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Incest How I was introduced to world of incest By sexyshree49

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Malati and prema 26.34

Let us see whether I can make it happen or you will be tiring me with this beautiful tight pussy. It is no tighter you have already torn it apart with your monster, I don’t know how I can manage it on my first night with my hubby. But don’t worry I can manage it anyway. Now lay flat i want to ride you. She turned me on my back and holds my cock for little

Sucking and love making. After that she straddled holding my cock in her delicate fingers she descends over my cock like her mom had done in the day time. Like her mom she too started gulping my cock in her moist cunt. Slowly it was disappearing then at last I gave upward trust it went in all the way. She cried this time also why you did push this time she asked. What can do darling I could not wait till my cock is buried in your beautiful pussy. I cant hold back when I see you, you are so beautiful and attractive I cant resist myself taking you when I see you. No need to flatter, already you have me in your arms. And I know how you cant stay away from me. You live outside city not even bothering to call me, now you tell that you can’t live without me. I think you have enough alternative there so you don’t have to remember me, she replied with dull face. Not like that dear, you are most important for me, to be honest you are second for me after didi, actually you are first but as she is my own sis, you know that makes something special. No you won’t as you don’t have that experience when you get below your brother then you will come to know how it feels. She wanted to say something but I interfered her as I knew what she would say. How you felt when you saw your brother fucking his wife, he too is very good at it you know.

Malati and prema 26.35

Actually I was concentrating on you and bhabhi both of you were really enjoying. Yes I saw him too he too was

Doing well but in ass, he is always a ass man. Thanks to you that he stopped his gay activities with your help and settled back in family. Actually I and didi were thinking same as didi will be away for long time at least seven months and I too won’t be here to keep track on him. He should not lose track and go on his olden days with lack of his sexual activity I replied in worried voice. Yes that is there, it should not happen. With lots of struggle you have brought him on right path he should be lost in that worst field. Any way you keep coming and keep him right path that much I can say she replied as she was jumping over my long hard cock. Her boobs were jiggling in rhythm making me go mad off them.

Bhanu 27.1

Bhanu was tensed for her result she was sure that she was going to get through but was worried f her ranking. Actually she should not be so tensed but she wanted specific local government college for two reasons. First she could stay with me in hubli and fees are less in Government College, so that she wanted to reduce burden on me which was not at all but still she thought that way. Previous night of result she asked me to sleep with her as she would not be able to sleep alone. Prema also had gone to her friend for night stay so I was the only person on whom she could rely. I knew she is tensed so can’t be able to sleep I

Agreed and called her to my room but she asked me to move to her room instead. After food we both moved to her room on terrace, as she was tensed she hugged me tight, will I get desired seat on not bhai she asked. Shy not dear you have done good and you will surely get as per your choice I consoled her by kissing her forehead. Just to divert her mood i began telling some jokes, slowly she was able to change her mood. Still she kept me in her arms. How about watching some film I asked. It is too late for movies she told looking at her watch. We can watch in your tv itself I asked turning on t v. Lazily she looked at t v I kept searching for some good movie she was looking without any interest. After searching all channels I decided for some action movie. We kept watching for some time, when a love scene appeared she looked at me I was watching with full interest. When the couple began kissing she looked at screen and then at me. I don’t know what happened to her she began smooching me. After short kiss I pulled back. What happened bhai why did you pull back she asked hesitantly.

Bhanu 27.2

Let us watch movie dear it is interesting and it is good film I said turning my head at tv screen. She tied again to kiss me but I hold her tight but didn’t allow her to kiss. She got angry and moved away from me and with dull face she lay over bed. After some time I felt her upset mood. I pulled her again tome she was not ready but I lifted her placed her on my lap. What happened dear why you are so upset I asked her. Leave me I don’t want to sit with people who don’t love me she replied in anger and moved away. Why do you think sweetie I love you a lot and you know it. I know what it is she said bluntly, all the time I was under wrong impression. All the time I thought that you love me but, now I have come to know that you don’t. What made you think so I asked? I am observing since many days you are not giving me time, you are busy with your work and when you are with me still you prefer watching movie that spending time with me. That is the reason I made you sit on my lap but it is you who moved away from me sweetu. You know how important you are for me. I can understand, for the sake of pity you have provided me everything I had not even imagined

Couple of years. You provided me everything I student can imagine to have very good college with entire staff taking care of me. I got all the needs and amenities, facilities which even richest student is not getting. But I am lagging only one thing it is your love which I am not getting. Don’t be a fool I cant describe how much I love you, I don’t take you out only for one reason just not to disturb your studies otherwise I can take you anywhere you wish for i tried to console her.

Bhanu 27.3

No need to take me anywhere, I have prema didi, priti deedi and aunt all the time they are ready to take me any where I wish. Entire family loves me, that is because you as you brought me here and provided new family who shower tons of love but except you. That is ridiculous baby I am not able to understand you, is there any single day when I don’t speak to you and inquire about your health and study, even when I am out of station I never forget to speak to you. That is there you are doing caretaker job, it does not involve in it. I got the hint she must be disturbed for me watching movie when I am with her. Silently switched off the tv and again I took her and made her sit on my lap and hugged her tight. I don’t want this false love, you are doing as if

You are throwing piece of bread at beggar. I don’t want this false love she tried to get away from me. Come on dear can’t you see I have switched off tv and now fully concentrating on you and your love. I had switched on tv just to divert your mind from your tension that is all, I tried to console her. Otherwise who will watch such stupid movie when I hot sis like you are with me. Hot sis , my foot she replied. You better watch movie and leave me for myself I don’t want to have this kind of love which I got by begging she was still angry. I had to think why this girl became angry on me. When I revised the things from beginning then it clicked to my mind that I had stopped her from kissing.

Bhanu 27.4

I hold her face in my both hands and looked deeply into her moist eyes. Then I moved my face towards hers, she kept looking at me, my face was touching to hers and when my lips neared her lips she moved her face. I straighten her face and this time I pressed my lips on hers. She still tried to move her face, but i was holding her face tight. I plant a kiss on her forehead and then on her both cheeks she was quite when my lips brushed hers she again tried to avoid. But this time I pressed my lips on hers.

Bhanu 27.5

These girls you know they get angry faster than boys especially if they are hurt by our actions. Same thing had happened here also. When I had stopped her kissing she got mentally hurt and now was not cooperating with me. I had to cool her by same thing what I had not allowed her. After bit cajoling she let me kiss, but was not cooperating still I persuade to kiss, then she too started responding. When we broke kiss she still had mixture of happiness and anger. Why are you behaving like this she asked. Nothing dear you know I love you and that is why I just don’t want to betray your life by taking advantage of nearness. (what I had in mind is that she should not feel that I helped her for her studies and gave best life she could imagine of. In return of that help I am going to have such affair with her. Or she should not think that she can return the favor I this kind) What a fool you are, you are not going to betray my life but by accepting my love you are going to give meaning of my life. She started arguing and trying me to accept her as sort of lover. I didn’t let her to go further in turn I kept conversing with her so too change her mood and I was successful also. As I kept conversing with her I took her in my arm she placed her head on my wide chest she kept caressing my hairy chest as she continued speaking with me at last she slept hugging me tight. Next day I was earlier to awake, when I woke up I found her still in my arm neither she nor me had moved even little. I looked at her beautiful innocent face she looked like small baby while she slept. Slowly I got disengaged from her clutches and kissed her forehead and her cheeks and left her sleeping. Then I got freshened and went out into terrace for my routine workouts.

Bhanu 27.6

After half an hour or so she came out searching for me , may be she was angry again leaving her without informing her. When she found me exercising in front of her room she kept looking at me. I came to know when she asked me to stop. How long you are going to sweat out bhai, it is enough you are not going for fight in WWF. She said laughing and came to me, she stopped me in the middle and hugged me tight. I was forced to stop exercising. She placed her face on my bare chest, she kissed my cheek then hide her face on my sweaty chest. After some time what a aroma filled with manly musky sweat, she inhaled again on my chest. Come on dear let me complete I tried to push her after a peck on her cheek. No more she exclaimed I can’t see you punishing your body so hard she came back into my embrace. Stop it bhai, though i have seen you several time doing such hard workouts still I can’t bear your muscles straining so much. I need to do all these to protect my lovely sisters; I need to be mentally and physically strong enough to take care of you all and my family. Thanks bhai for that, especially now I cant bear the pain you are giving to your body for our sake. We are now much safer than olden days and now we have all grown up to take care of ourselves and you are such a fool , you not only take so much strain but compel us to do all these things despite of my busy study schedule. Now I am enough strong to protect myself. Come on honey I shall prepare tea for you, she pulled me into her room despite of my protest.

I took her towel started wiping myself. She snatched towel let me have that honor of doing some service to my loving bhai. She started wiping my body with towel. What a musky fragrance you have it is completely manly, I love this fragrance she hugged me from back and must be inhaling the fragrance as I could feel her face on my back.

Bhanu 27.7

Leave it na dear I must be smelling awesome I pulled myself away from her. After some short hug she left me and wiped my body. Then she prepared tea we both sipped tea, chitchatting for some time. Come on fresh up we should get ready now, today we are going to have sweet news of my baby darling getting her result. Oh shit I had forgotten that, with presence of my sweet bhai I forget the whole world. Ok would you like to join me for bath she asked with mischievous smile. Not today some other time for sure I replied with smile and ran down. All others were waiting for me at breakfast table as i entered dining hall after bath and getting ready. Come on bhai we all are waiting for you prema called me. Hi good morning when did you come back I asked pulling chair beside her. Few minutes back, so how are the things she asked. Everything is fine but ……….. I paused for some time when she looked at me I gestured at my cock stealthily as others had become busy in eating. She looked at me then at my central point ,when she saw semi erect cock she blushed

And startled to check whether any others are watching. She relaxed when none are watching but when she found didi smiling she understood that she had come to know. She pushed me with her elbow and glared at me as if saying you will kill me sometime. Then bhanu also joined us and we started eating while we were chitchatting with others. By the time breakfast was over bhanu received a call, it was from her college. Do you remember that today is your result princi asked her.

Bhanu 27.8

Yes sir, how can I forget this day. Now I wanted to check whether result is announced or not on net. Don’t check net come straight to college we shall check all our team result here only. Sir bhai is with me he is insisting to check on net she replied hesitantly. Your bhai you mean shree sir, that will be really good and we appreciate if he accompany you. Please bring him also, that too right now. Please speak to him she handed her cell to me. Prnici sir requested me to come along with bhanu. What I am going to do there , your student will come there i said. No bhai we need you here I was scared whether you are in station or not. Please don’t miss we will be waiting for you sir he requested again. Ok sir we will come I replied and handed her cell back to her.

Come on we shall move I urged bhanu she agreed and when I went to take car she stopped me, we shall go by bike not car she urged. We can go comfortably in car I replied hesitantly. Not at all, car will take longer than bike and I prefer bike she said in firm tone. I took bike she jumped on it placing both legs at each side and she hugged me tight. Whoever were looking at us all laughed aunt said that is real love of bro sis. But prema murmured something, by now we were out of site. When we had moved far she pulled herself still to me and placed her chin over my shoulder and then she gave a peck on my cheek, she could do it as pillion seat is way higher than rider seat.

Bhanu 27.10

As we came out there was announcement to all students to gather in conference hall. We all slowly moved to hall, the way princi had spoken I had lost hope and she too was completely tensed. In fact I felt like return home leaving her to check her result and come. But how she could feel if she had done that poor, she would be broke she had lots of hope in her result and was dreaming to be a doctor a big and renowned doctor. If she fails to get seat she would lose her confidence and I don’t know what she could do or take some drastic step, I could not assume what she could feeling that case, so there is no option but to be at her side especially in bad time. Just to change her mood I placed my hand on her shoulder and pressed her arm to ensure that I am with you. We all

Too seats after some time principle and other professors gathered in hall. There was some small speech by one of the professors giving small details of how much they had taken effort to build career of students and how successful they were in getting good result and so on. Then princi sir began speaking this year we have harvested best result we have made record success and thanked all the students for their hard effort in study and he thanked students for bringing name to the institute. Usually I did appreciate such speeches but today due to my tension I thought why these people are giving big lectures instead of announcing result. So before I speak more on the subject I would like to announce results for which you are anxious. He announced a girl’s name and told her rank and congratulated her for her performance, then followed by a boy’s name and his rank. List went on and with every time I was expecting him announce miss bhanushree but was disappointed every time as it was some other students name. Then he paused and was searching some person from the crowd who had seated in hall. When he saw me he gestured me to get up, but I mistook his gesture and continued sitting there only

Bhanu 27.11

At last he took my name sorry friends I had forgotten a gem of a man whom I wanted to be guest today. That is shree sir please come to Dias and take seat forgiving me to call you so late. I got up and went to dias on insisting with heavy foot. He

Gave my brief introduction and my role in the present years way change in teaching pattern and how I had given clues to improve teaching system and how to encourage students and give facilities to each and every student and so on. I had to interrupt him saying enough of praising I am getting embarrassed with so much of praises. I love this style shree, though you are much younger than any of our staff but the way you involved in our team and gave time to time hints to improvise our techniques which we had never thought would work. Most of them were simple but really effective. Now please take seat and I shall continue with results he continued reading all the names from the list. I was wondering why he was not speaking about my darling sis. Now I ask Miss bhanushree to standup. She was nervous when she stood I could see her shivering. I had asked her one question when she was in my cabin but so far she has not replied that is the reason I had kept her result held back. Now come over Dias and give me explanation. She was literally shocked. When she was called again she had to come over stage. Now i shall repeat how you could perform like this ir what made you study hard, what is the inspiration for you. I know more or less but I want you to speak here he said. Sir I don’t know whether you are praising me or …………. I can speak if you tell my ranks she requested him in whisper.

Bhanu 27.12

Rank does not matter now, the question is how you reached this prestigious institute and you determined to study well. Dear princi sir and all my beloved professors and my loving shree bhai and friends she started. To come here to this prestigious institute was a mere accident. I take this opportunity to explain my auto biography. I don’t feel shame to admit that I came from a slum, some situations made me born and brought upin slum. My dad is a cab driver and mom was housemaid working in various houses to feed and educate us children. We three sisters had to struggle to study. On one situation where my dad had met with accident and had not a single rupee to treat him was forced to ask for help of my shreebhai whom i knew him when I was working part time in a shop. When I explained my situation he agreed to help me out and the things changed miraculously he sort of adopted not only me but my entire family. She explained how both sisters struggled to lead life and study and how they used to live with empty stomach. Things changed when my loving shree bhai adopted he not only feed us but provided all the facilities even richest student can’t dream of. He not only provided material support but his entire family showered love more than my parents could give. He is the only inspiration for me and my sisters. With his support my sister is studying chartered accountant. Poverty had taught me good lesson and made me to dream of doing best and I wanted to be a doctor not only doctor but super specialist to serve needy and poor patients. I could think that way as I had gone through such condition

When my dad had met with accident we had nothing we could not get treatment in private hospital and government hospitals didn’t have such facilities’. So I had taken oath to be doctor who dreams of treating poor.

Bhanu 27.13

To conclude my speech now i proudly say that I am no more poor, as my shree bhai is with me in all stages of my life so I feel i am the richest in the world for his love and care. And i wish that everyone should get such brother, though he may not be my own bro but his position in my life is much more than god. I don’t know yet whether I am qualified to get admission or not but the way I had prepared I am confident that I should get admission in best college that sir has to confirm it. I am getting bit tensed as so far sir has not announced my rank so far. Wither speech she had made all the students and faculty cry hearing her struggle and back ground. Even her voice had become shaky and tears rolling from her eyes. Now I looked at the entrance where my entire family was entering. Princi sir asked them to take seat in front row. Now time has come to announce Miss bhanushree rank. Actually I was waiting for her family to come, now they have arrived and I am so happy to announce that she has not only topped our college but has secured sixth rank to the entire state. Now I congratulate her on behalf of myself but from the faculty and management. Just now I have received a good announcement from our management that she will be getting her fees refund but her

Entire education will be taken care by this college management till she completes her education in India and higher studies abroad. Shree bhai and his jiju should not think that they cant afford to take care of her but the way our brilliant girl has presented bitter truth of her life to all of us she has shared her feelings to treat the needy and poor has made the management to take boldest step. There was such big applause bhanu was stunned hearing all this, first she touched sir feet to give gratitude to her gurudev and then she ran to me and jumped over me like a baby doll. She kissed all over my face she had almost forgotten where she was. I too kissed her forehead and congratulated her for her victory now her life was completely set, it is nothing that I could not bear her expenses even if she studied abroad but it was the greatest honor to get such offer from that institute.

Bhanu 27.14

Now I request bhanu to speak again princi sir called her . She thanked profusely all the faculty for giving her best of the education and she said I had troubled each and every one of the faculty for studies and disturbed them in very odd hours still the happily guide me so well without a single murmur for the disturbance I thanks principal sir and management. If you don’t feel badi would like to refuse the offer as I know my bhai can afford anything for me, as I have already said I am richest girl now as I have bhai with me. He may not be adani or ambani but his heart is much bigger than any one I know.

Why I would like to refuse is when my bhai can afford to educate me, I feel some other poor student may be given this offer so that she or he can get such education. Suddenly chairman of the institute came onstage and hugged bhanu. I love this child I like her spirit and the concern about poor student. She has not forgotten her bad days through this she wants to help other students indirectly she wants to pass that facility to some other needy, so she is showing concern to the needy and poor. So she is true to her heart not only with words. Ok let me announce another meritorious student will get same offer on basis of need but it is not going to passing from her share ,she will surely get what we had announced in addition to that we shall provide two more students which we will select later. Furthermore there is small announcement from our management that shree beta is requested to join our advisory committee as honorary advisor, I request him to please accept the offer. You know therein no monitory benefit for this but we want to take his time and keep helping our staff so that we can provide best of the education to our students in future also.


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Bhanu 27.15

We were not aware of your past one of the lecturer did comment to bhanu, it is really great hat with all the mental and financial problems you did so well, she shook bhanu hand. That is because of my bhai bhanu wanted to dedicate her success to me.

That lecturer looked at me with interest. I have seen him here in college, usually he discusses with top management or principal sir, usually he does not mingle with juniors there was ray of objection in her voice. That is not correct madam, he is so generous and talkative , what happens is it is tough for him to get time, whenever he gets time and visit us, I will be happy to convese with him and his future plans. So either me or management consumes all his time so he is not left free to mingle with others. Henceforth we shall make plan in such a way that we shall discuss all together so that you too will have chances to share your ideas or make any changes if necessary. You never did ask any question or discuss with me I said looking at that madam. You never gave chance to interact she replied looking deep into my eyes. We kept discussing for some more time , the way she was looking and her eyes brightened when I gave enough attention to her. Thanks for listening to my words shree sir, hoping to interact frequently and discuss more things in detail. You are most welcome madam I replied. Now i looked at her intently she was very young I think she was fresher newly appointed and unmarried asi didn’t find mangalya .beautiful girl than woman curvaceous she had best curves can say she was bit well built side. Don’t want to call her plump but she had good figure. Her main attraction was bright eyes, dimple cheeks, very fair color, long nose raised

Cheek bones. Long neck followed by 34 c breasts was biggest attraction.

Bhanu 27.16

I could not watch below assets as she was sitting across the table. Then she shook my hands I felt as if she caressed my hand with other hand, then she gave her card asking me to speak to her when I was free so that we can plan good discussion in college, but virtually that meant different. When she caressed my hand my hand also did halt for few seconds longer than needed. I withdrew my hand when both bhanu and bhavana pinch my side as if enough of it. Both were sitting at each side, I think that lecturer noticed it and there was small blush on her face. Followed by that there was small party, chairman sir was so happy for present year performance he declared additional increment to the staff who had put their effort to bring success . Sir if you don’t mind I interrupted him, please offer the same to every one of science branch, please don’t discriminate as there may be direct contribution or indirect also. If you provide only to HOD then juniors will be disgraced and as we know how others also do contribute indirectly for this noble thought. I do accept young boys advise here, you all will get additional increment this year. Entire staff was happy for this announcement. In addition to that there will be some more announcements from management as we have partially resolved some more offers or facilities to enable you to teach your students.

There was healthy discussion and management was happy and was almost ready to accept any suggestion, staff kept hoping from my side to make some moves so they get more rewards from management. I was not in hurry before we make any moves we should be aware of the effects from both sides. But that lady constantly kept ogling at me and intermittently she passed smiles also. At one time I was caught up by bhavana while I replied for her smile .

Bhanu 27.17

Something is going between both of you, she is trying her level best to attract you, so becoming Romeo here in college. Not only she you poor fellow even some other lecturers are also trying to draw your attention, but like a fool you are sticking to only one hehehe. I was shocked for bhavana bold and open statement. I looked at her when she elbowed me. Don’t look now third from right then seventh and so on she had mentioned numbers on slip. She pushed that slip don’t stare directly at one side. Casually go on observing each of these she whispered at me. Not only them dear bhai. Some of the students are also watching you. You can find 4 beautiful students are also making effort to attract you, whereas like a biggest fool you are sticking to only one. Both the girls giggled at me. That made

Me feel like was sitting on hot pan. These both chulbuli girls are making fun of me. I had to sit quite as still there were some speeches going on. Please keep quite sweet demons I roared at them. Why both of you have decided to pull my leg. No we were honest about studying atmosphere, now see number 11 bhavana said still pretending looking at me but had noticed for her corner of eye. She was right that lecturer was also passing smile I didn’t know whether to reply or not, but to be like a civilized animal I replied for her and few after them. Then I thought it is safe to avoid all of them to save my neck for these naughty girls otherwise I knew I will have to pay big price for that. Then I moved my chair in such a way that I my face was turned to chairman and principal soon after that there was some refreshment served and meeting was finished. Till then these both girls kept making fun of me. When meeting was over i felt relieved. When I stood up why are you so scared dear, bhavana teased me.

Bhanu 27.18

Why not , when there are so many girls and women are after my handsome bhai,it is natural to be scared. Don’t worry darling we won’t let you raped by them bhanu said laughing at me. Actually I was scared to death, this was the first time both sisters taking my ass together. Usually they treat me like innocent bro and I too act like that with them.

Occasionally they see me ogling at beautiful girls or girls looking at me. In that situation they warn me not to look at them, but today for my astonishment both of them are behaving abnormal and kept teasing me. I was suspecting them to take class after going back to home. They would take my ass again in privacy which i didn’t want. Somehow we finished all formalities and came out. By now jiju and family had gone back leaving me and bhanu behind. When I was about to start my bike bhanu stopped me and called her friends. He is shree as you all know she introduced me to her friends. Then she introduced her friends one by one. They kept speaking for some time all the time two or three girls kept looking at me and smiling unnecessarily. I knew only two girls from the lot, one was sanjana other aditi, sanjana was well known as we had met on many occasions when I had visited bhanu college. I congratulated everyone but shook sanjana hand , she came forward and gave light hug and thanked me for all the help I had extended to her personally as well through college. But in that short hug she had made it a point to rub her pointed boobs on my chest. When I looked at her I saw her smiling and blush a little. Then I looked at her boobs, I could see nipple pokies probably she was not wearing bra I thought. After that aditi also gave small hug but that daring girl asked care to celebrate success, if yes call me in the evening she whispered in those few seconds.

Bhanu 27.19

My god all these girls have become so bold these days. One did brush her tits deliberately on my chest while all her friends are watching and the other girls also hugs and verbally invite for celebration, I don’t know what kind she wanted to celebrate. What to do if bhanu darling was not there I would have accepted the offer and taken her for date cum celebration, if they agree I could take both of them for double date. But I had to be cautious as bhanu was there. I knew she does not like to share me, she wants to posses, though very little things had happened between us still the girl is possessive. I don’t know why this girl is introducing me to her friends, does she wants to test me I thought. Each of her friends shook hand with me and I kept congratulating as all had scored well and at last this foolish girl bhanu shared my number saying they may need me in future for some or other assistance. My god giving my number to so many girls I think one day she is going to kill me, actually I began sweating foreseeing some bad thing would happen soon.

Bhanu 27.20

I don’t know how many girls noted my number as I was so tensed I was not able to understand bhanu today the girl who likes to possess is trying to share , she was enjoying when other girls and lecturers were ogling at me and now she was sharing my number almost public , maybe she was disturbed when I was looking at that young and beautiful lecturer so she was trying to take

Revenge I this form. Somehow I kept smiling dramatically though I was not at all happy. Some girl wanted to take group photo, it is their group so i tried to sneak out of the group but they called me, I was forced to stand between all the young teens’ beauties. Charo tharaf gopiya beech me kanhayya it was bhanu who whispered. I pinched her ass to keep her quite. But shit aditi might have heard it, she smiled at me and she is so right you know she whispered and winked at me, then she stood in such a fashion that her left tit was completely pasted on my body. As group was big some girl taking photo asked to come closer, so few girls came in front of us. At left my darling bhanu was standing and on right it was still aditi in front sanjana and her friend came, this time aditi crossed limit by placing her hand behind my back and coming too close so that her soft tit was completely pressed on my chest she was standing on her toes as there were other girls in-front of us, her face was so close to mine like she was trying to rub her face on my body. My god this sanjana came so much backside her ass was touching to my cock. Tight ass made instant action on my cock making it stand up, why not one side bhanu is rubbing her tits and other side aditi and now sanjana was rubbing her body on

My cock and her friend ass was touching my hands. It was too much to control.

Bhanu 27.21

Sanjana might have felt what was poking her body as if to adjust her dress she pushed her hand back and confirmed that it was my cock and wither fingers she touched tip of the cock. The girl taking photo wanted to join the group for her photo so she asked sanjana to take snap, she was not happy to move but dare devil before moving she pressed my cock and left making my cock twitch in her fingers with a discreet smile she left. I never thought sanjana is so aggressive girl aditi commented to bhanu. Yes I too had thought same but today I came to know that she is slut bhanu replied. They were speaking to each other by moving their heads at my backside; though it was whisper still I could hear them clearly. She is not slut yaar she is very naïve girl and sure virgin but don’t know why she did like that aditi said. May be she is so impressed by handsome bro, she or any other can’t resist hehehehe bhanu replied. That is there aditi replied rubbing her both tits on my back. Their conversation went on till sanjana shout to take right position. Other girl took place of sanjana, she too backed so much that her body also touched my flag pole. She got alarmed and might have guessed

What was touching her body, she looked back and tried to move forward. But sanjana shouted at her to move back, she had to follow instruction of the one taking snaps she moved back and hit her body on my cock. Sanjana took some time to focus the girl was moving her body making my cock brush on her waist as she was much shorter, I don’t know she was avoiding or doing deliberately. But when photo was taken that girl moved away before she left she glared at me. Maybe she felt bad and thought bad of me as I was having boner when her friends were taking photos with gratitude I was acting like nerd. Tomorrow noon we are going to meet don’t say no and no argument I won’t listen no from you and that is final aditi whispered and left moved away briskly without looking back. I was wondering what kind of girl she is. She uttered few words and left without even knowing my reaction. She could have at least smiled at me but nothing straight away she went out of campus pulling sanjana with her. Actually sanjana wanted to come at our side but she gave no chance to her. Before they crossed gate sanjana looked back with sweet smile and bid bye at us all but looking straight at me.

Bhanu 27.22

Enough of ogling at my friends are you raping them with your eyes bhanu whispered. That made me embarrassed and the boner was still there still I could feel warmth of those girls body on my cock. Come on hop I pulled bhanu with me to while I sat over bike to conceal my erection and getting more embarrassed. Before we left after bidding bye to girls, that girl still glared at me. Why is she looking at you like this bhanu asked teasing me, did you rape her in the crowd she giggled. No, it was you all who were trying to rape me, you all girls are so shameless. I had never assumed sanjana would dare to do such naughty thing in the crowd, I think you enjoyed it. You are fool ,I never like such things you know I replied. Yes that I know, your erect monster was telling how bad it felt rubbing teen asses. Is it still hard she placed her hand on my cock which was now going softer, but with her touch again sprang. I tried to brush her hand away from groin, we were moving on traffic road what would people think if they saw her holding my cock. Please leave it bhanu what are you doing have you gone mad I said in stern voice. What will people think how shameless you are becoming from naïve girl.

I shall take out my hand if you agree to take me for a movie she replied with sweet smile which I could not deny, she had done so well and it washer day. I was supposed to treat her well on this special day. We can go tomorrow I said hesitantly. No tomorrow, today and right now she ordered. Ok madam where do you want me to take I asked. To heaven or at least on clouds she replied with a small peck on my cheek.

Bhanu 27.23

This is public dear, please behave yourself I forced her face away. I know no one has watched us even if anybody watches I don’t mind she replied and guide me to a multiplex. When we settled into seats the film started. Few minutes everything was ok after that she started teasing me, she used to touch my arms or face or squeeze my cheeks, she kept playing with me acting innocent. She used to press her tits on my arms while pretending to be resting on me placing her head on my shoulder but saw to it that I feel her soft yet firm tits. Whenever protested and was about to say something she used to hold my face and plant wet kiss on my cheek. Now there was no way to oppose her I could not displease her on the special day. Now she

Completely leaned over me caressed my face with her soft fingers, she kept me engaged in speaking, I could sense how happy she was she kept bragging about her friends , how happy they became by qualifying for medical, the way institute helped them for better study method. All of them asked me to convey their thanks to you. I am really so happy today for not only getting good rank but our management including princi and chairman did appreciate you for your advice and work you did for institute. I had heard that they will not nominate any one for advisory board even for paying millions of rupees but they requested you to accept offer. One of my friend’s dad is also trustee he only told us that how lucky they are to have you around them as their managing skill has become so old fashioned or becoming almost absolute they were searching for some dynamic person who can work selflessly for their institution. More than that is most of the students were so much impressed about you that made me so proud of you, you know that changed my status also. Above everything you had become centre of attraction like me. Most of the girls were eying you know, that was making me jealous, but still I enjoyed every minute. That biology lecturer whom you were also watching is so khadoos type lady, she is so strict and troubles her students

So much had become your fan today. She was ogling like a teenage girl.

Bhanu 27.24

I want you to make friendship with her and seduce her. She is brilliant lady but for her attitude we don’t like her despite of her good teaching ability. She thinks that she has descended from heaven she thinks she is the only intelligent lady on the earth she boasts so much and always try to show us low. Please for my sake do something to her. I have some personal grudge also and I want my bro to have a intelligent and beautiful lady. She is going to contact you on one or other pretext, if at all she contacts you don’t forget to give lift to her, even otherwise you can contact and make the friendship takes next level, already I have feed her number in your cell. With description of lecturer and initiation of bhanu made me flow in dream of meeting that beauty lady, for that matter anyone would be interested in her, not only interest anybody would be ready to sacrifice anything for that hot beauty. That was making me hot and in addition bhanu was rubbing her body on mine. We kept watching film but were speaking also. I don’t know why bhanu kept praising her friends beauty and was specifically telling about aditi and

Sanjana how much they were desperate to make friendship with me, the way sanjana caressed my cock directly in presence of so many girls could tell her intention. These all things kept me hot all the time. I am also human being how long I could resist getting aroused by the teen beauty sitting beside me. I too began responding to her advances. She kept giving pecks on my cheeks on one such occasion I turned my face, her kiss landed on my lips, she too advantage and began kissing my lips, now I was also aroused I too responded, she was sucking my upper lip, I was sucking her lower lip hot kiss went for couple of minutes. Then forgetting that we are in public theater she jumped on my lap and began kissing me again. She had turned facing me her tits were crushed on my chest. After the kiss was broken she placed my hand on her tit.

Bhanu 27.25

I let my hand stay on her left tit for some time, then my palm cupped automatically I was holding her tit now, she placed her hand over mine she made the pressing gesture I followed her instruction, started pressing her tits. She let her low moan she inserted her hand inside my shirt started caressing my wide chest. That means she too wants my hand inside her top, I too inserted my hand inside her top from bottom. I could feel

Warmth of her body I caressed her stomach and found the little navel, fingered it that made her jump with excitement. She was continuously moaning then my hand slide above and it had reached to base of her tit. My fingers were struggling to reach for her nude tits, suddenly she stood up and asked me to leave the place. I too was too horny to stay back we left the theatre and headed for my guest house.

Bhanu 27.26

I had become crazy enough with her actions and sort of initiations. Since almost morning I was in same condition. While going to college only I was aroused by bhanu brushing her tits on my back and after watching must sexy girls and madams, that too with full response from few girls and later both aditi and sanjana also made me go wild with their deliberate action while photo ceremony. After that bhanu had not wasted a single chance to arouse me. When I was crazy enough to press her tits, she didn’t allow me but asked me to move. Once inside our cherry house she hugged me, began kissing, I too was crazily waiting for that, I too respond immediately. Our kiss went on for long as she kept kissing me sucking my lips and tongue and feeding her tongue into my hungry mouth. She placed my hand on her tit that was enough

For me to start pressing her tits. It didn’t take long before we gone crazy and were caressing and feeling each other. Then she only volunteered to open my shirt caress my nude chest, pulling chest hairs to make me crazier. I too could not sustain I too pulled her top to make her topless. What I a sight it was her though small but shapely tits stood over her chest with tiny nipple inviting me to handle it tweak it suck it. I nibbled it with fingernails she began shivering with excitement. Slim and beautiful girl standing topless, looking at me in lust and love, was all set for the defloration. Though I was in dual mind whether to go all the way or not. She pushed my shirt away from my body raised my west didn’t bother to remove it, she hugged me tight pressing her apples on my bare chest. In the cool atmosphere her warm body felt great, she saw to it that she rubs her apples on my chest while she showered kisses on my face and then neck. Her hands kept roaming on my body, she pulled me tight to her. Her tender hands were running all over my bare back she kept on caressing, with one hand she pulled my hard ass to her.

Bhanu 27.27

Then she began kissing my neck then chest at last taking one tiny nipple into her mouth began licking it furiously and nibbling other with her

Finger nail almost copying what I had done to her. I think she was in peak of her arousal she could not wait any more she began pulling waist belt followed by pant, when she pushed my u wear she knelt before me taking my hard cock into her soft fingers that made my cock twitch. She felt it and caressed the entire length as if measuring the length. She brought my cock near her nose and inhaled aroma, she raised her head to look into my eyes, she smiled with her eyes and proceed with her actions. She kept caressing my cock for few times a drop of clear liquid of pre cum. She looked at it for few seconds then inhaled again. At last she stretch out her tongue, licked the drop with tip of her tongue. She left it for few seconds as if to show me that she is going to lick it. She took her tongue inside then waits for some time as if to test and taste the liquid. Her eyes shine she licked the tip of cock again, there was nothing this time. She peeled the skin to find enormous quantity stored under fore-skin. Her eyes brightened to find more juice she immediately brought out her tongue, probably she didn’t want to eat out all of it in one scoop, she began licking it slowly only with her pointed tip of tongue. When she cleared it she began sucking my cock

Slowly, then increasing speed. Now she was able to take half the cock into her mouth. She constantly kept looking into my eyes and smiling at me. Let us move to bed my knees are hurting she said as she stood. I lifted and carried her to bed and lay her on bed. Do you want more I asked, I think it is enough for now I can’t bear any more please proceed she said while she removed rest of her clothes. I looked at small frame of her body; she spread her legs showing her spotless white body glistening. Her beautiful face was having mixture feeling of love and lust. Her apples stood upright on her chest. Flat tummy and small navel followed by slim legs, everything milky white totally spotless body.

Bhanu 27.28

No name of hairs anywhere except on her pussy. Small hairs of golden color affirming that they were never removed; she widened her legs to provide me full view of her virgin pussy. This was the first girl who was exposing herself without any hesitation. Otherwise with all other girls I used to initiate them to open and with lots of shying and protest they used to open. I could not control any more, I started kissing her from forehead her face cheeks then her neck and proceed toher apples. She fed her milk to

Me with lots of love and affection. She was writhing with excitement she kept moaning all the time. I went for her navel licked that small orifice and then went down for her pussy. I licked around her pussy, when I placed my lips over opening of pussy she shivered so much she started leaking heavily without even licking it. I drank all the juice and then started licking her tight pussy. I soaked my finger with saliva pushed it inside her pussy that was so tight, giving full assurance that it is untouched. She raised her head to see what I was doing, when I pushed my finger she bite lip to bear pain but said nothing. Then I started finger fucking her with only one digit and was sucking her pussy continuously. She was shivering again and again her body trembled all the time. I think she could not bear it any more she started pulling me up, when I didn’t budge she pulled my hairs it is enoush bhai now come to main program. Insert that tool into my waiting and crying hole. Please bhai I can’t bear it any more, if you delay I will die she cried loud when I nibbled her clit with teeth. I could understand her condition she was too much excited and so I was. I took cream lubed her pussy and my cock, then positioned on her pussy. You will be hurt, you need to bear the first pain before it gives immense pleasure I cautioned her.

Don’t speak like a fool I know everything I am not a baby that you need to teach. Now just push it and tear my hymen make me woman your woman. I want to be your woman all the life. Just insert without bothering my cries or protest break open the seal and give me that pain and then pleasure for which I am waiting for ages.


Active Member

Bhanu 27.29

You don’t know how much I wanted you in this position from last two years. You were socruel when I offered my body to you on the first instance I thought I was in desperate condition for money but I needed you then also. I don’t know I was impressed by you on your first visit tour shop. You had won my heart on your first appreciation of my likings and suggestion of dress for that small girl. You had occupied my heart when you spoke to me with so much of respect and concern. It was you who made first compliment my skill of liking and advice and you were the first to give me tips. You know I felt jealous when you visited our shop with various girls. I had mistaken you for sort of playboy. That is how I assumed that you would give me money if I offer my body to you. Forget money I had dreamt and desired you and wanted to have this relation with you since my adolescence, now god has given the opportunity to fulfill my desire.

Please insert your cock into my virgin pussy, fuck me dear she cried. I was wondering how much she had observed me. My first priority was to fulfill her desire first and then think of rest of the things. I positioned my cock on her opening then gave mile push, it did slip due to excess lubing. Nest time I positioned it again on her hole and pushed it while holding it with two fingers. She covered her face wither small hands anticipating lots of pain. When my missile head entered into her tight pussy spreading pussy lips wide. My god you are there after so much of wait she said in midst of her cry. I waited for few seconds giving her time to adjust and after some time I gave a small push, now I was at door step of her hymen. I gave few more seconds time to bear the pain. When it was reduced by my kisses and pressing of her tits. Now the real pain and you will be promoted to women from girl be ready and I feel sorry for giving you pain instead of pleasure but it is inevitable. She nod her face and said go ahead in low voice. She too is aware of the first pain, but mentally she is prepared to have it.

Bhanu 27.30

I pulled the cock a little and rammed it back that did it, her hymen was broken and she cried with pain but she had covered her mouth with her own palm. I lay over her began kissing her and

Sucking those beautiful apples. In short time she stopped crying and she caressed my face and played with my hairs. I should really appreciate her to bear the pain and encouraging me to go ahead fuck her. When she was comfortable I pulled my cock a little and began fucking with only that much length which I had created space inside her pussy. I kept fucking her slowly giving small and slow strokes, but with every few strokes I went on going further very little that she should not feel the pain. I should appreciate her for her bravery she had never cried loud and never asked me to stop. She was trying to bear the pain on her own without making it an issue and exhibit it. But I was also giving her with all the caution as I loved her a lot. She was not yet another girl she meant a lot to me. I don’t know how much she had impressed me, without thinking twice I had brought her and her family to my house without taking consent of malati or didi. But god is great they were malati relatives and all were welcome and later they all gained love from entire family and thus became family members.

Bhanu 27.31

We had great time that day. She was so happy after a long fuck she lay like a log for some time and when she awake after short nap. She had recovered from her tiredness and

Was looking so happy indeed she kissed me a lot and said thanks darling for making me yours. These days I was so worried that you were not at all coming near to me, I mean that way. Love you dear she said kissing me again. That is true bhanu I didn’t intend to go all the way to that level but I don’t know how I was so excited and went all the way. That is the trick I had to use to make you horny and to seduce you my lover boy she smiled wickedly at me. What was the trick I asked. I knew that princi sir would call you for the function as you had helped them and they were getting better result because of your suggestion and plan. So I had purposely spoke about you to my friends and you know I did bit exaggerate. But when they saw you none of them did feel that I had exaggerated but they said I didn’t describe properly. In a way I had arranged sort of competition between many girls to catch you. So, so many girls were behind you and those two had almost crossed limit by coming physically with you. I know aditi would do something to seduce you but that other girl sanjana proved faster than aditi. Unexpectedly our madam was also eying you. I took every chance to keep you excited and never lose libido for even short time, I kept using my stat to make you aroused and even after coming from college I used all the tricks I could do to seduce you and I am successful to have you. Now I am so happy that I have made you mine. Do you think so I asked teasing her.

Bhanu 27.32

I don’t know about rest of the things, I wanted you and now I have you. I know I can’t own you, the way you made love to me simply shows how expert you are. Though I am virgin but with my theoretical knowledge I am sure that it is not first for you and you seem to be doctorate in this love making. I am least bothered with whom all you have affair, and it is not my botheration also. What I want is I want my share of love that does not exactly mean only sex, I am desperate to have love as well sex also. I know that we can’t marry as we are sort of bro sis in relation but I want to have you till I get married if at all I marry. What do you mean if at all you marry? That is so simple; I want to work for society till last without expecting much return. If that can provide me enough to have food and shelter that is enough for me. I know how poor people die without proper treatment. I can’t forget the help you extended to me, if there was no help for you I don’t think we could save my dad, even if he was alive definitely he would be partially or completely dependent. That day only had taken oath if god hear my prey and wishes I would study medicine, only to serve poor and not for money. Now you are here to look after my education, and even my college is funding my education till end. So I will definitely would never disappoint you in studies, I will surely cross my capacity to study hard and be a winner. But only thing I need is you to be at my side and keep

Loving me. For that you need not even ask , I am always with you and shall keep loving you. I was avoiding this sex part as you should not lose track of study and be after lust. If you promise me that you will never deviate yourself from your goal I am always with you and surely will be making love as and when you wish for.

Bhanu 27.33

She pulled my face to hers and we were tired again with long wet kiss followed by long love making. Next day I had few errands to look after, but in the noon I got call from unknown number, absent mindedly I received call. It was sweet voice of a girl. Hi handsome how are you Fine and thanks I replied. Simply fine? That means you didn’t recognize me. Now I was alert tried to guess who it is. Then remembered that previous day bhanu had given my number to many girls and I was unable to guess her. It was too risky to take any name as if I miss it would be difficult, she would feel bad thinking that I am liking that specific girl instead of her. How do you expect me to forget this sweet voice baby. In fact I was expecting your call since morning. Is it true or you are just throwing she asked in excited tone but at the end there was little doubt. If that is true tell my name she challenged. How could I tell or guess only on one met that too short one that means I had almost very little time heard their voice.

Instead of guessing name, we will have other game. I won’t tell where I am and you too don’t say about it but we have to catch the other, time is just five minutes can you do it. What is this game, how can we trace each other, you mean with help of gps or any other means she asked in total confusion. Use any thing as you wish, but in five minutes only, I replied.

Bhanu 27.34

That is too hard dear, without any hint it is not possible for tracing. If you cant I shall try, what will be the bet I asked. I shall give treat if you can catch me in five minutes which is almost impossible. If you have seen me or you are present here itself. No I am not anywhere near you, I will search you in just five minutes. I don’t believe you, you might be here itself and right now seeing me, but you are hiding so that I can’t see you as I am searching from where I am standing she replied doubting my presence. No dear I can’t see you and I don’t know where you are. If that is the case send me your location, so that I will feel that it is real challenge and there is no cheating. If I send my location you can catch me easily. No I won’t search you as I can’t I admit it. But it will be you who has to search me she was breathing heavily with excitement. If there are such conditions I should ask for the stake, you

Said treat what is that treat I asked pulling her leg. That is so simple, treat in any hotel of your choice. Ok done but little change in it, treat will be followed by desert is it ok. With all this long discussion I was assuming her with her sweet voice, but not sure as many times voice does not match with their personality. Desert ? Oh yes anything you say shree, your wish is accepted she interrupted. No, it is not completely told, it should be with lips

Bhanu 27.35

My god you are speaking about kiss, is it not too fast shree, we have not yet understood each other and you want kiss on first meet. Still her breathing increased she might be getting excited or tensed. I don’t know anything, if yes say now or let me go I replied sternly. We will see, now send your location she said. I did send my location immediately. Are you satisfied I called her after she checked message. Yes I am, first search me, when we meet we shall think she said in confidence now. She had come to know my location she might have calculated the distance and possibility of searching her with such long distance. She might have thought it is impossible so easily accepted without second thought. If you fail I shall tell later what you have to do. That is word of brave girl; don’t move from where you are standing right now. At the most you are permitted to move few meters to go for shade only and no hiding and cheating.

Yes time starts now she replied with full confidence. That was bit difficult challenge for me, I should locate her and most important was to identify her. For her it was easy to identify me as she knew me. But with short meeting of yesterday it was hard to recognize her. It must be sanjana or aditi, I told to myself. I tried to picterise both girls in my mind and was trying to picturize both girls in different dresses so that I can identify her easily.

Bhanu 27.36

At other end that girl was feeling shy as she had accepted the bet, though it was not at all possible to reach her in five minutes as per his location. He was almost 7 km away from her and with any speed he can’t make it in five minutes, that is other question but main thing is how did she accept it, how could she dare to say yes. She was in total confusion and in other way she was bit excited also to think that she would be in some almost strangers arm for first kiss of her life. Still she had confidence that it is almost impossible to search her in this big city without any clue. She was sure that she is going to win and she can make him dance on her finger tips. She could feel the sunshine so she moved a little below a tree where there was little shadow as sun was almost on top. She kept looking at her watch, time was running and her patience was also losing. She was getting tensed with every passing seconds, she kept thinking what if he does not make it and by any chance if her makes it then what will she allow him to kiss or as per condition she was to feed desert with her lips that is nothing but kissing that too French

Kiss. My god what a fool I was to accept such cheap bet, he seems to be play boy to ask for such things on the first met itself. She was looking at watch and must be praying that I should come few seconds later than the agreed time so that she would win and we would meet for that also she wa anxious to meet me. There I was I took a round around her; she was startled to feel bike is rotating her. She diverted her attention from her watch to me. She was startled to find me right in her front of her, that too couple of seconds earlier than agreed time. She looked puzzled to find me, she had never expected me to search her. I greet her hello how are you roopa I remembered her name. But I was disappointed as I was expecting either sanjana or aditi, but it was roopa. She fumbled for words, she was sweating profusely, I gave my hanky she took it silent and wiped her sweating face. Come on sit I invited, without a word she took seat she was so shocked she could not even ask where.

Bhanu 27.37

When I accelerated she was sort of pushed back, suddenly she came out of trance and hold me tight. Now her right orange pressed on my back. Where are we going she asked hesitantly. Just sit upright and enjoy the ride. She kept mum for some time, I kept going and going she was getting tensed again she asked me you can tell at least where we are going she asked again. I kept mum but we were there in front of a nice restaurant.

Reception received with sweet smile and escorted to the cubicle. I entered first then she followed she was hesitant for some time she was thinking where to sit opposite to me or beside me. If you are comfortable you can sit beside me or else you can sit opposite I gestured towards opposite seat. She had no option but to sit beside me, if I had not said anything she could go for opposite seat but when I had comment that way she could not say she is not comfortable with me. I started conversing with her to bring her to normalcy. Within couple of minutes she was cool she too was speaking with full interest. She wanted few advises from me, she kept asking few hints though she was curious to know how I found her location. At last she asked me how did I find her? That is my specialty, you remembered me from depth of your heart, you were sort of desperate to meet me. That heart sends impulses to my heart that guides me where other heart is beating for me, so I am here. That is great answer but tell me how did you find me and you recognize me perfectly, I know there were so many girls and it was too hard to guess through voice as we hardy did converse to remember my voice. Please tell me how did you locate me, no bull shit please she added

Bhanu 27.38

If you don’t believe then it is ok for me, shall we go now I stood abruptly before we had finished food. She got embarrassed and pulled my hand to make me sit. Please don’t make any issue. Ok baba I trust you she said, but tell

Me how our hearts did communicate so fast, as we had met yesterday ony for the first time she asked smiling , that pretending to believe what I had said. I think there was this link earlier but we were not aware I replied looking into her eyes. Now she was free and we kept talking for some more time. When it was time to order desert she looked at me, she was smiling but she looked tensed inside. So how will you feed I asked, before she replied I feed one spoon to her she looked relaxed and she did the same. So what is the plan for day she asked? Thanks for all the advice and taking time for me. If you are free how about movie she asked hesitantly. Sorry not this time we can plan other time I said. I knew how she had gained confidence in me to invite for movie. That was so simple, bet was for treat and there was desert point in it, I but I never raised that issue. I had just teased her and was not fool to expect such things from girls on first meet. Any way it was not date but simple meet. I knew as per our condition I would get that treat but I didn’t want to use those words for my benefit. We kept talking for some more time, now both of us were comfortable with each other and I did try little flirting with her. That was ok for her too so we spent some more time in mild flirt and then decided to quit. So where do you want me to drop you I asked. Back to same place where you had picked me she said. Y99ou know I left my car there only. So you had come to bus stand to drop someone I asked.

Bhanu 27.39

Yes my old friend had come, so I had come here to see her off. I took her back and dropped her. She was so free now she gave a mild hug, before parting I whispered. That desert part is left without completing the bet agreement I teased her. For that she blushed you know I don’t force girls, but definitely I expect it in next meet what do you say I pressed her butt a little and before she replied I left her free, as it was open public place didn’t want to create scene. She smiled in reply, you didn’t tell me how you found me she reminded. It is top secret but still I may reveal it if you keep your words. She blushed again and bowed down, she didn’t get angry or there was no negative comment. I took it as mounam sammathi laxanam. We parted with warm handshake.


A man was watching the building carefully in the night hours of off moon night. He took a round the building and decided to proceed into his mission. He was dressed in black, he could not be noticed in the pitch darkness and his black dress made him impossible to be noticed. He jumped with help of window sill and was on first floor, he searched for entrance he tried windows one by one, at last he found one window panel was not locked, and he pushed it open alas there he could enter into building without much effort. He slowly adjusted his body into that

Small opening and entered into the room. He smiled at himself for his success to enter that house without anyone noticing him. He came out of room and went downstairs. He was searching all the rooms. One room was locked inside, he left it then he went for other. He found the room unlocked he thought that it was his prey. He entered into room and found one person sleeping in sound sleep. He could only see white foot out of the cover. So it must be his prey he thought and pulled the sheet for that body. Shit he murmured it is not the one for whom he was looking for. He wanted to go out but in between the lady got awake as sheet was pulled from her body in a jerk. She was astonished to find probably a thief dressed in all black mask covered face. She was alarmed opened her mouth to scream, but he was fast enough to jump to bed and closed her mouth, don’t shout if you open your mouth you will be dead along with all family members he warned her. She was struggling hard to get out of his clutches.


He took out pistol and aimed at her head she was startled to see man with pistol, suddenly she was shocked and began shivering in frightens. Please don’t do anything to me, I will keep silent if you want gold or cash, open second room and you will find key to safe, safe is also in same room. She said in one sentence she was so frightened. Thanks I will take care and if you try to do something I shall kill all family members he told in stern voice. You can take as much as you want from safe but don’t hurt

Anyone she requested. That is like sensible good girl. I am leaving you with a warning that you will not show any smartness if you want to save all family members life you keep silent even if you see anything got it, he warned. She shook her head. Then he did something behind her neck, slowly that lady collapsed, he had not killed her but pressed some point of neck with that she went unconscious. He left her with a smile and came out of room taking her cell which was lying on side table. Scolding himself for choosing wrong room, he locked room from outside. Then he went looking for next room that was locked from inside, then he went for other room. There he found his prey. A teen girl was sleeping she had not covered her body , he could watch her beauty in all its glory. That beautiful teen was sleeping without knowing that there was one person watching her standing inside her room. Her nighty was raised to her thighs, her wide open neck had displayed her big boobs, good part of her milky white boobs had come out of her neck.


That scene could make anyone go mad. He slowly walked to her; he was hesitating a lot thinking what to do next. But he was determined to what he had planned. He went to that sleeping beauty and could not control anymore and kissed her lips slowly. There was no reacting from her. Then he kissed her with extra force the girl moved a bit in sleep. When his hot breath hit her face and kiss continued, girl was awake in a shock finding a man bending on her body

Kissing her untouched lips. She was frightened and jumped from bed as he was not holding her, ran to hall, he too followed her she tried to scream, but he held her in his strong arms. She began struggling but he was too strong for her. She tried asking who are you, what do you want. I want you he whispered. Now stop struggling or you will hurt yourself. I have become fan of your beauty so I have come here taking so much risk. Still girl struggled and was hitting him with her free hand. He took hold of her both hands and took them at her back and tightened his grip so that she could not move her hands. He began kissing her lips she was trying her best to get free from his face, but it was not possible. She tried to kick him, and was successful to kick him couple of times, that made the intruder angry and he began tearing her dress. Within no time he tore her dress into pieces, now the helpless girl was almost nude in bra and panty.


He took tape from his pocket put it on her mouth, no more sound could come out from her. He took small nylon rope and tied her hands, and then he took her to sofa. He tore her bra also. Now he was not in a position to enjoy the look of that beautiful body. He began pressing her boobs one by one and he started kissing her face, still she kept struggling to get free. He was not in his sense that he was handling a virgin girl. He started sucking her boobs while pressed her boobs. Then came her panty off her body exhibiting flawless virgin

Pussy exposed to air. He became mad for her beautiful bald pussy. He started caressing her bald pussy her struggles began subsiding, she wanted to moan with pleasure of her forced acts. She could not bear any more and she lay still leaving her body at mercy of intruder. With one hand he opened his pant making himself bottomless. Hit monster standing like flag pole, he lay over her continued playing with her boobs and pussy at same time. Now she too was enjoying her protests were becoming less looking at her condition, he took out cream bottle from his pocket and coated on his cock. That means he had come well prepared and knew that girl is untouched, he took some cream and fingered her pussy well and positioned over girl. Her protests had become almost feeble but she kept trying to get free. Then he placed his cock on opening of her virgin pussy and holding it firmly at entrance as he didn’t want to take chance of slipping. His expert cock began sliding inside the girl’s tight virgin pussy. Girl wanted to scream in pain, but her mouth was sealed. She began writhing her body, her eyes filled with tears; he whispered something to her and gave another shot now his long dick was buried into her tight hole. This time there was big jerk in her body. She could do nothing but to bear the pain.


She went blank and fainted, he took this opportunity to make way for his long cock and gave few more thrusts so that his cock was moving easily, then he took water jug from centre table and sprinkled on her face that brought her

To senses. She was having the same pain that hurt her like anything which is inevitable for any girl, but here it being done with force. Still she had to bear it as she could do nothing. He stopped for few minutes giving time to her for recovery. That did work well now she had accustomed to his cock into her no more virgin pussy. He took her panty wiped blood and kept it under her ass resumed his fucking. When she looked comfortable he removed tape from her mouth. He looked at her, she too looked into boy’s eyes and gave wry smile as she was still having pain but pleasure had begun. He was fucking her slowly and she was responding with moans. He untied her hands, she looked at her hands which had marks on them, and she showed them to him. He uttered sorry and continued fucking her. Now he had full freedom to fuck she too was responding with moans and she was caressing her body. Then she thought something and looked around if she had awakened any one with her cries and moans. She was satisfied as no one was looking at them. Then her fun increased she started raising her butt with each stroke forgetting that it was her first fuck and that too was forced one. Maybe she thought that whoever was fucking her was giving all the pleasure, she had imagined. Within few more minutes of fucking she started raising her butt to the maximum and was giving back strokes. And in next few strokes she arched her body and started discharging for the first time in her life of fuck episode.


That boy waited for some time to enjoy her first leak. When it subside her resumed fucking, she looked at him inquiring mine is over you have not yet finished. He smile in response and continued banging her. When she had second orgasm she looked at him to finish. He pulled her from sofa and made her in doggy, she was worried about his next move. He showed his cock all the way in couple of strokes she cried again with pleasure and pain. That continued for some more time, instead of fighting that girl was cooperating to him and was enjoying her maiden fuck. When he was about to finish he brought her again in missionary pose. Started banging her with full force she too was enjoying it. He continued fucking her in this position she had orgasm again, this time he too was near to his own. His orgasm was also building up, he was giving full and long strokes, this time she was floating on seventh cloud. With each stroke she raised her butt meeting his in the air. Her eyes were wide open they looked as if they were about to come out of their socket. She was scratching his back with her long nails. He had no sense of pain as he was in full excitement. In next moment both reached orgasm simultaneously, his trusts were quick and hard at last he started filling her no more virgin pussy with hot seeds. She came to sense and gestured what he did, he calmed her with smile.


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Both of them lay still he over her both had clutched each other so tight, both bodies were pasted to each other. After

Some time both came to normalcy. She pushed him who was still over her. He moved aside with a smile. He lay beside her for some time; she pulled his face and showered kisses on his face, then she got up. She gathered her belongings torn nighty then her bra when she looked for her panty, he brought it o her pussy wiped clean blood and mixed juices, and then his own cock. She extended her hand to collect her panty, he smiled at her and showed it in his pocket. Chi it is dirty she said, I want it in you memory and kept it safely in his pocket. Both hugged again, then he asked her to open door, she tried to walk but she had pain I her groin, she asked him to escort to her room. He silently carried her to her room and made her sit on commode asked her to was her pussy with hot water looked at watch and rushed out thinking it is getting late. He happily came out of room was about climb stairs, involuntarily looked at the first window of which room he had locked from outside. There she was waiting for him, she called him sushhhhhhh come here open the door she asked. Sorry I am in hurry he replied. Whoever are you please open door, we don’t have attach bath I have to pee urgently she urged him with sad face. He felt pity and opened lock, the moment he opened lock she opened door and charged with a fruit cutting knife at him. He had sensed it hearing her footsteps he was alarmed. When she came near him he turned and caught her before she did do any damage to him. Then he holds her tight and snatched knife threw it away.


These toys are not for you baby he whispered. He forced her into room, he wanted to push her inside and locks room again, but she pulled him with force that made them topple and both fell together. She was above him,her melons pressed over his chest and her face on his. Hey please don’t rape me hehehehehe he laughed at her. You are rapist not me she replied trying to get up. But her saree came in middle and she fell again on him. Haaaaaaaa he cried. Don’t pretend you brute, you did hurt the poor girl so much she didn’t cry like you she said and later bite her lip. This time that boy holds her tight over him, how was the show he asked. Chee dirty boy. Are you her boy friend she asked him? No, why do you ask he replied. See young man it is not easy to rape and girls won’t give up so easily. Initially she struggled but later she surrendered so easily. Your rape show was super flop hehehehe she laughed. Who said it was flop I fucked her and fucked so well, what else I need, I wanted to rob her virginity and I did it. But why you are asking that, boy asked. Initially I thought that it was real attempt to rape, but when she yielded that too after you whisper something then only i came to know that it was drama. Since how long it is going she asked.


Still she was lying on me and was lost in discussion. You ladies are very sensible actually recently we have

Become friends, she expressed her rape fantasy so I said I can fulfill her desire but she challenged that it is not possible, I took the challenge positively and did play this game. You are too smart I , you caught us easily. It was your mistake why did you come to my room instead of going to hers. And moreover I am her grand mom that is enough of explanation. Yes in fact she is your Xerox copy I said caressing her back. In what sense she asked. In everything she is bit plump like you and eyes color completely resembles yours. Nose is perfectly like yours, I had guessed that you are her mom’s mother. You could guess with all these that too in short look. Anyone can guess when they look at these I placed my hands on her melons, when she tried to get up as she realized then only that she was still lying on me. To get up she placed her knee beside me and tried to get up, but I pushed her leg so she lost her balance and crashed on me again. This time in pretext of balancing I pressed her melons covered under white semi transparent blouse. You stupid why did you make me fall. I am not your girl friend I am her grandma.


If I had seen you before I would have proposed you not her I said with a wink. No need to flatter me, who proposes such an old lady that too widow of almost two decades. Now don’t act too much get out of here before any one notice and kills you for

Attempt to rape or dacoit. Still that boy was worried that what if she tells to any one so he decides to seduce her. Actually you are old that anyone can understand but one one can guess that you are her grandma; they will assume that you are her mom, that too after comparing your melons I pressed them again. Actually he had seen her watching complete show, he had tried to make her unconscious by pressing her nerve, but she had recovered so fast and was at window when he was tearing her nighty. As the show progressed and the girl started cooperating she too started watching with full interest. May be she too was excited when she had guessed that it was only drama and not real rape. He had understood that she too was aroused looking her red eyes and shivering body. Though he had not actually seen her masturbate or fingering but still he had guessed that she was aroused. He started kneading those soft melons she pushed his hands and tried to get up. But saree still was between her legs making her difficult to get up. You scoundrel think of my age, before doing such things to me. I am of your grandma age you are trying to play with me, that too after seducing my grand child. Please let me go she groaned.


That boy was scared of girls future if this granny tells that she was raped or fucked by some intruder means her life is finished. So he thought it is better to seduce this lady to

Keep her mouth shut. If you think you are that old why the hell you were watching your girl being fucked for such a long time. All the time you were watching us without blinking he charged her. You silly fellow initially I was worried that the girl was being raped that is why I wanted to call police, but you were so clever you stole my phone and made me immobile by locking me inside. That is all bullshit dear granny you were enjoying the live show, if that not was the case you would have shouted and made her mom awake and get me arrested by police or at least saved the girl from getting laid. You are right I could scream and make others come and rescue her, but I was so scared that , you had put me on gun point if I had done any such silly mistake that girls life was in danger. That is right but when you came to know that I was not actually raping her, you could guess that I would not have endangered her life, still you kept watching the live show. Now leave that, tell me how did you find my copulation with your grand daughter. You have great stamina, I had not seen any one doing this act for so long. Poor girl must have discharged for many time in single course.


That is the reason you were so excited and fingering your cunt all the time you watched us, I teased her.

No that is false, how can I do such silly things at this age. My that place has completely dried of age and being widow how can I think such things. Now leave me and get lost she tried to get up. He pulled her back so that she could not get up. What the hell you are doing she snarled at him. Ok I shall leave you only on one condition that you enjoyed live show and you were fingering yourself while watching. What is this boy, don’t think so cheap of me, I can’t do such things in my life. Now I warn you, if you don’t let me go I will scream and you know guards’ will come in no time, they will kill you she tried to frighten him. Don’t try to frighten me, if I didn’t have guts I never would have dared to sneak inside this house and fuck and deflower that girl for one hour hehehe. Only way to get off is to accept that you were fingering. No never I cant accept the thing which I have not done. If that is the case I shall confirm by myself and leave you right now. Before she could understand what I was up to. He raised her saree and tried to locate the old cunt. It was easy for him that she was not wearing any panty. He found her hairy groin and searched her cunt easily with is expert fingers.

When she felt his fingers on her bushy cunt she was panicked. She tried to remove his hand from her hole.


But he was reluctant, as expected she had oozed enough juice. That was clear indication that she had enjoyed the show, maybe she had not fingered but certainly excited by watching. He wanted this oldie to protect me and the girl both otherwise she could create issue and trouble us later. He entered one finger in her relatively tight cunt. Hey don’t push it inside already I am in dangerous position, I have not even thought of any male forget going near to them. Already you have shown a mega live show and have been holding me so long along with touching and pressing my boobs,now you have entered a finger into my unused area. Please listen to me and leave me before I get out of control she cried with pleasure. That was very much clear she had almost surrendered and you know ladies never admit or say that I want this. Always the speak negative only though they are desperate, here also was same case. The boy continued fingering already wet pussy, only with that much exciting she lost her control started kissing him began smooch, started eating

His lips. The boy also started in full swing he too responded well and started playing with her assets with almost untold consent. As she played with him he too started playing with her body, her saree was raised to her waist making her bottomless and he was pressing her wide ass. Without any delay he lifted her in his arms threw on bed and jumped over her.


Simply she kept telling him that he is seducing old widow who is much older than him and she has lost all such senses blab la. He was not at all in mood to listen to such head eating words. He started pressing her boobs over blouse and was rubbing her body all over by his own. Soon her blouse started opening making those big melons spread over her chest. Her white saree had already risen to waist and now her blouse buttons went flying in air as he pulled it in excitement as if he was raping her. He ripped her blouse and started pressing those soft globes. She too was moaning and at last she could not hold herself she too started feeling him and slowly reaching for his cock. That was enough for him to proceed in full mood. He began sucking one nipple and twisted other nipple. You are so sweet, your boobs are very best; you know playing with mature babes is something really fun. You girls will be knowing to how to please guys and get

Pleasure in return. These virgin girls will have no experience except bit theoretical knowledge from porn, but they can’t please their partners. So you are best he coaxed her. Of course that is there. We matures are well experienced and we know how to behave on bed. Come on it is enough give me your cock let me taste. I know you missed it while you were in bed with my grandchild. I don’t know if you like matures instead of seducing me you went for the immature girl.


Don’t act smart oldie if I had come to you directly could you have allowed me, no na. You are right. It was good that I had come for that girl but got you as a real bonus, if ai say jackpot that will be precise he flattered her. Do you really think that way she looked into boys eyes. Now turn that way she made him into 69 took his cock in her fingers. Hey buddy you have nice and very long cock. I like this monster; she caressed it for some time before she took it into her mouth. You are great sucker he teased her. My late hubby always insisted me to take it into mouth. That is why I thought all males like the sucking she began sucking it sensuously. Thus sucking program started she had forgotten that she was with a young unknown boy, till now she

Didn’t even know his name also. But her excitement and lust overcame her mind she was sucking a total strange boy. You should learn to give the pleasure back you fool she said while she took his cock off her mouth. Let me know what should I do darling he asked her. Can’t you feel pleasure with my acts, return the favor buddy she asked. Yes dear I shall suck your pussy, that is what you want no.


He started sucking the old hole, it was oozing lot of juice as it had partner after couple o f decades as she had told. He was playing with her soft boobs while he sucked her hairy cunt. When he licked her ass hole she shivered probably that was new for her. He wet his small finger with his saliva and began caressing her ass hole while he licked and sucked her pussy. As his expert hand moved over her body she was getting mad, now I think it is enough you better stop licking she cried inpleasure, he knew she was near to her first orgasm of 20 years, he kept eating her pussy and inserted little finger into her tight ass hole. That triggered her climax she began shedding juice in his mouth as he began licking her juice he kept finger fucking her ass.

That made her cum more at last she stopped leaking she fell relaxed. His finger was still inside her tight ass. He pulled his finger then he lubed two fingers by dipping I her pussy, then he slowly inserted into her tight ass. She cried with pain, you are hurting there, whya re you after that wronghole, instead try front correct hole she cried. That I am going to fuck right now with my monster dick, but have any one told that you have best butt in the world. It jiggles so nicely when you walk you know he praised her ass. You dirty fellow, so far no one have uttered about it but I know that people watch them intently when I was young that it was right but even now people watch my back when I walk on street. That is what I was saying baby you have great ass, your boobs and ass both are main attraction , even that girl also have same features like you.


That means you have not watched my daughter that is your friends mom have great ass and big boobs, she has well maintained them. Oh I see, I have seen her but not given much attention about her. Stop it, already you have deflowered girl and now you have her granny under you, no need to dream about my daughter also. She has her

Hubby and family doesn’t think about her, though she is very beautiful. She looks like girls elder sis but not mom. Hehehehehe That runs in your family I hope he replied. Come on don’t waste time; come to direct point she urged. All these dirty talks had excited her more. Soon that boy took position between her plump thighs. The boy positioned his cock at entrance, granny also help him by placing tip of the cock at entrance. He pushed the cock head slowly it did slide easily , then he waited for few seconds to feel the old pussy. Then gave a sudden and powerful thrust to send th cock full length in one stroke. Inner passage was not that lose, she cried loud with pain. Cant you do it slowly she said in anger. You were so hot and in urgency I could not hold as you are so beautiful. I love mature I have already told you and you sre so attractive your assets have made me mad, that boy replied pressing her soft boobs. She took couple of minutes to recover from pain. You have long cock man it is touching my uterus, see how it has lodged in it. The boy said yes darling I am feeling it.


That is nice, you can proceed now she ordered him. I wanted to feel such thing in my dry pussy since you were doing with that girl. That is what he was waiting for; he started moving his cock in that old cunt. He was not disappointed to have oldie as her pussy was unused for long so it was relatively tight for him. He started fucking her in slow speed, he was now feeling that her canal is leaking juice to make her passage wet and make him push easily. After couple of minutes her passage was completely wet and she was horny enough, she asked him to increase speed. He started banging her, with every stroke her melons were moving up and down. She took his hands placed them on her soft boobs, don’t ever neglect these things while having sex she taught him. He smiled at her; poor lady does not know the expertise I have boy smiled at himself. He took hold of her soft melons started banging her. She was so excited that within next minute she reached her first orgasm. He didn’t stop there he continued banging her, till she reached second time. Now her breathing had become erratic so she asked him to stop for a while. He stopped and lay over her his cock still buried in her oozing cunt. He started kissing her cheeks and neck still has magical fingers kept playing on her body.

In couple of minutes she had become normal. She permitted him to resume with a smile.


Some time back he had fucked a virgin girl, this time he was in no hurry to finish. He kept fucking her leisurely. He is young he had stamina of fucking for long time. He kept fucking her without break, he changed position and continued. He had raised her legs, her knees touching her chest he placed his hands beside granny kept fucking her. In this position his long cock went all the way inside every time hitting her uterus, making her goes mad for his fucking session. Intermittently she kept reaching her destination but without any tiredness he kept fucking her. After some time she complained of pain in her pussy for being fucked for so long. Please stop dear I am tired and my pussy is paining please finish early she requested. Sorry granny mine is nowhere near to finish. I can’t take it out in this condition unless I finish he replied with sad face. Shall I sag for you she asked? That will not work, there is one thing we can do. You have used your two holes already if you are ready to give third one that may work he said with wicked smile. What do you mean she asked not understanding him?

You already sucked my cock and let me fuck your pussy, if you can give another hole I can finish there, that is so simple he replied. You mean ass she asked bewildered. You are very intelligent he praised her. No way I have never done it in my life she replied horrified.


That means you are virgin there he asked happily. Yes beta but I can’t allow you there, you do it in such a speed you will tear it apart and you know it is never used for that purpose I won’t be able to bear pain. Don’t worry when I can fuck virgin teen without giving much pain, won’t I take precaution not to hurt my darling granny. He kept convincing her for some more time and even warned that if she does not let him fuck he will continue fuck her pussy till it bleeds otherwise he will take care not to hurt, but give only pleasure and no pain. After long argument she accepted his offer half heartedly. He became so happy to get at least virgin ass of a early sixty old lady. He turned her on her face and caressed her big but shapely ass. He pressed both half globes, you have very nice ass dear he said praised her beauty to make her mentally ready for the first of

Such act of her life. Her late hubby had never fucked her ass, some time he used to joke about taking her ass but never did it actually. He raised her ass in air he began sucking her pussy and then he gave attention to her tight ass, he had already fingered her ass but had not licked. When he placed his tongue tip on her brown hole she shivered, slowly he played and sucked her bung hole; he made her ready for fingering her ass hole. He took some cream and inserted a finger in her ass, after some time two fingers. With two fingers slowly he fucked her ass; she found some pleasure in ass fingering. At last she was ready for the real assault.


He positioned her ass at suitable height by placing pillow under her belly. Then with help of his fingers he spread her heavy ass cheeks, and then placed his cock at right place. He knew if he misses his aim she won’t help so with help of two fingers he placed his long slim cock at pulsating hole, and then gave slight push; it didn’t go as she held her ass tight. Come on dear let the hole lose, don’t be tensed, I promise you that you will enjoy after little initial pain. You will definitely remember me as your late hubby has deceived you for not giving such a wonderful pleasure. You are so lucky that you

Got me before it is too late. Yu will be completely satisfied with all kinds of pleasure. After bit comforting her she let her body loses and in next attempts his cock head slide inside her ass hole for the first time in her life. He waited for some time till her hole gets accustomed to the intruder. It hurts baby she cried. Don’t worry, have courage for some time, I assure you I will not only hurt you but shall give pleasure of life time. You don’t have to get tensed and leave your body lose so that it won’t hurt more, see your as has gripped my cock head that is the reason for pain. He knew it would hurt for the first ass fuck, she had lost the lust so bring her back to arousal he started eating those softies, while he caressed her but. It did work within next minute she was ready for more, she was moaning slightly with lust.


He took the cue and gave another stroke that made him enter another two inches. She was in pain, tears appeared in her eyes. He kissed her lips caressed her face to cool her. It won’t hurt any more you provided right space in your ass. See how your ass hole is tightening and losing over my cock. Your bung hole has started enjoying you be relaxed and accept the cock inside your virgin ass.

You know your late hubby has left this hole virgin for me to take care of. Did he or I know that you would be doing all these with me, had he foreseen you taking me like this, she tried to smile? No baby it is destiny that decides neither you nor me. I had come here to please your granddaughter not you, but it is so coincident that I met a most beautiful matured girl that made me go mad for her. You got the point he asked. He withdrew his cock a little she looked at him questioningly he could not understand whether she was getting relaxed for withdrawing his cock or was disappointed for taking out. He smeared some more cream on his stiff shaft making it creamier. Don’t worry baby I am not going anywhere without giving you pleasure. He pushed as much had entered previously. She kept looking at him, he started fucking her ass with only three inches, that was doing wonder instead of crying she started enjoying the new way of pleasure. How do you feel he asked?


I can bear this much you know it still hurts, for the first time my sphincter muscle has gone wide, she gave a smile stating that she is not unhappy. You are a brave girl; you are smiling on your first ass fuck. You are very great he praised her. You

Are such a beautiful lady even dead man will have erection looking at your ass moves up and down when you walk. No need to false praise I am already under you taking your cock up my ass after long pussy fuck. I am not lying granny it is true, tell me have not you noticed other people ogling at you in market or public place. She blushed, but said yes I have noticed. But I don’t know what is there in it. All the ladies have butt what is so special in me. I kept pumping in her ass with every tenth stroke I inched little more she was lost in conversation she didn’t probably notice me entering more and more into her unexplored area. You have most wonderful ass dear and in addition you have got beautiful twin birds in your blouse, they are still big and not saggy for the age. You have beautiful face, you have not added weight like bulky, though you are little chubby that has added sexiness in you. Are you telling truth or just blabbering, she felt really happy for giving details of her body and praising her. When I gave hard stroke my cock had almost entered more than half length. My god you have gone all the way, I can feel you in my tummy she asked with a smile. Not completely but almost there he replied.


You have long tool, your wife should be happy to have such a strong person with seductive skills and best stamina which can make tire old lady. I am falling in love da she replied with blush. He loved her statement though it could be exaggeration. With that he gave a mighty stroke that sent his cock all the way inside her tight ass. She cried with pain, you brute you did it without warning; see my ass hole is burning. Hey stupid girl when you are enjoying you should not bother for the pain. You need to lose something to gain something. See now you have engulfed entire cock, you were telling that it would not go in virgin ass. She checked by placing her fingers o n her ass, his entire tool was inside keeping two watchmen outside. You brute you are right I had never dreamt that one day I would take such a monster inside my ass. You are really wonderful boy; you brought my youthful days back now. Now you are at liberty to fuck me as you wish, I am all yours. She was so happy she was acting like teen girl who got her lover for the first time. That is natural for her, she had found such a joy after almost two decades and she had buried all her desires when she was still young enough after demise of her hubby. She was moaning ha yes baby like that, give trusts mmmmmmmmm
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Now she was so happy to entertain with stranger boy. Initially it was hard for her to enter into adultery at this age but when she was having wonderful experience she stopped thinking about moral and all. What was in her mind was only pleasure and wanted to make it square for the lost period which was limited for the night. He pulled his cock all the way and smeared some more cream on it. He was thriving to fuck her in full speed; she was mostly ready for that. Initially he started fucking her in slow speed, after couple of minutes looking at she moaning loud he got courage to fuck her harder. He was taking his cock all the way out and ram in single trust. She too was cooperating with sending her ass all the way back to him. Both had lost senses where they were both had immersed into fuck and only fuck. She was really enjoying her first ass fuck of her life, she was moaning so loudly both were unaware of it. Yes baby you are doing wonderful job, iam really enjoying make it fasterrrrrrrrrrr ha llike that baby go all the wayyyyyyy faster haaaaaaaaaaa my gooooooooooooooood I love it. He was fucking her in full speed he was holding her long hairs for the grip, that might be hurting her but she was neglecting it in the lust. Room was filled with their moans and thumping sound. The way she acting he sensed that she was

Nearing for her yet another climax he inserted two fingers into her creaming cunt while he fucked her hard. Suddenly they heard screaming, he looked at the door a lady appeared into window shouting at both of them. What the hell is going on here she yelled. Oldie wanted to get away but he was about to finish so he gripped her ass tight he would not let her move even a inch.


Oldie cried my daughter is at door please leave me for god shake. Any way she has seen us fucking and another couple of minutes would not make any difference he managed to tell her continued banging. Lady outside was banging door like hell, it was blown door opened might be it was not locked properly. Come on think something to escape the boy whispered at her as he started climaxing into her tight ass. Now both of us are in dangerous situation he urged her. What the hell I can do you are not leaving me, you are putting me shame of lifetime she replied almost crying still she was trying to get out of his clutches. Suddenly there was big sound at wall, boy looked at the sound it was flower pot thrown by that lady which had hardly missed his head but crashed on wall.

That lady came forward and slapped the boy hard. Who are you and what are you doing I don’t you have shame you have raped a old lady may be of your mothers age. You cruel bastard should be behind bars she was scolding like hell. Furiously she was searching for her mom phone which was left outside. By chance she saw a towel rod which was hanging as its screws had gone lose, she snatched it started beating the boy. What has happened to you mom you were getting fucked like a street dog from stranger. Don’t you have any shame at this age you were enjoying like slut, she roared and even beat her couple of times with a rod. Now he didn’t keep quite he snatched the bar and threw it under the cot.


I won’t leave either of you, I will handover you to police and send her back to home and tell everyone that she was fucking stranger or male escort. This time boy got angry, it was true that he had forced or seduced and she had given him good company. He could not bear for her to be blamed as it was entirely his fault to save his own neck he had successfully seduced her and she had enjoyed it thoroughly. You want to punish your mom he asked looking

Straight into her eyes. Any doubt she asked him in fury. Not only her you also for entering my house without permission, you must be a thief but you got my innocent mom. I should see that you are framed for both burglary and rape. That is good baby, if you have decided to put me behind bar in rape charge I will gladly accept it, I am ready to face the charge happily. You mean to say already you are under such charge. Not at all this is the first time any one saying that I have raped anyone the boy replied. That was accident I had come for some other purpose but things took turn unexpectedly and we landed here. You mean you had come to rape me she asked.


That would have been really best, I think you deserve it beautiful lady. You like a teen age girl with right curves at right place. I think I should do it, any way I am being charged for rape. Punishment for one rape and two will not differ so I should oblige to your statement dear, now let me proceed to it the boy replied placing his hand over her back and pulling her tight on him. Now both bodies were pasted like a stamp on letter. Her boobs crushed on his chest her beautiful ass was under his palm.

You scoundrel already you took me and now planning to have my daughter oldie threatened him and came forward to free her daughter from his clutches. Wait a minute dear, don’t forget that you enjoyed with me thoroughly but you don’t want your daughter to have such pleasure of her life. You are really jealous of your daughter. He winked at old lady. Don’t say like that, how can I be jealous on my daughter. I really love her and care for her. Then why you are coming in middle. That lady came beside him to push him but with one hand he hold granny. Just think what if I am charged of rape, she will have to prove that I did rape you, whose name is spoiled. Without giving proof of the victim case will not stand so you are ready to be defamed which news may appear on paper and tv, if you are ready for that I am ready to face rape case. Your daughter is not bothered about your status, she wants you to be finished with me, so get ready and call police, you can use my phone the boy played a trick. That did make both mom and daughter understand their condition.


He pulled granny to him how to keep your daughter cool, find a way urgently he whispered.

I cant understand she is very adamant granny replied. You don’t have much time, think fast. Make it foolproof so that she does not open her mouth he whispered. What if she is also seduced granny replied, but she is hard nut to crack and I don’t dare to do anything she replied with concern. I think that is best option, for that you will have to cooperate the boy replied. What the hell you are speaking that lady roared. Nothing dear I was telling her that I was a fool to have your mom, leaving such a beautiful lady. Sorry dear I didn’t know that you are such a beauty and hot lady is living under same roof. If I knew I would never have thought to to seduce milf, I would have come to you directly. See how sexy your daughter is, you didn’t tell me that your daughter is such a hot item. How she has maintained her figure, even now she can beat any college girls. Look at her breasts they are so magnificent, they are still firmly standing on her chest. I can feel their hardness on my chest. My god something is happening to me. That dimple cheek , white body like milk, so soft, perfectly shaped ass my goodness why you didn’t meet me first. I should have proposed you, that is god promise you are

So hottttttt see my body is burning with your hotness the boy kept praising her.


Shut up you rascal, don’t you have shame? You are praising a married lady in presence of her mom whom you have her fall in your dirty trap. My god what should I do, I don’t have any way to punish you other than myself. I can’t handover you to police because of our safety we can’t put our respect on stake. But it does not mean that I will sit silently, I will see that you are finished. If you are sure of doing such foolish thing, you are free to do it, but only when I take you like your mom. I am happiest man I the world to take both mom and daughter at the same time. Granny tried to say something I hushed her to keep silence. Not only to take are both mom and daughter, but both of them super hot. Don’t get angry lady; I will see that you are completely satisfied like your mom. Just give a chance and see how you will love my cock and me. Now I can feel your hot boobs on my chest, they are so nice you know, let me free them from clothes. He rubbed her both boobs with his palms. You have magnificent boob’s lady, I love to suck them. She started struggling to get free; she was trying to threaten me and was abusing her mom to for

Not helping her. You have become his raand that is why you are not helping me. You dirty snail I will see that you are properly punished for your dirty acts. Don’t you have any shame your married and having a grown up daughter is being raped and you are supporting him, what kind f mom you are.


That is right granny; she said you are helping me. If you are to be blamed like that you should help me by arousing her he encouraged granny. What can I do, already I am feeling bad, my conscious is biting me, I am feeling guilty she replied with moist eyes. This is not time to get emotional dear, this is the time you take decision to save your neck. I am outsider I won’t be meeting you and nothing is going to happen to me, but you should think of your future. You will lose your name as well your family. Your daughter will never speak to you but she will keep hating you for rest of the life, think it better he instigated. Granny thought for a while then surrendered. What should I do she asked. Arouse your daughter and make her desperate for the cock. Don’t worry I am going to satisfy her and you will be rewarded for that he spoke with a wide grin. I have never done anything with female she

Replied with concern. Every day is to have new experience dear, so far your ass was virgin and you were never touched by other that your hubby, but today you got fucked by a boy of your grand daughters age, like that you try something new and you will enjoy he encouraged her.


Lady in his hand was still struggling to get out of his hands. But that made the things worse he hold her tight that made both bodies rub badly, her boobs were crushed on his broad chest. His one hand reached for her butt and other on her thin waist. Her face rubbed his massive body, his grip was so strong she felt she was in hands of real man. Shit what I am thinking she thought. Other mind was telling that see how strong he is, his thighs are touching yours which you never felt in your life. His grip is so strong though he is holding tight but he is not hurting your body. He tightened grip on her butt that made her squeal. Slowly he began rising her night gown, making her legs expose, and then was her white beautiful shapely thighs. She kept struggling but he was not to care. Then he placed his lips on her neck, that made her go crazy, but she protested by moving her face. He holds her gown with one hand and caressed her thighs erotically. My god this boy is too much she thought, but she

Remembered in what condition she is , again she protested she tried to push her gown down, but his fingers tightened on cloth she could not succeed. He holds her butt again and squeezed it , she tried to move that made her boobs rub on his chest, that must have felt nice to that boy. Oh my god what a ass you have dear, I had not imagined them to be so nice he murmured. As his fingers were inching towards her pussy, she felt them sliding I front she tried to buck, that made her boobs rub on him. I know you are enjoying dear lady, what is your name he asked smiling at her. You fool leave me. Or else I will kill you. You have already spoiled my mother and now you are attempting on me. I will give you one chance, if you leave me right now I wont harm you, but if you do something to me, see that it is end of your life she tried threaten him.


He was no fool to believe her words. He pushed his fingers deeper to searcher pussy. When his fingers hit the place, he smiled wickedly. Now he placed his lips on her neck again, this time she tried to move but could not, he began licking her neck. Granny kept looking at them; she did nothing as she was still unable to think what she should do.

She was cursing herself for moaning and crying so loud. If she had controlled her emotions they would not be in such a soup. If the she had kept her voice low boy would have sneaked out by now, but what to do her lust and arousal made her cry so loud to put all in trouble. He slowly raised his mouth went kissing her cheeks when he tried to kiss her lips she tried to move her face for few times, ha hold her head to make her face steady, then he began chewing her lips. There was no response from her side, she kept her lips sealed, but expert boy was sucking her both lips together. He pinched her ass, she opened her mouth to cry, and suddenly he pushed his tongue inside her mouth. He left her head and moved his palm slowly towards her chest, her both boobs were crushed on his broad chest. He hold her soft yet shapely boob, just caressed it, then he slowly pressed her right boob. She struggled again to push my hand away, but could not I was holding her in such a way that her hands were beside her body. His kissing continued, now he found some difference in her acts, there was less resistance. He smiled again but continued kissing and pressing her boobs. He could feel her erect nipples in his hand.


After long kiss they broke kiss, both were having trouble to breath. He smiled at her and raised her dress for that she was protesting, he hold her hands tight asked granny to remove dress, she hesitated for a second but followed his instruction, now mom had made her daughter complete nude as she was not wearing anything underneath. My god you are so beautiful dear, I had assumed that you must be more beautiful inside than what you look, but you are much sexier than I had expected. Your hubby is really lucky to have you as a wife; I really envy him he boosted her, even at such condition she blushed. Her both globes stood almost erect on her chest, due to age there was certainly bit sagging but not much. Soon he started pressing one boob and he tried to palacehis mouth on the other, she again struggled for almost last time. Please leave me young boy, please leave me for god sake, I have never cheated on my hubby, nobody even have seen e nude, this is too much of embarrassment, please leave before it is too late. She was requesting him but there was no hard struggle. He didn’t leave her but took her boob in his mouth began sucking her nipple he bite it , she got her sense back began pushing him hard this time. She was almost free from his clutches. He

Caught her again and started pressing her one boob and with other hand he was squeezing her tight butt. Come on granny do something the boy shouted.


She thought for a moment and then came behind her daughter. She didn’t know exactly what to do but she had to do something so that her daughter should not hate her for rest of her life. She had lost her own and now decided to take her daughter in the same boat. She caressed her daughter ass for few moments. That silky touch made the magic this lady shivered, then she sent her fingers forward now her fingers touched her clean shaved pussy. Here boy was sucking one boob and pressing other boob while he hold her narrow back with other hand. Down her mom was caressing her pussy, granny new how to caress to arouse as she had experienced for lots of years to satisfy herself after she lost her companion. That trick really was making her daughter excited. When her fingers reached for opening she too smiled and winked at the boy raising her thumb. Boy was already had experienced the wetness on her pussy. Both exchanged smile and continues their assault on naïve house wife who never thought of other man in her life. But present

Situation was something else, her mom was helping some stranger I seducing her. After some time the boy exchanged boob ,now he was chewing other boob and he looked at the granny. Still she was caressing her pussy; he might have thought some other thing. He pulled granny by hair and pushed her in front of her daughter muff. Granny was confused what the boy was suggesting. He gestured by bringing his tongue out imitating licking. Oldie hesitated saying that is dirty and she had never done it through gesture.


If you want me again, you are going to do. Otherwise I will seduce her and give all the treats to only her and you will lose future chances. That made her happy are you sure she asked in gesture, he raised thumb she too responded by raising her thumb. Soon she dived on her daughter muff, by the time she started licking her daughter pussy lady was shocked to feel wetness and soft thing on her pussy, suddenly shivered though she was shocked. She could assume what was happening below, that must be her life’s first licking of pussy as her hubby never did it to her. She continued shivering, oh mom please don’t do it she cried with excitement, she knew if her mom continues she will lose all her control and

Will have to surrender. But her mom was not going to listen to her cries. She too was having fun of her lesbian encounter. Granny was thinking what this brute is making me to do so many things today. He seduced me by giving live show of her granddaughter and even fucked she as well took her ass cherry, now he is making me lick my daughter’s pussy which I am begun liking. This is entirely different from cock sucking. She knew ladies erotic zones her hands traveled on her daughter’s body caressing and pressing, licking her clit making her go crazy. Her hard work was yielding fruits; she could hear her daughter’s moans.


He took as much as her boob inside his mouth began sucking like anything. Now that lady moans increased he was pressing her one butt and pressing one boob. He was no more holding her tight but now she had lost her battle and now moaning loudly as she was feeling her orgasm building inside by two peoples work on her body. In fact she was trying to push her chest on his mouth to feed her boob. The boy sensed everything he knew it for certain that she is ready to fuck. So he pushed on bed and make her spread her legs. Lady was lost on her own world she was not sensing what was happening as she had closed her eyes tight and

Was gasping for breath. He positioned between her thighs and pointed his hard monster at her oozing cunt. Dear lady I am going to enter into your forbidden zone, get ready for the pleasure tour. She heard what he was saying but she had lost all the sense and was in complete lust, she didn’t say anything but spread her things more. He took the cue but he wanted to hear yes from her. What do you say darling are you ready to take off he asked in low but seductive voice, she could not bear any more she pulled his but towards her. Both granny and boy smiled at each other. Boy pulled granny hand placed it on his cock gestured to place it on her daughters opening. She smiled back and followed his instruction. She spread her daughters pussy lips and placed his cock head on right opening and asked him to push. Her pussy had leaked so much it glide slowly into her leaking pussy. Though it was not tight but not that lose as if it was not much used. He gave a push to enter half cock, she cried go slow, sure darling he gave another small push that made his cock slide inside smooth passage.


He halted for some time and felt warmness of her pussy, she waited for some time for him to enter

Completely, when he didn’t move she opened her eyes to look what he was doing. My god that bastard is kissing her mom while he has placed half cock inside daughters pussy. Her mom was giving him full response as she too might be heated with all the adventure. She coud hold no more so she moved her ass forward to take more of his long tool inside her crying pussy. That brought the boy to present situation he left hermom and gave another push that sent his cock all the way inside. Lady cried with pleasure and pain as she was being explored extra depth, as her hubby cock was not that long. He waited again for some time and began pumping slowly in and out. After couple of minutes he bent forward to kiss her. This time she readily started kissing him back. The kiss went wild for some time; her mom started pressing her daughter’s boobs, while she rubbed her front on boy’s body. Now he started fucking her in slow rhythm while wild kiss continued. It was becoming too much for her she wanted to moan loud and cry with pleasure she was getting from intruder or stranger. Now he increased his speed was fucking with big strokes, lady kept moaning louder and louder. Boy pushed granny mouth on her daughter’s

Boobs; she too started sucking boob while she pressed another. Boy in turn hold granny boob pressing those soft melons.


It was making both ladies go crazy, for both of them it was first threesome. Lady also took other boob of her mom started pressing. Now all three were enjoying. Granny thought something she adjusted her boob to her daughters mouth. See both ladies were sucking each other’s boobs. Boy kept pounding her in full speed. Soon lady started having her orgasm; she cried loud leaving her moms soft boob. Her mouth full open and at last she collapsed back on bed after high rise. He didn’t wait for lady to recover he continued fucking pounding her, soon she had another mind blowing climax. She asked him to wait as she can’t bear it any more. Her pussy walls kept pulsating on his cock. Boy pulled his cock from lady pussy when she had recovered completely. He looked at granny who had sprawled beside her daughter caressing her own pussy. Boy felt pity and granny he jumped on her spread her thighs and entered granny cunt in swift motion. You are not yet finished lady asked in disbelief. He is too strong dear, he will take lots of time, I don’t think he can finish inside me even after I

Have couple of orgasms myself he will come to you again she replied with smile. She didn’t take much time to reach peak as she was so highly excited. He kept pounding her fast making the lady go wild, she pulled the boy began kissing and continued moaning filling his mouth with goo, goo. When granny reached orgasm he left her and pulled her daughter and made her spread her legs on her own. She too must be thinking when everything has happened what is fun in controlling her emotions. She too guides his cock slick with her moms juice in her waiting cunt.


This time he started with nice and slow strokes. She too was enjoying his leisurely fuck; she caressed his back and locked her legs on his ass. This round of fuck went long as he had already fucked virgin girl and later her granny now he was fucking her mom. After long fuck both were nearing to their orgasms, he started fucking her in full speed as he had sensed that she is near. This time again she raised her body in air and her mouth completely open, and her nostrils blared her eyes coming out of their sockets. With the speed her entire body was shaking her boobs jiggled. She began climaxing as she hit her climax she raised her body completely and suddenly collapsed on bed and with loud grunt

He too started pumping his seeds into her hot pussy, she had thought that she would tell not to ejaculate inside but she had no strength to stop him. When her orgasm took over and she was feeling relaxed she roared at the boy how dare you fill me with your dirty seeds. Didn’t you enjoy the fuck dear lady he asked with smile? You were raising your butt to meet my thrusts couple of minutes back and now you are shouting like this he asked amused by her reaction. Come on baby I hope you enjoyed first of this kind inyour life her mom consoled her, that is true mom, I had never had such pleasure she replied with blush. But he filled me with his seeds inside me, that is ridiculous, what if that impregnates me with his unknown person. Her mom consoled her little more, what is there we will know him she said. Funniest thing was his cock was still buried inside her pussy which she had still forgotten to take it out.


Suddenly she snatched his mask. My god it is you she exclaimed. I had never ever assumed that you can do such things to any one she said in utter shock. You know him granny asked. Yes he is shree sanjana friend brother. My god how you did such nasty things to me and my

Mom?. She introduced me to her mom how and where they had met me and how much she had appreciated for helping her daughter and all. How come you entered into house did all such things she asked eagerly. I lay over her and say, I think rape fantasy runs in your gene I replied with smile. Run in gene I can’t get it she asked. I was about to tell that it was her daughters fantasy, so I came here to fulfill her desire and fantasy. She was dreaming of losing her virginity to a stranger on rape. She had unintentionally revealed it on our previous day meet. I am not rapist but wanted to give that pleasure in this form on anonymity. So I had sneaked inside her house to make her dream come true with mask. When I was about to fuck her I revealed who i am then she gladly accepted to get her cherry blasted, but accidentally this granny saw us having her granddaughter deflowered all things took strange turn.


I was about to tell it but granny pinched my ass and she said some cooked up story that it was her fantasy and she had told about it when we had met at Belgaum accidentally that was the place she live. Hence I had come to fulfill her dream before she dead. She took all the blame on her. Like me you too have such thought any

Way both of us fulfilled on same time. Please don’t think too much about it dear, life is short enjoy it she concluded. You brute now take it out, it is getting ready again she pushed me away. I rolled aside laughing, it was true that with long lodging in soft pussy my cock was erecting, it is too natural when you have two mature babes all nude and you have buried your cock into daughter pussy while her mom is consoling her. Why are you pushing me like that I asked, who will like to take out from such a beautiful womans pussy, if allowed would love to stay lifelong like this I said with a smile. Don’t you have shame speaking like this in presence if my mom. Most wonderful thing is the one who struggled to get free and even bite my hand twice to get rid of me had lost her inhibition and feeling of guilt so soon. Hey mister you were praising me so much then, now speaking good of her only, you lost interest in me granny asked with false anger. How can forget you, I got this beautiful lady because of you and………………….. I mean your beautiful pussy. But it is insane and partiality that you gave me pleasure of ass fuck, I think she is also ass virgin you are forgetting her ass granny said showing her finger to me as if she is complaining. With that

Word my cock twitched for that both ladies laughed.


No more anything, I won’t take it in ass and even in pussy, with long game my pussy is aching if you do it again it will swell she replied with laugh. Take some rest and have clean till then I shall bring something to eat as the poor boy must be tired of fucking three times granny said. Three times s mom asked. Granny realized her mistake, it I two rounds with me and one round with you she corrected. Granny put gown and went to kitchen, here we both went for a clean together to attach bath. How I took sanjana mom ass cherry is another story shall share some other time. This is how my plan to please sanjana went wrong but that made me make a new record of taking three generation in single night


Active Member
Thats all from old website where Shree Bhai had written this Long Family Saga
this story will continue when Shree bhai come here...................
so enjoy all the update friends.
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Dimaagh ka garam, Dil ka naram
Thats all from old website where Shree Bhai had written this Long Family Saga
this story will continue when Shree bhai come here...................
so enjoy all the update friends.
thanks very much for sharing this james bro.
i had several replies on that thread at xp the days i was writing "the incestuous encounter of a bahu" me and shree bhai were friends and i am happy to see my story close to the story of shree bhai on this forum also.
good job done James bro
:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
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Active Member
Well, This would be a tribute to sexyshree49 one of the best writer, hope you will complete
Only Shreebhai will complete it

Rajesh Sarhadi

Well-Known Member
Only Shreebhai will complete it

Dear James,
I do not know how this forum works but copying a post of XP and converting it to this forum is not ethical. Yes I would love Shree Bhai to be active here can send him mail too but ......