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Who do want to fuck in your family ?

  • sister

  • bhabhi

  • cousin

  • mom

  • aunt

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New Member
Well my experiences aren't going to be fantastic like many here, as I am going to tell only things that really happened. I have a thing for my mom's panties, and it all started when I packed one of her underwear along with mine for a short college excursion with friends. She did the packing for me, and she just pulled dry clothes from the clothing line and kept a bunch on the bed. By mistake she put a jockey cotton panties she wear for work ( blue ). I have several briefs resembling that and I can't blame her for mistaking it as I too failed to notice this being with her all the while she packed. Day 2 I notice this mistake, I had another one of mine and thought I'll manage with that for to days. That evening, over the phone mom checked with me if her underwear was mistakenly packed with me. I told her yes and we both had a loud laugh. She did not say anything further about it and we talked about the day for another 10 minutes.The third day which is the last day of our trip, my roommate noticed me re using underwear and he asked why. I told him what happened, he laughed and said women's panties are so comfortable so you wear it. He continued"if you aren't wearing give it to me , I'd give anything to wear aunt Mary's panties". I told him to shut the fuck up and wore her panties. For some reason my friends words echoed in my head and I started to have an erection. I leaked a lot of pre-cum on to her panties and was a bit worried if she would notice it. By evening I reached home and she greeted me with tea and wanted the whole experience to be described to her. While listening to me she was searching in my bag and asked," where is my panties , darling?" " Oh I wore it as I had nothing else" before I could complete she exclaimed" what?" Yuck how can you do that" her faced turned red and palpably angry she walked back saying " wash it and return" . This was the beginning, from then on I am obsessed with her panties, strted with clean ones and now using worn ones. I use it to smell and wank.
The title of the thread is "Incest encounters and encouragements"

However, as is apparent by many replies/ messages posted on this thread, it seems lot of people do not know what is incest and what is the difference between incest and sex amongst family members.

First of all, merely watching/ peeping to see any family member nude or semi-nude do not make it sex. It is voyeurism, not sex. Every normal and physically as well as mentally healthy young individual, during puberty and even post puberty, gets an urge to see opposite sex person nude and/ or indulging in sexual activity. It’s a different matter that some shows courage to admit it while others do not have courage to confess. For any activity to be considered as sex, there has to be physical contact with other person. If not penetrative sex or oral sex, at least physical contact has to be there.

Incestuous sex is defined as sex between two individuals who are blood relatives. All relatives or family members are not blood relatives.

For a boy; paternal & maternal grand mothers (दादी और नानी), mother (माँ), real sisters (सगी बहनें), maternal aunts (मौसियाँ), paternal aunts (बुआ), maternal and paternal cousin sisters (चचेरी और ममेरी बहनें) are blood relatives. Paternal aunts (चाची, ताई), wife of maternal uncle (मामी) are not blood relative except in rare cases where they happen to be blood relative prior to their marriage.

For an adult man, apart from all listed above for a boy; his own daughters (पुत्रियां), daughters of real and cousin brothers (सगे और चचेरे भाइयों की बेटीयाँ), daughters of real and cousin sisters (सगी और चचेरी बहनों की बेटीयाँ), daughters of maternal and paternal uncles and aunts (मामा, बुआ और मौसी की बेटीयाँ) are blood relatives. However; daughters of co- brothers (साले की बेटीयाँ), daughters of sister-in- laws (साली की बेटीयाँ), wives of real and cousin brothers (भाभियाँ, चाहे वो सगे भाइयों या चचेरे, ममेरे भाइयों की पत्नियां हों), sisters of his wife (सालियाँ), wife of his wife's brother (सहलज) are not blood relatives.

Similarly for a girl; Paternal & material grand father (दादा और नाना), father (पिता), real brothers (सगे भाई), maternal uncle (मामा), paternal uncles (चाचा, ताऊ), maternal & paternal cousin brothers (चचेरे और ममेरे भाई) are blood relatives. Husband of maternal aunt (मौसा), husband of paternal aunt (फूफा) are not blood relatives, unless they happen to be blood relative prior to their marriage.

For an adult woman, apart from all listed above for a girl; her own sons (पुत्र), sons of real and cousin brothers (सगे और चचेरे भाइयों के बेटे), sons of real and cousin sisters (सगी और चचेरी बहनों के बेटे), sons of maternal & paternal uncles and aunts (मामा, बुआ और मौसी के बेटे) are blood relatives. However; brither-in-laws (देवर या जेठ, चाहे वो पति के सगे भाई या चचेरे, ममेरे भाई हों), sons of husband’s real brothers, real sisters, cousin brothers, cousin sisters (पति के सगे भाइयों, सगी बहनों, पति के चचेरे और ममेरे भाइयों, पति की चचेरी और ममेरी बहनों के बेटे), husband of her husband's sisters (नन्दोई) are not blood relatives.

Therefore, only the sexual relation amongst blood relatives as defined above (I may have missed some in listing) is incest, with others it is only sex between family members.
आपने तो पूरी ज्ञान की गंगा ही बहा दी

पीछे ताश खेली जा रही
ज्ञान की बातें पेली जा रही


New Member
आपने तो पूरी ज्ञान की गंगा ही बहा दी

पीछे ताश खेली जा रही
ज्ञान की बातें पेली जा रही
Sandhyaa, all your efforts seems to be going down the drain. I had also posted almost similar opinion on another thread, but I realise now that all my efforts are in vain. Still people keep on boasting about watching their family members nude as sex and that too as incest. No body need to be Einstein to know that 99% of them are simply indulging in boasting, they are trying to fool others with their fantasies as real experiences.

It is amusing and disgusting to read sentences such as "I am incest (main incest hun) or someone asking "are you incest?" Incest is a verb, it defines the act of sex amongst two individuals who share DNA. It's not s noun for someone to write " main incest hun". Apart from their total lack of knowledge and unthinkable ignorance, they are distorting even the language.

Reading all these stupid posts, i recall a phrase; "it's better to keep your mouth shut and let other THINK that you are a fool, rather than open your mouth and let every one KNOW that you are a fool".
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I know, I realise now that all my efforts are in vain. Still people keep on boasting about watching their family members nude as sex and that too as incest. No body need to be Einstein to know that 99% of them are simply indulging in boasting, they are trying to fool others with their fantasies as real experiences.

It is amusing and disgusting to read sentences such as "I am incest (main incest hun) or someone asking "are you incest?" Incest is a verb, it defines the act of sex amongst two individuals who share DNA. It's not s noun for someone to write " main incest hun". Apart from their total lack of knowledge and unthinkable ignorance, they are distorting even the language.

Reading all these stupid posts, i recall a phrase; "it's better to keep your mouth shut and let other THINK that you are a fool, rather than open your mouth and let every one KNOW that you are a fool".
सही कहा भाई आपने
पूरा xforum इन्ही fantasies से भरा पड़ा है


New Member
Sandhyaa, all your efforts seems to be going down the drain. I had also posted almost similar opinion on another thread, but I realise now that all my efforts are in vain. Still people keep on boasting about watching their family members nude as sex and that too as incest. No body need to be Einstein to know that 99% of them are simply indulging in boasting, they are trying to fool others with their fantasies as real experiences.

It is amusing and disgusting to read sentences such as "I am incest (main incest hun) or someone asking "are you incest?" Incest is a verb, it defines the act of sex amongst two individuals who share DNA. It's not s noun for someone to write " main incest hun". Apart from their total lack of knowledge and unthinkable ignorance, they are distorting even the language.

Reading all these stupid posts, i recall a phrase; "it's better to keep your mouth shut and let other THINK that you are a fool, rather than open your mouth and let every one KNOW that you are a fool".

I was puzzled you replied to a comment on my post without mentioning my name. Good that you realised your mistake and corrected your reply. Such inadvertent mistakes do happen even after best of efforts, nothing to worry.

I have read your very few posts and I hold you in very high esteem. I find them very meaningful and to the point, you don't mince words while putting across your point of view.

Yes, I agree that this forum is not for persons like you and me. Except very few threads and writers which can be counted on finger tips, all the rest are mentally bankrupt. Any attempt to make them understand any logic and rational is like reading Bhagwat Geeta to a buffalo.

यहाँ 90% लेखको/ लेखिकाओं (यह बात अलग है कि लेखिका का नाम धारण किए हुए कितनी वास्तव में लेखिका हैं यह कोई नहीं जानता) को हिंदी में टाइप करना नहीं आता। इस देश मे यूरोप से जब लोग आए तो वे हिंदी और अन्य भारतीय भाषाओं को अंग्रेजी फॉन्ट में लिखते थे। आज़ादी के 74 वर्ष बाद हम उनका अंधा अनुसरण कर के अपनी मातृभाषा को अंग्रेजी के फॉन्ट में लिख रहें हैं। हिंदी का इससे ज्यादा बड़ा अपमान और क्या हो सकता है? थ्रेड्स में लिखी भाषा को पढ़ कर सिर घूम जाता है और शर्म से सिर झुक जाता हैं। 5 – 10 वाक्यों का एक पैराग्राफ तक बिना मात्राओं की गलती करे और ढेर सारी व्याकरण की गलतियाँ करे लिखने का ज्यादातर लेखकों में सामर्थ्य नहीं है। भोंडी भाषा में अपनी बेसिर-पैर की डींगें हांकने में लगे हुए हैं।
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