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Incest Mother Swap- Rewriting.


Active Member
Chapter The Bond 2.

Kavitha was urging for some alcohol. She could not sleep. She finished her shower, and then masturbated. She needed sex, men or women did not matter to her. But in small town for women to go and buy alcohol, is not an easy task. People do talk behind backs. She cursed herself, she could have purchased at airport. Seeing Sheetal and Arun fuck, made her even more horny. She made some coffee for herself, and then just down on her bed. She had fallen asleep.

It was 7 in the night, that she woke up. Her brother was home.

"Kavitha are you okay, I have been calling you, Savita also called u many times" he had barged in. Generally this is how
he would enter the home, he had spare keys. But as he entered the bedroom, he got shocked. Kavitha was lying naked, sleeping on her stomach. Her body was not covered with a bed sheet. Her brother, stood shocked as he saw her sisters naked body. He for a moment became little hesitant.

He then went out of the bedroom, and knocked on her door "Kavitha kavita, wake up, it is already 8 m. time for dinner" he said, Kavitha woke up hearing his voice. She did not cover her asset, and walked out of the room naked.

"anna" she said, and then as if shocked, covered her body with a bedsheet.

"How are u sleeping Kavitha, have u forgot ur senses, you were naked" her brother said, visibly upset with her.

Kavitha ignored his words, she could see the lust in his eyes. "I will change and come, Anna do you have any wine or something at home"

Her brother was a avid drinker, but as happens in our culture, men can drink 100 times, but women na! He was visible surprised and shocked by this new avatar of his sister.

"I will just take shower, change and come" she said, not even bothering to react to his reactions.

He was visible upset, but his dick was hard. For him women were just objects.

Kavitha took a short shower, and then wore a short -tshirt and jeans. Her navel was visible. She had also put a ring on her navel, because Karthik wanted her to. Sheetal had thrown all her older clothes. She walked around to search for a wine shop. She was urging to drink. Finally after walking for few meters, she finally found a wine shop, which only had male, it was crowded. She thought for a while, but then someone from wine shop saw her. Seeing a women at wine shop, he came out, "yes madam, "

Kavitha, smiled, and asked him to give him two scotchs. As the guy brought bottles for her, every singke en went to look towards her, whi was she!

Kavitha hardly bothered, and left the spot.

Her brother and his wife were waiting for her. As he saw Kavitha again walking, with a bag in her hands, "where are u Kavi" he said, frustrated, he had already taken one small bottle of his local alcohol, call Thara( santra extra in many places). Kavitha smiled.

"Anna, had gone to buy some good liquor for us. U always keep drinking this local its not so good for your liver. Here, take this, atleast if you are drinking drink a better drink" .

Her brother felt happy seeing a expensive liquor. He ordered his wife, to get some ice and glass.

"Get three glass Savitha" said Kavita. Her brother looked confiused, " why 3" he said, his eyes were already red due to influence of localliquor which generally is much stronger.

"I and Savi will also join u, why only men have all the fun".

His brother was from an old fashioned, orthodox kind of culture. He was surprised, astonished and also little angry at her at first.

"Oh anna, things have chaned, time has changed. Even women need to have fun once in a while. You treat ur wife as ur servant, not friend. Today kids are not there, she also want to have some change na. You always demand, and what we all do inside the four walls, no one knows. So chill, Savi get glasses" Kavitha said with more firmness.

Savita looked confused both at her husband and then at her sis in law. She was not sure, what to do, After few minutes of persuassion, she finally agreed.

"Okay Okay- get it Savitha, rememeber in our honeymoon we once had beer together. Come join us" He said , but not with conviction. He was still not too sure. But Kavitha somehow had become too convincing for him. He also could not refuse her too much.

Savita brought 3 glasses, and some ice. She was a typical house wife, not too much aware of what is happening outisde the world. She like an obedient wife did what her hsuband asked her too. It was not as if she had never tasted alcohol. She did. But with kids, her life, and her husband were everything. She had no ambition no dreams, for her - her kids doing good and living their life was only aim. But she hardly argued or said anything to her husband. Though she was close to Kavitha. Kavitha was always there for her.

She placed the glasses on the table, and then looked at every one. Kavitha opened the bottle, and then poured pegs for everyone. For her bhabhi she made bigger peg.

The three did cheers, unaware that Kavitha had only sex in her mind. She wanted to make all 3 of them little more open and comfortbale , and that was the only reason she go that bottle for them. She knew if she wanted to fuck, she needs them to be high...

t b c


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