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Manali Bose

Active Member
I made my way sneakily downstairs towards the servants' quarters, careful not to make any noise. Just like for the past four months, it was something I now found myself doing repeatedly more or less every other night, much to my shame and chagrin. As I approached our man servant Bhola's bedroom, the noises that were coming from behind the door was getting louder and louder.

I began to blush, both with shame and humiliation, but also with distinct arousal. An arousal that I could not explain, but also could not deny, as my penis started to harden. The shame and humiliation, of course, was because of what was happening behind that door. I carefully knelt by the door, swallowed, and put an ear to the keyhole.

Creak! Squeak!

Creak! Squeak!

The noises were loud now, and very audible. The old bed in Bhola's room was rocking back and forth, squeaking and its hinges creaking. My servant Bhola was having loud, unbridled, raw, passionate sex, and I could hear his naked skin slapping against someone else's naked skin. The lady that my servant was furiously fucking began to moan loudly, as her pleasure intensified.

"Oh, Bhola!" She murmured. "Oh, my dear Bhola. You are so good!"

A familiar sense of warm humiliation came over me as I heard my wife moan, even as the squeaking of the bed springs became more and more frequent. Yes, the lady that my servant was banging, the lady inside whose cunt Bhola's large dick was ploughing in and out, that lady was the love of my life - my own dear sweet wife of many years, Neetu.

"Oh Bhola! Oh, BHOLA!"

Neetu was unable to control herself, even as waves of pleasure washed over her. She kept taking on our servant's name even as he kept humping her. She was quite loud too, and sometimes I wondered how far the sounds would carry out of the window from Bhola's room. Bhola was on the ground floor, and his window faced the street. Even though we had a fence that covered the house, anyone on the street walking beside the fence could have listened in. Not that anyone was walking at 2 am in the morning, but still.

Creak! Squeak!

Creak! Squeak!

The rhythmic creaking of the bed frame added to my humiliation, indicating to me that my wife Neetu was again being deeply penetrated by Bhola, my servant's extremely large dick burrowing into my wife's cunt, and from her moans and murmurs I could make out that she was loving every moment of it. As always.

Creak! Squeak!

Creak! Squeak!

The bed was rocking, just like every other night when Bhola fucked my wife.

"Ohh-h B-b-bhola! I love your big dick!" Neetu called out in passion to our hung servant. "Harder! AAAH! Oh, I love you, Bhola."

There was a slight pause, which I later understood was Bhola stopping his fucking and raising a hand.


The noise was sharp, but not too loud. Bhola had struck my wife across her face, but not too hard. He slapped her again.


Recently he was slapping her a lot during their love making.


"Memsaab. You make too much noise!" Bhola, now hardly behaving like a servant, grunted in reply. He then ordered, "Kiss me, memsaab."

"Oh, yes, Bhola. I am sorry, Bhola."

I heard them kiss loudly, my wife slobbering all over him in her passion. Bhola then resumed the fucking as he continued to plough into her.

Creak! Squeak!

Creak! Squeak!

"Ungh! Ungh! Oh Bhola!" My wife was moaning louder and louder now, despite the risk of getting slapped again. "I love you!"

Even Bhola began to thrust into her more urgently. I tried peeing though the keyhole, but I couldn't really make out what was happening as the lights were off. I knew lately that Bhola had started to get a little bit rougher with my wife, such as slapping her more and more, but I still couldn't see inside the room.

However, the noises emanating through the keyhole made it crystal clear what was happening inside behind the locked door.

"Oh, Bhola!" Neetu gasped. "Oh my God! It's... so... big! I'm cumming!!"

Creak! Squeak!

Creak! Squeak!

The bed continued to creak as Bhola continued to bang her, even as my wife began her orgasm.

"Aaah! Aaaaah! Oh YES! OH FUCK! Aaaaah!"

Neetu kept grunting. The bedsprings were squeaking furiously as she received Bhola's thrusts. The bed was now hitting the wall hard, and the springs sounded as if they were going to break. Bhola seemed to be fucking my wife hard and fast now.

Creak! Squeak!

Creak! Squeak!

"Memsaab." Suddenly Bhola spoke. "I am going to cum."


I heard my wife loudly and sloppily plant some kisses on our servant.

"Oh, Bhola. Cum in me."

As if he was seeking her permission!

Creak! Squeak!

Creak! Squeak!

The creaking of the bed become louder and louder.

"Oh YESSS!! AAAH! AHHH!!" Neetu was quite vocal now, and loud. "Oh Bhola! I love you, Bhola. Please, cum in me. Oh, Bhola!!

I heard Bhola groan loudly. It was a sound I was familiar with before, having listened to this same scene every night.


The bed was now rocking fast.

Creak! Squeak!

Creak! Squeak!

No doubt, Bhola was now ejaculating into my wife. My dear wife Neetu's fertile womb was now being filled by seed from a man who was not her husband but our servant Bhola.


Neetu was silent, occasionally letting out a grunt as Bhola flexed his buttocks from time to time, pumping more and more of his seed inside her. I then heard her kiss our servant again.


"Oh, Bhola. Oh, my love." Neetu was moaning, even as Bhola continued to pump his semen into her. "I love you. Oh, that was amazing."

Usually this was the time I made my way back to our bedroom, got into bed and pretended to be asleep. My wife would no doubt make her way back to our bedroom soon. But, as I stood outside, I didn't hear any of them move. Surely, they - Bhola and my wife - weren't thinking of going another round?

They were!

I had to wait nearly twenty-five minutes before I heard the bed move again.

"Bhola, please put on more of the oil." I heard my wife tell her lover. "And remember to be gentle. You have a big cock. Quite big. Much bigger than my husband."

"Yes, memsaab, I know! Anyone who fucks you has a cock larger than your husband, memsaab!"

There was the sound of laughter as both my wife and her lover laughed at my small size. I stood there, embarrassed, humiliated, but also very aroused. Again. Bhola was going to fuck my wife in the ass! That was something she had always said disgusted her, and she never wanted to even try it with me! And here she was, bending over for my servant.

I heard more rustling noises on the bed, and the soft creaking of the springs.

"Gentle. Slow." Neetu was directing our servant, as if instructing him in the kitchen as a boss rather than in the bedroom as a lover.

"Yes, memsaab, don't worry. Your big gaand can take it." Bhola replied, and then he must have raised his hand again, because the next two sounds I heard were him smacking my wife's ass loudly.


"You have such a nice butt, memsaab." Bhola told my wife. "I want to spank you all day!"


"You do spank me all day, Bhola!" My wife replied. "Yesterday, in the kitchen! You made me bend over the counter and then you spanked me while my husband was in the next room!"


"Ah, yes," Bhola laughed. "What an idiot, your husband!"


"Oh, Bhola." My wife crooned. "Please be gentle with me, na! You now slap me, spank me..."


"And I fuck you." Bhola grunted. "In your pussy and your ass, memsaab."

"Yes, Bhola, that you do."


"Why do you let me do it, memsaab?" I heard Bhola laugh. "You are a married woman, from a respectable class and family. And here you are, in your servant's bed, getting fucked in the ass, getting a spanking on your ass from your servant, while your husband sleeps soundly upstairs."



My wife didn't reply as our servant continued to spank her.

"This is because you are slut, memsaab." Bhola told her. "You were always a slut. You just had to get fucked by me to know it."


"I... I...I am a slut. I... I belong to you now, Bhola." My wife finally replied. "My ass... my pussy. Oh Bhola! Please... fuck me now!"



"And I will slap you. And spank you."

Creak! Squeak!

My wife didn't reply. Slowly and slowly, Bhola must have pushed more and more of his dick into her ass and must have started to hump her.

Creak! Squeak!

The rhythmic creaking of the bed frame intensified. This time Neetu's vocalizations were much clearer.

Creak! Squeak!

"Ooooh Bhola!" I heard my wife cry out. "Slower, please. Slower! Aaaah, nehi! Don't get so excited. Please use some more oil, meri jaan!"

"Yes, memsaab, sorry about that."

She called him 'meri jaan', a term of endearment that she usually reserved for me. I heard him spank her again.



"Oh, Bhola." I heard my wife utter. "You are so deep inside me now."

"Brace yourself, memsaab." Bhola replied. "You are such a nice slut. Letting your servant screw you in the ass."

Creak! Squeak!

Creak! Squeak!

He was fucking her earnestly now. My wife Neetu was bravely taking it in her butt. The noise of the bed was frantic - I hoped the bed wasn't going to break.

Creak! Squeak!

Creak! Squeak!

"Oh, Bhola! Oh, Bhola! Aaaaangh! Aaaaangh!"

Neetu was now moaning... or crying. I could imagine her face contorted, and her breasts slapping back and forth as our servant pushed himself from back in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, of her asshole.

"Oh, Bhola! BHOLA!" Neetu now let out a tremendous noise as she started to climax. "Oh, Bhola."



I knew Bhola wouldn't be able to hold out much longer as he smacked my wife's buttocks loudly.


Once again, I heard that familiar guttural sound. My servant was at this moment squirting a good quantity of his semen into my wife's rectum.

"Oh, Bhola!" Neetu could only mumble as her own orgasm subsided. "Oh, Bhola."

* * *

Manali Bose

Active Member
I guess I better start at the beginning.

It was a just a little bit less than three years ago. In fact, I remember the exact date and time. It was just 1230 pm and I was in the office, eating my lunch, when I noticed that I had a new email in my inbox. It was forwarded to me by my wife Neetu. As I read the email, I paused, and then put my sandwich on my table, my appetite temporarily lost.

It was an email from the fertility clinic. We had just visited the famous clinic of Dr. Das in Delhi last week. After years of trying for a kid, we figured we might need a little help. The results were now in front of me.

My wife was perfectly healthy. There was nothing wrong with her at all. When it came to me, however, the report wasn't that good. The technical term was oligospermia, or low sperm count. Apparently, there was a natural chance we could conceive naturally, but it was a very low probability. Something about dilated testicular veins. The treatment was there, but it was expensive, and success was not guaranteed.

I read my wife's note attached to the report.

"I love you, Gopal. Come home tonight, and we can talk about it."

I continued to read the report, especially the sections that my wife highlighted.

Artificial insemination was an option, but this was India, and it was expensive. Very expensive. Not to mention, it was a taboo topic. What it really meant was that I would allow another man's sperm to impregnate my wife. We could have a child, but the offspring would, biologically, not be mine. Was I prepared to deal with that?

I sighed and decided to call my wife. The report had actually been emailed in the morning, and I just happened to look at it now. I needed to talk to her.

"I am looking at the fertility clinic material." I told her. "It's too damn expensive, honey."

For a moment, my wife didn't say anything. If she was beside me, she would have clasped my hand. For a moment, none of us spoke.

"Look, darling." Neetu finally said. "We could go for the treatment. The doctor did say there is a chance we can conceive naturally. Low chance, yes, but a chance."

"I don't know." I was looking at the cost. I was still paying off my car and my student loan, and we had just purchased a house. A rather large house. And I didn't really want to fire our servant. This was India, and you needed hired help in the house.

"We can't get into that sort of expense right now." I spoke. 'Besides, if I go for the treatment, I have to take time off... and I can't really take time out now from my career. I was just promoted, you know."

"What about... what about..." My wife hesitated, and then blurted out, "What about artificial insemination, baby doll? It's expensive too, but not that much. We can afford it."

"Ya, I don't know about that." I mumbled. My wife didn't say anything for a while.

"Look." She finally said. "This is a lot to take in. Why don't you relax, come home in the evening, and we can discuss it."

"Sure." I hung up.

For the next few weeks, I was a little depressed, as you can expect. Initially Neetu didn't say much but comforted me. Slowly, as life returned to normal, and we got busy with day-to-day things, she started to talk about it, and our options.

I knew my wife Neetu talked to her mother Neelam. I mean I kept the news hidden from my side of the family, but Neetu shared everything with my mother-in-law.

"He just needs to eat more nuts." My mother-in-law advised. And thus began an almost weekly dose of some helpful advice that would go on for a couple of months.

"Have him drink milk every day."

"Oh, it must be goat milk, not cow milk."

"Did you visit this particular baba ji or this guru at this ashram? His blessing can cure anything. He's a devotee of Bholenath."

"Are you eating enough meat? Make sure he eats meat."

"You need to have sex on full moon nights."

"What position are you having sex in?"

In fact, soon my mother-in-law was more interested in our sex lives than me! As if I didn't have enough troubles, now every way I wanted to have sex was going to be dictated by her.

Having been married for some time, sex had now become routine for us.

"You need to spice it up." My mother-in-law said. "Then only your sperm will wake up."

Alas, of course, all of my mother-in-law's advice and fanciful theories amounted to nothing, and six months later we were no better off than before. Then one day my wife broached the topic again about alternate treatments.

"Honey, what do you think about artificial insemination!" She asked. "It is now very popular, and no one has to know!"

"I don't know, Neetu." I was honest in my reply. "How can I let someone else impregnate you!"

"It's not really 'someone else'!" She argued. "It's not like I am going to sleep with another man and have him knock me up!"

If only we knew then how foretelling her words would be!

Our situation started to affect our sex life, and our well being. I knew Neetu was unhappy, and though she tried not to blame me for our destiny, at some level there must have been some resentment. I couldn't blame her for it - every woman wants to be a mother.

Then one day a moment happened that really changed everything.

I was picking up Neetu from the grocery store and she was waiting for me outside. As I drove to the entrance, I saw her laughing. She was talking (and playing) with two young girls who were also waiting with their mother. Neetu looked so beautiful, so happy. Sometimes you have these moments that change your perspectives, and that was one of them.

"Hi darling." I said, as she got into the car. Neetu didn't say anything back but nodded. As we parked on our driveway, I turned to her and said, "Let's look into sperm donors."

Her eyes welled up and she immediately began to cry. We kissed a few more times, our hearts finally returning to each other.

"Are you sure?" Neetu asked me. "I was thinking... maybe you prefer to adopt?"

"No." I paused, and then added. "Neetu, I love you. And I want it to be your child. So that you are the mother. I want you to experience the whole experience of motherhood."

Neetu kissed me again.

"Let's go inside, darling." She said, her eyes sparkling. "It doesn't matter who the donor is, in my eyes the father will always be you."

Unknown to us, the father of our future first born was already inside our house.

* * *

Manali Bose

Active Member
"I think," Neetu said, as she brushed her hair, "Bhola has a crush on me."

I still remember that night. I was sitting in our bed, watched my wife Neetu get ready for bed. She was seated on a stool in front of her dressing table, brushing her luscious long locks. She was dressed in a pink nightie, and I could see the outline of her bra inside through the thin material of her nightdress, hiding her sizeable melons.

There was no other way to say it - Neetu was still a gorgeous woman. I was now forty-one, but Neetu was thirty-one, or ten years younger than me. We had been married for almost six years now. It was an arranged marriage, but it made every one of my friends jealous. They would see me, a near middle-aged man, a virgin, with a little potbelly who had remained single till I was thirty-five, and now suddenly I had a bombshell of a wife.

Neetu kept herself in shape by strict exercise and yoga. Even now, crossing thirty-one only recently, she still had a slim figure, big breasts, and a high reservoir of energy. The only thing that she worried about was that her butt that was always a little big. I told her not to worry about it at all - I actually liked women with a little bit in the trunk - but you know women. They worry about the silliest things. Neetu, in my eyes, was one of the most perfect Indian ladies, svelte figure but big breasts, and hips gradually widening leading to nice looking buttocks. Every time I thought of her, I wanted to fuck her.

It had been almost a year since those tests at the fertility clinic. So far we hadn't been able to find a donor, especially due to the cost. I also wanted someone who looked like me, and even the donor's parents to look like me, since I didn't want to ever explain the child's paternity and lineage to anyone. So far we hadn't found a practical match.

Now let me talk about Bhola.

Bhola was our man servant. He was now twenty-two years of age, and a young man from my village. When I had bought the house, my mother had called me to talk about Bhola's family, who were distantly related to us. They had recently lost everything due to a flood, and my mother wanted me to help. We also needed a servant, and I told her I can employ him for a year. He could live with us.

At first Neetu wasn't too happy having another man live in the house, but soon she became used to Bhola. Bhola had his own room and bathroom downstairs, and he was a very good servant. That one year became two years, and then three - and Bhola was still with us.

Neetu (and I) was by now very comfortable having Bhola in the house. Bhola was very obedient - in fact he was always scared and afraid of Neetu's anger. Neetu was of cheerful and smiling nature, but with servants she had always been authoritative. Neetu had the traditional class-oriented thinking - we were the upper class, and the servants were the lower class. Thus, it was their duty to serve and obey us.

Neetu treated Bhola as if he were a child who should listen to everything she says simply because Bhola was the servant. And Bhola did - which is why we grew to trust and like him a lot. From getting up early way before us, having our breakfast ready, especially the tea, to cleaning, cooking, dusting... Bhola did it all. He had really made our lives considerably easier.

Even though he was now twenty-two, Neetu hardly treated Bhola like an adult. An adult who had his own life, hobbies, and desires. Quite often I would hear Neetu reprimanding Bhola, and he would respond to her scolding and berating with lowered head. He never ever spoke back to my wife - something that I appreciated a lot. It was hard nowadays to get a respectful servant like that.

When Bhola had first entered our household, Neetu had dressed conservatively and carefully around him. Even going downstairs sometimes at night to get some water, she would dress in an overcoat, simply because Bhola might be there. Over time, she lost her inhibitions and grew comfortable around our servant. Nowadays she always wore nighties and maxis around the house, sometimes made of very thin translucent material. She would on occasion even not dress up, wearing her lingerie, and going down to the kitchen at night.

When we would be watching TV or simply relaxing in the living room, Neetu would be dressed in a gown that would expose her legs and calves, despite her conservative upbringing. Other times she wore saris very loosely so a lot of her waist or back was exposed, and since it "just Bhola" she wouldn't care. This was the level to which we trusted him and took no note of his presence at home. We all thought of him to be as harmless as a piece of furniture.

So, it was suddenly surprising to see Neetu say Bhola may have a crush on her.

"How do you figure that out?" I asked, curious.

Neetu came to bed and slithered next to me. She surprised me with a long kiss.

"He stares at my ass." Neetu confided. "When my back is turned to him, and he thinks I am not noticing, I have seen him ogling my... butt."

"Darling," I laughed, and kissed my wife again. "When you go out for a walk. Half the city admires your ass. They are the men. And the other half - the women - are jealous of your butt. What a gorgeous bottom you have!"

"You are very naughty." My wife scolded me playfully. We kissed again, and I could see that she was in the mood. "Also, there has been... other... signs."

"Like what?"

"Um... when I talk with him, nowadays, he gets very nervous, and tongue tied. And... I have seen him, try to catch a peek."

"Catch a peek?"

"Uff." My wife let out a sign of exasperation. "The other day I was wearing my low-cut nightie. You know... that one. And he was... his eyes... he couldn't stop staring."

It was too much for me. I found myself unusually excited, my lust for Neetu's body multiplied tenfold. Neetu too seemed to be in a heightened mood, and we had long, loud, passionate, vigorous sex.

Even the next morning, I had to go to work, I didn't want to get out of bed. And though Neetu wanted to get up and brush and freshen up, I didn't let her. We ended up having sex again, before I finally let go of Neetu.

"What happened to you!" Neetu told me later, as we were having breakfast, her tone mischievous. "You are acting as if we just got married!"

"I can't seem to get enough of you." I told her honestly. "You make me feel young."

"Well," Neetu was coy, "There's another young man in the house also apparently crushing on my nowadays."

We both laughed. It showed how casually we took Bhola, and how harmless we thought he was. Even though Neetu knew he was ogling her behind her back, she paid no attention to it. There had been some gossip of one married lady from our community and Bhola, but it soon stopped when her husband came back from Dubai. There was also that story of Mrs. Chadda's maid servant and Bhola, but that too stopped when the maid servant's husband got a job in the city and took her away.

Some weeks passed after that night. Over time, we casually would bring up the topic of Bhola's crush in our bedroom to spice things up and have wild sex. Bhola's behaviour around us didn't change much, but obviously with such a gorgeous lady in the house, his crush, and his attempts to ogle my wife, were understandable.

Around three months later, something else happened.

Neetu was feeling very tired and had retired to bed earlier than usual. It was her time of the month, and I told her I will take care of her tasks. I put away all the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen with Bhola's help.

"Bhola," I told him. "There is a hamper of dirty clothes upstairs, near my study. Go and put those clothes in the washing machine and start it on."

"Yes, sahib."

"I am going to go out for a walk." I told him. "It's a nice weather outside this evening. Make sure the clothes are in the washing machine."

"Yes, sahib."

I cleaned myself up, and then put on a small jacket. I exited the house, fully intending to go for my walk. It was then I noticed that the light to Bhola's room was on.

"Why does he keep his light on all the time!" I thought angrily. "I had warned him about this. Electricity bills are high enough as it is."

I walked around the perimeter of the house from the outside to his window. I had no intention to peep and watch on the sly. I was just curious to know if he was inside the room or not. As I made my way to his window, I saw that the blinds were drawn, but not completely. If I stood to one side, I could see inside without him seeing me.

It was then that I saw a strange sight.

Bhola had brought the hamper of dirty clothes inside his room!

I stood there, my jaw dropping in surprise, and my thoughts of going for a long walk completely forgotten.

Why did Bhola bring the dirty clothes basket into his room?

I stood there and watched, hoping no one would come up by the side street. I wasn't clearly visible unless people peered over the fence and looked, but you never know who was watching from where.

Bhola started hunting for something in the bin basket. What was he up to? I soon found out my answer. Bhola pulled out one of Neetu's used bras, and then two panties, and started smelling them!

It was one of the pink satin bras that Neetu wore when we had sex, and the two panties he had in his hand was expensive as well. Bhola grabbed the three items, and then sat down on his bed.

I stood there in shock, watching the antics of my servant. I had always thought of his 'crush' as harmless, and here I saw what he was up to!

Bhola fumbled with his zipper and soon took off his trousers. And then he pulled down his underwear. As his cock came into view, I let out a gasp. I couldn't help myself... even as a man... a very strictly heterosexual man... I had to marvel at the sight.

Bhola had an impressive cock. It was very thick, and it was very long. It was almost three times my length when I was erect, and Bhola wasn't even fully aroused! It was huge. No wonder there was gossip about some of the married ladies of our community and him! Right then I started to see Bhola in a different light.

I didn't know it then, but one of the married ladies that Bhola would conquer soon would be my own wife Neetu.

Bhola placed the bra and one of the panties on the bed, and then lay down on his stomach on the bed over the bra and panty. Neetu's panty - the one he had placed on the bed - was now just below his groin and her bra was under his chest. Then he took the other panty in his hand and started smelling it, even as he started rubbing his groin against the panty that was on the bed.

I realized what Bhola was doing. He was fantasizing about my wife. With the bra under his chest, he was picturing himself motorboating my wife's large breasts. And as his dick rubbed against Neetu's panties, he was imagining himself fucking her. All the time he was also imagining smelling her pussy with the used panty that was in his hand.

Bhola soon started to cum. He was ejaculating for a long time.

I watched as my servant finished masturbating on my wife's clothes. He got up and held her panty on his hand. It had his thick gooey cum on it. He quickly got dressed again, and then placed the dirty undergarments back in the clothes bin. Picking the basket up, he left the room, possibly to load them in the washing machine.

I quietly made my way back inside the house to our room. I of course didn't tell Neetu what I had seen, but I wondered what else Bhola was up to.

Next morning, at breakfast time, Neetu was scolding Bhola on something, which he just kept timidly nodding yes to. It appeared he had put too much salt in the omelettes, which Neetu hated. I looked at him as Neetu berated him, and Bhola looked so timid and frightened. It was hard to imagine that someone like him could also be engaging in those antics last night, masturbating on my wife's undergarments. Neetu, of course, had no idea about what Bhola had been up to, and continued to scold him.

The next incident happened a few weeks later. It was afternoon, and I was working from home, and Neetu wanted to take a shower. Unfortunately, the hot water geezer in our bathroom was not working.

A sudden idea came to my head. I called Bhola to our room and asked him if his bathroom had hot water.

"Yes, sahib." Bhola kept his eyes on the floor. "My bathroom has hot water. The geezer is working."

"You can go to Bhola's bathroom." I told my wife, hoping she would agree. "The geezer there is working. I will see what is wrong with ours."

"Hmmph." Neetu replied. It was clear she wasn't pleased - Bhola's bathroom wasn't the best. It was a typical servant's bathroom - not that big, not too clean, and not much space. But Neetu didn't have a choice; if she wanted a shower, she would have to use Bhola's bathroom.

"Go and turn the geezer on." I instructed Bhola. "I have some work here to do, and memsaab will be down there momentarily."

"Yes, sahib." Bhola nodded and left the room.

"I really don't want to use his bathroom." Neetu complained. "It's dirty, it's small... and there's no tub, of course. The bathing stall is too close to the commode, and water gets everywhere."

"Darling." I told her. "Be practical. If you want a hot shower, that's the only option we have now."


Neetu took out her clothes from the cupboard and took them along with her as she made her way out of our room, and then downstairs towards Bhola's bathroom. Bhola's bathroom was beside his room - downstairs towards the rear of the house.

I gave Neetu two minutes and then stealthily followed her down the stairs.

It was the middle of the afternoon, and bright sunny one at that, and our house had brilliant sunlight, so it would be hard to stay hidden. Thus, I followed my wife from quite way behind so as not to be seen. She was already downstairs, and I was at the top of the stairs, peering in.

"Memsaab." I heard Bhola say. "The geezer is on, and I tested the water. It is hot."

"Thank you, Bhola." My wife grunted.

My wife entered the bathroom and shut the door. I heard her curse loudly.

"Bhola!" She said, opening the door again. "There is no lock here!"

"Memsaab." Bhola kept his eyes on the floor. "Who comes to my bathroom! I told sahib before, but the lock is broken. It is for some time now."

"Hmmph." Neetu grunted once again, "What if someone opens the door now when I am in! I have to take off my clothes to take a shower, you know."

"Memsaab, there is no one here beside you and me." Bhola tried to soothe my wife. "Sahib is upstairs. You take your bath. No one will enter until you are out. I have some work in the kitchen, I will go there."

"Ugh," Neetu swore again, before going back inside the bathroom and shutting the door. I remained on the top of the stairs, hidden below the railing, peering through the rails.

Bhola, instead of going to the kitchen, remained by the door. He turned and looked around, but I was hidden well. Confident that I was busy in my room, as I had told him, Bhola then knelt down by the bathroom door, and then put his eye through the keyhole, peeping in.

I was shocked to see him so brazenly do this. He was actually trying to see my wife take a shower, in the nude! This had gone beyond a crush now, and he was no longer content with ogling my wife's buttocks or trying to catch a peak of her cleavage. Bhola was actually spying on my wife in the bathroom!

As he intently peered through the small opening, Bhola maneuvered his cock out of his trousers, not taking his eyes of the keyhole even for a moment. His cock came into view, and I saw that he already had a hard on. That was pretty quick considering he had hardly spent a minute in front of the bathroom door.

Neetu must now be fully naked inside and our servant was seeing her like that. Till today he was using only her undergarments, but now he was also seeing her fully naked in real. As I watched my servant watch my wife, and rub his cock in his hands, I too began to get a throbbing erection. Taking out my own cock, I too began to masturbate, seeing our servant do the same as he watched my naked wife take her bath. Neetu was unaware that right now, she was giving pleasure to two horny and perverted men!

It did not take long for Bhola to cum. Neetu must have put on quite the show! Bhola seemed to cum and cum and cum - he had lots of sperm! Bhola then wiped himself against his trousers and went to his room, probably to clean up properly.

The thought of my wife bathing in the nude, and our servant watching her and masturbating, was too much for me, and I too started to cum. Hastily I used my underwear to clean myself up.

After a few minutes, my wife Neetu appeared from the bathroom, looking as fresh and sexy as ever. She of course had no clue what had happened while she was taking her bath. That our servant was watching her in the nude and masturbating. And her husband masturbating watching the servant masturbate.

From that day on, I kept a strict eye on Bhola and his whereabouts, whenever I was working from home. Our geezer also kept "malfunctioning" every other day, forcing Neetu to take her shower in Bhola's bathroom. Bhola peeped in every time, masturbating as he saw my wife naked inside the toilet.

I would also ask him to do the laundry at night, after Neetu would retire to bed. Giving the excuse that I needed a quick night post-dinner walk, I would go outside and then peep into Bhola's room. He would take the dirty clothes bin, take out my wife's undergarments and go to his room.

He was now masturbating every night on her panties and bra, and almost every other day watching her take a bath.

My wife must be really turning him on. And I could see Bhola's lust for Neetu was growing by the day, as evident by the way he hungrily looked at her during the day. Whenever my wife would have her back to Bhola, bending down or squatting to pick up something, he would gaze at her buttocks with wild lust in his eyes, and sometimes even brazenly rub his crotch.

Something had to give, soon.

* * *

Manali Bose

Active Member
I still remember the night when we finally decided to "use" Bhola, and Neetu talked to me about seducing another man to our marital bed. By then, it was almost two years and two months since we had visited the doctor and gotten the fertility clinic's results.

We had gotten the tests done when she was thirty and I was forty. Now two years and two months had gone by, and still we had no prospects of a child. I was forty-two, and as Neetu liked to remind me, she was now thirty-two and getting older. We were still in touch with the clinic, following up, and I got myself tested again recently. My results were still bad, my sperm count low, and all our searches for donor sperm had fizzled out. Neetu's results, as was to be expected, was completely fine.

"Gopal." Neetu suddenly spoke, placing her hairbrush on the dressing table. "I wanted to tell you something."

"Yes, dear?" I asked.

Neetu got up from the stool, walked over to me and sat down beside me on the bed. She took my hand in hers and looked at me.

"I have been thinking about what Dr. Das said." She told me.

"Oh." I replied, my mood dampening a bit. Dr. Das had been the doctor at the fertility clinic we had been consulting.

"I was thinking about the fliers that he gave us." Neetu told me. "Do you remember?"

"IVF? It's terribly expensive." I reminded her. "Much more that what I can afford, sadly. And even then, there's no guarantee of success, you know... because... I..."

"Because you are shooting blanks?" Neetu smiled. "Don't worry, I still love you. But I wasn't talking about IVF."

She wrapped her arms around me and pressed her lips on mine. We kissed passionately for a long time.

"I have an idea." Neetu said, after a while. She fidgeted with her hands, as if she was nervous to bring up the topic. "As you know, we have been looking for donor sperm, but..."

She left her sentence unfinished.

"I know, darling," I shook my head. "It's just as expensive as IVF, dear. We just might have to wait a bit until it becomes more common place in India, and cheaper."

"Unfortunately, we can't wait. I am not getting any younger." Neetu shook her head, then took a deep breath. "I mean, darling, we never really talked in depth about it. Are you really comfortable with the idea of a donor sperm? Another man's sperm, impregnating your wife?"

I looked at my wife in surprise. She now had a strange expression on her face. It was half timid, half curious.

"Well..." I spoke cautiously.

"There was that one time." Neetu said. "Remember?"

I knew what she was talking about.

Like almost any man, I had thought about experimentation. When you are married to the same woman for a long time, a bit of staleness and familiarity sets in. The known is comforting, but sometimes variety adds to the spice of life. I had of course read about threesomes, foursomes, wife swapping, etc. online. One of the many ways I had kept myself sexually satisfied during my single years was reading a lot of erotica. And in particular the variety known as "cuckold" or "loving wives" stories.

For years, I had rubbed my dick fantasizing about sharing my wife with another man. Seeing her in the arms of another lover, penetrating her and taking her to levels of orgasmic delights previously unknown to her. I had also of course thought about sleeping with other women. But, you know, I had always thought these were fantasies.

Neetu was not a prude by any chance, but she was brought up in India, a conservative society. Education, and marriage, had opened her up to new ideas, but she was still bound by Indian norms. I had once broached the topic with Neetu casually.

Initially she had become quite angry, thinking my idea of a threesome was me wanting to sleep with another girl. Well, it was... but then I told her in fairness she could also sleep with another man. It was just a casual joke.

But Neetu had been very angry. She had almost slapped me but had controlled herself.

The idea was shot down almost immediately, with her saying "and why would you want to raise a bastard child after becoming a cuckold?" I never brought up the topic again. Either me with another woman, or her with another man. And now here she was, asking me the same question. But I had to be cautious - what Neetu was talking about was a medical procedure, NOT a threesome.

"I am not sure." I told her. "I mean... I guess I will be OK... but again, it's very expensive."

"I know it's expensive." Neetu said. "But... what if it wasn't?"

"Um... how?"

"Never mind how." Neetu now spoke quickly. "What if it were, say, almost free, and I got pregnant with a donor sperm. Would you be OK with it? After all, I once scolded you about your cuckold fantasies and a bastard child."

Her hands were caressing my chest and went slowly southwards. She cupped my manhood, feeling my balls through my underwear, and started to slightly rub her finger along my groin.

"You are getting hard." She smiled.

"Well, you are playing with my general." I told her, my spirits rising. Suddenly I wanted to bang her and bang her hard.

"Well, your general feels unusually small tonight darling - did you have a sneaky wank when you were in the shower?" Neetu teased me. She nuzzled up to me, putting her head on my chest while still stroking my manhood between her thumb and forefinger.

"No!" I replied indignantly and tried to make an excuse. "Um... It's cold in here and I've been waiting for you for ages while you were brushing your hair! And you took so long in the bathroom!"

"I was just shaving my pussy darling - it takes a while to do it properly you know. I don't want to miss any bits." Neetu giggled, still continuing to tease me. I immediately tried to reach between her legs.

"Get out of there!" My wife playfully rebuffed me, pushing away my advance. "Only boys with big cocks get to feel my pussy - yours doesn't qualify!"

I laughed, and we both kissed for a long time.

"Darling." Neetu said again. "I asked you if you would like to see me get impregnated by another man's sperm. And you didn't reply, but your cock was very, very hard."

She was right - I was as hard as ever, and she knew it, and I knew it, as I looked down to see my cock standing proudly - a true indication of the effect my wife's words was having on me.

"Remember, you had yourself brought up the topic of an open marriage a couple of years ago." Neetu told me. Her fingers now slid inside my underwear, directly rubbing against my now turgid cock. "You told me of these cuckold stories you read."

"Yes, dear. But you had said no then..."

"So how will a donor sperm be any different? Another man will be making me pregnant, and you have to raise that child. How is it different from a man fucking me?"

"Well... I was just talking about... you know... both of us exploring our boundaries." I explained. "We would be safe, of course. And I..."

"What if we weren't?" Neetu leaned in. I was now very hard.

"I guess..." I replied, after some thought. "I would be OK with you getting impregnated with a donor sperm. But how can we get the procedure for free, as you said?"

I was so stupid. I still didn't get what Neetu had been hinting at.

Suddenly Neetu stopped rubbing me. She withdrew her hand from my underwear and clasped her hands together.

"Neetu, what's wrong?!" I exclaimed, seeing her face. She had a very puzzled and nervous look.

"Well..." She took her time. "I was thinking... perhaps..."

She stopped again.

"Go on!" I urged her. "What were you thinking?"

"Well..." Again, she seemed to take her time. "I mean, just how serious were you with the open marriage thing, Gopal?"

Suddenly it hit me. It was out in the open. The taboo topic.

Neetu was talking about sleeping with another man.

"Oh." I looked at her, trying to see if she was joking.

She wasn't.

"You will become a cuckold." Neetu told me, her face dead serious. "I will go to another man's bed. And he will fuck me. Repeatedly."

My dick started to become hard, something that didn't go unnoticed by Neetu.

I remembered the first time I had masturbated to a cuckold story.

I was quite young and had been surfing on the web looking for an erotic story to read and wank off to, when I suddenly chanced upon a "hot wife" category. I clicked and started to read. Before long, I was sitting on my chair, cock in hand, and extremely aroused - but this time the male protagonist wasn't me in the story in a threesome - it was a stranger. Another man who was fucking my wife, making her moan, making her tremble as she climaxed, making her pussy so wet that her love juices was running down her inner thighs.

It was a strange sensation - the topic of wife swapping was so taboo in Indian circles that the naughtiness of the premise added to my excitement. I had rarely been so aroused while alone as I was then. As I read about my "wife" being so turned on that she was soaking wet and craving cock - any cock. It was such a powerful image that I couldn't hold it any longer.

When I finally came, I brushed it off as a one-time thing. It felt strange to me, to be turned on by this. How could this possibly happen. When I marry, my wife will be mine, I promised myself, and I was the only one who was allowed to taste her pussy and make her cum.

I was hooked into reading those types of stories. When I first read some Indian cuckold stories, I bookmarked them. The fact that it was set in an Indian scene added to the appeal of those stories. I would read them, even after marriage, and every time I sat down to jerk off, I would evoke that story. I imagined Neetu in many scenarios - it ranged from her bent over a desk fucked by her boss, to her being fucked at a party by every man, to her lying in someone else's bed waiting for a lover, and so on. When I would cum, the image in my head was of her soaking wet panties clinging to her smooth pussy, still agape from a good fucking by another man.

At first it troubled me, especially when I got married and there was an actual wife to be represented in my fantasies. Moreover, it is one thing to be a fantasy, and another to be real life. Right now, Neetu was talking about real life. She would sleep with another man, and this is how she would get her "donor sperm".

"You clearly put some thought into this." I finally told her. "About... cuckolding me."

"Yes," Neetu turned to me. "You are not angry, are you, Gopal?"

"No. No." I tried to soothe her fears by kissing her. "I am happy, darling, that you are actually discussing this with me. We have always talked about being a bit more adventurous."

"If Dr. Das's report was different, I never would have considered this." Neetu told me, kissing me back. "But... you know... seeing that you had brought it up once, I wanted to explore every chance. And if you are ok with being a cuckold..."

She left the last part unsaid.

"Quite. Quite." I replied understandingly. Perhaps a little bit too understandingly.

"I know you have fantasized about it before. About being a cuckold." Neetu continued. "Have you thought about the consequences of imagination turning into real life? It is one thing to fantasize about your wife sleeping with someone else. To deal with the practical implications of being cuckolded is a wholly different thing. Especially if I become pregnant."

I didn't say anything. Clearly there was a big difference between fantasy and reality.

"As I said, YOU have to deal with being a cuckold." Neetu continued. "And raising a child that is biologically not yours."

"I know it won't be easy." I finally admitted. "I am still surprised we are talking about it, frankly. But that's a good thing."

"To be honest," Neetu said. "You may think it's hot. You may say now you are comfortable with it. But until it happens, you won't know."


We both stayed silent for a while. It was now obvious to both of us that my dick was really, really hard. Neetu stole a glance at my bulge and smiled.

It was at that moment - that smile - that we both knew we were doing this. I was going to be cuckolded. My wife was going to be fucked by another man.

We kissed again, our lips exploring each other. It was a different type of kiss. Neetu was giving me a sympathy kiss.

"Do you have someone in mind?" I finally asked. Neetu blushed and didn't meet my gaze. Then she finally nodded.

I let out a sigh as the realization dawned on me. There was really only one option that Neetu had in hand.

"Bhola." I uttered. Neetu blushed again, and then nodded.

"I know he has a crush on you." I continued. "But... how... do you plan to make this... happen?"

"He just doesn't have a crush on me." Neetu took a deep breath and continued. "I discovered he has been masturbating on my panties."

I gasped. I mean, I knew it, but I didn't think Neetu knew it.

"How... do you know that... darling?" I asked cautiously.

"A woman knows." Neetu laughed. "Once or twice, I went to the bin in the laundry room, and I wanted to see if I had something there in the dirty clothes. I put my hand in... and oh my goodness! I had to wash my hands afterwards. My panties were sticky with... cum. Dried cum, but cum. And I knew it wasn't you... because... why would you do that. So, it must be his."

"I see. Darling, that is disgusting. I must confront him tomorrow morning."

"You will do no such thing!" Neetu suddenly replied in a very commanding voice. I looked up at her, surprised.

"I didn't want to tell you immediately, because I didn't know how you would react." Neetu said, her voice softening. "I kept an eye out, and I saw that almost every other day he would masturbate on my clothes."

"Again, that's really disgusting." I pretended to be angry. "Why should we not fire him?"

"If you look at it another way," Neetu grinned. She had a naughty look in her eyes. "That's a lot of cum. The man is cumming every day. Sometimes twice."

I didn't say anything in reply as Neetu looked deep in my eyes.

"He's young, and full of cum. We know he is capable of ejaculating every day, sometimes more than once. His looks and skin colour are similar to yours. He is a distance relative from your village, and we know his whole family. Everyone looks like your family, so no one can question the lineage of the baby. Bhola is perfect, my love. He can be the father of my child. Of OUR child."

I didn't even hide it anymore. I was very, very aroused, and Neetu could see that. We kissed again, loudly, and passionately.

"OK, but what made you finally decide it could be him?" I asked. "After all, if you wanted to sleep with someone, there can be so many people. Someone from the upper class. So why Bhola? He probably smells of sweat in bed too."

I saw Neetu blush again.

"This morning, I was calling for him. After you had left for the office." Neetu explained. "But there was no answer. I thought he went back to his room to take a nap, so I went to his door to knock on it and wake him up. However, the door was slightly open."

I listened with rapt attention.

"The door was open a bit and through that crack I saw... it was amazing. Bhola was lying fully naked on his bed. His legs were spread apart, and he had his penis in one hand. He was masturbating. Again"

"You... you saw him... naked? His penis was out?" I asked.

"Yes." Neetu blushed again. "And darling... my love... it was... SO BIG! It was HUGE! I mean... I didn't get a close look obviously, but it appeared so much bigger than yours! And he was stroking it with one hand, while fondling his testicles. As I said, he was masturbating. And he was taking my name! He was saying, 'Memsaab! I am going to make your pregnant, memsaab! I am going to make you the mother of my baby. AAAAAH!' And then he came!"

Neetu's voice was now hoarse as she was recollecting the story. Her eyes were somewhat glazed. I myself was aroused. We couldn't stop ourselves anymore. I pinned her underneath me, and started kissing her while taking off her clothes, and she too started to rip off my clothes.

"I want you to fuck me!" She murmured hoarsely. "Oh, my cuckold! Meri jaan!"

"Your wish is my command." I replied, as I positioned her below me.

"Oh, Gopal!" She murmured, as I entered her. I was lusting for her body, and she was lusting for mine.

"Oh, Gopal!" Neetu continued to murmur as I pounded at her. "Oh, meri jaan! Cum in me! Now!"

Finally, I ejaculated inside her, and we remained like that for some time.

"Oh, Gopal." Neetu laughed. "What has happened to you? Once again you are acting like a newly married husband! Your behaviour was so different. It was as if you were seeing me naked for the first time! Just like... like... when I first told you Bhola had a crush on me!"

I didn't say anything in reply, so Neetu continued.

"You were picturing me and Bhola, weren't you?" She prodded. "You were imagining me in his bed. You are thinking of another man, pounding your wife, filling my womb with his sperm, and making me pregnant."

I didn't know what else to say, so I countered.

"Well, you were pretty wild too!" I said in an accusing voice. "What were you thinking about?"

Neetu was silent for some time, before speaking.

"Can I tell you honestly?" She asked. "And you won't get mad?"

"Of course, you can tell me, my love." I replied, even though I had an idea what she was going to say.

"I was thinking about Bhola." Neetu admitted. "His penis... his balls... they looked really big. I cannot forget that sight, as he took my name and then he ejaculated. There was so much cum! The thought of his big penis has been on my mind the whole day. This is why... my love... I was so wet now."

We kissed again. It was a long, wet, sloppy kiss.

"Did you speak to him afterwards?" I asked. After all, Neetu spent the whole day in the house with Bhola. "After you saw him masturbating?"

"Not too much." Neetu admitted. "I was too embarrassed to look into his eyes. I just gave whatever orders I had to."

I saw my wife was blushing again. I reached down and placed my hands between her legs. She was wet.

"You are wet, my love." I teased her.

"Of course." Neetu admonished me. "You just came inside me."

By now I had one finger inside her.

"It's not just my sperm." I said, slipping my finger in and out of her vagina, and getting no resistance from her. "You are blushing, Neetu. And you are getting wet. You are still thinking of Bhola, aren't you?"

Neetu kept quiet for some time, before replying.

"His cock is really big, darling. Exceptionally long and thick. Absolutely mammoth. Maybe more than thrice, the size of your organ!"

Once again I hugged my wife and we kissed passionately. Then I teased her again.

"So, my wife, my lovely innocent wife, is very excited at the sight of our servant's cock, because of its huge size!"

Once again Neetu kept quiet.

"Neetu." I told her. "Let's make Bhola the father of our child. Are you ready for that? Do you know what you have to do?"

"Yes." Neetu finally replied. "I have to turn his lust into our reality. I have to seduce him to bed."

... I have to seduce him to bed...

At that moment, none of us really knew the dangerous forces that we were playing with.

* * *


Active Member
Great great, but if you wouldn't have started with fucking incidence of neetu and bhola initially, it would have been more exiting and sensual , how neetu approches bhola and how shyly bhola acts would have been great, because readers were in dilema what is next going to happen, you finished the exitement of readers by disclosing the end first, anyway make it as you dreamt of earlier incidence and nothing happened yet between neetu n bhola, if you think it is good for story n readers, but great going, continue


Royal कारभार 👑
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Sr. Moderator
Hello everyone.

We are Happy to present to you The annual story contest of XForum

"The Ultimate Story Contest" (USC).

"Chance to win cash prize up to Rs 8000"
As you all know, in previous week we announced USC and also opened Rules and Queries thread after some time. Before all this, chit-chat thread already opened in Hindi section.

Well, Just want to inform that it is a Short story contest, in this you can write and post story your under any prefix. with minimum 700 words and maximum 7000 words (Use this tool to count word in your story. — Characters Tool) .That is why, i want to invite you so that you can portray your thoughts using your words into a story which whole xforum would watch. This is a great step for you and for your stories cause USC's stories are read by every reader of Xforum. You are one of the best writers of Xforum, and your story is also going very well. That is why We whole heatedly request you to write a short story For USC. We know that you do not have time to spare but even after that we also know that you are capable of doing everything and bound to no limits.

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Entry thread opened on 15th February and is Live now! and will remain open till 5th March 2024 11.59 pm During this you can post your story, so it is better for you to start writing your story in the given time..

And one more thing! Story is to be posted in one post only, cause this is a short story contest that means we can only hope for short stories. So you are not permitted to post your story in many post/parts. If you have any query regarding this, you can contact any staff member.

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Members reporting CnP Stories with Valid Proof 200 Likes for each report

Regards :- XForum Staff


Absolutely wonderful and stunning story ❤️

Anaya Ansari

New Member
Lovely story ❤️
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