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Erotica One Milky Story


Active Member
Puneeth is working on the farm without his shirt on and there are sweat all over his body and his dark skin with sweat in the sun making him look like a statue made of iron. Saira is watching this all and its making her so horny.

She went to the farm looking like this

“Saira ji, what are you doing here?”

“Its boring and I want to work here too, you have been working all alone and hope you appreciate the helping hand”

“You are the boss, you can do anything”

Both of them started chatting and working and Saira doesn’t miss the chance to make the eye contact and occasionally physical.

“Saira ji, you are sweating a lot and its very hot. You may get dark like me if you continue to stand in the sun”

“You are also standing. You know what? Lets avoid working in the sun and the work is almost over. Why don’t you go to my house and shower and then we can eat lunch. I cooked for you too”

“Thanks madam, but why should I shower in your house?”

“Because, I have a bathroom silly”

“I don’t like bathroom, its not natural. I usually shower in the water pump, its fun and good.”

“Yeah, yes. I used to do it when I was a kid”

“Why did you stop? You can do it now also”

“Yes, you are right, why should I not have fun. Lets go”

They both go to water pump. Puneet removed his pant but covering with towel and Saira showered in the same dress, they start playing and talking and become close to each other. After shower, Saira asked Puneeth to come for lunch. Saira went to her home wet and Puneeth got dressed and went to her home and the door is opened so he entered. Saira comes out of the room naked while drying her hair with towel. Puneeth shocked to see her in all glory. Saira also shocked dropped the towel, but she didn’t panic, she hide her boobs with one hand and pussy with her another hand, “Oh Puneeth, you are here already, give me a minute, I will get dressed and then we can eat”

She said it casually and returned to her room, while her uncovered ass is wiggling.

Puneeth couldn’t control anymore, he followed her and hugged her from my behind and whispered, “are you trying to seduce me?”

Saira wanted to fuck Puneeth, but she is also feeling guilty, eventhough Sagar wouldn’t mind, she want to be pure to Sagar. So she stopped him and explained to him that she is not seducing him. Puneeth is angry and upset and wanted to have his revenge.

After few days, Sagar returns and the fucking with Puneeth stopped but he knew but doesn’t care

“We need to talk Saira,” his face turned tensed as he says that.

“Why are you upset Sagar?”

“People are making fun of me and I am losing my respect”

“Who? Whats the issue?”

“They are saying that I am living off of you”

“How dare they? Why are you not breaking their face?”

“I was angry too but they are right, I have no job, I am sleeping in your house, I am eating your food”

“Why are talking like this sagar? Whats mine is yours. You wanted to start your own gym right? Start it. We will sell some of my farmland and the money would be enough to start”

Sagar is happy after hearing this and it was his plan all along, within few weeks, he found the buyer, sold most of her farmland, only remaining is the big house saira is living and few yards of sugarcane plantation attached to her house.

With Saira’s money, he started the gym and few people joined and things are going well and sagar keeps traveling with his boys out of town.

Meanwhile, Puneeth returned when Saira is alone in her house. He also know very well that Saira is desperate and dumb and Sagar is out of town, so she made up a story that he met yogi ji and he instructed Puneeth of what to do next.

“Saira, Yogi ji spend long time in prayer for you and meditate deeply and he had a vision.”

“Whats that”

“He saw the white light and then the cow comes with tears”


“You have the curse of the cow mother”

“What do you mean?”

“You have eaten a lot of cow in your life, doing so, you have eaten one of the pregnant cows, and cow mother is angry at you and that’s why this curse and you are milking like a cow”

“What can I do to lift this curse,” Saira was sad and afraid and she is ready to do anything to lift this curse.

“you have to live like a cow”

“What do you mean?”

“Let me explain. What does cow usually do? It roam around in the field, eating the green, defecate in the open. So you should do the same, from now on, if you want to shit or pee, you should do it open, not in your fancy toilet. If you want to take bath, you should do it in the village pond”

Saira agreed as its not so uncommon in the village but Saira lived in luxury so its hard for her but nevertheless she agreed to do it.

“That’s not it Saira, you should buy the cow and take care of it well and you should milk the cow everyday and give the milk to charity”

“Ok, I can do it all”

“No, I am not finished yet. Cow’s udders are never covered so are their bodies, so you should do the same”

“I don’t understand”

“I understand your confusion, you cant walk around naked like a cow but when you are alone, you don’t have to wear the blouse, lets your udders out,” he said pointing out her boobs.

Saira is humiliated but she understands and slowly removed her blouse and stands topless.

His dick got harder and he is also surprised, he expected some kind of hesitation from Saira, but she is more open than expected.

“Well done Saira. Never don’t wear the blouse even when you go out, just cover with saree. Our ancestors never wore the blouse, so you don’t have to wear one. Also, next part is very important and you must do it. You have a beautiful farm and its covered in big walls, so everyday walk in sun for 1 hour without any clothes.”

Saira got shocked and asked why?

“Because, cow roam naked so you should do. So, you can do it in private”

He convinced saira to do it and she agreed and got naked and she started walking on the farm like an idiot and he is enjoying the view

After a long walk, she returns and he goes slowly near her and without asking any permission, put his mouth on her boobs and starts drinking her milk, Saira couldn’t say anything and once finish Saira starts yelling, “What the hell you just did.”

“Don’t shout at me cow. You are cow, cow should give milk and I am fasting today, I did you a favor and you shout at me, you ungrateful bitch. Die with your curse, I will leave”

Saira regretted her action and apologized and begged him to stop.

“Saira, remember this, I am doing everything for you and you should obey whatever I say, by yelling at me, you committed a big sin, now you should calm my body and relieve the tension.”

“What should I do”

“Get on you knees and open your mouth”

Saira did exactly what was asked, without wasting anytime, He put his dick in her mouth and at this point, Saira knows the drill and starts sucking it, till he fills her mouth with her cum, she swallowed everything, then he took her to the bedroom and started fucking her. Saira starts moaning and enjoying the sex and she is feeling guilt about it when she is thinking of sagar, but she is considering this as treatment.

Saira starts adjusting to her new life, early morning she would go out to the woods to relieve herself and walk around the town, without blouse

There is always a crowd following her, wherever she goes and the town people are extra nice to her while saira is dumb enough to notice this. Sagar knew everything what was going on eventhough he is out of town and its his plan all along. Sagar and Puneeth are good friends and well known to eachother, which Saira wouldn’t know.

After few days, Sagar returned.

Saira new lifestyle typically goes like this, she wakes up early in the morning, clean the house, put a rangoli in front of the house, then prepare a tea and wakes up sagar and then she would go out in the woods to finish the morning ablutions. There are many guys hiding in the woods unknown to Saira to have a glimpse of her milky white ass and pussy.

Once done, she will go to river, change into her petticoat and she shows almost all important assets during soap which is the sight will not be missed by the prying eyes hiding in the woods.

She will return home, get naked and go for walk in the direct sunlight, while sagar and Puneeth watching and enjoying the view. Once sagar leaves, Puneeth with Sagar’s permission unknown to Saira, would come and fuck Saira.

After that, she would go to market in saree without blouse and buy vegetables and other things she would be needing.

Sagar comes home in the evening and he is upset again and then he started talking, “Saira, now I have opened the gym but not many guys are joining and I cant stay at the gym, I have other things to do too. So I need someone to take care of the gym while I was away and need some plan to get more students”

“I understand it sagar, but can you hire somebody?”

“Yes, I can but then I have to pay salary and all the money would be gone for salary, just like that”

“So, what do you need?”

“I need you to go to gym and take care of it while I was away”

“But I don’t know anything about how to run gym?”

“You don’t have to know anything, just stand and make sure that nobody breaks anything. Also, if you would wear gym clothes, many guys will join?”


“In our town, there are no girls in any gym. If you join, atleast guy would join just to see you or flirt with you”

“What are you saying? Are you ok with it”

“This is the kind of marketing and will you help me?”

“Yes, I don’t have any gym clothes”

“Don’t worry, I will bring it tomorrow”

Next day, in the morning, Saira finished all her routing and wear the gym clothes sagar brought.

“But sagar, this dress is so revealing“

“so what? Guys love it. This is for my business, will you not do it for me?”

Saira agreed and with this one sight, many people started joining and the gym in almost overcrowded. None of the joinees aren’t interested in working out, they are only here to flirt with Saira. It goes on for like a month and then numbers start to decrease again.

“Sagar, people are leaving no matter what I do, what should we do now”

Meanwhile, Sagar sold all of Saira’s property, only thing left is her home but she didn’t care.

“Mr. Village competition is coming in few months, so boys are busy preparing and I have one idea to make the boys healthy and return to our gym and I don’t know if you would agree”

“What is it?”

“You see, all the boys are vegetarians, they are not enough nutritious food, if we can offer them your milk, then they will come”

“What are you saying sagar? I am so shy, How can I get the people drink my milk”

“but, think about it, your milk are all going waste, if you give them, it would be beneficial for all of us”

Saira thinks about it and finally agreed. Many boys returned to the gym because this is something nobody else can offer. Saira’s milk is feeding around 10 boys everyday. Saira is ashamed of going to gym but sagar convinced to go there, once she entered.

One guy said, “Thanks for your milk saira ji. Its making me strong”

Saira’s face turns red in shy after hearing this and before she says anything, another guy says, “Saira ji, please avoid eating garlic and onion, something the smell is not good”

Saira is humiliated again.

While they were talking, Sagar enter with his champion hopeful Raju

Raju is a well build hunk, clear winner in the competition even before it starts. Sagar pulled Saira to private place and said, “See Saira, this is Raju, he will definitely win this competition, but all other owners also wants him and its upto us to convince to him to stay with us”

“How do we do that?”

“We have something that no other gyms have”

“Whats that?”


“me?” saira asks in confusion.

“yes, I told him that you will give him good times. Be extra friendly with him and give him, whatever he asks and he will stay with us”

“You mean??” Saira knows what he meant but she is confused.

“Yes, seduce him, fuck him, I don’t care. He should be with us”

“But Sagar, I am yours, how can I do it?”

“Yes, you are mine now do what I asked you to do”

Saira was thinking what she should do and before she makes any decision, Sagar says, “Saira, my champion is tired and I don’t want him to sprain any muscles, why don’t you accompany him to our house and give him your special massage”

Saira doesn’t have any special massage but she understands what he meant and grabbed Raju’s hand and took him to the house and asked him to lay on the floor, she brought some oil.
there are too many events in the update like opening of gym, Saira joins it and then she starts selling the milk, these events reflects that scenes are switching rapidly.....it would be more enjoyable if you pick an event and hold it for some extra time.

waiting for next update as well..
there are too many events in the update like opening of gym, Saira joins it and then she starts selling the milk, these events reflects that scenes are switching rapidly.....it would be more enjoyable if you pick an event and hold it for some extra time.

waiting for next update as well..
Thanks for the suggestion, i will take it slow
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“Saira, Sagar bhai told me you are good at giving a relaxing massage. Your dress is beautiful, I don’t want it to get ruined by oil, why don’t you remove it”

Saira obediently followed his order and removed her dress and stood in lingerie to give the massage. Raju lying on mat on the floor and the head facing up, saira sit on his side and pour oil on his chest and start rubbing. His body is like an iron, very strong, she keeps rubbing on his chest.

“Saira, you are good, but it doesn’t work for me,” he said it and pulled her up and make her sit on his stomach. He lift her so easily and Saira is impressed by his strength.

She starts rubbing again and Saira can feel his stomach in her pussy, while she is rubbing his chest, he casually put his hand on her thighs. One done, Saira turns around and starts massaging his thighs and legs. Since he is tall and she is sitting on his stomach, she had to go all the way down and her face is going down every day, very close to his crotch. His dick starts standing up inside his boxer and it keeps going up and started hitting her face whenever she goes down. Suddenly a snap, her bra fell down. Saira is shocked after he removed her bra but she didn’t say anything.

He sits and grabbed her tits from behind.

“Wow, Saira, its so soft and fluffy, why don’t you give massage with your tits”

Having said that, he turns upside down. Saira pours oil on his back and her tits and starts rubbing his back with her tits.

Raju took it as yes and turns around and removed his boxer and 9 inch uncut dark dick is standing like a flag pole.

“Now massage this,” Raju said while pointing at his dick.

Saira starts massaging his dick and its too big that Saira have to use her both hands and started massaging his balls .

“Saira, your hand is so good but mouth would be much better, use it”

Saira hesitated and she was sitting silent without doing anything.

“Come on Saira, don’t pretend like you don’t know it. With lips like yours, you must have sucked more dicks”

Saira is humiliated after hearing this, but she has no choice but to obey, she started sucking his dick. The dick is so bog for her mouth, but she continued sucking it.

He stands up and pushed her down to the floor, removed her panty and starts sucking her boobs and drinking the milk.

“Wow Saira, your milk is so tasty, now I want to come”

He starts rubbing his dick in her pussy and entered with a full thrust and starts fucking her so hard.

“I tasted your milk, now you taste mine.” He starts cumming on her mouth and Saira swallowed it like a trained pet.

He was so happy and returned to Gym and informed Sagar that he would be joining the gym with the condition that if her wins, he wants Saira for one night and he can do whatever he wants with her as a 1st condition and for the 2nd condition, that he would like to have Saira’s milk during the workout, not from the bottle, directly from the source whenever and wherever he wants. Sagar agreed to all his terms.

Whenever Raju works out in gym, Saira would be there and he would grab her and drink her milk while other gym members watches. Saira was shy and comfortable at 1st but she got used to it.

On seeing this, other guys also demamded Saira’s milk but Sagar told them if they wanted to, they should pay more. All the guys agree.

Gym membership is over 30 now, all the 30 guys would drink milk directly from her tits hence she has to spend most of the time topless.

To motivate the boys, something sagar would make Saira workout in lesser clothes as possible

Sometimes, even lesser or none. Boys are always excited to see her naked and she also got used to it

Finally, the day of competition has come. Sagar asked Saira to accompany Raju to the stage. While other contestants would come alone or with their couch. Raju would be walking along with Saira, 1st time in the backward town, a girl in sexy cloth accompany a contestant and the Raju already won the mind games. Sagar chose what she should wear already.

As expected Raju won and after he received the medal, he was asked whats the reason for his strength and Raju replied, “Saira’s milk is the secret of my energy” while he put his hand on her tits in full public view and there is the loudest cheer ever.

Since Raju won. Sagar sent Saira with him for one night.
Saira was afraid and scared but for sagar she obeyed. She reached Raju’s home with her bag.
Raju is living alone and starts talking, “Tonight our sughrat, eventhough I fucked you before, I want to do it in this setting”
Saira enters the room with Raju and saw the bed decorated with flowers
He slowly removed her dress and made her naked and fucked her all night.
She returned to Sagar and continued her work at the gym. He started charging extra money from the clients if they want to drink her milk directly from the source.
Every day Saira have to feed around 50 guys. Within few days, her milk problem solved but it created another problem for Sagar.
After long conversation, Sagar decided that she will start producing milk once she get pregnant again. But she doesn’t want to hold any responsibilities in the future.
So he started the auction in his town for the bull to impregnate her, lot of guys are ready to fuck her but don’t want to take responsibility for the child. So they decided that, she would fuck 10 guys everyday and it will be continued till she is pregnant.
Saira has no control of her life anymore. After fucking more than 1000 guys, she got pregnant and nobody knows who the father is.

She gave birth to the beautiful girl and started lactating and the gym clients are happy and she started feeding them again. The news spread to all town and nearby villages and there is always a long line of people outside the gym for milk.
She lactate for just 2 years. So every 2 years she is getting pregnant and have the child. For some reason, she gave birth only to girl child. In the span of 20 years she becomes the mom for 10 daughters.
Like mother, daughters inherited the beauty and the milky problem. Following mother footsteps, daughters also become the breeding cows like their mother. Sagar opened many branches in many places and Sagar is married with a another girl from respectable family and starts his own family.
Saira is around 53 years old now, her beauty is gone. Pussy is loose and nobody wants to fuck her anymore but her unmarried daughters are major now and busy breeding kids. She is retired at home taking care of her 8 bastard grandchildren, also all girls, future breeding cows.

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“Saira, Sagar bhai told me you are good at giving a relaxing massage. Your dress is beautiful, I don’t want it to get ruined by oil, why don’t you remove it”

Saira obediently followed his order and removed her dress and stood in lingerie to give the massage. Raju lying on mat on the floor and the head facing up, saira sit on his side and pour oil on his chest and start rubbing. His body is like an iron, very strong, she keeps rubbing on his chest.

“Saira, you are good, but it doesn’t work for me,” he said it and pulled her up and make her sit on his stomach. He lift her so easily and Saira is impressed by his strength.

She starts rubbing again and Saira can feel his stomach in her pussy, while she is rubbing his chest, he casually put his hand on her thighs. One done, Saira turns around and starts massaging his thighs and legs. Since he is tall and she is sitting on his stomach, she had to go all the way down and her face is going down every day, very close to his crotch. His dick starts standing up inside his boxer and it keeps going up and started hitting her face whenever she goes down. Suddenly a snap, her bra fell down. Saira is shocked after he removed her bra but she didn’t say anything.

He sits and grabbed her tits from behind.

“Wow, Saira, its so soft and fluffy, why don’t you give massage with your tits”

Having said that, he turns upside down. Saira pours oil on his back and her tits and starts rubbing his back with her tits.

Raju took it as yes and turns around and removed his boxer and 9 inch uncut dark dick is standing like a flag pole.

“Now massage this,” Raju said while pointing at his dick.

Saira starts massaging his dick and its too big that Saira have to use her both hands and started massaging his balls .

“Saira, your hand is so good but mouth would be much better, use it”

Saira hesitated and she was sitting silent without doing anything.

“Come on Saira, don’t pretend like you don’t know it. With lips like yours, you must have sucked more dicks”

Saira is humiliated after hearing this, but she has no choice but to obey, she started sucking his dick. The dick is so bog for her mouth, but she continued sucking it.

He stands up and pushed her down to the floor, removed her panty and starts sucking her boobs and drinking the milk.

“Wow Saira, your milk is so tasty, now I want to come”

He starts rubbing his dick in her pussy and entered with a full thrust and starts fucking her so hard.

“I tasted your milk, now you taste mine.” He starts cumming on her mouth and Saira swallowed it like a trained pet.

He was so happy and returned to Gym and informed Sagar that he would be joining the gym with the condition that if her wins, he wants Saira for one night and he can do whatever he wants with her as a 1st condition and for the 2nd condition, that he would like to have Saira’s milk during the workout, not from the bottle, directly from the source whenever and wherever he wants. Sagar agreed to all his terms.

Whenever Raju works out in gym, Saira would be there and he would grab her and drink her milk while other gym members watches. Saira was shy and comfortable at 1st but she got used to it.

On seeing this, other guys also demamded Saira’s milk but Sagar told them if they wanted to, they should pay more. All the guys agree.

Gym membership is over 30 now, all the 30 guys would drink milk directly from her tits hence she has to spend most of the time topless.

To motivate the boys, something sagar would make Saira workout in lesser clothes as possible

Sometimes, even lesser or none. Boys are always excited to see her naked and she also got used to it

Finally, the day of competition has come. Sagar asked Saira to accompany Raju to the stage. While other contestants would come alone or with their couch. Raju would be walking along with Saira, 1st time in the backward town, a girl in sexy cloth accompany a contestant and the Raju already won the mind games. Sagar chose what she should wear already.

As expected Raju won and after he received the medal, he was asked whats the reason for his strength and Raju replied, “Saira’s milk is the secret of my energy” while he put his hand on her tits in full public view and there is the loudest cheer ever.

Since Raju won. Sagar sent Saira with him for one night.
Saira was afraid and scared but for sagar she obeyed. She reached Raju’s home with her bag.
Raju is living alone and starts talking, “Tonight our sughrat, eventhough I fucked you before, I want to do it in this setting”
Saira enters the room with Raju and saw the bed decorated with flowers
He slowly removed her dress and made her naked and fucked her all night.
She returned to Sagar and continued her work at the gym. He started charging extra money from the clients if they want to drink her milk directly from the source.
Every day Saira have to feed around 50 guys. Within few days, her milk problem solved but it created another problem for Sagar.
After long conversation, Sagar decided that she will start producing milk once she get pregnant again. But she doesn’t want to hold any responsibilities in the future.
So he started the auction in his town for the bull to impregnate her, lot of guys are ready to fuck her but don’t want to take responsibility for the child. So they decided that, she would fuck 10 guys everyday and it will be continued till she is pregnant.
Saira has no control of her life anymore. After fucking more than 1000 guys, she got pregnant and nobody knows who the father is.

She gave birth to the beautiful girl and started lactating and the gym clients are happy and she started feeding them again. The news spread to all town and nearby villages and there is always a long line of people outside the gym for milk.
She lactate for just 2 years. So every 2 years she is getting pregnant and have the child. For some reason, she gave birth only to girl child. In the span of 20 years she becomes the mom for 10 daughters.
Like mother, daughters inherited the beauty and the milky problem. Following mother footsteps, daughters also become the breeding cows like their mother. Sagar opened many branches in many places and Sagar is married with a another girl from respectable family and starts his own family.
Saira is around 53 years old now, her beauty is gone. Pussy is loose and nobody wants to fuck her anymore but her unmarried daughters are major now and busy breeding kids. She is retired at home taking care of her 8 bastard grandchildren, also all girls, future breeding cows.

It was a nice story but ended very soon.... BTW congrats on completing the story.
It was a nice story but ended very soon.... BTW congrats on completing the story.
Thanks, its an old story actually, i wrote this for another forum. i dont want to rewrite what i have already written. Working on new story actually, i will post that here


The Bull.........Female Orgasm Expert
Waiting eagerly for your new erotica....


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next update pls...