, they all will be in a shock, but they had to keep that promise. Thus my promise for everyone would be saved. I will make Sarmishta happy, I will make Bannerjee uncle happy and you will always be mine, forever. Just one thing, we will not divulge our relation just now. As that is a closed door matter, we need some time to pass till I get settled down in a job and you get admission to masters.”

Probably after a fortnight; this seemed to me as a thousand of years. Paree smiled at me.

She kissed my lips softly and whispered “Who are you?” Her voice felt as honey poured into my ears. I was hankering for this voice for long, long time. At one time I even thought that I lost my Love.

I kissed her back on her lips softly and pulled her in my arms, she melted on my chest like warm cheese.

---“Remember, once I asked you the same question and you answered sweetly. Just same as that, instead of a wife saying to her husband, this is a husband saying to his wife. I am the minister to advice you, I am enchanting like Karthik, I am your Banyan tree to support you always and give shade, I am your dotting father to nurture you and Kamdev for your happiness and love.”

She could not control herself anymore and tears of joy rolled down her cheeks; same time my eyes were also deluged and I hugged her in my arms and pulled her over me. We were still lying under the dark blue night sky. The stars and the moon gazed at our united entwined frames, melted and soaked in potion of eternal love.

I spoke up ---“But there is a problem here.”

She looked at me and asked ---“Now what problem has arises?”

---“If I and Debanjana go for vacation and you go with us, then your ChotoMa will oppose you and ask you to stay back. So the thing is that, you have to first call Kalyani and Rani and ask them to accompany you for the vacation. Then you will tell your ChotoMa that you are going for a trip to Himachal with your childhood friends and want to take Debanjana with you. Bannerjee uncle knows about you two so they will not oppose you in taking Debanjana, and then they will ask me to accompany you all in the trip. See what a brilliant idea I have.”

I smiled at her rubbing my nose on her.

She nodded her head in disbelief upon hearing the whole idea and planning.

She was about to shout at her top of her voice --- “I LOVE YOU ABHI”

I sensed her torment feelings and pressed my lips on her sweet rosy lips and cut short her words.

She broke the kiss after sometime --- “You are a real devil.”

---“No, I am the Minister, Honey. You are happy now?”

---“Mmmmmmm……” she nodded her head and on doing so her soft hairs danced over my face.

Her soft bosoms were melting on my bare muscular chest. I could feel that her bosom was getting warmer with each passing moment and the heat was flowing on my body. She had her arms on both sides of my neck. My hands came behind her soft frame and caressed the whole length of her back over the curve of her spine over her soft satin fabric of her baby pink night gown. Her small round belly was melting as sponge on my tummy. Her slender supple thighs pressed over mine, she had her thighs closed which made her thighs to rest on mine. My right hand came over her supple round bottoms and caressed those beautiful mounds one after another with my palm. Paree’s face poured hot breath on my neck as she stooped down on the curve of my shoulder and rubbing her soft lips on my neck. I turned my head slightly to rub my cheeks on her neck. I felt her soft warm body writhing gently in the arousal of passionate heat. My left hand was behind her head, held the back of her head in my fist and ruffled her hairs and combed her scalp with my strong fingers. Her bosoms were heaving as if a cyclone has hit her. Large waves were crashing on me with each deep breath she took. The sides of her supple bosom spilled out as her soft bust melted on mine.


I parted my legs gently and let her thighs and limbs fall between my legs and then I pressed my legs from side to take her body in my whole embrace.

We were still under the open sky. We forgot the surroundings and was about to lose ourselves in the Garden of Eden. Warm summer breeze flowed over our entwined bodies heated up in passionate fire.

Ignition sparks flew all over our melting frame.

I cooed in her ears softly --- “Baby!”

---“Mmmmmmm……..” she moaned and nodded her head softly.

---“Shall we celebrate this occasion, honey?” I put both my hands on her hind globes and was kneading those mounds softly in my grip, pulling her on my ignited love, burning in my lions. I could feel her spilled out bulge of her supple bosom on my bare chest. All our sweet soft fondling in our mutual embrace has made us to boil in the fiery desire. I could feel the twin tips of her supple bust gone rigid due to her torrid hugs. Traced and poked the hot skin of my muscular bare chest.

Paree felt my heat growing under her sultry pressure of her soft tummy and lower abdomen. She felt my advancement on her sweet juncture of her supple limbs. She started to move her thighs against each other to ignite herself more before diving into the abyss of propensity. Her inner thighs rubbed on her skin sending jolts of thunder bolts all over her tender body. The outer thighs rubbed against my inner thighs and the softness below her flimsy fabric made me to throb hard under her intense pressure of her lower abdomen. Thousands of volts passed all over my body.

I again cooed down in her ears --- “Shall we celebrate this Honey?”

Without looking at my eyes she nodded her head ---“Even after all these you are asking such an idiotic question, rascal?”

I laughed at her ---“It is always courteous honey, to knock before I enter the heavens gateway.” saying so I bucked up my hips to rub my staunchness on her.

---“Ummmmm……. Not under the open sky.”

---“No one will see us.”

---“You are a mischievous cunning jackal, even after knowing that I feel shy to open up.”

Paree pulled up her face and looked into my blazing eyes. Her chin rested on my chin. I sneaked out my tongue to lick her sweet lips. Her lips were half opened and her hot breath poured on my face.

---“You can fill my dams are bursting. I am unable to contain myself. You have kept me away for long, long time. I am not going to hear any of your pleas.”

With my fingers I gently started to curl up her night dress from below. As her night dress curled upwards gradually, she felt the cold night summer breeze on her calves and she squirmed in pleasure. My finger now moved to pull her gown more, exposing the back of her supple limbs above her knees. Soon she sensed that her lower end of her night dress has came up till her back of her knees and were gradually ascending to her thighs.

Paree moaned out ---“Noooooo ………. Not here.”

I tried to roll her down from my chest and crush her under me, but Paree pinned me down on the floor of the coarse roof.

She moaned out again ---“If you take me on the roof then I will not talk to you ever.”

I slowly sat up carrying her all along my length, not for a single moment her arms came down from my neck. I pulled her up on my lap and carried her to my room and placed her on the bed.

I was about to switch on the light, she screamed out ---“Please don’t switch on.”

---“Why? I want to behold my Paree in her full glory.”

She pulled the bedcover on her squirming frame and rolled herself under the folds of bedcover and smiled naughtily at me ---“Now switch on the light, I am not going to let this bed cover go from my body.”

She looked like the Nefertiti’s mummy; the whole bedcover was rolled around her amorous figure. Her big dark eyes were twinkling in tears of pleasure. Her rosy cheeks turned red as she blushed. Her lips parted in a inviting smile. The soft sweet dimples on her cheeks making her smile to pour hot ecstatic lava.

I hissed out after switching on the light ---“So you want to play with me.”

I tried to pull the end of the bedcover from her aphrodisiac figure. She rolled over and due to my pull and the bed cover came off her tender frame wrapped under the flimsy night dress.


The tug and play has made her lower end of her dress to crawl up till the middle of her supple thighs, she sensed that my burning gaze pouring out fire on her slender tubular thighs. She pulled down her dress to cover her thighs and giggled at me.

I was unable to restrain myself and I prowled over her. She stretched out her left hand to the bed switch and switched off the light.

We again were surrounded by the blanket of darkness, only the faint light of the moonshine flooded the room.

In the faint moonlight the tip of her nose glistened. I put my arms on both side of her body and pulled my lower part of my body over hers. She pressed her limbs together so as not to give much access to me to place my legs between hers. I stooped down on her face; her arms came up around my neck pulling me on her lips. She crossed her lips over mine and gave the sweetest kiss ever. Chik! This was the sweetest kiss because I was drinking her nectar after two long months. Slowly she parted her legs giving access to my lower anatomy to perch between her supple thighs and slender limbs. Without breaking the kiss she fumbled for the bedcover again and wrapped that huge piece of cloth over our entwined body.

Each pores of our ignited anatomy, flared up as we gradually stepped down the deep ocean and mingled ourselves in the potion of desire. That night we melted ourselves in our sweetest love ever. Trotting in leisurely through the green pastures and delaying our passion to our farthest. Stride each step very amorously one after another in the Garden of Eden. This time the halo of passion was brightest as ever.

Only one regret remained in my heart after our love that I was still to devour my EVE to her fullest and drink her beauty to my heart’s content.


Arunima Roy Chowdhury

Well-Known Member
Chapter 5.1: Exploring Lahul Spiti


According to my master stoke planning; we both measured each inch before we took step further.

Paree called Kalyani and Rani and explained them the plan. They agreed for the vacation as they still don’t have any child so far so they can easily go with us.

Next thing Paree did was to call Bannerjee uncle to our house. During the meeting I was not present as per our earlier planning. I went away on the pretext of going to a friend’s house. Later on I came to know that Paree has managed to convince Bannerjee uncle to let Debi to go along with her and her friends. Both dad and Bannerjee uncle asked me to accompany the ladies as they didn’t know Paree’s friends. Everything was falling according to our well calculated program.

This time I planned to go beyond the place I left in last trip. I wanted to cover the whole Lahul Spiti valley. I told Paree to say that the trip would be of twelve to fourteen days. It was planned that we will start on Sunday of second week of June.

This time I explored the whole Buddhist Tribal belt of Himachal Pradesh. I studied books and maps so as not to leave any stone unturned in this trip. I planned my trip as following, New Delhi to Kalka to Kalpa, Recong-Peo via Sarhan taking the same detour as earlier, then to Nako to Kaza via Tabo, then to Manali via Kunzum Pass and Rohtang Pass and come back via Mandi to Swarghat to Chandigarh. I chalked out an extensive plan and told Paree to explain all these to Dipankar, so as when our parents will ask for the trip they can answer at least as where they are going. Because the tour program was arranged by Kalyani and Dipankar, that was the picture Paree painted before our parents.

My sweet Paree has very great ability to convince people. I love to kiss her time and again, whenever I felt.

Debi’s health was better after taking those medicines but she has not talked with anyone after Sarmishta’s demise. That was the main concern for everyone. She just nodded her head and obeyed to everyone. Her facial expression has not changed.

I called up my old buddy in New Delhi, Suprotim Da.

---“Hi, brother how are you doing?”

---“After a long time you called, you rascal. You only remember when there is something to do. So now what are you planning? This time I warn you, that if you leave Delhi without meeting me then I will not talk to you anymore.”

---“Aree baba, why are you getting so angry. See we are going, a group of seven to the Himachal. So I need you to arrange a tempo trax probably. This time is different from the old one. This time I had a friend who is bit shaky.”

I explained him the problem of Debi.


He told me to give him some time, so that he can arrange for the transportation.

It was arranged that Debi, Paree and I will be going via flight to Delhi, and Kalyani and her group will arrive Delhi via Rajdhani express.

Suprotim Da called after three days.

---“Hi, brother can you accommodate two extra persons in your group of seven?”

---“Who is going?”

---“I will be going along with my girlfriend.”

I was surprised to hear that Suprotim Da has finally found his love.

---“Oh! Sure brother why not. So you have at last found your batting pitch to play test match? Is she sexy as you wanted?”

---“You swine, why don’t you bat on your own pitch.”

---“Come on, bro, just chill.”

---“I have arranged a Toyota Innova and my Tata Safari is there. We will have two drivers. You already know about Balwinder and there will be another driver. But I want that I and you will go in my Safari and rest will go in Innova. You also know driving and I also know driving. I want to enjoy the driving in hills. I have not gone to the places that you are telling and Ritika is very much excited about the trip and also to meet your girlfriend.”

---“Hmmmm…. So the damsel’s name is Ritika? She must be rose of your heart bro?”

---“Come and see. If you make any comments then I will cut your prick then and there, swine.”

---“Oh! Bro is so possessive from now on.”

---“Leave that, when are you coming?”

---“Next Sunday we are boarding the morning flight. Indian Airlines, IC – 264.”

Bags packed in total, with dry foods, gloves, goggles and several essentials. Heavy winter clothes were also packed, although it was summer in Kolkata and New Delhi but it could be cold in the hills and the place we were going could be cooler than the lower hills. I requested Paree to take her jeans; at first she was unwilling to pack her jeans but after much of coaxing she packed. In mean time Paree went to Debi’s house to pack her bags also. She told me that there was no change still in Debi. She asked me as how was I going to heal Debi. I told her that I didn’t plan yet for that, but somehow if she mixes up with different sorts of people then she might open up and she might feel better in a new place.

Dad and Bannerjee uncle pulled all resources to make our trip memorable, without even the slightest hint as what was happening behind the veil. They upgraded all the three tickets to executive class.

Finally the day arrived for our departure. The boarding time arrived. We got 3A, 3C and 3D seat. All four; my mom and dad and Bannerjee uncle and aunt came to see off at the airport.

All the time Debi kept with herself only. I was unable to look at her cold expressionless face. Her mom and my mom both were in tears, as if we were going forever. Bannerjee uncle again reminded me to bring her back. This time I smiled inside, but assured him that Debi will be alright when she returns.

Debi and Paree sat on one side of the aisle. Debi took the window seat and Paree sat next to her at the aisle. It was first time for Paree to be on flight and that also in business class, she was little excited but same time she was also concerned about Debi. I sat on the seat in the same row at the aisle. Out of twenty seats only seven was filled up, rest were vacant. The window seat next to mine was also vacant.

The engines roared and the flight took off the runway.

Debi sat silently looking outside the window, with her chin resting on her left palm and elbow resting on the hand rest. She wore a long skirt and a simple t-shirt and a stroll around her neck. Paree was looking fabulous in her peacock green salwar kurta.

The breakfast was served. Paree looked at me in queer eyes as why they have given so many things to eat. I told her that, Honey you are flying in a business class.

Paree looked at Debi who was still looking outside the window. She nudged Debi by her shoulder and asked her to take breakfast. Debi turned her face slowly to Paree and looked at her face blankly. I forgot to take my breakfast and was looking at them. Paree saw her expressionless eyes staring at her from such a close distance that her eyes glistened with tears. She tore a piece of bread and smeared with butter and brought that piece of bread to her lips. Debi gently opened her lips and took the piece of bread. Constantly she was looking at Paree with a blank stare, while Paree was looking into her eyes and tore the next piece of bread.


All of a sudden Debi’s lips quivered. After a long time she spoke up.

---“Suchi Di, I am feeling cold. (Suchi Di, Thanda Lagchyee.)”

Those three letter poured honey to Paree’s and my ears. Paree bit her lower lips as her eyes got flooded, trying to control her tears deeply emerging from her loving heart. She looked at me. My sight was also hazed and I asked for a blanket from the airhostess.

Paree folded the arm rest dividing their seats and put her left arm around Debi and pressed her face on her bosom. Debi looked at her deluged eyes and again she said the same words --- “Suchi Di, I am feeling very cold.”

Paree placed her right palm on Debi’s left cheek and said to her --- “I am here, Debi. You won’t feel cold anymore.”

I stood up and wrapped the blanket around Debi. Paree held her tightly in her embrace. Debi hid her face over Paree’s bosom as her eyes got wet gradually and large drops of tears rolled down her cheeks. Slowly Debi’s back started to heave, I sensed that at last all the pain were flooding out of her stone cold heart in the form of tears. She cried and cried and cried at last, soaking Paree’s chest.

Paree looked at me and gestured to finish my breakfast.

I asked her ---“Say something to her.”

---“Let her cry. Let all the pain hidden deep inside her, to flow out. This will make her relieved. She will be fine. Debanjana who boarded the plane from Kolkata will be a different Debanjana who will be landing at Delhi.”

Debi cried and cried and at last she fell asleep in the arms of Paree. She was gently combing her hairs and patting her cheeks, while Debi slept like a baby in Paree’s arms.

The flight landed with a jerk on the runway of New Delhi airport. As the flight came to halt, Debi opened her eyes and looked at Paree. She smiled at Paree; the cheeks of Debi bore the dried up trail of her tears. Paree took her face between her palms and controlled her tears and smiled at her. She wiped the dried trails over Debi’s cheek with her soft thumb and kissed Debi’s forehead. I stood up to take out the handbags out of the over head trunk. Both the ladies stood up behind me.

Debi touched my shoulder, I looked back. Her lips quivered a bit and she spoke to me at last ---“Aii, Bihari, where are we going?” At last my divine deity spoke to me. I was just could not express what I felt that time. I felt that as if found the priceless gem that I lost some time ago.

I turned towards her and crushed her in my arms and pressed my lips on her head. Paree rubbed my back gently to console us.

Debi was smiling again. Both the ladies were coming to their old terms again. I was happy to find that Debi has regained her lost composure. The two girls were chatting and giggling just like old days. I told them to call their home while I collect luggage from the conveyer belt. Paree looked at me and asked as what she will tell if Bannerjee uncle asks about me. I told her that to tell Bannerjee uncle that I will call him later on.

I was standing at the conveyer belt to collect the luggage and at the same time I kept a keen eye on both the girls so as they don’t get lost in this crowd and new place. After sometime they went away to the restroom. I waited for their arrival.

When they came out, I asked Paree as what has happened. She told me that she has called dad and informed that we have arrived safely New Delhi safely. Debi was holding Paree’s hand, same as before. Her lost smile has comeback. I asked Debi as what has she spoken to her dad.

She smiled at me and said --- “What have you both told my parents, I don’t know. But they were all very happy and were asking for you. Suchi Di talked with my mom also.”

---“Ok can we move now? Rajdhani Express might have arrived at New Delhi railway station. We have to check for Suprotim Da.”

As we walked out Debi asked Paree as where were we going? Paree told her the whole story, on hearing everything her eyes became big with utter surprise. She asked how all we managed to do all this.

Paree pointed her finger to me and said --- “My sweet baby prince did all these planning.”

Debi came near me and looked into my eyes and said in a calm sweet voice---“You did all these for me only?”

I smiled and joked ---“No, not at all. I had to fulfill three promises I made to three persons and I planned this.”

Paree smiled at me and winched her lips. Debi wiped the corner of her eyes with her index finger.

I found Suprotim Da waiting outside with a beautiful lady, clad in white jeans and grey top. The way she has dressed, it was easy for anyone to have a perfect measurement of her alluring anatomy.


Probably this was the fashion of New Delhi girls, I thought. Well shaped anatomy with proper shapes and sizes. Bit wide in hips and slightly heavy bottoms made her figure more luscious and inviting. Her hairs were of short length and coloured in grey tint, tied in a pony tail. Her facial composure was not sharp but alluring, small nose, red thin lips and dark eyebrows, eyes were not as big as Paree but very expressive. I looked at Paree and then at Ritika so as to compare the beauties. But found my Paree to be more beautiful than Ritika or probably she has already engulfed my heart and soul with her love and charms.

Both Paree and Debi looked at Suprotim Da as he came forward and shook my hand. He was bit confused on seeing two ladies along with me.

---“Who is Suchismita among you?”

Both the girls looked at each other and smiled at him. I approached the lady who was standing just behind Suprotim Da.

---“Hi, I am Abhimanyu Talukdar and you must be Ritika Chaturvedi.”

Ritika smiled at me and said --- “I know who you are. I have already heard stories about your hostels and all. Last time when you came to Delhi then you didn’t meet him. He has told me that you took a lonely trip to a secluded place along with your girlfriend. You are not courageous but very bold also. Now tell me who Suchismita is among these two ladies?”

---“Take a guess but has to be a single guess.”

Ritika pointed to Paree and said that ---“The lady standing in peacock green salwar is your Suchismita.”

Ritika smiled at me and approached to Paree and shook her hand. All three ladies got acquainted among themselves. At first there was bit of language problem but all knows that birds of feather flocks together. Debi was again smiling and laughing.

Suprotim Da looked at me as a looser as he could not recognize Paree.

We all boarded his Safari and started for his house at C.R. Park. Suprotim Da was driving the SUV and all three ladies sat in the middle row.

He asked me ---“Hey brother, when do you plan to start from New Delhi?”

I asked him ---“Hey have you sent someone to New Delhi Railway station to pick up Kalyani and her group?”

Paree looked at me in horror as she totally forgot about them.

---“Yes yes, Balwinder has gone with Innova and he will find them. He has got a placard with the name of Dipankar.”

---“I wanted to start from New Delhi at noon, but now I think I should get some tents also.”

---“Rascal, why didn’t you told me this before? Now how come we can start at noon?”

---“We will start at night. We will keep all these five ladies at your house and let them take rest.”

---“Alright, but why so sudden plan for camping?”

---“While we boarded the flight, Debi’s condition was not like what you are seeing now. After she regained her composure I thought that camping will be a good option in those hills.”

---“No one knows about camping here.”

Both Paree and Ritika yelled at me --- “What is this; you have not told us before about camping and now a sudden change of plan.”

---“Ladies, if there is no adventure in trip then the trip becomes boring.”

Ritika asked Paree as where we were going.

Paree explained the whole itinerary and as she has already gone till Nako, she was all praises of the place. Both the ladies, Debi and Ritika got excited on hearing about the place and our itinerary.

As we reached C.R. Park house, we found Kalyani, Dipankar, Rani, and Ramanuj has already arrived.

On seeing them Paree got down from the car and ran towards her friends. Balwinder expressed his courtesy on seeing Paree. After sometime all the five ladies mixed up easily and they were like a flock of birds chirping like anything. I introduced Suprotim Da with Dipankar and Ramanuj.

Suprotim Da asked Dipankar and Ramanuj to stay at home and take rest while I and he go for searching for the tent and other accessories.

We were on the road again after lunch. It took about three hours to search and arrange for tents and other accessories. We took two large four persons tent and one two person’s tent on hire. Sleeping bags and other materials like mats and ropes were also hired. We packed all those on the top carrier of the SUV and started back for home.


I said to him ---“Hey bro, I have to buy some packets of condom and cigarettes.”

He was surprised ---“You haven’t bought those yet?”

---“In all these problems I forgot to buy those.”

He laughed at me and said ---“Borrow from me, dude.”

I laughed at him ---“In the middle of the trip if the stock gets exhausted then we both will have to face the music of nine months dude.”

---“Your girlfriend is really beautiful and your friend is sweet.”

---“Don’t try to eye on anyone of them, both the ladies are engaged.”

---“I am just complimenting the beauty, you fat prick.”

---“So how you met Ritika?”

He told me his part of story. There was a technical convention at a five star hotel in Nehru Place; there he met Ritika who was a part of the event management over there. And after three months of courtship they were now together.

We bought our stocks of medicines and precautions.

As we reached his house, it was about five o’clock in the evening and sun was pouring hot overhead.

Most of the girls have changed their dresses to get comfortable. Most exciting was of Ritika which turned Dipankar and Ramanuj’s head, as they were basically from small town around Kolkata. They were looking at the exposed wheatish calves and exposed arms of Ritika as she wore a sleeveless white vest and a light pink coloured slacks. The fabric seemed to be as coat of paint on her luscious protruding bottoms. I looked at Suprotim Da and winked at him. He understood my gesture. Paree looked at me with bit annoying eyes as she sensed that I was looking at the deep panty lining on Ritika’s supple bottom cheeks, which was clearly visible from a mile distance. Paree also looked at the eyes of Dipankar and Ramanuj who were finding it hard to stay in the room and were frequently changing their sitting posture, probably to fit the stiffness growing inside. Paree nodded her head in dismay and took away Ritika and all other ladies to another room.

I and Suprotim Da sat down to revise the itinerary once again. I asked Paree to call all ladies to join us. I saw Ritika has changed to jeans.

Suprotim Da asked --- “Who is going to be the team leader?”

All eyes looked at me. I bowed my head to accept the honour. Then it was the time to fix a cashier. All eyes turned to Paree. She nodded her head violently --- “No, no, no…. I can’t be the cashier.”

Suprotim Da joked ---“Every king has his queen by his side always, so why are you denying this? Later on you have to take seven steps in front of fire during your wedding.”

She blushed red as on hearing such admiration from Suprotim Da. Ritika came to rescue Paree and softly scolded him.

I told that ---“Ok, guys. Kalyani and her troupe will be going in Innova and in Suprotim Da’s car rest will be going. SupuBhai and I will be driving the SUV while you will have two drivers at your disposal.”

Debi looked at me surprisingly ---“Do you know driving also? I didn’t know that.”

Paree told that I drove the SUV last time we went for the tour.

I asked Dipankar ---“Do you both booze or just milk and water?”

Both of the guys looked at their wives. Kalyani eyes were about to burst on Dipankar. Both of them nodded their head to express that they don’t booze.

Suprotim Da joked ---“Why are you looking at them, brother. Just chill.” Then he looked at me and asked “where are the bottles? We have to buy them also?”

I nodded my head that yes we have to buy those also.

Suprotim Da shouted at me ---“Bloody swine, can’t you say all the things you want, in a single go?”

Debi looked at me and asked ---“When did you start drinking?”

Paree laughed and told her the story during Subroto’s wedding. They all laughed at me.

Suprotim Da said that we would buy drinks while on the way or at Ambala.

The jokes continued to flow as usual. Suprotim Da and I took a can of beer and were sipping, while the rest of the flock sipped cold drinks. Time was passing very fast.


After sometime Paree called me outside and asked me ---“Are you sure that when you return you will be able to explain all the matters to Bannerjee uncle, Babu and ChotoMa?”

I felt a choking fear in her voice and touched her shoulders. She looked at me and wrapped her arms around me and placed her head on my chest. “I have a deep fear brewing sometime in some dark corner of my heart. I don’t know what that is.”

I pressed my lips on her head and crushed her in my arms ---“Nothing will happen. Everything will be alright.”

Kalyani and Debi both came out to check as what we were doing outside and they found ourselves in a tight embrace. On seeing them we dislodged ourselves from warm hug, Paree wiped the corner of her eyes with her fingers and smiled at Debi. Debi winched her eyebrows as to ask her as what happened. Paree nodded her head and said that it was nothing.

---“It has to be something, if not something then why are your eyes are hazy?”

I told Debi as nothing has happened; she should enjoy this trip to her heart’s content.

We started from New Delhi at about nine o’clock in the night. Everyone has changed to comfortable dresses to cope with summer and long journey. Paree, Kalyani and Rani were wearing loose salwars and kurta. Debi wore a long skirt and a shirt and like always a stroll around her neck. It was again Ritika who turned heads of all. She wore a Bermuda and a half sleeve vest. Bermuda was below her knees this time so her calves were only visible, but her protruding bust caught our kind attention. I and Suprotim Da were in shorts and t-shirt only.

On the way before leaving Delhi, five crates of beer and five bottles of White Mischief, vodka was packed. Driver Amzad was driving the SUV. In the second row Ritika and Debi was seated. Paree told me that she wants to go in the Innova for this night so as Kalyani and Rani should not feel to be left out. I nodded my head. Balwinder was driving the Innova as per Paree’s insistence as she said that she feels comfortable in Balwinder’s driving. Suprotim Da and I were seated in the back seat of the car enjoying a can of beer and joking with ourselves.

Ritika was also enjoying our jokes. Debi sat silently and only listening to our talks and all, she seldom answered or said something. Car raced out of New Delhi and was cutting through the highway. Innova was in front of our car.

Gradually we felt tipsy and sleepy. I asked to stop the car after few hours to have a smoke. We both got down for smoking.

Debi also came out of the car and asked ---“I am feeling sleepy. Can I go to that Innova, please?”

I asked her in queer eyes as why she wants to go in Innova?

She looked at me and said ---“I am not feeling well, so I want to go to Suchi Di.”

A deep breath exhaled from my chest on hearing that and looked into her bit hazy eyes --- “Ok I will ask her to come here in this car.”

I asked Amzad to drive fast so as to catch the Innova. He drove and we were again ahead of that car. He signed to Balwinder to stop the car. As I went to their car, Paree asked me as what has happened.

---“Come to our car and handle Debi. She is again feeling perturbed. I will kill you next time you leave me in that situation.”

Paree came to our car and asked to Debi as what has happened. Her eyes were again bit foggy and Paree sensed that her mind was filled up with memoirs of her sister.

Our car started again and I asked Amzad and Balwinder to go directly to Chail and not to Kalka. Paree took Debi in her arms and she slept quietly after sometime. I and Suprotim Da sat in the back seat of the car and slept.

At about morning ten o’clock we reached Chail and took two rooms to freshen up ourselves. As both the drivers were tired so it was discussed that we will start from Chail only after lunch.

The girls got one room to freshen up themselves and we boys took another. The weather in Chail was pleasant. Chail is a beautiful small hill station of Himachal Pradesh, surrounded by pine, cedar and apple trees. There was greenery all around. The road to Chail was a detour from Kandaghat; the road was a narrow trail between the high trees.

We finished our lunch and started again. This time I was driving the SUV. Paree sat beside me, while Ritika, Suprotim Da and Debi were in the middle row.

Paree was all praises of the place and everyone was hearing her praises about the hills. She was talking as if she comes here every year. She explained the roads so aptly as if she walks on those roads every day.

She asked me---“Shall we stop at the bank of Satluj River this time?”


---“No, we won’t. It will be late for Kalpa or Recong Peo if we stop.”

---“Will we be going to, BhimaKali temple this time?”

---“How can we Paree? Time is short.”

---“We have so much time in our hand this time, so why don’t we stay at Chitkul for tonight”

I screamed at her as I was driving the car downhill after Narkanda ---“Do you want to quarrel like the last time?”

Paree laughed at me and said tapping my cheeks ---“No this time I am not going to say anything to you. But I don’t guarantee about others, Honey.”

Suprotim Da said ---“Are we going to Chitkul, bro?”

Paree answered ---“Definitely, we have lots of time so we can easily spend two nights in Chitkul and then we move forward.”

Ritika and Suprotim Da both said in a joint voice ---“That was not in the list or itinerary then how come we can go?”

Paree looked back and danced her eyebrows and smiled naughtily at Suprotim Da ---“You told us that if there is no adventure in the trip then it becomes boring. Going to unknown and totally different place is what adventure is.”

Debi asked ---“Why did you two had quarrel at Chitkul?”

She answered naughtily ---“Wait and watch baby. The time we reach Chitkul you all will come to know about the place.” She winked at me and smiled sweetly.

The smile all most killed me as it reminded me that bitter fight we had there.

At Jeori we had to stop for filling the gas tanks. All came down from their cars to take a break from the long journey.

They were looking at the green hills surrounding us. The Satluj River was flowing at the side of the highway. The highway was bit better than the last time, I felt.

As Paree was the cashier so she went with Suprotim Da to pay the price of the gas. Debi and Ritika both came to me asked ---“Are we really going to this place named Chitkul?”

I joked at them ---“Why are you asking me? Don’t you know that human beings are the most dangerous living things on this planet and among them females are the venomous?”

Paree came back and pointed to the road that was climbing up the hill on the right side.

---“There on the top of the hill, there is BhimaKali temple. But we won’t be able to visit that because of time.”

Suprotim Da asked Paree as by what time we will reach Chitkul? Paree looked at me as if she asked me as when we will reach. I figured out that it will take about more five hours from Jeori to reach Chitkul that means we will probably reach by night eight same as that day.

---“Paree, you do remember about the condition of the road, dear. Why are you dragging all the people to Chitkul even after knowing the condition of the road?”

She came very near to me and looked deep into my eyes. Her face was so near that I could feel her warm breath all over my chin and nose. Her sweet red luscious lips were just inches from mine and whispered with honey soaked voice ---“Won’t you keep my word, honey?”

No one can deny that temptation. I smiled at her ---“This is blackmail…”

As I was about to stoop down to steal a small peck, she shouted to all of the pack present ---“We are going to Chitkul, finally.” And she smiled at me playfully as if saying to me “You have to wait till night for my lips” and went to the car. I searched for the telephone number of the manager of the hotel in Chitkul and called him to arrange five rooms. He said that he will be booking five rooms for us and he also asked that for dinner what we want to have. I asked the pack as what do they want to have for dinner? All were astonished to hear about dinner at four in the evening.

Paree told them that, by the time we would reach Chitkul it would be night fall and everyone would be very tired. We again started our journey after informing the manager that we would have chicken curry and rice and breads.

By the time our cars reached Rackham Bridge, it was sundown. I looked at Paree and she smiled at me. This time I saw no fear in her eyes, just a glow of mischievous smile. She was enjoying the trip more than anyone else as she knew these roads.

Debi asked to stop the car as she saw two rivers joining under the barrage.


All of us got down from our cars and enjoyed the beauty. The sun was setting down between the high hills on the west. It would be dark anytime soon.

All the girls and both the husbands were busy in devouring the beauty of the nature. Suprotim Da came to me and asked me whether I was tired or not. I told him jokingly that till I have my Paree at my side I am not tired.

He slapped on the back of my head and said ---“That means tonight one packet of condom will get exhausted.”

---“Bro don’t tell me that you will just shag tonight in bathroom, you are also going to enjoy the warmth.”

We both laughed out and lit two cigarettes.

Balwinder came to me and asked whether I would be able to drive on this road as it was getting dark. I assured him that I would be able to carry on.

I started the SUV and we started to climb the narrow dark hilly road for Chitkul. Now Paree went on the middle row, Debi sat between Paree and Ritika and Suprotim Da was sitting beside me. I already switched on the headlamp and was driving very cautiously on that graveled road. Debi and Ritika was looking with fearful eyes as there were several blind curves on that road and it was growing narrow with each passing kilometer. They both looked at Paree and asked that whether we were going on the correct path or not, she just smiled at them and assured them that we were on the correct path. On the rearview mirror I saw that Debi has clutched Paree’s hand very hard and her eyes were filled with some fear and tension. Paree was enjoying the tension and as when our eyes met via the reflection she winked at me.

The time we reached Chitkul it was about eight thirty in the night. We drove directly to the hotel. All the guys and girls entered the hotel. The manager recognized us and greeted us. He told us that the dinner was ready and to inform him as when we want our dinner so that the bread could be served hot.

Everyone was talking about the seclusion and how dangerous the place could be as they could not see a single light. Kalyani and Rani came to me and asked me that whether we have come to right place or not. Paree was talking to the Manager as to settle the room details and the tariff. She overheard that and smiled back at me on seeing the tension on their face. It was very dark outside. The smile reminded me the first night and the morning after. My eyes twinkled and said to them that we are in a very beautiful place and they will be able to devour the beauty in the morning.

The dinner was late. It was about eleven we all retired to our respective rooms. Debi has to sleep alone in a room; that was the main concern for Paree.

---“Will you be able to sleep alone?”

Debi nodded her head ---“Sure I am not a baby now.”

Paree tucked Debi on the bed and covered her with the blanket kissed her on her forehead and ruffled her scalp. We came out after we saw that Debi has closed her eyes and sensed that she might have fallen asleep.

I changed to my shorts and freshen up myself and sat on the bed with my dairy and pen, calculating all the expenses and noting down the details of the day. Paree went into the rest room with her nightdress.

After some time the door opened, she stood there at the door of the restroom and looked at me, engrossed in my calculation. She said to me ---“Remember the first night, Abhi, we had our first fight.”

I looked at her my jaw dropped. She was standing in a noodle strap pink vest fabric night dress. Although it was of full length covering till her ankles but it clanged to each curves and contours of her luscious anatomy left nothing to imagine. Her firm supple bosoms adorned with pointed peaks jutted outward, pointed towards me was beckoning me to devour them. The upper part of her gown was unable to hide her sumptuous bosoms and most of her cleavage was visible. The bulge of the upper part of her bosom shined in the dim light of the room. Soft creamy skin of her exposed shoulder and arms and upper chest was shining in the light. Her hairs were untied and her smile was full of mischief. Her eyes were glistening with naughtiness and lips were partially opened and I could see her pearl studded rows of teeth shining behind the pair of luscious lips. Her supple bosoms tapered down to narrow waist. The roundness of her soft tummy could be easily fathomed under the flimsy fabric, even the deepness of her navel was outlined on the fabric. The tubular soft thighs could be easily devoured, as she walked gently to the mirror and all the time looked at my opened mouth. The fabric could not hide her firm round soft bottoms; there was no lining of any thread under her dress which explained me that my Paree was all bare under. I felt a warm gush running in my veins and my shorts trembled unnoticed. She smiled naughtily at me on observing my staunchness growing under. She sat on the stool before the mirror. Her well shaped bottoms bulged out.


The fissure between the hind globes was now clearly visible under the flimsy fabric.

Most of her back was exposed in front of my lewd sight, devouring the aphrodisiac beauty to my brim. She was enjoying my restlessness with the corner of her eyes on the reflection of the mirror. Dimples on her rosy cheeks were beckoning me to her. She started to comb her long hairs and looked at my gaped face.

My mathematics calculation lost the battle with Paree’s geography channel.

She spoke in her nectar soaked voice ---“Are you going to burn me with your gaze only or say something?”

Her voice broke my trance ---“You are damn juicy. I am really going to die in your sweet embrace today.”

She blushed ---“Remember our first fight here in this room.” I love the sight when she blushes.

I nodded my head ---“I don’t remember the first fight, but I do remember the next morning when we lost ourselves in each other embrace.”

I moved myself to the end of the bed and sat behind her, pulled the stool on which she was sitting, between my parted legs. The sides of her spilled out soft bottoms touched my inner thighs and she could feel my muscular chest on her bare back as I pressed my upper part on her back. The soft touch of her back, smooth skin felt like butter melting on my chest.

I put my arms around her thin waist and crushed her soft tummy in my arms. Her soft belly melted on my strong arms. I pushed my face over her right shoulder, my neck pressed on her right shoulder and I rubbed her cheeks over my cheeks. Paree looked at the reflection of our embrace on the mirror and smiled sweetly, while combing her hairs that dangled over her left shoulder to her front. I looked directly into her eyes through the reflection on the mirror. Her eyes were twinkling in spurt of love.

She stooped forward to pick some lotion form the rack in front of the dressing mirror, the stoop made me to get pulled along with her and my staunch stem crushed on her buttery globes, the hot knife cut easily the huge pieces of butter. She felt my knife cutting her across and squirmed her bottoms in bit uneasiness. I looked into the mirror to observe her expression in her eyes.

She looked at me with a raunchy look in her alluring eyes and whispered ---“Why you are being so restless? Let me apply lotion and then I am yours.”

My left arm slowly grazed upwards to the fullness of her supple right orbs, the fingers touched the beneath curve of her soft firm orbs. I rubbed my cheeks roughly on her right cheek and friction made her rosy cheek turn red.

I moaned softly ---“What is the use of applying the lotion, when I will lick every inch of your soft skin?”

She hummed in a veiled disgust ---“I will not let you kiss anywhere, except my lips and face. So don’t even dream of such nasty actions, you devil.”

She felt my fingertips kneading the soft flesh of the lower curve of her right peak. I looked down on her chest, her deep cleavage exposed in front of my burning gaze. The upper part of the flimsy dress could not hide much of her plumpish beautiful orbs and those twin pointed peaks played hide and seek from the rim of the dress. The faint blue veins on the upper arcs could be observed, emerging from the centre her bosoms. I felt dizziness creeping inside my head burning me all over.

I slowly grazed my right hand on her lower belly and cupped the soft lower abdomen and pulled her more on my lap between my parted legs over my loin. Those buttery globes melted on my rigid knife. My arms were crushing her soft flesh like a bulldozer paving the liquid tar on road.

She melted easily in my arms and she forgot to apply her lotion on her arms. She closed her eyes and pushed her head back on my left shoulder. Her heaving bosoms almost spilled out of the flimsy fabric. Her arms came above her head around my neck and clasped my hairs in her clutch.

She parted her sweet lips and I saw a flame of volcano in her eyes. Nostrils flared as to take more air as her breathing increased with each firm touch and knead on my finger on her bosom and on her lower abdomen.

The light was flooding in the room. I took her right earlobe between my lips and sucked it gently. I sensed that today I would devour my EVE’s beauty to her fullest as she didn’t asked me to switch off the lights.

I lied down on the bed on my back pulling her along with me over my body. Her body arched and the fissure between her firm plump bottoms tucked my staunchness between them.

My left palm moved over her right busty bosom and cupped her flesh softly. A soft moan came out of her parted lips. The flesh melted in my grip and she trembled in excitement. My left hand fingers grazed further down over her gown and the tip of my finger touched the lower curve of her abdomen just above the juncture of her limbs.

She moaned out passionately ---“Mmmmmmm……..”


I whispered in her ears ---“Honey, do me a favour.”

---“What more favour do you ask from me?”

“I love your bare smooth armpits baby, so please shave off here also…” softly I patted on her lower abdomen.

The sentence made her stir violently in my crushing arms.

She screamed ---“Noooooo…….” as I nibbled on the juncture between the limbs.

She was rubbing her thighs gently one over the other, her own friction didn’t allow my finger to get proper access to the gateway of pleasure.

I was bursting under her.

I cooed down ---“Why no, baby?”

---“Why do you want me do those nasty things?”

---“Who told you that they are nasty?”

---“Where have you seen that people shave their ….?”

---“In magazines and films….”

---“You are just a filthy devil…. Leave me.”

She tried to get up and my arms crushed her more over me and I bucked my lower abdomen over the fissure between her supple bottoms. Her warm molten figure was burning me all over.

Just then we heard a gentle knock on the door.

Paree straightened up and asked me to loosen my embrace. She flew from my arms as I unwrapped my arms from her tender frame. My heavy boner was as the peak K2. She wrapped her dupatta around her upper torso and she threw a towel to me to hide my lower anatomy. I looked at her in disgust and she smiled at me naughtily.

I asked her ---“Who can this be at mid night, it is already twelve thirty?”

---“This can’t be Debi as I myself, put her asleep.”

I went to open the door and Paree stood behind me to look as who was there at the door.

As I opened we found to our utter surprise that Debi was standing at our door, her eyes red and deluged. Paree looked at me and pulled Debi inside.

---“What happened?”

She said to Paree in a soft crying voice ---“Can I sleep with you, Suchi Di?”

Paree smiled at me, blankly and I scratched my head.

She took Debi inside and told her to lie down on the bed and then she covered her with the blanket; then she came to me and handed a shirt and asked me to go to her room and sleep.

I asked her ---“Whether you are coming or not?”

---“Let me see as what has happened to her, I can’t say anything honey.”

Debi was looking at us, she said in a quivering voice ---“I know I am disturbing you, but then why have you brought me here along with you? You should not have brought me.”

Paree went near her and slapped her cheeks softly ---“Don’t say those to us, never.” She looked at me and said “What are you looking at, just go away.”

In bit of dismayed heart I walked out of the room and felt a deep urge to puff a cigarette along with a can of beer. I walked to the Suprotim Da’s room and knocked at his door to ask for beer can.

After sometime Suprotim Da opened his door, I saw that he was also in a same position as of mine. On seeing his dress code I laughed. He was wearing a towel covering below his waist. I peeked inside and saw that Ritika lying on the bed with the blanket covered her whole body; she clutched the end of the blanket till her neck. Her hairs were disheveled, face red and eyes glistening. I observed the boner under Suprotim Da’s towel, undulating.

I smiled at him and asked ---“Did I disturb you guys?”

He screamed at me ---“B****C****, you knock in the middle of night at one o’clock and ask whether you have disturbed us or not. What do you want?”

Ritika laughed as she heard him call me B****C****.

I scratched my head ---“Sorry dude but…”

---“But what, do you need condom… now …”

It was now my turn to say him B****C**** ---“Give me a can of beer…”

---“Beer crate is in the back of the car.”


---“Then give me the car keys.”

---“The car keys are with Balwinder, now go you bastard and let us sleep.”

I smiled at Ritika and winked at her ---“He is surely not going to let you sleep.”

Ritika on hearing such words from my mouth blushed red and hid her face under the blanket.

---“B****C****, why don’t you just go away, now.”

I took the car keys from Balwinder and took a can of beer and retired into the room puffing a cigarette and drinking the beer. Time flew by and I waited that Paree might come to me. But when she didn’t come even after a long time, I went to check as what has happened; I found that the door was ajar, so I gently pushed open the door to see as what the two ladies were doing.

I saw that Debi was asleep under one blanket and Paree under another. Debi has clutched the gown of Paree so tightly that no one could free the fabric from her clutch. Paree’s arms were around Debi, pressed her head on her bosom and both the ladies were sleeping peacefully. Debi was sleeping like a baby in the arms of Paree. I thought it would not be wise to disturb them. I stooped down to kiss Paree’s cheeks and gently ruffled Debi’s head and pulled the door behind me and went to the room to sleep.

Most of the next day, team spend in devouring the beauty of nature of Chitkul. On the breakfast table Kalyani and Ritika asked me as how I knew about this place. I told them that I read the maps and books before I visited the place.

Debi said in a veiled anger in her voice ---“That was not courageous to bring Suchi Di here. This is a total secluded out of world place. What you did was insanity.”

Paree smiled at me and said to all of them ---“Yes, that was the reason we had our first fight on the first night.”

I teased Paree with my next sentence ---“And what happened on the next morning, dear?”

She blushed crimson in immense shyness, she slapped my arms. Everyone understood as what would have happened the next morning.

Ritika teased Paree more ---“Yes, yes we all want to hear as what happened the next morning…”

“See, now handle them…” came the answer from Paree.

I winked at Ritika and said playfully ---“The same thing happened what you were doing last night.”

Now it was turn for Ritika to turn red in shame. She looked down on her plate as if she was trying to find some place to hide herself.

After breakfast, Paree acted as the guide of Chitkul, all the ladies went by the side of the river Beas to enjoy the beauty. We gents stayed back in the hotel. We all sat in the courtyard and enjoying simple chatting and puffing cigarette.

Suprotim Da and Dipankar asked me as what was the next place we were going to? I explained the next plan was to go to Nako directly and for that next day we had to wake up early in the morning so that we could reach Nako before night fall.

We could see the bank of the river from the courtyard, the ladies were enjoying very much on the bank of the torrent mountain river.

They returned late from the bank and all of them were heavily praising Paree and me for bringing them in such a beautiful place. The lunch was sumptuous.

During lunch Paree said to me ---“Summers in hills are greener than winter. I am really grateful to you that you showed me the both the colours of Mother Nature.”

---“It was all for you honey, if it was not your invisible letter then we could not even come to this place.”

Debi asked queerly ---“What invisible letter?”

I told them how we first planned to come in this place. I told them that my would-be-wife should be a spy rather than being in a teaching profession and I told them how she wrote the invisible letter.

All of us rested a while after lunch. In the evening after the sundown, the manager asked me that whether we would like to enjoy a bonfire or not. Paree’s and Ritika’s eyes twinkled as they heard of bonfire. Both the girls jumped as they heard about that.

All of us enjoyed the bonfire to its fullest. Paree sat on a chair and I sat on the ground at the feet of Paree, resting my head on her lap. She combed my hairs with her thin finger as we were enjoying the beautiful night. Debi sat on the left side of Paree and Ritika on the right side. Suprotim Da also sat on the ground just like me at the feet of his Damsel. I observed Debi coming back to life gradually. While I was observing her smiling face intently, Paree looked at my eyes and followed the line of sight.


Arunima Roy Chowdhury

Well-Known Member

Chapter 5.2: Exploring Lahul Spiti

She asked me as what happened ---“She is happy now. It will take some time to heal and she will regain herself.”

I rubbed my face on her lap ---“I am really thankful to you.”

---“Why thank you? If it is your pain then it is my pain also.”

I whispered ---“So, tonight we are going to celebrate?”

She ruffled my hair with her thin soft fingers ---“No honey. She is still shaken. At least not now, she needs me more than you.”

Debi overheard our conversation and looked at us ---“What are you two talking?”

Paree playfully slapped Debi’s cheeks and said ---“Nothing. You enjoy yourself, we are just coming.”

She pulled me inside the hotel, while in the lobby she said to me ---“Yesterday night she dreamt of Sharmi calling her. That’s the reason she could not sleep and she cried for a long time. She clutched me like a baby as if she doesn’t want to let me go. I had to comfort her for a long time, before she could sleep again. In this case how I can leave her alone, you tell me.”

I looked at Paree; her face was beaming with motherly love, full of compassion.

We had to start early in the morning so everyone retired early to their rooms. After dinner Paree and Debi both went into our room. Before she closed the door behind her I was awarded a small peck on my cheek. She smiled sweetly at me and said ---“Honey, just bear with. She needs me more than you and I am sure you will understand this.” I looked at her and asked to my heart “Who are you? You are full of compassion and affection and at the same time you are sensuous and seductive. How come you can change your nature so well and so beautifully?”

I touched her cheeks and whispered ---“I love you, Paree.”

Paree again kissed me and said ---“Remember, you promised me that you will build a house in those mountains.”

I nodded my head to say that I remember as what I promised.

Next day we all started early; about eight in the morning so that we can enjoy the journey and sceneries’ as well. This time Suprotim Da was driving the SUV and Ritika sat beside him. One time I saw Ritika coming very near to Suprotim Da and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

I joked at Ritika ---“Ritu darling, don’t change Suprotim’s gear.”

On hearing that, Suprotim Da screamed at me ---“B****C****, keep your foul mouth shut.”

On hearing B***C**** from Suprotim Da’s lips, Paree could not believe her ears. She gave me a bewilder look. Paree never uses foul language, even in her wildest dream she doesn’t use such words.

On the other side, Ritika’s ears were turned red and she looked outside. Debi was smiling at all of us.

We had to stop at Powari to fill the diesel. The Innova was in front of us.

After we passed Recong Peo, the hills started to change its colour and texture. Till now we saw green hills around us. After crossing a bridge after Peo, the hills were barren and coarse. Instead of tall green trees, there were only small bushes and shrubs. Most of the hills were barren and brown in colour. Suprotim Da found it hard to drive in such condition. The roads were getting dangerous due to all stones and pebbles and boulders on the road and on the side. The Satluj River was flowing along with the road.

Paree rested her head on my shoulder and I put my arms around her waist to pull her near me. She was sitting between me and Debi.

Debi looked at me ---“Achaa, tell me one thing, you have bought fifty cans of beer and five bottles of vodka. Are you two going to drink all those during the whole journey?”

I nodded my head to say that we will be drinking all those.

She looked at me with fire in her eyes --- “Disgusting people.”

Suprotim Da heard as what Debi said ---“Oh! Shit. You just reminded us that we have to drink.”

I laughed; Paree freed herself from my embrace and started beating me.

We reached the Khab Bridge. I saw the Innova was standing there and Kalyani and Rani had already got down and were looking to the hills and the river. There were two rivers joining. Ritika shouted and asked Suprotim Da to stop the car. He already put brakes before Ritika said him to stop.


He looked at the road beyond the bridge. The cliffs were hanging precariously over the road. The Spiti River cutting through the deep ravines joined with the Satluj at Khab. The streams were fighting with each other so as who could reach the estuary before other.

I went behind the SUV to take out two cans and handed one to Suprotim Da. I saw Paree taking Ritika and Debi and her friends to the bank of the rivers. She was explaining the steepness of the road ahead. Just after the cliff ends, the road to Nako was a stiff one, cris-crossing by the side of the mountain. Suprotim Da went near Paree and asked about the road in details.

I was enjoying as how beautifully Paree was explaining the beauty of the place and the roads. Suprotim Da looked at me ---“Dude I am not going to drive from here. Either you or Balwinder had to drive.”

On his insistence I took the wheel and we climbed the cliff to reach Nako. Both the two ladies clutched Paree’s arms as we were climbing. Suprotim Da was speechless when he saw the steep climb.

He asked me ---“How you find this place? This is totally out of the world.”

In Nako, we stayed for two nights and enjoyed a lot. But for me, my nights were cold and my only bed partner was the beer can for both the days.

One evening we all sat in the courtyard of the Buddhist Monastery enjoying the sunset. Paree reminded me about the present she gave me at Nako, which was flowing in my veins. The mere thought raised goose bumps all over my body. I looked at her eyes and held her in a deep embrace and kissed all over her sweet face.

On the last night at Nako, I and Suprotim Da were walking down the road to the helipad outside Nako village. We took a bottle of vodka along with us and two glasses. As we were about to start, Ritika came running at us and asked as where we were going in this dead night. I pointed her to the sky and showed her the “Akash Ganga” Milky Way. I told her that we were going to enjoy the night sky. She insisted that she would accompany us. Paree and Debi were already in bed, so I had to be the bone or rather Ritika was bone in our vodka booze.

Except nine of us, we didn’t find any Indians at Nako. Only foreigners were all over the place. Some them on bikes some of the on cycles even.

We started on Thursday morning from Nako for Kaza. Suprotim Da was again behind the wheel. The road out of Nako was plain and good. After some time we reached the Maling Top, height of above twelve thousand feet. The hills surrounding us looked as dwarf. We saw two foreigners coming from the opposite side on bicycle. Suprotim Da stopped them and asked as from where they were coming. They said that they were coming from a small village named Ghui. They said that the village was a very beautiful one, between the lap of high mountain peaks and cliffs and a small stream flowing by the side. All the ladies screamed that they want to goto Ghui. I took out the map and looked for the narrow line pointing to Ghui.

Suprotim Da said ---“Ok guys we are going to Ghui and after that to Kaza.”

Ritika hugged her prince tightly and kissed his lips ---“Thank you.”

Just as we started from the Maling point, we found a huge stream flowing over the road. We all froze to death.

Suprotim Da stopped the car and told to me ---“Dude this is impossible. A huge stream flowing on the road and that also above twelve thousand feet!! See the ravine on one side and the boulders on the other. I am not going to drive.”

All the three ladies panicked on seeing the stream. Debi shrieked ---“I am not going beyond this. I want to return from here.”

Paree scolded Debi softly ---“Don’t think of that when we are all here.”

She ordered me to take the wheel ---“Abhi, drive the car.”

Although I took the wheel, but I was also having beads of tension on my forehead.

Ritika said ---“We don’t want to be in the car, he will be more tensed if we stay in the car. It is better we cross the stream on foot and he drives cautiously.”

The Innova was waiting behind us to pass. Amzad came to me and asked whether I would be able to drive or not. I nodded and said I would drive. Except me and Balwinder everyone got down from the cars and crossed the torrential stream flowing over the road.

My heart was beating like a huge drum as I changed the gear to the first and very slowly crossed the river. After crossing I let out a deep exhale out of my chest. Most daring driving till date, I told to myself. Paree opened the passenger seat door and climbed into the car and hugged me and crushed me in her arms

---“My bold baby prince.”


We started again; we were then climbing down the hill.

Debi exclaimed ---“I will not come here again in my life. This is enough for me. This place is too dangerous, with no proper roads and streams flowing over the roads.”

Ritika said to Suprotim Da ---“We will spend our honeymoon here, honey.”

Paree joked to Ritika ---“Are you not spending your honeymoon now or what?”

All of us laughed at Ritika’s blushing state.

The road to Ghui was too narrow, only one car can pass. On one side there were very high hills and on another there was a very thin hilly stream flowing or rather say dancing its way above boulders and stones. We reached Ghui hamlet at about one o’clock in the noon. It was a very beautiful small village between two mountains. A boy came running to us as he saw our car entered the village. He asked us that whether we came to see the mummy or not. We all were baffled on hearing his words, and looked at each other’s face.

Suprotim Da got down from the car and asked the boy as what he was talking about.

The boy informed that at the end of the village there is a small temple. In that temple there is a mummy of a Tibetian monk of about six hundred years old naturally preserved. We all got curious on hearing that, Dipankar also got down from Innova and asked Suprotim Da as what has happened. He told him about the mummy. We all were anxious to see the mummy.

It was really a mummy of a Tibetian monk, naturally preserved, sat in a squatting posture with his legs bend knees pressing on his chest. White and yellow silk cloth wrapped around his body, eyes poked out. We all were flabbergasted on seeing that mummy, it was a miracle.

We stayed there for some time and enjoyed the beauty of the nature.

I asked Balwinder to drive our car and Amzad to drive Innova from here.

All ladies screamed out except Debi ---“We want to stay here today, we are not going anywhere.”

Dipankar and Suprotim Da tried to convince them that Ghui was even smaller than Chitkul and there were no shops or eateries in Ghui.

Paree looked at me and said ---“Do you have to say? We are staying here.”

I asked the boy whether there were any hotels in Ghui or not. The boy answered that there is not even a single shop here.

Kalyani yelled out at Dipankar ---“Then why have you brought those tents? Just for show?”

He looked at me helplessly as it was not his idea to bring the tents.

Debi came near me and asked me softly ---“Please, Abhi. See all the ladies want to spend the night here so please don’t deny them.”

I scratched my head and answered that we would be staying that night in tents.

Ritika yelled at us ---“Oh….. When your wives were begging to stay then you were not paying any attention and just when a sister asked, you easily complied with that?”

Paree handed two hundred rupees to that boy and asked him to help us find some place for camping and bring some firewood for night.

We males somehow erected the tents on the other side of the stream and we enjoyed the whole day in Ghui, roaming on the boulders and stones. The ladies played with the ice cold water.

After nightfall we lit a fire with the fire woods and we all sat around that under open sky. It was first time for us; the experience was breathtaking to stay in tents and under the open sky. I was having the best time of my life, I had my Damsel along with me and also I found life back in my Goddess.

We were sitting on the ground; I leaned over on Paree and was sipping the vodka slowly. Debi was just opposite to us on the other side of the fire. We all four couples were very much enjoying the clear sky and the cold night at a height of about eleven thousand feet.

Ritika said ---“Why don’t we sing some songs.”

I said to her ---“My damsel has got a voice of Koel. She will sing first.”

Paree nodded her head ---“No, no, no I am not going to sing any songs, the villagers will then come running at us if I start to sing.”

Kalyani ---“Don’t be so snobbish Paree. We all know how sweet you can sing.”

After much coaxing, Paree started with a Bengali song. She gently combed my hairs and looked in to my eyes deeply.


Paree sang ---“Aii Jibon Chilo Nadir Moton Goti Hara Disha Hara

Oogo Tomar Akash Duti Chokhye Ami Hoye Gechi Tara

Ooo Ami Hoye Gechi Tara…

Oogo Tomar Akash Duti Chokhye Ami Hoye Gechi Tara

Agyee Chilo Sudhu Porichoy

Poree Holo Mon Binimoy

Subho Lagnye Hoye Gelo Subho Parinay

Subho Lagnye Hoye Gelo Subho Parinay

Aaj Jakhani Daki Jani Tumi Debe Shara

Aaj Jakhani Daki Jani Tumi Debe Shara

Aii Jibon Chilo Nadir Moton Goti Hara Disha Hara

Oogo Tomar Akash Duti Chokhye Ami Hoye Gechi Tara”

(The English translation of the above song…

The life was like a river, without any life and without any meaning

In your sky like deep eyes I reformed myself like small stars

It was only acquaintance before hand

Then we gave our mind and soul to each other

On an auspicious moment our hands met for ever

Whenever I call you I know in deep of my heart

That you will surely answer to my call.)

There was a huge round of applause from all the team members. I hugged her tightly and placed my lips on hers and kissed her deeply.

Ritika looked at Suprotim Da and asked ---“I could only understand Jibon means life, Nodi means river Akash means sky and Tara means stars… whatever she sang was very, very melodious, but what is the meaning of that song?”

Suprotim Da explained the meaning to her.

Then we all asked Debi to sing. Debi screamed out ---“No, no, I don’t know how to sing. I can’t sing.”

All were very much disheartened as because they could not force Debi much. All knew her condition. So Suprotim Da asked Ritika to sing.

Debi said ---“Ok, I will sing.”

She looked at me with her glistening eyes, I thought as what has happened to her. She was fine all day long.

She sang out

---“ Mera Chanda Hai Tu, Mera Suraj Hai Tu

Oo Meri Ankhon Ka Tara Hai Tu,

Jeeti Hoon Main Bas Tujhe Dekhakar

Is Toote Dil Ka Sahaara Hai Tu Tu…

Mera Chanda Hai Tu, Mera Suraj Hai Tu”

I clenched my jaws; my cheeks trembled, my eyes got flooded. I could not control myself on hearing those words from her lips. Somehow I wiped the corner of my eyes with my fingers. Paree hugged me tightly from behind.

---“Hey what happened? You two are such emotional fools. Smile you idiot.”

Ritika sensed that the weather was getting heavier so she sang out immediately with a vibrant mood.

---“Chhodo Sanam Kaahe Kaa Gham,

Hanste Raho Khilte Raho

Chhodo Sanam Kaahe Kaa Gham,

Hanste Raho Khilte Raho

Mit Jaayegaa Saaraa Gilaa,

Hamse Gale Milte Raho

Chhodo Sanam Kaahe Kaa Gham,

Hanste Raho Khilte Raholaa

laa laa laa laa laa laa laa”

I laughed and joked at Ritika ---“Do tell that ‘hum see galee milte raho’ you are not going to hug me.”

She said ---“Who told you that I was going to hug you, rascal?”


She walked over her knees to Debi and hugged her deeply and wiped the wet trail from her cheeks.

We all enjoyed that night to our hearts content. The supper was of Maggi and boiled and roasted potato.

After dinner everyone retired into the tents and packed themselves inside the sleeping bags.

I and Suprotim Da sat outside beside the dying fire and were drinking vodka.

Paree shouted at us ---“You two filthy rascal, do you have to booze all the time?”

I said to her ---“Just let us finish this bottle then we are coming.”

Ritika shouted ---“You two shove your own things inside your bottoms and don’t come to us.”

We both laughed at each other on hearing Ritika saying such words.

Next morning we all woke up late. We started for our next destination, Kaza. On route we stopped at Tabo for lunch. We enjoyed the very Tibetian food, Thupka and Thenthuk and vegetable momo. Paree and Ritika were all praises about the food and the place. At Tabo we saw the beautiful Buddhist monastery of about thousand years old.

We reached Kaza in the evening, we all were very tired. The hotel was a very beautiful one. The owner was resident of Kaza. The hotel was of “L” shaped with a lawn in the middle.

After dinner I asked Paree whether she was going to sleep with Debi or not.

On hearing that she said to me ---“Why are you getting so restless? You will have me for whole your life. Just understand her condition.” I had to spend another lonely night with my beer can and cigarette.

Kaza was like an oasis in the middle of the cold desert mountains, at eleven thousand four hundred feet above sea level. It was fairly big town with lots of hotels and a market place. The town was situated on the bank of River Spiti. There the river was very wide but the water was flowing in narrow streams.

Next morning we went to have a tour of Kaza. We saw the monastery just outside the town. Then we went to a monastery named, Kye. From a distance, the Kye monastery looked like a white cap perched on an ant hill. On the route we saw an old age home in the Kye Village.

Paree told me ---“When we will get old, then we will sell all our property and give all those money to this old age home and stay here till heavens take us apart.”

I rubbed my cheeks on her cheeks and kissed her ---“As my EVE suggest so it will happen honey.”

Ritika was sitting on the front passenger seat, she overheard Paree and looked back over her shoulder ---“You two are really inseparable. Wish that he could pamper me like that.” Saying so, she slapped Suprotim Da on his cheek.

From Kye monastery we climbed more and more. The road took us to the so called highest village of India, Kibber. A small village placed on plain land. Kibber stands tall at about fourteen thousand feet above the sea level. The monastery was of only one small room, a solitary monk was offering his prayers. We all crouched and entered the small dingy room and sat quietly. The room was filled up with the hymns emanating from the monks throat. The sound was shaking us from our core of our heart. It was a heavenly feeling.

We had our lunch at a small hotel just as one enters Kibber. We spent most of the day in Kibber village and came back to hotel by the evening.

During the evening snacks and tea, Debi told to Paree ---“I am sorry that I am disturbing you two very much. I am ok now, Suchi Di don’t have to stay with me from tonight.”

I danced my eyebrows on hearing her words and whispered to Paree ---“Bade Dino Ke Baad Mere Tute Dilo Ko Yaad, Paree Ayii Haii Ayi Hai Paree Ayi Hai.”


Arunima Roy Chowdhury

Well-Known Member
Chapter 6: Jasmine Blooms in Spiti


At the dinner table we sat discussing the next day’s itinerary Paree whispered in my ears ---“If you booze to night then I will not let you sleep on the bed.”

I pleaded Paree ---“Please Honey, just one small sip and I will come into your arms.”

---“Who is important to you? Me or vodka?”

---“Definitely you, honey.”

---“Then come to the room after dinner, no booze no puffs.”

I winched my nose so as to plead her for a small sip.

She gave me a fiery look and screamed at me ---“Do whatever you wish, I am going.”

She finished her dinner and without even looking at me, she walked away from the hall with Ritika and Debi.

Ritika gave a fiery gaze at Suprotim Da, as if she also meant to say the same thing to him.

Kalyani and Rani silently finished their dinner and retired to their rooms.

Suprotim Da looked at me and danced his eyebrows ---“Dude, when the cats get angry then it scratches her claws ferociously on the ground.”

I said ---“So what, if you have to tame an angry cat then you need some energy, dude.”

We laughed at each other.

Suprotim Da said to me laughing ---“Your cat is angrier than mine. You are going to have a hard time tonight.”

---“I know very well how to tame my cat, you tame yours.”

---“To day I don’t have guts to make my cat more ferocious, so I am going.”

I told to myself that it would be wise not to irritate my nightingale tonight.

I entered the room and found that the blue light of the night lamp was flooding inside the room. Paree was already on the bed tucked under the blanket. She was lying on her right side facing the door, waiting for me probably. Her right hand bend under her head over the pillow, exposing her bare skin and smooth armpits, bereft of any tendrils. Her hair tied in a bun with a rubber band, flowed over the white pillow. The cream skin was shining in the soft blue light of the night lamp. With her left fist she clutched the upper end of the blanket close to her sumptuous bossom. Beautiful crest and trough formed on the bed. Sumptuous crest at her small wide shoulder tapering to narrow waist forming an inviting trough and then broadening to wide hips and then curving down to the round shape of her supple bottoms. Her left limb was over her right one, seemed to me as a mermaid looking at me with her fiery eyes.

Her nose tip was having a tint of pink, her cheeks were also bearing pinkish glow. There was no makeup on her face, no earrings on her earlobes and no bangles on her wrist. Her dark whips like eyebrows were winched a bit as if asking me as what was I looking at. Her soft rosy lips slightly parted, behind those pairs of rosy petals, her row of pearls shined. Her creamy face was shining in the soft light; she probably applied some cream on her face as she does every night.

But something more was there that filled my brain and nostrils. The sweet fragrance of Jasmine flooded the air in the room. I tried to fathom the exact meaning of her deep dark eyes “Was my nightingale trying to pounce on the fish or she was ready to be tamed?”

I sat on the bed near her feet and looked at her. I placed my right hand on her feet and gently rubbed over her left calf over the blanket.

She said ---“Go and freshen up. I am tired and I want to sleep.”

I looked at her face, she closed her eyes and snuggled her face on the soft pillow. I thought as “What has happened to my damsel she is not talking to me properly”.

I bend down to takeoff my shoes. I felt her feet rubbing my back, the end of my spine with her toe. The itches send a sweet chill down my spine. I turned my face over left shoulder to look as what she meant? As I turned she pulled her leg under the blanket and closed her eyes tightly.

I removed the end of the blanket from her feet and looked at her soft cream small feet and with my index finger of right hand I gently scratched under her left paw. She trembled and giggled out sweetly.

I jumped on the bed ---“Being naughty with me honey?”

She pushed me with her feet and whispered ---“Go and freshen up quickly.”

---“And then…”

She gave me a very sweet mischievous smile---“And then, go to sleep.”

I took my shorts and went in the restroom to freshen up myself, quickly. I didn’t want my damsel to be waiting for long, lying alone in the heat. I fathomed from her gaze that a mermaid was waiting for me, she was out of the river and wantonly waiting to get diluted so that she could live.

I came out of the restroom, taking a small bath and had proper shave and applied denim after shave even the hour was late. But I could not find Paree on the bed as I came out.

I looked at the door, the door was slightly opened. “What the hell” I thought to myself, where she could have gone in this night, keeping me waiting alone in the room. I switched on the bulb and walked to the door to look outside as where she could have gone.

Just as I opened the door, I felt two soft arms around my waist creeping over my tummy and coming over my chest from behind.


She pressed her whole upper frame on my back and held me in her arms tightly and placed her cheek on my back over the spine. I felt her twin soft mounds of her bust melting on my back, her warm breath on my cold skin created small ripples on my chest. Her soft fingers played with my chest muscle.

I felt her soft tummy on my firm bottom cheeks over my shorts. The silk fabric of her night dress could not keep the warmth behind it and her flaccid frame poured olive oil on my skin.

I closed the door in front of me, no need to go outside as my LOVE was already inside the room, but where was she.

She sensed that I was going to ask her the question, she giggled out softly---“You could not find me…”

---“Where were you?”

She patted over my left chest ---“Here I was, just you could not see.”

I leaned forward playfully so that her legs come up in the air and she rests her whole weight on my back. I held her hands tightly so that she would not fall of my back and walked to the bed. Her soft velvety bosoms flattened on my back. The sensation was like some warm sponge wrapped under silk melting on my muscular back.

She placed her soft lips on my upper end of spine just below the nape. I trembled in pleasure as her wet lips touched my warm skin.

I bent on my left side so that Paree could slide easily on the bed. I put her gently on the bed.

She sat at the end of the bed with her legs touching the floor and her upper torso leaned back, resting her weight on her elbows, thrusting her bust upwards.

She was wearing a pure white sleeveless short silk nightdress with noodle straps, which came down till the middle of her milky white thighs. Her twin smooth velvety upper limbs looked so soft that the rays of the lamp slipped on the skin of her thighs. I felt a lump on my lower abdomen as I saw her bare soft thighs in front of my burning eyes. She bit her lower lips when she saw me ogling on her supple thighs. I placed my both hands on her thin waist and her soft waist melted in my strong fingers.

I leaned forward and slide myself over her body.

She bent her right leg and placed her knee under my chin, whole of her right shin touched my midriff, the upper part of her leg pressed on my muscular chest and the upper part of her foot touched my tummy above my navel. I pushed my chest to push her leg down to her supple bosom and she pushed her leg so as not to let me come near her. Her eyes were twinkling brightly like two suns shining under her squint eyelids.

Due to her bent of right leg, the lower end of her small dress uncovered her right bottom orb and the perfect creamy white globe shined brightly as if the full moon came out of hiding behind the white autumn cloud.

She does not love to wear anything under her night dress before sleeping, I was aware of that fact.

Gradually the lower part of the short night dress bundled up to the joint of the limbs exposing her whole right thigh yet covering the juncture very sensuously.

Both of us were panting hard in wanton passion. Our eyes were pouring hot lava.

She whispered to me as I tried hard to push her limb to her heaving bosom ---“What are you looking at, honey?”

---“I am looking at my mermaid, who has just come out of the water and gasping sweetly for breath.”

---“Why don’t you take your mermaid and put her into the ocean?”

---“In the ocean there are sharks, I want to put her in my heart.”

Her beautiful soft right hind orb touched my lower abdomen; I felt my volcano gurgling inside me.

I whispered to her ---“I have not seen this night dress before, when did you bought this one?”

---“I bought this long ago, probably in April after I came to your house.”

I loosened my push and she freed herself and flung herself on the bed. She rolled over and lay down on her tummy and clutched the pillow and hid her face on the soft pillow.

Paree was now breathing heavily. Her back rose in a perfect rhythm of a series of crest and troughs.

The soft fabric of silk could not hide much of her soft round fleshy bottoms. The flimsy fabric displayed the roundness and plumpness clearly, and the thin fissure between her twin mounds was also clearly outlined. I placed both my elbows on each side of her straightened calves and leaned forward to blow hot air on her exposed curvaceous left calf, while my right hand I gently rubbed her right calf from her ankle till the back of her knee.

She purred out a soft whimper which was inaudible but it sounded very sweet.


Slowly I moved up my face to the back of her left thigh not removing the fabric from her limb. I wanted to play with my EVE to my heart’s content, before taking a joint dive in the abyss of the ocean.

I gently placed my wet tongue under the curve of her round right hind orb. The tongue tip made a wet patch on her silk fabric. She felt the wet patch and my tip of tongue on her soft warm flesh. She felt a chill on her bottoms as her cushy bottoms rippled gently under my wanton lips.

She purred out a soft whimper which I was able to hear ---“Mmmmmmm……. Abhiiiiii……...”

I looked up as what her face was saying but her face was partially hidden behind her right upper arm and partially over the pillow. I moved more over her bottoms and kissed gently on the end of her spine and pressed the tip of my tongue on the both little troughs on both sides of her backbone, just where the curve of her supple bottoms bulge out.

My chest crushed her bottoms and her calves touched on my tummy and the flat of her feet were touching the front part of my shorts.

Paree squirmed in ecstasy like a snake caught in desirous wanton waiting to be mated during the rainy season.

She cried out my name with a soft moan ---“Abhiiiiiiiii…………. You are killing me, honey ……”

Her supple bosoms spilled out from both her sides as she pressed her chest on the bed and hid her face on the pillow. The upper part of her short dress came down to the middle of her back exposing her shoulder and half of her wide creamy back under my fiery gaze.

I planted a series of butterfly kiss while I grazed slowly from the end of her spine over her thin soft fabric till her exposed spine. She trembled violently as she felt the tip of tongue on soft warm skin of her bare back.

With each kiss I put on her bare back, her creamy skin turned red as along with the kiss I also nibbled her flesh softly with my front teeth.

I felt her goose bumps all over her back over my lips.

I rested my weight on my left elbow on her left side; my elbow touched her soft bulge of her left bosom. My right hand came on the back of her head and I pulled the rubber band to untie her long hair. I held the back of her head in my fist and grabbed a handful of her hair and nibbled her scalp with my finger tips. She went insane in lust.

I was pouring hot breath all over her gander like creamy white nape.

I placed my right limb over her back, the whole of my right calf pressed hard on her supple bottoms and my knee touched the end of her spine. The feet and toes caressed her silky skin of the back of thighs. I gently rubbed or rather pulled my leg up which made her lower end of her night dress to crawl up and bundle just below her supple hind orbs exposing her thighs to her full length. I felt my shorts got tightened as the rigid anatomy throbbed hard. Hot and tight skin of my anatomy strained under the rough fabric of my shorts.

She felt my rigid anatomy to pounding hard on the side of her left soft fleshy bottom globe as if a huge ram thumping the side of soft round butter cakes.

I stooped down and placed my lips on her nape. She had her eyes tightly closed and pushed up her head and rested her chin on the pillow and looked to up to the headrest. Her lips were partly opened pouring out hot exhales.

I nibbled the back of her nape with my teeth she clutched the pillow and pressed mashed the soft material on her heaving chest as if she wanted to push the foams of pillow inside her chest to douse the fire burning inside.

She let out a long moan out of her parted lips---“Aaaaaaaaaaaa……….. You……. Tease……. Too…… Much…… Abhi…… ”

I raised my lips from her nape and placed my face on the left side of her head to smell her hair deeply.

My chest expanded with my deep breath and my muscles touched the left side of her bare back.

I whimpered into her ears ---“Baby, You are so sweet and juicy. I want to lick and lap every tiny beads of nectar oozing out of each pores of your sensuous body.”

---“I was a tender bud before, you made me juicy and sweet and amorous.”

---“Do you want me to switch off the light, honey.”

---“Whatever you wish, I have nothing to say today honey. Today you are naughtier than any other day.”

I understood that she does not want to switch off the light.

Her sweet moans continued---“You have ignited a fire all over my skin. Please Abhi, douse the fire, Baby.”


I was still resting the weight of my upper torso on my left elbow, my left hand touched her upper left arm and the elbow was pressed on the bulge of her left bosom which was spilled under the crush of her chest on the bed.

My right hand removed the strap over her right shoulder; she gently nudged her shoulder to allow the thin strap to slide over her arm.

She moaned out as she sensed that her right strap was not on her shoulder and my chin was trying to remove the left strap from her left shoulder. She eased out the left strap to slide over her upper left arm.

I sensed that I was going to devour my damsel’s unabridged beauty to the brim of my heart; my eyes were going to feast my mermaid with utter voracity. A long time dream of mine was going to get fulfilled. My heart raced like a cheetah trying to catch a gazelle for feast.

I whispered ---“Honey what more of beauty you have got inside you?”

She moaned out as my left hand fingers kneaded the soft flesh of her left upper arm.

---“I have snipped what you have asked for.”

Her ears turned red and her eyes clenched more tightly as she moaned out those words. Her face blushed crimson. I hissed out “Oooooooo……..” at her on knowing that she has kept my request of pruning her saplings, which beautified her garden once.

On just knowing that all my dreams were bearing the fruits, my ram knocked hard on the side of her left hind orb, covered under my shorts.

I placed my right hand on her supple bottoms and slapped the right bun gently. The short slap created a series of seductive ripples all over her soft flesh.

---“My naughty Paree, you will kill me today for sure.”

---“You have already made me insane with you love and burning touches”

I looked down to her beautiful hind buns covered in the white silk fabric. I told to myself that the fabric was now unnecessary to cover her hot frame. With my fingers I gently pulled the lower part which was still covering her bottoms. Her twin creamy white soft hind buns gradually peeked under the silk fabric as the end grazed up and bunched up around her narrow waist. Her beautiful bottoms and the narrow fissure were getting burnt under my hot lewd eyes. She felt my finger tracing over her soft bottom flesh drawing small circles over the shiny skin. She had goose bumps all over her smooth shiny skin of her hind buns.

She stooped down and pressed her face on the pillow and let out my name to go out in a long exhale.

The sight of her soft fleshy buns trembling gently like a cat shivering in cold rain, made my heart to shiver and my abdomen to send a hot thrill down my tummy.

Somehow I pulled myself up from the bed and knelt at her leg side on the floor. I pulled her silk dress down; she moved her frame to ease off the flimsy silk fabric to get rid of her hot burning amorous figure. The dress passed down her ankle and there my Aphrodite was lying on the bed in front of my eyes just like the birth of Venus, stride upon the white froth on the waves.

She had her limbs pressed tightly against each other. Even a thin blade of grass could not pass through the juncture of her limbs. Her supple thighs were shaking gently and her sweet luscious soft hind buns were trembling causing a series of ripples all over her lower anatomy down her narrow waist.

My mermaid was now out of water gasping for breath as I observed her back to rise and fall in a lustful rhythm.

I held both her legs by her calves and slowly turned her over to her back.

She threw her arms above her head to clutch the pillow in her fists. Her eyelids were tightly closed, she turned her face to her left side and clenched her teeth and bit the pillow. For the first time I saw my EVE in her birthday costume. Such a beautiful amorous figure can turn any saint to delve in the dungeon of pleasure and trot sinfully in the Garden of Eden, with the sin snake crawling behind.

I looked up to her heaving bosom; those twin creamy mounds perched with two strawberries pointed to the ceiling. The soft grapes were not soft then, it has turned into hard pebbles of the Spiti River. A dark pinkish halo surrounded those pebbles. I looked down to her curves of her bosoms where the fleshy mounds descended to meet the plateau of her upper abdomen. Very thin blue veins were spreading out from the dark pinkish halo and got disappeared after some length under the cover of her soft creamy skin.

A deep midriff ran through the centre of her tummy, like swallow wanton stream divides the fertile plains. The swallow stream met the estuary at the deep navel and below the deep navel the soft mound of her under belly was present. She was shaking gently caught in the fire of burning passion.


She could not take more of my burning gaze on het hot skin. I looked down further over the juncture between her limbs. The curve down shaped a sweet soft ravine and then disappearing between her supple thighs.

I unbuttoned my shorts and let that piece of cloth to bundle up on the floor.

She moaned out a long ---“Ufff……” as my tongue tip touched her right knee and I traced her soft skin in circles. I sweet musky fragrance filled my nostrils. More my tongue tip grazed up, the musky fragrance got stronger.

Her left limb bent upwards and the gateway of pleasure came under my direct purview. The sweet little garden was gone; my gardener mermaid has pruned that garden so beautifully that the gate looked like a perfect inverted peninsula divided by a thin stream running from north to south bisecting two fertile plateaus.

I could feel the softness even with my eyes. I observed a thin stream gushing nectar which was the source of the musky fragrance. The nectar was gushing out of the thin fissure and dripping down the narrow fissure between her cushy bottoms, deluging the shiny skin of her narrow lane.

Her whole body was shaking sweetly and her thighs were trembling.

I stooped down; she felt my hot breath over her perfect fertile peninsula. I opened my mouth and blew hot air over her peninsula from the deep of my throat. She convulsed repeatedly. Those soft plateaus were palpitating in front of my open mouth.

I brought both my hands over her fleshy busty hillocks and gently opened all my fingers so as to engulf those beautiful mounds as whole under my palm and pressed those mounds softly.

Paree went frenzy as she felt my hands groping her soft mass. Pebbles poked on my palm.

I took out my whole tongue and placed over the gushing river to lap the honey dripping out of the fissure.

I heard a thumping sound. Paree thumped her head over the pillow in scorching insanity. Her whole tender frame arched like a huge bow pulled by a wire tied to her head and bottom, pushing up her tummy and bust in the air.

Her arms outstretched on both sides of her body like a cross and she clutched the bedcover.

She screamed out like a mare beckoning her stud to mate.

The honey felt sweet on my tongue and very slowly I lapped the gushing nectar from the stream in few licks.

I pulled myself over her sweet soft flaccid frame.

She parted her thighs gently as she felt my approach.

I put the tip of my tongue on her lower belly just above the gateway, which made her to convulse violently under my wet tongue. My lips grazed up to her deep navel and with the tip of my tongue I traced the outline of the well. I felt few tiny bumps on the tip of my tongue surrounding her deep belly button.

Paree bucked her tummy and cried out ---“Please don’t tease me more…. I am dying …..”

I pressed my lips hard on her belly button and sucked the upper skin of her belly button. She trembled again a exhaled out my name in a lengthy moan ---“Abhiiiiiii……….. Please stop, I will die now…..”

Paree had her eyes closed, not for one second she has opened her eyes. I knew very well that it will take long time to get rid of her shyness.

My rigid anatomy was hanging down like a huge ram thumping on the soft skin of her thighs.

She felt that the ram was gradually making its way to the gate of Arcadia, pounding on the gates.

She parted her limbs and my anatomy below my waist fell on the bed. Her knees were bent up and her soft inner thighs were touching the side of my waist.

I gradually grazed my tongue tip over her midriff, Paree threw her head back. Her arms went over her head to hold the head rest. Her neck strained. Her lips formed a perfect “O” and were puffing out hot steam of ecstasy.

I traced my tongue more near the curve of her busts and gently traced the lower base of her twin peaks.

The wet sensation of my tongue made her mad and she went frenzy.

She put her legs around my waist and locked her ankles on the end of my spine over my tensed hind buns. Her ankles thumped hard on my coarse skin as if asking me to barge into her domain and take her through the beautiful amorous Arcadia.

The hot ram placed his restless head at the conduit of Utopia. The touch of the rose petals on the burning head of ram made both of us entwined in passion to convulse violently.

I bit the pebble of her right mountain peak very hard. Paree felt a stinging pain on the soft hilly region and she let out a moan of pleasure and grasped my hairs tightly with all her fingers.

She felt my hot exhale all over her soft hill, roasting the right pebble and melting the cone.


She felt the mischievous ram hammering the door restlessly, trying to enter the cave.

I placed both hand over her exposed armpit and with both thumbs I circled her bare soft skin of her creamy armpits.

I stooped down to place my lips across her lips and took her lower lips between mine.

She felt my hot breath all over her face.

She took my lower lips between her teeth and chewed it softly, pulling the lip to some extent.

I sneaked out my tongue to lick her upper lip and pushed the velvety snake beneath her upper lip to touch her upper row of pearls.

Her velvety tongue sneaked between her rosy lips and pushed away my tongue. My tongue tip played with hers.

I pressed my muscular chest over her supple bosoms, those buttery mounds of dough flattened under the immense pressure of sensuous mania.

I grazed my palms on her palms and our fingers entwined, she clasped my palms with all her fingers.

She finally let out a soft moan and pushed up her hips. I bucked my loin forward. The huge cannon was waiting for the gate to be opened, the soft folds were already soaked in the honey gushing out profusely. Involuntarily my hips pressed down hard and thumped it way in. The raunchy ram found its way to the cave of pleasure. The huge burning cannon sheathed inside the folds of pleasure. Her whole tunnel engulfed my wanton cannon to it base and soaked it with her precious honey.

She bit my lower lips between her rows of pearls as my hot cannon filled up the cavity to the hilt.

We both melted ourselves and dived into the Utopia, trotted through the garden of Shangri-La. Pushed the peak of orgasm to farthest. We rolled over and over through the soft tundra grasslands. The boundaries fell.

Each time we felt that we were about to approach the summit, we retraced back few steps so that the summit remains untouched for long.

The last bastion fell. I dug my teeth hard on her upper bulge of right bosom to dilute my tension. She felt my hot lava flooding her pleasure cavern; my white froth got mixed up with her glassy nectar.

She dug her nails deep on my shoulder. I felt a sharp pain but that pain was nothing in front of the pleasure of reaching the summit and hoisting the flag.

My Jasmine bloomed at last on the banks of Spiti River.

Arunima Roy Chowdhury

Well-Known Member
Chapter 7: Return of Victorious


I felt a hard kick on my firm bottoms and I woke up only to find that Suprotim Da was standing at the end of the bed.

He smiled mischievously at my sleepy face ---“B****C*****, get up. Everyone is ready to go to Dhankar and G**** team leader is still sleeping.”

I rubbed my sleepy face and asked him ---“Where is Paree?”

He gave a mischievous smile to me ---“You will hammer your nail so hard and you expect her to stay with you?”

I scratched my scalp on hearing him ---“B****C**** didn’t you hammered your nail inside the butter cake last night?”

We both laughed at each other.

He then said --- “All the five ladies have gone for morning walk on the banks of Spiti.”

I felt that I had nothing on my body under the blanket. I looked at his face; he understood that I was asking for cover. He looked for something on the floor and threw my shorts to me.

---“Come on, sleepy head, B***C***. Get ready and come for breakfast. It is already eight thirty in the morning.”

He went away after waking me up from bed.

The breakfast was served on the lawn; we all sat around a huge round table to finish our breakfast. That day our itinerary was to visit Dhankar Monastery and come back to Kaza. I looked at Paree who sat just opposite to me between Debi and Ritika. She was wearing a white salwar kurta with a sky blue cardigan over her. She looked like a white angel between two beautiful ladies, out of which one was Mahamaya and other Shakuntala. Paree was smiling mischievously at me with her eyes while talking with them.

I saw a beautiful coy all over her face. I danced my brows as to ask “How are you doing, my Love.” I sneaked out my tongue and licked the sauce without dislodging my gaze from her eyes. I meant to her that “Her nectar was very sweet.”


She understood my gesture and blushed crimson and looked the other way. I just love to watch her blush, her nose tip turns red and cheeks get warm.

After breakfast I asked her to wear jeans, at first she tried to negate my request.

Ritika came to her and whispered to her ears ---“You posses a beautiful figure, dear. You will look more beautiful in a pair of jeans and top. Come on be sporting.”

She looked at me and blushed again, as if she was asking me “What do you want?”

I placed my right arm around her shoulder; she looked down and walked with me in the room.

Once inside the room I grabbed her from behind and placed my lips on her earlobes.

Paree moaned out ---“Don’t be so naughty, we have to go to Dhankar.”

---“Why you left me alone in the morning?”

Paree closed her eyes and said ---“I was unable to look into your eyes, honey. That’s why I went out. I was feeling very shy.”

I pressed her tummy and rubbed my left cheek over hers and whispered in her ears---“I LOVE YOU, Paree.”

---“Mmmmmmm…… and now let me go if you want me to wear the jeans.”

She took her denim and a quarter sleeve mauve colour top along with her and entered the rest room. Before she closed the door she gave a slight annoying look as if she didn’t like to wear the jeans.

I winked her and said that she would look damn seductive in those pair of jeans. She waved her palm as if saying “Shoo away, you naughty boy”.

When she came out of the restroom, my jaws dropped. I forgot to puff the cigarette and the butt almost burned my fingers. I shrieked “Ouch….”

The pair of jeans hugged her narrow waist and the broadening to wide hips. The smooth fabric glued to every curves and contours of her whole anatomy below her waist. Her beautiful round fleshy buns supported by her supple thighs tapering to small knees and then further tapering to small round curves of her calves. The small zip almost seemed like the peninsula of love. I felt a warm gush running down my spine.

The fabric of her top formed an ancient hourglass hugging her supple bosom and soft round tummy. She wore dress but I felt her to be bare as I saw her last night.

Her hair tied in a bun above her head like a Japanese doll, with two small sticks sticking out of the bun. She had two white pearl earrings on her earlobes and a deep brown lipstick coated on her luscious lips. Her eyes were twinkling. She was going to turn the heat in the cold weather of Kaza.

I pounced on her and crushed her in my arms; she blushed sweetly and hid her face on my chest.

Her arms came around my frame and hugged me deeply and whispered ---“I am feeling awkward, Honey. I don’t like to wear such clothes.”

I pressed my lips on her head over her soft bun and asked ---“Why, Baby?”

“Your eyes were grazing on me as if have wore nothing.” She gently bit my chest muscle over my shirt.

Just then we heard a knock on the door and as I looked over my shoulder, I saw Ritika walking in the room.

She felt awkward to find us locked in deep embrace and she was just about to leave.

I freed Paree from my embrace and asked Ritika as how she was looking.

Ritika looked at Paree from head to toe for few seconds and then ran to her and hugged her deeply ---“If I would be a boy then surely I would have courted you.”

She winked at me and said “Will you give your damsel to me for one day?”

Ritika also changed to a pair of Prussian blue coloured jeans and white shirt.

I looked at Ritika and devoured her beauty from head to toe. These two ladies would surely set fire on the banks of Spiti, I said to myself.

I came down on my right knee in front of Paree and took her left hand in mine and sang out

“Ami Jamini, Tumi Sashi, Hey -

Bhaatichho Gogon Maajhe!

Momo Shoroshitey Tobo Ujolo Probhaat,

Bimbito Jano Laajay.

Ami Jamini, Tumi Sashi, Hey -

Bhaatichho Gogon Maajhe!”


(I am night and you are the moon

And you are roaming on the sky freely,

In my mirror your beautiful dawn

Reflects your crimson blush).

Ritika and Paree walked out of the room behind me. On seeing Paree dressed in a pair of Jeans, Debi came running to her and said ---“Suchi Di is evergreen. Whatever she wears fits her so perfectly that, she looks like an angel.”

Paree blushed as a newly wedded wife.

Suprotim Da laughed at her on seeing her blush like that ---“Hey, darling don’t blush now. Keep all those blushes after your wedding. Come on, be free.”

Kalyani and Rani were also surprised to find Paree in a pair of jeans. She wore that type of costume for the first time in her life.

We moved for Dhankar Monastery after sometime. Suprotim Da was driving the SUV, and Ritika was beside him.

Paree sat between me and Debi. She covered her bust with a stole flung around her neck. Over the top she wore a mauve cardigan which was not buttoned ad the belt was hanging.

Ritika wore a grey blazer over her shirt and tied her stole around her neck and tied a knot at her throat.

Debi wore as usual a beautiful salwar kurta. She was always simple and sweet. I have not seen her wearing and body hugging dress anytime.

Dhankar monastery perched above a tall mountain. Most of the old monastery fell due to the hill crumbled. No one dares to go near the old one except a solitary monk. A new monastery has been build after that.

We finished the lunch at Dhankar.

According to the information of the manager of the restaurant, the road from Kaza to Loshar was good and motor able. After crossing Loshar there would be virtually no roads only a narrow path of stones and boulders cutting through the high mountains. The distance from Kaza to Manali was two hundred and twenty kilometers and we had to cross the entire distance in a single day as there were no hotels or place to stay. The road would be quiet dangerous and would ascend to above fifteen thousand feet at Kunzum La Pass. There would be several streams flowing over the road.

Everyone even Paree looked at me as if I was responsible for all these, although I was responsible I knew.

I threw my arms overhead shouted to cheer them up ---“Come on guys, cheer up. God has given you one life to live so live to the brim. No need to fear when Abhi is near.”

Debi yelled at me ---“That’s true only for Suchi Di and what about others?”

I joked at her ---“I will throw you so hard that you will land in the lap of Arindam. Now happy? Smile, smile …..”

We decided that we would take rest after reaching Kaza and then next day early morning we would start our journey beyond Kaza.

We reached Kaza at about evening four o’clock. All the ladies got down at the market place. It was the only place in that region which had a big market and petrol pump and ATM. Paree and Debi said that they want to call to their parents. I said to Paree that it would be enough if she calls her ChotoMa, no need for me to talk. Paree looked bit disheartened. All the five ladies and Dipankar and Ramanuj got down there. We left Innova for their perusal, bringing them back to hotel. Suprotim Da and I returned to the hotel.

It was our last night at Kaza. After sundown Paree told me that she wants to go to the river bed, she wanted to enjoy the last day at Kaza to her brim. Debi was in her room and was gossiping with Kalyani and Rani. We didn’t want any one with us.

When we were about to start for the river bed, Ritika asked as where we were going. Paree answered that we were going to the river bed and would return only at late night. She called Suprotim Da and we all four started for the river bed. The place was bit far from the hotel so we drove to the river bank. Somehow Suprotim Da found a narrow graveled path leading to the river bed. Cautiously he drove the SUV on the river bed.

The west sky was orange. The narrow stream of ice cold water were deluging our ankles as we got down on the pebble laid river bed. The width of the river was quiet broad but the streams were narrow. Water was only ankle deep and at some place only knee deep.

Both the damsels were in jeans and tops, glued on their charming frame. Displayed every crest and troughs and their ravishing beauty. We studs stayed near the SUV sipping the beer can and devouring our bewitching damsels as they were frolicking in the ice cold water. Both the ladies looked like ravishing mermaid when they stepped into the stream.


After sometime, Suprotim Da went to the bank from where he uprooted some dried up bushes and twigs, and carried those near the car. I asked him as what he was going to do with all those. He told me that if we were to stay alive then we should light some fire.

It was getting dark on the bank of Spiti and we were the only persons enjoying the nature’s beauty.

The fire was lit, both the ladies sat on the bonnet of the SUV. I leaned by my damsel’s side on the left side of the car while Suprotim Da was on the right side of the car.

My right arm was around Paree’s narrow waist, hugging her tightly and she had her head rested on my right shoulder and my neck was in her deep embrace. I could feel her soft warm breath flowing over my cheeks.

We all were looking to the high mountains of the west.

After quiet some time Ritika said ---“We should not have come here in the evening.”

Suprotim Da asked her ---“Why? Isn’t this is beautiful scene?”

She threw her arms around his neck and in a trembling voice ---“We have to leave Kaza and the setting sun and the ambience is making me cry.”

I looked at Paree as what her eyes want to say.

She whispered ---“I feel that this is my place. This evening has created a void pain inside my heart. Please take me away now. I want to go to hotel.”

“What’s happening to both the ladies?” I thought to myself. They are the nature, Mother Nature. It is the females who breathe life in this world and make it a beautiful place to live. Mother Earth and our damsel’s were no different from them. They were feeling the heartbeat of the Mother Earth, beating along with them. That has brought tears in their beautiful eyes.

I said to Suprotim Da ---“Let’s go back. Any ways we have to start early tomorrow morning if we had to reach Manali by evening.”

Both the ladies were very quiet for the rest of the evening.

On Tuesday early morning at about seven thirty we all started from Kaza for our journey beyond the hills to the total unknown. The manager cautioned us that we would barely find any settlements in these regions and we should not be late.

I was driving the SUV and Paree sat beside me. Suprotim Da, Ritika and Debi sat in the middle row. The weather was getting colder. Ritika wore faded blue colour jeans and a heavy long black jacket. She insisted Paree to wear jeans, to which my damsel complied. Paree wore an ash coloured jeans and her heavy white jacket. Debi as usual adorned in her salwar suit.

“Devine Debi” I said to myself. She was happy and relaxed. Most of the tensions had gone from her face. The lost smile returned. Those naughty natures like screaming at me like a monkey were yet to regain to its natural state.

We all were making merry of ourselves during the journey. Till Loshar the road was paved one, bit uneven but metalled. As we crossed the Loshar police checkpoint the path turned out to be more dangerous. I was driving over the small stones and pebbles strewn all over the road. The high mountains on both sides as were about to engulf us in their ferocity. There were no cars in miles around us. No tourist or sight of any human beings. Only few mules and goats were grazing on the slant green slopes of the barren hills, searching for grass and gnawing the coarse earth crust to find something to eat.

The ladies were looking outside with baffled eyes.

Paree exclaimed in sensing the adventure ---“What a place! I am totally in love with this place. My Love is really an extraordinary person. He can only find such place for his love.”

Debi was experiencing horror in her heart ---“Is this a place to visit? Not even a bird flies here. Only insane people like you and Suchi Di can dwell in such a place.”

We all laughed at Debi’s mental situation.

Ritika said to Suprotim Da ---“Your friend is really insane to bring all of us here. But truly speaking we might not have come here even in our whole life time if it was not your friend. I am thankful to him and Suchismita for that.”


Suprotim Da said jokingly ---“B****C***** from where have you find this place? If anything happens to me then Ritika is going to be a widow before I can even make her mother.”

On hearing that, Ritika blushed crimson; I saw her coyness in the reflection of the rearview mirror as she hid her face on Suprotim Da’s shoulder.

Paree came near me and threw her right arm around my neck; suddenly I had to put the brake as she danced her finger on my right cheek. I felt a jolt as her sweet soft fingers touched my lips from right side.

The sudden brake put everyone to lean forward.

Suprotim Da giggled at Paree ---“Don’t change the gear honey. We are still behind you.”

After driving through few dangerous curves and pebbles laden path, we climbed further to a barren paradise. Kunzum-La-Pass, perched over fifteen thousand feet. The scene was simply breathtaking. Surrounded by high snow peaked mountains on one side and on the other a small hillock. There was a Buddhist Stupa at Kunzum-la-top. We reached Kunzum-la-pass at about eleven o’clock. We all got down from our cars.

Paree came running and crushed me in her arms. I locked my hands below her supple bottoms and pulled her up in the air. She bent her legs and leaped in the air. She felt like flying and she spread her arms over her head like a huge eagle unfurling her wings.

She shouted in top of her voice ---“I LOVE YOU ABHIMANYU.”

Everyone was stunned on seeing us in deep embrace. Kalyani and Rani were laughing at us. Debi gave a simple smile and walked to the Stupa.

A deep exhale of satisfaction came out of Paree’s chest as she took my face between her palms and looked deep in my eyes. I was still having her in my arms and above the ground. I stretched my neck to reach her stooping face. I felt her warm breath all over my face. Her smile and twinkles of her eyes made me hungry for her nectar from her lips. She parted her sweet lips slowly and planted a hot smooch on my lips. We remained locked for some time and drowned ourselves in a loving trance, forgot everything around us.

The amorous trance was broken by Ritika’s giggle---“Don’t start over here, you insane stallion.”

Paree’s breath was about to ignite but Ritika’s words made us cautious that we were not alone in that lonely place.

I let down Paree from my arms and looked at Ritika, who was smiling mischievously at us.

Ritika said to Suprotim Da ---“We have brought tents, right? Why don’t we camp somewhere in the middle of this oblivion.”

Paree jumped on hearing the suggestion and embraced Ritika and said ---“I second her.” She looked at us, I and Suprotim Da and pleaded “Let us camp somewhere in these high mountains. It will be an awesome experience. An unbelievable experience to be treasured for life time.”

On hearing this Kalyani and Dipankar came to us and asked us as what were we going to plan.

Suprotim Da could not make up his mind as what to do as both the ladies were giving him a staunch look as if he don’t comply then those two beautiful tigress will gnaw him to death. He looked at me helplessly.

I announced that we would stay in this place but after finding a proper place to camp.

Dipankar and Ramanuj approached me and said ---“See Abhimanyu, you told us that the trip was for twelve to fourteen days. And according to that we have bought the return ticket on Friday. Today is Tuesday and we have only two days to return to New Delhi. It would not be possible for us. Already we lost three nights, two in Chitkul and one in Ghui.”

Kalyani and Rai also voiced the same. Now that was a great problem, time factor for all of us. Although I, Paree and Debi has boundless time as we have open air ticket, we could return anytime. But as of Ritika and Suprotim Da was concerned, what about them. I looked at Ritika as to ask “What was her say”.

Ritika said to Suprotim Da ---“I know what you work in your office. You can easily join on Monday. I don’t want to hear any words, I am staying.”

Paree was also adamant about camping.

We both, I and Suprotim Da looked at each other’s face helplessly as “What to be done”.

Paree came up with a suggestion ---“We have two cars, and two drivers. Why not they continue their journey I Innova and we linger out in this wilderness for few more days?”

I nodded my head, what a brain she has got. Ritika hugged her deeply ---“If she would not been with us, then definitely our team leader would have been in trouble.”


I looked at Debi as what she has to say. Debi smiled helplessly at me ---“Do I have any other option, you swine?”

I joked at her ---“Surely. One, I can catapult you to Kolkata and you land directly on Arindam’s lap and second is that you curse us the rest of the journey.”

She slapped me on my arm ---“I will choose the first option, you rascal. Now throw me to him.”

So it was decided at last that Kalyani and her group has to part us and continue their journey from here, while we enjoy the barren cold wilderness for few more days. Suprotim Da told Amzad and Balwinder to go back in Innova. I and Suprotim Da would drive the rest of the journey in SUV.

We bid goodbye and waited for sometime till the Innova disappeared behind the next curve of the snaky path.

We all sat on the courtyard of the Stupa. Three white Buddhist Stupa decorated with several colours at the peak, looked like a fountain in the middle of the desert. The chill winds blowing were piercing even through the heavy jacket of mine. Both Paree and Debi snuggled close to me to get my warmth. I wrapped both my jewels in my arms. I felt I had everything in this world. My beautiful loving EVE on my left and my beautiful caring Deity on my right. I had nothing more to ask from God.

The sun was over head; we had to start from there.

Suprotim Da wanted to drive from there. We reached a place named Batal. There was a single eatery in middle of nowhere. We got down there to have some food.

Paree exclaimed on seeing the eatery over there. She asked the owner ---“Do people really come here?”

He answered that only foreigner and trekker come here during the tourist season. He pointed to a path, which we could not actually find, and said that there was a lake about ten to fifteen kilometers from Batal, named as Chandratal Lake. Trekkers and adventure seeking people comes only during season, except that not even a dog dwells in this kind of place.

I asked him that where we could find some place for camping. The owner answered that, after few kilometers there was a PWD rest house at Chatru, we could ask the caretaker to allow us to camp in the courtyard. All of us were delighted to know about a safe place where we could camp in this huge cold barren wilderness.

We camped in the courtyard of the PWD rest house at Chatru. The scene in front of us was simply breathtaking.

A torrential hilly stream, the Chandra River was flowing below. On the other bank there were high snow peaked mountains. The snow even came till the bank of the river, as we have also attained considerable height.

The caretaker helped us with food, water and firewood.

Only five hearts were beating in the cold night as we sat around the bon fire. The winds were howling around us, it reminded me the torrential chill winds as we delved at Chitkul during last January.

After dinner, Ritika and Suprotim Da retired to a separate tent as we had two large tents and one small one. Debi snuggled inside the small one and tucked in her sleeping bag. I sat under the crystal clear night sky, looking at the stars above head. Paree chained herself inside the sleeping bag and she laid there in the open with her head resting on my stretched out legs. At times I felt soft kisses on my thighs. I was caressing her cheeks and combing her hair and massaging her scalp. The fire was keeping us warm in the cold night. Paree turned her body to lie down on her back and looked straight in my eyes.

A lovely twinkle shot from her eyes and pierced directly into my heart. My lips opened and a drop of saliva dropped out into her open lips.

I felt a soft touch on my shoulder; we both got startled on seeing Debi behind me. She sat on my left side and looked into my bewildered face. Paree straightened herself and looked at Debi with lots of question in her eyes.

Debi said to me ---“What have you told to my mom and dad?”

We both, Paree and I looked into each other’s face as we lost our voice.

She continued in a bit shaky voice ---“You both have said something to my parents which you are hiding from me.”

Paree moved herself near Debi and engulfed her in her arms and in a soothing voice said to her ---“We have just requested them to allow you to accompany us in this trip, nothing more.”

There was look of disbelief in her glistening eyes ---“NO, you are not telling me the truth.”

Paree looked at me, I said ---“What do you want to hear?”

She screamed at me ---“I WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH. Why mom was asking me again and again that whether you were taking care of me or not. WHY tell me?”

A deep exhale gushed out of my chest.


Paree smiled painfully at her and held her face on her chest---“The truth is, you are smiling. That’s all.”

---“NO, WHY ARE YOU NOT TELLING ME, as what has happened?”

Paree’s eyes glistened and she bit her lower lips. Debi clutched the collar of her jacket and looked deeply into her eyes.

Paree ---“You want to know the truth. So be it.” After a little pause, she took a deep breath and looked at me painfully and continued “All your parents were in a delusion that you love Abhimanyu. That was because your close friendship. So when your health was deteriorating and your mental condition was declining, he was asked to make you happy. He was asked by your mom to bring smile to your face. He promised in front of all family members where your mom and dad, his mom and dad and several others were also present. He also promised Sarmishta that he would conjoin you and Arindam. His condition was like a person stuck between the devil and the Dead Sea.” Paree nodded her head as Debi’s eyes were flooding. “I don’t know how, but he came up with this plan of taking you out for vacation. He is going to divulge the relation between you and Arindam once we reach Kolkata. Since your dad has promised him that whatever he would ask for he will give him, so relying on his word he is going to tell them that you love Arindam and not Abhi.”

A deep exhale blew out of my chest and I looked up, to the night sky filled up with millions of twinkling stars.

I took off my glasses and wiped the corner of my eyes.

Suddenly I felt a hard slap on the back of my head. We all looked back and saw that Ritika and Suprotim Da standing behind us.

Suprotim Da got very emotional ---“We heard Debi’s scream and came out, only to find the stark truth of this trip.”

Ritika knelt down on the grass behind me and threw her arms around my neck and with glistening eyes looked at Paree.

Her voice was bit choked ---“Bhaghwan Kisi Ko Aisaa Dil Na De, Nehin To Tumhara Anmol Abhi Anmol Nehin Rahega. (I pray to God that He should not give a heart like this to anyone, else your precious Abhi will be inexpensive). I have lost my voice to express my feelings.”

Debi was then uncontrollable and was weeping with her face hidden on Paree’s chest.

Repeatedly saying ---“You should not have done this; you should not have done this. Now Suchi Di’s and yours relation will be exposed and you have to face the wrath all due to me. You should not have done this, Abhi.”

I tried to console Debi ---“I will definitely plan something in future. As no one still knows about our relation so we behave like that only. We had to be cautious for next two years. I have to get a job; Paree has to finish her masters. I will definitely plan something, Debi.”

Suprotim Da said to me ---“Dude, why don’t you come to New Delhi? There are several IT industries there and I will help you to get some job.”

I said to him ---“She won’t be able to stay away. I have to stay with her. I have to get a job in Kolkata till she finishes her Masters.”

---“She can finish her Masters there in New Delhi also.”

---“No, there is some problem in that, you won’t understand. She and my mom are very much attached. My mom won’t allow her to come to New Delhi. There is an invisible chain running between them which are too strong to break.”

The night at camp at Chatru was really emotional. Tears of happiness and tears of joy were flowing from all the five pairs of eyes. We could hear the rustling sound of the Chandra River, flowing below.

Next morning we started for Manali. We started little late as we knew that Manali was a crowded place and we had nothing to worry as that was a happening place.

Suprotim Da was driving the car. After last night’s emotional turbulence everyone has regained their old composure and were happily enjoying the breathtaking journey through the high wilderness of cold snow peaked mountains and dangerous road.

The time we reached the other side of Rohtang-Pass it was evening. We ascended Rohtang-Pass from a place named Gramphoo. We all got down and enjoyed the scene of Rohtang-Pass from Gramphoo side. As soon we crossed the pass, we saw the crowd. At last we saw faces of people.

I looked at Debi’s face; she was relieved on seeing people around.

I joked ---“Now you are in crowded place. Happy.”


We again got down enjoying the scene of Rohtang Pass from Manali side. Paree and Ritika and Debi all were beaming with smile on their face. I felt happy that at last everyone was happy.

There we came to know that Manali would be very, very crowded place as at that time it was peak tourist season in the hilly region. One corn vendor suggested us that we could stay at a place called Naggar, which was twenty-two or twenty-five kilometers away from Manali. He also informed that we could find few good hotels in Naggar and as we have got our own vehicle we could easily dwell between places. It was a good idea for us, as we thought that in that peak season the hotels would be very costly in Manali.

Manali was warmer than the places we had already travelled. The weather was pleasant and there was no need to wear jackets and warm clothes.

The time we reached Naggar it was already late evening. It was not much of a problem to find an accommodation in Naggar as the place was quiet and peaceful and away from all hustle bustle.

We all went for dinner at a nearby restaurant after keeping our belongings in the room. After dinner Paree and Debi wanted to make a call to their home. Paree insisted that I should talk with my parents also.

Paree called mom and informed them that we were fine and have reached Naggar. Probably mom asked her as when we would be returning back to Kolkata. She looked at me and asked. I told her probably on Sunday morning. Probably mom asked Paree to hand over the phone to me.

Mom ---“Hello, how are you doing?”

Me ---“Am fine. What about you?”

Mom ---“We are also fine. How is Debanjana doing?”

Me---“She is doing very well and now she is happy and free of any tension. This trip was really invigorating for her. She has regained her lost composure.”

Mom ---“Give the phone to Debanjana.”

Me ---“Ok.” And I handed the receiver to Debi.

Mom and Debi talked for some time and then she again handed me the receiver.

Mom ---“I have something to say.”


Mom---“You said that the trip would be of twelve days, then why you are coming back on Sunday?”

Me---“I have nothing to do at home so I thought to enjoy the time, just like that. Any problem?”

Mom---“Your Indrani Mashi from Mumbai called few days back. She has invited us at her place in Mumbai. She has requested me to bring Paree along with us. ”

Me---“Why don’t you ask Paree? Whether she wants to go or not? Why are you asking me?”

Mom---“If you don’t come on Friday then she can’t come with us, that’s why I am asking that whether you will be back by Friday or not. I know that Paree would not like to accompany us, but what’s the harm in giving a try if you could come on Friday. We are going on Saturday by evening flight to Mumbai.”

I asked Paree whether she wants to goto Mumbai or not, she nodded her head that she doesn’t want to go.

Me ---“She does not want to go. For how many days you will be going?”

Mom ---“For the next whole week. Give the phone to Paree.”

I said to Paree that mom wants to talk to her. Paree kept the phone after sometime and then Debi called her home.

Once we retired to our rooms, I asked Paree as what has mom told to her.

Paree said to me ---“ChotoMa was bit disheartened to know that we are not coming back by that time. I asked her to keep the key with the tenant. She insisted that we can visit our village during that time and visit my mom. It would be a good idea as I have not gone to village since April. Probably ChotoMa doesn’t want that we stay alone in the house. No problem, we will go to village on Monday morning after reaching Kolkata.”

Suddenly I felt that the idea was very wrong.

I told to her ---“Why should we have to go to village? We could have stayed alone in the house.”

---“I don’t know the reason but she would probably inform my mother that we would be arriving on Monday.”

---“Do you have any idea, of the repercussion of my visit?”

She asked in a queer voice ---“Why, what’s the harm? I will be going to my mother’s place and you will be going to your Grand Aunt’s place. So what is the problem in that I can’t understand?”


---“Dear Paree, problem is not with your mother honey or the house. The main problem would be facing Subroto and Maithili.”

She exclaimed as she had totally forgotten as what had happened with me.

She slapped her forehead and sat on the bed with a thud---“Oh! My God. But why you have to worry? You have not done anything wrong. You were faithful to me and that I know by my heart. It is them who would not dare to come before you.” She smiled at me “And even if any type of confrontation happens then I have still got my aces up my sleeve, the cassette recorder is still with me.”

I looked at her and smiled ---“Hmmm…. So it would be a good game of cat and mouse.”

She cautioned me ---“Remember that I am not aware of that fact, so I have to act as if don’t know anything. Although after that incident in March, I have not talked with them much.”

“Sweet honey” I pinched her both cheeks and gently nudged her.

---“Now can we just change ourselves and goto bed?”

---“Ok as the queen wishes.”

Next day we spend sightseeing and roaming around Manali. Manali was a beautiful hill station but for me it was a normal hill station like hundreds others. Neither Paree nor I could appreciate the beauty of Manali while comparing it with the Lahul-Spiti valley. We visited Hadimba temple and one Shiva temple near to that. Manali was like a valley surrounded by high hills and a River Beas cutting through the valley.

Ladies were engaged most of the second half in shopping at the mall road. It was very crowded place. During June most of the schools have their summer holidays so there were lots and lots of people. Paree brought several stoles and shawls each for her mom, her ChotoMa and her two sister-in-laws. She asked me as what I would like to buy. I reminded that we had our first fight all due to shopping. On hearing that she laughed and all other also laughed. Suprotim Da said to me that shopping are part and parcel of ladies nature.

We loitered for some more time on the roads of Manali and by evening we returned to our hotel in Naggar. Next day would be our last day in the hills as we would start to descend. The weather was quiet hot.

Paree and Debi got down near The Castle to buy something. I, Suprotim Da and Ritika came back to hotel.

As the two ladies were not returning for quite some time so I thought, why not to sip a can of beer and puff a cigarette. I had already changed my dress only in shorts as it was quiet warm outside.

I knocked Suprotim Da’s door. He opened the door, I found that he was alone also enjoying a beer can and puffing cigarette and watching TV. He was also in a shorts and nothing else.

I reclined on the bed with few pillows behind my back and asked for a beer can and lighted a cigarette.

Suprotim Da handed me a beer can and sat on the couch with his legs stretched on the bed.

I asked him ---“Where is your damsel?”

---“She is in the bathroom taking bath. It was quiet hot outside so she wanted to have a bath. What about you? Where is your darling?”

---“Shopping and shopping and shopping …..”

We both laughed at each other.

He asked ---“So tomorrow where?”

---“Tomorrow back to New Delhi via Mandi and Swarghat. Probably we have to stay at Mandi or Swarghat. That depends.”

He paused a little ---“A very adventurous and roller-coaster journey is coming to end. Dude you are really great. I have seen several hill stations of India. You name them, like Dalhousie, Shimla, Manali, Chail, and Fagu. Even northeast like Darjeeling and Sikkim also. But dude this place is very different from all those places. In all hill stations you find hills and trees and crowded with thousands and thousands of tourists. But the place to which you took us is just …. What I say out of the world experience.”

I took a deep inhale of the cigarette and then exhaled all the smoke in one go and winched my eyebrows.

---“Any place becomes beautiful when you have right companion.”

He smiled at me ---“So there is a philosopher and a lover inside you.”

I asked him ---“What to have in dinner?”

---“I came to Manali few times before also.”

I winked to him ---“So with one day pitches or what?”

He asked me to keep quiet ---“Ssssshhhhhh…… not so loud….. She does not know about my one day pitches.”


---“Oh! Leave that. She can’t hear us due to the sound of the TV.”

He turned the volume of the TV bit louder ---“Guru, one day matches are one day matches, if you hit then it can be a sixer or catch. But a batsman’s true identity reflects when he plays a test match.”

I winked at him ---“So how many matches you have played so far?”

---“He he he … dude only two one day matches then I had to play test match.”

I asked him ---“Why haven’t you told Ritika about these? You should be clear by your heart.”

---“Come on dude, it was just past.”

I repeated what once Paree told to me ---“Past is not past. We should not forget past but we should learn from past. If we don’t secure our present then the past may catch us one time.”

He got bit annoyed on hearing all these philosophical words ---“B****C**** just booze. Do you get philosophical whenever you booze?”

Our gossip went on over few other topics also.

The bathroom door opened and Ritika came out drying her hair with bathing white towel.

My jaw dropped on the bed as I looked at her with utter delusion. Suprotim Da also looked at her and he lost his voice.

She came out of the restroom door in her birthday costume, not a single thread was over her luscious frame. Just like a mermaid rising out of the waves of the ocean basking in moonlight.

In that few seconds I devoured her luscious beauty with my eager eyes.

Her face looked like a rain drenched magnolia, shining brightly in sun rays.

Her hair not as long as Paree, coming down just below her nape. Straight wet strands of jade black tresses.

Her small round shoulder made a shaped crest at her chest.

She was a proud owner of a perfect pair of conical shaped firm round bosom pointing out with dark pink strawberries perched on the top of the wheatish coloured doughy mounds. The pink patch around the fountain was very luscious. Few tiny droplets of water dripping from her right strawberry made the image succulent.

Her midriff looked like the Spiti River, swallow but inviting, running till her deep navel.

She was a proud owner of narrows waist and soft round fleshy tummy.

Her hips were wide and inviting. Her lower belly was bit fleshy.

Her lower abdomen curved down between her supple round thighs supporting bit extra fleshy bottoms. I saw a beauty spot, a tiny black mark on the left side of her lower abdomen. Few beads of water dribbled out of her deep navel, created few wet trails down her supple lower tummy and before disappearing into the peninsula.

As she walked out her beautiful soft bottoms rippled and swayed sideways very seductively.

The sweet inviting juncture between her thighs was beautified by a tiny garden of soft curly saplings, very well trimmed above her peninsula. The tiny stream dividing the peninsula was clearly visible and her rosy petals peeked out from the stream. Her garden was moist and was soaked in rainwater, glistening in the light of the room. Tiny droplets dripped from those shiny rose petals.

The supple soft thighs tapered down to small round knees and then came her curvaceous calves. Beads of dew soaked all over her supple shiny skin of her sumptuous upper limbs.

I felt a sudden gush of hot blood running to my brain and hitting me directly on the face. My ears turned red and my throat became dry, eyes bulged out.

She didn’t notice me sitting on the bed sipping beer as her face was turned away from us. She was so engaged in drying her hair and humming some song.

Our trance broke on hearing her voice ---“Munchkin, can you give my robe please.”

I got a shock of thousand voltages and screamed ---“Oh! Shit” and I jumped out of the bed and ran to the door.

She just could not believe as what has happened. She leaped into the bathroom and stood behind the door.

Ritika shouted from there ---“F*** you, bloody swine. Why didn’t you inform me that Abhi was in the room?”

Suprotim Da somehow regained his words ---“How come I would know that you would be coming out in your birthday suit. Did I have a dream?”

---“How could I know that he was in the room? You two were watching TV with blaring sound.”

I said in my top voice ---“I am very sorry, Ritika!!!”

I heard her screaming at me ---“Get the hell out of here, you devil.”


I closed the door behind me and walked away to my room. Paree and Debi have not returned from their shopping yet so I had nothing to do. I sipped the can and the appealing image of the mermaid floated in front of my eyes. I felt a staunch in my loins, heat rose from my navel flowing upwards.

After sometime, Paree entered the room. I looked at her like a hungry hyena as I was unable to control my heat.

She smiled at me very sweetly as she could not sense my staunchness.

She said ---“Why are you looking at me like that? Can’t you even keep me out-of-sight for one second?”

She looked ravishing in her pink coloured long skirt with hundreds of small blue flowers all over and buttoned up white frilled shirt. She had a stole around her neck.

I locked her in my arms on her tummy from her behind and hugged her deeply. I pressed myself over her back. She threw her bags on the bed and whimpered out as she felt my growing heat beating like a drum on her sumptuous bottoms.

She asked me playfully ---“What happened to you?”

---“Nothing happened, just missed you very much honey bee. Where were you for so long?”

---“We went to The Castle; it is a very beautiful hotel cum restaurant developed by HP government.”

She gently rubbed her cheeks on mine. My nostrils filed up with her fragrance of jasmine and her own sweet aroma.

She whispered ---“Please let me go, I have to take bath and freshen up before dinner.”

I pleaded her mischievously ---“Can I come with you in the bathroom, baby? I also want a shower badly.”

She slapped on my arms that were locked on her soft round tummy ---“NO, you will act naughty in the bathroom. Why you are always behaving like that?”

---“I can’t take my hands off your amorous anatomy. I want you to have with me, everywhere.”

---“Abhi, this is not good sign. Coition is only a profuse expression of love. Don’t make that a carnal greed. The greed burns the person’s mind and soul. They become beast and love doesn’t dwell in evil beast.”

On hearing those words all the burning fire doused down and my chest filled up with a pure halo of attachment. I let her loose and she took her dresses and went into the bathroom to freshen up.

Paree has changed to a long white flowing skirt and a light blue frilled shirt with a white stole around her neck. She looked adorable in that dress.

After sometime Suprotim Da knocked our door and asked us for dinner.

I was not in a position to meet Ritika’s eyes. I felt very much embarrassed of the situation, probably they also felt so. I said to Paree that I won’t be taking dinner. Paree gave a queer look to me and then to Suprotim Da. Suprotim Da understood my feelings and smiled at me.

---“Ritika is also not going for dinner. Suchismita if you can please look into that?”

Paree asked him as what has happened ---“Why these two guys are not going for dinner? What has happened in mean time?”

Suprotim Da laughed at me as my face was red and my ears turned hot. I looked at the ceiling to hide my embarrassment.

He scratched his scalp and said ---“Abhi and I was in our room sipping beer. Just then Ritika came out of bathroom in her birthday costume. Our jaws dropped on the floor.”

Paree could not control her outburst and fell on the bed clutching her tummy and chuckled loudly.

I yelled at her ---“Why are you laughing at me like that?”

“My sweet Devil saw Suprotim Da’s Aphrodite, that’s why I am laughing.” She tried to control her composure and said “Ok, ok I will try to persuade Ritika. You dress up quickly.”

Ritika came out of the room hiding behind Paree and I looked the other way just to save myself from embarrassment of facing her. Both Suprotim Da and Paree could not stop crackling at us. Debi gave a baffled look at us as she could not understand as why all were laughing like that.

Suprotim Da said that there was a Italian restaurant and we could have Lasagna and grilled trout fish. Paree and Debi both were new to this type of dish, so they looked at each other and asked him as what was Lasagna. Ritika explained them the Italian dish. She was still walking behind Paree and I was in front of the pack so as to avoid our eye contact.

Paree sportingly pulled Ritika out and pushed her beside Suprotim Da “We all are grown up people. That was a quiet embarrassing moment I know. Now be comfortable.”


Both Suprotim Da and Paree again started to make mockery of us.

During our dinner Suprotim Da revealed that he and Ritika would get married by December and they want us to be present on their wedding.

I looked at Ritika who sat with her head down and Suprotim Da cuddling her, trying to help her regain her composure.

I joked ---“So at last you are going to be a donkey.”

We accepted his invitation and promised him that we would attend their conjugation and enjoy their legally first night togather.

Next day we all got up late. The beautiful trip has come to an end, now was the time for birds to return to their respective nests and start their everyday journey.

I was driving the car and Suprotim Da sat by my side. Three ladies were sitting behind us. The road was quiet smooth and we started with a good velocity. By the evening we reached Mandi and had our tea. Suprotim Da asked that whether we would stay at Swarghat or not. I said that all depends on the time. In next few hours we were nearing Swarghat. I asked them again that do we need to stop or drive home.

At first every one opposed to me. I said them that I had no problem in driving for long hours. The time we reached Chandigarh it was sundown. I was feeling tired of driving for a stretch of eight hours. My back was strained. Suprotim Da asked me whether I would be able to drive or not. I told him that I want to stay the night at Chandigarh. He said that he will drive the rest of the journey till New Delhi.

The time we reached New Delhi it was dead night, at two o’clock in the night.

We all took rest for the next whole day.

Ritika and I had thrown our embarrassments to dungeon and we were again joking at each other. The evening was very emotional one as we all knew that we have to part our ways on Sunday Morning early flight.

Paree called her ChotoMa on reaching New Delhi and informed that we would reach home by Sunday. Mean time Debi also informed her home about our return. Her mom and dad said that they would be present at the arrival to welcome us back.

I sneaked out and called Arindam and asked him to be present at the arrival terminal, away from Debi’s parent’s sight. What he understood I don’t know but he told me that he will comply with that.

Sunday early morning we had to board our flight for return journey. The departure was sweet yet painful. All the three ladies were sobbing.

Suprotim Da shook my hand and said to me ---“I will eagerly wait for you before I sit for my wedding.”

On the flight I explained my intention to the two ladies.

---“Once we get down at the terminal. Debi will walk beside me. Close enough so that no eyebrows are raised. You have to have some distance between us while we trot towards the gate. Let me talk to Bannerjee uncle and Aunt the whole thing and I would ask a promise from them as not to tell anything to my parents. I think I am clear to both my damsels.”

The aircraft touched the runway and came to a halt. There was a scary look in the eyes of Debi. Paree hugged her and tried to persuade her not to panic.

As we walked out after collecting our luggage we saw that Bannerjee uncle and Aunt was there standing at the gate waiting for us. I looked around and found that Arindam was standing at one corner mixed up in the crowd. I gestured him that everything would be fine.

Debi looked at my face; her eyes were glistening in anticipation as what would happen when her parents would come to know the real truth.

I rubbed her back and told her “Nothing to scare about, just keep your head cool. Everything will be ok.”

Debi looked at her mom and then at me. Her mom and dad were beaming with smile as they saw their only daughter returning happily. They were satisfied to see her face beaming with smile. Aunt’s repeatedly wiped the corner of her eyes with the corner of her Saree.

I whispered to Debi ---“Run, your mom is weeping. Run to her and hug her. Finally I have kept my promise to bring you back to them.”

Paree looked at my face and smiled victoriously, her prince has returned with the crown.

Debi hugged her mom tightly. Bannerjee uncle approached me and shook my hand.

His eyes were also deluged as he saw his daughter has regained her lost composure.


With a proud voice he said to me ---“Ask for anything. I will give you here only. I promise and that’s a gentleman’s promise. Abhimanyu I have no words how to thank you.”

I took a deep breath as I was going to defend my palace. Huge war drums were beating inside my chest. I looked at Paree, she gently nodded her head, signaled me to “Go ahead my prince. You will be victorious.”

I looked at Arindam and gestured him to come near us.

After a bit of silence I spoke out ---“Bannerjee Uncle, I have something to ask for.”

---“Why are you hesitating? We all know what you would ask for. Just ask.”

Debi and her mom looked at me.

“I am a very good friend of Debanjana. But there is someone else in her heart, she want to be with. And that someone is not me.” I pointed to Arindam “This is my friend Arindam, who loves Debanjana.”

There was a bewildered look on Bannerjee Uncle’s face. He was unable to believe what he was hearing. Her mom clutched her in her arms and looked at her face. Debi was also surprised when she found Arindam at the arrival.

Bannerjee uncle said ---“This can’t happen. We believed that you and Debi were very much together.”

---“Why this can’t happen? He is doing Masters in chemistry from Kolkata University and he love Debi more than I do.”

He nodded his head in disbelief ---“But what about you and your parents?”

---“First give me your word. You promised me that you will keep your word. Whatever I would ask from you, you will give me.”

He hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead---“Who are you?”

I freed myself from his strong embrace ---“You are keeping to your word?”


I called Arindam and Debi and wrapped my arms over their shoulder and hugged them deeply on my chest.

My voice was choked as I spoke to them ---“I have kept my promise, which I made to Sarmishta.”

Debi was uncontrollable. Paree came forward; she was all the time standing behind us wiping her eyes.

She took Debi in her arms and consoled her.

Bannerjee uncle asked me ---“What about your parent’s when they will come to know that Debi and you are not in a relation.”

---“Now you have to keep another promise that you won’t say a word to my parents till I say you to do so.”

Aunt looked at me and rubbed her soothing palms all over my face ---“You have a very large heart of pure gold. That is the problem. I assure you that this will not be divulged to your parents. I pray to Almighty that you get everything what you have asked from Him.”

Paree and Debi were inseparable when we were boarding the taxi to start for our home.

Debi slapped my face ---“You two are the best things I have in my entire life.”

On our return journey, Paree sat silently wiping her eyes and resting her head on my left shoulder. I took her in my arms and consoled her.

She looked at my face and said ---“My Victorious Baby Prince. I love you.”


Arunima Roy Chowdhury

Well-Known Member
Chapter 8: 64 Squares of Chess


Mom called on Sunday night so as to find out that whether we have reached safely or not. Paree answered the phone and she told her that we have reached safely and we would be going to the village next day.

Paree cooked mutton for the dinner.

I asked her whether she would wear jeans or not.

She exclaimed ---“Have you gone mad or what? Everyone in the village will just ogle at me as if they had seen some aliens.”

---“Then what are you going to wear tomorrow?”

---“Simple saree or Salwar.”

---“Don’t forget to take the mini cassette recorder with you.”

---“Sure, don’t worry about that.”

I pinched her chubby dimpled cheeks and nudged her ---“My kitten. Lovely Damsel.”

Next day morning we started for village. We boarded a bus and that would take about three hours to reach Grandaunt’s house.

Paree wore a long white skirt and a white frilled half shirt, with a dark blue stole around her neck. Everything white. She was looking radiant in that dress. An idol made up of pure butter and milk. It was summer season and weather of Kolkata was hot and humid. The bus raced towards our destination.

We were engage in discussing about our memorable trip to Lahul-Spiti valley. She smiled and laughed as she reminded me about Ritika’s embarrassing situation. I slapped on the back of her head as she enjoyed my coy face turned red.

We both were sweating, but as the bus was moving with good velocity so the air kept us cool. One time I observed that the back of her shirt got drenched in her sweat and the fabric glued to her back and snaky spine. Her skimpy blue undergarment clearly outlined at her back. I saw few pairs of lewd eyes looking at her back. I took her stole and wrapped that around her to cover her back.

I got annoyed ---“Do you have to wear this shirt in bus?”


---“You are sweating and your back is drenched.”

---“So what would you like me to wear? Have you suggested something?”

---“You told me yesterday that you would be wearing saree or salwar. Now don’t start in the bus. Please.”

---“Baah, re…. you could have picked any dress you like, why didn’t you choose for me?”

“Come on.” Then I whispered in her ears “You are looking damn gorgeous in this white colour.”

---“Any ways, thanks for covering my back.”

The time we reached the village bust stand it was noon. The scorching sun was burning overhead. We took a rickshaw-van as it was about two hours walking distance from the bus-stand to her house. The rickshaw-van drove through the mango and jackfruits orchards and litchi gardens. The green fields were looking very beautiful. The air of the village was filled up with the smell of fruits.

Paree was happy to return to her birth place after three months. She was constantly giggling like a small child and explaining me how to eat unripe green mangoes with mustard oil and salt and pepper.

I joked at her ---“Even if the mangoes are tasty but those won’t be like your lips and cheeks. Honey.”

She blushed beautifully, and I just love to see her kittenish blush.

Grand Aunt was waiting for us in the courtyard for a long time. As soon as the rickshaw-van stopped at the courtyard of her house, Paree got down and ran to her mom. After a long time, mother and daughter were meeting with each other. I paid the rickshaw-van puller and picked the bags and approached Grand Aunt.

She touched my forehead and pulled by my hairs to kiss my forehead.

I returned her blessings with a bear hug.

---“Aree baba, don’t hug me so tightly, my old bones will crack. Now you are not that small Abhi that I could carry you on my lap and tell you stories of fairies and kings and queens.”

---“Grand Aunt, you are still the same. Tonight I want to hear the fairy story; who had seven brothers. You will tell that, right?”

Paree was embracing her mom from behind and looked at me playfully.

Grand aunt chuckled at me and said ---“Ok, now come inside and wash up. No one has taken lunch. Meghna and Maithili are waiting for you both. Sumanto has gone to fields and will be back by evening. Others are in their offices they will return by evening.”

As we heard Maithili’s name I got tensed and Paree sensed my tension. She winked at me and said “No tension while I am here.”

I entered the house, Meghna and Paree hugged each other. She looked at Maithili’s face who was peeping at us, standing behind the kitchen door. Paree waved her hand and asked her to come out. Our eyes met, she turned red and looked down. Paree looked at me and then she ran to her and hugged her as if nothing has happened. No other person standing there sensed as what was going on.

During lunch, Grand Aunt asked us about my mom and dad and other pleasantries were exchanged.

Paree told them that we had been to Lahul-Spiti valley for a long vacation. On listening to that everyone got interested in our stories.


After lunch I left the ladies alone for gossiping and walked towards the fields. I looked around the green fields spread till the horizon. I slowly walked through the mango and jackfruit orchards at the back of the house. I loitered around the pond at the end of the orchard. I saw the same tree that Grand Aunt told me once that I have planted. I found mangoes hanging from the branch.

I got tempted to pluck one and devour its taste. So I climbed the tree and sat on one branch and chewed the unripe green mangoes like a monkey. I lied down on one of the branch, enjoying the cool summer breeze flowing over the pond to the orchard. I felt sleepy after sometime.

I opened my eyes only to find Grand Aunt smiling at me with her pious loving eyes. The sun was approaching the west horizon. I looked at my Grand Aunt and asked as how she found me.

She said in her soothing grandmotherly voice---“Grandchild’s are always part of Grand Aunts heart. I knew somehow that you would be here. But I didn’t thought I would find you sleeping on the branch like a monkey. Now come down. Everyone has returned and was asking for you.”

I came down and placed my right arm on her shoulder and said ---“You promised me that you would be telling that story. You are my sweet Grand Aunt.”

---“I am aged now and my hairs are turning grey. Most of my teeth have fallen. My eyesight is also going dim and you joking with me still?”

---“Who told you that you are getting old?”

We walked towards the house as the sun was setting behind us behind the bushes on the horizon.

Gradually the dark approached from the east. I heard sound of conch shells blowing from distant houses. The village ladies were offering the evening puja at their courtyard. The sound of conch shell and the aroma of incense sticks burning made my thoughts nostalgic. I quietly sat beside my Grand Aunt as she was offering her puja.

After she completed her puja she looked at me and said---“Same like this you used to sit behind me when you were three years old and after puja was finished you used to stretch your little hands and ask for the sweets.”

I stretched my right hand and asked ---“Why don’t you give me sweets today also?”

She looked at my face and wiped the corner of her eyes and handed a small sweet meat to me.

I looked around, Shasanko Uncle and Sumanto Uncle has returned. I could not find Subroto. We talked with each other exchanging pleasantries for the whole evening. I could not find Paree anywhere.

While we were chatting Meghna served puffed rice mixed with mustard oil, minced onion and mixture. Something that people in cities has forgotten to taste. They all take patties and cakes and pastries in their evening snacks. But the simplicity of the food made me mushy.

Dushtu came running once he saw me talking with his father and uncle. That small child of eight years was beaming with joy as he met his young Suchi Auntie after a long, long time.

His juvenile unadulterated heart of eight years was filled up with lots of queries that he wanted to ask me.

---“Can I call you Abhi uncle?”

His dad, Shasanko Uncle said to him that I was not his uncle but his distant cousin brother.

---“No you are lying. Brothers are not so old like him. He has got glasses on his eyes also. Why he calls Paree Auntie by her name?”

We all laughed at him on hearing his question.

He asked me playfully ---“Do you know stories of ghosts and fairies?”

I answered him that I know many stories of ghosts and fairies.

---“Will you tell me those stories at night?”

---“Surely, why not! But you have to study first and complete your homework.”

“Ok, but don’t go to sleep before telling me stories” saying that he ran to his mom for finishing his homework.

I observed that the property has been divided and every family has now their own kitchen and Grand Aunt was with Sumanto. But for guests the cooking was still done by all the daughter-in-laws.

After a long time I saw Sumanto Uncle’s wife. She was a quiet lady not so literate like others, which was the reason I was unable to notice her during the wedding. She looked like a divine deity, pious and virtuous in her cream coloured saree with wide red border, draped around her in old Bengali style. She had a big vermillion dot on her forehead, which made her more admirable that any of the mother’s or ladies in that house.


After sometime I felt a deep urge to puff so I went upstairs quietly to have a stick.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and found that Dushtu and his Paree Auntie behind me.

Paree was carrying Dushtu on her lap.

Paree gave a naughty look as if asking “Missed me?”

She said to me ---“Here dinner is served early and all goes to bed early. Everyone rises early here. Sumanto Da has to goto to fields in early morning and rest of the ladies has their works to do. So don’t be late.”

Dushtu in his childish voice asked me ---“You promised me that you will tell me fables after dinner.”

I came very near to them and ruffled his hair and looked at Paree’s smiling eyes and said to Dushtu ---“Today I will tell you a tale of thief who stole a fairy from her palace and went away to mountain.”

Dushtu exclaimed in joy ---“Really!! I have not heard any stories like that. I have heard only stories of prince and princess.”

Paree bit her lower lips, in the low light of night I saw her eyes glistened in coy.

I rubbed my nose on his small soft nose ---“This is a new story.”

While I was rubbing my nose, Paree stole a small kiss on my left cheek.

She said ---“Come down, probably the dinner is ready.”

Paree was ahead of me while climbing the stairs with Dushtu on her lap.

While climbing down I asked her ---“In which room I am going to stay?”

She looked over her shoulder ---“You are going to stay in my room and I will sleep with my mom.”

During dinner I found that we, the males, have been served on large brass plates on the dining table.

I said to Grand Aunt that these brass plates and the brass bowls are not going well with the dining table, we should sit on the ground on wooden square plank to have our dinner.

Sumanto uncle and Shasanko uncle looked at me and smiled at my suggestion.

Shasanko uncle said ---“You are from a city, still you are very much down to earth.”

And we all sat on wooden square planks on the floor. I was flabbergasted by their hospitality.

I asked Grand Aunt, who sat beside me ---“Is there any special occasion for all these arrangements?”

---“My long lost grandson has come, what can be more for me to celebrate.”

Paree and eldest aunt were serving food to us while Meghna was passing them the utensils. Maithili stood at a distant. As I looked at her, she turned away her face. Subroto was also seated on the same row but he was unexpectedly silent.

Paree told me that the fish was from their pond, the rice and the cereals were from their fields and the milk was milked from their cows.

First day at their house was the best experience from any relatives I had till then.

Paree ushered me in her room after dinner. I sat on the bed and put my arms around her narrow waist and pulled her near me. She playfully placed her arms around my neck and smiled sweetly. I looked into her deep black eyes and her dimpled rosy cheeks.

She whispered to me ---“Let me go, I have to finish my dinner and then sleep with my mom.”

---“Not before a small kiss. Honey.”

She meowed like kitten---“Ok, only after I finish my dinner.”

My nostrils filled with some different aroma, I gave her a queer look.

She purred in my ears ---“I am having my cycle….”

---“But that has to come after three days. Why so early?”

She exclaimed at me and slapped the back of my head ---“You keep count of everything about me? You rascal.”

I rubbed my nose on her tip ---“I have to keep a notch of everything my EVE is doing. But this is a problem and we have to consult a gynecologist for that.”

She purred like a kitten--- “So much care for me.”

I stretched my neck to reach her lips; she stooped down to touch mine. Our lips grazed softly on each other’s.

Dushtu came running into the room all of a sudden and we have to part as if thunders stroke fell on us. He jumped on and lied down on the bed.

He giggled at me ---“Tell me the story of the thief who stole the fairy.”

Paree gave me a teasing look with her naughty eyes ---“Now that’s up to you how you handle him, I am going.” She ruffled Dushtu’s hair and cautioned him not to disturb his “Abhi Uncle”.


Next morning, about eleven o’clock. I entered the kitchen of eldest aunt. She was packing rice and pulses in some utensils. I asked her for whom she was packing those. She answered that those were for Sumanto uncle who was in the field. I asked her that could I accompany her to the fields.

She was surprised to hear me ---“No. How will you go in this scorching sun? It is very hot outside. The fields are about four to five kilometers from the house and we have to walk.”

---“Respect and admire can make the sun rays soothing as the moon light.”

She smiled at me with motherly affection ---“You are a naughty rascal. Ok come on.”

As we started, Grand Aunt and Paree asked us as where we were going.

Eldest Aunt answered that I was accompanying her to the fields. Paree smiled and nodded her head in dismay.

While we walked, I asked her ---“You don’t have any children. Right?”

---“Yes. Because of some health problems.”

---“Why you were so quiet and unnoticeable during Subroto’s wedding?”

Her eyes glistened, she smiled painfully ---“I am a poor farmer’s wife. I am not rich as your Indrani Mashi or Chandrani Mashi, neither my husband is educated like Shasanko or Subroto.”

I stopped her in the middle of the narrow path ---“Who told you that you are not rich? You are Devi Annapurna of this house. You are the rice bowl. Come on leave these let’s walk.”

She looked t me, few drops of tears rolled down the corner of her eyes which she wiped with the corner of her saree.

After some silent walk I asked her ---“You love Paree very much.”

“Yes” She nodded her head. “She is the youngest child of this house. Sometime I see my childhood in hers.”

---“It pains, that she has gone away from this house.”

---“Not actually. When I think that she has been taken out of these glitters of snobbery, I feel relieved.”

---“You can come anytime to our house, if you feel to meet Paree. My doors are always open for you.”

She looked at me ---“Sometimes it pains, whenever I think of that what will happen to that child who has been abused by her sisters from childhood days. She hides a lot of pain behind her sweet smile. But this time, for the first time I saw happiness in her eyes. Pains gone. I fear, that how long this smile will remain on her lips.”

---“I promise you that I will not let that smile to fade away from her lips.”

What she understood, I don’t know but she stood looking at me, giving a pious smile.

She touched my head ---“Keep that promise, not for me but for her.”

We then walked to the fields, changing the topic and talking about the vegetables and fields and many others.

That day evening at about three o’clock, Dushtu came running to me and asked me that do I know how to catch fish.

I answered ---“No, I haven’t caught any in my whole life time.”

---“But Thanu (Grand Aunt) told me that when you were young then you and Subroto Uncle used to catch fish from the pond.”

---“Ok let’s give a try.”

He jumped as he heard that we would goto the pond.

I asked him, standing near the pond ---“But we don’t have fishing rod? How can we catch fish?”

He looked around and said ---“No one will come here, we can jump in the pond to catch fish.”

I laughed at him ---“Uh! Come on. Our clothes will get drenched.”

He screamed and giggled ---“No. We will take off our clothes and then jump.”

I looked around and took off my shirt and pant and stood only in my briefs. The naughty boy took of all his clothes and stood also in his briefs. We laughed at each other and then jumped into the pond.

I dived into the pond, but Dushtu ran up to a branch of mango tree and jumped from there.

He said to me ---“Why are you diving like that? Come on this branch and jump like me.”

I laughed at him and said to him that how to jump.

He ran out to the branch again and showed me. As he jumped her bent his knees near to his chest and locked his small arms on his shin and jumped from the slanting branch of the mango tree into the pond.

I imitated him and we both laughed as we dived into the pond.

Somehow we tried to catch fish with our hands, but we could not.

Dushtu suggested ---“Why not we make your shirt a temporary net and catch fish?”


---“Good idea.”

So after much of struggle and much of child’s play in the water we caught a fish with my shirt at last. I handed that fish to Dushtu. He looked at the fish; its mouth was gasping for breath and was wriggling in his small hands. The fish was slippery so it was getting slipped from his small grip. He tightened his grip on its fins and looked at me.

“This fish is gasping badly.” He looked bit sad “Let us free this in the water.”

I ruffled his hair and said ---“Ok, let it go.”

The fish swam into the water quickly.

We sat on the bank of the pond waiting for our briefs to get dry. The sun was approaching the west horizon.

He asked me in his childish tone with a pure unadulterated voice ---“Why did you take away Paree Auntie from me?”

I looked at him ---“Who told you that I took her away?”

---“Yes, you took her away. She now stays at your home.”

I laughed at him answer ---“So you mean to say that since she stays at my home, so I have taken her away from you?”

He gave a queer look ---“Yes, sure. Maithili auntie came to this house with Subroto Uncle. This is her home now.”

For some time, I lost my words as what to answer.

I ruffled his wet hair and asked ---“You miss your Paree Auntie very much?”

He snuggled close to me ---“Yes. I miss her very much. She used to play with me, made my hair. Use to bathe me and sang lullaby while I slept. I miss her very much.”

I put my arm around him---“Your Paree Auntie has gone nowhere” I patted his small chest “She will be always here, with you.”

He smiled at me, pure smile. Smile made up of honeybee’s honey and early morning dew ---“Can I come to your house to meet her? Anytime?”

---“Yes why not. You can come to my house anytime for whole lifetime.”

He jumped on me hearing that and threw his little arms around my neck ---“You are the best uncle. Abhi Uncle.”

I smiled sweetly at his frivolous face.

The sun went down the horizon. Birds were chirping very noisily over head, all were returning to their nests. We also put on our clothes, part dried part soaked and returned to the house. All the while he didn’t let my hand loose from his small strong grip.

As we entered the house, Dushtu ran and leaped on Paree’s lap and said something in her ears. Paree gave a queer look at me and then smiled at him.

She said to him ---“Sure, why can’t you come to my house. You are always welcome.”

Everything was not going well, due to my presence in that house. The tension between me and Subroto was felt by Grand Aunt and also by Sumanto Uncle.

One evening when I and Sumanto Uncle were having tea along with puffed rice.

He asked me ---“You stayed the whole night during Subroto’s wedding.”

“Yes” I nodded my head while sipping the tea.

“What happened between you and him? He is not talking to you properly and his wife has not come out in front of you, not for a single time?” He asked me while munching the puffed rice.

On hearing his question I stopped midway while sipping the tea and looked at his face as what he knows.

I answered him trickily ---“May be due to some miscommunication some misunderstanding has happened. From my part I am ok. I was just waiting for him to talk, so that we could clear our misunderstanding.”

“Why not call him now and clear that.” He shouted and called “Subroto, come here at the verandah. I have something to say.”

Subroto came down hurriedly and when he saw that I was sitting along with Sumanto Uncle, he stood still as a stone effigy. There was a sheer horrified look in his eyes. He lost his words and trotted slowly near Sumanto Uncle.

He asked him in a low horrified voice with his eyes down ---“What happened, Dada?”


Sumanto uncle looked at me and then said to him ---“You are not talking with him, what happened between you?”

I sensed that the “it is not a wise decision to make a scene of him” so I sportingly walked to him and hugged him and said “Nothing happened, right brother. Everything is ok.”

I looked at Sumanto uncle and said ---“Probably he could not find time to talk with me. They are still newly married. They need some time to be together.”

I sensed a big relief came off Subroto’s chest as he gave me an apologizing look and silently walked away.

We sat there silently for some time.

After sometime Sumanto Uncle asked me---“How is Paree doing at your house?”

I looked at him ---“It is not my house only, it has become her house also. She addresses my mom as ChotoMa.”

---“During those days, I could not take care of anyone. I had to work to make the ends meet. And after a long, long time I find my sweet child sister has grown up to be a lady. When I had time then I had no say. This world glitters in the rays of glass; they don’t understand the worth of uncut diamond. Because uncut diamond does not glitter, it looks same like any other stone. Glass always glitters whether cut or uncut.”

I asked him ---“Why are you telling me all these?”

He looked at me ---“Your mom, Ulupi Di and us. We don’t have any blood relation in few miles of radius around us. She only came here as her school was near to our house and she was carrying you then. But what she did for us is something our own family members have not done for us.”

---“Leave all those, Paree is happy now.”

---“I am also happy to see her happy. But I don’t know how long this smile will be on her lips.”

---“Why do you think that her smile will go away?”

---“Someday she has to marry and that only God knows what fate he has written for her.”

“You want to see her smile forever? Right.” I asked him. He nodded “Yes”.

---“She is in her second home now. Why are you so skeptical about her? Everything will be taken care of gradually. She is happy again and she will remain happy.”

He let out a deep breath and said ---“Abhi, this world is very cruel.”

---“I won’t let any cruelty to dwell around her. Till the time I am with her.”

I don’t know what he understood but he smiled at me painfully ---“How long you can be there for her? She has to go one day.”

I murmured inside my heart “I won’t let her go away from my sight, not for a single moment if you allow me.”

I joked at him, but it was a serious joke for me ---“Don’t worry Sumanto Uncle; Paree won’t go away from your heart from my heart from no one’s heart. Wherever she will be she will be happy.”

One night after dinner I was on the roof puffing a white stick. I looked up the dark Prussian blue sky; the dark carpet was splattered with millions of twinkling stars. Cold summer breeze was blowing from south. All the persons in the house has gone asleep, it was about twelve o clock in the night. I looked to the horizon. The black coconut trees stood silently and were beckoning me like a ghost. Somewhere in the bamboo trees some jackal or fox howled. The crickets were producing long shrieks in some nearby bush. Somewhere nearby, some dog barked, probably it saw a cat jumping.

I was about to climb down the stairs to goto my room, I saw that Paree was climbing up. I looked at her face, in the low light of the crescent moon. She looked like a marigold flower.

She smiled at me ---“Not feeling sleepy, you rascal.”

I held her by the back of her head and gently griped her hair ---“You are also not sleeping, sweet raven.”

We stood at one corner of the roof. I wrapped my arms around her from her back and locked my hands on her tummy. She rested her head on my left chest and held my hand. We stood there silently for long time looking at the horizon and the Prussian blue sky.

She purred ---“What you were doing at this time on the roof?”

I rubbed my cheek on her soft right cheek and whispered ---“You were also not sleeping, why?”

---“I heard your footsteps climbing on the stairs. So I came out to check.”

---“That sound didn’t wake you up, for sure. Why are you awake?”

She slowly turned in my locked arms and placed her palms on my chest and looked into my eyes. It was not a smile in her eyes, there was a tensed look.


I asked her what happened.

She answered ---“Maithili was asking about you. She wanted to tell me something but she resisted.”

“Tell me the whole incident” I pulled her more to my chest. “But why are you looking so tensed?”

---“It is because of the heavy weather among those two. Can’t you feel that after you arrived they have not come out in front of you, not for one instance?”

I let out a deep exhale ---“What can I do, if they don’t approach me.”

She looked at me ---“Why don’t you go and talk to them?”

I got bit annoyed and loosened my arms around her narrow waist ---“Why should I? If I approach them, then it clearly suggest that I have done something wrong. But I have done nothing.”

She walked away a little and looked back at me ---“I know you haven’t done anything wrong, but the tension has spilled out somehow. Meghna and my mom were also asking me. What answer should I give to them?”

I lit another cigarette and inhaled a long puff and asked her ---“What was Maithili asking to you or wanted to say to you?”

---“She tried to say something. Only she said to me ‘Can you tell Abhi, that I am sorry’. I asked her that why she was telling me all these. She only told me that she can’t come out in front of you and her face was very gloom.”

I felt a burning rage in my head ---“Why did you go to her room?”

“What can I do? I have to act that I know nothing. Don’t you understand these things?” she yelled at me softly.

I pulled her on me and looked into her eyes ---“Tell them to meet me at night, any night before we return and don’t forget to bring the cassette recorder with you while you come. You should also be present there while we speak.”

She gave a queer look and asked ---“Why should I be there, while you speak? They will feel uncomfortable in front of me?”

---“That whore can open her dress in front of me and she can’t talk in front you? I will surely teach that son-of-a-bitch and his whore wife a very good lesson.”

She patted my cheek and smiled at me ---“Come on, keep your head cool and goto sleep.”

She kissed me sweetly on my lips and we came down the roof.

Our days came to an end in that house. Mom and dad were to arrive on Sunday morning flight. So we had to be at our house by Saturday evening.

On the penultimate evening in that village paradise, Grand Aunt was offering her evening puja. I sneaked quietly behind her and sat silently behind her. She was reading some holy book. I looked at her face. In the yellow light of the earthen lamp, I saw a pain in her eyes. The pain of separation from her youngest daughter, Paree.

After she finished her puja, she felt that someone was sitting behind her. She looked at me over her shoulder. Like the old childhood days, I stretched my right hand to her and asked ---“Won’t you give me my sweets?”

She was surprised to see me ---“When did you come here?”

---“Long ago. You were totally engrossed in that holy book. So I didn’t disturb you.”

She handed me a sweet meat and asked me---“Is Paree doing well at your house?”

---“Why are you asking me such questions? That is her other home, whatever she does here she do there also. Don’t worry about her.”

---“Tomorrow you will be going away. When will you come again?”

I took her hand in mine ---“Any time, it is your daughter’s house. My mom is also like your daughter, so you can visit anytime. You don’t have to hesitate for that.”

She said ---“Your mom is more than a daughter to me, she is like my sister.”

---“Please leave all these emotional talks. Let us talk something different.”

She smiled at me ---“What do you want from an old lady, now?”

I kneeled before her and looked in her old but queer eyes ---“One day I will come to ask for your doll from you.”

She could not understand as what I was asking.

She pointed to the idol placed on the deity throne ---“Which one, this one?”

I smiled at her playfully ---“May be that one, may be some other doll.”

She ruffled my hair and laughed at me ---“I don’t understand as what you are saying. But whatever you are asking for, if it is my hand then I will surely give that to you. I know you are very precious.”


I murmured in my soul “Grand Aunt, I love your daughter, Suchismita and I am asking for her. Will you give her hand to me?”

After dinner, Paree was engaged in packing our bags. I stole few hugs and sweet kisses from her while she was packing. We fought like two small kittens before she went to bed.

I reclined on the bed, resting on few pillows on my back and reading a novel of SarathChandra, “Srikanto”. I heard a knock on the door and Paree entered the room. She was hiding something under her stole and pushed that under my pillow.

She looked bit tensed and said to me ---“Subroto and Maithili wants to talk to you.”

I gestured her as what she had pushed under my pillow, she signaled a square with her finger. I nodded my head, understood that it was the cassette recorder.

I told her to usher them inside. The hour was late and everybody in the house was in deep sleep.

Subroto came in and looked the other way and said in an apologetic voice ---“We want to talk to you alone.”

On seeing his face, I clenched my jaws and looked at him over my specs.

Paree looked at me and then to Subroto and was about to leave. I signed her to stop and come to me. I sat up on the bed and asked Subroto as whatever he wanted to speak he can say in front of Paree.

He looked very disturbed and hesitated to say anything.

I sneaked my hand under the pillow and switched on the cassette recorder.

In a deep groaning voice I said to him ---“Why are you silent? Speak up.”

He looked at me and said to me also in a deep groan voice ---“I want to talk to you alone. Paree should leave.”

I clenched my jaws and stood in front of him and pulled Paree behind me ---“She will not leave. Whatever you have to say, you have to say in front of her. This time; don’t try to play any game with me.”

Paree’s eyes were filled up with anticipation as what was going to happen. She clutched my shoulder bone hard and looked at me. Her warm breath I could feel on my right shoulder bone.

At last Subroto spoke ---“Whatever happened was a misunderstanding.”

I tweaked my index finger under his nose ---“Whatever happened was not at a misunderstanding, it was a well calculated step taken by you and your bitch. You were also aware of her steps and may I know why you gave the consent? Where is your bitchy wife? Call her here.”

Upon hearing the word “bitch” from my mouth, he clenched his jaws and gave a fiery look at me.

I groaned at him ---“Don’t dare to give that look at me. My ‘Bihari’ punch will smash your damn head on that wall.”

He yelled at me ---“You stepped first. You ogled at my wife. You sang that song during our visit to your house.”

I looked at Paree over my shoulder.

---“That was a joke. That doesn’t mean that I was eyeing your wife. Tell me the truth. What was the reason, your wife tried to entice me? There is something else behind all these.”

The next sentence shook me and Paree from our toes till the tip of our hair.

---“Maithili caught me along with Arunima, few weeks after our marriage. Arunima told her that she would somehow try to find some person who will court her along with satisfying Maithili also. So that, whatever happens, the game remains between four of us.”

On hearing that, I felt Paree’s nails dug deep on my shoulder bone. She gently banged her forehead in dismay, on my back.

Subroto continued ---“When I felt that you had an eye for Maithili, we planned to entice you. But we were very much wrong, that you would be such a gentleman and true to your words to someone you have loved.”

I felt to bang his head on the wall. I slapped my forehead.

---“Where is your wife?”

---“She is standing outside the door.”

---“Call her inside.”

Subroto pulled Maithili, who was standing behind the curtain. She stood with her head stooped down as if she was asking for the mother earth to open up so that she could enter in her lap. I saw tears rolled down from the corner of her eyes. But there was no mercy in my heart.

I again pushed my hand under the pillow to switch off the cassette recorder and took that out and waved it in front of them.


---“You know what this is?”

They nodded their head as I played the cassette recorder in front of their eyes. Both their faces turned bloodless in sheer horror, as if they have seen death in front of their eyes. As if they have heard the death call from the hell.

Subroto held my hand and pleaded ---“Please don’t do that to me. My life will be devastated.”

I shook my hand and freed my hand from his clutch ---“Tell me a reason why I should not do that.”

The room was filled up with a bitter silence.

After long time I spoke up ---“You have to do, whatever I will tell you to do.”

Both husband and wife looked at me with pleading eyes and horror as what would I ask them to do.

I pulled Paree from my back and held her; both of them looked at us.

I took a deep breath before taking a deep plunge ---“That night, I sang the song for Paree. The night I stayed with you at your wedding was also for Paree. I love her to the core of my heart. You know that there is no blood relation between our families. But as my mom is very close to your mom and I am two years younger than her. So everyone will oppose our love.”

I paused for a little ---“You have got two years. Paree would finish her masters by then and I would have a job. You have to convince two families. You have time. Gradually fill the mind of these people that age doesn’t matter. I don’t know how you will do that. But if I lose her, I will make your life hell. I know her house at Ranaghat, I have been to Arunima’s place at Dhakuria and this is your house. So no more playing games with me.”

Paree looked at me in utter disbelief. She was really shaken as what I was talking about.

She clutched my left arm ---“What are you saying Abhi?”

I looked at her and smiled ---“They will do anything now.” I looked at them. Those two, husband and wife stood still and was unable believe as what they just heard.

---“Don’t be surprised. Just do what I have said. Now leave me alone. I need some rest and more important, keep that bitch in reins or I make your life hell.”

They silently walked away from the room. Before leaving they promised me that they will obey to every word of mine.

After they left the room, Paree slapped hard on my face and screamed ---“What have you just said to them?”

My glass flew on the bed. I held both her wrist in my clutch and looked into her fiery eyes. She was trembling in anger.

To persuade her, I said ---“Why are you so angry? I had to play the same cards they played with me.”

She screamed and thumped her fist on my chest in dismay ---“But now they know about us and we can be in danger.”

I pulled her head on my chest and hugged her tightly in my arms.

---“They won’t dare to tell these even to a crow, honey. They know their key lies with me. Calm down and let me play my cards.”

She hid her face on my bare chest and wrapped her arms around me. Her hands were locked on my back. I felt her soft bosom melting on my broad chest, with each deep breath she took. I felt her sweet lips to caress my left chest just above my heart.

She purred ---“I love you Abhi. I will not live without you.”

I crushed her in my arms and kissed her head and whispered in her ears ---“I can do anything, to win my love. Everything is fair in love and war.”

We stood there for long time, melting in our amorous embrace. Then I showered her with good night kisses on her lips.

Next day, on Saturday, after lunch we started from the village home. All were heavy hearted to bid us good bye. But as time and tide waits for none so we had to part.

Most of the journey back, Paree talked about her stay in her house and about Lahul-Spiti tour.

We reached home by evening.

In the evening we visited the gynecologist for her check up. She prescribed some medicines and advised to take iron and calcium tablets regularly.

Mom called at evening to enquire whether we have reached home or not.


After dinner we were watching a movie on TV in the drawing room. Satyajit Ray’s “Kanchenjunga”.

Paree lied on the bed on her left side, with her head rested on her left palm and elbow on the pillow. Her amorous figure formed a wavy shape on the bed. She wore a sleeveless night gown. I lied on my back perpendicular to Paree’s length resting my head on the soft curve of her waist. I felt her soft tummy melting as a piece of butter under my nape. She held my left hand on her chest and was gently kissing my fingers all while watching the movie. I was enjoying her little kisses along with the serious movie.

The scene on the screen was, the father of the lead actress, Chobi Biswas, was walking down a lonely road and on the background the mountain peak of Kanchenjunga was covered with fog.

Paree asked me ---“What have you done to all the persons in my house?”

Without looking at her I asked her ---“Why are you asking me that?”

She purred ---“For the first time I saw my eldest sister-in-law to come out of her room to bid any relative good bye. For the first time I saw my eldest brother has not gone to his fields and stayed back to bid us good bye. Dushtu came running to me and asked that when would I come back to take him with me. There were lots of sniveled pairs of eyes as we were leaving. What have you done?”

I pulled her hand which was clasping mine and pressed my lips on her sweet soft fingers.

---“Paree, my Love, I will bring the heaven and the hell together to be with you. Life is like sixty four squares of chess board. Thirty two squares are white and thirty two are blacks. There are pawns, rooks, bishops and knights. You have to know exactly when to move the pawns, how many blocks to move the rooks and you have to calculate when to move the knight.”

She looked at me and said ---“I don’t know about chess, I just know that I love you. That’s all.”


Arunima Roy Chowdhury

Well-Known Member
Chapter 9: Days under Sun, Night under Stars


Month of June was coming to an end. On that night before dinner I informed to my parents that I had few interviews to attend. I badly needed a job to get out of that turmoil of the house and the constant humiliation from my parents. Most of my teenage years, I had to hear that they have spent a lot of money on my studies but I had not fare well.

After dinner I was watching TV in the drawing room, Paree came in to give me milk.

She asked me ---“Where are you going to attend the interview?”

---“Few places I had submitted my CV. Got call from PWC and NIIT and few others. Tomorrow I would be going to Camac Street NIIT for interview. Let’s see what happens.”

She came near and sat on the couch beside me and ruffled my hair ---“I am sure you will get some job. But before joining you need to be a graduate so you need to wait for the results, dear.”

I looked at her and said ---“No, I will do anything I get in my way. I just have to get some job.”

---“Be patient, why are you being so restless? Only two months left for your results, then attend any interviews. Now no one will give you any job.”

She was right; I was not a graduate then, who would give me a job.

She smiled at me ---“Want to go out tomorrow, just like that? You and me, on the streets of Kolkata? You have not yet shown me your city properly.”

I gave a failed simile to her ---“It is not my city. I have been out of this city for a long, long time. I don’t feel this city as my home.”

---“Ok, let that be. I will go with you tomorrow for your interview and then we will go somewhere. Ok now? Goto sleep.”

---“You can’t come with me."

“Why?” she asked.

---“I am already tensed about my interview and your presence would make me more tense. Do one thing you board a taxi tomorrow and be at Nandan by three o’clock we will go for a movie there. Steven Spielberg “Schindler’s List”. It is an Oscar winning movie.”

---“WHAT, I don’t understand English movies. I don’t even like them. If you take me to Hindi or Bengali movies then I can go.”

Just then we heard mom, shouting form her bed room ---“Paree go to bed.”

I walked out of the room for sleeping in second floor.


Before I went away, I said to her ---“I will be waiting. It is up to you whether you are coming or not.”

Next day, I waited for about an hour at Nandan for Paree. But she did not come. My frustration was boiling to the highest level, but at the same time I had deep anxiety that Paree was new to this city, some worst should not happen with her, else’s my mom would kill me.

Last of all I thought to call home to check up with Paree, whether she has started or she was in danger.

She picked up the phone; on sensing that she was still at home I was enraged.

I screamed at her ---“What the hell you are doing at home? Didn’t I asked you to come to Nandan and you are still at home?”

Her voice was also annoyed ---“Don’t scream at me like that.”

---“You could have told me in the morning that you won’t be coming. I would not have waited for you so long in the sun here.”

---“Who told you to wait? Did I? I already told you that if it was a Hindi or Bengali movie then I could watch.”

---“Means? I was waiting for you and now you are telling me that you already told me that you won’t be coming?”

---“I already told you so don’t scream at me. Keep the phone.”

---“I will be waiting for you for one hour more. Just take a taxi and come to Nandan.”

“Are you commanding me to goto movie? I won’t be coming. Do whatever you wish.” saying that she kept the phone.

I knew by her last sentence that she was not going to come.

I loitered on the roads for some time and then straight away went to Globe cinema to see a movie. It was screening “Bad Girls” casted by Madeleine Stowe, Drew Barrymore and Andie MacDowell. I could not enjoy the movie as my head was burning in rage. I just kept my eyes glued on the screen as a pair glass balls.

I returned home only after sundown, after dad reached home. I saw Paree was gloom and she was not talking to me properly.

I sat at the drawing room reading newspaper. She came in and put the teacup with a thud on the centre table. Her face was saying that she was not at all happy with my actions. I looked at her; she didn’t even bother to look at me and just went away in the kitchen.

In some pretext I went to the kitchen for a glass of water.

I asked her ---“Why are you not talking to me?”

She looked at me over her shoulder as her back was facing me. She was chopping some vegetables and was preparing the dinner. She winched her eyes as if asking me “What do you want?”

I looked at her from top to bottom, slapped my head “How could I make my sweet nightingale to angry?”

I was about to touch her narrow waist, just then my dad called me.

---“How was your interview?”

I mumbled and answered ---“Interview was ok.”

---“Where did you go?”

---“NIIT, camac street.”

---“Why don’t you apply for Banking Services or prepare for WBCS and ICS and all? Try to get a govt job.”

“Hmmm” I thought, trying to get a govt job.

Paree gave a queer look at me as if asking “Why are you standing like that? Go away.”

Dad continued from his room ---“You won’t listen to us anytime in your life. We spend so much on you to get admission in good school and then you could not fare well in the IIT’s and JEES. You did not fare well in your class twelve exams also. What do you do? Don’t you want to study? You know very well that how we had toiled for you admission in college.”

“Oh! No” now it has started raining cats and dogs on me.

Mom returned from her school and found that dad was scolding me.

She looked at me and asked that how was my interview.

I told her that my interview was so so, they wanted to come back only after my results.

I was still at the doorway of the kitchen, listening as mom and dad started hurling their scorns at me.


I was unable to bear all those, that day was not mine. First of all the interview was not well, then Paree didn’t showed up at Nandan and then both my parents were howling at me. They tried to make me feel that they had lost all their faith on me and all their money was poured in water.

I shouted at them ---“Just let me be alone. I am going.”

I walked out of the kitchen and went away to my room.

The west sky was being overcast with rain clouds. Same situation was happening inside my chest.

I took out and old wooden box, once a friend gifted to me when I was in hostel. It was a small box filled up with glass marbles. I looked at those marbles and splattered those on my bed. I put off the lights and just lied down on those splattered marbles kept my face buried in the pillow. I tried to get that life back. I knew that the time has long gone; now those days won’t come back to me.

During dinner, mom came to ask whether I would like to have my dinner or not. I was so much depressed that I said to her that I won’t have dinner. That night I slept without having food, Paree did not come with food nor did mom asked me for the second time.

Next morning I woke up late. I found it was raining cats and dogs outside.

By that time both my parents must have gone to their work place, it was only me and Paree in the house. She was offended with me since the other day. I came downstairs to look for Paree as what she was doing. I found her that she was sitting on her bed looking outside the window and observing the raindrops falling on the trees.

My house has a quiet big compound and dad planted many trees around the house. I looked at her gloomy face.

She sat on the bed, with her legs folded near her chest and her arms locked around her legs. Her chin rested on her knees. Eyes were filled up with some unknown pain. I stood silently behind her at the side of the bed and looked at her gloom face from side. She was so much engrossed in her thoughts that she was unable to sense my presence.

I crawled near her and nudged her by her shoulder. She trembled and looked at me. Those pair of eye, deluged to the brim, waiting for her pearls to get spilled. The tip of her nose was reddish; eyelashes were soaked with her tears.

I asked her ---“What happened?”

She nodded her head “Nothing”.

---“Then why are you sitting like that?”

She nodded her head again “Just like that.” She looked down to her feet. Small cream feet; small round toes.

I touched her both shoulder with, drop of tear rolled down over her cheeks and soaked the dress of her knees.

She sobbed out ---“You all are selfish. Everyone around me is selfish.”

I tried to push her chin up, but she strained her face.

I tried to persuade her as to tell me as what has happened.

Paree looked the other way again outside the window.

---“When I was a child, I had to wear the old clothes of Chandrani Di. I had to read her books. I didn’t get new books for me, no new shoes. Nothing. Every time I asked mom to get me new dress, she used to look the other way. I grew older; my eldest sister-in-law came to our house. She gave me new dress during the puja’s and all. Indrani Di and Chandrani Di got married at a young age. They used to bear most of the expanses of the house as Sumanto Da was only a farmer, and other two brothers were not earning yet. Everyone tried to impose their thoughts on me.”

Pearls were dropping from her lotus eyes. Painful big pearl drops rolling down her rosy cheeks. I kept my right hand on her head and rubbed her hair. She held my wrist and pushed away my hand without looking at me.

---“I grew older. My sisters sensed that I should get married after my class twelve only. Mom and Sumanto Da opposed to that. Indrani Di wanted to fix my marriage with her brother-in-law. Shasanko Da opposed and I carried on with my studies. No one asked my opinion these entire long. They all are selfish. Shasanko Da also tried to fix my marriage after my graduation with Meghna’s cousin brother. I sat idle for one year; none was willing to pay for my future studies.”

She looked at me and yelled ---“What am I? Am I a doll in their hands?”

I lost my words on hearing her words. So much of pain in those beautiful eyes? Although eldest aunt told me that Paree has hidden thousands of pain behind her beautiful smile, but then I didn’t thought that those pain would be something like that.


I took her face between my palms and wiped her rolling down pearls with my thumbs.

Her look was more painful ---“ChotoMa was called and you came in my life. I don’t like the way you shout at me. Now you try to impose that I have to go and watch movies with you which I don’t understand. Who am I? Am I a wooden doll in all your hands? I had to obey orders from my sisters in my childhood, in my youth I had to obey my brothers and now I had to obey you? I do have a heart beating inside my chest Abhi?”

I pulled her face and touched my forehead on hers.

---“I am sorry. Forgive me please. I didn’t know all these.”

She removed my hands from her face and pushed me ---“So you mean to say that if you knew then you would not have done? Did you ever think that what was going inside me when I went with you to those unknown, thousands of miles away? Did you ever think what happened in my heart when I came to know that you were going out with Arunima? You haven’t thought what would happen to me. You just carried on. You all are selfish.”

I let out a deep exhale from my chest ---“Arunima was a mistake in my life, Paree. Why are you talking about those past?”

She screamed at me ---“Mistake? Ohh!!! Males do mistake and they say that it was a male chauvinism and we females do mistake they are entitled with bitter curses? Why this discrimination?”

I pulled her face on my chest ---“Paree, please I am sorry. Please. I promise not to hurt you again. Never. I will keep you out of all these turmoil; I will protect you with my arms.”

She clutched my vest and broke down.

I rubbed her back ---“Come one, please don’t cry. Smile now. See I won’t ask you to wear jeans or I won’t ask you to accompany me to somewhere you don’t like.”

She smiled back at me, wiping her eyes ---“Who told you that I don’t like to wear jeans? I wore that for you, right?”

---“Yeah so my honey is smiling again. Come on so what have you cooked for lunch?”

She pushed me playfully on the bed ---“I haven’t cooked anything yet. After everyone went, I just sat here looking outside those trees. I felt that how alone I was in this world.”

I pulled her by her wrist and she fell on me ---“Who the hell told you that you are alone? I am here for you.”

I wrapped my arms around her narrow waist and locked her in my deep embrace. She folded her arms on my chest and rested her chin on back of her fist and looked deeply in my eyes. Big black lotus shaped eyes, twinkling with tears and loving smile. Long black eye lashes deluged yet.

I winked at her and asked ---“Want to go for a movie?”

She slapped playfully on my chest ---“Not again you rascal. Let me get up and cook the lunch.”

Paree kissed my chest and got up and went away to the kitchen.

It was still raining outside. I looked to those green leaves drenched in rainwater. Few sparrows chirped on the sunshade and shook their feathers to get rid of the water. I rubbed my chest where Paree just then slapped. I felt her touch of her slim fingers still lingered on my coarse muscular chest.

“Come up you lazy bones. Lunch is ready.” She shouted from the dining room.

“I have not taken my bath yet, baby” I came to the dining room and found that she was arranging the table.

She came near me and kicked on my behind ---“Just go away and take your bath quickly.”

I rubbed my butt ---“Ouch! This is not good. Next time I will not kick yours but I will bite those luscious mounds.”

She giggled and pushed me inside the bathroom.

My EVE was happy again.

As per my dad’s order I had to collect the forms for Banking Exams and other govt related exams. The sky was cloudy. I was about to leave the house after breakfast when Paree said that she also wanted to some with me.

I told her “Paree, the rain could come anytime. So why don’t you be at home, I will return within few hours only?”

She said with a gloomy face ---“For the whole day I had to be alone in the house. Doing nothing, nowhere to go. What will happen if I come with you? I have not been to College Street yet? ”

“Ok baba, now get ready quickly and come” I slapped her cheeks playfully and said to her.

She came out of her room after sometime. Dressed to kill.

She wore a dark blue long skirt. Tight till the end of her luscious bottoms and then unfurling in long plates down till her ankles. There were several small light blue flowers all over the skirt and on the border there were a series of white elephants and flowers.


She wore a light pink shirt which came down till half of her sumptuous globes. To hide her treasure troves she wrapped a dark blue stole around her neck. She was smelling jasmine. Combed her hair, totally on her right and folded neatly at her nape with a beautiful golden hair clip. No dots on her cream forehead. Two green crystal earring dangling from her succulent earlobes. Shining as when she nodded her head by looking at my half opened mouth and big eyes. Dark brown lipstick colour glued on her luscious lips.

She blushed at me on seeing my bulged out eyes ---“Why are you looking at me like that?”

I looked at her and said ---“Should we go or you want to kill me now?”

She nodded her head in dismay and smiled ---“Oh! No not again. Now come on take the keys and lock the doors.”

We walked on the roads of College Street, buying the forms and few books of exams. Paree was looking all around the place. Those dingy shops filled up with thousands and thousands of books. The sky was getting overcastted.

She asked me as how many shops would be there.

I joked at her “Baby there is some eight thousand six hundred and twenty two book shops here.”

She gave a queer look ---“How are you so sure? Have you counted?”

I looked at her---“Don’t you believe me. Then why don’t you count yourself.”

She started beating me playfully with her folding umbrella in the middle of the road.

---“You rascal, you make a mockery of me.”

I put my left arm around her shoulder and said ---“Oh! Great, how fool of you that you have believed me.”

She asked me ---“Finished buying the forms? Now what to do?”

I asked her ---“Want to goto coffee house?”

She giggled at me ---“Why? I am not so intellectual as Debi or Arindam.”

Oh! My gosh, rainy season had arrived at last in Kolkata and it started pouring in large drops.

We saw a tram coming from the BowBazar. Paree pointed out to the tram and asked me to jump into. Without even waiting for me she ran and jumped in second coach of the tram. I was surprised to see her act like that. So puerile and playful, I thought. On seeing her jump like that, the conductor also laughed at her. I had no other option to run and catch the tram.

Once inside, I slapped her playfully on her cheek and asked ---“Do you have any idea where this tram goes?”

She giggled ---“No, why should I worry about that when you are with me.”

I asked the conductor as where the tram was going? He answered that it was going till ShaymBazar.

While the tram was crossing HathiBagan, Paree saw something outside the window and yelled at me.

---“Come, come, come. Get down.”

I asked her “Why?”

She pointed to a movie poster outside ---“See, “Hotath Bristi (Sudden Rain)” is being screened at Darpan Cinema. Let us watch this.”

---“Oh! No not at least Bengali cinema, Paree.”

She pulled my hand and asked the conductor to stop the tram.

---“Come, Na. Please, please, please. If watch this movie with me then I promise that I will accompany with you to Nandan for English movie. What you said the name was?”

---“Schindler’s List”

She giggled---“Ok, whatever list be it I will watch that, till you are with me.”

So at last, by the help of rain god and my puerile EVE made me to watch the Bengali movie “Hotath Bristi” which was a remake of a Tamil movie, which I don’t know the name. The movie was a romantic one and very beautiful.

When we came out, it was getting dark outside. The rain god showed no mercy on us and poured his vengeance on Kolkata streets like anything. That small folding umbrella was not enough for both of us to keep ourselves away from getting drenched. The lower parts of her long skirt was totally drenched and glued on her curvaceous calves and legs. I felt that we had to board a taxi so as to reach the house and keep Paree away from the hungry eyes of the cunning hyenas looking at her. I asked her to cover herself with the stole.

When we reached home, we found dad already returned. Dad asked us as where we went. Paree saved my back and told dad that we went to College Street to buy forms and we got late as we met Debi there. She winked at me before she went in her room.


I came down after changing my dresses. Mom already arrived.

Paree was sneezing continuously. “Achoo.. Achoo…”

Mom asked me as what has happened. Paree said to mom that we went to College Street to buy forms and we go drenched. She covered herself in a shawl. Mom touched her forehead to feel her temperature and then looked at me with her burning eyes.

---“For you idiot, she has got fever.”

Dad spoke from his room ---“This idiot took her to the college street when he knew that it was going to rain.”

I said ---“We took umbrella”

Mom, in her fuming voice ---“Why you took her along with you?”

Paree was taken aback by her ChotoMa’s behavior as both of them were showering their abuses on me.

She wanted to say something, but I signed her not to say anything.

She looked at me painfully, her eyes were red. I sensed that she was having temperature.

Mom asked her to retire to her room and asked me to get an appointment from a doctor.

Paree was having high fever. Doctor prescribed some medicines, he told that it was a mild cold fever nothing to worry about. But mom was worried. Those lines on her forehead told me everything, that she was worried for Paree.

I told mom that she need not worry as it was only a fever due to the rain and cold, she would be alright.

I saw, Paree was on her bed, trembling badly. I let out a deep exhale as what wrong I had done?

At night, I slept in the guest room and mom slept with Paree. She writhed in fever for the whole night and I was unable to sleep in the next room. I writhed in some other pain in my heart. I was unable to touch her and say anything to her.

At about morning three o’clock her painful whines stopped. For the whole night neither mom nor I could sleep. At one end, her ChotoMa’s anxiety and on other end, a sensation of guilt kept both of us awake the whole night.

In the morning, mom told me that Paree was feeling well so she was going to her school.

After mom and dad left for their work place, I entered Paree’s room. She was still asleep. I went to bed and sat beside her. The blanket covered her from neck to toe. I looked at her face, cute as a baby, sleeping peacefully. I gently grazed my palm on her forehead and combed her hair. With the back of my fingers I gently rubbed her cheeks. In one nights fever, she had shrunk. The rosy cheeks were no more shining, pale yellow skin instead. Although she had no temperature, but that one night fever has taken away her strength.

I looked at her face for a quiet long time. I forgot to take my breakfast.

Mom told me that I should give her medicines in regular interval.

I was about to get up from her side to fetch some milk and bread so that I could feed her and then give her the medicine. I felt a tug on my wrist, her soft thin fingers clasped my wrist and I looked over my shoulder.

Her soft smiling face and those pair of lotus buds gave a feverish look at me.

She whispered in a low voice ---“Please, don’t go.”

I looked in those lotus buds and said to her ---“Let me get something to eat, then your medicine and then I will be with you for whole day. Today I don’t have any work to do.”

I mashed the bread along with milk and put that in a bowl and on other hand there was a big bowl of warm water to wipe her face. She already sat on the bed, leaning on the headrest with few pillows behind her back and the blanket pulled till her bosom.

I sat beside her and asked her that she needs to freshen up first and then take food. She gave a pleading look “No”.

I scolded her ---“Don’t give that look and just do what I say.”

I soaked a towel and wiped her face. Gradually that paleness disappeared and those lotus buds were pinkish again.

“Feeling ok?” I asked her.

She gently nodded her head “Yes”. I brought the spoon full of mashed bread and milk near her lips. Her lips quivered.

I yelled at her “Eat this. No words.” She looked at me and obeyed me as a small child.

I wiped her face after breakfast and asked her to take medicine. She asked me that she wants to goto restroom. I helped her to the restroom.


I asked her ---“Want to take a warm sponging? You will feel good.”

She said something from the back of the door, which was quiet inaudible. So I asked her again.

She yelled out ---“NO.”

I just lend a deaf ear to her say and went to kitchen to boil the water.

I sponged her hands and legs without paying any attention to her pleas so as not to touch her feet.

After sponging she was feeling much better than before.

She asked me ---“Can you read me RabindraNath Tagore’s “Shajahan” poem?”

I sat on the bed, reclining on the head rest with three pillows on my back. Paree snuggled near my chest. I parted my legs so that I could accommodate her in my deep embrace. She pulled the blanket over her and rested her head on my chest. I put my left arm around her torso and pulled her on my chest to give her warmth. She bundled herself between my legs and rested her hands on my chest, clasping my vest tightly in her clutch. I felt her soft cheeks on my chest.

I took out the “Sanchoita” written by RabindraNath Tagore and tried to read few lines of “Shajahan” to her. But my Bengali pronunciation and reading capabilities were so bad that Paree giggled at me.

---“Oh! My god, it is terrible the way you are reading the poem.”

I looked at her and said ---“You knew before hand that I am terrible in reading Bengali poems and yet you asked me.”

She nibbled on my chest with her finger nails ---“I just wanted to find out, whether you can read or not.”

I smiled and said ---“Oh! Gosh.” And I kissed her head.

She trembled a little and whispered ---“Hold me tight.”

I held her tightly in my arms. Her soft torso melted like a piece of butter in my deep embrace. She closed her eyes to feel all my warmth.

I said to her ears ---“I have written few lines in Hindi, for you.”

She nodded her head “Read that to me”

---“But in Hindi.”

---“So what, is there any language barrier in words of love?”

“Ok, here it goes…” I closed my eyes to recount as what I wrote ---

“Sari Jag Jaab So jaye (When the whole world sleeps)

ChupkeKe Se Chand Tere Khidki Pe Ayee (Stealthily the moon knocks your window)

Sunayee Tujhyee Woh Nadi Ki Jhankar (She makes you hear the rivers melody)

Jaab Leheren Karti Kinare Se Pyar (When the waves make love with the banks)

Sunaye Tujhye Woh Jugnu Ki Baten (She makes you hear the fire-flies tale)

Sitaroon Se Jaab Karti Mulakaten (When they rendezvous with the twinkling stars)

Sunayee Tujhye Woh Mithi Dhun (She makes you hear the sweet hymn)

Bhawnren Jise Karen Gun Gun (What the bees hum always)

Sari Jag Jaab So jaye (When the whole world sleeps)

ChupkeKe Se Chand Tere Khidki Pe Ayee (Stealthily the moon knocks your window)”

She looked at me and smiled beautifully and threw her arms around my neck. Stretched her neck to push her face near my face and tried to kiss my lips. I sensed her warm breath flooding my chin as her nose touched my chin.

Instead of kissing her rosy lips I kissed her eyebrows and rubbed my nose on her forehead.

---“Not now, Paree. Get well soon, honey. Then we have to do lot of work.”

---“Hide me inside your heart, so that I would not wander off in this dark painful world.”

I pressed her head on my heart and said ---“You are always here, honey.”

She closed her eyes and slept in my arms, peacefully like a kitten.

After two days, Paree was fine and we planned to goto Nandan to watch the movie “Schindler’s List.” Paree said that we should go just after her ChotoMa and Babu leave the house and come back before they arrive. The pan was a perfect one, but the monsoon was already in Kolkata. So, rain would be a spoil sport for us, we thought. But how could rain stop two lovelorn doves from mating ?

So next day we planned to go for movie. After mom and dad left for their workplace, I asked Paree to hurry up. I dressed up in jeans and a white shirt. I asked her to wear something slinky so she can burn the streets of Kolkata in that monsoon.

But it was my Damsel, EVE, who never wears such slinky dresses. What she dressed certainly turned my head. A baby pink coloured chiffon saree with lots and lots of blue flowers all over the border and silver thread embroidery on the end that was draped on her left shoulder. Baby pink short sleeved blouse glued to her bosoms with thin border at arms. At back the blouse was tied with three strings. Her creamy spine and wide shoulder bones playing hide and seek. Aroma of jasmine all over the place. Her hair folded neatly at her nape and tied in a golden hairclip. That beautiful bunch of lock caressed her right cheek as always. She had applied black eyeliner under her lotus bud eyes which made those lotus buds more prominent. There was a small dot of pink and blue colour between her whip like eyebrows. Two small dimples as she smiled at me. A pair of blue and pink crystal ear-rings dangled from her succulent earlobes. The shine on her red lips beckoned me to taste the nectar. She held a black clutch bag in her left clutch and her wrist was tied with her golden titan watch. I felt to come down on my knees and kiss her small round tummy which was provocatively hiding behind her chiffon saree. The flimsy saree glued to her round tummy and the knot was just below her deep navel. Due to the knot, her soft tummy bulged out a bit. I was unable to control myself from kissing her navel.

She looked at my face and gave a sly smile ---“Shall we go now?”

I trotted near her and put my left arm around her narrow waist and pulled her near me. Placed my index and middle finger of my right hand under her chin and raised her face. Her hands came up to the collar of my shirt and she gave a lovely look.

I whispered ---“Why are you so beautiful, Paree?”

---“Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. It is not that I am beautiful, it you who has made me beautiful.”

I could not keep off my eyes till we reached Nandan.

The sky was cloudy. It could rain anytime, I sensed. And monsoon in Kolkata is terrible. Paree asked me on seeing the poster ---“What type of movie is this?”

I said ---“As far as I have read, that this movie is based on real life character of a German Jew who saved people during the Second World War.”

She exclaimed on hearing that ---“WHAT. You have brought your girlfriend to watch a horror movie?”

I laughed at her as I heard her saying that movie as a horror flick ---“Oh! Honey, this is not a horror flick.”

---“Not a horror flick? Second World War and not a horror flick, that too based out of real characters?”

I tried to persuade her ---“Oh! Come on you promised.”

Paree slapped softly on my back ---“Ok, come on let’s watch.”

At Nandan, few people came to watch the movie. So the auditorium was mostly vacant.

She sat on my right and rested her head on my right shoulder while watching the movie. I had my right arm over her shoulder to hug her close to my chest.

There was one scene where Ralph Fiennes comes out of his room with his rifle in his hand and points to the barbed wire courtyard of the concentration camp. He points the nozzle to the courtyard and finds a boy sitting on the staircase of a cabin. He shots at the boy on his head and instantly the lifeless body tumbled down from the staircase.

On seeing that, Paree shrieked and hid her face in my chest and clasped my shirt in her firm grip.

---“OH! MY GOD. This movie is totally unbearable; I don’t want to watch more of this. I can’t stand the bloody scenes.”

I hugged her deeply and pressed my nose oh her hair ---“This is only a movie. Honey.”

---“But based on true facts.”

I pleaded her “Please, let us watch this movie.”

She looked at me and asked in a veiled disgust ---“What type of person you are? People take their girlfriend to watch romantic movies and you came to watch a true painful movie with me?”

---“What do you want now, tell me? Do you want to continue or leave this movie?”

“I can’t stand anymore of this. Please take me somewhere else.” She pleaded me.

We came out of the hall in middle of the movie. Although I was disheartened but those feelings faded once I saw her gloom face while watching the movie.


She looked up at the sky, which was getting dark due to the vengeance of rain God.

She looked at me and asked ---“What to do now? My saree will get badly drenched if it rains.”

---“Let’s go home then.”

She looked bit disheartened as I asked her to return to home.

She gave a pleading look ---“Why not go to some place where you and Debi went for ice cream.”

“Yeah that’s was a good idea to go to Scoop by the bank of River Ganges.” I said to myself.

I asked her ---“Want to walk or board a taxi?”

---“Why not walk. The weather is beautiful. The air is filled up with smell of monsoon and drenched earth. The trees are green and no sun over head.”

We sat at the Scoop by the bank of Ganges, same seat where one day I and Debi sat, devouring the ice-cream. Paree looked out of the huge glass window facing the river.

She blurted out---“So romantic place is this and you have taken me to watch “Schindler’s List?”

I looked at her face, full of mischievous smile. She stood by the window resting her arms in the high table. I sat beside her and put my left arm on her waist. She placed her cheek on my head and put her right arm around my neck. I felt her warm cheek melting my scalp.

She cooed, looking outside ---“The sky is getting darker. Let us finish this ice-cream and go home.”

“Ok, as my damsel orders.”

And we returned home before my parents arrived. During the whole return journey she giggled and we talked nonsense’s and joked a lot.

Once inside the house, while climbing the stairs I looked at her swaying luscious bottoms and wide hips. I grabbed the loose end of her saree and pulled her. The loose end came of her shoulder.

She held the other end tightly and shrieked at me ---“Please let me go.”

I took few steps towards her as we stood at the first landing of the staircase. I pressed her against the wall and she looked deeply in my burning eyes. The loose end was already on the floor revealing her sumptuous bosoms hidden under the baby pink blouse. I pressed her serpentine figure with all my force. Her hands came up to her chest covering her luscious bosoms. Her heavy breaths made her bosoms to heave passionately. I put my palms on both side of her narrow waist, gnawing her soft fleshy sides of her tummy. My breaths grew hotter and warmer as her hands clasped the collar of my shirt and her lips opened up. Partial opened lips blew hot breath on my chin and face. A huge storm caught inside me, which made my anatomy to pulsate on her soft abdomen.

Paree whispered ---“Not here honey. Please.”

I paid no heed to her ardent pleas and pressed myself on her lower abdomen. She felt my peak and let out a soft moan out of her luscious lips.

“Ahhhh!!!……. Don’t make me writhe here….. I am going crazy…. Please …. Honey ….”

I pressed my hungry lips on her luscious lips and cut short her moans. Her hands came up my head, frantically gnawing my scalp and combing my hair. Her soft heavy bosoms melted on my chest, as if a pair of warm honeycomb. She bit my lower lip between her rows of pearl, sending a chill sharp pain. That pain made me madder and I grabbed her sumptuous hind globes. I started to knead those mounds like dough, dug my fingers on her soft flesh. She sucked the air out of mouth, made my mouth a hollow piece of wanton cave. For long time both of us remained locked in that hot passionate smooch, frantically searching each other’s lips and sucking out saliva out of our mouth. I grabbed her pompous bottoms and pulled her up in the air. She let my lips go from her hungry wet smooch and wrapped her arms around my neck to support her. I carried her to the drawing room and threw her slender soft figure on the divan.

She bunched up the loose end of her saree and pleaded to me ---“Please don’t do this now. Babu will be arriving anytime.”

I struggled to open my shirt and the buttons gave away. There was a ferocious look in my eyes. What happened to me that day, I still can’t understand. I was burning all over with carnal hunger. I crawled towards her and she moved to the wall. I pulled by her leg and Paree kicked my chest. I held her saree by the knot below her navel and untied the knot. She held my wrist in her strong grip tried to keep her cloth bunched up at her tummy. I was stronger than my EVE. I paid no attention to her ardent pleas of not mauling her. I grabbed her soft flesh around her deep belly button with my strong fingers. The soft creamy skin bore red marks of my nails.


Suddenly her voice changed from lovely chirping to hissing snake ---“Let me go Abhi. You are hurting me. Let me go.”

I don’t know what type of beastly desire filled my brain that day. But her hiss made me comeback. I saw her eyes; those were filled up with tears of pain.

Her lips quivered ---“This is not my Abhi. Let me go.” Her bosoms were heaving as if huge waves were crashing.

There was no point of return for me and I grabbed the neck line of her blouse and pulled that cloth with my left hand. The fabric came off her juicy mounds with a screeching sound of torn fabric. Her bright pink innerwear revealed much of her creamy luscious mounds.

As she felt the fabric has gone away she cried out ---“LEAVE ME ALONE. YOU ARE NOT MY ABHI.”

I felt a sharp slap across my face and my glass hit the wall and broke into pieces. I let her go free from my licentious grab.

Somehow she covered her mauled bosoms with the loose end of her drapery and slapped me once again.

“You have become a BEAST. You are not the person I knew.” There were tears in her beautiful eyes.

I grinded my jaws and grabbed my own hair in disgust. I said to myself “What am I doing to my lovely damsel. My nightingale is in pain and I am trying to maul her like a hungry hyena. Why what has happened to me.”

I closed my eyes tightly and fell at her feet. She sat there, sobbing. Bunched up her torn blouse somehow to cover her bosoms and tried to gather her drapery over her slender mauled frame.

I was unable to think of anything as what had happened that day. What devil took upon me that day?

She banged her head on the wall and sobbed ---“WHY YOU DID THIS TO ME? WHY?”

I could not gather myself up to face her and hid my face, deluging her soft feet.

We remained motionless for long time, till we heard the rain drops splashing on the window panes.

After long time Paree gathered herself somehow and staggered to her room and locked herself. I felt like tearing myself apart and banged my fist on the wall repeatedly. I cursed the beast inside me.

I repeatedly asked myself “Why I did this with my love.”

Fortunately I had a spare pair of specs. For the whole afternoon I could not look in her eyes. Her face and eyes were swollen and red. Mom asked Paree as what has happened. She answered that she overslept in the evening. Somehow I finished my dinner and retired to my bedroom.

The torrential raindrops were hitting the doors and windows as well as her painful cries echoed in my brain.

Her agonizing lament echoed inside my heart and soul “YOU ARE NOT MY ABHI. YOU HAVE BECOME A BEAST.”

I could not sleep the whole night and kept on banging my head on the pillow.

I woke up late. It was already ten o’clock. My parents were not at home as usual. But how could I face my EVE with what I had done to her the other day. Somehow I gathered myself up and came to the drawing room on the first-floor. There was no sound of Paree. There was a painful silence all over. The walls were trying to gulp me. The ceiling was pouring fire on me. The doors and windows were branding me as a salacious animal.

I turned on the TV so as to divert my mind on to somewhere else. The TV screened something, but the screen was abusing me.

I heard the footsteps behind the curtain approaching the drawing room. Paree stood there at the door with the teacup and with a grievous look on her face. My chest pulsated as our eyes met. Some strong fingers twisted my heart. Her sweet lips quivered as she came near me and put the tea cup on the centre table. She stood there with glistened eyes.

Her piercing eyes questioned me repeatedly “What happened to you the other day?”

I fell on the floor, kneeled in front of her and threw my arms around her waist and hid my face on soft tummy.

“I don’t know Paree, what happened to me, I don’t know.” I nodded my head repeatedly and echoed my heat out.

She pulled up my face from her tummy and asked me again ---“What happened to you?”

There was a faint smile on her lips. I could not mutter any words. My chest was bursting out.

Again she asked me ---“Abhi, what made you such a beast? My Abhi was not like that. What made you act like that?”

I sobbed ---“I don’t know Paree. What made to turn into that beast? I really don’t know. Forgive me please. Please Paree, for the one last time, please forgive me.”



Chapter 9: Days under Sun, Night under Stars (Remaining Part)

She sat on the small couch and pulled my face near her. I was still on my knees in front of her. She took my face between her palms and wiped my cheeks.

“You are a disgusting rascal.” She smiled sweetly at me.

She rubbed her nose tip on my nose and said to me again ---“You are barbarous swine.”

She folded my specs and kept that on the centre table. Picked up the tea sup and asked me to sip the tea.

I locked my arms around her and hugged her deeply.

I whispered in a choked voice ---“Are you going to leave me for my sadist act?”

---“How can I leave you? You are such an idiotic critter that you will need me in every step of your life. I can’t leave my baby prince. Don’t think of that ever. Just sip the tea now.”

She brought the cup to my lips, it started drizzling outside. Paree looked out of the window and said to me “See, the rain God has showered his blessings. Come with me to the roof and enjoy the rain.”

Paree pulled me to the roof along with her. I was feeling happy to see her smiling face again.

These raunchy male testosterones can be really licentious at times and can take out the licentious beast inside any male.

Paree ran to the open roof and stood there in the middle with her arms outstretched. Her eyes were closed and face upwards. She was wearing a brown coloured long skirt and a cream t-shirt. My damsel looked like a tuberose drenched in rain. Water drops trickled down her long hair, dripping down her chin. Several tributaries and distributaries formed on her beautiful oval face. Few drops held at her chin.

Venus came up riding the waves of the deep ocean.

She wiped her face and looked at me.

---“What are you waiting for? Come here.”

I smiled at her ---“Have you forgot that you have recovered from fever few days back?”

She smiled sweetly at me ---“I haven’t forgotten that. I have my precious to take of me.”

I shook my head in veiled anger and smiled at her ---“You will never change, will you?”

The t-shirt glued to her upper torso and her healthy treasure troves were clearly outlined. The cotton fabric of the skirt glued to her lower anatomy. Nothing was much hidden by those drenched draperies. The veil on the mermaid was unable to hide her beauty.

I stepped out on the roof and stood in-front of her. She stepped back, anticipated clearly my next move would be to take her in my arms and hug her deep. I stepped few paces more and she stepped few paces back.

All the time I had a mischievous smile on my face.

Suddenly she ran and entered my room and closed the door behind her.

“Naughty girl” I said to myself.

“Paree, don’t play hide and seek with me, honey.” I said to her.

She shouted at me behind the closed door ---“Come and get me if you can.”

I pushed open the door and found her standing by the bed stand with a towel in her hand. She was drying her hair and smiling at me.

I asked her ---“Why do you pour oil in the ignited flame and then slap me to avert yourself from burning?”

She threw another question to me in response to my query ---“Can’t you talk to me, hold me in your arms, cuddle me sweetly. Looking out of the window to the blue sky? I feel safe and secure in your arms. But your rage burnt all those peaceful pastures. Why do you always have to be naughty?”

I went numb the way she said those words.

“Don’t come near me. I am all drenched.” She said to me, as I took few steps towards her.

I folded my arms above my head and banged my fist on my cranium.

Men are from North Pole and Women are from South Pole. They differ in nature but they are always attracted to each other. That is the Eternal Truth of nature.

“So you haven’t forgiven me yet? The grudge is still reeling inside you?” I gave a pleading look at her.

She threw the towel on the bed and came near me.

I didn’t have the courage to take her in my arms that time.

She held my collars of my vest and stretched her neck. Her nose touched mine. She looked into my pleading eyes and whispered ---“I will forgive you in one condition, if you paint my picture.”


Arunima Roy Chowdhury

Well-Known Member
Chapter 10: Peacock Throne


Next day Paree presented me a box of water colours and pencils.

I asked her as how she wanted her portrait to get painted. I knew that I have to paint her portrait in absence of my parents and also I could not keep that open.

She said in an annoying voice ---“You are painter, not I. How should I know?”

I joked at her---“How about a nude portrait of my EVE.”

She started beating me playfully---“You cunning rascal. Go away. I am not going to forgive you again. I don’t want my portrait to be painted by a lewd painter.”

I held her in my arms and looked in her eyes.

---“My beautiful mermaid, I was just joking.”

I locked my arms under her soft plump bottoms and pulled her up on my lap.

She screamed ---“Oh! Come on. Let me go. Please, please. Do you want to paint my picture?”

I nodded my head saying that “Yeah! I am dying to paint your picture honey.”

While nodding, my nose brushed over her soft bosoms over the cotton dress. The soft touch and her sweet aroma ignited a fire in my chest. Paree sensed that my breaths have gone warmer.

She gave an annoying look and said ---“You will be forgiven only if you paint my picture, honey. Else you had to contend with kiss and I will go away.”

Half heartedly I had to let her go from my amorous lock and let her down.

“What do you want me to wear? What theme have you thought for the painting?” She asked me.

I said ---“You have to wear your peacock blue saree and dress beautifully like a peacock. Wear your gold and pearl earrings. The background will be the snow peak mountain of Chitkul. Now just go and get dressed while I take out my pencils and charcoal.”

Paree went away to take her bath and get dressed for me, for my painting.

I took out my sketch book and pencils and charcoal and pinned up on a drawing board. I could not use an easel because if the painting would be done on easel then that could attract attention of my parents and they would have sensed our torrid romance.

After an hour, my beautiful mermaid entered in my room. She was looking gorgeous like a peacock in her peacock blue saree. I could not take off my eyes from her beautiful face. I stood near my drawing board, totally smitten by her beauty.

I told her to seat on the chair, body facing the window but her face should turn towards me.

She sat on the chair with her left leg over her right. I asked her to rest her elbow on her left thigh and her chin should rest on her palm. Her right hand should cross her left elbow over her left thigh.

She sat there in front of me; the pencil remained in my hand. I could not stroke a single line on the blank paper that was lying in front of me.


Paree, dressed in her beautiful peacock blue saree. Her long tress folded in a tight bun and a black and white hair-clip kept that bun in place. Her long eyelashes beautified her big dark eyes. Her cream forehead beautified by her thin whip-like eyebrows. Her chiseled nose shone in the sunlight. Pink coloured lipstick glued on her thin and luscious lips. Her blouse was short quarter sleeved. Her creamy skin of her bare arms shone gracefully. A thin gold necklace adorned her gander like neck and a shining crystal pendant danced on her cream upper chest between her upper bulges of her sumptuous bosoms. I looked at her wrist, few thin gold bangles on both her thin cream soft wrist shone brightly. The pair of gold and pearl ear-rings dangled from her succulent earlobes. I felt like kissing those creamy soft earlobes with my lips and drench her nape with my saliva. I resisted hard my feelings so as not to malign the beauty.

I looked at her face for a long time; she was smiling at me sweetly very sweetly. I sensed something was missing from my mermaid’s face. I thought for a long time what that could be. I sensed that she was not having anything on her forehead. I mixed the blue and green color in my palette.

Crawled near her on my knees and she gave a queer look at me.

---“What are you doing with the paint?”

I brought my face near her and rubbed my nose on hers ---“There is something missing.”


With the thin zero brush, I painted a dot on her forehead between her whip like eyebrows. Then I painted two smaller dots above that one and one smaller below that main big dot.

She whispered ---“Now do I satisfy my heart-throb?”

I planted a small kiss on her rosy cheeks and said ---“Still something missing from my EVE’s face, honey.”

I tried hard, scratched my scalp to dig out as what could be missing from my sweethearts face.

She asked ---“What more do you want me to do?”

I traced my right index finger on her cheeks over her sweet little dimple and said---“Something is still missing from your face make my EVE more beautiful.” I joked at her---“Probably the colours on your lips are too rosy, it is beckoning me to lick those colours with my tongue.”

She slapped my playfully ---“Now if you don’t start to sketch then I will surely go away. The way you are looking at me, is sending hot sensation all over my spine.”

Paree moaned---“Please don’t play with me now.”

I placed my left hand behind her head and pulled the hair-clip off her bun. Her long tresses flowed down. I gently grabbed a handful of her tresses on the back of her head. She moved her head in round circle and closed her eyes.

Paree moaned out ---“What are you doing?”

My breath grew hotter on seeing her partially closed eyes and her parted lips invited me.

I cooed ---“Making you more beautiful, honey.”

Her bosoms started to heave as if a huge tsunami caught her all of a sudden. Her slender soft arms came around my neck.

---“Please Abhi; don’t look at me like that. I am feeling something in my heart, in my chest.”

---“Just express what you are feeling. I will make all those expressions live in front of you. Just express.”

She looked deeply in my eyes and blew warm air on my face---“I will not forgive you, honey. I will be very, very angry honey if you don’t paint.”

I placed her long tresses over her right shoulder and let then flow over her bosom at front. With my left finger I took out the bunch of lock and placed that on her right cheek.

I bit my left index finger hard, jabbed my teeth on the finger to suppress the staunch that already jammed the core of my heart.

She was still breathing hard, her sumptuous bosoms heaved like huge waves crashing on yellow sunny sea beach.

I walked up to the drawing board and took the pencil in my grip.

Her eyes were then beaming in passion and that sweet smile gone. Instead a mischievous hungry glowing look beamed all over her face. Just the way I wanted to paint the picture of my red heartthrob. My Paree, my EVE sat in front of me as if a peacock on a throne.

Strokes fell on the blank white handmade paper. Thick and thin. The white coarse paper became alive in front of my eyes. Her small bunch of lock that made her face look like a full moon hiding at times behind a small tuft of cloud. The shining pearls that dangled from her earlobes. Her glistening eyes, filled up to the brim in a passionate look. Her partially opened lips beckoned me from the paper itself. The tip of her nose glistened in the sun light.


Paree sat there looking at me and asked ---“Are you sketching or just looking at me with your hungry eyes?”

After finishing the rough sketch I put down my pencil and moved my head in circle.

She yelled at me ---“Are you finished, rascal? I am sitting here for more than an hour.”

I signed her to come near me.

She looked at the handmade paper and threw her arms around my neck. I locked my arms around her narrow waist and pulled her near me.

She mewed ---“Am I really that beautiful or you just made that?”

I inhaled a long breath, filled my lungs with her sweet jasmine aroma.

---“My mermaid is much more beautiful than what I have sketched.”

Her soft bosoms crushed on my chest, the fabric could not hide the hard strawberries from poking my chest. Her soft svelte figurine melted in my tight hug.

I placed my lips on her luscious succulent rose petals and sucked her saliva out of those lips.

She poured out hot breath on my face. Her eyes were closed while she sucked my lips. With her soft thin fingers she grabbed the back of my head to pull my face more onto her. I crushed her tender soft figurine in my arms and pulled her up. Her feet came off the floor. Our kiss broke. Our hearts raced like a pair of horse and mare trying to the finish line of passion.

She moaned out---“Every passing day, your eyes makes me mad. Every passing moment I can’t live without you. I fear to die. I want to live with you, Abhi. I don’t know how you will make my dreams come true. But if you don’t then I will stab my heart and place that in front of you.”

I rubbed my chin on her heaving cleavage and whispered---“You stupid girl. Don’t ever talk to me like that. I will take you out of this place. The thief will steal his fairy and they will live in mountains where no one will haunt the fairy and her thief.”

A drop of liquid pearl trickled down her lotus buds and ran down her rosy nose tip on my lips.

She smiled mischievously at me---“My baby prince, I am hungry now.”

I joked at her---“Why don’t you eat me?”

She smiled sweetly with her glistening eyes ---“You are the dessert, my baby.”

I let her down and she still had her arms around me. In our entwined arms the blissful embrace continued to soak us in pure romantic bliss. I caressed her back over her spine; she kept her head on my chest for a long time with her eyes closed feeling my heartbeat on her cheek.

Paree was glowing brightly; my beautiful fairy was beaming again. Before going out of my room she looked at me over her shoulder and mewed---“Till the painting is over, the status-quo remains. I haven’t forgiven you yet, my baby prince.”

I smiled mischievously at her and looked at the ceiling---“You naughty girl. I will kill you if you don’t forgive me.”

She brought her right index finger on her lips and kissed that---“I will surely wait for that day.”

During that night after dinner, I took out the drawing board and switched on the table lamp. I took out the water colours and paint brushes. I looked at the drawing board; the sketch of Paree was looking at me and smiling at me with her burning eyes, beckoning me to kiss her. I forgot to mix up the colours. I looked at her eyes, at her luscious lips. The black strokes were calling me to dive into that paper and kiss her luscious lips.

I brought the paper near my lips and was about to press my lips on that handmade coarse paper. Just then I felt a soft touch on my shoulder.

---“Why are you kissing the paper; honey? Your Paree is standing in front of you.”

She placed her arms around my neck from behind my chair and nibbled my chest with her finger nails. I held her arms tightly as her nails send tingling sensations all over my tummy and on my chest.

Paree brought her lips on my right ear and nibbled my earlobes. Her wet tongue and pearly teeth send burning jolt of thousands of volts along my spine. I shivered on the chair. Each pores on my skin exhaled hot lava. I closed my eyes and bend my head back. My nape touched her heaving bosoms over her soft fleshy cleavage. Her soft warm mounds melted on my nape like a pair of butter chunk melting on touch of hot knife.


She moaned in my ears---“Can you now feel how I feel when you do all these to me?”

She traced her tongue on my nape, I clenched my jaws.

She nibbled on the base of my neck with her pearly rows of teeth. I shook violently and my grip on her arms bore red mark on her creamy satin skin.

Only I could moan out a long ---“Pareeeeee……….” And nothing else.

I slowly turned my chair towards her and pulled her roughly across my lap. She fell with a soft thud and perched herself on my lap comfortably. Her soft round hind globes crushed my staunch cannon burning inside me. She was in her sleeveless long night dress. Her soft warm bosoms pressed on my chest. The sumptuous warm globes of butter were jostling among themselves. Those mounds tried hard to free them from the realm of her dress. Her hard strawberries outlined clearly through her flimsy fabric, poked out invitingly in front of my lecherous sight. Those small pebbles on her twin peaks waited eagerly to get sucked and chewed by my teeth.

Paree locked my neck with her right arm and traced my right earlobe. The thin soft finger made me shiver in burning passion. I locked my left arm around her narrow round waist and pressed my mouth on soft side of her upper popped out bosom. She felt my teeth on her soft hot flesh. Her eyes were closed as I nibbled the soft upper bulge.

My chest was boiling in hot lava.

She threw her head back and her left palm grabbed my muscular chest. She dug her nails as my teeth pushed down her dress lining and nibbled the pinkish brown areola. Her staunch right pebble poked on my chin.

I jabbed my right hand on her soft tummy and caressed and mauled the soft fleshy round tummy in my strong grip.

Her thighs were pressed tightly against each other. The muscles were going hard and wane with each my lick on rim of her strawberries.

She moaned out ---“Honey, I forgive you. Just take me to heaven dear. I want to be with you forever.”

I placed my right arm below her knees and pulled her on my lap. I stood up from the chair and placed her on the bed.

She was panting hard, her right bosom was out of her dress and the left globe was still waiting to be unveiled. The lace of her upper part of dress was tucked above her left pebble waiting for a small tug to get itself free.

She gave a burning look at me and licked her lips and then she bit her lower lip.

She purred like a wanton cat---“What are you looking at, rascal?”

I hissed ---“Looking at my mermaid, came out of the burning sea basking herself in the romantic bliss.”

I lay down beside her wanton svelte figurine. I placed my left hand behind her head and pulled up her face on mine and bit her upper lip.

She had her burning eyes fixated on mine. Her palms took my face and caressed all over the cheeks and ears and hair.

My left chest pressed on her right soft mound I felt her iron hot pebble poking on my hot chest.

I scratched the back of her head with my left fingers.

She was pouring hot breath all over my face as our lips tugged and towed each other’s trying hard to get past one another.

My right hand was not so lazy and was busy caressing and kneading the soft fleshy tummy. Making circles and nibbling around her navel.

Her plump slender thighs were pressing against each other, rubbing her smooth satin skin. The friction of her skin ignited the fire of love at the juncture of her limbs.

Her knees were bent. Her night dress was bunched up at her waist. Her slender thighs were in full glow. Her sweet gateway of pleasure revealed herself in front of my eyes.

For the first time I sensed her urgency of desire, her left hand came down to the buttons of my short trying to push that down.

I hissed out as I felt her soft serpentine finger approached my loins.

She broke the kiss and shook her shoulder to let the right strap to slide down her round shoulder.

I could not take the scene anymore and lay on the bed, pulled her over me.

I grabbed her plump hind globes in my strong grip and mauled the soft flesh.


I rubbed my staunch cannon on her pleasure cave which was then bare as her lower end of her dress was bunched up her narrow waist.

She felt my hot wanton ram poking on the gateway and she let out a long moan.

I crushed her back and mauled her globes and kneaded her soft flesh. My ram thumped hard inside my shorts trying to get out of the boundaries of the domain.

I rolled over and Paree was then below me.

She parted her thighs and her hands pushed my short below my waist.

She sensed my rod thumped on the inner side of her soft silky thigh.

I put my arms beneath her armpits and held the back of her head and jabbed my cannon in to the folds of pleasure.

Her tender figure arched like a huge bow as my ram found the gate opened and sheathed into the soft wet folds of her cave. She moaned out a long “Aaaaaa…..”

My roughness burnt her and we played with each other for a long time.

We dwell in to the Arcadia lingering in rough play and ran though the forests of Eden. The summit was nearing, Paree dug all her ten finger nails on my back and I bit her shoulder as the lava flowed from the volcano over the sweet nectar of her gushing out of her nether fissure.

A torrid session of desirous cavorts ended with lots of love bites and scratches all over our body.

Paree lay down over me and placed her head on my chest. She nibbled my coarse muscles with her finger and I gently caressed her smooth soft skin of her back all along her spine. She rested her chin on my upper chest and looked in my eyes. Her arms were beside her body pressed on my chest. Her hot bosoms felt awesome on my hot muscular chest.

We were both panting hard, trying to catch our breath. I felt her soft saliva dripping from the corner of her mouth and soaking my chest.

She smiled naughtily at me---“You are a mischievous rascal. You are always naughty. My baby prince has grown up to take care of his fairy now.”

---“Do you have any question in mind regarding that honey?”

She shook her head---“Not at all. My baby can be soft sweet and torrid.”

I locked my arms around her narrow waist and closed my eyes.

Paree whispered in my ears ---“I have to go now, honey.” She planted a small kiss on my chest and said---“The rest of the session to be continued till tomorrow as you put colours on that paper.”

I kissed her good night and swooned out.

======== END OF PART 4 ===========
