If you are trying to reset your account password then don't forget to check spam folder in your mailbox. Also Mark it as "not spam" or you won't be able to click on the link.
When you find that there is too much on your plate, start looking for people to share in the plate. Delegate. Identify which tasks can be trusted to other people, and look for dependable individuals to take the role.
"When your family knows you lie, even if it's over small matters, maybe even to spare their feelings, you deny them the chance to trust you deeply. Lying may display a lack of confidence in their ability to deal with an unpleasant reality or your inability to face a situation and become strengthened in the process."
"We don't trust people around us. We feel everyone is trying to cheat one another. We have suppressed the caring nature in us. We have all become self-centric to our own personal needs. We have stopped listening to our own consciousness, which will lead us to the right path most of the time. Life will never given us another opportunity for the same instances."
Whether we're talking about money, fidelity, social support, business dealings, or secret-keeping, trust isn't just about the facts. It's about trying to predict what someone will do based on competing interests and capabilities.