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Adultery Loyal wife degradation

Elon Musk_

Let that sink in!
Not feeling well...I will write it in 2-3 Days

Kaisi hai tabiyat ab bro?

Elon Musk_

Let that sink in!
Slightly better thanks for asking...I will update today evening or tomorrow morning

Take rest, pahle better ho jao, fir likhna h, kyunki hume zoya aur sameer ke khel ka description achche se milna chahiye

oscar pistorious

Active Member
In the morning zoya got up at 6-30 am and she found herself fully nude in bed and he saw other side of the bed empty perhaps pradeep has gone early in the morning on his job…then she remembered yesternight’s events….what pradeep did with her infront of her kid brother…he made her drink alchohal…made her do so many nasty things…he even made sameer suck her breasts and lick her pussy….ohhh god!! How will she ever face her brother again….yesternight it was alchohalic hangover which was making her little bit comfortable now when she is fully in her senses how will she face sameer again…whether he will ever be able to respect her like he used to do before after watching her slutty side….after hearing answers of various vulgar questions which pradeep asked her and she had to answer…..

Same was the situation of sameer…he also could not sense whether whatever happened yesternight was a nightmare or a reality…not even in his dreams he ever thought of that type of night when he saw his pakiza religious elder baji getting used by a low class watchman pradeep like a bloody cheap whore…not only that pradeep even made her lick her pussy and suck her breasts…that was too much for him….how will he face his baji again…both sameer and zoya were lost in each other’s thoughts…..

Finally zoya got up and went to bathroom and saw her face in the mirror….all her hairs were messed up….her breasts and tummy were all smelling of alchohal as pradeep poured his peg on it…..she somehow freshened up and took bath…so did sameer….thereafter she made breakfast for sameer…earlier they both used to wish goodmorning to each other but today no words were spoken from either of the side…zoya quietly served him breakfast…he eaten it and went to his college….zoya too had her breakfast and cleaned the dishes and started watching tv to divert her mind…but she was unable to do it…as things happened yesternight were coming again n again into her mind.

On the other had pradeep was carelessly sitting in his room at the gate of society….yesternight was one of the best night for him…things happened as per his plan….now he wont face any problem in fucking zoya even infront of her brother….now things are open infront of everyone…..so he was relaxed ….the problem was only with sameer and zoya…they were unable to understand how things will move on in future….

Watching tv zoya didn’t realize when did she slept as yesternight she could not sleep properly….she slept late and got up early….so she slept for few hours….she got up at around 12 pm then she quickly started making lunch for herself and for sameer….sameer too returned from college and he saw pradeep sitting in his room….and he entered in pradeep’s room

Pradeep- sameer beta how ru??? Enjoyed yesternight???

Sameer- I don’t know pradeep bhai I was really very nervous….i really don’t know how to face my baji after all those things happened yesternight…

Pradeep- don’t worry sameer beta…be brave and face it….your sister has been fully liberated yesternight….she will no longer be strict with you…

Sameer- I understand but still I m feeling nervous to face her….

Pradeep- don’t worry if you want I can accompany you….

Sameer- no its ok I will manage….

Pradeep- so did you enjoy partying with your strict orthodox religious baji??? You enjoyed sucking her breasts and pussy???

Sameer- ohhh pradeep bhai….i don’t know what exactly I felt….i mean on one side I was enjoying her hotness and on the other side I was feeling guilty doing it as she is my own real sister…. I really don’t know what should I do…..whats right whats wrong???

Pradeep- everything is right when it comes to sexual pleasure sameer beta…yesternight you had full chance to fuck her butt you missed it….but never mind in future you may get many such chances now….

Sameer- no pradeep bhai she threatened to suicide…. I cant risk her life for my pleasure….please don’t you ever compel me to do any such thing with her…

Pradeep- alright alright sameer beta…I wont compel you ever…but I noticed that you too got sexually excited watching her live sex show….

Sameer- that’s true pradeep bhai it was something I never even imagined….i honestly still don’t believe whatever happened last night….. I mean this was something really unbelievable….that too with such a holy strict pious religious lady like her….you completely knocked her up….made her a slut yesternight…even I could not believe my ears how you made her answer those vulgar questions and how she begged you to fuck her…may be alchohal effect or something else but it was really unbelievable…..

Pradeep- this is power dynamics my boy….an art to control the women…you will soon learn it…as of now enjoy your life freely as your sister is no longer strict with you….

Sameer- so whats next??? Any plan for now

Pradeep- there is only one plan now that is to make your sis fully liberated…make her enjoy such things and our parties….yesternight she hesitatingly did those things and I want her to do it with her own free will and enjoy it…beg for it….

Sameer- what do mean??? Are you going to visit us again tonight???

Pradeep- not a bad idea my son….

Sameer- no wait let me be comfortable with her first….let me face her first and talk to her…once she gets comfortable then I will ask her how did she feel doing it…thereafter you can continue…..i will text you if I had any conversation with her about yesternight….

Pradeep- sure sameer beta…..now you go she must have been waiting for you….

Sameer- ok take care pradeep bhai..bye…

Pradeep- you too take care sameer beta bye…

Saying him bye sameer went to his home where zoya was waiting for him for lunch….she greeted him with smile and sameer smiled back….and washed his face and sat on dining table and both of them started having lunch and finished lunch in few mins…no words were being spoken from any side then zoya broke the silence….

Zoya- how was your day today at college sameer??

Sameer- it was ok baji…

Zoya- what happened to you?? Why are you so silent today???

Sameer- nothing baji

Zoya- come on say it sameer…I know you are upset with last night…how the things happened and all….

Sameer- baji I m really very sorry….for what I did with you

Zoya- its ok sameer don’t feel sad…I know that you didn’t have any choice that time….so relax I can understand…

Sameer- but baji till how much more time we shall be tolerating his stupid things??? We are not his puppets to whom he can run anyway he wants…

Zoya- there is no other choice sameer…..earlier I thought I woud delete those videos from his phone once he slept but I myself was out of my senses and that bastard forced me to drink alchohal….he not only ruined my piousness but also made me do such things which are haraam for us…

Sameer- once again I am really ery sorry baji…all this is happening because of me….neither I would have been in his bad company nor you would have to suffer all these things….

Zoya- its ok sameer don’t feel guilty…..one can’t change his destiny….things which has to happen they will surely happen…no one can stop it….all we can do is focus on future…how to make it bright….how to get out of this mess…

Sameer- do you have any plan??

Zoya- there is only one thing which we can do is to keep him nearer and nearer to us….so that he could start trusting me and I could get access to his phone and delete those videos…

Sameer- you mean tonight again that bastard will come and rape you again????

Zoya- I have already been raped sameer…now what difference does it make whether I get raped twice thrice or many times….all we have to focus is on to save our dignity infront of the people by deleting those videos….

Sameer- ok baji I can understand that….

Zoya- hmmm

Sameer(with hesitating voice)- bbaaajjiii caann I ask you something if you don’t mind its quite personal…

Zoya- go ahead and ask me…now there is no longer any veil between us after yesternight….

Sameer- baji….was it only the compulsion which made you do such things with pradeep??? Or you too enjoyed it??? Please don’t mind …..i am asking it only because I noticed your face expressions it looked as if you too were enjoying it….and also he asked you so many vulgal questions which you answered and also asked him to enter inside you….was it only the effect of alchohalic hangover or you too liked it???

Zoya- I am your sister sameer…you are not supposed to ask such stupid things to your sister….

Sameer- I am so sorry baji I didn’t have any intention to annoy you…but please answer it if you are ok with it….i wont judge you I promise as I know that you have been stucked in this situation only because of my foolishness….otherwise I know how pious you are….but yesternight I saw a complete different side of yours….you only said that we don’t have any veil between us after yesternight….so I just want to know whether it was due to alchohalic hangover effect which made you act like that or you too enjoyed that….please answer it honestly….

Zoya- see sameer…I will be honest…..i really don’t understand what it was…I mean it was partial effect of alchohalic hangover as first time I drank and partially I liked that too as it was totally a different experience for me…I mean my husband have always treated me delicately with lots of love and care….but pradeep’s style was totally rough and tough dominating like an alpha man…..so I don’t know why but I somehow enjoyed bwing dominated by him….so I admit it I was partially my fault I got carried away with sexual feelings…I know you will never be able to respect me now after watching that slutty side of me…but I told you the truth…

Sameer- no baji I have started respecting you more after knowing this…. No sister would ever sacrifice that much for her brother as you have done….you are in this situation because of me…and the kind of situations he created last night even the (angels)farishtas would have fallen….trust me I will never disrespect you….

After listening this zoya hugged sameer…..sameer felt her big round soft spongy breasts on her chest….and his cock started getting erection and started reminding last night things when he sucked her breasts….although he tried his best to get rid of this incestuous feelings but he could not….after few seconds zoya broke the hug…

Zoya- now you take rest and focus on your studies I will handle that matter of pradeep in my own way….

Sameer(in joking mannner)- ok baji….i think from now onwards you yourself will enjoy handling this matter in your own way as you started enjoying it….hehehehe

Zoya(with naughty smile on her face)- youuu

Sameer- sorry baji I was just kidding….

Saying this sameer quickly went to his room….and changed dress and pulled his phone out from his pocket and called pradeep

Sameer- hello

Pradeep- yes sameer beta…

Sameer- pradeep bhai congrats…

Pradeep- for what??

Sameer- your plan worked….baji confessed that she too enjoyed last night with you…..so she will no longer be strict with me I guess…

Pradeep- see I told you sameer beta….but still we have to be fully assured that she mean what she says…. She is only concerned about your studies…if you study well then she wont hesitate in allowing you to party with me infact she helself will join in our whisky party….

Sameer- you are right pradeep bhai she is only worried about my studies…but don’t worry I will improve my grades now…will attend college regularly and study at home as well and in the night we shall party….

Pradeep- sure sameer beta…now when your sister have joined then there is no problem…

Sameer- tonight again you will visit us…

Pradeep- sure sameer beta I will visit and fuck her hard like last night….

Sameer- ok pradeep bhai take care bye

Pradeep- bye….

Call disconnected…..


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