Nayan Radhee
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Update 34 Subhash goes to fill water and talks to Neha
Then one day, in the morning when the garage owner came, he was standing on the road just opposite Neha’s house. Neha, from inside saw him. She kept standing for a while to see what he will do, she was still in her nighty and it had only thin straps over her shoulders and her boobs were very much seen. She felt that the man was wishing to get in their yard but was hesitating. Neha wished to help him thinking that he was may be wishing to come to take water but was hesitating, so she opened a window which faced the road and looked at him, the man did a sign with his head to Neha and Neha did same with a casual smile just to be polite. The moment Neha opened the window, she had to lean with her left hand on one side and with one hand opened the window and while doing so, all her underarms were seen from the road, plus her cleavage too, the white parts of her bare arm and armpit were all to the view of that man. The man felt being invited by Neha.
But when after opening the window Neha disappeared inside the house, that man went inside his garage to carry on with his works. The three other men came and they were working but their eyes were only on Neha’s yard, especially to the part she washed clothes where the tap was situated.
Among those three one who was 27 years old was very keen of Neha and he was the one who looked at her the most with lusty eyes and he desired her that was clear. He talked about her with the other men. Once he talked to the other two saying, “she is a damn hot young woman dear! She is sexy and she lives all alone, she does not have any child or anyone around. She is a very good prey of all of us you see dudes!”
It was then that their boss, the owner heard them talking and added, “Stop talking a lot, do get her first then you talk. Will you be able to conquer her in the first place?” The young man proud of his prowess said yes he will do it. Then the boss told him, “okay then if you succeed let me know I will go too then. She is really superb!” The other workers then laughed.
The fact was that the boss himself longed to get her for his own since the day he heard them talking of her and since that day that he also started looking at Neha.
Now the young man, named Subhash saw Neha coming out to wash clothes and he took his bottle and went in. Neha was bending over the washing stone, was in a skirt and T-shirt in which the form of her beautiful round breasts were so appealing, and Subhash got to see her by the back when he got in. Her ass was looking very well preserved as the skirt was so well collated to her hips and ass, displaying her figure so with exactitude. Subhash’s organ inflated inside his pant and he go to use his hands to put it in not disturbing position. When he almost reached the tap which was near Neha, she turned back to see him coming and she left a smile looking at him, only to show being courteous. And Subhash neared her to fill his bottle; he had brought three in all to fill. And he gathered some guts to talk to her.
He - It’s so nice of you to give us water everyday bhabhi ji.
She – never mind, it’s just nothing.
He- nearing his elbow to her ass, “We feel too thirsty, here, when we will get water there then I am sure we will no longer use this much water! While he spoke that, his elbow touched Neha’s ass to the full. He was delaying to fill the bottles so that he could stay for longer time. Now Neha was washing the clothes and every time had to bend completely down to rinse the soaped cloth in a tub containing water. Each time she did that, her t-shirt moved fast and her arousing boobs could clearly be seen with parts of her black bra and its straps. The white boobs in the black bra, and the motifs on the side of the bra, gave a very sensuous look to her body and any man would get a hard on. Subhash too had a very hard erection and he got to manage it with his hands which Neha found him doing. She just smiled to herself stealing a look at him, and she re-stood up in the washing position on the stone.
Subhash left the place and hurried to the garage to relate the episode to his boss and friends. And from her place Neha was watching him go still holding her laugh, and she laughed loudly when he was gone thinking the poor chap got an erection watching her boobs! She tried to watch the men as she was sure Subhash will go to relate all to his friends, and in fact she found him gathered around them, including the boss and he was explaining with the movements of his hands pointing to his chest and moving down like Neha did when rinsing the clothes.
Neha understood that he went to relate how he got a hard on while watching her that way. There the boss and the other friends were looking at Neha’s direction on hearing the events related by Subhash. The boss told Subhash, “If despite your presence there she bent down to rinse the clothes means she knows it very well that you were watching her breasts and bra. And the way you are saying she smiled after seeing you dressing your dick in your pant means that she understood all and she did not mind that. So my friend you are getting that young lady. Carry on with your flirts with her you will soon be on her bed with her.” On hearing that Subhash emptied the water on the soil and said he is going again there. They encouraged him to go.
Neha also was expecting that he will soon return. And yes he did. Neha asked, “What happened?” he replied, “The bottle fell down and the water got split so I need another fill.” Neha knew all his roles and just smiled and watched him filling the water but intentionally this time she did not bend down but stood up watching him with a mischievous smile on her face. When Subhash found that she was standing he felt disappointed and the bottle was filled already and he looked in her face and asked, “You will not wash bhabhi ji?” Neha gave a grin and said, “I will” And Subhash did not know what to do now as per his plan it was a flop, so he got an idea. He said, “May I sit down a bit, and smoke a cigarette before I leave bhabhi ji?” she told him, he can. So appreciating her hospitality he placed himself in front of her and sat on the floor over his legs and lit a cigarette and started watching her with a grin, and Neha continued washing and had a chat.
She asked, “Where do you live?” He replied, “In the city 50 kms from here.” Neha then asked, “Are you married?” And he had a smile and replied, “Oh no, my girlfriend betrayed me and eloped with another older man!” Neha Laughed and looking in his face said, “Oh my God, why did she prefer an older man than you? You had surely not been fair to her!” This encouraged Subhash to talk more intimately to her as he found her laughing like an old friend with him, he said, “I don’t understand, why she did that, tell me bhabhi, being a girl, would you prefer an older man than a young, handsome man like me?” Neha then bent down to rinse with a pleasant smile, to let her cleavage be visible to him, and replied, “Well it depends! If the old man is gentle and caring plus affectionate so it can be!”
Subhash, was excited on hearing her answer and thought she may be a lover of old men too.... and he stared at her soft boobs hanging in her t-shirt as if they will soon get out of the bra.....
To be continued........
Update 35 Subhasah Flirting With Neha
Subhash was excited on hearing her answer and thought she may be a lover of old men too.... and he stared at her soft boobs hanging in her t-shirt as if they will soon get out of the bra.....
And Subhash was erect again and still staring inside her T-shirt he asked, “And you bhabhi, have you been married for long?” She redressed her waist by standing to transfer the rinsed clothe to another tub and replied, “It’s the ninth month that I am married here, why did you ask?” Subhash answered, “Oh, just like this. So you live only with your husband here?” Neha by then was rubbing another cloth over the stone and by that movement, Subhash watched her boobs moving to and fro inside her T-shirt and he wished if only he could see those breasts dangling without a bra and he could have a watch.
His cigarette finished, he neared her to rinse his hands under the running tap, and his body rubbed against her while he intentionally stood to the same position to feel her and talked, “You did not tell me bhabhi, only you two live here?” She tried to move a bit away from his body touch, but could not as there was no space and she answered him, “No my father-in-law and a brother-in-law too live together.” And Subhash dared to ask her, “Can I dry my hands on your skirt bhabhi please?” Neha did not reply this but only looked at him, and he rubbed his hands on her thighs as if drying them, and he felt her thighs, and he quietly moved his hands a bit inner towards her softer intimate parts and caressed it. To that Neha moved and said, “It’s dried already now!” And Subhash plucked the courage to say, “Bhabhi you are a very beautiful woman, I feel attracted to you. Please allow me to give you a little kiss.”
Neha was not that surprised when he said that as she was very well understanding what he was up to, but she pretended to be astonished and stood straight and said, “You have guts you, young man! We do not even know each other and you ask to give me a kiss?” By then Subhash was very close to her and took her hand delicately in his and moved his face very close to her cheeks and was about to kiss her cheeks when Neha moved to look back at the garage direction if the other persons were watching, and Subhash missed the cheek. And Neha pulled her hands from his saying, “Your friends must be looking for you there, you go now.” But Subhash at that time placed his hands on both sides of her thighs and was nearing his face to her neck, sniffing her hair and said, “You smell so good bhabhi, please let me kiss your soft cheeks for once only.” Neha, with her hands, pushed back her hair which was coming to her face as she was bending over the washing stone, by that time Subhash’s hands had moved up to almost her breast, in a caressing way, and Neha shivered and said, “Okay only one kiss and you go away.” Subhash then very softly put his lips to her cheek, meanwhile, his hand's fingers touched her boobs over the T-shirt, and he kissed the cheek, and pressed the boobs hard which made Neha say,” Ouch, you naughty! Go away now. Happy??” And Subhash proud on his success bit his lips with a large smile looking in her face, brushed his hands on her ass and started moving his steps to leave saying “ Very happy bhabhi, thank you for the sweet kiss, but it would have been even better if you kissed me back!” Neha replied, naughtily “No, I do not kiss naughty persons like you who do not listen, and who touches a woman everywhere on her body like this!” And on this Subhash like a spoiled child, put his hand fully over her breasts and squeezed them before running away from there, turning back to look at her with a mischievous smile. When he did that Neha threw her hand to hit him, but she missed and he, jerked away and which made Neha blush and laugh. Neha found in him all the naughtiness of Pravind. He was behaving exactly like him. And she continued thinking of Pravind and comparing this Subhash to the other ways of approach to a woman.
Back in the garage, Subhash was encircled by the others including the boss and he was relating his exploits. Neha from her washing stone looked there once or twice and saw him being encircled and she knew he must be telling them how he is a successful gallant! But then Neha thought, then the other men also will want to try her the same way?! Then she thought he will not give all the details to the others....
After about half an hour Neha started to hang the washed clothes on the strings in the yard and from there she was closer to the garage and they were looking at each other every now and then and Subhash was signalling her with his hands and fingers in gallant ways, and Neha was only smiling at him. When she was bending to pick the clothes from the tub which was on the soil, all the four men were staring at her boobs in the black bra and the straps..... Neha carelessly continued the job, still looking at the garage’s side and she found all 4 men watching at her, but she did not care.......
To be continued............................
Awesome marvellous hit exciting update