If you are trying to reset your account password then don't forget to check spam folder in your mailbox. Also Mark it as "not spam" or you won't be able to click on the link.
Getting seven to eight hours of sleep every night allows your brain to create new pathways, store memories, and recalibrate. Sleep deprived people have trouble with long term memory, decision making, and critical thinking.
If you really want to put an end to the stress in your life, then you are the one who must deliberately make the decision to want that change, and then deliberately take the action necessary to make it happen.
The rush of fresh inspiration is a powerful high. So powerful that it can impair your insight and decision making if you focus only on how an idea makes you feel.
If you were truly the owner of your company and the success or failure of your business hinged on the performance of your team, you would dedicate yourself to constant improvement.
Stories are effective teaching tools. They show how context can mislead people to make the wrong decisions. Stories illustrate casual relationships that people hadn't recognized before and highlight unexpected, resourceful ways in which people have solved problems.
Never make a major decision when you are depressed, because at that time your feelings are unreliable and you cannot exercise accurate judgment. Your focus is blurry, and your perspective is distorted.
In the shadow of my hurt, forgiveness feel like a decision to reward my enemy. But in the shadow of the cross, forgiveness is merely a gift from one undeserving soul to another.