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Incest Mother Swap


Active Member
Chapter 24 The Mother Swap -1

(Sorry guys work from office started- so little delayed now in sharing )

As four of them went upstairs, Sheetal then looked at Kavitha, she was high, and though she was holding her son's hands, her eyes were fitted on Raghav. She then slowly whispered in ears of Raghav " I think Kavitha wants to fuck you tonight, satisfy her, I will take Madhav"

Raghav smiled at her mom. He knew that his mom wanted his dick only, but then he was also attracted to Kavitha, he had not yet entered his dick inside her pussy. He wanted to fuck her like a hooker today. With his mother he had to control- as though he was fucking her, but still he had to think about few things at times. His eyes lighten up when his mom only offered him to go and fuck Kavitha tonight.

As the four of them entered the room, as Madhav was going to bed , Sheetal said "Oh Madhav, would you not like to taste me, ha, you just want to fuck your mother only tonight" she had this seductive smile, she had just opened the first two buttons of her shirt to kind of invite him.

Madhav eyes brighten up, though he did not want to leave her mother, but very idea of a fresh pussy excited him

He looked at his mother, who had already left his hands, "Go son, enjoy" she said with encouraging words.

The problem was that there was only bedroom upstairs, and hall with a big couch was down. Sheetal then offered "You guys take bedroom, I will go to hall with Madhav"

But then Kavitha thought that may not be fair, as she was the house land lady. She insisted on Madhav and Sheetal to go to the bedroom. Raghav brought in few blankets, and couple of beddings from the room. Then he kissed his mom, and said "Have a great time mom"

Madhav tried to kiss Kavitha, but she felt hesitant, and could just pinch a small kiss on her cheeks!

Sheetal and Madhav were now in the bedroom, and Kavitha and Raghav were down at the lobby.
Kavitha and Raghav!

Kavitha was still feeling little shy, her eyes were having this confusion, she had only ask to have Raghav, and now she was feeling little hesitant. Raghav was laying down the bedding. She helped him do the bedding. But both of them were feeling little more relaxed. She could not resist her eyes from such a hot body of her friends son, the guy who had actually made her go crazy. Her heart beat was beating higher, though she was drunk, but she was just surprised by the wild ness inside her which he had been able to brought up. Her eyes were shining in deep expectations, but Raghav was little calmer. He had enough of Sex, and his dick was not yet hard. He had best of his times today, and his mother had really taken so much out of him. The last two days of his life had too much of sex! He was not tired, but just not in mood. Perhaps the four of them had also taken unlimited cannabis and alcohol in last couple of days. Though as of now Raghav looked little indifferent, but Kavitha was full on. She had cum , but she had not yet take a dick inside her. Her eyes had brighten up just feeling and touching the dick of Raghav. She honestly wanted to fuck him but then things had changed and she loved her son more than any tom dick and harry in this world.

Raghav lit up his cigarette and then looked at Kavitha, he could sense from her eyes the great desire to get fucked. But he was right now not in mood. Though for him all women were just bitch, he had little more attraction for Kavitha, more so because it was due to her there was this cease fire between him and his mother.

"Would you like to smoke Aunty", he said politely. Kavitha wanted to tell him, not to call her aunty, but she remained silent. Then from her eyes she gestured to him "Okay-but not weed, I cant take it, I loose control when I take it "

Her words kind of broke the ice between them

Raghav offered her the cigarette and then lit the other for himself.

The both were seating at one arms distance from each other , and then Kavitha said puffing the smoke "Can I ask you a question Raghav"

Raghav was not expecting any kind of conversation honestly, but her approach made him feel good, he was generally fuck and forget kind of guy, but then as today is dick was struggling to get hard, he felt it be good to have just some conversation. He did not want to show her also, that he was not in mood.

"Ask- but if to answer or not I will decide" he said with a smiling face.

"Yes yes nothing personal, I just had this thought "

"Okay Go on Aunty" he said.

"Are you attracted to me, or just you wanted to fuck me and forget it, or I was just a bet for you"

It was a tough question.

Raghav remained silent as if meditating and trying to figure out the best answer.

Then he said "Honestly Aunty, it is a combination of all three"

Kavitha looked back at him with little surprise!

"What you mean combi of three"

Raghav knew from his experience with Kavitha a day before, that she loves to be dirty and naughty, he could figure out that adventure brought in a new rythm and pleasure inside her life.

"Actually honestly speaking, the first day I saw you I knew that you will be a wild tigress in bed. That was perhaps one of the reasons I wanted to really have you. My philosphy is women who pretend that they are full of values and principals, or are simple looking, are the wildest in bed! And you proved me right one again. Honestly I wanted to just fuck and forget you, but when you came to my room that day, kissed me, and got ready to do anything for me, made me connected to you. Thirdly I wanted to also win the bet! So I succeeded in all the three accounts!"

Kavitha liked the way he was direct, she loved direct people. "But now when I am in front of you why are you being so descent, why are you not fucking me?"

She said while trying to remove the shirt she was wearing. She removed her shirt immediately as if exposing her boobs to him, "fuck me, I also want you "

Raghav then kind of stop her,

"wait wait Aunty, I will fuck you, but just give me a breathe. Honestly I love to see you in a hooker avatar, adventerous, full of energy and full of passion. I really love adventerous ladies.

Kavitha could understand what he wanted, "so what you want"

A smile came on face of his, "Lets go to a club, there is a club near by"

"But I don't have clothes, and your mom is already inside"

"Don't worry , it is just 9 PM, one of my friends shop is near by, you can buy dress from there, and then lets go to a pub, get drunk and then get laid. I want a change Aunty"

Kavitha kept on thinking, she was desperate. She closed her eyes meditating, and then said " Okay but I wont spend a penny"

Raghav smiled, he was surprised that a women like Kavitha could be so adventerous.

"But don't leave me like yesterday, I was scared"

They both smiled, Raghav called his friend to check if he can keep his store open for few more minutes, and then both of them rushed out!

t b c


Active Member
Chapter 24 The Mother Swap- 2

Kavitha had not completely drenched in the lust. She was turning out to be a bigger slut then she had ever imagined. Somehow she was to give in to temptations with Raghav. She really liked Raghav. She was to feel as if she had become 20 years younger with him. She was feeling adventure and pleasure both with him. Her eyes were looking for this adventure. Second thing was that no one in this town knew her, she did not have to pretend what she was not. She was in a great condition, and she knew that this adventure is going to end soon. Only thing which was in her mind was that how Raghav is gonna surprise her, and how soon she could take his dick inside her pussy and feel satisfied. She was little high, but she was not as if had lost control. The very thought of wearing short dress, and in a pub dancing with a guy of age of her son, was making her feel excited.

Raghav was ready, and Kavitha sat with him, in simple slippers and the white shirt she was wearing from morning. On their way, Raghav did touch her thighs while driving, he was an exuberant youth, looking for adventures. He was surprised by the adventurism and this new sexy avatar of her, he had never expected Kavitha to go so far, that is why he was trying his best to bring out different adventures out of her body. There was this wild side, wild may be not a good word.

Kavitha was silent, she was just trying to imbibe whatever was happening with her. She was silent, and just moaned in excitement, when he touched her naked thighs. Though her eyes were out of car, looking if anyone is not looking at them.

Within few minutes they reached the store. The shutter was half down, but the security guard recognized Rahul, as if they had opened the store for them only. The friend of Raghav was not their but a girl was waiting for him, she was irritated no doubt, as she had to stay more than her shift for Raghav. Seeing Raghav she felt better, as she was also one of those Raghav had tasted before!

"Sorry Ritu, I kept you waiting, this is my friend Kavi, can you help her buy some good clothes"

Ritu looked at Kavitha, and then looked at Raghav, she could make out the age gap both of them had.

"Raand" she said , in whisper voice, but her lips could be read by Kavitha. Kavitha felt little insulted looking at her, but then did not say. She quietly moved on with her, and as she had enough distance from Raghav , she said "How much he paid you"

Kavitha remained silent. She purchased couple of short dresses, and couple of hot lingerie. She then purchased a nice heel for her self. The dress was completely fit on her, with the lingerie inside her breasts were looking bigger. The panties were hidden inside her dress. Ritu herself was astonished to see the change.

"You are looking hot, sir will like it" . She also purchased a T-shirt and pant, just incase it was too late.

Raghav eyes lit up- looking at her, "oh ya ya, you are looking like a bitch sweetheart, thats why I like you", he said. His eyes definitely had a lust.

Paying the bill from his credit card, he left for the pub with Kavitha. Though his earlier plan was to take her to a five star pub, but then his lusty mind had something else in his mind. He decided to go to a local cheap bar. This bar was a pickup joint, and he had heard it from his friends only. His naughty smile, he felt like making feel Kavitha a real slut.

They reached the bar, and it was shaddy from outside. There were lots of prostitutes who were standing outside. There was this uneasy calm. Kavitha felt little uneasy, as he had stopped the car.

"Where have you brought me, this does not look like a good place Raghav"

Raghav smiled, "It is, don't you want an adventure, this is that place"

Kavitha though was not very sure, she took some time to get convinced. Finally he emotionally blackmailed her "Don't you trust me"

Kavitha got down from the car, and then looked at Raghav, "You go inside, I will just park car and come"


While at the bungalow, Madhav was feeling little shy. Before he could say anything, Sheetal had removed her dress, and was lying naked on the bed. Madhav was excited no doubt.


Active Member
Chapter 25 The Mother Swap 3

Sheetal pressing her boobs looked at Madhav and said in a seducing way " Hmmm are you feeling shy, show me what you got"

Madhav was getting horny, but he had not yet reached the level of romanticism or confidence. He seemed little hesitant. Sheetal had not even taken any minute before she had got naked. There was this slutty smile on her face.

Sheetal could make out that Madhav was a naive, " Hmmm just lost your virginity " she smiled, and then pushed him towards her and paster her lips on his, within minutes she undressed him. Her hands were moving faster than the speed of light it seemed, and within minute Madhav was naked. He had hairs in his body, different from Raghav. Before Madhav could say anything, she had already taken his dick inside her mouth, and started to suck it like a champion!


Kavitha was nervous. Couple of men tried to touch her but she resisted. She slowly made her way inside the bar. The door man could not recognize her, and first question he asked her " Whose Maal (Item) ", he meant who is your broker.

The bar was a pick up bar, a bar where men pick girls. There were many women in the bar, mostly looked from Eastern part of India. There were few MILFS, who were dancing and enjoying among them. The bar was not much crowded yet. The girls wore different kind of dresses, from western to India. Around 4 to 5 Bouncers were standing at different corners, keeping a watch on everyone. The tables were almost full, except couple of them at the corner. Her dress was the expensive one, in compare to many who were there. As she sat on a chair, couple of young guys rounded her,

"What is your rate, you are hot " , but she tried to ignore. The boys would be even younger than her own son. She was trying to hide her big cleavage which was visible. The waitor did not come to her desk, but the owner came.

"Are you new here, if you want to do business then you cannot do without permission of xyz bhai" he said, "all these work for him"

But as he was pulling her up, Raghav then shouted "She is with me, bhai, she is my item" . The owner could recognise Raghav immediately.

"Oh Raghav sir, you should tell us na advantage", and he puked the red color tobacco, just near the legs of Kavitha, and then he shouted to one of his men "Take care of Saheb"

These words kind of calmed under hookers who were looking at this new item. Raghav was a regular there it seems. Raghav words kind of rest-assured Kavitha.

"You really are a bastard, " she said in her cute South Indian ascent.

"Oh baba, you wanted to have a local liquor na, this is best for it, and see how men , not just men, but women are also looking at you with hungry eyes"

Kavitha's eyes went , and see saw the men just in front of her table, bowing down trying to peep inside her panties, she closed her legs in anticpation.

The attender came to their desk, and then ask - "What will you like Raghav sir, your regular".

& then he looked at Kavitha, he assumed she was a hooker " What will u have raandi" he said in a very rude tone.

Raghav did not react! Kavitha felt little shocked.

Taking there orders he left.

Both of them drank for some more time, with many men coming to her and asking her if she would like to go with them. But as Raghav was seating with her, they did not force her. Then Raghav looked at Kavitha, and said " Why don't you go and dance, you are a good dancer aunty"

t b c
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Raghav is playing with Kavita .. putting her out there as a bait .. nice


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Super going....


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Chapter : Mother Swap 4

Kavitha was now little high. Somehow she had liked taste of the Local Liquor (Santra). Company of Raghav, the dress & the way every single men was looking at her at the bar, was making her even more horny. Her panties were already wet. Though she wanted to go and dance with other ladies (Whores) who were dancing on the floor. Few of them were wearing sarees and lehenga, and few were in short dress like her. Few of them were dancing, and seducing their target men, so as he or she picks them, on the other side there were few who were chewing tobacco, and having conversation amongst themselves. There were few who were just standing and watching as things were moving. Her eyes were fixed on Raghav, Raghav eyes were fixed on couple of North Eastern Girls who were dancing on the stage, there dress was smaller than Kavitha's and there make up was far more elegant than anyone in the room. They were smaller in heights, but seemed to enjoying their time. There were slim. Kavitha felt jealous!

"Okay" She immediately said, finishing the drink from her glass. She removed her heels, and then rushed to the dance floor. She tried to dance centering around the two north eastern girls, as if trying to block them from Raghav!. She was an avid dancer no doubt. Her dance steps were different. In all the ladies, she was definitely looking more gracious. In a dance floor full of indecent ladies, who had generally come from poor background, there was this educated bitch who was dancing. The men in the room, just could not take their eyes away from her. Anyone in that room could have told, that Kavitha was from a good background.

As she was dancing, the interest of men on her grew, perhaps the other women on the dance floor also stopped, as if wondering a high profile mature Hooker has come to dance floor. Her moves were definitely more elegant. But Kavitha's eyes were focussed only on the dick she wanted desperately. Her best friend son Raghav.

Raghav was watching her, he smiled at the kind of passion which was being shown by her. This was the third time, he had brought out this fucking horniness from her life. His eyes were definitely focussed on her, but he just could not resist but see the reaction of other men who were looking at her with open eyes! Couple of them even tried to pull her towards them, few threw some money on her, but Raghav did not say anything. He was silently looking at her.

"Saali Raandi", one of the men shouted at her, when she kind of snatched his hands. She was not the hottest lady in the room for sure. and was more mature than most of the ladies present, but she was more like a normal lady, who resembled more like from day to day life. This was what attracting everyone towards her.

The words hit her, but as there were now so many men encouraging her to dance, and throwing money on her. She was the only one dancing, few young guys were also shouting " Wow Aunty- Wow".

She looked at everyone , she was getting nervous. Men were abusing and calling her names, "Raand", "hooker", "Slut" "Maal", these compliments were confusing her. She was nervous, but somehow also liking the attention she was getting. The Bar boy, were picking the money which was being thrown on her. While she was dancing her eyes were on Raghav, and to her surprise he was no longer on his table. She was crowded by so many men on the dance floor, she knew that if she even tried to be out of it, they would obstruct her. The seductive dance moves, had slowed down, and as she tried to move out of dance floor, couple of men tried to grab her, which were wooed away by the bouncers.

"No touching, no touching" one of the screamed, pushing the men away. The quarrel happened, and ceasing the moment, she quietly moved out of the floor. As she walked out, the manager of the bar called her,

"Hey You", he said, & offered her 15000 Rupees, "This is yours, after taking our cut ", and then he looked at upside down " Couple of them are offering 20000 Rs for one shot. one shot for mature lady like you, fuck".

Kavitha was surprised how easily she could earn so much of money by just dancing. Her monthly salary after working for so many years was just some 30000/- or so, and here she was earning that much in just one night. She was feeling like a cheap slutty lady.

"I will think about it, but not today, today I have a client", she said, her eyes were on the pistol he had in his hand, though she was drunk, nervous and scared but she still had this sense of instinct inside her. The owner had seen her coming with Raghav, and may be that is why he did not force her. She left in hurry out of the bar. She wanted to be out of that place. As she rushed out, couple of Hooker screamed at her 'You bitch" ...

Her eyes were searching for Raghav & as she waited at the door, trying to cover her assets with her hands, and trying to cover her exposed thighs and adjusting her dress so that others cannot see her panties! She was now feeling comfortable, and see saw a cigarette coming towards her,

"Want to smoke", the voice was of Raghav.

"Where the fuck you had been ", she shouted at Raghav, "What do you think, am I a hooker or what", tears flew from her eyes, they were more of being relieved then tension.

But Raghav did not speak anything, he lighted up the cigarette for her, and then with a firmness took his hands inside her skirt,

"You slut", he said, as he could feel the wetness inside her pussy!

Kavitha was speechless, she did not know what to answer. She slowly walked towards the car as if there was no one else.

"Is she really a slut!"

Raghav walked slowly behind her, admiring her beautiful body from back. He had achieved what he wanted to achieve!

t b c


Active Member
Very Interesting..