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At around 5’0 clock in the morning pradeep woke up and saw zoya sleeping beside him nude and her lingerie and pradeep’s cloths on the floor…zoya looked so damn cute and innocent while sleeping…pradeep’s cock was erect as early morning erection…he thought of taking one more fucking shift with zoya but then he thought against it…as he had to go to the duty on gate and also have to bring sameer back from suma’s place and in the mean time people of that society and kids will be awake becoz of their school timings….so he kissed zoya’s cheeks and weared his cloths and came to that watchman room where he saw raghu sleeping…he immediately awaked raghu..
Pradeep- raghu get up….
Raghu(rubbing his eyes)- pradeep bhai…when did u come….shall we go to zoya’s apartment???
Pradeep- its 5 o clock in the morning….have u checked the time??? I texted u in the night on whatsapp that time where were u…
Raghu realized that its early morning and he slept yesternight becoz of over drinking and he regretted on his bad luck…
Raghu- ohhh m so sorry…I was waiting for ur text and don’t know when did I sleep…
Pradeep- now the party is over and u hv missed it now get up and where is the car keys of zoya??
Raghu- ohhh my bad luck….here is the key…
Pradeep- give it to me then…I hv to bring back sameer home…
Pradeep took the keys and went to car parking and got zoya’s car and went to suma’s home and ringed the bell…suma came out and smiled…
Pradeep- so suma rani how ru??? How was yesternight??? Did he do something or like previous night yesternight also he was down and slept…
Suma- no no yesternight he did it…but he is so immature kid…I think he has not fucked any women properly
Pradeep- yeah he is a kid only….where is he?? Call him
Suma- he is sleeping…let me wake him up
Saying that suma went inside and woke sameer up and told him that pradeep is here to take him…sameer immediately got up and went came out and sat in car with pradeep and bid bye to suma….
Pradeep- so smeer beta u had fun yesternight???
Sameer- yes pradeep bhai
Pradeep- hows suma??? U liked her??
Sameer- yes pradeep bhai…she is awesome…yesternight was fun…thank you so much…
Pradeep- thanx for what sameer beta??
Sameer- for introducing me with suma and handling my didi…I hope she didn’t get to know about that.
Pradeep- yes sameer beta don’t worry….i handled ur did well yesternight…
Sameer- what???
Pradeep- I mean I did not let her know about u visiting suma…
Sameer- ohhh thanx again….
After few minutes sameer and pradeep reached home and sameer very carefully went to his room and slept….after sometime zoya too got up and found herself fully nude and she remembered yesternight hardcore fucking of pradeep in the balcony and that strip dance performance of her for pradeep…. All those memories brought smile on zoya’s face…..she got up and went to bathroom and took bath ….and after bathing she got clothed and entered into sameer’s room and waked him…..
Zoya- sameer get up…
Sameer- let me sleep didi
Zoya- get up or else u will get late for the college
Sameer-didi I m not in a mood to go to college today….
Zoya- no you will go today so get up and refresh urself and I will make breakfast for u till then
Sameer- ok didi
Sameer got up and thanked god that his did did not get to know that he was outside yesternight with suma….but sameer did not know that his didi knows everything and like him she too had party last night with his best friend pradeep…..zoya went to kitchen to make breakfast for sameer…after sometime breakfast was ready and in the mean time sameer too got ready for the college and both sameer and zoya started having breakfast…zoya looked at him and she wished to ask him where was he last night…but she did not want to make him feel uneasy as she knew that pradeep had sent him…so she did not ask anything….