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Fantasy My village family (for milk lovers)


Demon 😈 prince🤴
Update 2

My uncle left for his job early in the morning. When I went in the kitchen for the tea my aunt was already sitting there on the floor drinking tea. Today she was wearing a yellow saree and matching blouse. When she saw me she smiled at me and set aside the mug of tea on floor. Then she said, "Come here, I am going to feed you now. Baby is sleeping. " I was overjoyed and went near her. She laid me on her lap. My face was now very near her boobs. I felt red faced just by being near her boobs. Sujata aunt, "Dont be shy now Raju. I am going to suckle you like a baby." By sliding her hand behind her pallu she unbuttoned some lower blouse hooks.

Then covering my head with pallu she started breastfeeding me. " For the first time in my life I was experiencing this kind of joy. Her boob felt soft in my mouth. I was gently sucking her nipple by covering her whole aerola by my mouth. Milk flowed in my mouth and it was a test I had never experienced before. Sujata aunt said joyfully, "You are so good at suckling . Better than a baby." She was holding her boob in my mouth by one hand and by other hand was supporting my head. She was encouraging me by saying soothing words. She fed me for half hour. When I was finished suckling she wiped my mouth clean by her pallu then closed her blouse hooks and rearranged her pallu. Then she asked me, "How was the milk? " I said, "Very tasty. " She laughed and said, "Now go for playing. "

In the evening my uncle came from work and we drank tea in the kitchen. Then aunt said to me, "Come Raju. " I went to her and laid myself on her lap. Uncle smiled and went to watch tv in the main hall. Aunt said, "Why did you drank the tea? I was anyway going to suckle you. " I ashamedly said, "Sorry aunt. " She laughed and then started breastfeeding me. Taste of the tea was nothing good compared to her milk and I decided from now on to give up drinking tea. She suckled me for half hour.

Next evening I went with Sujata aunt at our neighbouring house. Puja aunt was a good friend of my aunt. She lived with her brother-in-law' son who was of my age and my friend also. We all now sat on the floor in the hall to watch tv. My aunt was talking with Puja aunt. After some time Sujata aunt said, "Come here Raju." I went to her, my face getting redder.

She laid me on her lap and opened some lower hooks of her blouse from behind her pallu. She said to Puja aunt, "From yesterday I started breastfeeding Raju. " Puja aunt asked laughing, "At this age? He is 18 now !" Sujata aunt told , "So what? Breast milk is helthy for him. " Puja aunt said smiling , "You are taking good care of him. " My friend Ramesh taunted me, "Raju, now you are going to be a baby!" Puja aunt scolded him, "Dont taunt him. Leave him alone." Sujata aunt covered my head with pallu and started suckling me like a baby.
Wow yrr... So good 👍


New Member
Update 26

Next day was my lucky day . Because after dinner that night Nandini had also convinced Anjali to sleep in my bedroom. Puja aunt and Sujata aunt were going to sleep in the hall beside my grandpa. I was very exited because unlike Nandini , Anjali had milk . I was curious about its flavour because Sujata aunt's milk tested differently than Puja aunt. We were sitting in main hall when Puja aunt made sleeping arrangement on the floor and helped my grandpa sleep on it. Sujata aunt switched off the hall's light and they both then slept on either side of him. Sujata aunt had changed into a pink maxi and Puja aunt now wore a black maxi. Sujata aunt immediately turned her father-in-law towards her by putting her hand on his shoulder. She then unbuttoned her maxi buttons and taking out a boob she started feeding him like a baby. Now Nandini was sitting beside me on the sofa . It was near dark but I could see her shape . When I was watching Sujata aunt feed my grandpa she slid her hand on my pant and started caressing my tent which has grown significantly in anticipation of coming night activities. I allowed her to fondle my tool for some time then I too started fondling ger boobs over the green maxi she wore. Anjali was on my other side and apparantly was very shocked by watching Nandini's dirty activity with me. Nadini laughed quietly and said to me in low voice enough to carry over to Anjali,
"Fondle her boobs also Raju!"
I was so hard now that I obeyed her instantly and put my other hand on Anjali's one breast which was nearest me and started squeezing it gently. Anjali moaned in low voice but didn't stop me from doing my handiwork. Encouraged by this I opened Nandini's maxi buttons , put my hand inside it and started pinching her nipples . She too started moaning in that dark atmosphere. Anjali was turned on now that she said to us both,
"We should go to your room now . Its getting very hot here."
नंदिनीनेही होकार दिला. म्हणून आम्ही तिघे उठलो आणि आमच्या घराच्या पहिल्या मजल्यावर असलेल्या माझ्या खोलीत गेलो. मी दार बंद केले आणि नीट लॉक केल्याची खात्री केली. अंजली आणि नंदिनी आधीच बेडवर झोपल्या होत्या. मी हसले आणि हळूच माझे कपडे एक एक करून काढले. जेव्हा माझे प्रत्येक फॅब्रिक जमिनीवर पडत होते तेव्हा ते दोघेही रडत होते. शेवटी मी फक्त माझ्या अंडरवेअरमध्ये होतो आणि माझ्या हॉट रॉडने सपोर्ट केलेला प्रचंड तंबू होता. मी लगेच जाऊन त्यांच्यामध्ये झोपलो. प्रथम मी अंजलीच्या दिशेने वळलो आणि पुन्हा तिचे बुब्स हळूवारपणे दाबू लागलो. माझ्या वीर्यपतनावर मी जेमतेम होतो. काही वेळाने मी तिची मॅक्सीची बटणे काढली आणि तिचे एक बुब बाहेर काढले. ते दुधासह खूप मोठे होते. माझ्या तोंडाला पाणी सुटले आणि मी लगेच बाळासारखे चोखू लागलो. तिने मला तिच्या मिठीत घेतले आणि मी हळू हळू तिचे दूध चोखत राहिलो. तिचे दूध थोडे आंबट होते पण मला ते आवडले. मग नंदिनीने तिचा हात माझ्यावरून सरकवला आणि माझ्या अंतर्वस्त्राच्या आत टाकला. त्यावेळी माझे जवळजवळ स्खलन झाले. मी अंजलीचे बुब चोखणे बंद केले आणि नंदिनीकडे वळलो. काही वेळाने आम्ही दोघे पूर्ण नग्न झालो होतो आणि मी तिला चोदत होतो तर अंजलीने आम्हाला जवळून पाहिले होते. तिची मॅक्सी मधून अजून एक बुब बाहेर होता आणि ती हळूवारपणे पिळत होती ज्यामुळे मला आणखी हॉर्नीअर झाले आणि माझा जोराचा वेग वाढला. नंदिनी आता जोरात ओरडत होती. जेव्हा मी 5 मिनिटांच्या जोरात वीर्यपतन केले तेव्हा ती आनंदाने किंचाळली. आम्ही दोघेही थकलो होतो म्हणून मी तिच्यावरून सरकलो. मी अर्धा तास विश्रांती घेतली आणि मग पुन्हा अंजलीच्या दिशेने वळलो. आमच्या मागे नंदिनी दमून घोरत होती. मी अजून थकलो होतो म्हणून मी हळू हळू घेतले आणि प्रथम फक्त अंजलीचे बुब्स वैकल्पिकरित्या चोखले. जवळपास अर्ध्या तासानंतर मला माझी शक्ती परत आली आणि मग तिला माझ्या खाली घेऊन हळूवारपणे चोदायला लागलो. आम्ही ते खूप हळू करत होतो पण अंजलीला ते आवडले. मी तिच्या शेजारी नग्न कधी झोपलो ते मला आठवतही नाही.
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