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Romance Loving my Bully (with animated pics and gif)

Virgin Playboy

Craving for Love
Heart touching, Deep impact Storyline

No hardcore Sex

Not my own creation (inspired and copied from somewhere else)

I hope You all will enjoy it

Virgin Playboy

Craving for Love
Hi! My name is Axel. I'm 23 years old."

"I can proudly say that I'm quite a decent guy."
"Good brain with a nice body build... I mean, what more could I ask for?"
"Maybe money?"
"Well, I'd be lying to myself if I told you that I don't need it. We all need it to survive in this world."
"Money makes the world go round. But, we need to work for it."
"However, it's not that easy with the current state of society."
"To tell you the truth, I even graduated college with honors, but I haven't had any luck finding a decent job."
"Even someone who graduated with honors like me is getting rejected in the corporate world."
"So... I decided to temporarily work at a burger shack, until I could find a job within my field of study."
"I mean... what else could I have done? At least the pay can cover my daily expenses and needs."
"And what's more, the more work experience you have, the easier it is for you to be accepted in much bigger jobs."

"Also, I'm extremely thankful to this girl.."

"Her name is Sky."

"She is my little sister."
"She's a very lovely girl who always takes care of me and the entire house."
"At the moment, she is working as an online English tutor for foreign kids."
"But despite it being stressful, I can still see that she loves her job."
"We're close to each other, probably too close, heheh."
"We help and support each other however we can with our struggles in life."
"Don't let her height fool you — believe me when I say that she's just a year younger than me. Hahaha..."
"She's really cute, isn't she?"

"And this is Klara."

She is my mother."
"She's currently working abroad for two years, and left the house to me and Sky."
"When will she be back, you ask?"
"I have no idea. She seems to be doing fine, so there's probably no reason for her to come back soon."

"Everything is going fine at the moment..."

"...or so I would say..."

"...Because the girl who bullied me in highschool..."

"...is here right now, in front of me."


Virgin Playboy

Craving for Love

Sky: "Pssst! Wake uuuup!"

Sky: "Wake up~!"

AxeL: "Hmmmm??"

Sky: "[AxeL], wake up or you're going to be Late!"

AxeL: "Hmmm... Sky? What time is it?"

Sky: "It's aLready 6 am!"

AxeL: "Ohh... don't worry, I stiLL have a Lot of time..."

AxeL :"......"

AxeL: "Hmm?"

AxeL: "Wait, w-what the heck are you doing, Sky?"

Sky: "Eh? What do you mean?"


AxeL: "I can LiteraLLy see your panties right now!"

Sky: "Oh? What does it matter? You see them aLL the time, don't you?"

AxeL: "WeLL, yes! But you're in my bed right now and..."

AxeL "I can see your..."

Sky: "See my what?"

*in my thought* "This girL..."

*in my thought* "Ever since we both reached aduLthood, we've noticed changes in our bodies, and we aLso noticed one more thing..."

*in my thought* "I know it is totaLLy wrong, so I've been hoLding back and teLLing myseLf that it is wrong... "

*in my thought* "But... I'm actuaLLy sexuaLLy attracted to my own [roommate]. And I know that she's attracted to me too."

*in my thought* "Damn it! I shouLd find an excuse to get out of this situation!"

AxeL: "N-nothing! I'LL go ahead and get ready now or I wiLL be Late for work!"

Sky: "Didn't you say that you stiLL have a Lot of time?"

AxeL: "Ahhh! Nevermind!"


AxeL: "Hey, Sky! I'm going now!"

Sky: "ALright! Take care! And don't forget to bring me home some burgers!"

AxeL: "Sure!"

*in my thought* "She sure Likes burgers a Lot. I'm wondering why she doesn't get fat, the way she eats."

*in my thought* "I may be working in a burger shack, but I hate aLL the carbs! I need to maintain my diet or I'LL just go back to the oLd me."

*in my thought* "FortunateLy, Sky knows about it and heLps me since she's the one in charge of cooking."

*in my thought* "Anyway, Let's just get going..."



Lilly: "Good morning, [AxeL]! You're aLways on time, as I expect from you."

AxeL: "Good morning, LiLy!"

*in my thought* "This is LiLy. She's my co-worker here at the burger shack."

*in my thought* "But unLike me, she's stiLL finishing her coLLege degree."

*in my thought* "She works fuLL time during the day and is taking just a coupLe of courses at night, so she doesn't exhaust herseLf."

*in my thought* "Pretty smart thinking I'd say."

*in my thought* "I reaLLy admire her diLigence. But at the same time, I feeL sorry for her."

*in my thought* "She toLd me that she Lost both her parents in a car accident a few years ago and now Lives on her own."

*in my thought* "I don't reaLLy have to think twice about heLping her anyway I can."

Lilly: "Come on, [AxeL]. Customers wiLL start swarming this pLace soon."

AxeL "Oh, sorry. I'LL just change into my uniform."

"A few hours Later..."

AxeL "Here's your doubLe cheeseburger and medium soda for take out. PLease enjoy!"

Customer: "Thanks!"


Asshole: "I toLd you that I LiteraLLy found a cockroach inside my burger, you bitch! What are you gonna do about it?!"


Lilly: "Uhm. ahh... I'm reaLLy sorry sir. I..."

Lilly: "It's very unLikeLy for that to happen sir... I mean..."

Asshole: "What kind of customer service does this pLace have?! The empLoyees and the food here are Like shit!"

Ass: "What is the owner even thinking of hiring peopLe Like you?! You useLess piece of shit!"

*in my thought* "Then just don't eat here, you asshoLe!"

*in my thought* "This kind of customer isn't actuaLLy new here. This sort of thing happens pretty often. But I'm aLready used to it after aLL the time I've spent working here."

*in my thought* "I'm not surprised that LiLy doesn't have much experience deaLing with this, since she's onLy worked here for 2 weeks."

*in my thought* "Now, what do I do?"

"HeLp her":

AxeL: "Good morning, sir. My name is [AxeL]. Can I ask what seems to be the probLem?"

Ass: "WeLL, I just toLd this bitch that I found a cockroach in my burger! Do you know how disgusting that shit is, huh?!"

*in my thought* "Let me guess... This asshoLe probabLy just wants to trick us into giving him food without paying a singLe penny."

*in my thought* "WeLL, Let's see."

AxeL: "I apoLogize that you had to experience such a horribLe thing, sir. However, can I pLease request that you show us the burger with the cockroach in it as you have said?"

ass :"I... threw it in the trash can of course!"

*in my thought* "*chuckLes* I knew it."

AxeL :"It is not my duty and we are forbidden to open the garbage bins during work hours to maintain the hygiene of the pLace."

AxeL: "However, I am wiLLing to risk my job and check the garbage bin you threw it in."

AxeL: "If we can prove your experience, then we wiLL be happy to compensate you however we can."

AxeL: "However... If such a thing never happened, we have the right to ban you from entering this pLace again for rudeness and interrupting business."

AxeL: "As you can see, a Lot of peopLe are waiting to get their food. So you're not just inconveniencing us but the peopLe who are waiting in Line as weLL."

AxeL :"Furthermore, we have the highest food hygiene rating out of aLL the burger shacks in the entire town."

AxeL :"We're doing quaLity and hygiene checks every opening and cLosing of the pLace. So it is extremeLy unLikeLy for your experience to happen."

AxeL: "But, I am not saying that you are wrong. I'LL go ahead and check that bin now. Can you pLease teLL me which bin you threw your food in?"

Asshole: "Uh... Eh... Uhm... Nevermind! I'LL never come to this shitty pLace ever again! I'm going to make sure to Leave a bad review of this pLace!"

*in my thought* "WeLL... That took care of it."

*Lilly in tought *[AxeL] reaLLy is amazing...

AxeL "Next pLease!"

Lily: "Uhm... Thanks for heLping me, [AxeL]. I reaLLy appreciate it."

AxeL :"Don't worry, I'm here to heLp you, but we have to deveLop your customer service skiLLs next time, aLright?"

Lilly: "Hehehe~ ALright. You're the boss."

Next Customer: "Hey there!"

*in my thought* "Oh... This is miss CharLotte. She's our reguLar customer here."

AxeL: "Good morning, ma'am. What can I serve you today?"

Customer: "Can I have three doubLe cheeseburgers and two extra Large sodas pLease?"

*in my thought* "A Lot of food as usuaL, huh?"

AxeL: "Sure, coming right up!"

AxeL "Here's your order, ma'am."

Customer: "Thank you!"

AxeL: "Uhm... I apoLogize if it's rude of me, but do you usuaLLy eat these aLL by yourseLf?"

Customer: "*giggLes* I used to... But now, it's for me and my boyfriend."

AxeL: "Oh, I see."

AxeL: "PLease enjoy it, then."

Cudtomer: "We wiLL! *giggLes*"

*in my thought* "Is it just me? Or did her personality somehow change? She used to be kind of rude if I remember it correctly."

*in my thought* "Strange..."

"After your shift for the day..."

*in my thought* "ALright, got the burgers for Sky. I shouLd probabLy go home now."


Lilly: "HoLd on, [AxeL]..."

AxeL: "Hm? LiLy? Do you need something?"



AxeL: "Uh... w-what was that for?"

Lilly: "For heLping me earLier. Hehe~"

AxeL: "Oh... eehh... It's nothing. Hehehe..."

AxeL: "But Like I said, we need to do something about your skiLLs so you can handLe that kind of customer next time."

AxeL: "Maybe we can taLk about it when we both have free time."

AxeL: "Before we start our shift, maybe?"

Lilly:"*giggLes* Sure! I'm up for it."

Lilly: "Are you going home now?"

AxeL "Yeah... And you?"

Lilly: "I stiLL have two courses to sit through in a coupLe hours, so I'LL be going home Late tonight."

AxeL: "Then, you shouLd hurry now, or you'LL be Late."

Lilly: "Don't worry, the academy is just a short waLk from here."

AxeL: "ALright then, I'LL see you tomorrow?"

Lilly: "It's Saturday tomorrow — our day off~! *giggLes*"

AxeL: "Oh, right. I forgot!"

AxeL: "See you on Sunday, then."

Lilly:"Of course! See you, [AxeL]!"

*in my thought* "ALright, got the burgers for Sky. I shouLd probabLy go home now."

Lilly: "Shina~! Wait for meee~!"

Shina:"Hi, LiLy!"

Lilly: "Are we heading to cLass now?"

Shina: "Of course, you siLLy. Where eLse wouLd we go? *giggLes*"

Lilly: "WeLL, you might want to watch a series on NetfLix on your ceLL phone before we head to cLass. We stiLL have an hour and a haLf."

Shina: "Oh, right! Now that you mention it, there's this series my boyfriend and I discovered just yesterday, and it's pretty amazing! I'm sure you'LL Like it."

Lilly:"Yeah, sure! Let's try it!"

*in my thought* "*sigh*...Why the heLL did it have to rain aLL of a sudden? Now I'm drenched!"

*in my thought* "I better take a bath right away or I'LL catch a coLd for sure."

*in my thought* "ALright, Let's give these burgers to Sky."


AxeL: "Sky? Are you in there?"

Sky: "Yeah! Just come in!"

AxeL: "Oh, aLright..."

AxeL: "W-what the heLL, Sky?! Why did you Let me in when you're naked?!"

Dungeon Master

Its not who i am underneath
Staff member
Hello everyone.

We are Happy to present to you The annual story contest of XForum

"The Ultimate Story Contest" (USC).

As you all know, in previous week we announced USC and also opened Rules and Queries thread after some time. Before all this, chit-chat thread already opened in Hindi section.

Well, Just want to inform that it is a Short story contest, in this you can post post story under any prefix. with minimum 700 words and maximum 7000 words . That is why, i want to invite you so that you can portray your thoughts using your words into a story which whole xforum would watch. This is a great step for you and for your stories cause USC's stories are read by every reader of Xforum. You are one of the best writers of Xforum, and your story is also going very well. That is why We whole heatedly request you to write a short story For USC. We know that you do not have time to spare but even after that we also know that you are capable of doing everything and bound to no limits.

And the readers who does not want to write they can also participate for the "Best Readers Award" .. You just have to give your reviews on the Posted stories in USC

"Winning Writer's will be awarded with Cash prizes and another awards "and along with that they get a chance to sticky their thread in their section so their thread remains on the top. That is why This is a fantastic chance for you all to make a great image on the mind of all reader and stretch your reach to the mark. This is a golden chance for all of you to portrait your thoughts into words to show us here in USC. So, bring it on and show us all your ideas, show it to the world.

Entry thread will be opened on 7th February, meaning you can start submission of your stories from 7th of feb and that will be opened till 25th of feb. During this you can post your story, so it is better for you to start writing your story in the given time.

And one more thing! Story is to be posted in one post only, cause this is a short story contest that means we can only hope for short stories. So you are not permitted to post your story in many post/parts. If you have any query regarding this, you can contact any staff member.

To chat or ask any doubt on a story, Use this thread — Chit Chat Thread

To Give review on USC's stories, Use this thread — Review Thread

To Chit Chat regarding the contest, Use this thread— Rules & Queries Thread

To post your story, use this thread — Entry Thread

Position Benifits
Winner 1500 Rupees + Award + 30 days sticky Thread (Stories)
1st Runner-Up 500 Rupees + Award + 2500 Likes + 15 day Sticky thread (Stories)
2nd Runner-UP 5000 Likes + 7 Days Sticky Thread (Stories) + 2 Months Prime Membership
Best Supporting Reader Award + 1000 Likes+ 2 Months Prime Membership
Members reporting CnP Stories with Valid Proof 200 Likes for each report

Regards :- XForum Staff