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Adultery Of Fantasies and Hidden Desires


Ishq kr..❤
Update 3

Nitesh was pouring juice when Tanya looked up from her tablet with huge, shocked eyes.

“What?” He asked, worried.

“It’s a job,” she told him.

He blinked. “That’s a good thing, surely?” As a freelance Interior Designer, she worked short term contracts all around India, often at very short notice. Bangaluru one month, Chennai the next. It had been a month since the last one and, even though it was good to be home for a while, it was about time for another. Our mortgage payments were eye-watering and her job paid a lot better than mine.

“It’s on an Island,” she told him. “Two months.” She bit her lip. “And you can’t come with me.”

That threw Nitesh. Back in the early days, she’d taken plenty of trips on her own. But now, as an established and respected specialist, the people who hired her were happy to pay for an extra plane ticket and arranged extra accommodation for Nitesh. They wanted to keep her happy and, since they shared a bed, the accommodation didn’t cost any more. Given the lakhs they had riding on their projects, an extra plane ticket didn’t even register with them, and if it kept their favourite designer happy.... Fortunately, Nitesh work as an IT professional he could work from anywhere in the world with an internet connection, especially after Covid, and he’d got used to the nomadic lifestyle.

But apparently, it wouldn’t be happening in this case. “Why not?”

Tanya was re-reading the email. “It’s to do with the insurance. Normally, you’re in worker accommodation and that’s fine, but on the island, you’d be right up close to the action and their underwriter won’t cover spouses or children. Also, they don’t have any cell phone signal there and the internet is only restricted to the company internal services” She hesitated for a second. “I’ll tell them ‘No’.”

Nitesh considered for a moment. “It’s only 2 months. We could handle it. We used to do it all the time.”

Tanya looked at Nitesh doubtfully. “But now? Just when we were planning to...?”

They gazed at each other. they’d finally made the commitment to start a family a few months ago, and Tanya had come off the pill. They’d been going to start trying that week. “I know. But there’s no big hurry. We can carry on when you get back. As soon as you get back!” Nitesh smirked. “Hell, we might not even make it out of the arrivals lounge!”

She still looked worried.

“We managed before,” Nitesh told her in a reassuring tone. “We can manage again.”

Tanya bit her lip uncertainly, but nodded. God, she was beautiful. The top button of her nighty had come undone just enough to reveal a tantalizing “V” of flesh, the line of her of her cleavage perfectly displayed to Nitesh, who almost thought about dragging her back to bed, but....


But the truth was, our sex life wasn’t great.

Nitesh knew it was him that was the problem. Tanya had always been more willing to experiment, more open to kinky ideas. It wasn’t that Nitesh didn’t want to try things, but he never had the courage to suggest them, or to follow through with them if she came up with something. Once, about a year ago, they both had too much wine, she very delicately floated the idea of introducing the idea of role playing with Nitesh as another man—just as a one-off, for one night.

Nitesh went quiet, but late he reluctantly gave it a try, because even though part of him reeled in horror at the idea of her sleeping with someone else, he felt hot arousal slamming up from deep inside me. The idea of watching her while some other guy enjoyed her was a turn-on, and that in itself shocked the hell out of him. They did try it that night. Slowly he warmed up to it and started enjoying it more than her. Lately he initiated it and Tanya was the one who would be pleasantly surprised and had to play catch up. Since then, they both played their little game of tease and got the pleasure out of it.

“Reply to them,” Nitesh suggested, trying to tear his eyes away from that slice of cleavage.

“Find out what the deal is. That can’t hurt, right?”
Bahot acha laga... Aise hi jaari rakhiye ❤️


Very nice update


Story line is little soft and not se sexy


Story line is little soft and not se sexy
I hope some aspects of this story will be of your liking. Keep reading