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She was feeling great embarrassment standing in front of Shinde like this, all naked. Except Ramesh no one had ever seen her naked like this. Frequent waves of shame were travelling through her. Now after forcing her to remove her hand from her pussy, he was looking at it with great interest. It seemed as if he had never seen a pussy before.
One more thing which was bothering her was that she was all alone at home. And this old man was in horny mood. Already a big bulge had appeared in front of his trouser. She was in very vulnerable situation. If she didn’t do anything she might end up with his dick into her pussy and that would not be good. Not good at all.
“Now please go back to living room,” she said.
He turned. She hoped that he was going. But strangely he hadn’t returned the towel and her clothes. Then he turned back and walked toward her.
Dipti flinched and stepped back with great urgency. But he kept coming to her. And she kept stepping back. Finally she stopped. Her back had hit the wall and she couldn’t have gone back any further.
“W-what are you doing Shinde ji. You should go now.”
“Won’t you allow me a little bite on these hanging fruits,” he said catching her right boob in his broad hand and then began squeezing it in very obscene manner.
She told herself not to like it as it was happening against her wish but the fact that his hand was on her boob and was squeezing it mercilessly was difficult to ignore.
“Please Shinde ji let me wear my clothes then you can play as long as you desire with them,” she pleaded.
“Beauty like you should never wear clothes if you ask me,” he said.
And next moment tender nipple of her right boob was in his old mouth, taking it into the prison. She tried to suppress the moan but it escaped into the air.
Holding her nipple between his teeth he grinned.
Bastard, she thought.
She tried to push him away but he was way too strong than her despite being old.
“Don’t waste your energy honey,” he said pulling his mouth away from her boobs. “I’m not going anywhere till I put my dick in your tiny cunt.”
“I’ll not let that happen,” she said hoarsely.
“And I’ll make it happen,” he said and took her nipple back into his mouth.
He was sucking on her tender flesh roughly. Not caring the least that his teeth were bruising against her flesh.
“You are hurting me,” she said desperately. “Please be gentle.”
“Oh … I’m sorry for that,” he said. “Actually I never sucked such delicious tits before.”
Are my tits really that much delicious, she wondered silently as he begun sucking her boobs again. She had started to melt now. Her hand went to his head, on its own, as he sucked on her nipples. Her pussy was dripping wet. This was alarming. She must do something before it was too late.
She gathered her full strength and tried to push him away. To her surprise he did move away this time. Then she realized that he himself had pulled away. The way he was looking at her pussy confirmed it. Holy shit … was she heading for a sexual intercourse with this old man.
She shook her head in desperation.
“Shinde ji you should leave now,” she said sternly, trying to sound confident and strong. But she failed miserably.
“Why don’t you get it? I’m not going anywhere till I put my dick in your juicy cunt,” he said lewdly and grabbed her arms and threw her on the bed.
Then he started removing his clothes. One by one. His chest was covered in white hair. Despite being old his arms and shoulders depicted vitality of a young man. As his underwear fell on the floor she looked at his dick with wide eyes. His dick was shorter then Ramesh’s in terms of length but in terms of width it was thicker. Hair on his balls was black. So this side of his body was still young.
Seeing her staring at his dick he grinned. “You liked it.”
She shook her head no urgently.
“Doesn’t matter. You are going to get it in there whether you liked it or not,” he said pointing toward her pussy.
Her throat went dry hearing this. “Shinde ji I’m not feeling good today. Can you do it some other day please?”
“ha-ha-ha,” he laughed and climbed on the bed, coming right upon her. “You are indeed very clever Dipti. But you can’t fool me with such excuses”
She felt the warm air of his mouth on her face as he spoke. Then next moment his lips were on hers.
“Ummmmmmmmm,” she tried to speak and tried to push him away but it seemed impossible. He was holding her shoulders strongly. This was violent. It wasn’t fun anymore. Then she felt his dick on her pussy. It was searching for the hole. Her heart sank. This was rape. Tears welled up in her eyes. She was feeling very weak and very low. She had never imagined that such thing could happen with her. Despite her resistance he was pushing things on her. Her existence was at stake.
She drew a deep breath and decided to fight. Till now she was trying to be polite with a man but not anymore.
She prepared her leg and hit him hard between his legs. It worked. He rolled down from her holding his balls in his hands.
“You bitch!” he screamed.
Dipti quickly picked her clothes and rushed out of the bedroom. There was another room across the kitchen. She rushed to it and getting inside closed the door behind her. With shaking hand she wore her clothes.
After five minutes when she stepped out, Shinde was coming out from the bedroom. He had also worn his clothes.
“Why you hit me Dipti I was just trying to please you,” he said.
“You should ask this question to yourself,” she said sternly.
“I’m sorry honey. Actually I became mad seeing you naked. I wanted to have you badly,” he said. “I need a glass of water.”
He went to the kitchen to help himself. Perhaps he knew that she would not serve him. If he did, he was right.
He emerged two minutes later. Strangely one of his hands was behind his back. It seemed as if he was holding something. Was he taking something away from her kitchen? She wouldn’t mind. All the things in the kitchen were his anyway.
Just then opening the main door Pappu came in. Surprisingly Shinde looked uncomfortable seeing him. Then he did another weird thing. He walked backward giving an awkward smile to her and disappeared into the kitchen again.
“Ma’am I didn’t get one item. Except that everything is in this bag,” Pappu said placing the bag on centre table.
Shinde stepped out again giving a suppressed smile.
“Sir is it true that it was fourth murder in this area,” Pappu asked Shinde.
Shinde seemed uncomfortable with this question. Then he nodded. “Yes it was fourth murder. I knew her personally. She was nice lady.”
“Whoever did this should be burned alive,” Pappu said.
Dipti noticed that Shinde wanted to say something to Pappu but somehow he stopped himself.
“Okay Dipti, I got to go. See you later,” Shinde said and slipped out from the door.
I don’t want to see you later you dirty old man. Son-of-a-bitch.
Dipti opened her eyes slowly and looked at the watch hung on the wall. It said 4:30 p.m. After lunch she had drifted into a sleep. She felt bit relaxed but horrible incident of morning was still flashing in the background of her conscious thoughts. Now there was no doubt that Shinde was dangerous man and she had to be careful about him in the future. But whatever, she had enjoyed a lot when he was sucking her boobies. He was hurting a bit but still it was sensational. Dirty old man knows how to suck nipples. But he should have been content with this much. He shouldn’t have tried to force things on her. It was bad. Very bad.
Taking a big yawn she got off the bed and walked to the window and peeked out. Green lawn looked good in the soft sunrays of evening sun. Evening was good. She felt like going out somewhere.
Giving one more admiring look to the lawn she turned back and came back to the bed and picked her mobile.
She dialed Ramesh’s number.
“Hello … honey when are you coming. I want to go out,” Dipti said.
“I can’t say. You can go if you want to.”
“Did you find any other house?”
“No … not yet, I fear we have to stay here,” Ramesh said.
“Why … it shouldn’t be that much difficult. I can’t stay here. It’s a dangerous place.”
“We’ll talk about it later honey … I’m busy,” he said and hung up.
Why we have to stay here … I can’t, she thought.
Shaking her head she went to the cupboard and opening it stood in front of it, thinking what she should wear for the evening. Naughty thoughts started gathering in her mind. She was going in the market and she should wear something luscious. Her eyes went to the jeans. Biting her lower lip she pulled it out. She knew it would give killing shape to her hips.
Then she took a white top and examined it. Two softy ice-creams were printed in front of it. It looked cool.
After 20 minutes she was in front of mirror in jeans and top. Her boobs were looking good, shapely. She was sure that they would attract more attention than the pictures of two ice-creams below. Then she turned to examine her hips. In tight jeans they had took quite a seductive shape.
Then suddenly apprehension gathered on her face. So far she had got nothing but trouble due to this sort of behavior. She recalled how Bushan, petty shopkeeper, had patted at her bum shamelessly without any regard to her dignity. And today she was almost raped by dirty old man.
Taking a deep breath she shook her head. I need to be careful. There is no harm in this as long as I keep things under control. Now I’ll not let anybody take advantage of me, she decided.
She picked her purse and stepped out of bedroom. “Pappu!”
He came running from upstairs.
“I’m going out. Take care of house,” she said.
“Okay ma’am.”
As she walked through the street she observed houses on both sides. Few steps ahead she noticed a man in the balcony. He was smoking a cigarette. He was looking in opposite direction from her. Out of curiosity she kept looking at him from the sides of her eyes. He had a big black mole on his left cheek. In the comics, she read during childhood, such men were depicted as criminal. She wondered whether he was the killer.
He turned his head to her direction and quickly she pulled her gaze away from him, looking straight on the street. She felt as if he was watching her. She rolled her eyes toward him to confirm. He was. His look was hard like a stone, as if he hated her. Her eyes met with his. And immediately she felt a wave of shiver within her. Pulling her eyes back to the street she rushed out of the street. She wanted to turn back and look to see whether he was still watching her but she couldn’t gather enough strength.
Who is he, She thought as she stepped out on the main road. He must be in the police’s list of suspects. Leave it I’ve nothing to do with it.
She was so lost in her thoughts that she couldn’t notice when an auto stopped in front of her. On the driving seat was Salim, giving weird look to her.
“Madam I had given my number to you. Why didn’t you call me? You need not come here. I can pick you from home.”
“Oh I forgot.” she gave an awkward smile to him. She knew he wouldn’t have forgotten the patting on her bum by petty shop keeper. Next moment her apprehension came true.
“Madam that day I felt very bad. How could he pat on your hips like that,” he said looking into her eyes.
She shifted her eyes away from him and swallowed. She had nothing to say on this issue to him.
“I wanted to go in there and kill him. But I hate violence. I thought maybe he liked your ass so much that he couldn’t stop himself from slapping it. And then I forgave him.”
She looked at him with wide eyes. Petty shopkeeper had slapped her ass and this auto driver forgave him for that. Who was he to bestow such a mercy after all?
“Err… what you are saying?” she said in an angry tone, confused.
“N-nothing madam, where do you want to go?”
“I’m going to local market. I don’t need auto for that,” she said.
“You have to walk quite a distance even for that. Come on I’ll drop you.”
She thought for a moment. “Okay how much you will …”
“Nothing. I’m going that way anyway.”
“No-no I’ll not take a free ride.”
“Okay you can give me 10 rupees,” he said coming out of the auto.
“Fine,” she said.
As she was climbing into the auto she felt something on her buttocks. It felt like a hand. She rushed inside quickly and dropping herself on the seat, looked at Salim. He was coming in to sit on his driving seat. She wondered whether he touched her behind. But she couldn’t ask him.
Local market wasn’t far enough. He dropped her there after minute.
“Here,” she said, holding ten rupees note for him.
“No need for that madam,” he said.
“No-no I don’t accept free ride,” she protested.
“It wasn’t free madam. You have already paid me in excess,” he said.
Remembering the climb in his auto she blushed red. So he had touched her hips back there. She felt like reprimanding him for this. After all how dare he do such a thing with her? But before she could say anything to him he was gone. I’ll never climb in his auto again, she thought.
Dipti roamed around in the market, searching for shops selling woman fabrics. There were few but collection with them wasn’t interesting. In fifteen minutes she was done with the full round of the market. It seemed waste of time. Since darkness was gathering rapidly she decided to leave for home. With freaking killer roaming freely in the area it was dangerous to stay out at this time.
Just then she saw a juice seller about 50 feet away and she felt like having a glass of orange juice. She walked over to him and said, “How much for orange juice.”
“Small glass for 20 and big glass for 35,” he replied.
She compared the glass. Small one seemed too small. “Okay I’ll take big one.”
“Do you think big would be good,” A soft whisper came from behind her.
She turned with a speed of light. A man she had seen while coming out of the street stood in front of her. He looked as dangerous as before. His eyes still felt like stone. She couldn’t hold his gaze and dropped her head. His hand was on his crotch.
“Do you like big one,”
Gripped in the shock and fear she raised her head to look at him. His face was expressionless. How easily he had said such a dirty thing to her. She looked back to see whether juice seller was looking at them. He was not. He was busy squeezing the juice out of oranges. And since she was between him and this man he also had no hint that this man was roaming his hand on his crotch.
She turned back toward the man and said, “Excuse me … do I know you.”
“Yes … you know me,” he said with confidence. Then looking toward juice seller he said, “one big one for me too.”
“I-I don’t think so,” she said.
“I’m Sudhir … You were looking at me when you were passing through the street.”
She swallowed. “You are mistaken Mr. Sudhir … I wasn’t looking at you.”
He looked at her with stern expression. Feeling uncomfortable she looked away. She was thinking to run away from there. Each second was passing with great difficulty there.
Just then juice seller approached them with two glass of juice and handed over one to each.
Dipti quickly finished her glass and quickly pulled 50 rupees note from the purse and gave it to juice seller.
“I don’t have the change,” juice seller said.
“Keep the change,” Dipti said with great urgency and darted toward the road hoping to find rickshaw or auto rickshaw for the home.
She reached to the road but couldn’t find anything. Nothing was visible on either side of the road. She grew anxious and fearful. Great sense of foreboding gathered inside her. She looked back. He was just few feet away from her. What should she do now? Before she could decide anything he was standing beside her.
“Why are you running away from me?”
“I’m not running away. I’m getting late,” she said.
“I know what’s going on,” he said.
“What do you mean,” she said, confused.
“I know who visits your house in the absence of your husband,” he said.
She looked at him with wide eyes. “That’s none of your business.”
“It’s not but you are playing with fire do you know that,” he said.
She became more confused. None of his words were making sense to her. “Who are you to tell me all this.”
“Your well wisher … your admirer,” he said.
“Thank you very much but I got to go,” she said.
Suddenly he grabbed her strongly, covering her mouth with one hand, and took her away from the road forcefully behind a big Bargad tree. It happened so quickly that she couldn’t understand what she should do. She tried to free herself thought but couldn’t succeed.
“Shhh … don’t worry I’ll not harm you,” he said. “Your neighbor is coming to this side and I don’t want him to see me with you.”
“Ummmmm…” she protested for removal of his hand from her mouth.
“If you promise me to stay calm, I’ll remove my hand,” he said.
She nodded.
He complied with the promise.
“Are you talking about Shinde ji,” she said.
“Okay … you stay here behind this tree and let me go.”
“Are you fucking with him?” he said.
Though there was darkness behind this tree but she still could see him. She looked at him with surprise and said, “What’s wrong with you.”
“I know him. He’s always hunting for pussy. If he’s visiting your house in absence of your husband something must be going on.”
“We also have one servant in the house for your kind information,” she said.
“Your servant remains upstairs. You can’t fool me.”
“What exactly do you want from me?” she said.
“I want to stab your …” he said touching her pussy. “… Pussy with my big knife.”
The situation in which she was she just heard two words ‘stab’ and ‘knife’ other words spoken by him seemed meaningless.
But next moment when he placed her hand on the big knife her fear started to melt away. With great excitement she lowered her eyes to stare at his big knife. It was surely big, very big rather.
“It’s ...” she couldn’t speak what she wanted to speak.
“Big,” he completed her sentence.
She nodded.
Suddenly he pulled his dick back into his trouser and whispered, “I got to go now. I have some urgent work. But remember one thing. Stay away from old man. He’s very dangerous person.”
And then he was gone. She stood leaning against the tree thinking what he just said. Whole thing seemed like a big mystery to her.
Thinking why this man referred to Shinde as dangerous person she cranked her neck to look at the road. Shinde was about 30 feet away, walking toward her, but he wasn’t alone. A man was with him, who, due to his khadi kurta pajama, looked like a professor of college or university. His dense beard accentuated this feeling. He should be around 45 or 46. She decided to wait for them to pass and kept hiding behind the tree. As she pulled her neck back she got stunned. A dog stood just few feet away from her, looking dangerously at her.
“Shoo … shoo,” she said.
But dog didn’t respond positively and started barking.
“Shit …” Dipti jumped out from behind the tree to the side of the road in a great haste. Dog seemed mad and it was dangerous to stay back there.
“Hey Dipti!” Shinde waved toward her, he was quite close. Suspecting that he might have seen her jumping from behind the tree she gave him awkward smile.
Though she had no intention to behave politely with him but since another person was also with him she decided to behave normally. “Good evening Shinde ji … how are you.”
“I’m fine. What were you doing behind the tree? Pissing huh?” he said.
What nonsense, she thought. How could he talk like that in front of another person?
“Err ... no … what are you saying Shinde ji,” she said, her voice trembling with embarrassment.
“Meet him, he is Manish Goyal. He’s a professor,” he said.
She wished him. So she was right about him. He was indeed a professor.
“He’s my neighbor and also very close friend. And Manish she is Dipti, new beauty in the town, who also happens to be my tenant.”
Professor extended his hand to her. This was unexpected. She had hoped him to be of reserved nature but the way he had extended his hand to her it was clear that he wasn’t.
Out of courtesy she reached for his hand and immediately he grabbed her soft feminine hand.
“So you weren’t pissing there?” he said.
Oh boy this professor was different. His words jolted her to the core, again forcing her to feel awkward.
“N-no …” she said and tried to pull her hand away from him but he was holding it with strong grip.
“Then what were you doing back there. It’s weird you know,” professor said.
“I like Bargad tree. I was just taking a look,” she said and again tried to pull her hand, but again failed.
“Good … very good. We should love and appreciate trees around us. They are source of our breathing. Your hand is so soft Dipti. I feel like holding it forever.” Professor said.
She blushed red and smiling awkwardly again tried to get rid of his grip.
“This is nothing, you should see her tits,” Shinde said, laughing.
She went into a great shock and looked at shinde with wide eyes.
Dear god, what’s the hell this old man is talking. Has he gone mad or something. It seemed as if he was taking revenge from her for the morning incident. She had hit his balls and now he was hitting back in a dirtiest manner possible.
“Is this right Dipti?” he said.
“Err no … I don’t know why Shinde ji is saying this,” she said giving angry look to Shinde. Son of a bitch.
She was feeling moisture around her hand and with every passing second it was become more and more unbearable.
“I’m saying this because I have seen and sucked these tits,” Shinde said pointing toward her breasts.
Now she felt as if she was sinking in the deep well of embarrassment where she would finally die.
“Good heavens! You have seen and sucked these tits?” Professor said eying at her boobs.
Shinde nodded.
She was speechless. There was nothing she could say at this moment. Professor was staring at her boobs with great interest. It seemed as if he was analyzing their size. He wasn’t even bothering about the fact that they were on the road and traffic was passing them by. But whatever his interest in her boobs had created unbidden moisture between her legs.
Feeling great embarrassment she pulled her hand with full force and finally her hand slipped out from his. “Nice meeting you Goyal ji. I got to go.”
Professor whispered something in Shinde’s ear, which she couldn’t hear. Shinde was nodding as he listened.
When they were done with their private conversation Shinde moved forward and holding her arm took her away from professor.
“What’s the matter Shinde ji. I got to go,” she said, trying to free her arm.
“He’s my very good friend and he has made a request …,” he said.
Sensing something wrong she immediately interrupted him, “what request?”
“He wants to see your tits,” Shinde said.
She was shocked. She looked toward professor. He was looking eagerly toward her. There was pleading gesture in his eyes.
“Forget it. I’m getting late,” she said. But strangely subtle waves of thrill had started moving within her. Prospect of showing her tits to professor was quite exciting and thrilling. She wondered how he would react once he saw her boobs. Would he be able to teach tomorrow? She smiled silently to herself.
“He’s my good friend Dipti please,” he pleaded.
“Okay I’ll think about it. But I’m getting late now,” she said.
“You haven’t got my point I think,” he said. “He wants to see your tits now.”
“Now? No-no how’s that possible. We are on the road.”
“We’ll go to garden. It’s not very far.”
“No-no-no I don’t think that would be a good idea.”
Just then professor too came near and said, “Please Dipti. You are beautiful but you should show this beauty to admirer like me.”
“Err … Goyal ji please try to understand. How can I do such thing in the garden,” in her words it was implicit that she was ready to show him her tits but not in the garden.
And perhaps professor understood this that’s why he said, “Why don’t we go to your place Shinde. You are all alone.”
“No we can’t go there,” Shinde said.
“But why god dammit, you never allow anybody in your house. What’s the matter with you?” professor said. “You know Dipti, I’m his friend but I can’t enter into his house.”
Shinde seemed uncomfortable. Dipti wondered whether what professor said was really true. If it was then it was very strange. Why wouldn’t he allow anybody in his house was difficult to understand?
“Oh god I’ll die if I didn’t see these tits today,” Professor goyal said.
She blushed deeply at his statement and looked away from him toward the passing traffic.
“I’ll not let you die … Dipti come on … let’s go to the garden,” Shinde said placing his hand on professor’s shoulder.
There was no way she could go to the garden to show her boobs to the professor. It was dark and moreover it was risky. “I’m sorry I’m getting late. I have to go”
She noticed an auto and waved it to stop. Strangely it was Salim again. He stopped immediately. Certain that he wouldn’t touch her behind now; when Shinde and professor were around, she climbed into the auto.
“Where?” Salim asked.
“Home!” she said.
When auto was just about to move Shinde peeked inside and said, “Can we also join you? We are also going home only”
It seemed fined. “Okay,” she said.
She slid toward the corner to accommodate them. But from another side professor emerged and waving her to move said, “Please.”
She looked to her left, Shinde had already settled on another corner.
It was weird. Were they working as a team? She looked at Salim. He was watching them with great interest.
“I think both of you can sit here … this side,” she said to professor pointing to her left.
“Please … I want to sit this side,” professor said.
She grimaced and slid toward shinde. Professor climbed instantly and dropped his professorial ass beside her. Now she was sandwiched between two horny men. She knew they were up to something here but she had no intention to cooperate.
Auto started making thunderous sound. Except this sound there was silence in the auto. After few seconds, Professor leaned toward her and said, “Can I touch your tits,”
“W-what … no-no” she responded quickly. They were on the road and someone could see. She wouldn’t risk it.
“Please,” Professor said.
Just then she felt hand on her left boob, Shinde’s hand. Here professor was requesting and old man had already begun. She looked at Salim. His attention was on the road. Certain that it wasn’t possible for him to see where ShIinde’s hand was she decided to keep quite. Then wondering whether anyone could notice them from the road she looked out. It was dark in the auto and they were on the move. No one would be able to see Shinde’s hand.
Relieved she took her attention on her boob and felt the way old man was caressing her boob softly. Now she was feeling for the professor. He had asked her permission and she had denied it. But shinde hadn’t asked for it and still he was enjoying with her boob. It was unfair.
She leaned toward him said, “Okay you can touch … but be careful … we are on the road, you know.”
He gave her an excited smile, his eyes sparkling with joy. It seemed that he hadn’t expected this from her. But for her it was nothing. If Shinde could play with her boobs he could too.
Next moment his hand was on her right boob, caressing it all over, feeling its texture. It seemed as if he had never touched breasts before. But this feeling was proved wrong when he whispered in her ears, “These are the best tits I have ever touched, perfect roundness and shape.”
“T-thank you.” She felt her cheeks grow pink.
“You know I just love tits. They are magnificent creation of nature. Without them life would be less beautiful.”
Oh boy was he delivering a lecture on the benefit of tits. But whatever, it sounded great to hear that tits are that much important. But for her they were important anyway for she was feeling intense sense of joy at the moment.
She closed her eyes and let her emotions flow with the movement of their hands on her boobs. Both hands had language of their own. Shinde was little rough while professor was gentle. Shinde was using full hand while professor was probing with fingers. But whatever, it was amazing.
“Tell me,” professor whispered. “Has Shinde really sucked your tits?”
She looked into his eyes and wondered why he asked such question. “Why are you asking this?”
“Just curious. Nothing else,” professor said.
She nodded and looked away.
“Good heavens. Can I suck too?” professor asked.
Before she could respond to his question auto came to stop and in a great haste both of them pulled their hands away from her breasts. This moment was very embarrassing for Dipti. Salim had turned back immediately after halting the auto and she was sure that he might have seen two hands moving away from her chest. She knew Salim was smart enough to understand what it meant.
Professor climbed down from the auto first and pulled his purse out from the pocket.
“No-no Goyal ji I’ll pay,” Dipti protested.
“Doesn’t matter Dipti,” professor said, smiling.
“No … I’ll pay,” she said in serious tone.
Professor sent his purse back into his pocket.
Grabbing professor’s arm Shinde took him away as if wanting to discuss with him matter of urgent importance.
As she searched for change in her purse she noticed that both of them were giggling. She wondered whether they were discussing about her tits. It they were then it was really disgusting. How can they do it when auto driver is still here?
“Leave it madam. I don’t want to take anything from you.”
“Why would you not take anything from me? You have to.” she was irritated, partly due to him and partly due to Shinde and professor.
Pulling 20 rupees note out she said, “take it.”
He grabbed the note and said, “Madam these two men are not good.”
“What do you mean?” she asked, surprised.
“Dipti are you coming or what?” Shinde said, laughing.
She couldn’t understand why he was laughing like idiot.
“You go ahead … I’m coming,” she said and turned back to Salim. “Tell me why these two men are not good.”
“Promise me you won’t tell anybody about this.”
“Will you please tell me what’s the matter,” she said losing her temper.
“Four month back a woman was found dead in the garden.”
Her throat went dry. “So … go on.”
“Body was found in the morning,” he said and swallowed. “Day before in the evening I had seen these two men with her. They were sitting with her on the bench.”
“What were you doing there?” she asked.
“Sometime I go in that garden to walk a little. Whole day sitting in the auto is so damn tiring you know.”
“Well fine … you saw them with that woman but does that make these two men bad.”
“Dead body of woman was found right behind that bench in the bushes,” he said. “I know it could be coincidence but I have feeling that these two men had killed her.”
Placing her hand on her chest she took a deep breath. Oh god they were taking me to the garden today.
“What happened ma’am?”
“N-nothing,” she said.
“Don’t go with them. Get back in the auto … I’ll drop you in front of your house. It’s dark you know.”
She looked toward them. They were still discussing something. She climbed into the auto and shouted, “Shinde ji, he’ll drop me home … don’t wait for me.”
Both turned toward her. There was strange look on their faces, look which shook her to the core. Her legs started trembling. It seemed as if they were frustrated seeing their pray getting away from them.
Sitting behind his office desk, Ramesh was planning how would he kill Dipti. His plan was almost ready. If everything went as planned he would get rid of Dipti without any trouble. He closed his eyes and imagined himself executing his plan. When he opened his eyes his lips curled into a self-satisfied smirk. He knew his plan would work.
He looked at his wrist watch. It was 7:30 and it was time to leave. As he rose from his office chair his mobile rang. Call was from an unknown number.
“Hello,” he said
“Hello Ramesh ji, I’m preeti,” a woman voice spoke.
For a second Ramesh couldn’t figure who Preeti was. But voice sounded familiar. Then he got it. She was Jayant’s wife. Bloody cuckold’s wife.
“Oh hi bhabhi ji. How are you?”
“I’m not good Ramesh ji. I’m having a little pain. I don’t know what to do. Jayant is also not here.” she said.
Jayant had left for Pune along with the Boss. He would be back after two days.
“Pain?” he said. “Where?”
“I can’t tell?” she said.
“Please tell me bhabhi, I’ll get medicine for you,” Ramesh said.
“My chut is in terrible pain Ramesh ji,” Preeti said. “I doubt you’ll get any medicine for such a pain at drug store.”
Ramesh’s throat went dry hearing this and his dick jerked in his trouser. He hadn’t expected that she would use such a dirty word with him.
“What you want me to do bhabhi?” he said.
“Can you come to my home? I want to show you,” she said.
He swallowed and said, “What?”
“My Chut,” she said. “Perhaps your stare will heal the pain.”
Wiping the sweat from his forehead he said, “I’m coming.”
Putting the phone back into his pocked he rushed out from his room. He knew that he should concentrate fully on execution of his murder plan but it was difficult to ignore such a tempting offer.
Coming out of office he hired an auto and after 20 minutes he was standing in front of Jayant’s house, his heart jumping with excitement in his chest.
He lunged to the main door and knocked. Almost immediately door opened, as if she was waiting on the door. She was in short skirt and short-sleeved blouse which had buttons in front. Deep cleavage was adorning her chest. In other words, she was looking damn hot.
“Hi bhabhi ji, I hope I’m not late,” he said.
“You are late but it’s okay … come on in,” she said with a seductive smile.
He stepped into the house and she closed the door. As he turned back he found her leaning against the door in a sexy pose.
“Bhabhi ji how is your C-chut now?” he said staring at her skirt.
She looked into his eyes and lifted her skirt slowly and slowly. Apparently she wasn’t wearing panties. Ramesh swallowed and waited for her cunt to emerge. When it did he swallowed once more. It was clean, hairless cunt. Its petals looked somewhat bigger than Dipti’s cunt.
Mesmerized with the sight he moved forward and sat down in front of her while she stood holding her skirt around her waist.
“Beautiful Chut bhabhi,” he said confidently now. “I’m looking at it now. Do you feel better?”
“Just little bit. I’m still feeling the pain,” she said, dreamily.
He smiled and ran his finger across her cunt. “Now?”
“Goooood … but pain is not gone.”
He smiled again and placed his finger at the entrance of her cunt. With just slight pressure his finger slipped in. It was so wet. He fingered her for one minute and said, “Now?”
“So goooood … but still I’m in pain.”
“I know what you want,” he said.
“You do?” she said huskily.
“And what’s that,” she said.
He stood up pulling his finger out of her cunt and pressed his body against hers.
“You want my lund, don’t you?”
“Then why don’t you give me your lund,” she said hungrily and reached for his trouser, searching for his zipper. Meanwhile he grabbed her big boobs, kneading them as he pleased.
Finding the zipper she unzipped it quickly and slipped her hand into his underwear. When she grabbed his hard meat he felt thrilling sensation inside him. Her hand seemed skillful in handling the cock.
“I think it will relieve the pain of my chut,” she said.
“It surely will bhabhi,” he said and began unbuttoning her blouse. He wanted to see her tits.
As rounded white boobs emerged in front of his eyes he looked at them with amazement. They were beautiful pair of tits.
“Nice boobs bhabhi,” he said.
By now she had pulled his dick out and she was playing with it skillfully.
“You have got nice lund too Ramesh ji,” she said. “Won’t you suck my tits?”
“You bet I will,” he said and reached for her left boob and took its nipple into his mouth.
“Good Ramesh ji. So good,” she whispered into his ear as he sucked her nipples.
Enjoying with her breasts for five minutes he got away and said, “Time to relieve pain of your chut I think.”
She blushed for the first time and he liked that. So far it had seemed that she was incapable for that.
She lifted her skirt again and smiled seductively. He smiled back and holding his dick in his right hand placed it at the entrance of her secret door.
He pushed himself into her with one stroke. Strangely, quite contrary to his expectation, her cunt seemed tight around his dick.
“I think Jayant’s lund is smaller than mine?” he said keeping his dick into her cunt.
She nodded. “Too much small than yours, in fact.”
“That’s why he’s cuckold isn’t it,” he said. “He wants to see his wife get fucked by big dicks”
“No he doesn’t want that. Had he been here I wouldn’t have allowed you to put your dick into my cunt,” she said.
“But he’s cuckold right. He himself had told me that.” Ramesh was confused.
“He is cuckold but he wouldn’t allow me to fuck anybody. He enjoys when people stare at my breasts and hips. He also enjoys when men caress and fondle my assets but that’s it. He had persuaded me into this but now I’m frustrated you know. After meeting you I felt like going all the way with you. You are second man to enter into my cunt.”
Her words excited her and pulling himself back he slammed his dick into her hungry cunt with full vigor. “So is there some relief in your pain now.”
“Not yet, Ramesh ji. You have to generate orgasm within me for that.”
He laughed and started fucking her inviting cunt furiously with long and wild strokes. “Don’t worry about orgasm. You’ll get plenty of it.”
With each powerful stroke he was making into her cunt she was forced back and her round buttocks were hitting at the door, creating rhythmic erotic sound.
“Fater Ramesh ji. Fasterrrrrr! …..” she screamed.
Perhaps she was approaching her orgasm. He increased his pace, pumping his dick into her with great urgency. He himself was about to explode.
“Stoppppp! Aahhh,” she screamed with ecstasy.
“Wait a minute bhabhi. I’m about to come.” He said breathlessly.
After few fierce rapid strokes he ejaculated into her warm cunt and flooded her. “Oh my god, it was so good,” he announced as he stopped.
“This should remain between you and me. Jayant shouldn’t know this,” Preeti said.
“Don’t worry. I won’t tell him anything,” he said pulling his dick out from her tight cunt. “I hope pain of your chut must have gone now.”
She blushed and nodded. “Thank you for relieving my pain.”
“Pleasure is all mine bhabhi,” he said putting his dick back into his trouser.
One more thing which was bothering her was that she was all alone at home. And this old man was in horny mood. Already a big bulge had appeared in front of his trouser. She was in very vulnerable situation. If she didn’t do anything she might end up with his dick into her pussy and that would not be good. Not good at all.
“Now please go back to living room,” she said.
He turned. She hoped that he was going. But strangely he hadn’t returned the towel and her clothes. Then he turned back and walked toward her.
Dipti flinched and stepped back with great urgency. But he kept coming to her. And she kept stepping back. Finally she stopped. Her back had hit the wall and she couldn’t have gone back any further.
“W-what are you doing Shinde ji. You should go now.”
“Won’t you allow me a little bite on these hanging fruits,” he said catching her right boob in his broad hand and then began squeezing it in very obscene manner.
She told herself not to like it as it was happening against her wish but the fact that his hand was on her boob and was squeezing it mercilessly was difficult to ignore.
“Please Shinde ji let me wear my clothes then you can play as long as you desire with them,” she pleaded.
“Beauty like you should never wear clothes if you ask me,” he said.
And next moment tender nipple of her right boob was in his old mouth, taking it into the prison. She tried to suppress the moan but it escaped into the air.
Holding her nipple between his teeth he grinned.
Bastard, she thought.
She tried to push him away but he was way too strong than her despite being old.
“Don’t waste your energy honey,” he said pulling his mouth away from her boobs. “I’m not going anywhere till I put my dick in your tiny cunt.”
“I’ll not let that happen,” she said hoarsely.
“And I’ll make it happen,” he said and took her nipple back into his mouth.
He was sucking on her tender flesh roughly. Not caring the least that his teeth were bruising against her flesh.
“You are hurting me,” she said desperately. “Please be gentle.”
“Oh … I’m sorry for that,” he said. “Actually I never sucked such delicious tits before.”
Are my tits really that much delicious, she wondered silently as he begun sucking her boobs again. She had started to melt now. Her hand went to his head, on its own, as he sucked on her nipples. Her pussy was dripping wet. This was alarming. She must do something before it was too late.
She gathered her full strength and tried to push him away. To her surprise he did move away this time. Then she realized that he himself had pulled away. The way he was looking at her pussy confirmed it. Holy shit … was she heading for a sexual intercourse with this old man.
She shook her head in desperation.
“Shinde ji you should leave now,” she said sternly, trying to sound confident and strong. But she failed miserably.
“Why don’t you get it? I’m not going anywhere till I put my dick in your juicy cunt,” he said lewdly and grabbed her arms and threw her on the bed.
Then he started removing his clothes. One by one. His chest was covered in white hair. Despite being old his arms and shoulders depicted vitality of a young man. As his underwear fell on the floor she looked at his dick with wide eyes. His dick was shorter then Ramesh’s in terms of length but in terms of width it was thicker. Hair on his balls was black. So this side of his body was still young.
Seeing her staring at his dick he grinned. “You liked it.”
She shook her head no urgently.
“Doesn’t matter. You are going to get it in there whether you liked it or not,” he said pointing toward her pussy.
Her throat went dry hearing this. “Shinde ji I’m not feeling good today. Can you do it some other day please?”
“ha-ha-ha,” he laughed and climbed on the bed, coming right upon her. “You are indeed very clever Dipti. But you can’t fool me with such excuses”
She felt the warm air of his mouth on her face as he spoke. Then next moment his lips were on hers.
“Ummmmmmmmm,” she tried to speak and tried to push him away but it seemed impossible. He was holding her shoulders strongly. This was violent. It wasn’t fun anymore. Then she felt his dick on her pussy. It was searching for the hole. Her heart sank. This was rape. Tears welled up in her eyes. She was feeling very weak and very low. She had never imagined that such thing could happen with her. Despite her resistance he was pushing things on her. Her existence was at stake.
She drew a deep breath and decided to fight. Till now she was trying to be polite with a man but not anymore.
She prepared her leg and hit him hard between his legs. It worked. He rolled down from her holding his balls in his hands.
“You bitch!” he screamed.
Dipti quickly picked her clothes and rushed out of the bedroom. There was another room across the kitchen. She rushed to it and getting inside closed the door behind her. With shaking hand she wore her clothes.
After five minutes when she stepped out, Shinde was coming out from the bedroom. He had also worn his clothes.
“Why you hit me Dipti I was just trying to please you,” he said.
“You should ask this question to yourself,” she said sternly.
“I’m sorry honey. Actually I became mad seeing you naked. I wanted to have you badly,” he said. “I need a glass of water.”
He went to the kitchen to help himself. Perhaps he knew that she would not serve him. If he did, he was right.
He emerged two minutes later. Strangely one of his hands was behind his back. It seemed as if he was holding something. Was he taking something away from her kitchen? She wouldn’t mind. All the things in the kitchen were his anyway.
Just then opening the main door Pappu came in. Surprisingly Shinde looked uncomfortable seeing him. Then he did another weird thing. He walked backward giving an awkward smile to her and disappeared into the kitchen again.
“Ma’am I didn’t get one item. Except that everything is in this bag,” Pappu said placing the bag on centre table.
Shinde stepped out again giving a suppressed smile.
“Sir is it true that it was fourth murder in this area,” Pappu asked Shinde.
Shinde seemed uncomfortable with this question. Then he nodded. “Yes it was fourth murder. I knew her personally. She was nice lady.”
“Whoever did this should be burned alive,” Pappu said.
Dipti noticed that Shinde wanted to say something to Pappu but somehow he stopped himself.
“Okay Dipti, I got to go. See you later,” Shinde said and slipped out from the door.
I don’t want to see you later you dirty old man. Son-of-a-bitch.
Dipti opened her eyes slowly and looked at the watch hung on the wall. It said 4:30 p.m. After lunch she had drifted into a sleep. She felt bit relaxed but horrible incident of morning was still flashing in the background of her conscious thoughts. Now there was no doubt that Shinde was dangerous man and she had to be careful about him in the future. But whatever, she had enjoyed a lot when he was sucking her boobies. He was hurting a bit but still it was sensational. Dirty old man knows how to suck nipples. But he should have been content with this much. He shouldn’t have tried to force things on her. It was bad. Very bad.
Taking a big yawn she got off the bed and walked to the window and peeked out. Green lawn looked good in the soft sunrays of evening sun. Evening was good. She felt like going out somewhere.
Giving one more admiring look to the lawn she turned back and came back to the bed and picked her mobile.
She dialed Ramesh’s number.
“Hello … honey when are you coming. I want to go out,” Dipti said.
“I can’t say. You can go if you want to.”
“Did you find any other house?”
“No … not yet, I fear we have to stay here,” Ramesh said.
“Why … it shouldn’t be that much difficult. I can’t stay here. It’s a dangerous place.”
“We’ll talk about it later honey … I’m busy,” he said and hung up.
Why we have to stay here … I can’t, she thought.
Shaking her head she went to the cupboard and opening it stood in front of it, thinking what she should wear for the evening. Naughty thoughts started gathering in her mind. She was going in the market and she should wear something luscious. Her eyes went to the jeans. Biting her lower lip she pulled it out. She knew it would give killing shape to her hips.
Then she took a white top and examined it. Two softy ice-creams were printed in front of it. It looked cool.
After 20 minutes she was in front of mirror in jeans and top. Her boobs were looking good, shapely. She was sure that they would attract more attention than the pictures of two ice-creams below. Then she turned to examine her hips. In tight jeans they had took quite a seductive shape.
Then suddenly apprehension gathered on her face. So far she had got nothing but trouble due to this sort of behavior. She recalled how Bushan, petty shopkeeper, had patted at her bum shamelessly without any regard to her dignity. And today she was almost raped by dirty old man.
Taking a deep breath she shook her head. I need to be careful. There is no harm in this as long as I keep things under control. Now I’ll not let anybody take advantage of me, she decided.
She picked her purse and stepped out of bedroom. “Pappu!”
He came running from upstairs.
“I’m going out. Take care of house,” she said.
“Okay ma’am.”
As she walked through the street she observed houses on both sides. Few steps ahead she noticed a man in the balcony. He was smoking a cigarette. He was looking in opposite direction from her. Out of curiosity she kept looking at him from the sides of her eyes. He had a big black mole on his left cheek. In the comics, she read during childhood, such men were depicted as criminal. She wondered whether he was the killer.
He turned his head to her direction and quickly she pulled her gaze away from him, looking straight on the street. She felt as if he was watching her. She rolled her eyes toward him to confirm. He was. His look was hard like a stone, as if he hated her. Her eyes met with his. And immediately she felt a wave of shiver within her. Pulling her eyes back to the street she rushed out of the street. She wanted to turn back and look to see whether he was still watching her but she couldn’t gather enough strength.
Who is he, She thought as she stepped out on the main road. He must be in the police’s list of suspects. Leave it I’ve nothing to do with it.
She was so lost in her thoughts that she couldn’t notice when an auto stopped in front of her. On the driving seat was Salim, giving weird look to her.
“Madam I had given my number to you. Why didn’t you call me? You need not come here. I can pick you from home.”
“Oh I forgot.” she gave an awkward smile to him. She knew he wouldn’t have forgotten the patting on her bum by petty shop keeper. Next moment her apprehension came true.
“Madam that day I felt very bad. How could he pat on your hips like that,” he said looking into her eyes.
She shifted her eyes away from him and swallowed. She had nothing to say on this issue to him.
“I wanted to go in there and kill him. But I hate violence. I thought maybe he liked your ass so much that he couldn’t stop himself from slapping it. And then I forgave him.”
She looked at him with wide eyes. Petty shopkeeper had slapped her ass and this auto driver forgave him for that. Who was he to bestow such a mercy after all?
“Err… what you are saying?” she said in an angry tone, confused.
“N-nothing madam, where do you want to go?”
“I’m going to local market. I don’t need auto for that,” she said.
“You have to walk quite a distance even for that. Come on I’ll drop you.”
She thought for a moment. “Okay how much you will …”
“Nothing. I’m going that way anyway.”
“No-no I’ll not take a free ride.”
“Okay you can give me 10 rupees,” he said coming out of the auto.
“Fine,” she said.
As she was climbing into the auto she felt something on her buttocks. It felt like a hand. She rushed inside quickly and dropping herself on the seat, looked at Salim. He was coming in to sit on his driving seat. She wondered whether he touched her behind. But she couldn’t ask him.
Local market wasn’t far enough. He dropped her there after minute.
“Here,” she said, holding ten rupees note for him.
“No need for that madam,” he said.
“No-no I don’t accept free ride,” she protested.
“It wasn’t free madam. You have already paid me in excess,” he said.
Remembering the climb in his auto she blushed red. So he had touched her hips back there. She felt like reprimanding him for this. After all how dare he do such a thing with her? But before she could say anything to him he was gone. I’ll never climb in his auto again, she thought.
Dipti roamed around in the market, searching for shops selling woman fabrics. There were few but collection with them wasn’t interesting. In fifteen minutes she was done with the full round of the market. It seemed waste of time. Since darkness was gathering rapidly she decided to leave for home. With freaking killer roaming freely in the area it was dangerous to stay out at this time.
Just then she saw a juice seller about 50 feet away and she felt like having a glass of orange juice. She walked over to him and said, “How much for orange juice.”
“Small glass for 20 and big glass for 35,” he replied.
She compared the glass. Small one seemed too small. “Okay I’ll take big one.”
“Do you think big would be good,” A soft whisper came from behind her.
She turned with a speed of light. A man she had seen while coming out of the street stood in front of her. He looked as dangerous as before. His eyes still felt like stone. She couldn’t hold his gaze and dropped her head. His hand was on his crotch.
“Do you like big one,”
Gripped in the shock and fear she raised her head to look at him. His face was expressionless. How easily he had said such a dirty thing to her. She looked back to see whether juice seller was looking at them. He was not. He was busy squeezing the juice out of oranges. And since she was between him and this man he also had no hint that this man was roaming his hand on his crotch.
She turned back toward the man and said, “Excuse me … do I know you.”
“Yes … you know me,” he said with confidence. Then looking toward juice seller he said, “one big one for me too.”
“I-I don’t think so,” she said.
“I’m Sudhir … You were looking at me when you were passing through the street.”
She swallowed. “You are mistaken Mr. Sudhir … I wasn’t looking at you.”
He looked at her with stern expression. Feeling uncomfortable she looked away. She was thinking to run away from there. Each second was passing with great difficulty there.
Just then juice seller approached them with two glass of juice and handed over one to each.
Dipti quickly finished her glass and quickly pulled 50 rupees note from the purse and gave it to juice seller.
“I don’t have the change,” juice seller said.
“Keep the change,” Dipti said with great urgency and darted toward the road hoping to find rickshaw or auto rickshaw for the home.
She reached to the road but couldn’t find anything. Nothing was visible on either side of the road. She grew anxious and fearful. Great sense of foreboding gathered inside her. She looked back. He was just few feet away from her. What should she do now? Before she could decide anything he was standing beside her.
“Why are you running away from me?”
“I’m not running away. I’m getting late,” she said.
“I know what’s going on,” he said.
“What do you mean,” she said, confused.
“I know who visits your house in the absence of your husband,” he said.
She looked at him with wide eyes. “That’s none of your business.”
“It’s not but you are playing with fire do you know that,” he said.
She became more confused. None of his words were making sense to her. “Who are you to tell me all this.”
“Your well wisher … your admirer,” he said.
“Thank you very much but I got to go,” she said.
Suddenly he grabbed her strongly, covering her mouth with one hand, and took her away from the road forcefully behind a big Bargad tree. It happened so quickly that she couldn’t understand what she should do. She tried to free herself thought but couldn’t succeed.
“Shhh … don’t worry I’ll not harm you,” he said. “Your neighbor is coming to this side and I don’t want him to see me with you.”
“Ummmmm…” she protested for removal of his hand from her mouth.
“If you promise me to stay calm, I’ll remove my hand,” he said.
She nodded.
He complied with the promise.
“Are you talking about Shinde ji,” she said.
“Okay … you stay here behind this tree and let me go.”
“Are you fucking with him?” he said.
Though there was darkness behind this tree but she still could see him. She looked at him with surprise and said, “What’s wrong with you.”
“I know him. He’s always hunting for pussy. If he’s visiting your house in absence of your husband something must be going on.”
“We also have one servant in the house for your kind information,” she said.
“Your servant remains upstairs. You can’t fool me.”
“What exactly do you want from me?” she said.
“I want to stab your …” he said touching her pussy. “… Pussy with my big knife.”
The situation in which she was she just heard two words ‘stab’ and ‘knife’ other words spoken by him seemed meaningless.
But next moment when he placed her hand on the big knife her fear started to melt away. With great excitement she lowered her eyes to stare at his big knife. It was surely big, very big rather.
“It’s ...” she couldn’t speak what she wanted to speak.
“Big,” he completed her sentence.
She nodded.
Suddenly he pulled his dick back into his trouser and whispered, “I got to go now. I have some urgent work. But remember one thing. Stay away from old man. He’s very dangerous person.”
And then he was gone. She stood leaning against the tree thinking what he just said. Whole thing seemed like a big mystery to her.
Thinking why this man referred to Shinde as dangerous person she cranked her neck to look at the road. Shinde was about 30 feet away, walking toward her, but he wasn’t alone. A man was with him, who, due to his khadi kurta pajama, looked like a professor of college or university. His dense beard accentuated this feeling. He should be around 45 or 46. She decided to wait for them to pass and kept hiding behind the tree. As she pulled her neck back she got stunned. A dog stood just few feet away from her, looking dangerously at her.
“Shoo … shoo,” she said.
But dog didn’t respond positively and started barking.
“Shit …” Dipti jumped out from behind the tree to the side of the road in a great haste. Dog seemed mad and it was dangerous to stay back there.
“Hey Dipti!” Shinde waved toward her, he was quite close. Suspecting that he might have seen her jumping from behind the tree she gave him awkward smile.
Though she had no intention to behave politely with him but since another person was also with him she decided to behave normally. “Good evening Shinde ji … how are you.”
“I’m fine. What were you doing behind the tree? Pissing huh?” he said.
What nonsense, she thought. How could he talk like that in front of another person?
“Err ... no … what are you saying Shinde ji,” she said, her voice trembling with embarrassment.
“Meet him, he is Manish Goyal. He’s a professor,” he said.
She wished him. So she was right about him. He was indeed a professor.
“He’s my neighbor and also very close friend. And Manish she is Dipti, new beauty in the town, who also happens to be my tenant.”
Professor extended his hand to her. This was unexpected. She had hoped him to be of reserved nature but the way he had extended his hand to her it was clear that he wasn’t.
Out of courtesy she reached for his hand and immediately he grabbed her soft feminine hand.
“So you weren’t pissing there?” he said.
Oh boy this professor was different. His words jolted her to the core, again forcing her to feel awkward.
“N-no …” she said and tried to pull her hand away from him but he was holding it with strong grip.
“Then what were you doing back there. It’s weird you know,” professor said.
“I like Bargad tree. I was just taking a look,” she said and again tried to pull her hand, but again failed.
“Good … very good. We should love and appreciate trees around us. They are source of our breathing. Your hand is so soft Dipti. I feel like holding it forever.” Professor said.
She blushed red and smiling awkwardly again tried to get rid of his grip.
“This is nothing, you should see her tits,” Shinde said, laughing.
She went into a great shock and looked at shinde with wide eyes.
Dear god, what’s the hell this old man is talking. Has he gone mad or something. It seemed as if he was taking revenge from her for the morning incident. She had hit his balls and now he was hitting back in a dirtiest manner possible.
“Is this right Dipti?” he said.
“Err no … I don’t know why Shinde ji is saying this,” she said giving angry look to Shinde. Son of a bitch.
She was feeling moisture around her hand and with every passing second it was become more and more unbearable.
“I’m saying this because I have seen and sucked these tits,” Shinde said pointing toward her breasts.
Now she felt as if she was sinking in the deep well of embarrassment where she would finally die.
“Good heavens! You have seen and sucked these tits?” Professor said eying at her boobs.
Shinde nodded.
She was speechless. There was nothing she could say at this moment. Professor was staring at her boobs with great interest. It seemed as if he was analyzing their size. He wasn’t even bothering about the fact that they were on the road and traffic was passing them by. But whatever his interest in her boobs had created unbidden moisture between her legs.
Feeling great embarrassment she pulled her hand with full force and finally her hand slipped out from his. “Nice meeting you Goyal ji. I got to go.”
Professor whispered something in Shinde’s ear, which she couldn’t hear. Shinde was nodding as he listened.
When they were done with their private conversation Shinde moved forward and holding her arm took her away from professor.
“What’s the matter Shinde ji. I got to go,” she said, trying to free her arm.
“He’s my very good friend and he has made a request …,” he said.
Sensing something wrong she immediately interrupted him, “what request?”
“He wants to see your tits,” Shinde said.
She was shocked. She looked toward professor. He was looking eagerly toward her. There was pleading gesture in his eyes.
“Forget it. I’m getting late,” she said. But strangely subtle waves of thrill had started moving within her. Prospect of showing her tits to professor was quite exciting and thrilling. She wondered how he would react once he saw her boobs. Would he be able to teach tomorrow? She smiled silently to herself.
“He’s my good friend Dipti please,” he pleaded.
“Okay I’ll think about it. But I’m getting late now,” she said.
“You haven’t got my point I think,” he said. “He wants to see your tits now.”
“Now? No-no how’s that possible. We are on the road.”
“We’ll go to garden. It’s not very far.”
“No-no-no I don’t think that would be a good idea.”
Just then professor too came near and said, “Please Dipti. You are beautiful but you should show this beauty to admirer like me.”
“Err … Goyal ji please try to understand. How can I do such thing in the garden,” in her words it was implicit that she was ready to show him her tits but not in the garden.
And perhaps professor understood this that’s why he said, “Why don’t we go to your place Shinde. You are all alone.”
“No we can’t go there,” Shinde said.
“But why god dammit, you never allow anybody in your house. What’s the matter with you?” professor said. “You know Dipti, I’m his friend but I can’t enter into his house.”
Shinde seemed uncomfortable. Dipti wondered whether what professor said was really true. If it was then it was very strange. Why wouldn’t he allow anybody in his house was difficult to understand?
“Oh god I’ll die if I didn’t see these tits today,” Professor goyal said.
She blushed deeply at his statement and looked away from him toward the passing traffic.
“I’ll not let you die … Dipti come on … let’s go to the garden,” Shinde said placing his hand on professor’s shoulder.
There was no way she could go to the garden to show her boobs to the professor. It was dark and moreover it was risky. “I’m sorry I’m getting late. I have to go”
She noticed an auto and waved it to stop. Strangely it was Salim again. He stopped immediately. Certain that he wouldn’t touch her behind now; when Shinde and professor were around, she climbed into the auto.
“Where?” Salim asked.
“Home!” she said.
When auto was just about to move Shinde peeked inside and said, “Can we also join you? We are also going home only”
It seemed fined. “Okay,” she said.
She slid toward the corner to accommodate them. But from another side professor emerged and waving her to move said, “Please.”
She looked to her left, Shinde had already settled on another corner.
It was weird. Were they working as a team? She looked at Salim. He was watching them with great interest.
“I think both of you can sit here … this side,” she said to professor pointing to her left.
“Please … I want to sit this side,” professor said.
She grimaced and slid toward shinde. Professor climbed instantly and dropped his professorial ass beside her. Now she was sandwiched between two horny men. She knew they were up to something here but she had no intention to cooperate.
Auto started making thunderous sound. Except this sound there was silence in the auto. After few seconds, Professor leaned toward her and said, “Can I touch your tits,”
“W-what … no-no” she responded quickly. They were on the road and someone could see. She wouldn’t risk it.
“Please,” Professor said.
Just then she felt hand on her left boob, Shinde’s hand. Here professor was requesting and old man had already begun. She looked at Salim. His attention was on the road. Certain that it wasn’t possible for him to see where ShIinde’s hand was she decided to keep quite. Then wondering whether anyone could notice them from the road she looked out. It was dark in the auto and they were on the move. No one would be able to see Shinde’s hand.
Relieved she took her attention on her boob and felt the way old man was caressing her boob softly. Now she was feeling for the professor. He had asked her permission and she had denied it. But shinde hadn’t asked for it and still he was enjoying with her boob. It was unfair.
She leaned toward him said, “Okay you can touch … but be careful … we are on the road, you know.”
He gave her an excited smile, his eyes sparkling with joy. It seemed that he hadn’t expected this from her. But for her it was nothing. If Shinde could play with her boobs he could too.
Next moment his hand was on her right boob, caressing it all over, feeling its texture. It seemed as if he had never touched breasts before. But this feeling was proved wrong when he whispered in her ears, “These are the best tits I have ever touched, perfect roundness and shape.”
“T-thank you.” She felt her cheeks grow pink.
“You know I just love tits. They are magnificent creation of nature. Without them life would be less beautiful.”
Oh boy was he delivering a lecture on the benefit of tits. But whatever, it sounded great to hear that tits are that much important. But for her they were important anyway for she was feeling intense sense of joy at the moment.
She closed her eyes and let her emotions flow with the movement of their hands on her boobs. Both hands had language of their own. Shinde was little rough while professor was gentle. Shinde was using full hand while professor was probing with fingers. But whatever, it was amazing.
“Tell me,” professor whispered. “Has Shinde really sucked your tits?”
She looked into his eyes and wondered why he asked such question. “Why are you asking this?”
“Just curious. Nothing else,” professor said.
She nodded and looked away.
“Good heavens. Can I suck too?” professor asked.
Before she could respond to his question auto came to stop and in a great haste both of them pulled their hands away from her breasts. This moment was very embarrassing for Dipti. Salim had turned back immediately after halting the auto and she was sure that he might have seen two hands moving away from her chest. She knew Salim was smart enough to understand what it meant.
Professor climbed down from the auto first and pulled his purse out from the pocket.
“No-no Goyal ji I’ll pay,” Dipti protested.
“Doesn’t matter Dipti,” professor said, smiling.
“No … I’ll pay,” she said in serious tone.
Professor sent his purse back into his pocket.
Grabbing professor’s arm Shinde took him away as if wanting to discuss with him matter of urgent importance.
As she searched for change in her purse she noticed that both of them were giggling. She wondered whether they were discussing about her tits. It they were then it was really disgusting. How can they do it when auto driver is still here?
“Leave it madam. I don’t want to take anything from you.”
“Why would you not take anything from me? You have to.” she was irritated, partly due to him and partly due to Shinde and professor.
Pulling 20 rupees note out she said, “take it.”
He grabbed the note and said, “Madam these two men are not good.”
“What do you mean?” she asked, surprised.
“Dipti are you coming or what?” Shinde said, laughing.
She couldn’t understand why he was laughing like idiot.
“You go ahead … I’m coming,” she said and turned back to Salim. “Tell me why these two men are not good.”
“Promise me you won’t tell anybody about this.”
“Will you please tell me what’s the matter,” she said losing her temper.
“Four month back a woman was found dead in the garden.”
Her throat went dry. “So … go on.”
“Body was found in the morning,” he said and swallowed. “Day before in the evening I had seen these two men with her. They were sitting with her on the bench.”
“What were you doing there?” she asked.
“Sometime I go in that garden to walk a little. Whole day sitting in the auto is so damn tiring you know.”
“Well fine … you saw them with that woman but does that make these two men bad.”
“Dead body of woman was found right behind that bench in the bushes,” he said. “I know it could be coincidence but I have feeling that these two men had killed her.”
Placing her hand on her chest she took a deep breath. Oh god they were taking me to the garden today.
“What happened ma’am?”
“N-nothing,” she said.
“Don’t go with them. Get back in the auto … I’ll drop you in front of your house. It’s dark you know.”
She looked toward them. They were still discussing something. She climbed into the auto and shouted, “Shinde ji, he’ll drop me home … don’t wait for me.”
Both turned toward her. There was strange look on their faces, look which shook her to the core. Her legs started trembling. It seemed as if they were frustrated seeing their pray getting away from them.
Sitting behind his office desk, Ramesh was planning how would he kill Dipti. His plan was almost ready. If everything went as planned he would get rid of Dipti without any trouble. He closed his eyes and imagined himself executing his plan. When he opened his eyes his lips curled into a self-satisfied smirk. He knew his plan would work.
He looked at his wrist watch. It was 7:30 and it was time to leave. As he rose from his office chair his mobile rang. Call was from an unknown number.
“Hello,” he said
“Hello Ramesh ji, I’m preeti,” a woman voice spoke.
For a second Ramesh couldn’t figure who Preeti was. But voice sounded familiar. Then he got it. She was Jayant’s wife. Bloody cuckold’s wife.
“Oh hi bhabhi ji. How are you?”
“I’m not good Ramesh ji. I’m having a little pain. I don’t know what to do. Jayant is also not here.” she said.
Jayant had left for Pune along with the Boss. He would be back after two days.
“Pain?” he said. “Where?”
“I can’t tell?” she said.
“Please tell me bhabhi, I’ll get medicine for you,” Ramesh said.
“My chut is in terrible pain Ramesh ji,” Preeti said. “I doubt you’ll get any medicine for such a pain at drug store.”
Ramesh’s throat went dry hearing this and his dick jerked in his trouser. He hadn’t expected that she would use such a dirty word with him.
“What you want me to do bhabhi?” he said.
“Can you come to my home? I want to show you,” she said.
He swallowed and said, “What?”
“My Chut,” she said. “Perhaps your stare will heal the pain.”
Wiping the sweat from his forehead he said, “I’m coming.”
Putting the phone back into his pocked he rushed out from his room. He knew that he should concentrate fully on execution of his murder plan but it was difficult to ignore such a tempting offer.
Coming out of office he hired an auto and after 20 minutes he was standing in front of Jayant’s house, his heart jumping with excitement in his chest.
He lunged to the main door and knocked. Almost immediately door opened, as if she was waiting on the door. She was in short skirt and short-sleeved blouse which had buttons in front. Deep cleavage was adorning her chest. In other words, she was looking damn hot.
“Hi bhabhi ji, I hope I’m not late,” he said.
“You are late but it’s okay … come on in,” she said with a seductive smile.
He stepped into the house and she closed the door. As he turned back he found her leaning against the door in a sexy pose.
“Bhabhi ji how is your C-chut now?” he said staring at her skirt.
She looked into his eyes and lifted her skirt slowly and slowly. Apparently she wasn’t wearing panties. Ramesh swallowed and waited for her cunt to emerge. When it did he swallowed once more. It was clean, hairless cunt. Its petals looked somewhat bigger than Dipti’s cunt.
Mesmerized with the sight he moved forward and sat down in front of her while she stood holding her skirt around her waist.
“Beautiful Chut bhabhi,” he said confidently now. “I’m looking at it now. Do you feel better?”
“Just little bit. I’m still feeling the pain,” she said, dreamily.
He smiled and ran his finger across her cunt. “Now?”
“Goooood … but pain is not gone.”
He smiled again and placed his finger at the entrance of her cunt. With just slight pressure his finger slipped in. It was so wet. He fingered her for one minute and said, “Now?”
“So goooood … but still I’m in pain.”
“I know what you want,” he said.
“You do?” she said huskily.
“And what’s that,” she said.
He stood up pulling his finger out of her cunt and pressed his body against hers.
“You want my lund, don’t you?”
“Then why don’t you give me your lund,” she said hungrily and reached for his trouser, searching for his zipper. Meanwhile he grabbed her big boobs, kneading them as he pleased.
Finding the zipper she unzipped it quickly and slipped her hand into his underwear. When she grabbed his hard meat he felt thrilling sensation inside him. Her hand seemed skillful in handling the cock.
“I think it will relieve the pain of my chut,” she said.
“It surely will bhabhi,” he said and began unbuttoning her blouse. He wanted to see her tits.
As rounded white boobs emerged in front of his eyes he looked at them with amazement. They were beautiful pair of tits.
“Nice boobs bhabhi,” he said.
By now she had pulled his dick out and she was playing with it skillfully.
“You have got nice lund too Ramesh ji,” she said. “Won’t you suck my tits?”
“You bet I will,” he said and reached for her left boob and took its nipple into his mouth.
“Good Ramesh ji. So good,” she whispered into his ear as he sucked her nipples.
Enjoying with her breasts for five minutes he got away and said, “Time to relieve pain of your chut I think.”
She blushed for the first time and he liked that. So far it had seemed that she was incapable for that.
She lifted her skirt again and smiled seductively. He smiled back and holding his dick in his right hand placed it at the entrance of her secret door.
He pushed himself into her with one stroke. Strangely, quite contrary to his expectation, her cunt seemed tight around his dick.
“I think Jayant’s lund is smaller than mine?” he said keeping his dick into her cunt.
She nodded. “Too much small than yours, in fact.”
“That’s why he’s cuckold isn’t it,” he said. “He wants to see his wife get fucked by big dicks”
“No he doesn’t want that. Had he been here I wouldn’t have allowed you to put your dick into my cunt,” she said.
“But he’s cuckold right. He himself had told me that.” Ramesh was confused.
“He is cuckold but he wouldn’t allow me to fuck anybody. He enjoys when people stare at my breasts and hips. He also enjoys when men caress and fondle my assets but that’s it. He had persuaded me into this but now I’m frustrated you know. After meeting you I felt like going all the way with you. You are second man to enter into my cunt.”
Her words excited her and pulling himself back he slammed his dick into her hungry cunt with full vigor. “So is there some relief in your pain now.”
“Not yet, Ramesh ji. You have to generate orgasm within me for that.”
He laughed and started fucking her inviting cunt furiously with long and wild strokes. “Don’t worry about orgasm. You’ll get plenty of it.”
With each powerful stroke he was making into her cunt she was forced back and her round buttocks were hitting at the door, creating rhythmic erotic sound.
“Fater Ramesh ji. Fasterrrrrr! …..” she screamed.
Perhaps she was approaching her orgasm. He increased his pace, pumping his dick into her with great urgency. He himself was about to explode.
“Stoppppp! Aahhh,” she screamed with ecstasy.
“Wait a minute bhabhi. I’m about to come.” He said breathlessly.
After few fierce rapid strokes he ejaculated into her warm cunt and flooded her. “Oh my god, it was so good,” he announced as he stopped.
“This should remain between you and me. Jayant shouldn’t know this,” Preeti said.
“Don’t worry. I won’t tell him anything,” he said pulling his dick out from her tight cunt. “I hope pain of your chut must have gone now.”
She blushed and nodded. “Thank you for relieving my pain.”
“Pleasure is all mine bhabhi,” he said putting his dick back into his trouser.