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Adultery My wife, why did she betray me / Pink Jasmine ( completed )

Mohan Ahuja

Active Member
Saravanan saw his wife sitting slumped on the floor. Her face was ravaged with sorrow. There seemed to be no life left in her body. This was the one aspect that Saravanan had feared. How is she going to take this all in.

“Meera,” he softly called out.

He saw her body stiffen on hearing his voice. She did not move and seemed to be frozen in time.

“Meera,” he called out again.

Again, it took a few minutes before she slowly turned and looked at his face. In space of this half an hour her face had undergone such a dramatic change. Gone was bright beautiful face. Instead her eyes seemed to be hollow pool without ant light in them. Her face swollen from her tears. Even her facial muscles seem to have lost their firmness. When she saw his face, she finally lost all the will within her. She had made a tremendous effort to keep control of herself when Prabu was here but now all her emotion burst out unmanageable by the sorrow that was consuming her from within.

She shrieked out, her body shuddering uncontrollably as she wailed not being able to see the loving man to whom she had caused so much of heartache and pain. Even now when he had looked at her face there was no hint of anger or admonishment in those eyes. Only kindness and concern for her in spite of her dreadful and shameful behaviour. She had violated all the sacred trust that had united them in marriage all these years and she had done it willingly as lust had overwhelmed all the values with which she had been brought up.

“Why…why…why….she kept shaking her head violently as she cried.
Saravanan went close to her wanting to place a consoling hand on her. She aggressively jerked away from him in horror before he could touch her. When she saw the hurt in her husband’s eyes when she did that she was consumed with grief. He must have thought that she did not even want him to touch her anymore. He was right in that but for not the reason he must be thinking.

“No…no.. you must not touch me. Your fingers should never have to touch this unclean body again,” she sobbed as she looked at him pleadingly.
“Don’t say that Meera….” Saravanan started to say but she cut him off.

“No.. no…,” she pleaded, my filthy stench would stick to you. I don’t deserve any kindness from you. It’s causing a searing pain in my heart every time I think how deeply I had hurt you.

She was again taken up by a paroxysm of sobbing that shook her whole body. It took her awhile to recover from it.

Saravanan sat beside her careful not to touch her. She was at the movement very grief stricken and there must be intense self hate within her. He needed to be very patient for her at the moment.

“It’s okay Meera, calm yourself. We cannot change the past. Nothing to be gained by it. Let’s see what is to be done going forward,” he spoke gently.

She looked up at him, her face deeply lined with sorrow. “How did you bear all this humiliation. I don’t want to live anymore .. if you had beaten me to death I would have gladly died in your hands.”

“No Meera, maybe I too didn’t take care of you properly, I am not completely blameless.”

“No.. no.. ,” Meera shrieked, “ never .. don’t ever say. It’s all my fault. I don’t deserve a good man like you… don’t ever blame yourself, I can’t stand to hear that.”

There was silence for a while. She continued sobbing and Saravanan was patient letting her get to some semblance of self-control.

Meera started talking sombrely, “Why did you never say a word .. you had never shown anger or hate .. after all that I did… why??”

Saravanan didn’t know what to say, he too didn’t know how he was able to bear the strain her illicit relationship caused in his life.
He let her ramble on in her sorrow and gently tried to soothe her but she was filled with so much of self-loathing that she kept berating herself and crying all the while. Finally after almost an hour she started talking about the future.

“You are right .. I can’t be your wife anymore..”

Saravanan looked up at her face, alarmed. Seeing that she quickly continued talking. She did not want him to think of her being a woman of such hideous morals that she wanted to live a life as Prabu’s mistress.

“I don’t deserve to be your wife.. I don’t deserve any happiness in my life for the humiliation and pain I had caused you.”

She looked at Saravanan’s face sincerely and continued, ”Prabu would never come here again nor will I ever meet him again. My life is finished. I am dead inside and this is just a shell existing.”

“No Meera, If you can let go of the past, you need not live like this. Everyone deserves a second chance.”

“Ha,” she laughed sardonically. There was bitter contempt for herself in it. “I had my second chance when Prabu’s father banished him from here .. I didn’t use that. I was a self absorbed evil bitch, not appreciating the gem I already had.”

“I want to grovel at your feet asking for forgiveness, but only someone who deserves forgiveness can do that. All I seek is death to take me soon.”

Saravanan was now truly alarmed. “Meera, don’t do anything foolish.”

Meera could hear the concern in his voice and that caused another pang of pain in her heart. If he had kicked her, beaten her up she would have had some solace from that, but his kindness and love was causing her far more pain than any violence against her. How could she have been so blind to what she had. She lost everything for some fleeting moments of bodily pleasure.
She wanted to speak loving words of reassurance to her husband but she felt she had lost all the right to do that and was not worthy to even be a woman much less the wife of such a honourable man.

“You suffered all the humiliation because of this. I won’t kill myself .. I will never do anything that would bring dishonour to you till the last breath is in my body.”

Saravanan was relieved to hear that.

“You are right in that the only position I deserve in your life is that of a servant to you. I will pass the rest of my life only in that position and that is the only position I deserve.”

Saravanan spoke to her for the next hour trying to dissuade her of her decision but she was very firm in not budging from her decision.

So began the next phase of their lives. Prabu and his family soon left town and were very, very infrequent visitors to their own home. Meera truly began her life as his servant. She would sleep on the floor in their room and no matter what Saravanan said would not come and sleep on the bed. If he tried to persuade her a lot of tears would start flowing from her cheeks and so Saravanan gave up though it distressed him to see her do this.

She continued to be a loving mother to her children taking care of them as much as she could. Only with her kids would a smile appear once in a while on her face. Saravanan could see the care she had for him too. If he was a little unwell he could see her anxiety. She longed to soothe him and take care of him but she would restrain herself and take care of him like a nurse would. She felt she had no right to be loving to him.

She maintained the outward appearance of a happy family for the sake of Saravanan’s reputation. Even when going to the weekly temple visit, she would let her son or daughter sit in the front with her husband. As a servant she felt she had no right to sit in front with her husband. What hurt her most is that in wanting to punish herself she was also hurting the man she most wanted to have all the happiness in his life. She could not provide the pleasures in bed a wife should give to her husband. She didn’t want a pure hearted man to be sullied by touching a slut like her. For her great sin because of sex she had forsaken any desire for sexual pleasure in her life. Her husband was also being denied that because of it and that hurt her. She wished he would take a second wife or even a mistress who would give him all the happiness he deserved. He was not that type of a man was the reason for her continued sorrow.

The continued mental anguish she was going through was reflected in the changes taking place in her. She was losing weight and started looking haggard. Saravanan was concerned as her health seemed to be getting worse slowly. It was now six months passed that day when everything had come out in the open. Why is her health getting like this, Saravanan wondered. He thought she was not eating properly anymore and despite her protest he made sure she ate with them to make sure she took proper meals. She had been eating after the family members had done so, as a servant should.

However still her health seemed to be getting worse. Saravanan was worried she was suffering some illness. He forced her to come with him and took her to a big hospital in a city closest to their town. A thorough medical examination found nothing wrong with her medically. She was prescribed some vitamins and sent home. After a month her health didn’t seem to have any improvement. Saravanan again took her to the hospital and saw the same specialist. The specialist again did all the tests and some additional ones. The doctor told Meera to rest in bed in a room and called Saravanan aside.

“Doctor, tell me, what’s wrong with her?”

“Mr. Saravanan, I have done all the tests but we can’t find anything wrong.”

The doctor paused for a moment and said,” Sorry sir, but I even examined her to see if she had suffered any physical abuse. There was no signs of any old injuries.”

“What doctor.. you thought I was a wife beater..????”

“Don’t get upset sir, we have to look out for all possibilities. Now don’t get angry but I asked her separately if you are giving her any mental torture.”

Seeing Saravanan being upset at how he had questioned his wife the doctor quickly continued, “ I had to think that because your wife is always very quiet. She hardly speaks a word but when I asked that of her I saw some sort of emotion from her for the first time.”

“What emotion??” asked Saravanan.

“She was angry that I dare think something like that about you.”

Despite himself a small smile appeared in Saravanan’s face.

The doctor continued,” Mr. Saravanan, something has occurred that is causing all this. There seems to be nothing physical wrong with her. I suspect she is suffering something mentally.”

Seeing Saravanan suddenly becoming silent the doctor knew he was on the right track.

“I don’t want to know what it is because I am not trained to help even if I knew. It must be surely something very personal. I think she needs help from a mental health specialist.”

what?? You think my wife is going mad??”

“No, no sir, many people make that mistake. All of us under go mental stress and even may have some mental issues which we are normally able to overcome. The mind can both be fragile and strong. Some people can be overcome by their troubles and it’s not as infrequent as you think.”

Saravanan was pondering on what the doctor was saying. He knew the stress Meera was in. She was always morose and seemed to be lost. Only when the kids or he was around there was some sort of spark within her even though that too was not much. He had even wrongly thinking mistakenly had asked her if she missed Prabu. It was as if he had slapped her. Her haunting look of pain had made him immediately regret what he had asked.

“I would rather die before, but how can I blame you for thinking that. I had behaved in such a cheap and dreadful manner before,” Meera said before bursting into tears.

It took a few days before she could recover from the pain caused by his words. Their life has not changed for the better after as he had expected after the Meera’s affair with Prabu had ended permanently. What else did he have to lose.
“What should I do doctor?”

“I have a colleague who is very good in treating people with problems like these. I will make an appointment with him for you. When next week would be okay for you?”

Saravanan left for home driving his car, deep in his thoughts. Meera sat beside him (Saravanan insisted on it) quietly without saying a word. It was getting dark as late evening had set in.

The following week Saravanan took Meera for an appointment with Dr. Arul Prabakaran, the Psychiatric specialist recommended by the Doctor who was treating Meera. Meera became panicked when she saw that they were going to a different hospital than the one she had gone to before.

The panic caused her to speak as she was often withdrawn and did not speak out on her own but would rather only respond to people talking to her. The exception to this were her children and sometimes, Saravanan.

“Where are we going? Why this hospital?” she asked.

“Don’t worry, we are seeing a new doctor. Our old doctor recommended we see him,” Saravanan said reassuringly.

“Actually, I don’t know why we should see a doctor, I’m alright.”

Talking to her soothingly they arrived at the reception. On asking for Dr. Arul they were directed to his treatment room on the 2nd floor of the Hospital. The receptionist for the doctor told them to wait as the doctor was currently with another patient. They were about 15 minutes early for their appointment. Saravanan could see that Meera was getting more and more nervous as she sat there waiting. Finally, a couple came out from the doctor’s room, having finished their consultation.

The nurse cum receptionist asked Saravanan and Meera to go in. Dr. Arul was a man who seemed to be in his mid to late forties. He had a kind face that would calm a patient talking to him. That was probably a plus point for the speciality he was in.

“Come in, Mr. Saravanan and Mrs. Meera,” he said greeting them warmly with a smile. “Dr. Ganesh (the specialist who treated Meera earlier) has briefed me about you. Please sit down.”

He then generally started asking some questions about their background, such as age, educational background, residence, profession etc. He had a soothing way of talking and Meera slowly started losing her panic. Dr. Arul then called in another nurse to take Meera to an attached room to this room. He asked her to take the measurement of Meera’s weight, height and pressure and to have Meera lie down in a bed for awhile while he spoke to Saravanan.

Once Meera had left reluctantly (she didn’t want to leave Saravanan’s side) with the nurse Dr. Arul turned his attention to Saravanan.

“Mr. Saravanan, can I just call you by name? I don’t want this to be too formal.”

“Sure doctor, no problem.”

“Good, good. Saravanan Dr. Ganesh told me about all the tests he had run through for your wife and his findings. Now I would really like you to tell me what problems or issues that has arisen leading to the situation now. I need to know everything.”

Dr. Arul could see the hesitation on Saravanan’s part. He well understood that. In his more than 20 years of experience in treating patients he knew how difficult it was for people to open up. He has practically seen it all and the hurt it causes the people to even talk about it again. It usually evokes painful memories. Matters like these were usually both very personal and sensitive. He had to be patient and he had to reassure the people who seek his help in resolving their issues.

“Saravanan, I know it is difficult for you to speak about what had happened but it is essential I know the situation clearly before I can help the both of you. I assure you that what you disclose here would strictly have doctor/patient confidentiality and it would not be revealed to anyone else, not even the nurses that work for me. They will only know the treatment/medicine I prescribe but no details of the patient’s history. That would strictly be in my personal confidential notes.”

Dr. Arul saw Saravanan relax a bit after he had spoken but he could still see Saravanan struggle to open up and disclose the matter. It must be a matter that was personally very embarrassing for him to reveal. He could guess what it could possibly be but he did not want to jump to conclusions and waited for Saravanan to talk.

“Saravanan, I can’t help if you don’t reveal what had caused a problem for your wife or for you for that matter.”

Saravanan took a deep breath. Apart from the brief moment when he had spoken to Prabu’s father when he (Prabu’s father) had stumbled upon Prabu having sex with his wife, he had not talked about this to any other person. He was aware it needed to be disclosed to Dr. Arul but by doing that it was going to reopen some very painful wounds. For the sake of his wife mental wellbeing he had no choice but to do so.

Doctor it all started about three and a half years ago. That was when my old childhood friend called Prabu came back to our hometown from the gulf.”

Dr. Arul began to understand where the problem started and what the problem was likely to be. In his many years of experience, when it involved problems between a couple it was usually because of the intervention of a third party into the relationship. Most of the cases would be because of another woman disturbing the harmony of the conjugal relationship but instances of the involvement of another man was not completely uncommon.

He listened as he heard how Prabu slowly wormed his way into the household. How he soon began to make the visits frequent and then making visits to his house without his knowledge. Saravanan also revealed how his own family had lost everything and that it was through his own will and hard work that he had become a successful businessman. How that task still consumed his time and his strong need to look after his business and cement that success.

“When did you suspect that there was more going on between them than met the eyes.”

That’s when Saravanan told about how the pink jasmine flowers had sparked his suspicion. Dr. Arul was not surprised. Even though cheating couple would go to great lengths to maintain their deception there would always be some unexpected thing that would give them away. In this case strangely it was pink jasmine. Saravanan also told about the day he found Prabu’s bank passbook in his home and that Prabu had returned from Chennai and had gone straight to his home without even telling him of his return.

“When did you confirm that there was a sexual affair going on between your childhood friend and your wife?”

Saravanan told him about the time before Prabu’s sister marriage, the other time in his house two days after the marriage and the third time in the old temple hall. Saravanan also told him how the affair ended then because of Prabu’s father. Dr. Arul wanted to know why he Saravanan had not confronted his wife or his friend to stop the affair. He listened carefully as Saravanan revealed his fears and also the love and type of relationship between him and his wife before Prabu’s unwanted intrusion into their lives.

“That was more than three years ago, tell me if any other thing happened after that,” probed Dr. Arul.

Saravanan then told him about the events of around eight months ago. How only after that his wife’s health seemed to be getting bad to worse. How she had lost weight and even her look had become haggard, her natural beauty now not so much evident.

That day after the time Dr. Arul spent with him he had a counselling session privately with Meera. He told Saravanan that his wife may be unable to open up and talk to him if Saravanan was also there. Meera was very uncomfortable to be alone with the doctor and sought the solace of the presence of Saravanan with them. Saravanan had to reassure her that he was there just outside the room in the reception area. After the session Dr. Arul again spoke to Saravanan privately.

Your wife has become deeply affected about what had happened in her life. I could hardly get her to talk but I expected this. There are ways we can slowly get the patient to open up but it will take time. I’m afraid this is not going to be easy.”

“What is wrong with her doctor. Can it be cured?”

“Well I need to have a few more counselling sessions before I can confidently come to definitive conclusion but I can more or less say she is suffering from MDD.”

“MDD? What’s that doctor?”

“MDD stands for Major Depressive Disorder or simply you can say depression.”

“Saravanan, people suffering from this usually have a few symptoms like low self-esteem, lack of interest in things, loss of appetite, mood swings etc.”

It struck a chord with Saravanan as he could recognize some of these in Meera.

“Can anything be done doctor, can you help her?”

“I will try. I will start her on some medicines straightaway. Tell me how is her sleep?”

Saravanan thought for a while. “Yes doctor I have seen her still awake if I happen to inadvertently wake up during the night.”

“I will start her on Alprazolam and on antidepressants serotonin. I will let you know on the dosage and frequency of administration of the medicines.”

What Dr. Arul did not tell Saravanan was in a small but significant percentage of patients it could lead to suicide. That was less than 10 % and there was no need to alarm Saravanan at this point.

“The best case scenario would be for me to see her once a week for counselling. I am afraid that would incur more cost to you not also mentioning the time. If finance is an issue we can keep it to 2 sessions a month.”

“No doctor, money is not important to me. I can afford it. My wife’s health is of paramount importance. Please make it weekly one session.”

The counselling began from the next week onwards. Progress was slow and tortuous. It was a couple of months before Meera slowly started talking and revealing her inner thoughts and struggles. When real progress seemed to be made Meera would relapse into depression and clamp up. It would again take a few sessions before she starts talking properly again. After about five months of this Dr. Arul called Saravanan to come and see him privately. It was to review Meera’s case and discuss further treatment.

“Come come sit down Saravanan,” Dr. Arul said as Saravanan walked into his consultation room.

“Good evening doctor. Tell me what is the progress in Meera’s case?”

“Quite a bit. I have at least come to understand the primary reasons for her depression and her mindset.”

Saravanan looked at Dr. Arul, eager to know if his wife was on the way to recovery.

“You know that your wife loves you very much. More so now after all that you have tolerated and gone through for her.”

“But she is still so withdrawn and doesn’t really talk to me except to answer I I ask something.”

“Saravanan, your wife thinks that she is unworthy of your love. Not only that she has no right to feel love for you as she is filled with so much of loathing for herself because of her betrayal.”

“She feels that only you have suffered because of Prabu and her actions. She feels very depressed and angry with herself that she still cannot show her love for you or share the marital bed with you.”

“I also suffer because of that isn’t it so doctor.”

“Yes, she is keenly aware of it and that is what that is making her despise herself. She actually feels she is, how to say it, hmm filth and the stench of that filth will latch on to you if she touches you. She just could not let that happen to you.”

Do you know Saravanan the mind is so powerful, she is punishing herself so much so it is reflecting in how her health is affected. She feels you deserve happiness with a good woman as your wife. A woman who is worthy to love you and be loved by you and that can only happen if she was to die. For her she deserves nothing more in her life”

“Oh, god no doctor,” Saravanan was aghast.

“Yes, Saravanan she is practically willing herself to death so that you could start a new happy life.”

“Could she not think if she left with Prabu I could have gone on to a new life with another woman.”

“If that had happened would not the whole world know of her betrayal to you. She could not bear to think of the humiliation it would cause you.”

“Is that the only reason she stopped the affair with Prabu?”

“No no … she hates herself for having that affair. Remember when I told you now that she feels strongly depressed because she feels only you are suffering for their actions when you have done nothing wrong. She feels you have been dealt a great injustice. She wants not only herself to be punished but is also deeply upset that Prabu seemed to have escaped scot free in spite of being the primary reason for the mess in your lives. She wants him to suffer too. Only than will there be justice for you in her mind.”

“What is the point in that. It won’t change anything doctor.”

“That’s exactly a cause for her depression. You had not sought to punish her or Prabu in anyway though both of them deserve it. Your kindness hurts more than any punishment could.”

“So what should I do?? Start beating her.”

Dr. Arul saw the depressive humour in that as a smile appeared on his face.

“That’s not in your nature,” Dr. Arul said kindly.

“Not everyone who deserves to suffer actually do and some who don’t deserve to suffer will. Life is not always just though our sense of justice will like it to be so. I have to make her realise that Prabu suffering or not does not really matter.”

Dr. Arul suddenly stopped and asked Saravanan, “Is she very religious?”

“Yes, I think so. Why doctor?”

“Maybe I will have reinforce the idea that even if we escape judgement now there is a higher being that would make everyone suffer the consequence for their sins. Prabu would face judgement one day for his deeds.”

Dr. Arul looked at Saravanan and said, “Don’t worry I am happy that we have made this much progress at least. Let’s try to win the battle.”

“Tell me Saravanan, what about you. How are you truly keeping.”

“Why doctor, I’m fine. There is nothing wrong with me.”

Dr. Arul looked at him quizzically, “Really? Have you never felt anger, hate or anything else for either your wife or Prabu.”

Saravanan was uneasy at the doctor’s gaze. “Saravanan, it’s not wrong to feel those emotions. You are a human being made of bones flesh and blood. You don’t have always display a brave persona outside. Don’t bottle everything within yourself.”

Yes, he had moments of anger and hate for Prabu and even fleeting moments of anger at Meera but he always suppressed it. He had a stubborn nature that said he must always be strong as a rock and face any challenges life would throw at him.

“Saravanan, I am also concerned about you. Bottling everything up could have grave consequences when you least expect it too. Don’t think I’m trying to get more business,” the doctor laughed,” but I would like to have a few sessions with you.

Two days after this, Saravanan was at home watching TV. Meera sat a bit far from him also seemingly watching the TV but taking furtive glances at her husband. The children were away for tuition. There was a knock on the door. Saravanan turned and looked at the door. Before he could get up, Meera got up and went and opened the door. With a gasp she jerkily moved two three steps backward. Seeing this Saravanan got up and quickly walked to the door. He too was stunned. He now knew the reason for Meera’s reaction. Standing there was Prabu and Gomathi. Prabu was carrying their daughter who must be one plus years old by now.

Saravanan couldn’t make what of it. Why is Prabu here with his whole family. He had never expected to see him again. Maybe they could have passed each other by on the very rare instances when Prabu came back to town. He however never expected that Prabu would actually visit his house especially not after they had parted company the last time. Saravanan looked at Meera. After the initial shock she had quickly gone inside leaving him to greet the visitors.

“Come in, what a surprise seeing you here,” Saravanan genuinely meant it and was not saying this for formality’s sake.

Saravanan could see the uneasiness in Prabu’s face. Not just uneasiness but there seemed to be dejection too on his face. By seeing that Saravanan realised that it was probably not Prabu’s idea to pay them a visit. In all likelihood it would have been his wife Gomathi’s idea.

“Thank you, it’s good to see you again.”

It was Gomathi who said that with a cheerful smile on her face. Prabu’s smile was very diffident nothing like the confident or you could say even almost arrogant smile that was usually on his face. Gomathi walked in confidently followed by Prabu somewhat meekly. Even though Meera had walked in without even inviting them in, Gomathi walked straight up to her and took Meera’s hands in her hands.

“Akka (elder sister), how are you? What happened you don’t look well at all?”

Meera looked with anxiety at her husband. She did not know what to say. The last thing she wanted was Prabu to think that her health was affected because of her yearning caused by their separation. Saravanan came to her rescue.

“No, she has been having some gastric problem lately and has been unable to eat properly. She will be alright soon. We have seen the doctor and she is on proper medications.”

To change the topic Saravanan said,” Please come, sit down.” As he walked to the sofa.

He sat in a single sofa while Prabu sat beside him on the long sofa with Gomathi sitting on the other side of him. Gomathi had dragged Meera along with her and Meera had no choice but to sit on the other single sofa on the other side of the long sofa. Prabu had his daughter on his lap. Meera did not want to look at Prabu at all. In fact unlike the time when Prabu had come back after almost three years for his father’s funeral where she was yearning to see her lover, she had no desire whatsoever to see him this time. Also the fact they were sitting on the sofa where she had so often wronged her husband with Prabu was not only causing her to be uncomfortable but was also making her very unhappy.

“When did you come to town? Saravanan asked Prabu.

Prabu spoke very hesitantly as he answered him. “Mother spends most of her time in Pappu’s house as she doesn’t stay very far from here. She only comes back once in a while to clean the house.”

“Is that so? Sorry I didn’t keep in touch with mother.” Saravanan had from the time when Meera’s affair with Prabu had finally ended, had not kept any sort of connection with Prabu’s family. He did not know what was going on with them.

“Yes, but she is home now. This time we want her to come and stay with us in Chennai permanently but she doesn’t want to.”

“It’s good Prabu if you can look after your mother yourself. She is getting old and without your father she would feel lonely.”

Saravanan thought of Prabu’s father very fondly. He was a straightforward and honourable man. That’s why he could not ease his conscience at what his son had done. It finally led him to an early demise.

“That’s what I have been telling him too,” Gomathi now interjected in the conversation.

“I was willing but my mother didn’t want to come. What can I do,” Prabu lamented, defending his lack of effort.

“So, what’s the situation now?” Saravanan enquired.

“She finally agreed to come, at least for a few months and then we will see how she feels about staying there longer,” Prabu replied.

Three of the people there knew of the distressing emotional entanglement that happened because of the three-way relationship between them. It was causing great internal emotional upheaval but they bravely tried to have a normal civil conversation. Talking normally but at the same time hiding their emotions from showing was the difficult part. While the three of them were speaking Meera had her gaze on the floor.

“That’s good. So how long will you be here?” Saravanan asked.

“We are here for three days, we will only be going on the fourth day,” this time it was Gomathi who replied.

“Look at this, I’m talking to you without offering any refreshment. Would coffee be okay. Meera can you make coffee for all of us,” Saravanan said.

Meera’s face jerked up in surprise as she looked at her husband. She wanted them out of the house as soon as possible but her husband was offering coffee to them. She knew off course that offering visitors some beverage was the right thing and customary thing to do but she just could not stand the thought of Prabu being in this house.

It was so different from how it was those few years before. Then she had looked forward to having Prabu come and visit her. Almost all the time such visits would very quickly turn to romantic and lustful sexual encounters between them. Even when those visits were on the days of her monthly periods it was not bereft of sexual pleasure. She would please him with her hands or her mouth. Now however even sitting here was making her feel very distressed because they were sitting in the same sofa that she and Prabu had mated on. This was not causing pleasant memories like before but rather painful ones reminding her of her shameful behaviour.

Having to go and make them coffee itself was very unpleasant for her. That’s because it was by asking her for coffee was the way Prabu first started insinuated himself into her consciousness. Yet she now had to act the gracious host till the nightmare of their sudden unexpected visit ended. Meera slowly got up without saying a word and started walking to the kitchen. She could feel someone’s gaze on the back of her body as she walked from the hall into the kitchen via their dining hall. She just hoped it was not Prabu who was gazing at her as it gave her a creepy feeling quite the opposite to her feelings before.

Meera could hear the conversation between the three of them as she walked. The words were coming faintly to her ears. Though the words were little audible she could not make out what was being said in the conversation. As she stood in front of the stove she started taking in a few deep breaths. She needed to calm herself down. She slowly gathered her thoughts on her feelings. As she slowly became a little calmer and her thoughts a little clearer she had a great feeling of relieve. Though she had categorically decided that her affair with Prabu must end and suffered tremendous anguish for the pain she had caused her husband, she really did not know what her deeply hidden inner feelings would be if she were to ever meet Prabu again. Did she truly want nothing to do with Prabu again or she had just suppressed her true feelings because she thought that was the right thing to do.

That test would only come if she ever were to see Prabu again she thought. She also believed that, that was never going to happen till today. Now that it had unexpectedly happened she had got her answers. There were no feelings of excitement, no feelings of longing, no feelings of passion. Nothing whatsoever. No feelings of hate either. This was important, love and hate sometimes can be so closely intertwined in relationships such as this that love turns to hate and hate to love easily. Now however she felt nothing. He just did not mean anything to her at all. She truly could not be bothered about where he goes, what he does or what happens to him. Her only concern is the happiness of her husband who is going through all the difficulties for the sake of her wellbeing.

As she put a kettle of water on the stove, she felt someone walking into the kitchen. She turned to see it was her husband. She knew Prabu would not dare come in there but she was in no mood to carry on a conversation with Gomathi either. Saravanan walked up to her, concern etched on his face.

“Meera are you okay? How are you coping. You want me to help you to make the coffee?”

She looked at him her eyes softening. Oh, how she wished she could just hug him to her now and bury her head on his chest and cry. Yet she could not do that. She knew how unworthy she was to do that.

“It’s okay, go talk to them. I’ll make the coffee and come soon.”

“Are you sure Meera. Tell me if you need me to do anything,” Saravanan said his face still anxious.

Meera gave him a small trembling smile. The first smile for him that he had seen on her face for a very long time. It also made Saravanan very happy.

“No, I’ll manage. You please go. They are there all alone .. but I don’t understand why they came for a visit all of a sudden,” Meera voiced out what they both were thinking.

“I have the same question in my mind,” Saravanan said.
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Mohan Ahuja

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Saravanan had a slight feeling of trepidation that this visit had something more to do than just a social visit. Is it going to cause another upheaval in his life, he wondered in his mind. He walked back to the hall and noted that Gomathi and Prabu seemed to be having an earnest whispering conversation. They stopped as soon as he walked in. This further convinced Saravanan that this visit had something more than meets the eye. As he sat down, they started talking generally again. Saravanan enquired about Prabu’s business. Prabu said it was doing fairly well though it was not yet as big a level as Saravanan’s business. Saravanan advised him that it always took time and hard work to succeed. Unwanted diversions can easily make a business fail. It was as if he was hinting something to Prabu.

Meera walked in with the coffee for everyone. She placed the coffee tray on the table in front of everyone and each of them took a cup for themselves. Prabu’s daughter appeared to be napping on his lap.

Saravanan looked at the sleeping child and commented,” Your daughter has your looks Prabu.”

Gomathi smiled on hearing this,” Really you think so?”

She turned to Meera and said,” What do you think Akka, does she look like him or me?”

Meera did not like to be pulled into the conversation but now was forced to look at the child.

“I don’t know, I cannot tell. Maybe it’s too early to tell,” Meera answered.

She felt that saying this itself had been more than necessary. She should have just nodded her head.

“Akka is correct, you have not observed my child properly,” Gomathi said looking at Saravanan.

Prabu’s head suddenly hung down as if he knew what was to come next.
“How can she look like him when she is not his child,” Gomathi said waiting to see Meera’s and Saravanan’s reaction.

Both of them looked up stunned.

“Wha… wha… what are you saying, ”Saravanan blabbered.

Meera was equally shocked. She didn’t know what to say. Did Gomathi cheat on Prabu like the way she had on her husband? Even if she had then why is she revealing it especially with Prabu here. In her heart she felt a twinge of gladness, if Gomathi had cheated on Prabu then he definitely deserved it. She looked closely at Prabu’s face for the first time now. It was dull and morose. This was no surprise to him. He knew about this before.

“Before both of you think anything about me, let me clarify she was not born from my womb either. She is our adopted daughter,” Gomathi said with a small smile.

“I don’t understand. How is this possible .. I’m confused,” Saravanan said.

“Let me explain. I don’t know if you knew, we told our respective parents that I was pregnant when we were in the gulf. Both our parents wanted us to have a child and started pestering us when more than 5 months had passed without any good new. When I said I was pregnant, my mother wanted to come there or if not asked me to come back here. We convinced them that it was not possible to get visa and that there was good hospitalisation benefit in the company where Prabu worked. We had people to take care of me here. My mother was not happy and kept pestering me but I somehow managed her. We actually came back here with the child in hand. All the proper paperwork was done. The child was born to an unwed Indian girl there.”

Now both Saravanan and Meera were listening to her attentively. Prabu still had his head hung down, probably in shame. Gomathi continued.

“When I couldn’t get pregnant, we both had ourselves tested.” “It turned out that my husband did not have the ability to make me a mother. It would have greatly disappointed both our parents if this had been known, especially my husband’s as he was the only male heir. So, we came up with this deception. We didn’t want to unnecessarily upset our parents.”
So, this so called masculine, virile man, the seducer of other men’s wives was incapable of fathering a child, Meera thought as she laughed to herself. She had been thinking it was just luck that she did not get pregnant by Prabu when they first started having sex as they did not always use precaution. At that time of course Prabu too would not have been aware that he could not father a child. So he did not care she got pregnant or secretly wanted her to become pregnant by him. That being said, she too did not deeply worry about it at that time. It just showed how blinded by lust she was at that time. It’s god’s grace that she did not get pregnant she thought. So anyway, why is this all being revealed to us she wondered to herself.

“So why are you telling all this to us?” Saravanan asked echoing her thoughts.

Instead of answering Gomathi asked in return. “Think about my situation. Let me ask you two,” she said addressing both Saravanan and Meera, “is it fair that I cannot experience the joy of motherhood.”

Saravanan and Meera both were silent for a few seconds then Saravanan replied,” Sometimes fate makes us suffer many adversities, we just have to accept it and learn to deal with it. Sometimes things can’t be changed.”

“I agree, sometimes nothing can be done but if there is a way why not do it,” Gomathi said firmly.

“What do you mean?” Saravanan asked confused.

“I am capable of being a mother so ….,” she dragged … why can’t I be a mother through you.”

“WHATT!!!... are you mad,” Saravanan shouted and got up suddenly, shocked by what he heard.

“What!!! My husband,” Meera thought in shock and pain.

The child sleeping on Prabu’s lap woke up at the sound and started crying.

“Are you mad,” he said again, upset at what she had said,” why me you could have gone elsewhere.”

“Why not you,” Gomathi said softly, “ I know everything about your wife and my husband.”

Now both Meera and Saravanan were shocked into silence. Prabu’s face had a forlorn, helpless look. Seeing the sadness there it was evident that he was not happy with this.

Meera looked at her husband stand up in protest at hearing what Gomathi had said. Her husband continued to surprise her. Anyone else in the same situation would have shown glee at this turn of events. The wife of the very person who had seduced his own wife is now proposing that he has sex with her in return and he had straightaway rejected the notion. Not for him the notion that this was the time to get revenge against the person who had done great harm to his own family life. At the very least he should have felt some degree of satisfaction that the person who had betrayed his trust has been punished by fate that, that person would not be able to father a child of his own. Here too he didn’t seem to be pleased about that either.

“Wha.. How… how did you know?” Saravanan asked.

“I had known from the time their illicit relationship ended,” Gomathi said.

Prabu was consoling the crying child which soon went back to sleep. Prabu did not look at them. He seemed intent only in taking care of his child but it was clear his ears were keenly listening to his wife.

“My husband came one day early from Chennai back then but he came home only late morning, in fact it was almost going to reach noon. I know there is no bus that comes back here at that time and so I asked the reason for him coming late. He just said that the bus was late that day.”

Gomathi looked at the two of them who were still puzzled how that alone led to her discovery of the affair.

“If you are wondering how could that alone have made me so suspicious as to lead me to find out everything then you are right. I didn’t think much of it then and had forgotten about it.”

Gomathi looked at Prabu who still was looking at their sleeping adopted child and patting her as she slept on his lap.

“Well after the many things that had happened between my husband and Meera and your knowledge of that too, I am also not too embarrassed to say what happened between me and my husband that afternoon. Gomathi took a deep breath then continued,” I wanted to have sex with my husband that afternoon. That’s when I discovered another thing that raised my suspicions.”

Meera was the one who now started feeling embarrassment as she feared that the second clue that Gomathi had got was somehow related to her.

“When my husband was making love to me, I had grabbed his buttocks,” Gomathi said this as a matter of fact, not feeling shy about relating something as personal as this to the two of them.

“I felt some sort of streaks of slight swelling on his flesh there. After sex when my husband quickly tied his dhoti around his waist, I happened to get a glance and saw about three stripes of reddish marks on both of his buttocks flesh.”

Meera’s face reddened in shame. She was being reminded of something she did not ever want to think about again. She felt sick inside. She dreaded how this must be hurting her husband again because it was her fingernails that had caused those streaks. She had been careful not to mark Prabu’s body now that he was married so she had grabbed his buttocks when she had her orgasm. That she though would be the non-visible part of his body. Yet it had not occurred to her that Prabu’s wife may also caress him there during their sex together.

“That raised my suspicions but at that time I thought my husband may have done something wrong when he was alone in Chennai. Even then too I really didn’t know for sure as there could be some logical explanation for the marks on him,” Gomathi continued.

“It was when you called him out the next day,” Gomathi looked at Saravanan as she said this. “I saw his face change and I thought something was very wrong. Even the day before when you had called my mother in law I saw how agitated she was when you had enquired about my husband.”

Saravanan could see how all the different events had slowly raised Prabu’s wife’s suspicions. She was an intelligent woman and her instincts had been alerted by these, chain of events.

“I didn’t know what to do actually after my husband had left to see you. I debated with myself on what I should do. My husband had gone on his motorbike so I had no chance of following him. On a hunch I decided to go to your house. I went via the back way and waited.”

Neither Saravanan nor Prabu had anticipated that Gomathi would have been so smart enough to have done an investigation like this. They were so immersed in the issue they had hoped to resolve once and for all that they had neglected to consider anything else.

“When I saw my husband approach your house, I knew that my instincts had been correct. My husband had glanced back a few times as he came to your house so I knew you were not far away but I could not see you. So, you must have been sufficiently far away enough to be out of sight.”

“I hid by the window on the side of your hall and could look inside. That’s when I heard everything from the conversation between my husband and your wife. I also learnt how you had tolerated everything for the sake of both your family and my husband’s family’s good name but primarily for the sake of your wife.”

“If you knew about everything at that time why didn’t you say or do anything then,” Saravanan asked.

Gomathi was silent for some time then started speaking again. “You must realise how much of a shock it was to me. I realised at that time that I was witnessing the end of the adulterous relationship between your wife and my husband. What had gone on between them was mostly before our marriage but the last time my husband had directly betrayed me too. I really did not know what to do. I was thinking about my parents, my family and my mother in law. I was thinking of the upheaval in everyone’s life if I made a big matter of the whole thing. I wrestled with my conscience on what to do.”

“Then what happened now. Why bring this all up now?” Saravanan asked.

It was slowly gnawing within me. I struggled with myself without being able to confront my husband on the whole matter. Finally, I could not take it anymore. I had a huge confrontation with my husband. Though I knew what had happened I dragged every bit of the details of my husband’s affair with your wife.”

All these matters being put out in the open again was causing great distress to Meera. It once again starkly brought out her odious behaviour with Prabu. She was ashamed at how much she had sinned in seeking her own pleasures selfishly. Now her actions had not only deeply hurt her husband but it had also wounded another innocent woman.

“Do you know after hearing about all the details from my husband, my respect for you grew hugely. How you had acted with so much of dignity. How much you must have loved your wife to be able to tolerate something like this. I had always thought that a man in this type of situation would have killed himself or killed his wife and her lover, or both, but you were conscious of the tremendous disaster for those left behind by blind actions taken in haste and anger.”

Tears started automatically flowing from Meera’s eyes as once again someone reminded her of the immense sacrifice made by her husband and the love he had for her.

“It simply amazed me that if my husband had not come here again, you would have never revealed to your wife that you knew about her betrayal. You tolerated so much of humiliation and pain and you wanted your wife to be spared from any pain at all.”

Hearing this a sob escaped from Meera’s mouth. Saravanan was upset that all this was going to affect his wife badly again when Dr. Arul had made so much of slow in treating Meera.

“All that is over and done with now why are coming up with this atrocious idea now,” Saravanan said angrily.

“I have been giving serious thought to this for the past three to four months. I have had many arguments with my husband over this. For what he had done he has no moral right to argue against this. I feel deprived of the right to motherhood. He has no option but to respect my wishes. He would not be able to get away scot free if my family gets to know what he has done.”

Saravanan listened impatiently to what Gomathi was saying.

“Then go ahead and chose somebody else, maybe even some member within your greater family. Why me,” Saravanan retorted angrily.

“Why you… because of the type of man you are. Anyone else in your position would be willingly ready to seek revenge for what my husband had done. You don’t have animosity towards him. You are a caring person with a high degree of honour. These are the types of qualities I would want my child to have.”

Another reason is that, only through you this could be kept a secret and there would be no problems in the future.”

Saravanan was suddenly very quiet. One could see that he was thinking deeply and gathering his thoughts. Meera too had a great degree of anxiety on what her husband would say but she really could not quite make out what she was feeling. There were conflicting emotions within her. Saravanan started speaking slowly, patiently and firmly.

“You must know Gomathi the reason why I did not seek to gain any revenge against your husband is because he is a person of no consequence to me. I believe everyone will pay for their actions one way or another eventually. I demean myself to his level if I find solace in any sort of revenge.”

All three of them were listening to Saravanan speak intently. He was revealing himself to them for the first time and they are learning the make up of his character. Even Meera after living so many years of her life with him is getting to learn an aspect of his character for the first time.

“I believe that one’s own righteous behaviour is that which defines a person. No body else’s behaviour should shape your own character. I have my principles. I believe in being true to them. As I said your husband doesn’t matter to me. I could not care less what happens to him and it’s not my duty to punish him in anyway. There will come a time that he himself would deeply and truly regret his actions if he already hasn’t.”

“What matters to me is my family. The future of my children. The happiness of my wife and children. You will not want to hurt any person that you truly care for and love. My wife may have made mistakes in her life. I may even be partly responsible for those mistakes to happen but I had a believe that her love for me had never diminished in anyway. We now have a chance to rebuild our lives. Dwelling on wrong doing and the past is never going to be of any good for the future. I love my wife and I can’t just think of being with another woman because of what happened in the past. Otherwise what’s the difference between me and Prabu.”

Saravanan had in fact degraded Prabu without directly saying anything degrading about him.

Meera’s heart broke on hearing her husband speak. She had a diamond with her yet she had not learnt to treasure it. How could she ever deserve such a person as this. Her heart swelled with love for her husband. What can she do.. what should she do… Meera was lost now more than ever.

Gomathi turned to look at her husband first whose face seemed to have brightened on hearing Saravanan say those words. She observed her husband’s reaction and then turned back once more to look at Saravanan’s face. How could she not differentiate the two men’s reaction on this. It perfectly reflected the moral fortitude and character of the two men. She reflected to herself on how much her husband had argued against her taking this decision but she had been forthright in letting him know that he did not have any ethical standing to object to her wish.

“Your words once again prove that I was not wrong in wanting you to be the father of my child. You don’t have vengeance in your heart, you did not jump at the opportunity to sleep with another woman when no one or nothing could have stopped you. Which better man can a woman chose?”

‘Look Gomathi, I have already told you the reason why I am not going to do as you wish, why waste your time talking further,” Saravanan said, exasperated that Gomathi was still adamant in wanting her way.

“I understand what you have said and I respect your wishes but there is something else you should consider. You may change your mind then.”

Saravanan was getting irritated. He normally would not want to be rude to anyone but Gomathi was stretching his patience a lot.

“What is there to consider. I don’t think anything would change my mind, so please let’s leave that topic.”

Gomathi was not going to be put off by Saravanan’s tone. “I need to talk to you in private and I will let you know why.”

“What more is there to say, you can say whatever you want to me here itself, though I can’t see what difference it would make whatever you may say.”

God, this man is so stubborn Gomathi thought to herself. She felt like telling him to shut up and just drag him to the bedroom. However, all she did was got up and walked up to Saravanan. Meera looked at Gomathi, her heart beating fast, maybe even a little fearful of what she was going to do. Prabu seemed to have stopped breathing his eyes open wide watching his wife. Gomathi walked right up to Saravanan who a little alarmed stuttered back. The back of his legs hitting the single sofa on which he had been sitting stopped him from going any further back. Gomathi almost laughed seeing this.

“Please don’t move, I’m not going to do anything. I just want to say something to you.”

Saravanan too felt foolish at the way he had reacted. Here in the middle of the hall in his own house, what could Gomathi have done especially with his wife and her husband being there. Gomathi leaned her head to the side of his head and whispered something in his ears. Saravanan’s eyes narrowed in a frown. He seemed to be considering what Gomathi had said to him. Gomathi did not wait for Saravanan, she started walking to dining hall without looking back. Meera was looking at Gomathi walking away, her mouth slightly agape at Gomathi’s actions. Prabu on the other hand was looking at Saravanan. He seemed more anxious to see what Saravanan’s reaction was going to be. Maybe he knew about and feared his wife’s persuasive ability.

Saravanan stood there for a few seconds. He was contemplating his next action. Gomathi walking away like that was like a fait accompli leaving him no option but to follow her. He hesitated but felt it would be rude to just let Gomathi stand there without him doing as she asked. Besides it would do no harm to listen to her especially regarding what she whispered in his ear. Saravanan slowly started walking towards where Gomathi was standing, waiting for him. Prabu’s strength seemed to leave him as his shoulders slumped on seeing what was happening. Meera on the other hand was actually flabbergasted not knowing what to make of what was happening. Meera took great effort not to look at Prabu. She really had no desire to see that face anymore.

Gomathi was saying something to Saravanan. Saravanan at first nodded to what Gomathi said but he shook his head vehemently to say no to what Gomathi was saying. They were talking very earnestly but softly so that the two of them who were sitting in the hall could not hear what was being said. Gomathi seemed to be insistently saying something but Saravanan seemed to be opposed to what she was saying by the expression on his face and the way he was shaking his head. The conversation seemed to be going on for a long time but was in fact going on for only ten minutes. Suddenly Gomathi seemed to have struck on something that had made Saravanan think again. This was seen by the way he suddenly became still and the concentration on his face listening to what Gomathi was saying.

Gomathi too realised she had found the key to break Saravanan’s resistance to her proposal. She seemed to be keenly pursuing those lines in her arguments. Saravanan was not speaking so much now and was listening more intently. He also seemed to be thinking deeply at what was being said. Gomathi seemed to be silent for a few seconds after she says something as if giving Saravanan time to absorb what was said as well as reflect on the merit of what was being said. She would then speak some more before letting Saravanan reflect on that too. Saravanan’s body language seemed to admit defeat. Even though he still seemed to put out some arguments but they seemed to be half hearted now. Finally he seemed only to be listening to what Gomathi was saying, nodding a little now and then. He seemed to take a deep breath, sigh and then say something to Gomathi. This time it was Gomathi who shook her head in acceptance but it was clear that she had prevailed in the argument by the look of satisfaction on her face.

They both then walked back to the hall. Gomathi’s steps were confident and sure. Saravanan was reluctantly walking back. His face still reflected the dilemma within him. For the first time he avoided looking at Meera. He seemed to feel uncomfortable doing that. For that matter he did not look at Prabu either. Gomathi went straight to her husband and said something softly. He opened his mouth as if wanting to argue but then shut it up again and just nodded to Gomathi. Meera’s heart was racing. She now knew what was the outcome in the argument between her husband and Prabu’s wife. She could understand her own feelings as there were two directly opposing emotions that she felt at the same time.

There was elation that her husband was finally getting justice. In her heart she finally felt that he too was winning and not always being the victim of others wrong doing. A great pang of pain seemed to be lifted from her heart. That both she and Prabu would feel the pain in return for the agony caused to her husband was a big solace to her. The guilt was still there but it didn’t hurt as much. However, at the same time she felt another kind of pain. One she had never experienced before. For the first time she experienced a sense of jealousy on someone else sharing what was always only hers. That hurt, it didn’t feel good at all.

Saravanan walked to the center of the hall and stood there, strangely lost in his own home. Gomathi moved away from her husband and walked up to him. Gomathi looked at him meaningfully. Saravanan seemed to be dazed for a while then as if coming to his senses nodded to Gomathi and walked to his bedroom. He carefully avoided looking at anyone else in the room. Being unfaithful to his wife was such an agonising step for him though he was not being unfaithful in the strict understanding of that word. Even in that case doing something like this was alien to his nature. However, it was not possible to understand what was motivating Gomathi. She seemed to relish what she was doing. What was actually driving her. Was it the possibility of becoming a mother of her own child for the first time. Or did her husband cheating on her was a greater hurt than what she let out to be. Unlike Saravanan, was the motive of revenge that was driving her. Or more likely it was a mixture of the two. Or it could be something no one else had thought off. On learning what had happened to Saravanan and how he suffered may have deeply affected her conscience and she may have developed a lot of empathy for him.

Gomathi started walking behind Saravanan. Prabu glanced at her but then turned his head back just as quickly as if being unable to bear the sight. He had gone into that room so many times to have sex with Saravanan’s wife. It was always with glee, with a arrogant smile on his face that the wife of his friend would soon be lying there naked in her bed waiting to offer her voluptuous body to him for his pleasure. Now the shoe was on the other foot. His wife was walking into that same bedroom. Soon she too would be lying there naked for his friend to have his pleasure with her. He was feeling sick inside. There was an additional factor here. They were going to make love so that his friend can impregnate his wife, something that god had deprived him of being able to do. Perhaps as a punishment for his own lack of morals.

He had sex with Meera many times without using protection. He had avoided it as much as he could because he wanted the added pleasure of skin on skin rather than the protective rubber which reduced the pleasurable sensation. Contracting any sexual disease was not an issue as he was not having sex with anyone other than Meera at that time and she too was not a wanton woman who was sleeping around. He was just her second man after her husband and Saravanan was a faithful husband who did not have sex with anyone other than his wife. Meera too had not insisted he use a condom all the time. In moments of passion they had forgotten everything else. Not only did he misuse the advantage of friendship for his immoral seduction of his friends wife, he may have even secretly wanted to impregnate her as that would have totally established his dominance as an alpha male. He had thought it was only by sheer luck Meera had not got pregnant. He was only to learn later than he was incapable of fathering a child.

Learning that fact had upset him immensely at first but he soon learnt to reconcile with that fact as there was nothing that could be done about it. Apart from not being able to father a child it did not diminish his prowess in making love to a woman and fully satisfying her. He looked at Meera, she seemed to have a look of sadness on her face as she saw his wife going into the bedroom with her husband. Was she also feeling the same way he is, Prabu wondered. She had avoided looking at him totally. She had lost a lot of weight and looked haggard. The skin that once was so smooth seemed to be lined and wrinkled. One had to look for the underlying beauty that was once there, but it was not very evident now.

Meera sat as far away from him as possible noted Prabu. She clearly did not want to have anything to do with him anymore. This was the paradox in this type of relationships. As it was usual at the end of these sort of illicit affairs there is a resentment by the woman at the man who had seduced her. It was usually the man who would make all sorts of efforts to covet what is not his. They exploit any weaknesses to achieve their aim. Vulnerability is exploited till they achieve their goal. When the affair ends, there is resentment on the part of the women. She would come to realise and feel that she had been taken advantage off because the seducers aim is almost always not to start a family with seduced woman but to enjoy the thrill and pleasure from an adulterous relationship. For the man’s primary aim is his own pleasure. When the man is a skilful lover the woman too gets to partake in the pleasures but resentment sets in only when the affair is over. Realisation comes that they were exploited for the lover’s own selfish desires. The lover would not have much concern on the detrimental effects it would have on her family. Part of that resentment reflected against the ex-lover is their resentment against themselves. Their weakness that allowed themselves to be exploited. Their resentment against themselves for the harm and betrayal of their family. Very rarely do lovers in an adulterous relationship part on amicable terms.

Prabu placed the sleeping child on the sofa and got up. He slowly walked towards Meera. He wanted to talk to her maybe even do something more in revenge as her husband was surely going to have sex with his wife soon. In his own selfishness he did not seem to realise that this should not be anything about revenge but payback for his callous betrayal of strong bond of friendship. Hearing the sound of his approaching feet Meera looked up directly at Prabu for the first time. Her eyes were searing coals of fire. Her resentment against him was clearly evident those eyes. It clearly indicated how she considered him to be a despicable human being. He was taken aback as her look made him stop in his tracks. These were not the eyes he was used to. Not the eyes which had looked at him with naked desire and lust. These eyes would burn a hole directly through him. He came to realise fully now that things would never be like before ever again. He quietly went back and sat beside his sleeping child.

There were some sounds of movements in the room. Gomathi who had gone in after Saravanan had not fully closed the door. It was very slightly ajar. Had she done it inadvertently or on purpose. If on purpose, why? Was there a great resentment within her on how her husband had betrayed her. There were sounds of kissing. Then Saravanan’s voice can be faintly heard.

What’s this, no, no this is not necessary. Let’s just finish this as soon as possible.” It looked like Gomathi was the one who had initiated the kisses.

There were some indistinct noises. Words spoken that couldn’t be distinguished. There was a creaking of the bed. Saravanan’s voice was quite clearly heard as he spoke louder probably in alarm.

“What are you doing .. why are you going there .. not there .. no no..Humm..mmm…”

Meera felt a stab of intense pain in her heart. Gomathi was doing something that she had not done for her husband. Her husband was experiencing the pleasure a woman’s mouth could give not from her but from another woman. In her mistaken belief of decent behaviour she had denied her husband this pleasure. Something made her look at Prabu at that time. He had his hands on his face as if not bearing to listen to what was happening in the room. There were sounds of passion coming from the room, mostly from a woman. Had she ever displayed her feelings like this Meera thought in despair but another woman is freely expressing what she always sought to supress. This added on to the agony she was already feeling.

She once again glanced at Prabu. This time he had his hands covering his ears as if not wanting to hear what was happening in the room. He seemed to not be able to bear it anymore. He quickly got up and walked to the front door. He opened it and stepped outside. Seeing the level of discomfort Prabu was in was like a soothing balm to the hurt that she was feeling. Has he walked away completely she wondered. No, he was still there. She could see his shadow in the pathway of the door. She too wanted to close her ears but she somehow needed to hear what was going on. She thought it was imperative that she had to undergo the same pain her husband had. It was after more than half an hour before Gomathi came out. Her face was bright and there was a look of satisfaction on her face. Was it because of the sex or because of her sense of revenge, Meera did not know. She smiled at Meera, picked up her child.

“I will be back tomorrow,” she said, as she left with the child.

Prabu did not come back in again. Meera could hear their vehicle leave. She could hear her husband taking bath. When he came out, he was finding it difficult to look at Meera. Even though he did not do anything behind her back and also, she having no right to be upset about it, he nevertheless was feeling guilty for what he had done. He attempted to say something but thought better of it and remained silent. Meera wanted to ease his feeling of unease and went to the kitchen. In any case the children would be back soon and she needed to have dinner ready for them and her husband. Out of her husband’s sight her suppressed emotions poured out. Silent tears fell from her eyes. This is how the pain of betrayal felt. In this case it can’t even be strictly termed as betrayal yet it caused this agony within her. Then how much more her adultery must have caused to her beloved husband.

Gomathi came the next day and the day after that too. Meera later learnt that these were her fertile days. She had pre-planned everything and chosen the right time to be back here in town. That would have meant she had made Prabu acquiesce to her decision knowing fully well the outcome that it would bring. It took Saravanan several days before he could talk to Meera freely like before. This made Meera reflect how much more easily she had hidden her betrayal to her husband while he felt so guilty even when everything was done in the open

Dr. Arul called Saravanan aside after about four sessions after Gomathi and Prabu’s visit to their home.

“Saravanan, I am pleased, she is a bit more open now. She is attempting to communicate her feelings, though she still has that inbuilt resistance to overcome.”

About a month later Gomathi and Prabu came back to Saravanan’s home. This time Prabu left Gomathi and went away saying he would be back in an hour. This time they did not bring their child with them. Saravanan was upset. Looked like Gomathi had not got pregnant and was back. He had thought that that ordeal was behind him. He felt it not right sleeping with another woman even though it was strictly on the understanding of making the woman pregnant and had no emotional attachments whatsoever.

“Sorry, we have to do this again,” Gomathi said to Meera before she pulled a reluctant Saravanan to the bedroom.

This time Meera shut herself in away in another room from the sounds of their lovemaking. She too couldn’t bear to hear the sounds of pleasure from Gomathi in the same way that Prabu couldn’t. This time their sexual union took longer. It was almost an hour before she heard Gomathi calling for her. She really did not want to see Gomathi’s face but Meera had no choice but to come out.

Gomathi took Meera’s hands in her and pulled her in to sit on the sofa. She made Saravanan sit beside Meera. Gomathi looked at both of them with fondness.

“Meera, you must surely be aware that your husband is a very decent and good human being and that you are lucky to have him.”

Meera nodded at Gomathi because it was all so true.

“You should also know that he loves you very much.”
It was the first time that Meera then spoke, “I know, but why?? I don’t deserve that love.”

“Meera akka, you cannot always explain why one person loves another. Many a times this defies logic because it has nothing to do with that and everything to do with emotions.”

Meera took a quick glance at the stoic face of her husband sitting beside her.

“You know that your husband refused what I was asking. Did you wonder what made him change his mind?”

Meera did wonder that, it was very evident from the look on her face.

“He agreed to it only for your sake and nothing else.”

“How so,” Meera asked softly though a feeling of elation surged through her on hearing that even this very act was only for her.

“I noticed how your health has deteriorated. I need not be a doctor to guess that it had a lot to do with your great feeling of guilt. I sensed I was on the right track when your husband arguments against me losing it’s strength when I argued on this point.”

Did he mention to her that he is taking me to see a psychiatric doctor thought Meera to herself.

“Your husband maybe of a noble soul who does not want to seek revenge, but I convinced him how your feeling of injustice done to him would not be appeased unless there was some sort of payback for himself.”

Gomathi was no doctor but as a woman, she had put herself in another woman’s place and sort of surmised how another woman would feel.

“Even then your husband was not convinced. I told him that if this gave even a small chance of your wife getting back her emotional balance would he not want to take it.”

“I knew deep within you, you needed him to get his revenge even if it did not matter to him. I also realised apart from wanting to bear a child, I too needed a bit of revenge for my husband’s betrayal of me.”

After all that she had done, her husband’s only motive to sleep with another woman is that it may help me, thought Meera proudly about her husband.

“One more thing Meera, I am already pregnant but today was just to thank your husband. I’m very sorry for that. I won’t interfere in your life after this .. also by the way your husband didn’t know too that I was pregnant,” Gomathi said with a smile seeing the shock on Saravanan’s face.
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Mohan Ahuja

Active Member
Meera again glanced at her husband and even she too gave a small smile on seeing her husband’s reaction.

The following months went quickly. As the time neared for Gomathi’s pregnancy to come to term, it was Meera who seemed more anxious. She herself asked her husband to find out about Gomathi’s position every once in a while. It was as if she herself was pregnant. She was also making much better progress with Dr. Arul though she still could not behave as a normal wife to Saravanan. She still shied away from his touch. However she actually started gaining a little weight.

Saravanan told her one day, “I just got news, Gomathi has got a baby boy.”

Meera was ecstatic, “Really?? When was he born? How is the child? Is everything okay?”

This was the most she had spoken to Saravanan in a long time.

“Wow .. wow.. wait .. one at a time. The child was born yesterday,” Saravanan couldn’t get himself to say ‘my child’. “Both mother and child are fine.”

“Should we not go and visit them,” first time Meera herself was asking for something after a long time.

Though he didn’t like to disappoint her Saravanan didn’t want to do that. “I don’t think that would be a good idea,” he said noting the disappointment in her face.

For that month Meera would often think to herself. ‘How is the child?’ “Who would he look like?’ ‘My husband?? Gomathi??’ ‘It will be a month in a few days.’ Her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Gomathi’s son begot from her husband. She longed to see the child. One day her wishes were fulfilled. It was about four months after the child was born. Saravanan, Meera and the children were at home when they heard a sound of a car stopping at their porch. Saravanan went and opened the door. It was an unfamiliar car and he wondered who it would be. He was pleasantly surprised to see Gomathi and Prabu get out of the car. Prabu must have bought a new car Saravanan thought. Prabu held his elder daughter by her hands and Gomathi was carrying his child. Yes his child, deep down he too wanted to see the child.

As they entered the house and as Meera saw them, she quickly, almost ran to Gomathi, her face all smiles. Meera took the child from Gomathi’s hands and was cooing to the child and kissing it every now and then. It was as if it was her own child.

“See your brother, see how cute he is,” Meera said showing the child to her children who had surrounded her.

It was a norm to call even unrelated children as brother, sister etc but her children did not know how much of truth there was in this instance. They spoke for a while, by they .. Saravanan, Gomathi and Prabu spoke. Meera was busy cooing to the child. Prabu and Gomathi refused Saravanan’s offer of any beverage. They had just come to show them the child.

Prabu and Saravanan went aside to speak for a moment.

“Saravanan, I want to tell you how truly sorry I am for causing you all that agony. Even though I had apologised to you before after my father forbade me to see your wife again, the sorrow at that time was more turmoil caused in my family and the guilt caused by the discovery of the affair. I didn’t really realise the pain that I had caused you.”

“Why bring back the past Prabu. Nothing to be gained by it. Let bygones be bygones.”

“No Saravana I have to get this off my chest for my own sake. You know I realised how you must have felt only when my own wife was in your bedroom with you. What searing pain it was. Hearing her moans were terrible agony. I couldn’t take it and walked out.”

Prabu’s face was sombre as he related that painful episode in his life.

“You know at that time I hated you, I hated my wife. I felt consumed by anger. I actually could not get myself to talk with my wife for many days after that.”

Prabu sighed. “Gomathi made me realise that if this incident had caused me so much of humiliation and agony then think what your actions would have done to you. I had actively pursued your wife to seduce her. What right have I to be resentful at what had happened. It bluntly showed me how despicable my own behaviour was. Saravanan, please please forgive me, I know I don’t deserve forgiveness but I don’t know what else to do.”

“We can’t change the past Prabu, just be true to your wife henceforth.”

“Yes, Saravana, the old Prabu is dead. I promise you that I will take care of the child as my own son. That is the only way I can atone for what I did.”

Prabu and Gomathi left the house after spending an hour there. Saravanan and Meera stood in the doorway waving them goodbye as they drove away. At that time Saravanan’s hand accidently touched Meera’s hand. Meera did not move her hand away as she usually did. Saravanan was surprised. He moved his hand so that the back of his hand touched the back of hers again. Meera’s hand was still. Saravanan slowly entwined his fingers around hers. Meera’s breathing stopped for a moment. She hesitated but slowly closed her fingers over his.

There was a surge of happiness in Saravanan’s heart. It had been a long arduous journey on the way to redemption of his wife and by extension his family. There were dark days and there seemed no way back. For the first time there was a small light at the end of the tunnel. There was still a very long way to go. The days ahead would be difficult with many obstacles to pass but now he could look forward to it with hope. Finally he could get back the family he had lost.

The end.


New Member
The most emotional erotica I ever read. Thumbs up to the writer.... You made my nights sleepless for few days and I never have the courage to read it again.

I have. a request. Can I traslate it to one of the regional language....

Ravi Shikha

Absolutely brilliant story!


New Member
Post more stories like this.. need more adultery thrilling stories.

Ravi Shikha

This is an absolutely brilliant story and easily the best story in the erotica genre that I have ever read so far. I read the full story thrice in the last one week and it still continues to haunt me. The first time was a speed read - driven by a haste to see how it all ends. The second time - to savour some of the episodes once again. The third time - brought back by the melancholy of the story. It has great ingredients - a very conservative setting, a non-linear narrative style that works very well, slow seduction, lust of adultery, great character reflected in the husband and it stays away from cuckoldry. The last phase of the story is a bit hard to swallow but also difficult to see it end in any different way and the author has a plausible explanation for the way it ends. Thanks to the person who translated this. Would love if you could post more stories like this especially more translations from the original author.
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