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Incest Insane World


Active Member
Good story

Pravasi Mallu

New Member
Kurian - I have an idea. Why dont u call ur uncle? .....a warning call. Lets see how he reacts?

I liked the suggestion. I called Uncle David up on his direct mobile number. Usually I use calling software to make video or audio calls via internet. But I decided to do a overseas call to him.

David- O Toby...what a surprise? I did not expect ur call?

Myself- Yes. Lot of unexpected things are happening back home, it seems.

David- Whats the matter? You don't sound very happy.

Myself- I am not. You are not giving me any chance of being happy?

David- What is this? why are u talking to me like this? You know I look up on you as my son.

Myself- Really and I guess Jancy is like your daughter?

David - Ofcourse, why? Is there something wrong? I have a feeling you are not calling with a good will.

Myself- So you enjoy taking nude shower with Jancy, dont you?

David- What... What is this? Are you out of your mind? Is something bothering you. I cant believe u talking to me like that!!!

Myself- Cut the crap, Uncle...U know exactly what I mean?

David- Hey listen young man...U cut the crap. Who the fuck u think u are? U have not seen my other side. U think I do not know what u r doing to my angel Jancy?

Myself- Now that is exactly what I was waiting to hear..... yes.... now u r talking straight..come on let it out..Dear Uncle...Bring it on!

David- I went through Jancy's whatsapp without her knowledge and have pretty good idea what is cooking between brother and sister.

Myself- Really.. Did u find anything unusual about it...Am I doing something wrong Uncle?

David - Don't play smart with me. U have brainwashed that poor girl. She thinks she loves you!! Brother Lover...Fuck u..don't mess with that girl. Imagine if your father comes to know about this?

Myself- Interesting...Why father? Tell it to my mother first? A mother should know what her children are doing?

There was a brief silence when I mentioned mother to Uncle David.

David- Yes..yes I will tell her as well.

Myself- And what would you tell her, that her children are planning to do what we enjoy doing darling!!

David- What...U...bastard!!!

Myself- I am warning u dear Uncle. Do not interfere in my affairs. Keep away from Jancy.
U do not mess with my affairs and I will keep my mouth shut about your affairs. I have not done any wrong so far physically with my sister... but that is not the case between you and mom.
So I can retrieve at any point...u and mom cannot undo the sins already committed. So u decide what would make my father lose his mind...my affairs or your affairs.

After a brief silence.

David- Come on Toby...my child..what is this? This is how u talk to your uncle who has given u so much care. Believe me..there is nothing going on with Jancy. H-H-How u came to know about your mom?

Myself- (with a heavy heart) Just like you.. I am also watching everything.

Kurian signaled me something that he wrote down in a paper.

I read it out.

Myself- I have seen u fuck my mom as a young boy...I have known it for a long time.

Kurian gave me a thumbs up.

David- Ok..So u know...hmmm.

Myself- So do not fuck with me, uncle. I know u inside out. U have to leave my house now.
I do not care what happens between u and mom...but I will not let u stay in my house anymore. Just leave. And I am damn serious about it. If I came to know that you lay one finger on Jancy...then your ass is grass.

I disconnected the call. Gulped down a whole tin of foster beer.

Kurian had a vicious spark in his eyes and foxy smile on his face.

Kurian- That should take care of your uncle. Very Good... But now when u go back home, u have 2 agendas. Once you manage to fuck your sister to your satisfaction , there is one more person u need to fuck.

Myself- Yes. My mother is next in the list.

Kurian - Now you will have to get ready for some intense fucking with the ladies of your house.
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New Member
Getting the story intense and hot:toohappy:

Pravasi Mallu

New Member
I felt a little bad that the last conversation I had with Jancy was harsh. I did not listen to her and blamed her without hearing to her side of the story.
I decided to video call her. But she did not answer. So sent a whatsapp. Sent some apology messages and waited.
She came on video call.

Jancy- Are u in good mood ? Please do not start scolding me.

Myself- I am sober my love.

Jancy- So tell me what you did ? Uncle David went back to Ernakulam in a hurry. Didn't even say good bye to me. Just left like that without informing. Really Unusual.

Myself- How do I know? He must be missing his family. Might have felt like seeing his wife and daughter or some other thing must have come up. (I was smiling when I said that. Could not control my laughter.)

Jancy- I am sure you said something to him.

Myself- Forget the old man....Lets talk about something else. Show me your pussy quickly. I have been missing your body show for a long time.
I saw a smile light up her cute little face.

Jancy- O...now you want see my pussy. I am not showing you anything.

Myself- Why? My lovely little sissy... come on...please.

Jancy- I am still shaken by the last conversation we had. So you do what I say and I will think about following your orders.

I realised I did not have much options and to bring her back needed to comply.

Myself- OK...what does my sissy love want from me?

Jancy- Show me your cock.

I quickly pulled down my shorts and showed it to her. it was in semi-erect state.

Myself-Is my little fellow bigger than Uncle David's.

Jancy- No. His is bigger.

Myself- So you have seen his cock. Was it fully erect when you saw.

Jancy- Yes.

I got excited now. I could see she was getting horny too answering my questions.

Myself- Did you touch it?

Jancy- He took my hand and placed on his cock. I gently held it in my hand.

Myself- What did he say when he did that?

Jancy- You are a big girl and you should know what a man's cock feels like. This is for education purpose only.

Myself- Smart fellow....and then what he did?

Jancy- He told me that once I have boyfriends, I might have to take their cock into my mouth and suck and that I can use his cock just for trying out the taste.

Myself- And then.(My cock was full erect by this time)

Jancy- I was not sure. I got scared a little and said No!

Myself- What did he do then?

Jancy- He continued applying soap to it and told me if ever I feel like sucking cock, He is okay with it.

Myself- And...

Jancy- And nothing...we continued showering...thats it nothing more happened.

Myself- He did not touch you ?

Jancy- He applied soap to my back and thighs...

Myself- U mean he did not touch your boobs and pussy.

Jancy- No. I was standing facing my back to him.

I was thinking at this point how much uncle David must have enjoyed her ass. Her ass is her sex USP.

Myself- He did not touch your ass?

Jancy- Aaa.. yes he applied soap to my ass cheeks very gently. I liked it.

Myself- I guess after that both of you got out of shower like decent citizens.(I had a wicked smile on my face saying that)

Jancy- If you can believe.. That's all that happened.

Myself- I believe you my love...now show me that pussy and ass.

Jancy stood up and lifted her nighty. She was not wearing anything underneath. She stood up straight and then turned around giving me a good view of her assets.

Myself- O..u...were ready for the display already...I like it...good girl.

I showed her my erect cock which was throbbing by now.

Myself- After 18 days...this thing will be in your mouth. You will suck it and make me happy. I will be spraying my cum into your mouth and don't want see you wasting my cum...U should swallow every drop...understood. No drop of it should be wasted.

Jancy- Understood (her eyes was wildly blinking as she said that like an obedient student)
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Pta nhi

Awesome update

Pravasi Mallu

New Member
My attention in the next few days shifted to my mom. I was wondering how uncle David convinced my mom for sex ?
Were they doing it from a very young age? Or this developed after her marriage to my father? Me and my sister are having striking resemblance to each other and have more facial features of our father. So our paternity is unquestionable in that sense.

As I was wondering these things and sipping a glass of beer, Kurian joined me. I was curious about Kurian's incest adventure.

Myself: Sir, tell me about your relation with your mom. I remember you telling me that you were initiated to sex by your mom. What's the story?

Kurian: Ok...back in the 60's, I was a teenager, must be around **** years old. At that time we were not very rich and lived in a small hut type brick house at the vicinity of a rubber farm. My father was a taping worker in the Rubber farm owned by the catholic church. There were several families that worked in this rubber farm spread around 3 acres of land. The taping workers lived the skirts around this farm just like my family.
My sister was just 4 years old, still a toddler. Mom used to look after us and also did chores in the rest house run by the Church. She would do random chores in the farm as and when demanded by my father.
One day when I returned home, I saw my neighbor, Mathai, a 64 year old drunkard peeping while my mom was bathing. Back in those days there were no seperate bathrooms. A small enclosure would be created near to the well with dried coconut tree leaves pleated to act like a wall. Mathai was masturbating as he watched my mom. My father was not around and sister was in Mathai's house playing with his grandaughter around same age as she was.
I saw Mathai ejaculate and leave quietly. He did not notice me. Back then I did not understand what was going on. When mom finished bath and came out, I told her about what I saw. She smiled and told me that it is OK. Mathai is harmless person. When I asked my mother why Mathai was doing such a thing, she very calmly explained that when an adult man sees woman naked, they get erection and to relieve the erection they do such things. She explained it to me as if it was something normal among adults and that it should not be taken as a matter of botheration. I was convinced by her explanation back then.She was very loving and caring and moreover had a very cool head and reacted very intelligently to any provocation.

One day when I returned from school, I saw Mathai leave in a hurry from the bathing shed of my house. He collided with me as he was hurriedly moving to his hut. he looked at me and siad with disgust that your mother is a whore. I did not understand why he said such a thing.
When I went to the bathing shed, I heard some noises coming from the shed. I quickly went around and took the same spot that Mathai used last time to voyeur on my mom. I saw a boy in the neighborhood named Lawrence in the bath shed with my mom.
Both of them full naked. My mom was standing with her arms resting on the washing stone. She was bending over the stone and her back facing Lawrence. Lawrence was moving his hip back and forth, his cock drilling my mom's pussy. Lawrence was just 2 years older to me and studying in the same school as me. I had a fit of rage from what I saw. I saw Lawrence shiver and cry out loud and gradually falling over my mom's back tired after a magnum ejaculation. I could hear my mom ask him if he has shed completely. Then she pushed him over and knelt down and started sucking his cock. I also heard Lawrence say, "Maria aunty, I fell like peeing...O...It feels so good."
I was shocked by their conversation and heard my mom tell the lucky bastard to pee into her mouth. And he peed into her mouth with his semi erect cock. My mom drank his piss and let some urine fall all over her face. I saw her kind of showing her boobs to the urine jet and getting urine sprayed over her boobs. When he was done urinating, he asked my mom to open her mouth again and he spit into her mouth and then cleared his throat and got some mucus into his mouth and spit again into her mouth. My mom swallowed his spit and then squatted and started urinating on the ground. Lawrence quickly started putting his half trousers on. Then my mom asked him to leave and could hear her telling him not to come to her till next week. And she scolded him for bunking school and coming to her for having fun. She kissed him on the lips and the boy left quickly pulling up his trousers. As he ran out, he saw me. He did not know what to do. He covered his face and ran away. As he ran he shouted out loud to my mom, "Maria aunty...Bobby saw us!!!!". He ran like a cheetah, not looking back once.

Mom came out of bath shed, still naked and saw me. With a calm smile asked me when I came. I had tears in my eyes. Confusion all over my face. I asked her with trembling voice what she was doing with Lawrence. She calmly asked me to go inside house and have something to eat and she will explain everything after she is finished bathing. She gently ran her hands through my hair. I did as she asked and waited for her to come.
She came and sat beside me and told that women do such things when they are in heat. I did not understand what she meant by that.
I asked her if she loved Lawrence and she said no. She told me that she loves me more than anybody else. I asked her what was Lawrence doing to her. His penis was big and inside her. She calmly told me that Lawrence was mating with her. This is how people have sexual intercourse. She explained what women go through when they are aroused and what men go through when they get erection.
That was my first ever sex education class from my mom. While she explained, I felt erection myself.
She then told that boys of my age as part of puberty have these feelings all the time. She was helping Lawrence with his feelings and that there is nothing wrong. I asked her why she took his penis in her mouth and let him pee. She said that all that is part of the act when you are in the sexual heat. Then she asked me if i would like to do it with her just like Lawrence. My cock was full erect and bulging out of my trousers when she asked it.
(Kurian Paused his story to finish his beer in one sip)

Myself: then what happened?

Kurian: Pure and divine INCEST!!!!

Siraj Patel

The name is enough
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Hi dear,

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As your Friend,
Regards - Siraj Patel


New Member
Hot story...fantastic narration and choice of words...