Fantastic indeed,many thanks n blessings to you all.omUpdate 5 :
At breakfast time my father ate very little. My grandma looked worried. Today Sujata aunt was wearing green blouse.
Due to previous night my father was shy with her. But she smiled to him. Sanjay uncle left for his work. After breakfast she took me to her room and sitting on the floor she laid me on her lap. While opening her lower blouse hooks she said to me, "I am worried about your father. He has not eaten much at breakfast. " Then she covered my head with her pallu and breastfed me for nearly half hour.
My father again ate very little at lunch and by the time of dinner he looked very ill. Grandma asked him worriedly, "Why aren't you eating anything, Suraj? " He said ,"I am not hungry. " He had only touched his first serving and he finished eating. Now Sanjay uncle and Sujata aunt also looked concerned. Later Sanjay uncle made sleeping arramgement for everyone in the main hall. Sujata aunt switched off the lights and slept beside my father. She started comforting him so he could sleep. But he tossed and turned. Sujata aunt said to my grandma, "He is not sleeping soundly tonight. " Grandma said, "It must be beacause he hasn't eaten much today." Sujata aunt told my father to sleep still. But he was tossing. Sujata aunt said to my father, " Okey then. I would have to feed you. Thats the only way to make you sleep. " She slid her left hand beneath his head and held it firmly. Then by opening her upper blouse hooks she thrust her one breast in his mouth.
For the first he fought with her but he was very week so he couldn't do anything. She held him forcefully. After some time he relaxed and started suckling like a baby. Sujata aunt was still holding her breast in his mouth by one hand. After 15 minutes he had finished her one breast. She immediatly shifted him to her other breast. This time he didn't refuse and let her feed him. After he finished her milk ( he now took less time) Sujata aunt closed her blouse hooks and pulled my father close to her putting his head between her breasts. Then he slept soundly for the first time from arriving in the village.
In the morning all were having breakfast in the kitchen. My father was looked well compared to yesterday but he was blushing whenever he looked at Sujata aunt. Sanjay uncle was smiling slightly but he said nothing. My grandma today looked happy instead of worried like yesterday. And Sujata aunt was joyful too. She was wearing yellow saree and blouse today. Whenever my father looked at her, his eyes riveted on her breasts and his face would get red again. Sanjay uncle left as usual for his work. We were now still sitting in the kitchen. Grandma said to Sujata aunt, "Thank you for comforting Suraj previous night. If you were not there I couldn't imagine how he had slept peacefully. " Sujata aunt said kindly, "It was nothing ma. He needs to be fed regularly now for some days atleast. " Grandma said to my father,"Listen to her. She is doing this for your good health. " My father said nothing. Sujata aunt washed all of our dishes in the sink and came near my father and sat next to him. She said to him, "Come BIL, dont be shy now. You want to get better, yes?
" She took his hand and guided him to lie on her lap. Now my father's attention was fixed fully on her ripe breasts. Sujata aunt opened her lower blouse hooks. Then by supporting his head with her left arm she started feeding him in front of us both. My father was suckling like a baby and from her expression Sujata aunt liked it too. He had covered her whole brown aerola with his mouth and was sucking it slowly.
After some time grandma said to her, "Cover his head dear. If someone comes accidently they will not understand this situation. " Sujata aunt covered his head with her pallu. She suckled him for quite some time. After that she readjusted her blouse and pallu and asked him, "How was it BIL? Will you feed regularly now? " My father told, "It was very good. Yes, I will suckle regularly." Grandma and aunt both looked happy now.
After lunch Sujata aunt and I went to sleep in her room. Without asking me she opened her blouse hooks and started breastfeeding me like a baby. I felt pleased that Sujata aunt had not overlooked me and cared for me like she now cared for my father. I too was suckling very slowly and she laughingly said, "You are like your father, Raju." After that she remained silent and enjoyed feeding me for half hour.
In the evening we were all watching tv in the main hall. Sanjay uncle also had come home. Daylight was reducing slowly. After some time Sujata aunt laid my farher on her lap who was sitting beside her on the floor and said him, "You ate at lunch but not enough. " She slid her hand behind her pallu and opened her lower blouse hooks. Sanjay uncle teased my father, "You are now getting benefited by coming here, brother. Like our mother thought rightly. " Grandma scolded him, "Dont tease him. He is ill now. " Sanjay uncle remained silent now but he was smiling slightly. Then Sujata aunt covered my father's head with her pallu and suckled him for a long time. He must have been taking his time feeding like a baby.
Further update needs your big comments. So say something if you like my story.
V nice indeed,I like it v much,u see.omUpdate 3 :
Although I had no problem suckling in front of anybody, I prefered to do it alone. Sujata aunt also liked breastfeeding me when we were alone. When Sanjay uncle left for work we both were watching tv in the main hall. Both doors of the house were closed. We were watching a movie for some time now. Sujata aunt said, "What a rubbish movie. But actor is quite good looking. " I said, "Yeah, the drama is predictable and the actor is dumb too." Aunt said luaghing, "So do you want to suckle now baby? " I told her, "Of course I want to." I was sitting very close to her. She took my hand and laid me on her lap. She was wearing black saree and blouse today. I voiced my concern , "My father and grandma is coming tomorrow. How will you feed me then? " She said, "Do not worry baby. " Then she started suckling me. I put my worries aside and started enjoying her breast. " She said with pleasure, "Ohh Raju! I feel so empowered feeding you like a baby. " Her attention wasn't on tv. She had closed her eyes and was taking joy in suckling me while I steadily sucked liked a baby. She was feeding me for half hour. After that she readjusted her blouse and pallu. I lay there sleeping while she watched the tv.
At night Sujata aunt had invited her lady friends in village for a snack party. Some ladies were of my aunt's age while some were their mother-in-laws. Everybody sat on the floor talking, laughing. Sanjay uncle had already gone for sleeping in his room. Our neighbouring Suman aunt and her nephew Ramesh had come also. Sujata and Suman aunt provided all with some snacks and all ladies now were eating, playing cards or talking.
I was sited near Sujata aunt and she made me lie down on her lap. One young lady laughed, "I know you breastfeed Raju now. " Some ladies were shocked but one older lady said, "Its unusual to feed a boy his age. But its harmless. " Suman aunt smiled and said, "Yes. Its good for his health. Ramesh also asked me to suckle him. " Some ladies giggled. Suman told them, " I started using a pump yesterday to induce breastmilk. It will take two weeks to start flowing milk from breasts. " One lady asked Sujata aunt," Aren't you going to feed him now? Or he is very shy?" Sujata aunt asked me," Do you want milk, baby?" I said ok. Sujata aunt slid her hand behind pallu and opened some lower hooks of her blouse. " I felt very nervous because everyone was watching me. Then Sujata aunt covered my head with her pallu and started feeding me. Some ladies were laughing but after some time I ignored them completly and concentrated completly on suckling. One lady asked my aunt,"Do you feel pain while he suckles? " Aunt told her, "No. He feeds like a baby. I feel so good while feeding him. " She had her one arm beneath my head for support and with the other hand she held her boob in my mouth behind her pallu. I suckled for half hour. Afterward I sat aside. Sujata aunt asked Ramesh, "Do you also want to suckle, Ramesh. " He was now red faced with shame. Some ladies encouraged him. So he went near Sujata aunt. She said, "Dont be shy, Ramesh. You also are my nephew. Come. " She made him lie down on her lap. He was watching her boobs with fascination . Then Sujata aunt covered his head and started feeding him also. Whole time she was feeding him ladies were giggling. I hadn't left much milk so Ramesh was suckling for only 5 minutes. After that he sat aside his face still red.
Leave long comments if you all want next update.
Very good indeed,o love to read n enjoy.omUpdate 3 :
Although I had no problem suckling in front of anybody, I prefered to do it alone. Sujata aunt also liked breastfeeding me when we were alone. When Sanjay uncle left for work we both were watching tv in the main hall. Both doors of the house were closed. We were watching a movie for some time now. Sujata aunt said, "What a rubbish movie. But actor is quite good looking. " I said, "Yeah, the drama is predictable and the actor is dumb too." Aunt said luaghing, "So do you want to suckle now baby? " I told her, "Of course I want to." I was sitting very close to her. She took my hand and laid me on her lap. She was wearing black saree and blouse today. I voiced my concern , "My father and grandma is coming tomorrow. How will you feed me then? " She said, "Do not worry baby. " Then she started suckling me. I put my worries aside and started enjoying her breast. " She said with pleasure, "Ohh Raju! I feel so empowered feeding you like a baby. " Her attention wasn't on tv. She had closed her eyes and was taking joy in suckling me while I steadily sucked liked a baby. She was feeding me for half hour. After that she readjusted her blouse and pallu. I lay there sleeping while she watched the tv.
At night Sujata aunt had invited her lady friends in village for a snack party. Some ladies were of my aunt's age while some were their mother-in-laws. Everybody sat on the floor talking, laughing. Sanjay uncle had already gone for sleeping in his room. Our neighbouring Suman aunt and her nephew Ramesh had come also. Sujata and Suman aunt provided all with some snacks and all ladies now were eating, playing cards or talking.
I was sited near Sujata aunt and she made me lie down on her lap. One young lady laughed, "I know you breastfeed Raju now. " Some ladies were shocked but one older lady said, "Its unusual to feed a boy his age. But its harmless. " Suman aunt smiled and said, "Yes. Its good for his health. Ramesh also asked me to suckle him. " Some ladies giggled. Suman told them, " I started using a pump yesterday to induce breastmilk. It will take two weeks to start flowing milk from breasts. " One lady asked Sujata aunt," Aren't you going to feed him now? Or he is very shy?" Sujata aunt asked me," Do you want milk, baby?" I said ok. Sujata aunt slid her hand behind pallu and opened some lower hooks of her blouse. " I felt very nervous because everyone was watching me. Then Sujata aunt covered my head with her pallu and started feeding me. Some ladies were laughing but after some time I ignored them completly and concentrated completly on suckling. One lady asked my aunt,"Do you feel pain while he suckles? " Aunt told her, "No. He feeds like a baby. I feel so good while feeding him. " She had her one arm beneath my head for support and with the other hand she held her boob in my mouth behind her pallu. I suckled for half hour. Afterward I sat aside. Sujata aunt asked Ramesh, "Do you also want to suckle, Ramesh. " He was now red faced with shame. Some ladies encouraged him. So he went near Sujata aunt. She said, "Dont be shy, Ramesh. You also are my nephew. Come. " She made him lie down on her lap. He was watching her boobs with fascination . Then Sujata aunt covered his head and started feeding him also. Whole time she was feeding him ladies were giggling. I hadn't left much milk so Ramesh was suckling for only 5 minutes. After that he sat aside his face still red.
Leave long comments if you all want next update.
It is very v maternal love n mind uplifting too.omFantastic indeed,many thanks n blessings to you
Very good n loving too.omUpdate 2 :
It was sunday. In the evening Sunjay uncle, Sujata aunt and I were sitting in the main hall watching a movie on tv. We always sat on the floor. I was sitting very close to Sujata aunt, ocassionally eyeing her boobs.
They were very inviting. I wanted to suck them like a baby. But I was having second thoughts about asking her in front of uncle. In the end my lust for her milk won over and I asked her in hushed voice, "Sujata aunt, will you feed me? " She smiled and said, "Of course Raju. I will feed you whenever you feel like it. Dont be shy with me. Now come here. " I went near her and laid myself on her lap. Then she started breastfeeding me while covering my head with her pallu. While suckling me she was also talking casually with Sanjay uncle. Uncle said , "Mother called me in morning. She said she is coming next sunday with Sameer bhayya (my father). He is ill and she wants him to spend some months here away from city life. He is feeling depressed. Mother thinks he will feel much better here in the village. Father is going to stay in the city." I concentrated on sucking my aunt's milk. She was supporting my head with one arm and was holding her boob in my mouth with other hand. I felt so intimate with her. She was feeding me for quite some time.
In the morning when Sanjay uncle went to work I was sitting with Sujata aunt in the kitchen. She was having breakfast. I ate some too. Then I asked her to feed me. She said, "Let me finish this breakfast first. " After eating she washed our dishes in the kitchen sink, wiped her hands and again sat near me. I laid my head on her lap. She wore a yellow saree and blouse today.
Our back door behind kitchen was open. We always left both front and back doors open in village. I thought what would happen if someone in the village came through either door. But I didn't care about that. Aunt had opened her lower blouse hooks. She said smiling, "Take your time suckling, Ok?" I was watching her boobs hungrily. Then she started feeding me. It was a new experience everytime I suckled from Sujata aunt. I loved the way how soft her boob felt in my mouth when I gently sucked her milk like a baby. I was suckling very slowly. She fed me for half hour.
In the afternoon after lunch we slept in the main hall. Now too I asked her to suckle me. She happily turned towards him. I slid near her putting my head opposite her boobs. She put her left arm beneath my head for support and opened her upper blouse hooks. Then by taking out her one boob she started to feed me like a baby.
Please tell me what do you think of my story.
Yes,dear n respected seemaji,I am a swami n a brahmchari too,I want to chat with uif u want n allow me.omAnybody interested in this abf (adult breastfeeding ) fantasy ?
Can this story be read in Marathi?Update 14
In the morning we took leave of Samir uncle and his bahu. Nisha was wearing a pink saree with white blouse. Samir uncle"s son wasn't going to come for the next 4-5 month from abroad. So we all hoped that Nisha would take good care of him. After all, they were starting to get close to each other so well. She had suckled him yesterday in the afternoon and night. Looked like they were going to have fun while his son was abroad.
We boarded the train for our village. This time our bogie was already occupied by 5-6 middle aged women . It was 10:30 a.m. . I was sitting beside Puja aunt. And on our opposite sit Sima aunt sat beside my Grandpa. Both aunts were talking with other women. They also were from our village and knew my aunts very well.
At 11:30 my grandpa started drooping and he was having trouble with very bright sunlight. Sima aunt noticed this. She sat cross legged by lifting her both feet on the sit and asked her father-in-law to lie on her lap. He happily obliged and slept on her lap. Those middle aged women were watching this. Some smiled at her . Others just behaved like this was normal. Sima aunt started lulling my Grandpa and said to other women,
"He likes sleeping on my lap."
One woman teased him,
"Yes. Of course he likes it. You are treating him as a baby."
Sima and Puja aunt laughed at this. After some time my Grandpa was getting restless because of the brightness of the sun. So Sima aunt covered his head with her pallu.
One other woman said to Sima aunt,
"You are a very kind bahu. "
All women agreed to her. But after 5 minutes Grandpa started tossing again. Sima aunt tried to lull him but he was getting restless again. Sima aunt said to the women ,
"He must be hungry."
And then she slided her right hand under her pallu, opened some of her blouse buttons and by lifting her blouse from one side she started suckling him. The others of course could not see underneath her pallu. Sima aunt kept her hand under her pallu so she could keep holding her breast in my Grandpa's mouth. Now grandpa relaxed and was feeding like a baby. One woman asked her in shocked voice,
"Did you just started breastfeeding him?"
Sima aunt smiled at them ,
"Yes. He likes suckling our milk. Puja also feeds her."
One woman laughed,
"Wow. Suckling a man so old! It must be fun." All women laughed including my aunts.
"Yes its healthy for him too."
Now all watched my Sima aunt as she continued suckling her father-in-law. After 20 minutes Grandpa felt asleep while feeding. Sima aunt first covered her breast then lifted her pallu from Grandpa's head . She then closed her blouse buttons and adjusted her pallu. Grandpa was sound asleep now. She let him sleep on her lap.
We arrived at our home at around 5 p.m. in the evening. My dad was very pleased to see both my aunts. Later Sanjay uncle also came home from work. At 9 p.m. we ate dinner . Then it was our daily TV watching time. Uncle was sitting on the sofa. My dad was sitting on the floor beside Sima aunt . Grandpa sat with Puja aunt. After some time my dad said something in Sima aunt's ear very quietly. Sima aunt laughed and made him lie on her lap. My dad slid aside her pallu and took her one breast in his mouth and started sucking it over the cloth. Sima aunt looked down on him and scolded him,
"Are you so hungry BIL? Couldn't you wait for some time?"
But my father continued sucking over the cloth. Sima aunt sighed in exasperation and by covering my dad's head with her pallu she started suckling him like a baby. My dad was making loud sucking sounds which we all could hear very clearly. Sima aunt again scolded him,
"Suck slowly BIL. Or my nipples will be soar all night ."
But my dad wasn't listening and continued feeding like there was no tomorrow. Sima aunt was irritated but she also felt pleasure from my dad sucking her breast so hardly. So she now let him enjoy and sat there quietly. That night Sima aunt was very exhausted and didn't suckle my Grandpa. Puja aunt was sleeping beside him. So she suckled him till he slept soundly in her arms.
Very loving n useful maternal love.omUpdate 14
In the morning we took leave of Samir uncle and his bahu. Nisha was wearing a pink saree with white blouse. Samir uncle"s son wasn't going to come for the next 4-5 month from abroad. So we all hoped that Nisha would take good care of him. After all, they were starting to get close to each other so well. She had suckled him yesterday in the afternoon and night. Looked like they were going to have fun while his son was abroad.
We boarded the train for our village. This time our bogie was already occupied by 5-6 middle aged women . It was 10:30 a.m. . I was sitting beside Puja aunt. And on our opposite sit Sima aunt sat beside my Grandpa. Both aunts were talking with other women. They also were from our village and knew my aunts very well.
At 11:30 my grandpa started drooping and he was having trouble with very bright sunlight. Sima aunt noticed this. She sat cross legged by lifting her both feet on the sit and asked her father-in-law to lie on her lap. He happily obliged and slept on her lap. Those middle aged women were watching this. Some smiled at her . Others just behaved like this was normal. Sima aunt started lulling my Grandpa and said to other women,
"He likes sleeping on my lap."
One woman teased him,
"Yes. Of course he likes it. You are treating him as a baby."
Sima and Puja aunt laughed at this. After some time my Grandpa was getting restless because of the brightness of the sun. So Sima aunt covered his head with her pallu.
One other woman said to Sima aunt,
"You are a very kind bahu. "
All women agreed to her. But after 5 minutes Grandpa started tossing again. Sima aunt tried to lull him but he was getting restless again. Sima aunt said to the women ,
"He must be hungry."
And then she slided her right hand under her pallu, opened some of her blouse buttons and by lifting her blouse from one side she started suckling him. The others of course could not see underneath her pallu. Sima aunt kept her hand under her pallu so she could keep holding her breast in my Grandpa's mouth. Now grandpa relaxed and was feeding like a baby. One woman asked her in shocked voice,
"Did you just started breastfeeding him?"
Sima aunt smiled at them ,
"Yes. He likes suckling our milk. Puja also feeds her."
One woman laughed,
"Wow. Suckling a man so old! It must be fun." All women laughed including my aunts.
"Yes its healthy for him too."
Now all watched my Sima aunt as she continued suckling her father-in-law. After 20 minutes Grandpa felt asleep while feeding. Sima aunt first covered her breast then lifted her pallu from Grandpa's head . She then closed her blouse buttons and adjusted her pallu. Grandpa was sound asleep now. She let him sleep on her lap.
We arrived at our home at around 5 p.m. in the evening. My dad was very pleased to see both my aunts. Later Sanjay uncle also came home from work. At 9 p.m. we ate dinner . Then it was our daily TV watching time. Uncle was sitting on the sofa. My dad was sitting on the floor beside Sima aunt . Grandpa sat with Puja aunt. After some time my dad said something in Sima aunt's ear very quietly. Sima aunt laughed and made him lie on her lap. My dad slid aside her pallu and took her one breast in his mouth and started sucking it over the cloth. Sima aunt looked down on him and scolded him,
"Are you so hungry BIL? Couldn't you wait for some time?"
But my father continued sucking over the cloth. Sima aunt sighed in exasperation and by covering my dad's head with her pallu she started suckling him like a baby. My dad was making loud sucking sounds which we all could hear very clearly. Sima aunt again scolded him,
"Suck slowly BIL. Or my nipples will be soar all night ."
But my dad wasn't listening and continued feeding like there was no tomorrow. Sima aunt was irritated but she also felt pleasure from my dad sucking her breast so hardly. So she now let him enjoy and sat there quietly. That night Sima aunt was very exhausted and didn't suckle my Grandpa. Puja aunt was sleeping beside him. So she suckled him till he slept soundly in her arms.