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Adultery Loyal wife degradation

Big Fan

New Member
Was a great update man...Really appreciate the work..Only sad fact is Updates are limited to once in a week..If that is also rectified you r super cool man... (dont know hindi or either I would have read your hindi update too)..Anyway thx for finding time for writing this superb story for us...

Lost In Lust

Active Member
Update pls... 🙏🙏

oscar pistorious

Active Member
After that raghu went to his home to take rest and pradeep called zoya on her cell phone and told him all about the plan how he is going to trap sameer and fuck her infront of him….but he hided one thing from her which was in the plan….but he did not disclose it to zoya…..zoya was very nervous and shocked when she heard about pradeep’s plan and initially resisted it…but when pradeep abused and persuaded her then she agreed with some hesitation ……In the evening sameer came from the college…and saw pradeep sitting in his room with tensed face…

Sameer- hello pradeep bhai how ru??

Pradeep(with sad face)- I am fine sameer beta…

Sameer- Is everything alright??? You look tensed….

Pradeep(with hanging face)- no its fine sameer beta…

Sameer- come on pradeep bhai…you are tensed…something is bothering you I can see that on your face….plzz tell me…you know you can share that with me…

Pradeep- you cant help me in that sameer beta so leave it…

Sameer- for god’s sake atleast tell me we together will find some way out…

Pradeep- ok listen….i will no longer be able to work here…

Sameer- but why?? You are facing some problem here or you found some better job than this???

Pradeep- the problem is zoya memsaab….your sister…

Sameer- zoya didi?? But why would she do that?? She is the one who recruited you and raghu bhai here on my recommendation.

Pradeep- she found out that I took her car somewhere early in the morning…

Sameer- but how she found it out??? In the morning it didn’t seem that she found it out when I had breakfast..

Pradeep- later Mr. Arora that old ass complained it to zoya memsaab….that bastard saw me when I was taking her car to pick you up…that time he was going for morning walk…later he saw both you and me coming back in the car.

Sameer- only car can not be the reason…she could atleast talk to me about the car….its not that big issue…

Pradeep- another old man Mr. Chawla companion of Arora complained that pradeep and raghu drinks alchohal and take drugs and will spoil your brother sameer…

Sameer- ya allahhhh….but how did she believe these oldies???

Pradeep- I don’t know how..may be they have taken pics of us drinking or taking drugs and she has threatned me to leave the job or else she will report it to the police….and I left with no other choice beta…

Saying this pradeep’s eyes got wet and he started shedding crocodile’s tears…which melted innocent fool sameer’s heart and he caught pradeep’s hand…

Sameer- its ok pradeep bhai…plzzz don’t cry…I will talk to didi…I am sure she will agree and will let you work here…moreover her own brother is also involved in taking drugs….then how can she report it…I am sure she cant do this to me…and for my sake she wont do it with you as well….

Pradeep(with tears in his eyes)- no sameer beta she wont agree this time…she has threatened me that she will put another chanrge on me that I have spoiled you persuaded you to drink alchohal or take drugs…and police will believe her as she is rich and respectable and I am poor watchman….tell me sameer did I ever persuaded or compelled you for anything??? Kids of your age do enjoy their life with all these things like girlfriends and alchohal…if they wont do it in the college life then when will they do it??? After getting married or after having kids or in old age??? But she always want to keep restrictions on you…as if you r not a man but a teenage vulnerable girl…. I even told her that reporting to the police will spoil sameer’s life as her name will come in police reords…but she didn’t care and she said she will send you back to your parents…sameer beta I can leave my job but I cant allow her to ruin your future by inserting your name in police records and make you leave your college and studies….thats why I have decided to leave this job next week…

Sameer too got immotional after hearing that from pradeep and hugged him….

Sameer- no pradeep I cant let you do that…there must be some way out….

Pradeep- there is no way out sameer beta….she is your sister and you should oblige her…I am no one to you….moreover I am the one who spoiled you….

Sameer- no pradeep bhai plzzz don’t say that…you are my everything my best friend cum my elder brother…I have never been that close with any of my family member as I am with you….you didn’t spoil me….so plzzz don’t say that again….we together will find some way out…let me atleast talk to her once….

Pradeep- she wont agree sameer beta I am sure…so you plzzz stay out of this…that’s why I was not telling you this but you insisted and somehow I told you…

Sameer- but I cant let you go away from me like this…there must be some way out…plzzz think pradeep bhai…

Pradeep- there is one way out but that is next to impossible…even you wont agree to that…

Sameer- what is that?? Tell me I will do anything to keep you here…

Pradeep- leave it sameer beta its really very weird I know you wont agree….even our relationship can be at stake…so there is no use of talking about that..

Sameer- come on pradeep bhai tell me….you know our friendship can never end no matter whatever it is….so don’t hesitate plzz tell me…

Pradeep- ok I will tell you if you insist but you promise that you wont get angry and wont over react…if you don’t like that idea then we shall drop it but our friendship wont end even after that???

Sameer- ok I promise…now plzzz tell me whats that??

Pradeep- ok listen to me very carefully…your didi is a very strict women with very strict moral values and she has a week point against me of alchohal and drugs and she is using that and blackmailing me….we shall have to liberate her from her strict moral values and will make her join our group and for doing that we shall have to take her week points..

Sameer- I am not getting anything….how will she be liberated?? And joing our group means??? What kind of week point of her??? Plzzz tell me clearly pradeep bhai..

Pradeep- getting liberated means she will give up her extra strict attitude…and joining our group means she will never stop you from meeting us and will never stop you from doing anything…nor for drinking nor for visiting girls like suma….

Sameer- this is something practically impossible which are talking about pradeep bhai…she will never allow me to have drinks or visist you even if we think optimistically and assume she left her strict attitude…

Pradeep- there is one way…we can create and use her week points…

Sameer- but how??? She doesn’t have any week point…what are you saying…say it clearly..

Pradeep- we will do act of blackmailing her…

Sameer- blackmailing her??? Why and how???

Pradeep- so that she doesn’t compel me to resign and allows you to have my company….that’s why

Sameer- fair enough but how is it possible?? How will you blackmail her? Or act of blackmailing her??

Pradeep- for that I need your help…this is something really very serious and I don’t know whether to say this to you or not as this may finish our friendship…

Sameer- come on pradeep bhai stop quenching puzzles …. Say the things clearly….

Pradeep- ok I will say the things clearly….first answer my question…..if u ever find out that your sister had sex with another man than her husband then will you feel bad or get angry??? Answer it honestly…

Sameer- what kind of question is this??? I am her brother…off caurse I will feel bad and get angry…any brother will feel d same as me…

Pradeep- leave it then there is no way we can blackmail her….its the time to say farewell to you…

Sameer(in shocked voice)- what are you saying pradeep bhai??? Why will zoya didi ever have sex with another man??? She loves jiju a lot and she is very strict religious and pakiza woman…forget about having sex she wont have ever thought about it even…

Pradeep- be specific…if you ever find it out then will you stop her from doing that or you will use it as a weapon and ask her to allow you to be in my company and you will ask her join our group and stop being strict to you??

Sameer- pradeep bhai even if I choose the latter option then also she wont have sex with anyone….i know her from childhood…in school in college she never allowed any boy to roam around her…this is something impossible you are talking about…

Pradeep(thought of being straight and said)- what if she had sex infront of you with me or with raghu and one of us video shoot it and do act of blackmailing her….will you allow us to do that???

Sameer- what the fuck??? Pradeep bhai…

Pradeep- see I warned you earlier only that this may impact our friendship and that’s why I was not telling you this…had there been any other way out then I wont have ever asked you that but sadly there is no other way out…

Sameer- but pradeep bhai how can I allow that she is my real sister for god’s sake…

Pradeep(again with tears in his eyes)- see I told you in the very beginning that she is your elder sister and I m no one to you…it’s the blood relation that prevails at the end…you should follow her footsteps and live that strict and conservative life as she wants you to live…and stop wasting your time on a watchman like me…it’s the time to say goodbye to you…

Sameer- pradeep bhai plzzz don’t cry..and plzzz understand I cant do that…she is my real sister…if there is some other way out then plzzz tell me I will do anything for you…

Pradeep- there is no other way sameer beta..I can understand your problems…. I will have to leave you and this job….but its fine…I have no regrets from you…whatever time we spent together was really very good….I have always seen my younger brother in you…and good bye and wish you a very good luck in your future life….

Sameer- no pradeep bhai don’t say that…I wont let you go even if I had to quarrel with zoya didi…

Pradeep- stop giving yourself false hopes sameer beta…its not possible this way….now it’s the time you should go..your zoya didi would have been waiting for you…she will insult me again if she saw you in my room….

Sameer(with sad face)- is there no other way out??

Pradeep- no there is no other way….

Sameer- but how will didi have sex with you??? She wont agree to that even if I agreed…

Pradeep- first your consent matters she will be dealt later….do you agree???

Sameer(in low voice)- ok

Padeep- what ok??? Say it clearly you agree to it or not??

Sameer- I agree….but how is it possible???

Pradeep told him about all the plan in detail…..and sameer got shocked after hearing that

Sameer- but pradeep bhai this is ridiculous…. I mean it’s a rape …she can file rape charges against you…we all could be trapped…I don’t think this is going to work…

Pradeep- leave that on me…I take the whole responsibility…she wont charge me….no matter how strong a woman is…its not easy for a respectable religious conservative married woman to report the rape specially if I will be having her nude pics and videos in my phone..

Sameer- I don’t know pradeep bhai I am still feeling scared…I don’t think its going to work…plzzz think some other way out…

Pradeep- either you are into this plan or else we are all out of this plan and accept my final good bye….think about it and take the decision…so far I have never let you get trapped in anything and I promise in future as well I wont let you get trapped…so take your decision wisely…

Sameer- ok I am with you…

Saying that sameer went to his home where zoya was waiting for him….pradeep had cunning smile on his face as he has manuplated sameer once again…this time he is going to fuck his beautiful hot pakeeza sister infront of him.

Lost In Lust

Active Member
Oh my god...
What an update man....

But you took more than a weeks time for this update...

Pls... Next time try to give early...
Eagerly waiting 4 next part... 🙏🙏
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