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Adultery Secret Temptations – by The Author

She was feeling great embarrassment standing in front of Shinde like this, all naked. Except Ramesh no one had ever seen her naked like this. Frequent waves of shame were travelling through her. Now after forcing her to remove her hand from her pussy, he was looking at it with great interest. It seemed as if he had never seen a pussy before.

One more thing which was bothering her was that she was all alone at home. And this old man was in horny mood. Already a big bulge had appeared in front of his trouser. She was in very vulnerable situation. If she didn’t do anything she might end up with his dick into her pussy and that would not be good. Not good at all.

“Now please go back to living room,” she said.

He turned. She hoped that he was going. But strangely he hadn’t returned the towel and her clothes. Then he turned back and walked toward her.

Dipti flinched and stepped back with great urgency. But he kept coming to her. And she kept stepping back. Finally she stopped. Her back had hit the wall and she couldn’t have gone back any further.

“W-what are you doing Shinde ji. You should go now.”

“Won’t you allow me a little bite on these hanging fruits,” he said catching her right boob in his broad hand and then began squeezing it in very obscene manner.

She told herself not to like it as it was happening against her wish but the fact that his hand was on her boob and was squeezing it mercilessly was difficult to ignore.

“Please Shinde ji let me wear my clothes then you can play as long as you desire with them,” she pleaded.

“Beauty like you should never wear clothes if you ask me,” he said.

And next moment tender nipple of her right boob was in his old mouth, taking it into the prison. She tried to suppress the moan but it escaped into the air.

Holding her nipple between his teeth he grinned.

Bastard, she thought.

She tried to push him away but he was way too strong than her despite being old.

“Don’t waste your energy honey,” he said pulling his mouth away from her boobs. “I’m not going anywhere till I put my dick in your tiny cunt.”

“I’ll not let that happen,” she said hoarsely.

“And I’ll make it happen,” he said and took her nipple back into his mouth.

He was sucking on her tender flesh roughly. Not caring the least that his teeth were bruising against her flesh.

“You are hurting me,” she said desperately. “Please be gentle.”

“Oh … I’m sorry for that,” he said. “Actually I never sucked such delicious tits before.”

Are my tits really that much delicious, she wondered silently as he begun sucking her boobs again. She had started to melt now. Her hand went to his head, on its own, as he sucked on her nipples. Her pussy was dripping wet. This was alarming. She must do something before it was too late.

She gathered her full strength and tried to push him away. To her surprise he did move away this time. Then she realized that he himself had pulled away. The way he was looking at her pussy confirmed it. Holy shit … was she heading for a sexual intercourse with this old man.
She shook her head in desperation.

“Shinde ji you should leave now,” she said sternly, trying to sound confident and strong. But she failed miserably.

“Why don’t you get it? I’m not going anywhere till I put my dick in your juicy cunt,” he said lewdly and grabbed her arms and threw her on the bed.

Then he started removing his clothes. One by one. His chest was covered in white hair. Despite being old his arms and shoulders depicted vitality of a young man. As his underwear fell on the floor she looked at his dick with wide eyes. His dick was shorter then Ramesh’s in terms of length but in terms of width it was thicker. Hair on his balls was black. So this side of his body was still young.

Seeing her staring at his dick he grinned. “You liked it.”

She shook her head no urgently.

“Doesn’t matter. You are going to get it in there whether you liked it or not,” he said pointing toward her pussy.

Her throat went dry hearing this. “Shinde ji I’m not feeling good today. Can you do it some other day please?”

“ha-ha-ha,” he laughed and climbed on the bed, coming right upon her. “You are indeed very clever Dipti. But you can’t fool me with such excuses”

She felt the warm air of his mouth on her face as he spoke. Then next moment his lips were on hers.

“Ummmmmmmmm,” she tried to speak and tried to push him away but it seemed impossible. He was holding her shoulders strongly. This was violent. It wasn’t fun anymore. Then she felt his dick on her pussy. It was searching for the hole. Her heart sank. This was rape. Tears welled up in her eyes. She was feeling very weak and very low. She had never imagined that such thing could happen with her. Despite her resistance he was pushing things on her. Her existence was at stake.

She drew a deep breath and decided to fight. Till now she was trying to be polite with a man but not anymore.

She prepared her leg and hit him hard between his legs. It worked. He rolled down from her holding his balls in his hands.

“You bitch!” he screamed.

Dipti quickly picked her clothes and rushed out of the bedroom. There was another room across the kitchen. She rushed to it and getting inside closed the door behind her. With shaking hand she wore her clothes.

After five minutes when she stepped out, Shinde was coming out from the bedroom. He had also worn his clothes.
“Why you hit me Dipti I was just trying to please you,” he said.

“You should ask this question to yourself,” she said sternly.

“I’m sorry honey. Actually I became mad seeing you naked. I wanted to have you badly,” he said. “I need a glass of water.”

He went to the kitchen to help himself. Perhaps he knew that she would not serve him. If he did, he was right.

He emerged two minutes later. Strangely one of his hands was behind his back. It seemed as if he was holding something. Was he taking something away from her kitchen? She wouldn’t mind. All the things in the kitchen were his anyway.

Just then opening the main door Pappu came in. Surprisingly Shinde looked uncomfortable seeing him. Then he did another weird thing. He walked backward giving an awkward smile to her and disappeared into the kitchen again.

“Ma’am I didn’t get one item. Except that everything is in this bag,” Pappu said placing the bag on centre table.

Shinde stepped out again giving a suppressed smile.

“Sir is it true that it was fourth murder in this area,” Pappu asked Shinde.

Shinde seemed uncomfortable with this question. Then he nodded. “Yes it was fourth murder. I knew her personally. She was nice lady.”

“Whoever did this should be burned alive,” Pappu said.

Dipti noticed that Shinde wanted to say something to Pappu but somehow he stopped himself.

“Okay Dipti, I got to go. See you later,” Shinde said and slipped out from the door.

I don’t want to see you later you dirty old man. Son-of-a-bitch.

Dipti opened her eyes slowly and looked at the watch hung on the wall. It said 4:30 p.m. After lunch she had drifted into a sleep. She felt bit relaxed but horrible incident of morning was still flashing in the background of her conscious thoughts. Now there was no doubt that Shinde was dangerous man and she had to be careful about him in the future. But whatever, she had enjoyed a lot when he was sucking her boobies. He was hurting a bit but still it was sensational. Dirty old man knows how to suck nipples. But he should have been content with this much. He shouldn’t have tried to force things on her. It was bad. Very bad.

Taking a big yawn she got off the bed and walked to the window and peeked out. Green lawn looked good in the soft sunrays of evening sun. Evening was good. She felt like going out somewhere.

Giving one more admiring look to the lawn she turned back and came back to the bed and picked her mobile.

She dialed Ramesh’s number.

“Hello … honey when are you coming. I want to go out,” Dipti said.

“I can’t say. You can go if you want to.”

“Did you find any other house?”

“No … not yet, I fear we have to stay here,” Ramesh said.

“Why … it shouldn’t be that much difficult. I can’t stay here. It’s a dangerous place.”

“We’ll talk about it later honey … I’m busy,” he said and hung up.

Why we have to stay here … I can’t, she thought.

Shaking her head she went to the cupboard and opening it stood in front of it, thinking what she should wear for the evening. Naughty thoughts started gathering in her mind. She was going in the market and she should wear something luscious. Her eyes went to the jeans. Biting her lower lip she pulled it out. She knew it would give killing shape to her hips.

Then she took a white top and examined it. Two softy ice-creams were printed in front of it. It looked cool.

After 20 minutes she was in front of mirror in jeans and top. Her boobs were looking good, shapely. She was sure that they would attract more attention than the pictures of two ice-creams below. Then she turned to examine her hips. In tight jeans they had took quite a seductive shape.

Then suddenly apprehension gathered on her face. So far she had got nothing but trouble due to this sort of behavior. She recalled how Bushan, petty shopkeeper, had patted at her bum shamelessly without any regard to her dignity. And today she was almost raped by dirty old man.

Taking a deep breath she shook her head. I need to be careful. There is no harm in this as long as I keep things under control. Now I’ll not let anybody take advantage of me, she decided.

She picked her purse and stepped out of bedroom. “Pappu!”

He came running from upstairs.

“I’m going out. Take care of house,” she said.

“Okay ma’am.”

As she walked through the street she observed houses on both sides. Few steps ahead she noticed a man in the balcony. He was smoking a cigarette. He was looking in opposite direction from her. Out of curiosity she kept looking at him from the sides of her eyes. He had a big black mole on his left cheek. In the comics, she read during childhood, such men were depicted as criminal. She wondered whether he was the killer.

He turned his head to her direction and quickly she pulled her gaze away from him, looking straight on the street. She felt as if he was watching her. She rolled her eyes toward him to confirm. He was. His look was hard like a stone, as if he hated her. Her eyes met with his. And immediately she felt a wave of shiver within her. Pulling her eyes back to the street she rushed out of the street. She wanted to turn back and look to see whether he was still watching her but she couldn’t gather enough strength.

Who is he, She thought as she stepped out on the main road. He must be in the police’s list of suspects. Leave it I’ve nothing to do with it.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she couldn’t notice when an auto stopped in front of her. On the driving seat was Salim, giving weird look to her.

“Madam I had given my number to you. Why didn’t you call me? You need not come here. I can pick you from home.”
“Oh I forgot.” she gave an awkward smile to him. She knew he wouldn’t have forgotten the patting on her bum by petty shop keeper. Next moment her apprehension came true.

“Madam that day I felt very bad. How could he pat on your hips like that,” he said looking into her eyes.

She shifted her eyes away from him and swallowed. She had nothing to say on this issue to him.

“I wanted to go in there and kill him. But I hate violence. I thought maybe he liked your ass so much that he couldn’t stop himself from slapping it. And then I forgave him.”

She looked at him with wide eyes. Petty shopkeeper had slapped her ass and this auto driver forgave him for that. Who was he to bestow such a mercy after all?

“Err… what you are saying?” she said in an angry tone, confused.

“N-nothing madam, where do you want to go?”

“I’m going to local market. I don’t need auto for that,” she said.

“You have to walk quite a distance even for that. Come on I’ll drop you.”

She thought for a moment. “Okay how much you will …”

“Nothing. I’m going that way anyway.”

“No-no I’ll not take a free ride.”
“Okay you can give me 10 rupees,” he said coming out of the auto.

“Fine,” she said.

As she was climbing into the auto she felt something on her buttocks. It felt like a hand. She rushed inside quickly and dropping herself on the seat, looked at Salim. He was coming in to sit on his driving seat. She wondered whether he touched her behind. But she couldn’t ask him.

Local market wasn’t far enough. He dropped her there after minute.

“Here,” she said, holding ten rupees note for him.

“No need for that madam,” he said.

“No-no I don’t accept free ride,” she protested.

“It wasn’t free madam. You have already paid me in excess,” he said.

Remembering the climb in his auto she blushed red. So he had touched her hips back there. She felt like reprimanding him for this. After all how dare he do such a thing with her? But before she could say anything to him he was gone. I’ll never climb in his auto again, she thought.

Dipti roamed around in the market, searching for shops selling woman fabrics. There were few but collection with them wasn’t interesting. In fifteen minutes she was done with the full round of the market. It seemed waste of time. Since darkness was gathering rapidly she decided to leave for home. With freaking killer roaming freely in the area it was dangerous to stay out at this time.

Just then she saw a juice seller about 50 feet away and she felt like having a glass of orange juice. She walked over to him and said, “How much for orange juice.”

“Small glass for 20 and big glass for 35,” he replied.

She compared the glass. Small one seemed too small. “Okay I’ll take big one.”

“Do you think big would be good,” A soft whisper came from behind her.

She turned with a speed of light. A man she had seen while coming out of the street stood in front of her. He looked as dangerous as before. His eyes still felt like stone. She couldn’t hold his gaze and dropped her head. His hand was on his crotch.

“Do you like big one,”

Gripped in the shock and fear she raised her head to look at him. His face was expressionless. How easily he had said such a dirty thing to her. She looked back to see whether juice seller was looking at them. He was not. He was busy squeezing the juice out of oranges. And since she was between him and this man he also had no hint that this man was roaming his hand on his crotch.

She turned back toward the man and said, “Excuse me … do I know you.”

“Yes … you know me,” he said with confidence. Then looking toward juice seller he said, “one big one for me too.”

“I-I don’t think so,” she said.

“I’m Sudhir … You were looking at me when you were passing through the street.”

She swallowed. “You are mistaken Mr. Sudhir … I wasn’t looking at you.”

He looked at her with stern expression. Feeling uncomfortable she looked away. She was thinking to run away from there. Each second was passing with great difficulty there.

Just then juice seller approached them with two glass of juice and handed over one to each.

Dipti quickly finished her glass and quickly pulled 50 rupees note from the purse and gave it to juice seller.

“I don’t have the change,” juice seller said.

“Keep the change,” Dipti said with great urgency and darted toward the road hoping to find rickshaw or auto rickshaw for the home.

She reached to the road but couldn’t find anything. Nothing was visible on either side of the road. She grew anxious and fearful. Great sense of foreboding gathered inside her. She looked back. He was just few feet away from her. What should she do now? Before she could decide anything he was standing beside her.

“Why are you running away from me?”

“I’m not running away. I’m getting late,” she said.

“I know what’s going on,” he said.

“What do you mean,” she said, confused.

“I know who visits your house in the absence of your husband,” he said.

She looked at him with wide eyes. “That’s none of your business.”

“It’s not but you are playing with fire do you know that,” he said.

She became more confused. None of his words were making sense to her. “Who are you to tell me all this.”

“Your well wisher … your admirer,” he said.

“Thank you very much but I got to go,” she said.

Suddenly he grabbed her strongly, covering her mouth with one hand, and took her away from the road forcefully behind a big Bargad tree. It happened so quickly that she couldn’t understand what she should do. She tried to free herself thought but couldn’t succeed.

“Shhh … don’t worry I’ll not harm you,” he said. “Your neighbor is coming to this side and I don’t want him to see me with you.”

“Ummmmm…” she protested for removal of his hand from her mouth.

“If you promise me to stay calm, I’ll remove my hand,” he said.

She nodded.

He complied with the promise.

“Are you talking about Shinde ji,” she said.


“Okay … you stay here behind this tree and let me go.”

“Are you fucking with him?” he said.

Though there was darkness behind this tree but she still could see him. She looked at him with surprise and said, “What’s wrong with you.”

“I know him. He’s always hunting for pussy. If he’s visiting your house in absence of your husband something must be going on.”

“We also have one servant in the house for your kind information,” she said.

“Your servant remains upstairs. You can’t fool me.”

“What exactly do you want from me?” she said.

“I want to stab your …” he said touching her pussy. “… Pussy with my big knife.”

The situation in which she was she just heard two words ‘stab’ and ‘knife’ other words spoken by him seemed meaningless.

But next moment when he placed her hand on the big knife her fear started to melt away. With great excitement she lowered her eyes to stare at his big knife. It was surely big, very big rather.

“It’s ...” she couldn’t speak what she wanted to speak.

“Big,” he completed her sentence.

She nodded.

Suddenly he pulled his dick back into his trouser and whispered, “I got to go now. I have some urgent work. But remember one thing. Stay away from old man. He’s very dangerous person.”

And then he was gone. She stood leaning against the tree thinking what he just said. Whole thing seemed like a big mystery to her.

Thinking why this man referred to Shinde as dangerous person she cranked her neck to look at the road. Shinde was about 30 feet away, walking toward her, but he wasn’t alone. A man was with him, who, due to his khadi kurta pajama, looked like a professor of college or university. His dense beard accentuated this feeling. He should be around 45 or 46. She decided to wait for them to pass and kept hiding behind the tree. As she pulled her neck back she got stunned. A dog stood just few feet away from her, looking dangerously at her.

“Shoo … shoo,” she said.

But dog didn’t respond positively and started barking.

“Shit …” Dipti jumped out from behind the tree to the side of the road in a great haste. Dog seemed mad and it was dangerous to stay back there.

“Hey Dipti!” Shinde waved toward her, he was quite close. Suspecting that he might have seen her jumping from behind the tree she gave him awkward smile.

Though she had no intention to behave politely with him but since another person was also with him she decided to behave normally. “Good evening Shinde ji … how are you.”

“I’m fine. What were you doing behind the tree? Pissing huh?” he said.

What nonsense, she thought. How could he talk like that in front of another person?

“Err ... no … what are you saying Shinde ji,” she said, her voice trembling with embarrassment.

“Meet him, he is Manish Goyal. He’s a professor,” he said.

She wished him. So she was right about him. He was indeed a professor.

“He’s my neighbor and also very close friend. And Manish she is Dipti, new beauty in the town, who also happens to be my tenant.”

Professor extended his hand to her. This was unexpected. She had hoped him to be of reserved nature but the way he had extended his hand to her it was clear that he wasn’t.

Out of courtesy she reached for his hand and immediately he grabbed her soft feminine hand.

“So you weren’t pissing there?” he said.

Oh boy this professor was different. His words jolted her to the core, again forcing her to feel awkward.

“N-no …” she said and tried to pull her hand away from him but he was holding it with strong grip.

“Then what were you doing back there. It’s weird you know,” professor said.

“I like Bargad tree. I was just taking a look,” she said and again tried to pull her hand, but again failed.

“Good … very good. We should love and appreciate trees around us. They are source of our breathing. Your hand is so soft Dipti. I feel like holding it forever.” Professor said.

She blushed red and smiling awkwardly again tried to get rid of his grip.

“This is nothing, you should see her tits,” Shinde said, laughing.

She went into a great shock and looked at shinde with wide eyes.
Dear god, what’s the hell this old man is talking. Has he gone mad or something. It seemed as if he was taking revenge from her for the morning incident. She had hit his balls and now he was hitting back in a dirtiest manner possible.

“Is this right Dipti?” he said.

“Err no … I don’t know why Shinde ji is saying this,” she said giving angry look to Shinde. Son of a bitch.

She was feeling moisture around her hand and with every passing second it was become more and more unbearable.

“I’m saying this because I have seen and sucked these tits,” Shinde said pointing toward her breasts.

Now she felt as if she was sinking in the deep well of embarrassment where she would finally die.

“Good heavens! You have seen and sucked these tits?” Professor said eying at her boobs.

Shinde nodded.

She was speechless. There was nothing she could say at this moment. Professor was staring at her boobs with great interest. It seemed as if he was analyzing their size. He wasn’t even bothering about the fact that they were on the road and traffic was passing them by. But whatever his interest in her boobs had created unbidden moisture between her legs.

Feeling great embarrassment she pulled her hand with full force and finally her hand slipped out from his. “Nice meeting you Goyal ji. I got to go.”

Professor whispered something in Shinde’s ear, which she couldn’t hear. Shinde was nodding as he listened.

When they were done with their private conversation Shinde moved forward and holding her arm took her away from professor.

“What’s the matter Shinde ji. I got to go,” she said, trying to free her arm.

“He’s my very good friend and he has made a request …,” he said.

Sensing something wrong she immediately interrupted him, “what request?”

“He wants to see your tits,” Shinde said.

She was shocked. She looked toward professor. He was looking eagerly toward her. There was pleading gesture in his eyes.

“Forget it. I’m getting late,” she said. But strangely subtle waves of thrill had started moving within her. Prospect of showing her tits to professor was quite exciting and thrilling. She wondered how he would react once he saw her boobs. Would he be able to teach tomorrow? She smiled silently to herself.

“He’s my good friend Dipti please,” he pleaded.

“Okay I’ll think about it. But I’m getting late now,” she said.

“You haven’t got my point I think,” he said. “He wants to see your tits now.”

“Now? No-no how’s that possible. We are on the road.”

“We’ll go to garden. It’s not very far.”

“No-no-no I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

Just then professor too came near and said, “Please Dipti. You are beautiful but you should show this beauty to admirer like me.”

“Err … Goyal ji please try to understand. How can I do such thing in the garden,” in her words it was implicit that she was ready to show him her tits but not in the garden.

And perhaps professor understood this that’s why he said, “Why don’t we go to your place Shinde. You are all alone.”

“No we can’t go there,” Shinde said.

“But why god dammit, you never allow anybody in your house. What’s the matter with you?” professor said. “You know Dipti, I’m his friend but I can’t enter into his house.”

Shinde seemed uncomfortable. Dipti wondered whether what professor said was really true. If it was then it was very strange. Why wouldn’t he allow anybody in his house was difficult to understand?

“Oh god I’ll die if I didn’t see these tits today,” Professor goyal said.

She blushed deeply at his statement and looked away from him toward the passing traffic.

“I’ll not let you die … Dipti come on … let’s go to the garden,” Shinde said placing his hand on professor’s shoulder.

There was no way she could go to the garden to show her boobs to the professor. It was dark and moreover it was risky. “I’m sorry I’m getting late. I have to go”

She noticed an auto and waved it to stop. Strangely it was Salim again. He stopped immediately. Certain that he wouldn’t touch her behind now; when Shinde and professor were around, she climbed into the auto.

“Where?” Salim asked.

“Home!” she said.

When auto was just about to move Shinde peeked inside and said, “Can we also join you? We are also going home only”

It seemed fined. “Okay,” she said.

She slid toward the corner to accommodate them. But from another side professor emerged and waving her to move said, “Please.”

She looked to her left, Shinde had already settled on another corner.
It was weird. Were they working as a team? She looked at Salim. He was watching them with great interest.

“I think both of you can sit here … this side,” she said to professor pointing to her left.

“Please … I want to sit this side,” professor said.

She grimaced and slid toward shinde. Professor climbed instantly and dropped his professorial ass beside her. Now she was sandwiched between two horny men. She knew they were up to something here but she had no intention to cooperate.

Auto started making thunderous sound. Except this sound there was silence in the auto. After few seconds, Professor leaned toward her and said, “Can I touch your tits,”

“W-what … no-no” she responded quickly. They were on the road and someone could see. She wouldn’t risk it.

“Please,” Professor said.

Just then she felt hand on her left boob, Shinde’s hand. Here professor was requesting and old man had already begun. She looked at Salim. His attention was on the road. Certain that it wasn’t possible for him to see where ShIinde’s hand was she decided to keep quite. Then wondering whether anyone could notice them from the road she looked out. It was dark in the auto and they were on the move. No one would be able to see Shinde’s hand.

Relieved she took her attention on her boob and felt the way old man was caressing her boob softly. Now she was feeling for the professor. He had asked her permission and she had denied it. But shinde hadn’t asked for it and still he was enjoying with her boob. It was unfair.

She leaned toward him said, “Okay you can touch … but be careful … we are on the road, you know.”

He gave her an excited smile, his eyes sparkling with joy. It seemed that he hadn’t expected this from her. But for her it was nothing. If Shinde could play with her boobs he could too.

Next moment his hand was on her right boob, caressing it all over, feeling its texture. It seemed as if he had never touched breasts before. But this feeling was proved wrong when he whispered in her ears, “These are the best tits I have ever touched, perfect roundness and shape.”

“T-thank you.” She felt her cheeks grow pink.

“You know I just love tits. They are magnificent creation of nature. Without them life would be less beautiful.”

Oh boy was he delivering a lecture on the benefit of tits. But whatever, it sounded great to hear that tits are that much important. But for her they were important anyway for she was feeling intense sense of joy at the moment.

She closed her eyes and let her emotions flow with the movement of their hands on her boobs. Both hands had language of their own. Shinde was little rough while professor was gentle. Shinde was using full hand while professor was probing with fingers. But whatever, it was amazing.

“Tell me,” professor whispered. “Has Shinde really sucked your tits?”

She looked into his eyes and wondered why he asked such question. “Why are you asking this?”
“Just curious. Nothing else,” professor said.

She nodded and looked away.

“Good heavens. Can I suck too?” professor asked.

Before she could respond to his question auto came to stop and in a great haste both of them pulled their hands away from her breasts. This moment was very embarrassing for Dipti. Salim had turned back immediately after halting the auto and she was sure that he might have seen two hands moving away from her chest. She knew Salim was smart enough to understand what it meant.

Professor climbed down from the auto first and pulled his purse out from the pocket.

“No-no Goyal ji I’ll pay,” Dipti protested.

“Doesn’t matter Dipti,” professor said, smiling.

“No … I’ll pay,” she said in serious tone.

Professor sent his purse back into his pocket.

Grabbing professor’s arm Shinde took him away as if wanting to discuss with him matter of urgent importance.

As she searched for change in her purse she noticed that both of them were giggling. She wondered whether they were discussing about her tits. It they were then it was really disgusting. How can they do it when auto driver is still here?

“Leave it madam. I don’t want to take anything from you.”
“Why would you not take anything from me? You have to.” she was irritated, partly due to him and partly due to Shinde and professor.

Pulling 20 rupees note out she said, “take it.”

He grabbed the note and said, “Madam these two men are not good.”

“What do you mean?” she asked, surprised.

“Dipti are you coming or what?” Shinde said, laughing.

She couldn’t understand why he was laughing like idiot.

“You go ahead … I’m coming,” she said and turned back to Salim. “Tell me why these two men are not good.”

“Promise me you won’t tell anybody about this.”

“Will you please tell me what’s the matter,” she said losing her temper.

“Four month back a woman was found dead in the garden.”

Her throat went dry. “So … go on.”

“Body was found in the morning,” he said and swallowed. “Day before in the evening I had seen these two men with her. They were sitting with her on the bench.”

“What were you doing there?” she asked.

“Sometime I go in that garden to walk a little. Whole day sitting in the auto is so damn tiring you know.”

“Well fine … you saw them with that woman but does that make these two men bad.”

“Dead body of woman was found right behind that bench in the bushes,” he said. “I know it could be coincidence but I have feeling that these two men had killed her.”

Placing her hand on her chest she took a deep breath. Oh god they were taking me to the garden today.

“What happened ma’am?”

“N-nothing,” she said.

“Don’t go with them. Get back in the auto … I’ll drop you in front of your house. It’s dark you know.”

She looked toward them. They were still discussing something. She climbed into the auto and shouted, “Shinde ji, he’ll drop me home … don’t wait for me.”

Both turned toward her. There was strange look on their faces, look which shook her to the core. Her legs started trembling. It seemed as if they were frustrated seeing their pray getting away from them.

Sitting behind his office desk, Ramesh was planning how would he kill Dipti. His plan was almost ready. If everything went as planned he would get rid of Dipti without any trouble. He closed his eyes and imagined himself executing his plan. When he opened his eyes his lips curled into a self-satisfied smirk. He knew his plan would work.

He looked at his wrist watch. It was 7:30 and it was time to leave. As he rose from his office chair his mobile rang. Call was from an unknown number.

“Hello,” he said

“Hello Ramesh ji, I’m preeti,” a woman voice spoke.

For a second Ramesh couldn’t figure who Preeti was. But voice sounded familiar. Then he got it. She was Jayant’s wife. Bloody cuckold’s wife.

“Oh hi bhabhi ji. How are you?”

“I’m not good Ramesh ji. I’m having a little pain. I don’t know what to do. Jayant is also not here.” she said.

Jayant had left for Pune along with the Boss. He would be back after two days.

“Pain?” he said. “Where?”

“I can’t tell?” she said.

“Please tell me bhabhi, I’ll get medicine for you,” Ramesh said.

“My chut is in terrible pain Ramesh ji,” Preeti said. “I doubt you’ll get any medicine for such a pain at drug store.”

Ramesh’s throat went dry hearing this and his dick jerked in his trouser. He hadn’t expected that she would use such a dirty word with him.

“What you want me to do bhabhi?” he said.

“Can you come to my home? I want to show you,” she said.

He swallowed and said, “What?”

“My Chut,” she said. “Perhaps your stare will heal the pain.”

Wiping the sweat from his forehead he said, “I’m coming.”

Putting the phone back into his pocked he rushed out from his room. He knew that he should concentrate fully on execution of his murder plan but it was difficult to ignore such a tempting offer.

Coming out of office he hired an auto and after 20 minutes he was standing in front of Jayant’s house, his heart jumping with excitement in his chest.

He lunged to the main door and knocked. Almost immediately door opened, as if she was waiting on the door. She was in short skirt and short-sleeved blouse which had buttons in front. Deep cleavage was adorning her chest. In other words, she was looking damn hot.

“Hi bhabhi ji, I hope I’m not late,” he said.

“You are late but it’s okay … come on in,” she said with a seductive smile.

He stepped into the house and she closed the door. As he turned back he found her leaning against the door in a sexy pose.

“Bhabhi ji how is your C-chut now?” he said staring at her skirt.

She looked into his eyes and lifted her skirt slowly and slowly. Apparently she wasn’t wearing panties. Ramesh swallowed and waited for her cunt to emerge. When it did he swallowed once more. It was clean, hairless cunt. Its petals looked somewhat bigger than Dipti’s cunt.

Mesmerized with the sight he moved forward and sat down in front of her while she stood holding her skirt around her waist.

“Beautiful Chut bhabhi,” he said confidently now. “I’m looking at it now. Do you feel better?”

“Just little bit. I’m still feeling the pain,” she said, dreamily.

He smiled and ran his finger across her cunt. “Now?”

“Goooood … but pain is not gone.”

He smiled again and placed his finger at the entrance of her cunt. With just slight pressure his finger slipped in. It was so wet. He fingered her for one minute and said, “Now?”

“So goooood … but still I’m in pain.”

“I know what you want,” he said.

“You do?” she said huskily.


“And what’s that,” she said.

He stood up pulling his finger out of her cunt and pressed his body against hers.

“You want my lund, don’t you?”

“Then why don’t you give me your lund,” she said hungrily and reached for his trouser, searching for his zipper. Meanwhile he grabbed her big boobs, kneading them as he pleased.

Finding the zipper she unzipped it quickly and slipped her hand into his underwear. When she grabbed his hard meat he felt thrilling sensation inside him. Her hand seemed skillful in handling the cock.

“I think it will relieve the pain of my chut,” she said.

“It surely will bhabhi,” he said and began unbuttoning her blouse. He wanted to see her tits.

As rounded white boobs emerged in front of his eyes he looked at them with amazement. They were beautiful pair of tits.

“Nice boobs bhabhi,” he said.

By now she had pulled his dick out and she was playing with it skillfully.

“You have got nice lund too Ramesh ji,” she said. “Won’t you suck my tits?”

“You bet I will,” he said and reached for her left boob and took its nipple into his mouth.

“Good Ramesh ji. So good,” she whispered into his ear as he sucked her nipples.

Enjoying with her breasts for five minutes he got away and said, “Time to relieve pain of your chut I think.”

She blushed for the first time and he liked that. So far it had seemed that she was incapable for that.

She lifted her skirt again and smiled seductively. He smiled back and holding his dick in his right hand placed it at the entrance of her secret door.

He pushed himself into her with one stroke. Strangely, quite contrary to his expectation, her cunt seemed tight around his dick.

“I think Jayant’s lund is smaller than mine?” he said keeping his dick into her cunt.

She nodded. “Too much small than yours, in fact.”

“That’s why he’s cuckold isn’t it,” he said. “He wants to see his wife get fucked by big dicks”

“No he doesn’t want that. Had he been here I wouldn’t have allowed you to put your dick into my cunt,” she said.

“But he’s cuckold right. He himself had told me that.” Ramesh was confused.

“He is cuckold but he wouldn’t allow me to fuck anybody. He enjoys when people stare at my breasts and hips. He also enjoys when men caress and fondle my assets but that’s it. He had persuaded me into this but now I’m frustrated you know. After meeting you I felt like going all the way with you. You are second man to enter into my cunt.”

Her words excited her and pulling himself back he slammed his dick into her hungry cunt with full vigor. “So is there some relief in your pain now.”

“Not yet, Ramesh ji. You have to generate orgasm within me for that.”

He laughed and started fucking her inviting cunt furiously with long and wild strokes. “Don’t worry about orgasm. You’ll get plenty of it.”

With each powerful stroke he was making into her cunt she was forced back and her round buttocks were hitting at the door, creating rhythmic erotic sound.

“Fater Ramesh ji. Fasterrrrrr! …..” she screamed.

Perhaps she was approaching her orgasm. He increased his pace, pumping his dick into her with great urgency. He himself was about to explode.

“Stoppppp! Aahhh,” she screamed with ecstasy.

“Wait a minute bhabhi. I’m about to come.” He said breathlessly.

After few fierce rapid strokes he ejaculated into her warm cunt and flooded her. “Oh my god, it was so good,” he announced as he stopped.

“This should remain between you and me. Jayant shouldn’t know this,” Preeti said.

“Don’t worry. I won’t tell him anything,” he said pulling his dick out from her tight cunt. “I hope pain of your chut must have gone now.”

She blushed and nodded. “Thank you for relieving my pain.”

“Pleasure is all mine bhabhi,” he said putting his dick back into his trouser.
“Have you reported this fact to police,” Dipti asked Salim as auto stopped in front of her house.

“No madam. Why would I do that? I don’t want to get involve in police matter,” Salim said.

“You stupid. It might help the police.”

“Yeah … but it might make my life miserable. You know how police work, don’t you?”

“Anyway thank you,” Dipti said climbing out from the auto.

“Madam did you feel bad about that,” Salim said.

“Yes of course it was bad. Don’t do that again okay,” she said avoiding his eyes.

“Actually like that shop keeper I couldn’t stop myself touching your behind. But still I hadn’t slapped it,” he said.

“Err … you wanted to slap at my …,” she said, surprised.

“Yes,” he said, grinning.

“Are you gone mad?”

“Those two men were playing with your tits as I drove, weren’t they?” Salim said.

“No-no you are mistaken,” she said. “I think you should go now.”

She turned and walked to the main door of her house, aware all the time that he was watching her buttocks as she walked.

Pappu lay on the sofa in living room, feeling himself owner of the house at the moment. He was happy here. Work was not that much demanding and room in which he was living upstairs was very good. Obviously it wasn’t meant for servant. Everything was fine here except one thing. Ma’am didn’t like him and due to that his job was always in danger.

With the thought of ma’am he wondered where she might have gone today. And with this his thoughts took wild flight and he imagined her in a shop somewhere with some shopkeeper sucking her boobs. Feeling weird he shook his head to push the thought away but then realized that this thought was not as weird as it sounded to him. After all she had allowed Bhusan to suck her boobs. He was total stranger to her and still he had gained access to her boobies. What a lucky bastrard Bhusan was. He wished he had the luck of Bhusan and imagined himself sucking boobs of Dipti ma’am. His dick jerked involuntarily in his trouser as his imagination became more vivid. His breath grew heavy and he felt rise of big tent in front of his trouser. His hand drifted down to feel the hardness of his organ and as he touched it wave of excitement travelled through him.

As he ran his fingers across his hard organ he pictured the moment when ma’am was going out. She was looking gorgeous in jeans and top. Her hips had got splendid shape in tight jeans, looking broad and solid. There was big possibility that some stranger was playing with her sexy butt while he lay here on sofa.

He drew hopeless breath into his lungs and with a long sigh let it go. He knew being her servant he would never get any such opportunity with her. And moreover she didn’t like him. Was he not smart? He looked at the clothes he was wearing. Disappointment gathered on his face. His clothes were not good. His trouser was withering away. He was wearing it since last four years. His shirt was also in the same plight. Another pair of trouser and shirt lying in his dirty old bag was also in similar condition. Obviously his clothes were not attractive enough to draw her attention. These days people don’t look at the person, they look at his clothes and shoes. With these clothes he wouldn’t be able to attract anybody.

With a tense expression on his face he looked out from the living room window. Darkness had gathered outside. When he had come downstairs to lie on expensive sofa there was still light outside. With a flash of light a thought came out of nowhere. Things change. He realized that though now darkness had engulfed the light into itself but tomorrow once again there will be a day. Yes things change…

“What are you thinking?” A voice spoke, woman’s voice. “And what are you doing on sofa.”

He quickly jumped off the sofa to stand up, his legs shaking. Bulge in front of his trouser was still prominent. He covered it with both of his hands and gave awkward smile to Dipti ma’am. He knew he was in trouble. He was so lost in the thoughts that didn’t notice her enter in the living room through the door. Now answer to her question was tricky. Before he could make some stories his mouth uttered the truth. “I was wondering why you don’t like me.”

He regretted once words left his mouth but it was too late. She was looking at him with puzzled face. Obviously she was confused. It seemed that she had seen his bulge.

“You were thinking about this?” she said, looking surprised.

“S-sorry I didn’t mean to say that. By the way ma’am how you came to know that I was thinking something,” he said to change the topic.

“The way you were lying on the sofa anybody could say that you were lost somewhere. But why should you think such a stupid thing. I mean … it doesn’t matter whether I like you are not. Why do you worry about it?”

“I’m your servant ma’am and if you’d hate me it would be difficult for me to work here.” He said.

“Okay then, pack your bag and get the hell out of here.”

His throat went dry. She was so blunt in her expression. “Don’t you want a servant?” he said.

“You can’t cook. And I have observed that you don’t have much experience in household work. If you ask me I don’t want you here.”

She was showing attitude to him. Perhaps she had forgotten that he knew her secret. He decided to remind her. “Ma’am, have you gone to Sitabuldi today?”

“W-why? Why are you asking this?” she stammered.

Roughness in her voice subsided a little. His secret weapon had worked.
“Ma’am, please be careful with Bushan if you go to his shop again. You might have enjoyed with him but he’s not a good man.” He surprised himself when he spoke such a things. Deep inside he had no intention to hurt her or humiliate her but since she was showing attitude to him such a shock was necessary for her. Otherwise she wouldn’t let him work here. And he didn’t want to lose the job.

“Okay … okay get me a glass of water. I’m thirsty.” She said.

Smiling to himself he walked to the kitchen.
I can’t tolerate him here. I have to talk to Ramesh, she thought once Pappu disappeared out of her sight. As he walked toward her holding the glass of water she wondered why he was thinking about her and why was there bulge in his pant when he thought. Was he interested in her in sexual way? Thought seemed uncomfortable and disgusting. Shaking her head slightly she grabbed the glass from him and drinking it gave it back to him. Feeling of restlessness was rising within her. She wanted to clarify the issue with him but decided against it, thinking that it was unnecessary for he wouldn’t be staying here long. She would convince Ramesh to fire him.

Next day in the evening Dipti lay on the bed in her bedroom, wondering why Ramesh didn’t tell her that he was going to Chandrapur. He came in the afternoon, packed his bag and left, saying he would be back after two days. It was weird. Yesterday evening he had come very late from office and had gone to sleep straight away. She couldn’t talk to him about Pappu. In fact she couldn’t talk to him about anything. Was he angry with her?

She closed her eyes, trying to stable her restless mind. Soon she felt drifting into a sleep. She had already taken the dinner and she wasn’t in the mood to watch TV so sleeping seemed good idea. There was only one thing which bothered her. She wasn’t sure whether she had bolted her bedroom door or not. Gripped in the drowsiness of sleep she didn’t felt like going to the door to check for the bolt, though her inner voice was prompting her to go check for it again and again. Soon all the worries and thoughts vanished and she drifted into a deep sleep.

Ramesh stood in front of main door of his house, thinking. He knew if he stepped in there would be no turning back. He decided to think about it again.

Was it necessary to kill Dipti? Was there no other way?

Had there been another way he wouldn’t have planned to kill her, he reasoned. This was the only way. Moreover there was no need to be sentimental about Dipti. She was unfaithful and treacherous wife. She didn’t deserve to live. She must die. Her death would open the way for him to get united with his love. Yes, she had to die come what may.

Taking deep confident breath he pulled mask from his pocket and wore it on his face. He didn’t want her to see who was killing her. That way her ghost wouldn’t come after me for she wouldn’t be knowing who killed her, he thought in a lighter way.

Then he pulled the key for the inbuilt door lock from his pocket. In the morning while going to the office he had took with him the original key to get duplicate from the key maker. When he had come back in the afternoon he had returned the original key to the kitchen where it lay normally. Thankfully there wasn’t bolt on the door otherwise this approach would have been meaningless.

As he tried to put the key in the lock, door moved slightly inward. Door is open?
It was strange. Has Dipti forgotten to lock the door? Well whatever now there was one more reason to kill her. Such careless bitch shouldn’t live.

Long creepy bays of street dogs pulled Dipti out of her sleep suddenly and with a sense of fear she shifted uncomfortably on the bed. On any other night she wouldn’t have cared for these sounds but fact that she was all alone in the bedroom raised level of her adrenaline. Don’t know why but she felt as if she had heard the sound of main door open. It was protracted creaking. Suddenly she realized that bedroom door was open and with great urgency she jumped off the bed and rushed to the door to close it, cursing herself why didn’t she bolt the door before sleeping.

As she reached the door she noticed that there was no light at the threshold. It seemed weird. Light from kitchen kept whole living room in dim light. Same light also lit the space below bedroom door. Did Pappu switch off the kitchen light … stupid boy, she thought.

Out of curiosity she pulled the door open and peeked out. There was total darkness throughout the living room. Kitchen light was off.

Just then she felt the presence of someone in the living room, someone dangerous. Did someone break into the house? This feeling was so strong that she quickly pulled her neck back and fumbled for the bolt, which seemed to disappear from the door. Before she could get hold of the bolt she was pushed very hard away from the door. Impact of this was so strong that her head hit at the wall and intense wave of pain travelled through her. But there was no time to cry over this, her life was in danger. She had to keep courage. She rushed to her bed and grabbed the knife which lay on bedside table. After dinner she had used this knife to cut apple. It wasn’t big weapon but right now it was only defense available. She didn’t switch on the light for darkness looked beneficial at the moment. Holding the knife she went into the corner, her hands shaking. She wasn’t sure whether she would be able to use the knife if it came to it. She hadn’t killed even mice in her life. But since her life was in danger she wouldn’t hesitate, she decided. But this decision seemed hollow for it seemed that there was no strength in her hands.

She heard footsteps approaching and before long a shadow emerged. It was difficult to figure who it was. But one thing was certain he was the same killer who had murdered four women in this area. Perhaps he knew that she was alone in the house and grabbed the opportunity to kill her.

Just then creaking sound from main door emerged again and she saw a shadow rushing out from the main door. She was confused as to who could be on the door at this time. The way intruder has rushed out from the bedroom it was clear that he hadn’t expected this event.

Ramesh pushed the door slowly but still bloody rusty hinges cried, disturbing the stillness of night. For a moment he stood confused at the threshold, not sure what to do, but he cursed himself for being careless. He should have been careful about the door. Then his attention went to the total darkness in the living room and he shot a confusing glance toward the kitchen. Kitchen’s light was off. But why?

Just then he heard footsteps. Sound had come from the bedroom. Suspecting that he had woken up Dipti, Ramesh rushed toward the sofa to take cover. Somehow it seemed good to him that Dipti was coming out from the bedroom. His work was half done that way. In any case he was going to knock at the door to wake her up and stab her once she opened the door. Now she was coming to him to get killed. He grinned silently.

His grinning turned into confusion when he saw a shadow rushing out from the main door. From the appearance it was clear that it was shadow of a man. He couldn’t figure who he might be. Has Dipti called someone to enjoy behind his back? Bitch.

Then he thought about the killings of women in this area. Was he killer who had come to kill Dipti and after finishing his job rushed out. It was possible.

Ramesh drew deep breath and hoped that he hadn’t disturbed the killer in the middle of his killing sport. Shaking the thought away he rose and holding the knife in his hand walked silently to the bedroom, hoping to find dead body of Dipti stained in the blood.
Reaching the bedroom he found the door open. As he stepped in the bedroom he tightened the grip on the knife. If she was still alive he would finish the job on behalf of the killer.

He found her standing in the corner, alive. Damn … so he scared the killer away. But nothing to worry the killer would get the full credit for her murder.

Without uttering a word he moved toward her, holding knife above his shoulder. He could sense that she was shivering hysterically. He felt sorry for her but there was no way out in front of him. She must die.

As he reached in striking distance with a speed of light Dipti moved and … and … oh god she stabbed him in the chest. It was so unexpected that he stood there gripped in great shock. He felt Unbearable pain and gave a desperate moan. With shaking hand he aimed at her but missed her. And then she made a terrible blow between his legs injuring his testicles. He wanted to shout “bitch” but controlled his emotions, for she would immediately recognize him.

Now he was angry, Very … very angry rather. He raised his left leg and kicked her into the stomach. Bending over she cried in pain. He kicked her again, not caring the least that she was his wife. Then he waited, trying to control his heavy breath. As she straightened slowly he raised his hand to stab the knife right into her chest. But he couldn’t strike her. Someone was holding his arm.

“Ma’am, are you okay?” A voice spoke.

This was Pappu. God! Why had he employed him? Pulling his hand as hard as he could he kicked his elbow into Pappu’s belly. He heard him fall backward but unfortunately knife from his hand fell on the floor. He wanted to recover the knife and strike at Dipti but pain in his chest grew unbearable. Moreover he was in the danger of being caught. It was better to get the hell out from here before it became too late. Gripped in the sense of frustration he stumbled out. Pappu tried to grab his leg but he kicked his hand away.
“Pappu … pappu … You okay?” Dipti said. She could she him lying on the floor.

“I’m okay ma’am,” he said as he stood. “My chest is paining.”

“I don’t know where I have kept my mobile. We should call police.”

“Where is the light button?” pappu asked.

“Shh… first go and close the door. He could still be out there.” Dipti said.

Pappu went to the door immediately and bolted the door.

Dipti switched on the light and looked for her mobile everywhere but it wasn’t visible anywhere. Perhaps I have forgotten it in the kitchen, she thought.

“Where is your mobile ma’am?”

She looked at him for the first time and immediately she couldn’t help blushing. He was in underwear and vest.

“S-sorry ma’am. I came down immediately when I heard your cry. There was no time to wear anything.”

“It okay,” she said in an embarrassing voice and looked at him again. His underwear was tight. It seemed as if he was wearing lower size underwear. There was big bulging thing at the front of his underwear. Obviously he was not carrying an erection in the moment but still thing behind his underwear seemed quite big.

“What should we do now?”

Pappu’s voice forced her to pull her eyes away from his underwear. For the first time she was feeling something for Pappu. She raised her eyes to look into his eyes and found the innocence of village person in those eyes.

“My mibile is in the kitchen I think,” she said.

“Okay I’ll get it,” he said.

“No, don’t go out at this time. He could be out there waiting for us.”

Coming out from the bedroom Ramesh rushed to the main door and slipped out. Pain in the chest was killing him. He stopped in the lawn and leaning against the wall pulled the damn knife out from his chest. Hot blood gushed out along with the knife and he clenched his teeth to suppress the painful moan. He was about to throw the knife away but realizing that it wasn’t wise thing to do stopped himself and put the blood stained knife into his pocket. Sense of frustration and failure swept over him. He had come to kill his bitch wife but instead himself got stabbed by her. This wasn’t fair.

As he decided to move from there he realized that his wrist watch was missing. Perhaps he lost it in the bedroom. It was not good. Not good at all. Dipti would immediately recognize that it was his watch. Already gripped in the frustration, this fact raised his mental agony. I have to go back to get my watch. I can’t leave it there.

He calculated the risk. Now Pappu was also with her. Damn, why did he employ this stupid Pappu. He had spoiled his entire plan. Taking the deep breath he decided that now Pappu also had to die. He checked his wound. It was paining but thankfully wound wasn’t deep. He could carry on. Anyway he had to carry on.
Dipti went to the closet and opening it stood in front of it, wondering what she should give to Pappu to wear for it was very embarrassing for her to be with him in the same room when he was in such an obscene attire.

“What size trouser do you wear?” she asked.

“28, ma’am,” he said.

“28? Are you that slim.” She looked at him disbelievingly but found that he was right. Surprisingly she hadn’t noticed this fact. He was indeed very slim. “Ramesh wears 32. His trouser won’t fit you.”

“Don’t worry ma’am … I …”

“I have to worry,” she interrupted him. “Look at yourself into the mirror. You look so obscene … you know. That thing in front of your underwear aargh … it needs to be covered. I’m …”

Seeing something on the floor she stopped before completing her sentence. It was a wrist watch. She went to it and picked it up. It’s Ramesh’s watch. But what it’s doing here.

Just then bedroom light went off and she felt rise of horrible foreboding within her. It seemed as if killer was coming back to get her.

Moments later she was proved right. Killer was pounding hard on the door. Perhaps he was hitting at it with his feet. He was trying to break in. It gave her goose bumps and shivering hysterically she jumped forward toward Pappu and embraced him tightly, forgetting the fact that he was in just underwear and vest.

“I don’t want to die,” she said.

“I won’t let you die ma’am,” he assured her, tightening his arms around her.

At the moment this locking into each other arms seemed most natural thing to do. Demand of the situation.

She felt that Pappu was afraid too. She could feel his trembling arms. His legs were shaking too.

Suddenly deep realization swept through her and she felt that both of them were in the same condition, feeling the most primal emotion of human existence. Fear of death had brought them together into the arms of each other dissolving the divides of rich and poor and master and servant. Now they were equal, reacting equally to the fear of death.

Pounding against the door grew harder and harder. It seemed as if door would break soon. Unfortunately there was nothing in the room which they could place against the door and delay the entrance of killer into the bedroom.

“Ma’am I know it would feel weird but I want to say something.”

“Trust me, nothing would be weird to me right now,” she said.

“I think …” he hesitated.

“Yes come on, say it,” she said.

“I think …” he stopped. And after few seconds which seemed like eternity he continued. “… I like you.”

His words went deep into her heard, forcing her to think about it. But she couldn’t gather any response. She knew she didn’t like him. But at the moment she didn’t want to convey this fact to him. It would hurt him. For some unknown reasons she didn’t want to hurt him.

As door cried loudly after the heavy pound she whispered into his ears, “I’m not a good woman Pappu.” There had been no conscious thought behind these words. She just said. It was some sort of confession, she guessed.

“Why are you like this?” he said.

Feeling uncomfortable at his question she got away from him. But he moved forward, embracing her again into his arms. She wanted to push him away but couldn’t. There wasn’t even a fragment of lust into his hug. Thought they were tightly pressed against each other she wasn’t feeling any hardness against her belly.

“We should do something,” she said trying to avoid his question. “We can’t let him come in and kill us.”

“Do you have any weapon here?” he said.

“I had one knife and I had already stabbed him in the chest.”

“That means he is wounded. We are at advantage here,” he said.

“I don’t think so. Look how energetically he’s hitting at the door.”

“I wouldn’t let anything happen to you ma’am,” he said and placed his lips on her left cheek.

She swallowed the knot in her throat but couldn’t say anything to him for she knew it was reassuring kiss. It was kiss to give substance to his words. Already he had saved her and there was no reason to doubt his statement and intentions.

Her cheek felt so soft and so tender under his lips. For a moment he forgot that there was someone outside, trying to break in to kill them. His shivering subsided and he felt like keeping his lips planted on her cheek permanently. But it wasn’t possible. She hadn’t said anything but she might if he didn’t pull his lips back.

Slowly he pulled his mouth away from her face and looked at her. There was total darkness in the room and it wasn’t possible to see any reaction on her face after this kiss. But her silence assured him that it was okay, that he hadn’t done anything wrong.

Being so close to such a beautiful woman was like a dream came true. Moreover it was first occasion in his life when he was this much close to any woman. Only he knew how he was holding back the lust. It was very difficult. His manhood was dying to extend into its full glory and feel the tender flesh of this beautiful woman. But he knew it wasn’t appropriate. She was this close to him out of fear. If he committed any blunder, he would lose her trust and she might get away from him. He wouldn’t let that happen.

Pounding against the door stopped abruptly. Both stood still, holding each other tightly. There was complete silence. Apparently killer hadn’t succeeded and had given up.

After one minute he whispered, “I think he’s gone. Let me check the door.”

As he tried to pull away from her she squeezed him tightly and whispered, “No don’t go there.”

He could feel the traces of terrible fear in her words. He was in similar condition. First time in his life he was facing such a situation and had no idea how to tackle such things and this killer seemed professional. Even after wound he was showing great energy.

“But we should check the damage to the door.” He whispered.

“Okay, let’s check it together.” She said pulling herself away from him and grabbed his hand.

Her hand was shaking. He squeezed it tightly to assure her that he was with her. Then with shaking legs he walked to the door wondering why had the killer stopped abruptly.

In the dark it was difficult to see any damage or breakage on the door so they had to walk all the way to it to find its condition. Puppu touched the door hesitantly and roamed his hand all over it, while Dipti stayed right behind him holding his another hand. There were rough bumps all over the door but door was still closed tightly keeping the killer away from them. Pappu had no idea what kind of wood was used to make this door but he was happy that door was made from strong wood.

“Door is okay,” he whispered.

“Do you hear anything?”

“ No. Do you?” he said.

“No,” she said.

“I think he’s gone,” he said.

“No, I think he’s still out there, waiting.” She said in a fearful voice.

“What should we do?” he said.

“We have to wait for the morning,” she said pulling him away from the door. The way he was pulling on his hand made it clear that she was still gripped in fear.

But he thought that danger was passed. Had the killer been still in the house he would have tried something. 15 minutes had passed and there was no sound in the house. But he let her take him away from the door.

“Can you sleep on the floor,” she asked.

“Yeah sure. I have no problem with that,” he said. “Back in the village I had slept on the floor all my life.”

Leaving his hand abruptly she climbed on the bed and said, “Go to sleep then.”

From her voice he could read that she wasn’t comfortable with him sleeping in the room along with her. But she seemed helpless.

Without any word he lay down on the floor, not even asking for something to spread below him on the hard floor. It seemed as if things were back to normal. Now she was master again and he was back to the status of servant.

“Take it,” she said suddenly and he felt the bed sheet upon him.

“Thank you ma’am,” he said.

He spread the bed sheet on the floor and lay down upon it, thinking how she was holding him tightly moments ago at the same spot where he lay now. Would she also think about it? He wondered.

He turned position frequently but sleep seemed distant and elusive. He heard her change positions on the bed. It seemed that she was also not sleeping. It was natural. After this terrible event it was difficult to sleep naturally.

One hour passed and he still was awake like an owl, sometimes thinking about Dipti ma’am and sometimes trying to hear any movement outside. Mostly he tried to concentrate on the moment when Dipti ma’am was in his arms. These thought made his dick hard.

He reached down and caressed his manhood gently thinking how hard it was to control erection when he was holding beauty in his arms.

Suddenly street dogs started to bark loudly in the street, shaking him to the core. He heard movement on the bed. Perhaps Dipti ma’am was also disturbed by the dogs.

He heard her move on the bed and then felt as if she had climbed down from the bed. He stayed still, pretending deep sleep.

Then something unexpected happened which made him hold his breath. She had lain beside him silently. Even though her body didn’t touch his he could figure that she was shivering. Apparently her back was against him.

Feeling sympathy for her he turned involuntarily toward her and embraced her tightly into his arms. He had forgotten that his dick was hard and he felt uncomfortable as it settled right upon her buttocks.

He swallowed. One part of him wanted to move away from her and one part wanted to stay as he was.

Taking deep breath he decided to flow with the moment and felt the tenderness of her buttocks against his dick.

As Pappu savoured the feeling of being so close to Dipti, he wondered whether she would allow him to put his dick into her. If she did, he would consider himself as luckiest person of the world.

It was second occasion when he was so close to lose his virginity. He remembered how he had missed the opportunity to fuck a pussy six months ago. He had been in village then. It was after two in the afternoon and he had been wandering in the sugarcane field, searching for his father. His father had started working on this field recently and he hadn’t visited this place before that’s why he wasn’t sure where he might be. But he wasn’t in any hurry. He just wanted to see how he was doing at new place of work.

As he walked through the field he felt the sweet aroma of sugarcane. They seemed almost ready for cutting. He wanted to taste one but decided against it. Owner of the field might not like this. Swallowing the desire he kept walking.

When he heard the first moan, Pappu didn’t give much thought to it. He thought his mind was playing trick with him. Actually he had seen his first porn movie recently and moan of the lady, getting screwed in the movie, had got stuck in his head somehow. His mind was playing the moan again and again, disturbing his peace. Therefore when he heard similar moan in the field he went on ignoring it, for it seemed very unlikely that some woman was getting screwed somewhere here in the afternoon.

But when he heard second moan, louder than first, he came to stop, listening, trying to judge the direction.

“Ahh … oooohhh … dh-dheere,” A voice came from somewhere near.

Pappu walked, taking direction from the sound and soon very erotic scene emerged in front of his eyes. He hadn’t seen such a scene even in porn movie.

A woman was lying naked on the green grass and a man was sucking her pussy. She was holding his head as he worked on her pussy. As he looked closely he found that he was son of the owner of the field. He didn’t know his name but he had seen him couple of times in the village along with his father. Rumors had it that he was some kind of teacher in the city, what he taught was a mystery though. Pappu took cover behind a tree to enjoy the show without disturbing them.

Pappu swallowed and stared hungrily at the woman. He hadn’t seen her in the village before. From her clothes, which were lying nearby, he figured that she was from city, for nobody wore jeans in the village.

He noticed that woman’s boobs were not as big as he had seen in the movie. She looked quite young, perhaps around twenty one or twenty two. She was pretty though.

Man pulled himself away from her pussy and stood between her legs, his dick hard and solid. Pappu smirked seeing such a small dick, feeling proud that he had got much bigger than him. But he wondered whether size of the dick would matter, because the woman was looking at his dick with great interest as if dying to swallow it into her cunt.

“Put it in me, sir,” woman said.
Pappu put his hand on his open mouth. He couldn’t believe that she was his student.

Man smiled and took position upon her, holding his dick in his hand. Pappu wanted to see his dick enter into her but man’s body was obstructing the view. But as woman gave a seductive moan he knew that he had penetrated her.

Thinking the scene he jerked his body forward, jamming his dick upon Dipti’s buttocks. His heart skipped the beat as he did so and feared reprimand from ma’am but strangely she didn’t say anything. Pappu swallowed and went back to the sugarcane field to recall what happened next.

Everything was going fine in the field. Man was pumping his small dick nicely into the woman and she was moaning with great pleasure. But suddenly whole fun was interrupted. Don’t know how woman caught him peeking from behind the tree and shouted.

“Someone’s watching us!”

Man stopped immediately and looked in the direction of Pappu. Pappu pulled himself away.

Next moment Pappu’s ear was in man’s hand, dragging him from behind the tree.

“What are you doing here?” man said.

“Sorry sir I was looking for my father, he works here,” Pappu said.

“All workers are gone to another field,” Man said. “That’s why we are fucking here.”
“Sorry sir,” Pappu said. “Let go of my ear sir, its paining.”

“Only at one condition,” man said, winking toward the woman who quite surprisingly was lying shamelessly on the grass, not caring to cover her body.

“What’s that sir?” pappu said.

“Show her your dick,” man said. “If she liked it you will get to put your dick into her pussy.”

Woman gave questioning glance to the man and then nodded as if agreeing to the proposal of the man.

Man released Pappu’s ear and said, “Come on.”

Pappu gave hesitant look to the woman and swallowed.

“Come on boy show me what’ve you got between your legs,” woman said. “Look my pussy is waiting …”

Pappu looked at the man wondering what he would feel once he flashed his dick out. Would he die out of shame?

“You won’t like it,” Pappu said to the woman, trying to avoid.

“That decision is mine,” woman said, smiling.

Pappu drew a deep breath and unzipped his trouser and pulled out his monster.

Woman stared at him with wide eyes, surely not expecting such a big thing between his legs.
“You are so thin but your dick is so big, how come,” woman said.

“I don’t know. Did you like it,” pappu said.

“Of course, who wouldn’t?”

Feeling excited Pappu said, “So will you let me put it into your pussy?”

“Get the hell out of here, I was just joking,” man shouted, irritated.

Obviously man hadn’t liked his dick. His pride was hurt. But Pappu wasn’t ready to give up that easy.

“But I think she should decide about it,” Pappu said.

“I decide everything here okay. Now get the hell out of here.” Man said sternly.

Pappu gave a disappointing stare to the woman who seemed to be feeling pity on him. In her eyes there was craving for his dick but this man wouldn’t allow that to happen.

Grimacing on his bad luck Pappu turned and walked away from there without looking back.

That’s how he was cheated. Great opportunity to screw a pussy had slipped away from him. It was unfortunate.

Coming to the present he drew a deep breath. He was so lost in the lost opportunity of the past that without thinking whispered into the ears of Dipti, “ma’am can I put my dick in your pussy.” As if she was the same woman who was there in the field with that man. But soon he regretted saying this. But it was too late.

Dipti hadn’t minded much when Pappu had embraced her from behind since she was literally trembling when she had come down to lie beside him. His embrace provided much needed sense of security at the moment in the dark room. Outside dogs were howling incessantly, making every moment of the horrible night eerie and mysterious. It seemed as if killer was roaming in the street outside and dogs were alerting the people, trying to wake them up from sleep.

In such a situation Pappu’s closeness was assuring and comforting. That’s why she didn’t mind even his hard dick which was pressed obscenely against her tender buttocks. For few minutes she tried to keep her attention away from him but there was something about his dick which was pulling her attention back to him. It felt so big, so strong and thick, pulsating hungrily at her flesh, sending strange titillating sensation across her body.

Silently she smiled to herself. She knew Pappu was having crush on her, she had seen it in his eyes. But don’t know why she hadn’t felt anything so far for him. Was it due to his being her servant? No, there was something else. Actually she hadn’t like the way he had followed her home from the market, and like the way he had got this job after blackmailing her. Yes this was the real reason.

But he had saved her life tonight. Had he not come at right time, killer would have killed her mercilessly. Soft feelings emerged into her heart for Pappu and she felt that Pappu wasn’t that bad after all.

With changed heart she took her attention to his organ and tried to feel it again. As before, it seemed really big back there at her flesh.

Suddenly she felt the jerk upon her buttocks and her heart skipped the beat. It seemed as if he was trying to push his dick into her butt crack. She felt the twitching inside and she almost reached for his dick but stopped her hand at the last moment. Her breathing had become heavy though and she wondered whether he could notice it.

Strangely she wanted him to reach for her boobs and hold them into his hand which was lying uselessly upon her waist. If he could put his hand on her waist why couldn’t he put it on her boobs? She could feel the tension at the peak of her boobies. Her nipples were hard with excitement, waiting for man’s touch, Pappu’s touch. But it seemed as if he didn’t have courage to reach for her boobs. Should she grab his hand and put it on her tits?

She drew a deep breath and let it go slowly, thinking what should she do. Though at the moment all of this seemed weird but it was exciting nonetheless. Whatever it was taking her away from the dark horrible night. Dogs were still barking outside but they no longer had that creepy impact on her as was earlier when she was lying all alone on the king size bed. Now she was on a lusty journey along with Pappu, going away from the horrible night.

Wondering whether he would jerk again she smiled seductively to herself. She waited, keeping full attention on her buttocks. She wanted to feel his jerk with full attention. Last time she wasn’t ready and she had missed great deal of it.

But instead of jerking his dick at her buttocks he whispered something in her ear which took her breath away.

“Ma’am can I put my dick in your pussy.”

Dipti lay still, holding her breath, wondering whether Pappu was really serious about putting his dick into her. If she had allowed him little freedom didn’t mean that he should dream of screwing her. She hadn’t allowed even shinde to put his dick into her, who was he then.

“Why all man so crazy about pussy.” she asked.

“M-ma’am, are you awake?” he stammered.

“Of course I’m awake,” she said. “Who can sleep with such a big gun pointed at the back?”

“I’m sorry,” he said and got away from her.

Dipti didn’t felt good. She didn’t want him to get away from her. Feeling empty and alone she turned toward him and embraced him tightly. This was unconscious action from her part and as she felt his body so close to her she wondered whether it was appropriate from her part. But next moment she pushed the thoughts away. At the moment there was no need to think what was appropriate and what was not.

Pappu had stirred the erotic wave within her when he was holding her from behind and now she wanted to stay entrapped in these waves, floating freely, aimless, directionless.

“Don’t feel sorry Pappu and stay close to me,” she finally said huskily. “But don’t dream about putting your thing into me. That wouldn’t happen in million years.”

Her voice sounded harsh but she couldn’t help it. It was required to remind him of his limits.

“Yes ma’am.”

“Don’t you like my boobs?” she asked.

For a moment he didn’t answer. He seemed stunned by her question.

“No- I mean yes I like,” he said, his voice shaking.

“Good. Instead of dreaming about my pussy you should dream about my boobs. Your dreams might come true,” she said dreamily.

“I am dreaming now,” he said.

“What are you dreaming?” she said teasingly.

“I am sucking your boobs in my dream,” he said.

“Do you want this dream to come true?” she said.

“Yes, from the bottom of my heart.”

She giggled and grabbed his hand. His hand was shaking. Perhaps this was out of excitement.

Placing his shaking hand on her boobs she said, “Do whatever you want.”
Hardly his hand had settled on her boobs that disturbing clattering sound echoed across the house. Apparently something had fallen in the kitchen, steel plate perhaps.

Pulling his hand away from her boobs Pappu whispered, “I think killer haven’t gone yet.”

“Y-you are right,” she said. “Oh God, when this night will pass.”

Dipti lay still as the sound echoed for a long while, listening carefully. She was lying on her back now, same as Pappu. After the sound died away, she waited for any moment, any sound, which could clear the picture. She wanted to know desperately whether killer was still in the house.

Then, a cat mewed softly and she took a long deep sigh, relaxed that it wasn’t killer in the kitchen.

“It’s a cat,” Pappu said.

“Yeah. I think it has sneaked in through the main door.”

For one minute there was complete silence between them. Dipti was wondering what he was thinking. By now, he should have continued with the work which was interrupted by the damn cat. Was he waiting for the invitation?

“Ma’am,” he said.

“Yes,” she said eagerly, pleased that he had finally broken the silence.

“Would you mind if …” he stopped before completing his sentence.

But Dipti knew what he wanted to say. “I won’t mind you fool. I’m waiting for you already. You are behaving as if you have never been with a woman before.”

“You are the first woman in my life,” he said emotionally. “I had never got any opportunity to get this much close to any woman.”

“Don’t tell me,” she said, surprised. “The way you were lying behind me, sticking your thing at my back, I thought you were experienced man.”

“I’m not. I’m sorry if I gave that impression” he said.

For a moment she kept silent, not able to decide what to say about it. It felt great that she was first woman in his life, but she didn’t want to reveal it to him.

“Don’t be sorry and enjoy,” she said, prompting him to reach for her boobs which were dying for his touch.

Next moment his hand was on her breasts, trembling, hesitating to explore the region. She lay still giving him full freedom to take his time. There was plenty of time. Night was still young.

“These are soft and …” he said.

“And?” she said, excited to know his answer.

“And round and …” he said.

“Please continue,” she said eagerly.

“And big. These are soft, round and big,” he said. “Beautiful.”

“beautiful What? Me or my boobs,”

“Both,” he said. “In fact I had never seen more beautiful woman than you.”
She wondered whether he was just making flirt, but then thought why he would do that. But whatever she was pleased to hear such remarks from him.

He circled his hand around her right boob and squeezed it lightly. Instantly thrilling wave travelled through her and she gave a soft moan.

“What happened ma’am?”

“N-nothing. I liked the way you squeezed it,” she said.

He grew in confidence and squeezed at her soft boobs strongly, as if trying to get the juice out of a lemon.

“Ouch! Not so hard, you stupid,” she shouted.

“S-sorry ma’am,” he said, relaxing his grip on her boob.

“Can I feel them without the hindrance of clothes?” he said.

She thought about it, pretending as if she was hesitating but inside she was dying to pull her shirt off so that he could play with her naked boobs.

“Okay,” she said. “Give me a minute.”

She rose by the waist and pulled her shirt off. But she let her bra stay on her body. She wanted him to remove it. She knew it would be fun when he would pull her bra away from her chest.

Feeling excited, she fell back on the floor.

Immediately his hand reached for her breasts.
“What’s this,” he said, roaming his hand on bra cups.

“This is a bra,” she said. “haven’t you seen it before?”

“Oh, I have seen, but it’s dark here, you know”

Strangely he started playing with her boobs without caring to remove the bra. She thought maybe after few minutes he would remove it and then real fun would begin.

But few minutes passed and even then nothing happened. He was playing with her boobs just like that, not even caring to pull the bra cups aside to feel the naked flesh.

“What are you doing?” she said, irritated.

“w-what happened ma’am?” he said.

“Why don’t you remove this damn bra and enjoy fully.”

“I don’t know how to remove it,” he said.

“What the hell you are doing with me if you don’t know anything,” she said, rising up again, her voice exuding great impatience.

“S-sorry ma’am,” he stammered.

She unhooked her bra and threw it away. Don’t know where it fell in the dark room.

She lay down again, her breath heavy with mixture of excitement and irritation.

Without speaking a single word he grabbed her naked boobs in both hands and squeezed them seductively. Instantly her irritation disappeared and she closed her eyes, feeling his inexperienced hands on her tender flesh.

Her breathing grew heavy as he played with her tits freely, confidently, kneading them, shaking them, sending waves of intense pleasure through her.

“Yes, you are doing good Pappu,” she said.

“I’m feeling so good ma’am,” he said, his breathing heavy with excitement.

“So am I, Pappu,” she said. “Play with them as long as you like. We have full night here with us.”

Suddenly movement of his hands stopped and she felt hot air on her naked boobs. His mouth was quite near; she could feel his juicy lips.

And then the moment came she was waiting for. He took her hard nipple in his mouth and started sucking it hungrily, passionately.

She took hold of his head and whispered into his ear, “You are doing great Pappu.”

She slipped her hand into her salwar and ran her finger on her clitoris and gave a seductive moan as she felt the intense wave of pleasure. she was approaching orgasm very rapidly.

With a great urgency she slipped her index finger into her cunt and started moving it in and out rapidly.
“Yes Pappu, suck them hard for me … yes …”

“Ahhhhh,” she gave a load moan and with that she erupted into a great orgasm. She tightened her grip upon Pappu’s head as the orgasm passed through her.

“Oh god … oh god,” she said. “Please stop.”

Pappu stopped and fell upon her breasts. He seemed tired. He had really sucked her boobs with great effort. She didn’t disturb him and lay still on the floor, trying to control her breathing.

Soon she drifted into a sleep, deep sleep rather.

Chirping of birds outside woke her up in the morning. She looked to her side. Pappu was still sleeping. Thinking what had happened last night here on the floor she blushed deeply.

She rose quietly and wore her bra and shirt

Silently she thanked Pappu. Without him she wouldn’t have seen this morning.
As Sub-Inspector Neelam stepped into the house, Dipti narrated everything in detail. Neelam listened carefully.

When Dipti was done with the details she went to look at the bedroom door. It looked badly damaged. Killer had tried really hard to break in, but door proved to be quite strong.

Pushing the door she slipped in. there were stain of dried blood near the closet.

"According to you it's killer's blood," she said looking toward Dipti.

"Yes. As I have already told you, I had stabbed him in the chest to save my life," Dipti said.

Young man entered into the room holding tray in hands. He looked like a servant. Looking into her eyes he said, "Water?"

"Who are you?" she asked.

"He's our servant, Pappu," Dipti cut in before he could answer.

"Where were you when she was attacked," she asked from the servant.

"I was sleeping upstairs in my room. When I heard ma'am's cry I came rushing downstairs ..." he narrated in detail.

"I see. So after that both of you stayed here whole night."

"Yes," he replied.

“Do you remember anything more,” Neelam asked from the sevant.

After thinking for a while he said looking toward Dipti, “Ma’am where is that watch.”

“Which watch?” Neelam said.

“Nothing, it’s my husband’s watch. I found it on the floor. I think he forgot to wear.”

Neelam noticed that Dipti’s facial expression were tense as she spoke. Maybe she didn’t want to think that her own husband tried to kill her. This matter needed deep investigation. If her husband was out of station then what his watch was doing here?

"Where's that watch?” Neelam asked from Dipti.

Dipti handed her the watch and she studied it carefully.

“What makes you think that it’s your husband’s watch,” Neelam said.

“I know because I had gifted him,” Dipti said.

“Interesting,” Neelam said.

Coming out from the house, she walked to her motorcycle which was parked in the street in front of the house, and took position upon it.

She was about to rode out of the street that a man came running to her, the man she wanted to avoid. He was brother of her best friend Suman. Suman died in road accident two years ago but strangely he survived. She had full sympathy with the man for he had suffered a lot but she wasn’t ready to be his toy. He had a crush on her and this aspect of him disturbed her deeply. It always had, even when Suman was alive. But in last few months his obsession for her had seemed to grow. Had there been love in his eyes she would have considered his advances. But there was plain lust in his eyes, horrible lust.

She stopped and said, “Hi Sudhir, how are you?”

“You are looking great, Neelam,” he said.

“Thank you, I’m getting late …”

“I had told you something about two men,” he said. “Did you enquire about them?”

Strangely Sudhir was taking abnormal interest in the investigation. As per him two gentlemen, Harish Shinde and Manish Goyal were murderer. She had enquired about them. It was very unlikely that they were killing the women in the area.

“Look Sudhir, we are working very hard on the case. I am looking into the matter,” she said, trying to avoid him.

“Where are you going?” he said.

“I’m going back to police station,” she said.

“Can you drop me to the post office opposite your police station?” he said.

But before she could respond he started to climb on the bike behind her.

“wait … I’m going …”
But it was too late. Stupid man had already settled behind her. People were watching. She didn’t want to make the scene. She started the bike and rode out from the street.

But it was quite uncomfortable and embarrassing. He was sitting quite close to her, his crotch pressed tightly at her back. She tried not to think but couldn’t stop thinking that his dick was feeling her virgin behind.

“You smell great Neelam,” he said. “Which perfume do you use?”

“Sudhir don’t waste your time on me,” she said. “You know I don’t like you.”

“I’m not asking you to marry me, I just want your pussy,” he said shamelessly.

She swallowed. She had suspected that one day he would talk dirty with her but it was unimaginable to think that it would be like this.

“You are brother of my best friend that’s why I don’t say anything to you otherwise …”

“It’s same thing here. You are best friend of my sister otherwise …”

“Otherwise what?” she asked, curious.

“Otherwise ab tak tumhari gaand maar leta,” he said.

“S- Shut up,” she said.

“Neelam, I’m sorry yaar but why don’t you understand. I like you dear.”

“But I don’t like you,” she said.

“Liar,” he said, “Suman had told me how you used to enquire about me.”

“Hold on. I never enquired about you okay. We just talked. That’s it.”

When Neelam had become quite close to Suman in college days she used to visit her home often. When Neelam first saw Sudhir she found him good looking. His physique was good though his face was not that much attractive. Out of curiosity she had talked about him couple of times with Suman. And that was proving to be fatal till date.

“You wouldn’t have just talked without any purpose. I know you were interested in me,” Sudhir said.

Well, she had been curious about him, wanted to know him. Couple of times she had made sweet talk with him but that didn’t mean in any way that she was interested in him.

“I was never interested in you,” she said.

“But I tell you what, you look very sexy in police uniform,” he said. “It gives very seductive shape to your body. Have you noticed?”

She kept mum, for it was difficult to argue against it. Strangely his words stirred weird feelings within her, and she felt titillating sensation between her legs.

This wasn’t the first time when she felt such thing. It had happened before. And each time he was the reason. It seemed as if his lust travelled through air and made her body tingle in a wrong way, lusty way. This was also the reason why she didn’t like him for it made her feel weak and defeated.

“Neelam do you know how sexy your boobs are?” he whispered into her ear as she maneuvered the bike through the busy road.

“Will you please keep quiet, I’m driving here,” she said, trying to control her emotions. His words felt good though. Wild.

She remembered, she had a dream once in which he was playing with her boobs very violently, squeezing them, pinching on them. She wondered whether he would do all those stuff if he got the chance with her.

These thoughts sent the tingling sensation through her and she found herself struggling with the bike handle.

As if reading her thoughts he whispered into her ears, “I’ll handle them
Quite well baby, just give me a chance.”

She responded automatically, “I know you will hurt.”

And then shook her head. Why did she say that? What was happening with her? She shouldn’t have let him sit on her bike. She knew his presence awoke these weird feelings and thoughts and still she let him sit behind her.

He placed his hands on her thighs and said, “I won’t hurt, promise. Please let me hold them once.”

“Sudhir we are on the road,” she said. “Why are you talking this way, I’m feeling uncomfortable.”

“How long will you pretend that you don’t want me?” he said. “We both know that there is something between us, which needs attention.”

“I don’t know how you do that but I’m always uncomfortable with you,” she said.

“But tell me,” he said. “Don’t you enjoy being uncomfortable.”

Wetness between her legs and swelling in her breasts were testimony to the fact that she indeed enjoyed secretly when he was around. His attention and his talk always stirred sleeping lust within her.

“I don’t know?”

“ha-ha-ha,” he laughed and then whispered into her ears. “Do you know last night I screwed your cunt?”

Her jaw widened with great astonishment and she said, “H-how that’s possible.”

“In dream anything is possible,” he said. “I screwed your little cunt nice and hard. You were screaming like anything. I also fucked you in doggy style, riding at your back like a cowboy. I remember my big dick was disappearing all the way up to my balls into your slippery cunt. Have you ever dreamed about me?”

She swallowed her breathing heavy. “No,” she responded quickly. But she realized that she didn’t seem convincing as she said that.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah I’m damn sure,” she said, trying to be convincing this time.

“Look I know you feel little shy with me, but you want me like hell I know that,” he said.

It wasn’t true. It can never be true.

But then why was her body reacting lustfully in his presence, writhing in excitement at his words.

“I will wait for you tonight at my home. Let’s do it today. Let’s give each other great gift of sex. I promise, you will not regret fucking with me.”

Her heart skipped the beat once he finished and her throat went dry.

“P-please don’t talk like that,” she stammered.

“I’ll wait for you at 10 p.m. please do not disappoint me. My cock will be ready to spread your cunt, just come in time.”

She pictured his dick penetrating her virgin cunt and she winced.

“I-I can’t come,” she said.


“I’m busy. I’m working on this murder mystery, you know.”

“Bring your file at home. Both of us will work together. What you say?”

“This is confidential matter. I can’t share the investigation with outsider.”

“Ha-ha-ha good joke. What’s confidential by the way? I know everything. It has happened before me. Besides, everything was in papers. What exclusive confidential details have you left with?”

“Newspapers don’t cover everything,” she said, trying to avoid evening date with him.

“Then come without the files,” he insisted.

“Why don’t you understand?” she said. “I can’t.”
“If you didn’t come tonight then I’ll never come after you again,” he said.

“That would be just great. Please ensure compliance of your words.”

She pulled up in front of police station.

“I’ll wait for you?” he said.

She pictured him waiting for her after ten, carrying big bulge in front of his trouser.

“I’m sorry, I’ll not come,” she said.

“I know you’ll come. I have seen desire of having wild copulation in your eyes.”

She drew a deep breath and said, “Bye …”

For a moment she felt like saying to him that she would come but quickly she pushed the feeling away.
Coming out from office building, Neelam stood holding handle of her bike, thinking. She had just talked with Boss of Ramesh. According to him he had gone to Chandrapur for some official work. What official work? It wasn’t clear.

Maybe Ramesh had planned this trip to Chandrapur to create an alibi. He’s not picking his phone. His watch was found by his wife at the floor in mysterious circumstances.

Her mobile rang, pulling her out from pensive state. A constable attached with her was calling. She had deputed him to enquire in all the clinics and hospitals to find whether a man had visited them with a chest wound.

“Hello,” she said.

“Good after Ma’am.”

“Good afternoon. Did you find anything?”

“Yes ma’am. I am speaking from Rajeev clinic. A man had visited the clinic last night here with a chest wound, but when doctor informed if that he had to inform the police, he ran away without medical care.”

“Hmm. Wait there, I am coming with a snap of a man,” she said and went back into the office to get snap of Ramesh.

After thirty minute she pulled off in front of Rajeev clinic.
Constable greeted her at the gate and took her to the doctor who had attended the suspected last night.

“Can you identify the person if I show you his picture,” she said to doctor.

“Yes, I can,” said doctor, looking confident.

“Okay look at this picture and tell me if it was him,” she said holding Ramesh’s picture in front of his eyes.

Doctor instantly said, “Yes-yes definitely it’s him.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure,” doctor said.

“Thank you doctor,” she said.

“My pleasure,” he said, smiling.

Pulling a mobile from her trouser’s pocket she placed a call.

“Hello Dipti, I want to inform you something and you have to be very strong to hear it.”

“What is it ma’am,” Dipti said, sounding tense.

“It was your husband who tried to kill you last night,” she said.

“What?” Dipti said. “Are you gone mad or something?”

“I’m not mad, Dipti. I’m telling you after investigating into the matter …” she told her everything. “I told you all this because I want you to be careful.”

“I can’t believe it,” she said, still not able to believe. “Ramesh can’t do this to me.”

“Well he just did and now he’ll suffer for this,” Neelam said. “I’ll also enquire whether he was involved in any way into the murder of a woman, living across to your house, few days back.”

“Listen carefully,” Dipti said urgently. “My husband can’t be a killer.”

“Well I can understand your pain but …” she said and hung up without completing her sentence. It was unnecessary to argue with her. It was clear that she wouldn’t understand.
Getting into the house, Neelam went straight to her bedroom, ignoring her parents who sat in the living room. It was quite abnormal, she knew, but she couldn’t help it. Something was bothering her at the moment and she wanted to be alone in the privacy of her room.

As she entered into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her, she looked at the watch which hung above her bed. It was 9 p.m. at the moment and she still had one hour to go. Sudhir would be waiting desperately for her. What should she do?

Though she had kept herself busy in the work whole day, but still she had not been successful to keep Sudhir out of her mind. She had felt strange twitching inside her whole day. It was still there right now when she stood watching at the clock. God what was happening with her?

She got rid of police uniform and went to the mirror, draped in just bra and panties. She examined herself carefully. As she stared at the reflection of her breasts in the mirror she wondered how Sudhir will play with them if she went to him. Would he be as wild as his talk?

She reached for her breasts and held them gently in both hands. No one had touched them yet. No one. How his hands would feel upon them? She had no idea. In the dream he had been very violent, though, and for some inexplicable reason she wanted that dream to come true. She wanted him to be as wild as possible with her. He shouldn’t show any mercy to her soft boobs. They are meant to be handled wild by someone like him.

She took a deep breath and looked into her own eyes. There was unfathomable lust in them. She never knew that such lust existed in her. It was strange, very strange rather.

She dropped her eyes and looked at the reflection of her pussy. Though it was covered in black panties but still clear outline was visible. She dropped her right hand to it and ran her finger gently across the outline of her pussy. She felt her breathing get heavy as she ran her finger. I should go and taste the fruit of sex. My body is craving for his touch. I must go.

She went to the washroom to get fresh for the evening. Decision was made. She must go.

After 15 minutes she stood again in front of mirror, draped in her favorite salwar-kameez. Her breasts were looking good, protruding seductively outward. She turned and examined her hips. Sexy.

Though she was sitting at the dining table, food waiting in front of her, Dipti didn’t feel like eating. Ever since she had talked with sub-inspector Neelam, she was anxious and disturbed. It was unthinkable that it was Ramesh who had tried to kill her. Yet she had started to consider the possibility.

She drew a deep breath and thought how Ramesh had left for Chandrapur unceremoniously, without any prior discussion with her. He had never done such thing before. She was trying his phone again and again but it was switched off. And then she thought about his watch. What was it doing at the floor in her bedroom? It seemed as if it had fallen from killer’s wrist while he was trying to kill her.

Or should she say it had fallen from Ramesh’s hand while he was trying to kill her. Her throat went rigid as she thought that.

“Ma’am you haven’t started yet.”

Pappu’s voice pulled her back from her pensive state and she looked at the food in front of her which had gone cold.

She shifted on her chair. “I think I’m not hungry.”

“Are you angry with me?” Pappu asked.

She looked into his eyes. He had a reason to ask such a question. She had stayed in her bedroom whole day after the talk with sub-inspector over the phone. It seemed he was wondering whether she was angry with her after last night. So much had happened between them during last night and today she had barely talked with him.

“I’m not angry Pappu. I’m just not feeling well.”

“Ma’am I don’t think that Sir could do this,” he said.

“What do you mean?” she said, surprised at his words. Could he read her mind?

“Ma’am I was listening when you were talking on the phone with police.”

“You were listening?” she said with a fire in her eyes.

“S-sorry ma’am I couldn’t help it,” he said. “You were talking emotionally and I could feel your pain …”

“Whatever … you shouldn’t have eavesdropped like that.”

“Sorry ma’am.”

“It’s okay but don’t do it again,” she warned him.

She expected him to go and leave her alone but strangely he stood there. She gave him questioning glance and he seemed to be trying to say something to her. Hesitating.

After few seconds he said, “Ma’am, thanks for giving me such an opportunity, last night,” he said.

It seemed from the way he said it that he was dying to discuss last night with her. It was okay with her but at the moment she wasn’t in the mood to discuss anything. Her life was in great turmoil and she wasn’t clear what was going to happen with her in the coming days.

“Pappu …” she said and looked at him but seeing him looking at her breasts she stopped. She wanted to say that he should leave her alone at the moment.

She was in tight white top which gave quite an obscene shape to her breasts. It wasn’t deliberate on her part, not today at least when she was so tense. Waking up from afternoon nap she had worn this white top without giving much thought to it. She had no idea that it would give quite a show to him.

“Did you like my breasts?” she said.

“I just love them,” he said quickly. “I hope I sucked them well last night.”

She couldn’t help blushing. He indeed had sucked them quite well.

“You surely did,” she said. “But now I want to be alone for a moment.”

“Okay ma’am. I’m going upstairs. Call me if you …”

“Okay,” she said.

When he was gone she looked toward the window. It was dark outside, despite street lights and she couldn’t see much. Feeling sense of fear she rose from the chair and went to the front door to check the bolt which was installed today. It was locked properly. Had there been a traditional bolt on the door, killer wouldn’t have got easy entry in the house.
Stopping her bike, Neelam looked at the Sudhir’s house and found him standing in the balcony in t-shirt and Bermuda. She couldn’t help blushing. He was smiling. She felt a twitching inside as she parked her bike on the curb.

By then he had emerged on the gate to welcome her.

“Look who’s here,” he taunted. “I guess you were waiting for ten p.m. as desperately as I was. You are on time.”

She couldn’t gather any response but looked at him lovingly. This man had finally forced her to become his date.

He moved forward and before she could understand anything she was in his arms and his lips were on her lips, kissing them madly.

She pushed him away and said in shaking voice, “Stop Sudhir! Can’t you wait until we get inside?”

“When woman is as beautiful as you are, it’s difficult to waste even a single second.”

“Oh god! you are too much,” she said.

He patted on her bum and said, “Come inside. I’ll fuck you so hard that your body will ache for many days.”
She gulped and felt the thrilling wave inside her. She knew something wild would happen. Total wild. She would enjoy each and every moment of this wilderness.

“Is this a warning?”

“You bet, it is,” he said.

Neelam followed him into the house and looked around. After the sudden demise of Suman it was her first visit to the house. Nothing much had changed. Soft creamy light adorned the living room as before. Arrangement of sofas, decorative paintings, corner stand were fixed at the same places where she had seen them last. For a moment she felt as if she had stepped back in time and any moment, Suman would come out of her bedroom to greet her, embrace her. Once this feeling subsided, she felt intense pain of loss. She knew without Suman there would always be something missing in her life.

“What are you thinking?” Sudhir asked.

She gave hesitant smile to him. “Nothing …”

“Come!” he said, and grabbing her wrist took her to the bedroom. His grip and walk had a sense of urgency.

She had never seen his bedroom before. Things were arranged nicely in systematic order. She wondered whether it was original arrangement or was just done today, in anticipation of guest.

“I knew, you will come,” he said releasing her wrist and started removing his t-shirt.

“Err… slow down. It’s our first date.”

She couldn’t help looking at his chest. Thick layer of black hair covered it completely. She pictured this hair covered chest rubbing against her soft boobs and wondered what kind of feeling it would generate. She would wait and see.

“Yeah it is,” he said and winked. “That’s why I’m going crazy. I want to make it memorable.”

It would be memorable for him but for her it was disappointing. Actually she wanted to remove his clothes one by one slowly, feeling the moment but he was in so much hurry that it was spoiling the moment.

As he took hold of waistband of Bermuda she moved forward and embraced him tightly placing her lips on his, forcing him to stop. He responded wildly, kissing her lips furiously.

His hand moved on her shoulder and then slid downward until they stopped on her hips. She shuddered as she felt his hands on her butt cheeks.

Parting from her lips he said, “Sexy butt.” He and again placed his burning lips upon hers.

He parted her ass cheeks and inserted his finger into ass crack, trying to locate her butt hole through the fabric of her salwar. Wild wave of thrill passed through her as his finger found it finally and applied obscene pressure upon it as if trying to get into it. Her body jerked involuntarily as his finger lingered at the entrance of her butt hole.

“W-what are you doing?” she asked.

“Nothing, just playing with your gaand.”
She reached for his dick and grabbed it. to her surprise it seemed quite big.

“Can I also play a little?” she said.

“Why not,” he said and quickly dropped his Bermuda on the floor and stepped out of it. He wasn’t wearing any underwear and instantly his big dick emerged in front of her eyes, hard and solid.

She wrapped it in her hand, feeling its texture and hardness. “It’s big.”

“Have you seen smaller?” he mocked.

“No I haven’t,” she lied.

DSP, against whom she had filed sexual harassment complaint, had flashed his dick once at her after calling her into his cabin. But that was nothing compared to what she held now in her hand.

Sudhir applied pressure on her shoulder. She knew what he wanted. She resisted. She wanted him to make a formal request at least.

“Come on; love it with your beautiful lips,” he said.

She smiled and sat down in front of him, not removing her hand from his dick as she did that.

Purple glans of his cock was shining with pre-cum juice. She licked the tip and savoured the taste. It was salty.

She looked at him. His eyes were close. He was enjoying.

She was enjoying too. She had never thought that one day she would suck his dick but now she was quite excited about it. whole thing seemed wild and lusty.

Opening her mouth she took the crown of his big dick into her mouth and grabbed it tightly in her lips and moved her tongue across it.

He grabbed her head and said, “Oh God, you are good sucker.”

She had never sucked before. It was her first time. Maybe wildness of the situation was making her perform such a skillful blow job.

She moved her mouth further along the shaft and took almost two-third of his manhood into her warm mouth. Side of her mouth ached as she did that. It was quite an effort to take such a big thing in the mouth. But she was enjoying.

He tightened his grip on her head and she wondered what was coming.

He jerked himself violently forward, pushing full length of his big dick into her mouth. She could feel his balls on her lips. It was uncomfortable. Hear breathing had stopped. She pushed him away with great urgency and coughed. Tears were falling from her eyes.

But for some reason she didn’t feel bad about it. It was really wild act from his part to push his dick all the way in her mouth. And from the bottom her heart she always wanted it to be wild.

She wiped the tears and opened her mouth, inviting him to fuck her mouth again.

“You are a bitch, aren’t you?” he said and put the tip of his dick between her open lips.
He gave his body wild jerk and pushed his dick all the way into her mouth. “Take it bitch … take it.”

Crown of his massive tool hit at her throat and choked her. This time, however, she let him stay there for a moment. She wanted to know how long she could keep his dick like that till it became totally unbearable. But he drew his dick backward only to push it again back into her mouth.

“I didn’t know that you will suck my dick like that. You are really a hot bitch.”

She wasn’t sure about that. If wanting it wild meant being bitch then she surely was one. But she didn’t want to think about it at the moment. Right now she wanted to enjoy every single second of her first sexual encounter.

“Enough,” he said. “It’s time to fuck your pussy.”

With shaking legs she stood slowly, never moving her eyes from his dick which was drenched in her mouth juice. Then looking into his eyes she caught the string of her slawar and undid the knot slowly. His eyes were glistening with lust. She blushed deeply when he winked at her.

Closing her eyes she dropped her slawar on the floor and stood there like a statue, waiting for him to guide further.

She felt him grab the hem of her kameez and she raised her arms, helping him to remove it. She heard the soft sound as her kameez fell on the floor somewhere. Her heartbeat grew heavy. Now only bra and panties were left on her body. She wondered how and when he would get rid of them.

Suddenly he picked her into his arms and carried her to the bed and made her lay on her back. She kept her eyes closed, feeling every passing moment.

When she felt his hand on the waistband of her panties she opened her eyes slightly to look at him. He was between her legs on his knees, visible excitement on his face. He rolled her panties down and stared lewdly at her cunt.

“You know what,” he said. “You have got a nice pussy.”

She couldn’t help blushing and closed her eyes.

“I have got the same opinion about your dick,” she said.

“But you didn’t tell me,”

“I’m telling you now,” she said.

He freed her breasts out of bra and started playing with them wildly, as she had expected. His grip was strong and cruel. It was hurting a bit but still it was all fun. She felt waves and waves of pleasure as he kneaded and squeezed her soft flesh mercilessly.

As he took her hard nipple between his lips moan of ecstasy escaped from her mouth. She was waiting for this moment desperately. But before she could savour the moment she felt head of his dick on the entrance of her cunt. It was warm with lust and passion.

She closed her eyes and prepared herself for the incoming dick.
Dick pressed hard for the entry and breaking the initial resistance from her virgin pussy slipped in mercilessly.

“Ohhhhhhh ….mmmmmmm,” she moaned with pain and dug her finger nails into his back. “S-stop.”

But she had the feeling that he wouldn’t stop. And she was proved right. He didn’t stop till full length of his dick disappeared into her little pussy.

“You have swallowed my dick honey,” he said.

“You are very cruel,” she said. “Why didn’t you stop?”

“That’s the way I fuck cunt,” he said. “I can’t help it.”

He drew himself away a little, making his dick slip outward and then with a fierce forward jerk slammed his dick again into her tight twat. Fucking had begun.

“God, you are so tight,” he said.

She felt that her pain had subsided. Now she could enjoy this wild fucking without any pain.

She wrapped her legs around him and jerked her body upward to meet his downward stroke.

“I knew you will give me your pussy one day like this,” he said. “That’s why I had not given up.”

“I don’t know why I’m here but yes I’m enjoying this moment,” she said throwing her pussy upward at him, challenging him to fuck even harder.
His movement became faster and faster and she started struggling with her breathing. Her heartbeat was also out of control. She didn’t know what was happening. But whatever, she was feeling intense pleasure. It was such a pleasure which could not be described in words.

Soon she felt herself moving toward extreme excitement and thrill and then she shouted, “Oh god … oh god … please don’t stop.”

His movement became more wild, more urgent and then she was washed over by an intense orgasm. It seemed he too had reached his climax for he had collapsed upon her instantly.

“It was best fuck of my life,” he said, his breathing heavy and noisy.

“It was my first and I’ll always remember it as best,” she said. “And I don’t want any other man…”

“Hey wait a minute. Don’t get sentimental here. I can’t settle with one woman in my life.”

She looked into his eyes. There was no emotion in his eyes. She could see that things would not move beyond sex between them.

Just then door bell rang. Both exchanged surprised glance and looked at the wall clock. It was after 12. She wondered who could come to meet him at this time of the night.

He rolled away from top of her and started wearing his clothes. She picked her clothes and rushed to the washroom. Don’t know why she had a foreboding feeling that something was going to happen. What if his other girl friend has landed without notice? She thought.

Quickly she wore all of her clothes and peeped out from the washroom.
Sudhir wasn’t there and bedroom door was closed. She decided to wait.

Ten minutes passed.

Wondering what was taking him so long she stepped out silently and went to the door. She put her ear on crack between door and jamb and listened. Strangely there was total silence beyond the door which felt creepy and mysterious.

She waited for a moment, undecided what to do. Then taking a deep breath she pulled open the door and stepped out.

Seeing Sudhir on the floor, beside sofa, Neelam flinched. His chest was drenched in blood. She rushed to him and shook his shoulder, her hand shaking. He was dead. She couldn’t believe it and shook him again. No movement. Painful anguish welled up within her, her eyes wet with emotions. He was just alive few minutes ago, having furious sex with her, and now all of a sudden he was dead. It was like a terrible nightmare.

She had seen number of crime scenes, but she had never felt such shock and horror. She was confused what to do. Experience gained so far in police service seemed useless and futile. Maybe, her closeness to the victim was working against her. But how could she detach her emotions from him. She had not only offered her body to him but also her soul. For him it might have been just sex, but for her it was much more than that. He was first man in her, and she wanted him to be her life partner. It was different matter that he wasn’t ready for the same yet. But that didn’t mean that things couldn’t change in the long run. But there wasn’t to be any long run here. This part of her life was cut short before it even began properly.

Controlling her emotions, she examined his body with great disbelief. Apparently, he had been stabbed in the heart and he had died instantly, painful death. Evidently, killer didn’t allow him to scream otherwise she might have heard something.

Anger welled up within her and she cursed herself for wasting her time in washroom while he was being attacked. Gripped in anguish, she roamed her eyes all over the living room. Don’t know why, she had the feeling that killer hadn’t left yet.

And next second she was proved right.

“May I ask, what are you doing here miss?” a voice spoke from behind.

Her heart skipped a beat and with a speed of light she turned around to see who it was.

Few feet away from her stood Harish Shinde, blood stained knife in his right hand.

“Y-You?” she could manage only that much and cursed herself for not believing Sudhir.

“Like you, I’m also surprised to find you here,” he said. “Have speed of police increased lately?”

Neelam realized that she was in vulnerable situation. She didn’t have anything to defend herself and he had big knife in his hand. She decided to engage him in conversation to buy a time to think. “Why did you kill him?” she asked.

“You are police, you should know better,” he said and stepped forward. “But since you are asking I want to tell you that it’s wrong to spy on someone. This man … this bloody man was spying on me. I also warned him once, but he didn’t listen. He even informed police that I am the serial killer who is murdering innocent woman. Do you think I’m a killer?”

She looked at him with wide eyes, her legs trembling, undecided what to say.
“Do you think I’m a killer!” he shouted.

She felt her heart sink with fear, death seemed quite close. He was the killer no doubt but she didn’t have courage to tell him.

“I don’t think you are a killer,” she said. “Please drop the knife so that we can talk about it.”

“Drop the knife … where … where should I drop the knife,” he asked. “Should I drop it in your cunt? Would you like that?”

Moisture gathered on her forehead. She was trapped in horrible situation.

“Do you still think I’m not the killer,” he said and took one more step toward her.

She was seated all along beside Sudhir’s dead body and didn’t have space to drag herself backward. But he was moving dangerously close.

“I-I don’t think that you killed those woman,” she stammered.

“You bet, I did,” he said and grinned.

She swallowed.

“And now I’ll kill you,” he said.

His words shook her to the core and she felt sudden wave of terror. She drew a deep breath and decided to fight. She would not allow him to kill her that easy if that was her fate. She would fight till her last breath.

She studied him carefully. He was old man. His strength was in his knife. Without knife he would be nothing.

With a speed of light she got to her feet and jumped at him, her focus was to snatch his knife. But old man was smart, very smart rather. He took hold of her and twisted her arm behind her back. Her arm was paining like hell but she didn’t give up. She tried to kick him somehow, but didn’t succeed.

“I think I would like to taste your pussy before I kill you?” he whispered into her ears.

“That would never happen, you bastard,” she shouted.

“Of course it will, young lady.” He said. “It would be quite a fun to fuck a police. What do you think?”

“If I survived, I will make your life miserable you old scum,” she said.

“But why would you survive my dear,” he said. “Now I will take you to my home and will fuck you as much as I wanted before killing you like a goat.”

She pictured the horrible scene and shuddered violently. She prayed to the god that such a thing should not happen to her. But the way he was holding her in his grip made her feel that he was in control and could do anything with her.

Next moment he put something on her nose. She struggled furiously with him, trying to remove his hand from her nose but old man was strong, very strong.

Oh God, help me, she thought. It was desperate call for help.

And then she passed out.

Sleep was not coming, no matter what Dipti tried. Last night incident was haunting her again and again: It was difficult to forget. Though she was keeping lights on in the bedroom, but still fear was difficult to push away.

Her mobile phone gave a short message tone, and she fumbled to the bedside table to pick it, expecting some message from Ramesh, expecting some information about his whereabouts. But she was disappointed. It was irritating advertisement again.

She dialed his number and got the same machine generated message that his phone was switched off.

Now she had left no choice but to believe what sub-inspector Neelam had told her. It was indeed Ramesh who tried to kill her last night. That’s why his phone is switched off. But why would he do that? Could Seema be the reason?

Yes, Seema could be the reason. Bitch.

But at the moment her major problem was how to pass through the night. Every single second of her was passing with fear and anxiety.

She took a deep breath and got off the bed: she wouldn’t stay in the bedroom.

She walked to the door and opening it slipped out. As per her direction Pappu had kept all the lights on. Good.

As she walked to the stairs she felt titillating sensation inside. She knew if she stayed with Pappu in his room, something would happen between them; something exciting. Something had happened last night as well and it had felt very good.

Biting her lower lips she climbed the stairs. She knew she wasn’t doing anything wrong. Her married life had already collapsed. Now she had no moral obligation toward Ramesh. In a way she was free to do whatever she wanted.

Should I take his dick in my pussy, she thought as she reached top of the stairs. Thought sent wild sensation through her and she wondered how Pappu’s massive dick would feel inside her cunt.

As she stepped on the roof, deep silence of the night welcomed her. She looked up. Sky was clear, and so many stars were twinkling, making night beautiful and exciting.

She looked at the only room at far corner of the roof: Pappu’s room. Door was closed, but she could see that light was on. Wondering whether he too was keeping light on out of fear she walked to the room. She could feel how her sexual feelings overshadowed the feelings of anxiety and fear. Tension regarding Ramesh, regarding her marriage also subsided.

Taking an excited breath she knocked on the door.

Almost immediately door opened, as if Pappu was waiting on the door for her.

“Ma’am!” Pappu said, surprised.

He was in underwear and vest, same like last night. Perhaps he slept like that only.

“Were you sleeping?”

“No…” he said.

“I think I can’t sleep alone,” she said, trying to hide her sexual feelings.

“You can sleep with me,” he offered, looking excited.

She looked at his crotch and noticed some movement there.

“Err…keep that thing under control,” she said. “Its big size is quite threatening.”

“S-sorry ma’am,” he said.

She giggled and pushing him aside stepped inside. It was good room, didn’t look like a servant room at all.

There was only single bed in the corner. His things were lying all over the place.

“I’ll take the bed,” she said. “You can sleep on the floor.”

“On the floor?” he said.

“Yes, on the floor.”

“Can’t we sleep together like last night? Both of us will feel secure if we sleep together.”

“Yes we can,” she said and looking at his crotch continued, “But do you remember how that big gun of your threatened me with its size. It disturbed my sleep, do you know that?”

“Sorry I had no idea,” he said, looking amused.

Dipti went to the bed and climbing on it, lay down on her back. “Switch off the light.”

“You didn’t tell me?” he said.


“Where should I sleep?”

“Switch off the light and come to the bed before I change my mind.”

She saw him dart toward the switch board and next moment there was total darkness in the room. She drew an excited breath, waiting for him to come to the bed.

As she felt him climb on the bed she put her hand on her chest, feeling her heartbeat.

“ma’am, I sucked your tits well last night, didn’t I,” he said.

“Yes you did,” she said, her voice shaking with excitement. She was expecting him to grab her tits right away.

He didn’t disappoint her and placed his hands on her chest.
“These are sexy tits,” he said.

“Uh-huh,” she said.

“Yes very-very sexy.”

She reached for his loin and grabbed his manhood through the fabric of his underwear.

“This is also sexy, you know that” she said, roaming her hand all over his excited dick.

“You are first woman to hold it in hand,” he said, his breathing heavy with emotion.

“It’s my privilege then” she said.

“Ma’am can I touch your…”

She drew an excited breath and grabbed his hand and guided it to her throbbing pussy.

His hand felt so good down there. Immediately he started running his fingers on her womanhood curiously. It was clear that he was very excited to touch her cunt.

“It’s so nice,” he said.

“What’s nice?” she asked, curious.

“I don’t know, but it’s nice,” he said innocently.

She felt like kissing him but resisted the temptation. He was her servant after all. If she kissed him, their relationship would become more intimate, more personal, and she didn’t want that.

After few days she would leave Nagpur, back to her parents, and till then this adventure with Pappu should be kept as much free of intimacy as possible.

Just then both of them heard something outside and both became still, listening.

It was sound of a door, prolonged creak. After few seconds there was silence. Then door creaked again and once sound of it subsided they heard footsteps, heavy and urgent tread. Then everything went silent again. One minute…two minutes...Nothing.

Both of them were motionless, her hand still holding his dick, his hand still upon her pussy. They were keeping their breathing under control to listen with full concentration. However, Dipti realized that Pappu was making subtle, hesitant movements of his fingers on her cunt through the fabric of her salwar, as if not wanting her to notice it. His index finger had found the split of her cunt and very slowly it was moving across it, making it difficult for her to keep her breathing under check.

She gulped slowly and ran her finger on the head of his penis, letting him know that she was enjoying whatever he was doing. Immediately he rubbed his finger through the split of her cunt strongly, making her moan silently.

“I think there is someone out there,” Puppu whispered, breaking the silence.

“Yes, but who?” she said and tightened her grip on his gun.

“I don’t know,” he said taking a long sigh.

“Let’s see,” she said and slipped off the bed and went to the window which opened into the street: she wanted to see who was spoiling her fun.
She noticed a figure outside Shinde’s house. He looked like Shinde. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the street she noticed that he was indeed Shinde, and she took a deep sigh of relief. He was lusty old man, but harmless. But one thing seemed weird. He was standing like a statue in front of his house at this time of the night. What could be the reason?

Pappu came right behind her, waited for a second and then pressing his body against her, peeped out. His hard dick was pressed obscenely against her soft buttocks. She could feels its pulse.

“Who is it,” he said.

“It’s our neighbor, Mr. Shinde,” she managed, trying to control her breath.

“Mr. Shinde?,” he said. “What’s he doing out at this time?”

“I don’t know,” she said. “I’m also wondering about it.”

“Ma’am, can I ask one thing” he said.

Wondering what he wanted to ask she said, “Yes, what is it?”

“Has Mr. Shinde…”

“No,” she said interrupting him, wondering why was he interested by the way. He wasn’t her husband. He had no right to inquire whether Shinde had fucked her or not.

“Sorry,” he said.

“For what?” she said.
“I shouldn’t have asked this question,” he said.

It was good that he realized his mistake. “It’s okay.”

She raised her eyes up and noticed that smart portion of sky was visible through the window. She could see number of stars, twinkling against the dark background. She realized that it was quite a romantic situation and wished she were with her husband. Thought of Ramesh raised sleeping anguish within her and she felt a terrible pain in her heart. Everything had collapsed between her and Ramesh. Nothing was left. Now she would wait for Ramesh for few days, to demand an explanation from him if he returned. If he didn’t she would pack her bags and leave for Delhi.

Pappu’s hand crawled upward from her stomach, pulling her from her thoughts. She swallowed and watched the distant stars as his hands crept slowly and slowly toward her boobs.

When his hands cupped her round melons she gave a soft moan, barely audible to anyone except her. Automatically her eyes had closed, feeling the moment.

He started squeezing her tits lewdly and whispered into her ears, “Let’s go back to bed.”

She kept mum and smiled to herself: she wanted to tease him. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked at the night sky again, feeling every move of his hands on her soft breasts.

Suddenly his hands got away from her boobs and she felt him move away from her. But she didn’t move and stayed still on the window, watching the distant stars, curious what he was up to.

She shuddered when he placed his hands on her buttocks and her breathing became heavy. She was amazed that he didn’t take her permission this time before grabbing her butt.

He squeezed both ass cheeks playfully for a moment and then parted them obscenely. Wondering what he was planning to do she swallowed the knot in her throat.

Answer lay in the next moment when she felt his dick between her ass cheeks. So this parting thing was to accommodate his dick, naughty.

“Ma’am I hope you won’t mind if I play with your gaand a little,” he said.

“Err…I’m watching stars and you are taking advantage of my position,” she said biting her lower lip.

He didn’t say anything. He seemed preoccupied in something.

He again grabbed her ass cheeks and again parted them and adjusted his dick in a way so that it could take position right upon her butt hole. Now she got where he was preoccupied.

“Err…what are you doing?” she said, smiling.

“N-nothing,” he said.

And then he did something which raised her heartbeat. He started moving behind her, like he was fucking her from behind. She could feel the pressure of his dick on her anus when he pushed his body hard at her.

And soon both of them were moving rhythmically. If somebody could see them from outside he would think that they were fucking. In a sense they were. Only difference was that it was a dry fuck.

Then he stopped, his breath heavy with hard work he had just done. Then she felt his hands on string of her salwar.

The moment had come when she had to decide what she wanted. He was going for her pussy. She could feel it in his breathing. He was dying to put his dick in her cunt.

But he undid her string and still she couldn’t decide anything. Perhaps she also wanted it. Yes indeed she also wanted it. That’s why she had come to him tonight. And in a way it was right. Now she wasn’t worried about Ramesh. Now it was her life. She could do anything she wanted without bothering about Ramesh.

When her salwar fell down on her feet she felt a great wave of thrill inside her which travelled across her body. Then he rolled down her panties.

And then came the moment when she must stop him. He was applying pressure on her shoulder, urging her to bend down. But she felt that it was difficult to stop him.

And then she bent down a little, placing her arms on the base of window. He wasn’t saying anything and she was also keeping her mouth closed. It was hard to utter even a single word.

But she gave a load moan, biting her lips, once head of his massive dick penetrated her little cunt.

He stopped after her load moan. She kept still, trying to accommodate his huge organ.

Feeling him move behind her she closed her eyes tightly and held her breath. She knew he would drill her pussy even deeper.

And he did. Slowly and slowly, he pushed full length of his dick, into her little cunt and then without waiting for even a second began assaulting her poor pussy.

She hadn’t expected anything like this from him. He was fucking her pussy like he had fucked it thousands of time, like an experienced man.

Her head slammed against the bars of the window once he hit at her pussy with his cruel tool. He was merciless in his assault.

She found that she was heading for mind-blowing orgasm and without much delay it washed over her like a rain. It was just great.

And then he accelerated behind her, pounding even harder into her pussy. And soon he came too, flooding her little cunt with his sticky semen.

As she tried to control her breathe she realized that her back was aching due to bending.

She pushed him away and fumbled toward the bed. She knew she would sleep now without bothering about anything in the world.

Neelam opened her eyes slowly and flinched. She was in strange room. It looked like basement or something for it didn’t have any window and door. Stairs were rising upward to a door which was closed.

She remembered what had happened, in detail, her teeth clenching together in anger. I’ll kill the bastard, she thought.

She had no idea how long she had been unconscious. She didn’t even know whether it was day or night.

Slowly, she got to her feet, her legs trembling. It was hard to believe that she was kidnapped, that she was put into an isolated basement, and that she was probably going to die helpless death.

Looking at the shining bulb above her head, she wondered whether she was being watched. Criminal mind often take unholy pleasure watching their victim in distress and pain. Bastard.

She roamed her eyes throughout the room. No camera. She wasn’t being watched.

She walked to the stairs silently, started to climb with caution, eyes focused on the door above, wood steps creaked and groaned underneath her feet, but she kept on climbing, hoping to find door open. But it was close. Close. Damn.

She heard footsteps, turned quickly away from the door and climbed down with a speed of light, not caring about the creak and groan of wood steps, though this time they were louder.

By the time door opened, she had taken sleeping position on the floor, pretending sleep, her breathing heavy.


He was coming downward, his tread reflecting his evil nature.

“Are you sleeping, bitch?” he said. “Come on wake up. It’s morning.”

Wave of anger rose inside her; she wanted to slap him hard on the face.

He shook her by the shoulder. “I know you are awake.”

She lay still, wondering whether he really knew.

He touched her lips, ran his finger across them and then tried to insert his finger into her mouth. “You are beautiful woman, you know that.”

She gulped silently, unsure what to do.

When she felt his other hand on her breast, she flinched, and pushed his hand away. “Don’t touch me,” she said, her voice shaking with emotion.

“So you were awake,” he said, grinned.

He had a knife in his hand; it looked like the same he had been holding last night, but could be different for it didn’t have any stain of blood.

“Where am I,” she said.

“At my home, darling,” he said. “I hope you will enjoy your stay here.”

“You must release me at once or else…” she said, her voice lacking force and conviction.

“Or else,” he said and started laughing.

She looked at him with frightened eyes wondering what to speak. “You will be punished severely.”

“I’d wait for that day,” he said. “But right now you should worry about yourself.”

She was worried about herself, she really was. That’s why she was so frightened.

“You want to survive?” he said.

Of course she wanted to survive, who wouldn’t. But why was he asking such a question?

“I can see in your eyes that you want to live,” he said. “But you have to buy your life here, lady.”

“What do you want?” she asked.

“I had already told you that last night,” he said and grinned.

His words flashed through her mind: “I think I would like to taste your pussy before I kill you?”

She swallowed and said, “You had said that you would like to taste my pussy before killing me.”

“Yes, you had heard right,” he said.

“What kind of deal is this?” she said. “I also have to give my pussy to you and still end up with death. This is unfair, don’t you think.”

“Yes it is,” he said. He looked amused. “Do you have any choice?”

Unfortunately, she didn’t have any choice. She was in his confinement, and he could do anything with her, anything he wanted.
“What if I don’t agree?” she said.

“Then first I’ll kill you and then fuck your pussy,” he said. “Either way I’m going to fuck your pussy, dead or alive.”

“This is disgusting,” she said, her face reflecting lines of terror.

“Yes, it is,” he said and grinned. “But you can save yourself from this horrible situation.”

“How?” she demanded immediately.

“If you give your pussy willingly to me, I’ll spare your life for two days,” he said.

“Only two days?”

“Yes, only two days,” he said. “But after that I have to kill you.”

“Why you have to kill me?” she asked. “Why?”

“I don’t want to explain anything to you,” he said. “Tell me what do you want, Instant death or death after two days of life.”

Neelam’s head was spinning. She was in horrible situation.

“I-I need time to think,” she pleaded.

“Granted,” he said, “I’ll come after two hours. Two hours should be enough I think. If you failed to decide, I’ll kill you and then…”

“I-I’ll decide, I’ll decide,” she said, her temple covered with sweat.

“Good girl,” he said and turned and walked to the stairs.

She watched him as he climbed the stairs. She wanted to run after him, attack him, but remembering last night she stopped herself. He was old man, but he was also very alert and clever.

Chirping of birds woke her in the morning, making her stretch and yawn lazily, last night scene was flashing in her mind. She could still feel the hard thrashing Pappu gave to her little pussy, while she was bending against the window. In terms of sex, it was great moment of her life, one which she would cherish for days to come. Smiling to herself, she opened her eyes slowly, and found Pappu standing beside the bed, holding a tray.

Her eyes met with his, and she couldn’t help blushing; though there was nothing in his eyes to demand such an action. In fact his face was expressionless.

“Ma’am, tea,” he said, put the tray on the bed beside her, turned and went out.

Something was wrong with him. Like her, he should have been floating on the joyous moment of last night, but he wasn’t. Did he not enjoy with her?

Pushing the cover away, she wondered when she had taken it last night, but quickly pulled it back: she wasn’t wearing salwar. She remembered that after the mind-blowing sex with Pappu, she had stumbled to the bed leaving her clothes on the floor, naked below waist. She looked at the spot, and found that her clothes were not there now.

Searching with her hands, she found them beneath the cover, and holding them in hand climbed down from the bed. Wearing her panties and salwar, she picked the cup of tea and drifted out of the room. She wanted to have a talk with Pappu. Wanted to find what was wrong with him.

She found him standing near the boundary of the roof overlooking the street below.

Hearing her coming he turned toward her, smiled and said, “How is tea ma’am?”

“Tea is good, but I think you are not good today,” she said. “What’s the matter with you? Did you not like what we did last night?”

“It was best moment of my life,” he said looking into her eyes. “And I’ll always remember it that way. But…”

“But, what?” she demanded.

“Sir had given this job to me and I did such a thing…,” his said, trying to gather his thoughts. “…I think it was wrong on my part. How would I look into his eyes, if he ever came to know about it?”

She looked at him with feeling; his face looked so innocent, as he spoke. She hadn’t expected him to react like that. For a second, his words generated feeling of guilt within her, too, but she pushed it away quickly.

“Don’t think like that,” she said. “I had come to you last night, and I don’t regret what we did. But yes, no one should know about it. As far as Ramesh is concerned, I think he has no moral right to question anything. Had he not tried to kill me, we wouldn’t have come close like this.”

“So you believe what police said to you,” he said.

“Yes, I have too…” she told him in detail what sub inspector Neelam had told to her. “I think I should call her to find about the status of investigation.”

“Yes you should,” he said.

“It’s eight in the morning, could she be sleeping at the moment.”

“You should try,” he said.

“My mobile is downstairs, in my bedroom,”

Pappu rushed downstairs and returned with her mobile.

She placed a call to Neelam, but a male voice answered it.

“Hello, who is this,” a voice spoke.

“May I speak to Ms Neelam, please,” Dipti said.

“Who are you?”

“I’m Dipti…”

“Oh Dipti ji, I’m Parshant Kumar.”

“Oh, good morning inspector?” she said.

“Good morning ji. Can I ask why you called this number?”

“I wanted to talk to sub inspector, Neelam,” she said and told him everything Neelam had told her about her husband.

“She is missing since last night. We found her purse at the crime scene, quite close to your house. I think she murdered her boy friend and then ran away in hurry. If you get any information about her, please inform me.”

“Are you joking, sir?” she said, confused.

“Shut up you silly, cunt!” he shouted, “Do you think I’ll make a joke like that. Due to that bitch I’m facing great embarrassment.”

She hung up immediately. Inspector was in terrible mood.

“What happened, ma’am,” Pappu said.

“Inspector says, someone had been murdered, close to our house,”

“I had seen couple of policeman in front of that house,” he said and pointed toward the house.

She felt the wave of shiver once her eyes followed his finger. That was Sudhir’s house, Sudhir who had met her in the market and…

“Are you sure?”

“Yes ma’am, I’m sure.”

“Dear god. I had met the man few days ago,” she said, her voice reflecting terror.

“I think this is dangerous place to live,” he said.

“Just one week, and I will fly back to Delhi. I’m waiting conclusion of police investigation,” she said and then took a long pause, thinking. “…but I think that would also take time now”

“Why,” he said.

“Sub inspector Neelam, working on my case, ran away after killing her boy friend. But whatever, I’ll not stay here more than a week.”

“I’ll always remember you,” he said looking lovingly into her eyes.

“Why?” she said, teasingly, “because of last night?”

“No,” he said.

“Then,” she said, curious.

“Because you are first woman in my life, and I know, no matter how hard I search, I’ll never find woman like you again.”

She blushed at his words and looked away. “I’m hungry. Let’s have some breakfast.”

Neelam was pacing across the room, her heart pounding hard. Two hours time, old man had given to her, was almost coming to an end, but she was still undecided, still not ready to imagine old man upon her, pounding his dick into her womanhood. She was considering other options, but unfortunately she couldn’t find any. Few minutes ago, she had finished the search of whole room, hoping to find something—anything—which she could use as defense when old man came back, but she found nothing at all. This basement seemed to have been designed and kept to hold someone trapped, to keep the victim away from outside world, away from hope—it was hell.

Slowly and slowly, feeling was rising within her wanting her to buy two days of life from old man. It was logical feeling, she guessed, practical even. Police would be searching for her earnestly, and it would find her eventually. But she had to survive by that time, had to keep old man amused with sex. In-between, if she got any opportunity, she would try to kill the bastard.

Then she closed her eyes tightly and pushed these thoughts away, and cursed herself why she was thinking on these lines.

She went to the head of the stair and looked up at the closed door. She knew he could come at any moment, now.

She stretched her arms, rotated her neck, and took a deep breath: she would fight.

After few minutes, door opened and silhouette of old man emerged on the threshold, looking down at her. She could see big knife in his right hand.

“So, what have you decided,” he said looking down at her.

One option was to run up to him and fight, but she feared that he would backtrack and close the door before she could get to him. So, she ruled out this option immediately.

Another option was to wait for him to climb down, let him come until middle of the stairs and then, surprise him with an attack. It looked good. Workable.

“Let’s discuss about it,” she said. “Why don’t you come downstairs?”

“What do you want to discuss about it, it is plain simple I think,” he said.

“Yeah, for you it could be, but not for me,” she said.

“All right, I’m coming,” he said.

He took one step down, then two…and when he was almost in middle she rushed upward, like a wild cat, and took hold of his arm in which he was holding a knife, gave it a strong pull to make him fall on the floor; it worked, and he stumbled down, but she lost her balance too and followed him down. Damn. What now?

“You bitch!” he shouted and got to his feet before she could and kicked hard into her stomach.

She wailed in terrible pain.
He kicked again and again, till she pleaded for mercy. “Please stop,”

He stopped, his breath was heavy.

Neglecting the pain his kicks gave to her, she tried to get up but couldn’t. Blood was oozing out from her nose, and she had the feeling that her stomach had gone.

But still, not willing to give up, she gathered all her strength and stumbled to her feet somehow. But immediately, she got a hard slap on her face and she fell on the floor, on her stomach, her face hitting hard on the hard floor. Her head started spinning. She knew she wouldn’t be able to move, let alone stand up.

She felt his hand on her waist. He was trying to reach string of her slawar. He found it, undid it and then pulled down her slawar along with her panties.

Unbearable anguish welled up within her, when he placed his dick on her unwilling vagina and whispered into her ear, “I know you are half dead. Let me fuck you before you die.”

She opened her mouth with great difficulty and wailed, “p-l-e-a-s-e.” Tears rolled down from her closed eyes when she finished her word.

But he began and began mercilessly, and when he stopped she felt as if she was on the verge of death.

“Let me finish last remaining breath of yours,” he said and put the knife on the back of her neck. She could feel its sharp edge.

Just then, door bell rang. For a moment, it seemed that sound had come from distant memory. It didn’t seem real. But when, the bell rang again and his knife move away from her neck she realized that it was real. It gave her hope.

He moved away from her quickly and next moment she heard him climb the stairs in a hurry.

Meanwhile bell rang again.

With great effort she opened her eyes slowly and looked toward the stairs. It was not possible to see the door from her position. But still, from the light coming from top of the stairs, she could figure that door was open. He had forgotten to close the door.
Pressing the bell for the third time, Dipti wondered why Shinde was taking so long. She wanted to talk to him regarding last night. She had seen him standing in front of his house and she had the feeling that he might know something about the murder of young man in the street.

As she raised her hand to press the bell again, door opened.

“Good morning Shinde ji,” she said.

“Good morning, good morning. I didn’t expect you on the door.”

He looked uncomfortable, his body language suggesting that he didn’t like her presence at his door. She had not seen him behaving like that before. It was okay with her. She too wanted to keep distance from him.

“Shinde ji, a man has been murdered in our street,” Dipti said.

“What are you talking?” he said, looking genuinely surprised.

“You don’t know?” she said.

“No, I don’t know anything about it.”

“I have seen you standing in front of your house last night,” she said looking into his eyes. Strangely, his face paled as she finished the sentence. “I thought you might know about it.”

“Sorry, Dipti, I don’t know anything about it,” he said. “By the way, why are you taking so much interest about it?”

“Police inspector had told me that he was murdered by sub inspector, Neelam. I doubt it, for she didn’t look like a person who could kill someone.”

He considered for a moment what she had said and then spoke, “looks are deceptive my dear,”

Incidentally, her eyes went to his right hand, and she noticed red stains on his fingers. “Is that blood?”

He looked at his hand in a manner which suggested that he had no idea how it got on his fingers. Then he gave her awkward smile and said, “Oh, it’s nothing. Just tomato ketchup. I was eating breakfast, you know.”

“Sorry to disturb—,” she held back her words immediately once she heard a scream. Someone was screaming for help and voice was coming from inside the house.

“Someone is calling for help, who is with you,” she said.

“It’s nothing. My TV is on,” he said, his facial expression tense. “Now, please excuse me, my breakfast is waiting for me.”

“Help me!” voice came again and it shook her to the core. It seemed like scream of helpless person who was in terrible pain. She was sure that it wasn’t from TV. It was real...she could feel it. Immediately, words of Sudhir started to dance in her mind. He had said that Shinde was dangerous man. And then she thought about the red stains on his fingers: it could be blood.

“This sound is not from TV, I know it,” she said sternly.

He grabbed her hand and tried to pull her inside. Instincts told her that she shouldn’t enter into the house at any condition. She resisted with full force and gave her hand strong jerk. Her hand slipped free and she stepped back.

“I’m calling police,” she said.

“It’s nothing, Dipti. I just wanted to show you that sound is coming from TV. Come on,” he said, but she could see that his words didn’t match with the expression of his face. He didn’t mean what he was saying.

Without a word she ran to her home and closing the front door stood leaning against it, her heartbeat was heavy.

Pappu, who was in kitchen doing dishes, came to her immediately and said, “What happened, ma’am? You look tense.”

“Where is my phone?” she demanded.

“It’s in the kitchen,” he said. “You forgot it there.”

She lunged to the kitchen, picked the phone, placed a call to inspector Parshant kumar and told him everything. When she hung up, she found that Pappu was looking curiously at her. Obviously, he was also surprised to hear such thing about old man.

“It’s serious matter,” he said.

“Yes, it is. That’s why I called the police,” she said and drifted to the window, anxious. “That scream is still echoing in my head, it was so painful.”

“I can understand,” he said, “do you want water.”

“No.” at the moment she was worried about the woman. She didn’t know who she was, but still, she could feel her suffering.

After fifteen minutes, police jeep stopped in front of her house, and she saw inspector Parshant climbing out from it.

she rushed to the front door, pulled it open and rushed out with a speed of light, meeting inspector on the walk way. Two constables were also with him.

She guided him to the house of Shinde and knocked on the door. Surprisingly, door creaked open with the pressure of her knock.

As she stepped inside after inspector, she found Shinde sitting in the living room, reading newspaper. He stood up immediately and came to inspector.

“Something wrong inspector?” Shinde said.

“I want to search your house, if you don’t mind,” inspector said.

“Can I know the reason?” Shinde said.

“This lady here has complained that she had heard scream of a woman in your house. Who else stay with you here?” inspector asked.

“I’m alone,” Shinde said.

“Then, who was screaming for help in your house,” inspector said.

“I think this beautiful lady has gone mad or something. I was watching a horror movie and—”

“But you had said that you were having a breakfast,” Dipti interrupted.

“Oh, come on. Can a man can’t watch horror movie while having a breakfast,” Shinde said.

Inspector parshant looked toward the constables and said, “Search the house!”

“Wait Inspector! It is great insult to me. I’m retired colonel you know.”

“So what!” inspector shouted. “Are you above the law.”

Shinde went silent.

Whole house was searched thoroughly, but there was no trace of any woman.

“I think you are mistaken about something,” inspector said. “Probably he was right; sound might have been coming from TV.”

“No, it wasn’t from TV. Please try to understand- A woman is in danger here,” she said.

“Which woman?” he said. “Show me the woman. I’ll help her.”

“Are you out of your mind? It’s your job to find out,” she said.

Inspector came close to her and whispered, “I’m already pissed off with you. Don’t make things complicated here.”

“Sir, I’m not complicating things. I’m just trying to help,” she said.

“I don’t doubt your intention, but sorry without any evidence I can’t do anything.”

“Dipti you are mistaken my dear, I was indeed watching TV when you came,” Shinde interrupted.

Dipti gave a stern look to him, but inside she had helpless feeling. With heavy heart she stepped out from the house after policemen. Scream of help was still flashing in her mind.

Getting into the house, Dipti slammed the door shut, went to the sofa and sat down on it, holding her head in hands.

“What happened ma’am?” Pappu said.

She looked up at him. “Police didn’t find anything.” she told him what happened at old man’s house.

“Then, maybe he’s right. You might have heard sound of TV.”

“NO!” she snapped. “I know what have I heard. It was real. I can still feel it.”

“Then, why police didn’t find anything,” he said.

“I don’t know,” she said and stood up. “I can’t live here now. I’m leaving immediately for Delhi.”

She lunged to her bedroom, pulled open the closets and took out her suitcases; she wouldn’t stay even a single second into this house.

“But you wanted to wait for one week…” Pappu said.

She turned and found Pappu leaning against the wall. He looked sad. Surely, he would have been expecting exciting one week with her. It was natural, since she was also expecting the same. But right now she had the strong feeling that she should move out from here as soon as possible.

“Yeah. But not now…” she said and started putting her things into the suitcase and left which belonged to Ramesh.

It was a while before he spoke. “You don’t want to help that woman?”

She looked at him. “I want to. And I had tried. It’s up to police now to pursue the matter farther.”

Neither of them spoke anything for next ten minutes. He stood still against the wall as she put all her things into suitcases.

After finishing her packing, she called Salim and told him to come immediately. Then she looked at Pappu. There was something in his eyes which made her look closely into them and she found sadness there. And then she thought that maybe he was also sad due to losing the job again. She opened her purse and took out 5000/- rupees. “Here, Take it.”

He grabbed the money and silently put it into his pocket, without counting it. It seemed as if he wanted to say something to her but wasn’t able to say it.

“What’s the matter?” she said.

“Nothing, I just wanted to—” he said, hesitating to complete his sentence.

“You want to fuck me one more time,” she said looking into his eyes and he blushed deeply, “before I get the hell out of here.”

He nodded.

She looked at his crotch. She could trace a subtle movement between his legs. His cock was rising.

She felt a thrilling sensation inside and her cheeks turned pink. “Auto rickshaw is coming. I don’t want to keep him waiting. Moreover I’m still upset due to this incidence.”

“I can understand,” he said, “that’s why I was hesitating.”

She gave him awkward smile. “Take these suitcases outside,” she said.

He nodded, picked up her suitcases and walked out.

Hoping to get connected with Ramesh, she called his number again, but his phone was still switched off.

As she stepped out from bedroom, Pappu was coming toward her.

“Ma’am, you will go to airport or railway station.”

“First I’ll go to railway station,” she said. “If I couldn’t find ticket there then I will go to airport.”

“Can I also come with you?”

“Yeah, You can. But where are you planning to go?”

“My village. Give me five minutes,” he said and rushed upstairs.

Just then Shinde entered through the main door.

“Are you going somewhere?” A voice spoke.

She turned quickly toward the main door and found Shinde there on the threshold.

“What are you doing here?” she said.

“I wanted to clarify to you,” he said and moved forward toward her.

“I don’t want any clarification from you,” she said looking into his eyes.

“You are taking me wrong honey, trust me,” he said and then out of a sudden he came dangerously close, grabbed her arm and put something on her nose. She couldn’t scream. Pressure of his hand on her mouth was very strong. She also tried to push him away but did not succeed. And then, very quickly she passed out.
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