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Adultery Journey of a My Wife.


Active Member
Chapter 1 Introduction.

(all characters are fiction- please read only for fun).

Sunita was born and brought up in a very orthodox family. She was very good looking , slim and very rigid at times. Her father was in armed forces, and had passed away. She had lost her mother long time back. She had two elder brothers, and both of them were married and settled. Her sister in law were not very good with her though. But Sunita was a very strong personality. She kind a had a control in her family. She had tried working in different fields, and ultimately was working as a teacher. She was stubborn and straight forward person, and hardly had any friends. But she was honest at work, and thats why she was liked by the principal of her school. She was nearing 28 now. Her sister in laws were more focussed on getting her married, and finally she got married to Sonu. Sonu was working in a Bank and was posted in Mumbai. Sunita was so innocent that even on the day of her marriage, it was her sis in law who asked her to shave her pussy. Sunita never took care of her skin, but that was first time she even waxed and did some makeup. She was to wear glasses.

On contrary to Sunita, Sonu was more of a romantic and flamboyant person. He was addicted to spas, whores and what else. He was having many affairs before the marriage, and was a good talker. He was a pleasant personality too. Sunita had to quit her job, and she finally joined a school near her house in Mumbai. Initally Sunita was scared of sex but finally she also started to enjoy role plays and sex she did with her husband. Sonu was also a very short tempered person, at times he would shout and all. Sunita hated smokers and alcohol. After marriage once Sonu offered her some drink, which she scolded him back, but over a period of time she also started to join him for a drink or two. Perhaps even smoke when they were out. Sonu had a craze of buying sexy clothes and dresses for Sunita. Sunita initially reluctant, but then slowly started to love the designers panties and bras which her husband was to choose for her. Women adapt to men more faster than a men adapts to a women!!

Both there lives were going on very smoothly. Sonu would at times get very surprised by Sunita's wildness and craziness in bed. She would squirt. She was a horny women, but somehow that was hidden inside her. Sonu who had a little experience of sleeping with different ladies, had realized it long back that his wife is not one dick satisfaction women. But she had wrapped glasses of moral scinece in her eyes. She was difficult to have conversation at time, as she had a set pattern. But she supported him, while watching porns and having sex. They both were unable to have a kid despite trying many times. This was one - regret she had in her life though!!

Sunita' school was run by a local politican. His name was Patil- as he was famously remembered. Patil was mother fucking - womanizer. He was married to a famous local actress- her name is Devika. But Patil had many schools and colleges, including some hospitals. But behind he did other jobs, which were not seen or known by public. He was addicted to sex. He must be now in his early 50s. He was little fat. The school Sunita was that was there first school. So he had a special connection with that school.

The things had started to change in the school, since the appointment of new principal. The new principal was ambitious, and very shrude lady. Divide and rule was her policy. She was hired from some other school. She was in her late 40s but she was sexy and had a different kind of attitude about her. She was to wear sleeveless blouses, was a chain smoker. She was a divorcee. Rumour was that she wanted to be an actress but then somehow could not succeed. But inside story was that she was pimp of Patil. Patil had rotated her in different schools, and whichever teacher he would want she would arrange her for him. Patil had also fucked her, she had reached this position only after satisfying him. Due to her son's education She had shifted to this school. Her name was Amrita. Amrita was from Northern Part of India. She had a very demeaning personality. As she joined, the reputation of school had started to go down too. Many good teachers had left the job, and few who had left were not happy. New teachers were hired who were not good enough.

At the same time- Sonu had just lost his job. He was jobless now for almost 6 months. He was struggling financially, with EMI burdens and all. He had developed BP, gained weight. There savings were deplted, despite wanting to change Job Sunita could not resign at this point. She was waiting for right time, but her salary was not at all enough for them to survive. She was also getting little frustrated with her husband. As it is men gets more and more short tempered and irriated whenever there was something like that.

It was school sports day, and Patil who was not suppose to come, had come for the same. He generally never came for any of these things, but that day he happened to be in the area and went his way to the play ground. Sunita was incharge for prize distribution, and wearing a track pant and school -t-shirt. His eyes fall on her and few more teachers. He could not but water his tongue.

"who was that teacher who was managing the prizes?" asked Patil to the principal

"Sir that is Sunita mam, she is teaching class 6 & 7th here. She teaches English"

"ah okay, I want her in my farm house in next annual day function. I will come as a chief guest, by then ensure she is ready!" Patil said.

There was no doubt. Neelu tried to say something, but he did not hear he moved on. Principal knew that if he has asked for something, you have to get it. Sunita was a tough nut to crack. Her reputation was too high, and she knew she was not ambitious too. How to lure her.

While having a drink with one of the coordinators, she said "Yaar Ritu this Patil is a very big Madar chod, now he wants to fuck Sunita mam. Now you know how tough it is " she said, sipping her drink.

Ritu was also one of the senior teacher and her friend.

"Ritu then said "madam I know one thing, every men has its price. Sunita also will have a price. Just give me few days, I will try and take out her kundali"

Principal sipped in another peg, she was definitely stressed out.

Sunita unware was very happy the way sports day was completed. Being in school was to make her feel joyful

t b c


Active Member
Chapter 2- The Feelings.

Ritu who was coordinator of Sunita, from the next day on started to give her tough time. In terms of work pressure and also humiliating her. Sunita who was one of the sincerest teachers in school, felt how things have changed overnight. Principal also did not entertain her. Sunita was someone who hated politics. For month this continued. She felt little offended everytime, her bosses would only point her mistake.

She thought of quitting, but conditions at home were getting worsen. Secondly she also did not want to leave her kids in middle. She was in two minds.

"I dont know what is the right thing to do?" she thought in her mind. She discussed this with her good friend in school. But no one actually understood. She started to apply for jobs, but whatever offer she got were for temporary teacher and here she was a permanent teacher. Salary was also getting halved. Then she finally decided to have conversation with Ritu or principal directly what was wrong.

not in school, we can discuss with you in our home. Why dont u come to my house this weekend we will have coffee together" said principal, as she was leaving for some meeting.

Sunita was little upset, but then she felt might be this is best way. She also wanted to meet her in private. In just one month attitude of both her coordinator and principal had changed towards her.

Sunita reached home, and found her husband drunk. He had not shaved for few days, not even taken bath. Television was on. It was just 4 pm. The food was lying on table, and he was not even in his senses. Seeing him like that made her pitty. As the days of unemployment grew his frustration was increasing. He was loosing hope day by day. She felt sad seeing him like that, wrapped the stuff and then with tears went to bedroom. She felt a deep emotional vaccum inside her. She was teaching some private tutions also. But EMI of house and car and other stuff was so high that she was unable to find any solutions. She was trapped in a ring.

Next day was Saturday. She changed into a nice Indian Salwar Suit, and after making lunch left to her principals house. She had invited Ritu also. She was on time, this is what she had learnt from her family to be disciplined and on time.

Principal stayed in a 2 bhk small house. Hall was almost empty, with book shelves. The light was dim, hardly any sunglight. There was minimum furniture. The kitchen also had very limited utensils. Though her bedroom was lavish. It had aircon, cupboard, big kingsize bag and also a cabinet with books, and then adjacent to it a bar. It had a small balcony attached to it. The other room was locked. The bathroom was ascetically done, with a partion of glass door between commad and shower.

"Nice house madam" said Sunita, as she was visiting this house for the first time.

"Yeah- this is my compensation. Patil sir himself have selected this house for me. " She said, as she light up a cigarette. Sunita saw her smoke for the first time, and then she heard a door bell. It was Ritu.

Ritu was wearing a tight jeans and a shirtv. For her age it was looking little off. She wore glasses too. She was wearing a shirt which was xposing her navel.

"Hi Sunita" she said looking at her, and then removed her heels, and sat down. She knew everything about the house.

"So tell us why you wanted to meet us?" said Principal.

Sunita then shared everything about them. She shared openly what she felt. She did not hesitate. While sharing her ordeal she was so overwhelmed that tears started to flow from her eyes. She shared whatever she felt for almost 30-40 mins. Both Ritu and Neelu (Principal) heard her. They both were smoking too.

"Well dont cry Sunita" said Principal.

"Well we are bosses and we have to ensure that everything is done perfectly. So we both dont have any wrong intentions"

"See- we consider you as a part of management only. Anju madam is retiring next year, we want to appoint you as a coordinator in her place. Also I want to make a new team, and you are capable enough for the same" Neelu said. Neelu was wearing a see thru nighty at her home. She was not wearing and bra or underwear. Her nighty was till her thighs, and she had tatooed her thighs .

Sunita then looked up, she felt good as they gave her first greed.

The Ritu said, " Your salary will be increased by 20-30% depending on Patil sir, might also be 50% if he likes ur job" Ritu then took some pause, as if thinking about the right words. The she said " See Sunita, We know your husband is going through tough phase, and teachers dont get paid well. Have you ever thought of extra income?" Ritu said, She was making a coffee from the coffee maker.

"What you mean madam, extra classes or tutions?" Sunita said.

"No no- see both I and Mam, we both have reached here due to certain things. And you know we have blessings of a powerful men. We are able to live this descent life because of certain extra work we do. And you can also live this kind of life, just you need to .." she said looking at her face so as able to read her expression, and then offered her cup of coffee.

Neelu interrupted, "You want to eat something else?" she said,

Sunita nodded in no.

Neelu then continued " see Sunita, I will be honest with you. I know you are good women, but there is nothing good and bad in this world. Patil sir will also be able to help your hubby get a job. "

Sunita got little confused.

Neelu continued-" see you know reputation of Patil, he is a womanizer. If he likes some women then there is no way he wont get her by hook or by crook and his eyes are on you now. "

Sunita looked completely confused. She did not understand.

"Patil is a powerful goon. He wants you, in return he is ready to promote you, give salary hike, your husband will get a job, and also pay you some cash. But if you accept this offer there is no returning back. If you refuse the offer then he might not let u continue here and u might now find a new job also so easily. So for you once side is cliff and one side is lion. You think about it, dont react the way you do. My experience with him is good. Even Ritu has gone with him. But now we cannot say no to him. So before you react you think properly" said Neelu.

Sunita got furious, "behen ki lodi- do u think I am some kind of whore" she abused both of them.

But then Ritu calmed her down" we are just sharing a message, it is upto you. But dont dare you show us you are sati savitiri. " she said, grabbing the cigarette.

Sunita was till furious, but then Neelu calmed her " see Sunita we both did not want you to b in this siutation. But we both know Patil. If you accept his offer okay, if not you better resign or we will have to make u resign. Choice is yours. Secrecy is granted with Patil. This we both can vouch for. " They ensured Sunita was okay, and calmer before she left the house.

Ritu then sat near Neelu, grabbing a peg and cigarette, "these are always such tough conversation. God knows what that Tharkie saw in her. "

Neelu smiled "remember the first time I asked you- your reaction was similar, and now u cannot survive without a dick"

They both giggled and laughed.


Sunita went back home, and saw her husband drunk, vomitted, and again sleeping. She felt like slapping him. He had even stopped going for interviews now.

"what the fuck Ravi" said Sunita

She cleaned everything, and cursed her life. She was still furious. What they think, am I a randi? she was talking to herself in her mind. She was not aware about Patil and his life. She hardly knew that men. She had made up a mind of resigning next day, but then thought of browsing some history on Patil. She realized it wont be a easy next few days for her.

Monday came in, and Patil was in school due to some paper work. Neelu must have told him about their conversation, so he wanted to meet Sunita after school time.

"You wait"said Rituto Sunita. "Sir want to meet you"

Sunita did not say anything. Her mood was off. As it was a PTA day she was wearing a saree. She wore saree in a normal way. But her blouse was little deep cut and also back cut. She never tied it below her navel. She wore a nice white pearl.

It was 3:30 pm, that principal asked her to come in. Teachers and students had left. Patil was seating at the chair of principal. His body guard were outside. He was signing the papers.

"Come Sunita mam, this is Patil sir"

Patil was chewing a gutka.

"Hellow he said, his eyes were full of lust as he looked at Sunita from top to bottom, as if he was looking and appreciating her body.

Neelu stood up, but then he stopped her .

"So they must have told u- I give u a better offer- I will appoint u head mistress- I saw ur qualifications. Salary hike 50%, will give you 2 lacs cash, and also ur husband a job in my friends company- now dont show nakhra. " he said

Neelu pushed Sunita towards him.

Sunita was quiet. Patil knew many women, and he knew that Sunita wont be easy. He just pinched her ass.

"Nice ass- for ass 50000 extra" he said and laughed, "tie ur saree below navel, Neelu knows my taste, annual day we all will party!" he said laughing. Sunita felt like slapping him, but his offer was too good. Something stopped her. She could not react. She was speech less. She stood there like a statute as if she had reached a new dimension.

The attitude of ritu and Neelu changed soon after this meeting. They thought she was ready. But Sunita was facing the battle every day. She was still unable to figure out why she did not react. She was unable to understand why she was not angry. She was unable to understand that this one step was going to make her one of high profile whore of all time... This step was going to make her crazy for sex.......... She was dead silent.

t b c


Active Member
Chapter 3 The Annual Day.

Situation at home was turning out worse. Sonu was becoming more and more impatient and alcoholic. Sunita was feeling more and more worried for his life. Annual day was nearing and teachers were all prepared for the act. The theme of it was New India, and dress code for teachers was black. Sunita had wore her favorite black saree, which was gifted to her by her husband. On special occassions teachers were allowed to wear sleeveless. She wore a normal black color bra and her black panties. She wore short heels, and she was fan of intimatated jewellery, which was very beautiful. She generally never did makeup, but as she was also anchoring some part, she did light make up also. She also waxed even her private parts, just two days before the annual function. Honestly it was not for Patil. Perhaps she had even forgot that the annual day was the d-day for her. Ritu and Neelu also did not speak to her about this any more. They had assumed she was ready, also she got so busy with prepartion for annual function extra.

The day came, and as they started to prepare, Ritu called Sunita.

"Use this perfume, and tie ur saree below ur navel" and then she took out couple of designer bra and panties from her bag, "change these- Patil likes it, and remember not to say no to him for anything, he gets violent." these words hit Sunita, as reality hit her.

"but but mam.." she had said these words, that they were interrupted by few teachers, "go now" said Ritu, and left Sunita alone. Sunita was agan stunned, she could not understand how to respond. Her heart beat increased, and then her face glow went off. She stood there shocked, holding the bag Ritu gave her, and then she heard Ritu walking abck to her- " he likes everything clean" and she left.

"was she a raandi?" Sunita thought to herself. She closed her eyes and then as if trying to meditate, walked with a fast pace to Principals' cabin, she was not there. She was busy at the stage and she was surrounded by students and teachers. Sunita could not say anything. Sunita felt as if everyone was staring at her as if she was some kind of a slut. She walked here and there, and then voice of her students kind of made her awake from day dream.

"mam dance practice?" they said, and Sunita then slowly with half hearted passion started to do their make ups and final rehearsals.. She saw Ritu again walking towards her,

"Sunita mam, principal mam is callin you?" she said.

Sunita ran towards the cabin, " Oh high Sunita, " said Neelu

There were one huge female and one big male with guns seating at cabin. "She is Sunita mam, she will go with you guys post the annual day. Sunita mam they are two security officers of Patil sir, so they wanted to know about you. As soon as function is over and all left, they will take u with u. This madam will now be with you throught out." there was no if or but. Deal has been done and closed. Both officers greeted her polite. There guns were easliy visible.

"Now u can leave" said Neelu without waiting for any answer from Sunita. Sunita was stunned

Rani the security lady looked as she saw Sunita walking out of room "madam are you sure this is the one, she looks very innocent and good women"

Neelu smiled back " You know na Rani - Patil sir has put her finger on her, now we cannot do anything. This will be her first time, thoda please take care" and Rani greeted and left out.

Ritu must have reminded Sunita many times, and then finally took her to ladies washroom, and threaten her "Behen ki lodi- u will make us get killed. Wear waht I said, and please sir. Dont show us this attitude last minute" she said, and literaly forced her into the sexy panty and designer bra. Sunita quietly wore it. Her eyes could feel the presence of Rani all over too. They both were overwhelming personality.

Sunita found it awkward, as the panty was little smaller and she found it tough. But she wore it as Rotu was putting lot of pressure on her.

"Sunita mam- madam is callin you" said one of teachers, "Patil sir is on his way, she wants you and Ritu mam to come to welcome him" Last few things there was already a rumor that Sunita is being appointed as a new coordinator. She was being involved in many things. So it was natural she was being asked to join them. Sunita walked this time it was slow walked.

Principal and other coordinators alongside Sunita stood at the gate welcoming him. He came alongside his wife. But Patil's eyes were fixed only on Sunita.

"nice " he whispered " this is what I like " clearly lust flowing from his lips, "hot" these words were also overheard by his wife, but she did not react . She was used to it, and after sometime everyone figures out money and power is important. Patil had even asked his wife to sleep with his bosses or partners. For him money and power was only important. Though his wife had maintened her self properly. Her name was Ayesha.

The function started, and everything went on smooth. Sunita got busy with other stuff. She was a sincer teacher. It was 8 pm and Patil and his wife left. Sunita felt relieved and more relaxed.

As all parents left, principal called all teachers and thanked them for there efforts which was customary. As all teachers started to leave, and Sunita alongside couple of teachers left out of school. No one stopped or said anything to her. She was happy and relaxed. She felt as if storm is gone. She took an auto and left for her home alongside couple of other teachers, her face had a glow back. She felt as relieved.

She got down 500 meters away from home, as she had to buy some food. She was feeling little uncomfortable with the bra and panty, tired too after a long tiring day. As soon as she got down, and auto left, she heard a big SUV with black glasses stopping near by. Rani got down from the suv

"will you sit on your own or I force you?" said Rani- this time her tune was rude and she was talking to her very rudely.

Sunita stood stun, there was hardly any one around, but she could not refuse Rani, Rani literraly pulled her towards the car.

Sunita was now in middle of Rani and other security- she was women too but little slim. There was a driver and one male seating in front seat.

"Message ur friends now and give your mobile to me, you will get this mobile once you are being returned back" said Rani.

Sunita was numb, too scared. Rani herself took out her mobile and kept with her after switching it off.

They offered her a some water which she needed, unaware that water has a some herb which stimulates sexual desire in male or female. Sunita was too scared to sip at one go, so she drank it very slowly.

It took few hours before they reached a small bungalow. There was only one guard who opened the gate, can car drove through it. It was very old bungalow. As Sunita stepped out, Rani took her inside. The bungalow was stinking, but the main hall had some furniture, and huge bar. There was no one guarding anything. There were many rooms but most of them locked. Only hall was looking as if it was cleaned and smell of fragrance was there. There were some beds kept down. It was cold as was aircon, there was a large dining table on which food and some drinks were laid down.

"You must be hungry, eat something rest and wait for saheb, he will reach in sometime" Rani said, and left the place. The place had a lock which could be opened only with finger impression. Then there was a large television, in which some songs were being played. Sunita stood there for sometime, and then used the washroom. The place was in a jungle, it seemes, as she could hear dogs barking or crying, and also noise of various insects. It looked as if there was no one living there for long distance. She felt sense on easiness and she peed, as if relieving her stress. She also felt strange sensation in her vagina, as she peed. The herb was working it seems.

She came out, and then sat on a chair with closed eyes. She was still struggling with reality. She was hungry too so she just grab some sandwitches. They were fresh. She was nervous, as she felt scared about her life too.

She did not realize when she felt slept, with a strange sensation in and around her vagina.

It was 2 in the night that she opened her eyes. she got shocked. Patil was seating in front of her, drinking and smoking. He was just looking at her with lust. Sunita adjusted her Saree, and then sat straigth visibly scared.

"ah why u woke up, you look like a fairy when you sleep" patil said, and then immediatley got vulgur- "agar tum nangie so rahi hoti to kitno aur sexy lagtie" (if u were sleeping naked it would have been more sexy)

Sunita did not say anything.

Patil then took his glass, and forwarded it "here drink it, and then remove your clothes"

Patil did not even ask her if she drinks or not. Patil's eyes were red. He was smelling bad, his teeth were red due to gutka he ate. He was wearing lot of gold and his white hairs from chest were visible. He also had hairs on his ears.

"Drink it and nangie ho(nude))" said Patil this time really irrirated by her.

Sunita slowly grab the drink, which looked from a cheap alochol. The taste was sour, but she had no choice. She grabbed it slowly.

As soon as she finished her drink, within few seconds it hit her head.

"Nangie-get nude u raand" Said Patil.

"Sir I am not like this women" Sunita definitely was struggling. She was just high. Patil went towards her and opulled her saree away.... Sunita's cleavage got exposed...........................

The Real Annual Day function for patil had just begun!!

t b c


Active Member
Chapter 4- The Whore.

Sunita did not understand how to react. Patil was too drunk. He abused her in Local Dialect " Behen ki lodi- showing attitude to me- I will throw u out in front of my hungry dogs they will hunt u like anything- REMOVE YOUR CLOTHES"

again screamed.

Sunita was nervously shaking, her whole body was as if shocked with whatever was happening. She slowly removed her saree, and then removed her blouse.

"Ah nice boobs, see how easy it was " said Patil,

"come sit here" he gestured her to sit on his lap, "COME SIT HERE- I dont like to repeat same thing twice you raand" Patil said

Sunita quietly in her bra and her peticoat, quietly moved towards him. Somehow this humilation was not making her feel bad, but making her turned on it seems.

Patil pulled her towards him, and forced her to sit on her laps. Sunita was now on his lap, she could definitely feel his dick harden. He was wearing a white kurta and pyjama, chewing gutka.

"Thats my girl, if you please me, you will be my queen, I dont like to hear no" he said, pressing her boobs from the bra. Sunita closed her eyes, the herb had already turned her on, with alochol which was already heating her. Patil's mouth was smelling badly so was his body. But Sunita did not say anything. She had quietly surrendered to fer fate. Her mouth was also smelling from the alcohol. It was cheaper but was a local made. Her head was already rotating.

This was first time, any other men then her husband was touching her. Perhaps even in college, Sunita never allowed anyone close her. She was too focus and rude also at times. She had a different kind of personality. She felt little awkward, as another men a stranger was touching her boobs. She felt a strange sensation, she closed her eyes. She could sense that Patil's dick was harder and much bigger than her husbands. Patil had a big tummy, but still he was solid men. His hands were strong, and thats why when they played with her she felt a strange sensation all over her.

"Love it " he said, and then with a snatch, unhooked her bra. Her boobs came out exposed. Her boobs were almost 34d, color of her nipples was little light brownish, which looked more pink. Her nipples were errect, a sign that she was horny. Patil loved new body, he was now an expert. He was a lust guy, but he was also someone who made them feel special at times. He was more of a physcological fucker. He pressed her breasts slowly, and then pasted lips which were red because of chewing gutka into her lips... Sunita responded back to his kiss, she moaned... Sunita was a very hygiene oriented women. She was particular about hygiene, literraly phobic. She had never sucked her husbands dick, as he never shaved. SHe hated people who smelled. She hated tobacco chewers , but here she was so horny that she was out of control.

Patil kissed her so deep, that his gutka went into her mouth. But she did not care. He then started to lick her breasts. With his tongue, like a dog.

"ah what a beauty" he said, and Sunita just moaned.

But then he stopped.

He spitted his gutka on her breasts, and then took out his cigarette and lit it up. He lit up another one and gave it to her, Sunita hated smokers... but she could not refuse. She was too hot.

Patil smoked it, and then told her how to smoke, Sunita smoked it just make it happy, honestly she felt better. Her both breasts were still reddish with the spit of Gutka. she was now feeling much better and comfortable. The storm had gone. Patil then got a couple of local liquor bottles, and offered her.

Sunita took it, but then said "sir my head is already rotating, if I drink more I might just sleep"

Patil smiled, he was more gentle now, "you will be fine " he said, and they cheers and grab the drinks alongside smoking. Sunita coughed a little but then she drank and smoked her first cigarette with him.

As soon as there drink was over, Patil pulled her to the bed, he had pulled her with so much intesnity, that her heels came out, and she just got pulled over again. Patil then dropped some drops of alcohol on her lips, and kissed her lips... Sunita moaned.

He than dropped few drops at her navel, and then licked it with his tongue. She moaned loudly now, her body turned on the heat

He then slowly moved towards her peticoat and unhook it with his mouth, and then snatched it alongside her panties. Sunita was now naked, a stranger was staring at her shave, clean pussy. It was smaller in size, its lips were smaller, but white fluid was coming out of it. She was squirting it seems. He slowly took his tongue and emptied the remaining bottle into her vagina, and then before she could react, started to lick it like a crazy dog....

"you really are abitch, I have never seen anyone else pussy so wet than yours... I love it " he said, and then again licked it and then fingered it as if a artist was playing a piano..

Sunita moaned, she had reached couple of orgasm already. Patil then removed his pyjama, and his big dick came out. His dick was blackish and thick and big. It had a small mole in it, and it was cover with punblic hairs. He took it out, and then spitted another spat of gutka into it, and then asked her "clean this "

Sunita did not understnad, she took out wipes from her purse, but then he stopped,

"I meant clean it using ur tongue sweety"

Sunita had never sucked her husbands dick, she was hesitant. She paused, but then slowly started to lick the spit from his dick. She did it so professionally, with her tongue out. This was just a natural reaction. She then slowly started to lick and then take his dick inside, and Patil was also surprised to see this new image of Sunita. She had exceeded her expectations.

Sunita then sucked his dick, ofcourse she was doing for the first time, her tongue had become red due to the gutka on his dick being cleaned... Patil then asked her to come on top. Sunita inserted her pussy into his dick, and slowly started to jump up and down. She wanted dick badly....

She was sweating, she was moaning, and she was screaming in joy, she had not experienced this kind of wild fuck ever in her life....................... Finally Patil cum, he cum inisde her vagina only. To his size he had wonderful self control and he cum after ensuring Sunita was done..

Sunita fall on his chest, she was exhausted drunk tired but satisfied...

Patil smiled, and then said "Sunita your pussy is not made for just one dick. Your vagina is for many dicks... I will ensure you get it, but dont fuck anyone else accept me without condoms"

Sunita kissed him back, she did not understand the meaning of his words at that time. This was the men who had satisfied her...

Patil then got up, and took out 1 lac cash from his cupboard, and gave her.

"This is for you" - "I will see u in morning, dont wear any thing , be nude only" he said, and left for another room.

Sunita was too tired, and drunk she fall asleep, naked in the hall only. She had a smile on her face...



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Chapter 5- Lust and Money-1.

It was 12 in the morning that she woke up. Her head was spinning. Her mouth was smelling foul. Her eyes were red and she was hardly able to get up. Hangover and wild sex had made her head swing. The gutka on her boobs and pussy had dried up. The sun was burning bright, and as she opened her eyes, she was few men and women mostly servants in the room, doing cleaning and other stuff. She immediately covered her self with the bedsheet. She was lying naked...

"Good morning, here have some black coffee, and this medicine it will make u feel okay" said Rani the guard who had dropped. Sunita felt very shy, she felt like a lust whore. She was lying naked and how many men might have seen her lying this way.

"Oh dont worry about anyone one of us, you are Patil sir's item. No one will dare touch you till he allows. "

Sunita looked at her " allows?"

"well sometimes Sir likes to watch, so her asks one of us to fuck his whores. So we obliged.. So till he says - no one will dare touch you" Rani Sai, "now get ready, eat something, and then I will drop u back, sir want to meet u also" she said.

Sunita looked here and there, "oh bathroom is outside, here are your clothes, and towel."

Towel was a very small a hand towel. Sunita covered her with bedsheet, and then walked towards the direction she was guided. It was not a bathroom, but a small open pond kind. A small personal swimming pool u can say. There were taps and shower alongside it, and few toilets. There were few ladies already taking shower but naked. As if they did not care. There men who were roaming around, but none of them was flustered, it looked a normal thing. Sunita went tO washroom, she wanted to pee and poo. Her head was much better after coffee and medicine. Her mouth was smelling bad, might be due to bad breath. She gargle and then came out. As the passion of night was subsidicing, she felt little guilt inside her. But she had a best night. She walked slowly to the open shower tap, and then opened the tap covering herself and washed her. But then she heard couple of women laughing.

"See how this Randi is shy, while fucking sir she did not feel ashamed, and now showing us her descent size" the words pinched her, and Sunita being an egoistic lady, hurt with the words. But she ignored it, but ultimately she had to remove her sheet, as to clean her boobs and pussy because the red gutka marks had kind of were not going. She cleaned it for few more minutes, and then finished her shower. Somehow dried herself with a small towel, and then used a mouth wash to clean her mouth, wore back the same dress she was wearing a day before. She was barefoot, and as soon as she reached inside, Rani was waiting for her with her purse, and mobile. Her heels were also lying beside.

"You are ready, grab something and then come outside " Rani said, and left. Sunita took some idle and wada, with a tea and left out. Rani was waiting for her, she drove her this time there was only Rani, and took her to a short 1 -2 km distance. It was some office, party name and symbol was written on. Few people were standing in a short queue outside the office. There was hardly any security with just couple of cops guarding. Rani guided Sunita from the back door. Patil was in a meeting, so she had to wait. Rani was with her. Every single person was staring at Sunita as she was looking educated, descent and beautiful. Or Sunita felt as if everyone was staring at her. Sunita kept her eyes down, and scrol her mobile. She was allowed to use mobile now.

It took almost 2 hours before Patil called her.

"Sir is calling you inside " said his secretary. Her name was Anita. Anita was wearing a simple Salwar and Suit. She looked young age, and hardly wore any makeup. She looked very simple. Sunita stood up, and followed her .

Patil saw Sunita and stood up from his seat, "welcome Madam, how was your night, you r feeling okay?" He said.

Sunita nodded in affirmation. "Anita send two tea for us"

Patil then took out a cash from his drawer and gave to Sunita " this is for your service yesterday night. You have passed my test. It was one lac rs" he then opened another drawer, and took out her promotion and appraisal letter.

"From now on you are my property. So whenever I want you need to come, whatever I want you have to do it. You are free, but whenever I call or ask u to do something u have to do" he said.

Sunita looked at him, she could not believe her eyes, she was appointed as a Head Mistress and also given a hike of almost 60% plus cash, and there was an expensive watch as a gift.

"What happened" in the mean time Anita came in with tea.

"Let me test it " said Patil.

Sunita looked at him, her eyes were definitely soaked in greed, she had forgotten all the fucking values she was taught.

"Anita kiss Sunita" said Patil. Anita walked towards Sunita like a robit, and before she could respond pasted her lipts inot her.. Sunita did not even blink her eyes...

"Good call Rani inside" he said.

Rani walked in.

"Sunita now u kiss Rani the way Anita kissed you".. Sunita hesitated, but then stood up, and pasted her lips into Rani's lips. Rani responded to her kiss, she was a lesbian..

"Good girl!" Said Patil, "Rani she is ready- she our new head mistress!"

"Take her home, and madam we will keep meeting soon" Patil had found a new attracton towards Sunita. Not because she was sexy, but she was silent and wild and most importantly simple. Patil felt that Sunita could go to any extreme. He had fallen for her honestly. But he wanted to xplore her more. The watch was his token of appreciation to her. But he wanted to still wait and watch.

Rani escorted Sunita back , and then said very politely " Madam, I bring every weekend a new women to sir, but the way he treated u was different. He is testing you, means he likes you. He is a good men, only weakness is woman. His wife is too spiritual - but honestly his wife is ficking around outside. If u keep him happy in just few days ur life will change, and then she chuckled and said "one day hopefully I can also taste u"

Sunita could not but feel shy! She blushed. As the car drove Sunita was asleep. Rani dropped her and left.

Sunita entered her society, she was conscious. She was popular in society as for different functions she was to train people. Very helpful also. She slowly walked, as if thinking if anyone does not see her bad size. But none did. Perhaps she got comments from couple of ladies on wearing her saree. Sunita was tying her saree below the navel anyways..

She unlocked her door, and her husband was still sleeping. He did not even bothered about her. Sunita did not bother to look into him, she went to washroom took another shower, and then slept...

Next day was Monday, and her appointment was announced by principal. In one night she had become senior to Ritu who felt jealous of her. But they had to respect her. Principal was also happy.

"You are doing good arenot u?" said Neelu, "in school as a principal we never talk about anything. So now lets work hard." Neelu said, she was relieved as her job was also saved. She knew Patil..

Few weeks were gone by,Sunita got busier at her work. She had forgotten, but yes at times she would remember. Her husband had got few interview calls and he looked happy too. These calls were basically from Patil's shell company only. Patil was a long term player, he played his game very quietly.

Sunita was preparing exam papers, that she recieved a text- " This Friday 9 pm, Farmhouse"

Sunita showed disappointment but it was just fake. She was waiting for sex! As sex between her and her husband was almost nil now days.

Sunita waxed, shaved her pussy, and purchased couple o hot lingeries. She wanted to surprise Patil. Just a day before she got call " I am Rani"- Rani was now her handler.

"Buy some western short dress, will pick you at 6 pm"

Sunita never wore any short dress, or western dress. Sometimes Jeans. She struggled to but then she purchased couple of dresses, as she asked Rani only to send some pics. They were too short and sexy. Sunita felt little uncomfo...while trying,and shyingly purchased them.

"Change in car only- said Rani, "you wont get time at farmhouse" Sunita who was a descent simple teacher, was now becoming a slut. A slut full of lust. She never resisted nor ever questioned. She was just craving for Patil's dick...

Sunita struggled to change in car, but as she saw car hitting a highway, she changed her dress. Sunita had transfrom herself from a sweet simple wife to a high profile whore!!

t b c


Active Member
Chapter 5 Lust and Money 2.

This time farmhouse was empty. This time she took her to one of the rooms upstairs already dark. Rani escorted her to same room she had taken her last time. Sunita took her bag and kept it in one corner. There was only one securty guy. The room had a big kingsize bag with a makesfhit bar and lavish toilet bathroom. It was much cleaner and had an air con too. Sunita walked into the room, this time she was not scared, only was not comfortable with the dress. It was too short to her likings and she was shy and also struggling to carry it. Plus she wore heels. She put up a lotion on her legs, and then on the television to see the tv. She was allowed mobile today, but it was not catching the network.

Then she heard the voice of Patil " oh welcome Sunita madam, sorry kept you waiting" he said, this time he was not chewing gutka or smelled.

Sunita felt relieved, and then offered him "Sir drink?"

"Yes meri jaan sure - you are a fast learner" he said looking at her, his dick was hard.

Sunita made a two pegs, she did not know it so did not know measurement, Patil took it from her, and then said " Actually today you dont have to fuck me. Today I want you to please my friends. They are my partner in business. They both are foriegners. He said.

Sunita looked at him with surprise- "but sir, I .." he stopped her," Dont say anything- you know u r my property now. I told u already what I say u have to do. Finish this peg, I give u 10 mins to think. If no then I will ensure u r thrown into a local brothal. If yes then here is 2 lac cash. " Patil said and as he moving, Sunita said- "okay sir" she knew she did not have any chance. In just two weeks she had earned 4 lac rupees. She never seen porn also, so she was literraly scared of two men.

She resisted little "Sir please I can do anything with you, but not with anyone else. It was so tough for me and I dont know what happened, please dont do this to me, I am not a whore she said.

Smilingly, Patil responded " You are no longer what you were darling, you are my sweetheart, but you are not made for just one dick, you are made for many dicks, now dont show me any attitude, otherwise I will ensure that every single guy and women in this village fuck you " silence happened.

Sunita knew there was no point in fucking arguing with him. She was anyways wearing a professional fucking whore's dress only. She grab the drink and finished it.

She had thought it will be one by one. So she said "okay sir where I need to go?"

"Here only- they will be here, and yes use condoms with them. THey may pay u more tip. Remember they are my partners" said Patil, and left the room. Sunita was unaware that Patil had hidden cameras in the room, he was just exploring Sunita and tesing her limits. These guys were noone but his two agents, one was from America and other one was from the Africa. They both were tall -one was very fair and other very dark. They both were tall, handsome, and attractive too. Patil had specially choosen them as there dick was also very huge..

"go one by one-dont scare her" Patil said, and gave them some money. "Fuck her like a whore, I want to watch today" he said.

First Andrew went. He was fair and tall and strong Attractive person, he must be in his late 30s.

"good evening" as he entered, Sunita could not but lust him. She was expecting some old fellow, but here was tall handsome guy. She felt better.

"I am Andrew,I take care of Patil sir, American business, and other things. I am ex navy guy. You are more prettier than expected" he said, grabbing his cigarette, and then making a drink for him. His eyes were fixed on Sunita. Sunita was 5'5, and he was almost 6'5 ft. He sat down on couch.

"Come here" he said, Sunita walked towards him, and he pulled her, "here take some he said" he was smoking. Sunita sat on his lap and smoked with him

Few mins, and she heard another guy entering the room. He was David. David was an African American guy, but settled in Africa. He was even taller bulkier and little chubbier than Andrew. He was a fucking giant. Sunita startred to nervously shake seeing such a big giant..

She stood up scared.

"HI I am David- come lets fuck" he came directly to point, and before SUnita could react, he had already removed his clothes. His dick was huge, almost 11 inches... Sunita srated to shake seeing such a big rod..........

"oh my god " she said, wanting to runaway, but her eyes she could not take off from the dick....

t b c


Active Member
Chapter 6- Addiction

Sunita closed her eyes in amusement. She had never seen such a huge dick in her life. I eyes were astonished and surprised. Sunita looked like a baby doll in front of two huge men.

"first lets make her comfortbale " said Andrew, who was more gentle and more softer in his approach.

"Okay okay- but then she is a fucking whore man she is so hot!" said David shaking hos dick. Both of them had shaved.

David then dipped his dick into a glass of whiskey, and forwarded his dick towards her "come baby taste it, make it hard" Sunita looked at him confused. But then he pulled her, he was too strong for Sunita, and inserted his big dick into her mouth. It was as if a big cone of icecream being swallowed. Sunita struggled but then slowly started to suck the dick. It was going deep into her mouth. Everytime he would take it out, dip it into his whiseky and then take it inside her mouth..

With intial hesitancy, she started to suck the dick. "Everytime he will dip it in glass, and then enter her mouth. He holded her head and then inserted it even more deeper into her mouth. She felt breathless, his dick was so huge that it was not fitting in her hands also. Slowly she got adjusted to it. The alcohol from dick was making her more high. Seeing her suck dick of David, Andrew also removed all his clothes.

He was more fitter, had some hairs on his chest, brownish hair on his dick. He had not shaved them. His dick was smaller but also around 10 inches. It was fair. He brought his dick also near Sunita, and Sunita automatically satarted to suck his dick. Compare to David Adnrew's dick was looking descent size to her. Slowly she started to suck both dicks one by one. Both men were astonished to see her. They were briefed by Patil, but she was not so trained, but trying her best.

Finally both men slowly made her naked. The initial fear of Sunita was gone. She was not part of fun. She was like a ball between two huge footballes. She had not seen these kind of monstrous dicks earliers, she was herself feeling this great sense of lust inside her hot body. Touching two big dicks kind a made her feel thirlled. She was no naked. Two strangers, this was the third men who was seeing her body. Sunita vagina was already wet- a sign of inside heat. She was desperate for dicks...

"fuck me " she said, as she sucked each one of their dicks, but they both wanted to wait. David took her on his lap, and spread her legs wider so that Andrew can lick her vagina.

"og gosh u are already so wet" said Andrew, astonished, he was an excellent kisser, he played with her pussy lips slowly, touching them just softly. His hands knew exactly what to touch. Then he slowly took his tongue,and licked just enough to make her horny. She screamed in joy... moaned, and started to press her boobs harder in the mean time...

FInally David inserted the condom, and inserted his dick into her vagina.. she screamed in pain, as her pussy hole was still not big enough..

" oh mar gayie"(I am dead). she screamed in pain, but then slowly Andrew started to push, and Sunita started to scream in joy "ahhh ahhh ouch "

David took an opportunity, and asked her to take his dick from top. Sunita felt little uneasy, but then she inserted his big dick which even did not go fully inside and started to slowly jump up and down. Her pussy was wet, it was wet like anything. Thats why she did not find any problem in taking such a huge dick inside her vagina.

But Davi increased his fucking, Andrew pushed Sunita , and before she could realize he inserted his dick into her ass hole..........

She screamed in pain, but there was no respite, and before she could realize anything, both men started to fuck her crazy. Sunita was like a small lady in front of huge giats, they had wonderful stamina, and they fucked her deepper and deeper. THey fucked her so brutally, that her pussy had swollen, and her there was small blood which came out of her ass. But her mface had a satisfaction...

They both fucked her one more time... before she got fully exhausted and tired. She could not take the brutallity. Her joints pained. She was too exhausted and lied on the bed and slept in pain................

Patil was watching this from his television. His wife was also with him.

"what u like in her?" she said, jealous.

"She is just like u- see I am determine to make her the biggest randi of this world.. I am trying to bring the best in her, like I did it for u/ "

She blushed, and kissed him " there can be no one like me!" she said, and kissed him again. They both fucked each other, with her eyes on Sunita her sautan!!

tb c


Active Member
Chapter 6 The Addiction 2.

Sunita was dropped back home by Rani again. Sunita today was more open, she took shower in open naked. She was no longer shy. As she wore her dress back. she found a cash enclosed in an enevelope in her purse. Patil did not meet her. It was around 50000, she felt better. She reacher her home, where her husband was waiting for her.

"I have got a job,. Where are u coming from?" he must have observed Sunita like this for the first time in ages. He saw her eyes red, she was tired, wearing expensive saree and watch. Her mouth was smelling from smoke.

Sunita did not bother to reply to him " happy for u, I am tired and I want to rest" she said, and left for her room. This time Sunita was not even bothered about how everyone looked at her, she just walked this time more confidently. Money can change everything!!

Sunita slept, and by the time woke up was evening. Ravi wanted to come near her manytimes, but she just ignored him. Ravi had realized that his wife no longer wants her, or was angry on him. He was only responsible for this, he had no one else to blame. He knew her, once she was upset it took her sometime.

Sunita now had hired a cook. This was first time after many months that Ravi had dinner with her. Sunita felt good, but then she had already tasted blood. Ravi again asked her "I am sorry sweety, I know I have been rude and behaved so badly with you. But can you please ignore my past. I have got a big breakthrough after so long. I wanted to celebrate with you, and I have been seeing u been out weekends, ur mobile also off. Where have u been? what are u doing?"

Sunita ignored and when he presisted said " Ravi- the day u will get to know why u got the job, u will get the answer. Now I am doing some extra work, so till the time u stablise and conisstent, dont ever speak to me. I am happy. So now let me have my own life. I am not divorcing u, because I love u, but dont ever show me ur concern." Sunita said, and then took out packet of cigarette from her purse, and smoked. She pour a peg in her glass on the rocks.

Few men are hypcrites, same was with Ravi. For him image of his wife was that they would be fully dedicated to them, have values, do what they want them to do, or follow their instructions. He was seeing Sunita smoke or drink for the first time. He was in for a shock. He wanted to get up and snatch it from her, but then he had no strenght. He had lost the moral right on her.

"You have started to smoke or drink?" said Ravi.

"Fuck off men" Sunita said, and went to her room, " fucking looser" she said. As she walke off, Ravi saw she not wearing any bra and panty. Her boobs were visible so was her ass, but she hardly bothered.

Tears flew from Ravi's eyes, but then he had no strenght to confront her, he knew he was looser, but anxiety to know what she was doing, and what she been up to made him find more about her. But he was right now happy as he had found a new job.


Sunita's dresses became expensive. In school she was to wear mostly Saree, and now tie it below her navel. But still in school she was simple. She was a good teacher. She was popular too. She had purchased a new car, and now was to drive to school. Earlier she never wore a make up but now she was too. She had joined gym too, as now whatever money she was earning was for her. Everytime she was to think this was the last- Patil would call her back. Ritu was her opponent. Ritu had two kids, they both were in their teens. Her husband was a simple men, but Ritu herself was very ambitious. She was destined to be next in line after Neelu, but priority had changed and now Sunita was next in line. Ritu and Neelu were very close friends, but she knew Neelu has nothing in control.

It was not as if whole functioning was control by Patil or his wife. They did not interfer in day to day running. They were happy with Neelu. So Sunita had some time, but both Neelu and Ritu had seen a change in her personality. She was to do things as she was please to do. She did not follow them, and was most of the time cutting their points. Sunita had developed a sense of arrogance. Neelu felt threaten by her and she knew the real reason was Patil. So she decided to meet his wife. His wife she met in on the conferences, and where she gave her hint. Patils wife- her name was Sushmita. Sushmita was simple lady for the world! Sushmita was working as a bar dancer, her history was deleted. Patil had fallen for her, and Patils' father had to give in to his son's choice. But they managed to change her identity. In real world she was to wear simple clothes, bangles and even go to temples after temples. This was to show that she was from a simple religious family. Patil's father was so clear that even Patil's close friends or people did not know Sushmita's background. Sushmita on the other hand was always a free going and lively women, but for her love and most importanly for power she chose this life. But sometimes Patil would let her enjoy her too. Perhaps Patil was to trust her more than any other. Schools generally were being seen by Sushmita only, until and unless Patil had any lust interest. Every women he fucked he was to tell Sushmita, and Sushmita was to see him fuck. Patil also liked to see Sushmita getting fucked. But now that was limited due to his fathers's watch. But now as his father had passed away, slowly they had started to enjoy. But both of them were extra careful too. Sushmita was known was Didi by everyone, including the principals.

Sushmita smiled back at Neelu "why are you jealous of her?"

Neelu replied "No didi, but she is really giving us a tough time, we are really worried about ti and Ritu and Sunita dont work together, and I struggle to do that. Sir also favors Sunita so things get little messy"

Sushmita replied, "okay let me see what can be done"


Sushmita shared this with her husband, "you are right, she got power and money way too fast. We might have to bring her to ground. But how?"

Sushmita replied, " I have a plan, but dont know how it will look, what if we make she and Ritu together or reveal it to her husband?' Patil took a deep breathe and said " you are right, but still time has not come. We will wait and watch" he said.

Sushmita trusted judgement of her husband/

Ravi Sunita's husband had got job in one of the Patil's shell company only. Ravi was not aware about anything. He was given a job in one of the hotels, he had done hotel managment only, and he was given a post as per his qualifciation which was of a manager. Ravi was happy with new job and portfoli.


It was now 4 months that Sunita was not invited by Patil. She was feeling a sense of easiness. Not because she was not called but because she was craving for sex. She had watched some porn videos but it was not helping. She was craving for dicks. In this she once made love with her husband Ravi also but he was fucking nothing compare to experience she had. One day she heard that Patil had called Ritu. Sunita felt little uncomfortable.

Sunita was getting desperate. She had tasted blood, and now she wanted to explore her seduction. She was otherwise a descent women, but now she was unable to control. Few bachelor boys had shifted to their neigbours. They were persuing degree in medical. They were 4 of them, all in their 20s. May be final year. As happens guy of this age love bhabhis's. Iniitally they did not pay any heed, but one day one of them was in lift with Sunita, and accidently Sunita touched his dick. It was hard. Sunita felt a current in her body. Who does not like young dick!!

Sunita did not show any reaction, she came home and then saw even the boy behind her.She felt little scared, but then she saw him entering thehouse in front. There society only had two houses per floor. Sunita understood. But from her mind she could not take of idea of taking a young dick. She masturbated after very long imagining herself getting fucked.

"What I am doing? I am becoming a slut, fuck, I am a teacher!" she looked at herself in a small mirror she was definitely not feeling too okay with this idea. Next day she met another guy. Smeeling him her pussy senses activated. She was now really a slut. But in society it might be risky. She had to first take extra precautions. But day by day her desperation was growing. She was itching for sex. She was smoking in her room and she heard some noise, they were these young boys. They had brought coouple of their class mates, and looked like someone's bday.. Sunita peeped in through the hole but could not see much. It was almost 9 in the night.

Sunita changed into a nice see through nighty, which was till her thighs. She just wore a red panty. Put up some shining lotion on her legs, and did not wear any bra. Ravi's shift was night. In hotel shifts keep changing. She had had her dinner, and she adjusted her boobs so that if she unties her cleavage and boobs can be seen clearly. Her heart was piumping harder as she was taking this risk for the frist time. Everyone in the society thought she was good women, so if anyone from society would see her it would be a big issue. She tried couple of times, but then stopped herself. It was risk. In her society rumors spread like fire. Sunita knew it, but Sunita could not gather courage to go out, that she heard her bell rung.

"Same bioy who she had met in lift was standing at the door. She could see him with hole. He looked little distrub

Sunita opened the door (well had come itself to thristy).

"Yes" she said, for few seconds the guy was messermerized as if he had an electric shock.

"M... m" he could say that much.

"yes " " what u want?" said Sunita, playing with her hands around her cleavage.

"Mam" as if he came back to senses, "I want some ice, my friend has hurt his hand."

Sunita went in brought some ince, but she walked in a seductive way. The guy was already hard.

The guy rushed back to his home, gave the ice, and rushed to bathroom to masturbate..

This was 1-0..

Sunita felt 440 volt current runing all around her body as she seduced this young men...

t b c


Active Member
Chapter 7- The Slut inside her!

Sunita smoked and then took couple of pegs. Whenever she was horny, she would smoke and drink to calm her feelings. She then masturbated to make her relax the hotnes inside her. This one incident gave her some courage to experiment. Though she had not yet crossed the boundary. Sunita was an educataed and intelligent women, and she definitely knew not to over do, women anyways are more controlled. But her despration was increasing. She had found this new fun and new game.

The Boys in her neightbour, had masturbated thinking about this fuckin slut!

One day Sunita had gone a shopping mart and brought some stuff for house. She had directly gone from school. That day she was wearing a tricolor saree, with a white color blouse. But in rush she was wearing a black bra. The white blouse was of satin and saree cotton. She was tying her saree below navel. She was wearing a white color pearl necklace, and some marron color bangles on her wrists. Today she was wearing heels. As she got down from cab and tried to get all the stuff, the watchman of the society, offered her to help.

"madam, I will take it, you go" he said as he saw Sunita paying the cab. Sunita generally was to wear lenses but today she was wearing glasses. It was hot, she sweat too, she smiled at watchmen and left for her home. This was not first time he helped. His name was Manoj, he was from Nepal. Sunita walked back, and due to excessive sweat her blouse had stick to her bra. Offlate she had started to wear little more deep cut blouses. She had gained little weight not much but just enough. Which actually was making her look more like an MILF. As she entered the lift, her eyes went into the mirror hanging at the lift, she could not but smile. Her body was shining. She could not believe that it was she. Her bra was visible, and drop of sweat was flowing through her clevage. She unlocked her door, and kept one bag removed her heels, and then on the fan and grab a bottle of water from fridge... and then readjusted her blouse and saree. She took her saree till her knee lenght... and tied it in a way that her legs were visible, alomgside her round navel. She strip her Saree fall, so that her cleavage is viisble. She was anyways wearing a pushup bra.

The watchmen had just arrived, and he rang the bell, Sunita seductively opened the door, trying to expose her vital parts to him. She did not look at him, as she bent down to take the bag, dropped her saree fall to let me see her big boobs... The watchman had an eye on her, but Sunita's earlier reputation was of being rude. She was sometimes very hars when she had to scold someone and all, so everyone kept a little distance from her. Teachers sometimes cna be rude, as that becomes part of their culture. But seeing her avatar today, made Manoj touch his dick, and he could not bear it, his wife her name was Savita. She was staying in village. Manoj did have an opportunity to fuck few other aunties but fresh is fresh as they say..

Sunita then asked him "Bhaiya will u like to have some water or tea or .. she paused and said "milk""

Manoj stood their speechless, he did not know how to reac to this situation, but then just smiled , he knew what Sunita was doing " water mam water"

He left holding his dick, he wanted to go and masturabte thinking about this hot MILF>.................

Sunita was turning into a cheap slut, day by day!!

t b c