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Is it? why ? when & how?.... Doctor here!!!


New Member
Hi X Forum Members....
Doctor here...
Recently I identified this site and became a member... Planning to give ideas or suggestions regarding sex and relationship related issues professionally for the people here..

Aiming to create awareness among the members here regarding their doubts and misbeliefs.. Already i do have a thread in a similar site....

Feel free to message me...will try to help you out....

(P.s : Preferred private messages because solution for all problems is not the same.. This is a informative thread, wont be attractive for all members....!!)

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New Member
Facts about penis :

Penis size varies among the human races..

Average length of penis in flaccid (normal) state is 7-10 cms and during erection 12-16 cms in most of the individuals.

When to say it’s a small penis??.. when length is less than 4 cms in flaccid state & less than 8 cms in erection.

45% of men feel that they have small penis..

Every individual is unique in this world.. So they should not compare it with others…!! Which may give false ideas on penis size.

How to measure :

Measure length from the top of your penis to the tip of your glans .

The top of your penis is where it connects to your pubic bone. The tip of your glans is the round part at the end of your penis. Compress any fat in front of your pubic bone when measuring. Also, don’t include additional length related to a foreskin.

In fatty persons, part of the penis might be buried inside fat folds..

Myths about penis:

· Only larger penis can satisfy females.. But its not true..

Even with moderate or small sized penis, you can satisfy female and can make them feel intense if you use proper methods of adequate foreplay and intercourse techniques.

Studies show most women partners are satisfied with their partner penis size..

· Penis size can be increased by taking pills, creams.. etc..

It’s a big Noooooo…. Surgery is the only option to increase the penis size.

Many sex related marketing gimmicks has been in TV’s….selling creams , pills and other devices..which of no use other than emptying your pockets..!! So BEWARE!! Not to try these and waste time….
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Some random facts about masturbation.

· Males frequently masturbate than females.

· During masturbation, the time when they achieve orgasm vary person to person in both sexes.

· Keep the frequency 4-6 times a week is safe and healthy habit.. You can masturbate even everyday.. But 3 or 4 times daily & regularly is something u should be concerned.

· Nothing harm in doing masturbation.. You should not be afraid of masturbating, unless it interferes in your daily activities.. If it interferes in your daily activities , then you should seek medical help..

For example: During your working hours , you want to go for a break and masturbate or you are not able to concentrate in your work and thinking of doing it.. Or you feel like masturbating instantly after seeing something arouse you.. It matters!!

Orgasm is the pleasure derived from the release of happy feeling harmones from the brain.. So, if you masturbate in excess, the tolerance to harmones released will gets increased over time and you might feel decreased sensitivity after orgasm which stimulates you to do again and again to achieve the pleasure what you had before.

· Advantages:

It’s a stress buster, elevates mood , increases concentration, sleep inducer, relieve menstrural cramps..

Chances of prostate cancer will be less if males masturbate more

· Myths about masturbation:

If you masturbate frequently, your penis size will get smaller-No

Mastrubation will reduce your sexual performance with women- No

You will get nerve weakness of you masturbate frequently- No

You will loose your sperm when you masturbate frequently- No..

Will be continued….

Feel free to ask about your queries….
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