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Incest Mother Swap


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Chapter 21 Mother oh Mother-1

Raghav continued to press her mothers boob, which had become reddish as his pressing was too hard. Kissing her own son comforted her little. She continued to kiss him passionately, and then slowly started to play with his dick. She would put her hand up and down so as to give him a little massage. Within minutes his dick rose. Her eyes were closed. She finally helped him cum. As he cum, his passion also reduced. He immediately stopped kissing his mother.

Looking back at her he smiled, and said " mom let me clean you, I have to tell you I have seen so many porn movies, but you are the best of the best!"

Then he started to put Soap on Sheetal's body, he cleaned each and every part of her body with his hands, including her asshole and vagina.

"Ouch " she screamed, when his hands touched her asshole, "it hurts" she said, and Raghav could not but pasted a kiss on her lips!

They both remained in the bathroom for eternity, as if none of them wanted to come out of it! Finally the knock on the door kind of woke both mother and son from their eternity shower.

"Are you both going to bring your skin out " voice of Sudhanshu came.

"You go first " said Raghav, " I want to take bath for little more" . Sheetal came out covered in the towel. She was feeling little better after the shower. The pain had reduced a little, and affection and love she got from her son made her feel little better.

Sudhanshu was still upset with her "Raandi" this was the only word she could hear when she walked out.

Sudhanshu had never disrespected Sheetal in his life. But last few hours were the first time she had seen hatred in his eyes. It was still difficult for him to accept that his wife was fucking his own son may be.

Sheetal remained quiet. It was Sudhanshu who had made her a slut and hungry for sex. Now he himself was looking at her with lots of hatred was making her feel little unhappy. She was very surprised that an open minded man and sex addict like Sudhanshu was so upset. Though she had not yet realized that he was not upset because she fucked Raghav, but he was upset because she had not informed him. That is what was hurting him more. The betrayal!

As she was drying her self, and looking for her undergarments to wear, he stopped her!

"No No No, you are not suppose to wear anything! That is your punishment " he screamed..

His harsh words made her little disturb.

"What has happened Sud, you have never treated me like this, why are you behaving in such a weird way?" there was this innocence in her eyes. She was definitely little upset

Sudhanshu was silent. Raghav also came out, he was not aware of so called understanding between his mom and dad. For him it was fun.

"Everything okay dad?" he looked at him in a very confusing way.

"Yes yes, all okay!" he said replying him back. Sheetal did not want to fight in front of Raghav, so also remained silent.

"I think we all need a nap, our eyes are tired, and alcohol has not yet seep in" Sheetal spoke this time.

"Yes, you are right mom, you are also exhausted, lets take a nap" he said.

But Sudhanshu interrupted, "oh you are young man and you are tired. I thought you can still fuck the hell out our bitchy mom!" his words were more of a taunt.

Raghav thought its better to be silent!

(will continue tomorrow- some work)

t b c


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Chapter 21 Mother oh Mother- 2.

Raghav now had realized that whatever his dad was doing , it was more to punish his mom. He had earlier thought that he was doing it for pleasure. But he did not react.

"I think you guys need to sort amongst yourself" said Raghav, and decided to leave the room.

"Hang on son" said Sudhanshu, " Your mom's hole is fucked by very son. You are part of us, you can stay." he said.

Sheetal was still wearing the towel she had used to dry her body.

"You are still in towel you slut" Sudhanshu said, and snatched the towel out of her body. "Your punishment to betray me is that next two days we are going to make you our sex slave. Give you pain, and give you pleasure. I will make you do so much of sex that you wont want to have sex any more. I will humiliate you" he said.

Raghav for a minute felt little anxious. He has never seen his father so upset. Sheetal must have known him, so she quietly removed her towel.

"I betrayed you, I broke the contract, I will take any punishment you give me" she said, and bend down on her two knees, as if surrendering to him.

Raghav had always seen his dad loving his mother more than anyone. He knew he could die for you. Perhaps there relationship was so strong that they both had even ignored him. Which had been his grudge with his mom. He had seen weekends only parties at home, and man and hot girls even coming out and going out from the house. He was surprised that his father was reacting like this. But it did not matter to him, as he was not very much emotionally connected to them. He was more interested in punishment his whore mom was suppose to get.

It was already evening 9 pm. It was slightly colder, and all three of them were seating at the living room. Sheetal was naked. Sudhanshu and Raghav were wearing clothes.

"What about dinner?" Sheetal asked both of them.

"We should order something" Raghav said, Sudhanshu agreed. He was now also feeling little empathy for his wife.

"I want to drink more" Sudh said, let us order Pizza.

They ordered Pizza. In the mean time, Sud(Sudhanshu), made couple of pegs in glasses. Eyes of Sheetal were red, she was tired. Her asshole was paining less now.

He gave one glass to her son, and another he started to drink.

"What about mom?" he looked at his father in a little surprised way.

"We will share" Sud said, his eyes had a different kind of spark.

Sheetal was silent, she had not spoken much.

"Cheers" his father said, and took one sip from his peg.

"Sheetal come here" he said, Sheetal walked slowly towards her husband. She was still naked.

"Sit here" he said making her seat near his legs. "You want to drink?" he looked at her in his eyes. She could see the hatred.

She did not answer.

Sudhanshu, putting his boxer shorts down, and pulling his underwear down, inserted his dick into the glass of scotch, and then moved his dick soaked in alcohol towards her, "Have it you bitch, drink from my dick"

Sheetal just started to suck his dick. Everytime it would dry, she would dip his dick again in the glass of scotch, and suck it. This continued till whole peg of scotch got over, and finally he cum and threw all his cum in the glass of scotch, which had some ice still left.

"Drink it fully you slut" he said, and Sheetal quietly grabbed the whole of scotch full of cum of her husband.

Raghav who was seating beside, his dick was again hard seeing this sexy scene.

"Mom you want more" he shouted.

"She cannot refuse today!" said Sud, "go and help your son" he said as if commanding her.

Raghav had removed his underwear fully. He soaked dick little more in the glass of scotch, and then pushed it deep into mouth of his mother.

"Raandi saali" Raghav abused her. Sheetal quietly sucked the dick of her son!

t b c


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हैप्टर 21 मदर ओह मदर -1

राघव अपनी माँ के स्तनों को दबाता रहा, जो बहुत कठोर होने के कारण लाल हो गया था। अपने ही बेटे को चूमने से उसे थोड़ा सुकून मिला। वह उसे जोश से चूमती रही, और फिर धीरे-धीरे उसके लंड से खेलने लगी। वह अपना हाथ ऊपर-नीचे करती ताकि उसकी थोड़ी मालिश की जा सके। कुछ ही मिनटों में उसका लंड उठ खड़ा हुआ. उसकी आँखें बंद थीं। उसने अंत में उसे सह मदद की। जैसे-जैसे वह सहता गया, उसका जुनून भी कम होता गया। उसने तुरंत अपनी माँ को चूमना बंद कर दिया।

उसकी ओर देखते हुए वह मुस्कुराया, और कहा "माँ मुझे तुम्हें साफ करने दो, मुझे आपको बताना होगा कि मैंने बहुत सारी पोर्न फिल्में देखी हैं, लेकिन आप सबसे अच्छे हैं!"

फिर उसने शीतल के शरीर पर साबुन लगाना शुरू किया, उसने उसके शरीर के हर हिस्से को अपने हाथों से साफ किया, जिसमें उसके गधे और योनि भी शामिल थे।

"आउच" वह चिल्लाई, जब उसके हाथों ने उसके गधे को छुआ, "दर्द होता है" उसने कहा, और राघव उसके होठों पर चुंबन नहीं कर सका!

वे दोनों अनंत काल तक स्नानागार में रहे, मानो उनमें से कोई भी इससे बाहर नहीं आना चाहता था! अंत में दरवाजे पर दस्तक ने माँ और बेटे दोनों को उनके अनंत स्नान से जगा दिया।

"क्या तुम दोनों अपनी खाल निकालने जा रहे हो" सुधांशु की आवाज आई।

"तुम पहले जाओ" राघव ने कहा, "मैं थोड़ा और स्नान करना चाहता हूँ"। शीतल तौलिये से ढकी बाहर निकली। नहाने के बाद वह थोड़ा बेहतर महसूस कर रही थी। दर्द थोड़ा कम हो गया था, और अपने बेटे से मिले स्नेह और प्यार ने उसे थोड़ा बेहतर महसूस कराया।

सुधांशु अभी भी अपनी "रांडी" से परेशान था, जब वह बाहर निकली तो वह यही एक शब्द सुन सकती थी।

सुधांशु ने अपने जीवन में कभी भी शीतल का अनादर नहीं किया था। लेकिन पिछले कुछ घंटों में उसने पहली बार उसकी आंखों में नफरत देखी थी। उसके लिए यह स्वीकार करना अभी भी मुश्किल था कि उसकी पत्नी अपने ही बेटे को चोद रही है।

शीतल चुप रही। सुधांशु ने ही उसे फूहड़ और सेक्स का भूखा बनाया था। अब वह स्वयं उसे बहुत घृणा की दृष्टि से देख रहा था जिससे वह थोड़ा दुखी हो रहा था। वह बहुत हैरान थी कि सुधांशु जैसा खुले दिमाग वाला आदमी और सेक्स एडिक्ट इतना परेशान था। हालाँकि उसे अभी तक इस बात का एहसास नहीं था कि वह परेशान नहीं है क्योंकि उसने राघव को चोदा था, लेकिन वह परेशान था क्योंकि उसने उसे सूचित नहीं किया था। यही बात उसे ज्यादा सता रही थी। विश्वासघात!

जब वह अपने आप को सुखा रही थी, और अपने अंडरगारमेंट्स पहनने के लिए देख रही थी, तो उसने उसे रोक दिया!

"नहीं नहीं नहीं, आप कुछ भी पहनने वाले नहीं हैं! वह आपकी सजा है" वह चिल्लाया..

उसके कठोर शब्दों ने उसे थोड़ा परेशान किया।

"क्या हुआ सुद, तुमने कभी मेरे साथ ऐसा व्यवहार नहीं किया, इतना अजीब व्यवहार क्यों कर रहे हो?" उसकी आँखों में यही मासूमियत थी। वह निश्चित रूप से थोड़ी परेशान थी

सुधांशु चुप था। राघव भी बाहर आया, उसे अपनी माँ और पिताजी के बीच तथाकथित समझ के बारे में पता नहीं था। उसके लिए यह मजेदार था।

"सब ठीक है पापा?" उसने उसे बहुत भ्रमित तरीके से देखा।

"हाँ हाँ, सब ठीक है!" उसने कहा कि उसे वापस जवाब. राघव के सामने शीतल नहीं लड़ना चाहती थी इसलिए भी चुप रही।

शीतल ने इस बार कहा, "मुझे लगता है कि हम सभी को एक झपकी की जरूरत है, हमारी आंखें थकी हुई हैं, और शराब अभी तक रिस नहीं पाई है।"

"हाँ, तुम सही हो माँ, तुम भी थक गई हो, चलो एक झपकी ले लो" उसने कहा।

लेकिन सुधांशु ने बीच में कहा, "ओह, तुम जवान हो और तुम थके हुए हो। मुझे लगा कि तुम अब भी हमारी कुतिया माँ को चोद सकते हो!" उनके शब्द ताने के अधिक थे।

राघव ने चुप रहना ही बेहतर समझा!

(कल जारी रहेगा- कुछ काम)
देवनागरी में पढ़ने का मजा आ गया।


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Please in English
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Please re-write the last update... And please do write in english only... Thanks
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