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Incest The Innocent Wife Vishal Aditi - starts by adultery, turns to incest later (COMPLETED)


Dimaagh ka garam, Dil ka naram
Update 50 - Om Visits Aditi

Check update 39 you will know how Vishal had already talked to Om that he would make her get his wife on the bed! And this planning had been going on for days between Vishal and Om. And this day was decided to execute that. Vishal, in fact, had ended his job at the same hour and Om had to meet him in a restaurant where during a drink they would prepare for the rest of the actions to take place. Om had day duty so was free and they met for a couple of drinks and planning which had already been made yet they had to talk of it a bit more.

The plan was simple, Om would go to knock at her door she would open and he would get in and try to get her despite her refusal since she knows that he has been longing for her, And Vishal would like last time go through the balcony terrace where he had intentionally let an impost open from where he could get either on the terrace or even inside his apartment.

During their talks, OM was going on repeating, “But Sir ji what if she will push me, what if she will not accept at all! How can you be sure that she will let me! I am a little bit afraid thinking of that, and everything may be spoiled if I do not succeed!”

Vishal replied him in a cool manner; “Look Om. She is my wife and no one knows her better than me. I know her as I know myself. Well she may, in the beginning, push you, she will no doubt be a bit reluctant in the start, but I know the longer moment that you will spend with her she will finally let you! Just do all that I have asked you to do... say the words I have asked you to say...compliment her body, her sensuality..... You told me once you were watching her thighs from your kiosk and she was intentionally lifting up her legs to let you watch her panties, isn’t it? So now it’s time that you touch that panty.... It’s time that you smell and taste her so what are you waiting for my dear hmm go ahead! Get her my friend!”

And Om getting under the intoxication of the alcoholic drinks started getting somewhat drunk and started thinking of all the moments he had approached Aditi and the words he has spoken to her during his flirts! He thought how really Aditi had obeyed him to lift up her legs so that he could watch in between her thighs and her panty.... he imagined her fleshy thighs, her beautiful desirous waist, her lovely boobs...her killing beauty, her attractive body smell...Om knew almost all about her and he desired her so much that he was not believing that it was really going to happen now!!

And by 7.30 PM they reached the apartment gate where Om got out to check either Aditi was not on the terrace as she must not be aware that Vishal’s car is getting in. Since the way was clear he told Vishal to get in the underground parking and told his friend who was on night duty watchman that he was going to fuck a gorgeous lady tonight! That friend got mouthwatering and pleaded him to tell him her name so that he too will fuck her when he would get the chance... but Om told him that’s top secret..... But yet later it could be that he also would get a chance with her...... Om did not discourage his friend and went to join Vishal in the underground parking.

As per plan, Om went to knock at Aditi’s door and from the same corridor, Vishal walked to the terrace from outside and before getting out he peeped to see Aditi opening the door for Om.

After the third knock, Aditi came to open the door and looked quite amazed to see Om standing! She was in a lovely sexy, attractive dress! Vishal was watching her from behind the terrace door which lead to the outer part of the building but from where Vishal can get to his own terrace then. This is how our dear Aditi was dressed at that moment which turned Om’s eyes.....

Her cleavage, her bra’s strap, her hair flung open...Om kept looking at her inviting body for a while without saying any words.... Vishal on his part watched and found how Om was devouring Aditi’s body.... he saw in which dress Aditi was and that was almost a nightdress in which she used to please Vishal as he loved to see her in that...... Now since Om was not replying and looking at her cleavage she looked in his eyes and looking at the ceiling in a sigh said, “What on earth are you doing here at this time go away!” But immediately Om gave her a little push to succeed to get into the apartment... Vishal had told him to do so if in case she refuses to let him in..... Aditi closed the door when Om was already inside and she followed him in the lounge where Om already took a seat on the couch.

She sat opposite him and looking weirdly in his face she asked, “You are drunk, isn’t it? I can smell that! Now tell me why did you come at this hour? Are you mad? My husband may be here anytime now!”

Om was smiling and with a grin said, “I know he is not here tonight that’s why I came I can no longer wait to have some good time with you Aditi ma'am!”

Aditi bit her lips and asked, “How do you know that he is not here? Tell me!”

Om: “Its simple mam his car is not in the parking, I verified before coming in hehehe!!...... Aditi maam you are looking gorgeous, just like I wished to see you woooow you are so hot I can no longer resist oh my God!!” Om did not delay to ask her straight away; “Let’s not lose time Aditi mam, let’s go to your bedroom.... Aditi followed him laughing to her bedroom and these were the way she sat or posed on her bed and Om watched her with a hard-on while Vishal was already on his terrace watching them.......

Both men inside and outside the house were going mad.......

To be continued.................


Dimaagh ka garam, Dil ka naram
Update 51 - Aditi in her bedroom with Om, Vishal watching....

From the terrace, Vishal was too excited and eager to watch and was expecting to realise part of his dreams by watching his Aditi being fucked by Om. He was only willing to watch Aditi’s expressions and the way she would behave while Om will be in contact with her hot body..... He wanted to know and see either she will have the same reactions which she normally has when having intercourse with him or she will be hotter or more demanding and happy or what!... He knew her smiles, her way of approach during sex, he knew how she seduced and which parts of a man’s body she likes, so he wanted to see either she will appreciate same parts of Om’s body and will have the same approach to him also or she will be different..... He had watched him partly with Anand but not as he had expected... but here he was the master and like a movie director he felt Om will proceed in all the ways he had instructed him so he eagerly waited and watched from the terrace.

Aditi was giggling looking at Om but questioned him teasingly; “Tell me why did you drink before coming here? And your friend who is working night shift, what did you tell him? Hope you did not mention my name to him, I will kill you!”

Om was still standing in her room while she was changing position at times sitting, then lying and then again changing position in front of Om as if she was posing to display her thighs, cleavage to him...The fact was that she was not attracting him but she was trying to sit in a position that her intimate parts would not be visible, but the dress she was wearing betrayed her! Om was watching, admiring her sensuous body, her beautiful fleshy thighs which looked so attractive and desirous in the black dress she was wearing, Om felt like grabbing her sexy thighs in a sudden and start eating it...yet according to what Vishal had told him he could not do that, Vishal had asked him to follow all that he has taught him step by step.....

So he said, “Aditi mam, I will call you Aditi okay, it sounds better than adding ‘ma'am’ to it, yes so I was saying, you remember how the first time I started watching you every time that you came on the terrace to wait for your husband? Remember how I had asked you to lift up your leg so that I could see you lovely thighs? Then itself I had thought to come here in your bedroom when your husband will not be here...I was waiting with great eagerness for this moment my dear!!”
Aditi: “Oh really? And what makes you believe that I will please you?”

Om: “Come on Aditi, if you did not have to please me you would not have lifted your leg to let me watch your inner thighs, you would not be keen to show yourself to me now and then, now please don’t play smart I know that you like it so let’s not lose time and get to business!”

Aditi with a smile looking on the bed said, “What business? I have no business dealings with you Om!” By then Om was sitting over the bed close to her and lifted his hand to pat her bare thighs while seeing him doing that action Aditi moved her leg back by sliding farther on the bed!

Vishal looked for an appropriate time to slowly get into the apartment from the door which leads to the terrace and since he knew that Aditi never closed her bedroom door as they two only lived in the apartment, he took a position behind a flower pot from where he could clearly see into his bedroom and even hear their talks. He had already prepared for all that days earlier. He had already positioned that flower pot and tested either from there he could see his whole bed.... and it was positive. Now both he and his wife were the energy saver type people and Vishal had moulded her in his ways that each time that she went do kitchen works she used to switch off the lounge lights, and when she went to her bedroom to rest she switched off the kitchen and lounge lights. So she had done the same when she got in her room, she had switched off the lounge lights so Vishal was standing in the dark side behind the flower pot, thus he could never be seen from the bedroom!

As guided by Vishal, Om approached Aditi over the bed in a flirtatious way with a naughty smile saying words taught by Vishal to be told to his sensuous wife.

Om: “I have never gone with any girl till now, in short, I am a virgin you are my first discovery Aditi you like that?”

Aditi looked in his face with mixed feelings of shock and sadness saying, “Oh really? You have never approached a girl? Is that true or are you kidding me? I thought you must be a great gallant having slept with lots of women!”

Om: “Nah ma'am, I have not been that lucky where girls are concerned, each time that I tried to go close to anyone I have been unsuccessful..... But I dearly hope that you will not let me down, will you? Hmm?” And he gave a very sad look at Aditi looking deep in her eyes..... All that was taught by Vishal to him!!

Aditi naturally felt very sad for him and wished to please him yet she was feeling reluctant as well she did not know why! And she spoke, “Hmm so you are a virgin...you do not know anything about a woman hmm? Then how will you come to me? Hmm?”

Om “That will come naturally Aditi I am a man anyhow so I believe all that happens naturally my instinct will make me do what should be done....”

Aditi: “Hmm so you masturbate a lot do you?”

Om felt shy and bent his head like a little boy caught by a teacher in a classroom! Aditi felt victorious and liked that she will be dominating all now. She asked, “Whom do you think when you shag? Film heroines? Hmm? What're your fantasies tell me, tell me I am eager to know....” Aditi clutched both her thighs together tightly as if she was getting goosebumps!

Om tried to touch her upper thighs and his head still bent he murmured, “When I was a teenager I was thinking of movie actresses but since I have seen you, you are the only person of whom I think when I do that!”

Despite her, Aditi blushed but replied with confidence in her voice, “Oh I am flattered my dear, I don’t know how many others think of me and my body while masturbating; really you think of me? Come on, explain to me, how was the first time you shagged thinking of me, explain me in details.....”

This was not according to Vishal’s plan; he had not expected that Aditi will say such things to him..... However, he had told Om if ever Aditi asks things he is not prepared for, to use his brain and reply wisely to please her.....

As Aditi was waiting for Om’s answer looking in his face Om said, “Well the first time I thought of you to masturbate was the very first time I saw you coming to this apartment. You came here with your husband to check in the building and the environment and had talked to me asking either people are nice here. You were in a yellow sari and I was looking at your beautiful waist, your cleavage was partly visible and when you were talking to me I was watching the movements of your breasts to your breathing rhythm...... when you had left that day I had been to the bathroom to shag thinking of you and I prayed that you come to start living here! The next few days I masturbated visualising of you in that yellow sari..... Then when you came to get settled here my joy had no bounds... you were the first lady to get me an erection in this building, no other woman ever impressed me sexually like you did..... and so I started looking on you, watched on you and the day I asked you by signals to lift up your leg when you were on the terrace I shagged a lot that day after seeing your inner thighs and believe me I had seen your white panty on that day.....!!!”

Aditi looked amused listening to him and biting her lips with a naughty smile she asked, “From that distance, you were able to see my panty? Don’t tell me, at this moment I do not even remember which one I had worn on that particular day! Okay now tell me which part of my body attracts you the most, I mean which part you like the most in me, which part you love to watch the most?”

Om answered without any hesitation by placing his palm on her fleshy thighs, “this is the part I love the most, this is what kills me...whenever you are in a skirt I keep looking at this.... I just want to eat them, apart from this you are attractive bit by bit... I love your smile and your voice... your way of talking, your sweet approach...hence everything in you is special which turn any man on!!”

Vishal was listening and watching all with a hard on placing his hand on his dick.... he thought, ‘This Om is more than I expected him to be!! I never told him to say all that yet he manages so well! That could be the liquor effect hehehe!!”

And Om now could not hold any longer he tried to pull his hand upper under the short dress Aditi had worn, check on the pics of last update, and Om gradually placed his lips on her thighs and started kissing them while Aditi could not push him but stretched her body over the bed letting Om proceed, while Vishal shivered with pleasure looking at them.....

To be continued...................


Active Member
Update 50 - Om Visits Aditi

Check update 39 you will know how Vishal had already talked to Om that he would make her get his wife on the bed! And this planning had been going on for days between Vishal and Om. And this day was decided to execute that. Vishal, in fact, had ended his job at the same hour and Om had to meet him in a restaurant where during a drink they would prepare for the rest of the actions to take place. Om had day duty so was free and they met for a couple of drinks and planning which had already been made yet they had to talk of it a bit more.

The plan was simple, Om would go to knock at her door she would open and he would get in and try to get her despite her refusal since she knows that he has been longing for her, And Vishal would like last time go through the balcony terrace where he had intentionally let an impost open from where he could get either on the terrace or even inside his apartment.

During their talks, OM was going on repeating, “But Sir ji what if she will push me, what if she will not accept at all! How can you be sure that she will let me! I am a little bit afraid thinking of that, and everything may be spoiled if I do not succeed!”

Vishal replied him in a cool manner; “Look Om. She is my wife and no one knows her better than me. I know her as I know myself. Well she may, in the beginning, push you, she will no doubt be a bit reluctant in the start, but I know the longer moment that you will spend with her she will finally let you! Just do all that I have asked you to do... say the words I have asked you to say...compliment her body, her sensuality..... You told me once you were watching her thighs from your kiosk and she was intentionally lifting up her legs to let you watch her panties, isn’t it? So now it’s time that you touch that panty.... It’s time that you smell and taste her so what are you waiting for my dear hmm go ahead! Get her my friend!”

And Om getting under the intoxication of the alcoholic drinks started getting somewhat drunk and started thinking of all the moments he had approached Aditi and the words he has spoken to her during his flirts! He thought how really Aditi had obeyed him to lift up her legs so that he could watch in between her thighs and her panty.... he imagined her fleshy thighs, her beautiful desirous waist, her lovely boobs...her killing beauty, her attractive body smell...Om knew almost all about her and he desired her so much that he was not believing that it was really going to happen now!!

And by 7.30 PM they reached the apartment gate where Om got out to check either Aditi was not on the terrace as she must not be aware that Vishal’s car is getting in. Since the way was clear he told Vishal to get in the underground parking and told his friend who was on night duty watchman that he was going to fuck a gorgeous lady tonight! That friend got mouthwatering and pleaded him to tell him her name so that he too will fuck her when he would get the chance... but Om told him that’s top secret..... But yet later it could be that he also would get a chance with her...... Om did not discourage his friend and went to join Vishal in the underground parking.

As per plan, Om went to knock at Aditi’s door and from the same corridor, Vishal walked to the terrace from outside and before getting out he peeped to see Aditi opening the door for Om.

After the third knock, Aditi came to open the door and looked quite amazed to see Om standing! She was in a lovely sexy, attractive dress! Vishal was watching her from behind the terrace door which lead to the outer part of the building but from where Vishal can get to his own terrace then. This is how our dear Aditi was dressed at that moment which turned Om’s eyes.....

Her cleavage, her bra’s strap, her hair flung open...Om kept looking at her inviting body for a while without saying any words.... Vishal on his part watched and found how Om was devouring Aditi’s body.... he saw in which dress Aditi was and that was almost a nightdress in which she used to please Vishal as he loved to see her in that...... Now since Om was not replying and looking at her cleavage she looked in his eyes and looking at the ceiling in a sigh said, “What on earth are you doing here at this time go away!” But immediately Om gave her a little push to succeed to get into the apartment... Vishal had told him to do so if in case she refuses to let him in..... Aditi closed the door when Om was already inside and she followed him in the lounge where Om already took a seat on the couch.

She sat opposite him and looking weirdly in his face she asked, “You are drunk, isn’t it? I can smell that! Now tell me why did you come at this hour? Are you mad? My husband may be here anytime now!”

Om was smiling and with a grin said, “I know he is not here tonight that’s why I came I can no longer wait to have some good time with you Aditi ma'am!”

Aditi bit her lips and asked, “How do you know that he is not here? Tell me!”

Om: “Its simple mam his car is not in the parking, I verified before coming in hehehe!!...... Aditi maam you are looking gorgeous, just like I wished to see you woooow you are so hot I can no longer resist oh my God!!” Om did not delay to ask her straight away; “Let’s not lose time Aditi mam, let’s go to your bedroom.... Aditi followed him laughing to her bedroom and these were the way she sat or posed on her bed and Om watched her with a hard-on while Vishal was already on his terrace watching them.......

Both men inside and outside the house were going mad.......

To be continued.................
very nice


Active Member
Update 51 - Aditi in her bedroom with Om, Vishal watching....

From the terrace, Vishal was too excited and eager to watch and was expecting to realise part of his dreams by watching his Aditi being fucked by Om. He was only willing to watch Aditi’s expressions and the way she would behave while Om will be in contact with her hot body..... He wanted to know and see either she will have the same reactions which she normally has when having intercourse with him or she will be hotter or more demanding and happy or what!... He knew her smiles, her way of approach during sex, he knew how she seduced and which parts of a man’s body she likes, so he wanted to see either she will appreciate same parts of Om’s body and will have the same approach to him also or she will be different..... He had watched him partly with Anand but not as he had expected... but here he was the master and like a movie director he felt Om will proceed in all the ways he had instructed him so he eagerly waited and watched from the terrace.

Aditi was giggling looking at Om but questioned him teasingly; “Tell me why did you drink before coming here? And your friend who is working night shift, what did you tell him? Hope you did not mention my name to him, I will kill you!”

Om was still standing in her room while she was changing position at times sitting, then lying and then again changing position in front of Om as if she was posing to display her thighs, cleavage to him...The fact was that she was not attracting him but she was trying to sit in a position that her intimate parts would not be visible, but the dress she was wearing betrayed her! Om was watching, admiring her sensuous body, her beautiful fleshy thighs which looked so attractive and desirous in the black dress she was wearing, Om felt like grabbing her sexy thighs in a sudden and start eating it...yet according to what Vishal had told him he could not do that, Vishal had asked him to follow all that he has taught him step by step.....

So he said, “Aditi mam, I will call you Aditi okay, it sounds better than adding ‘ma'am’ to it, yes so I was saying, you remember how the first time I started watching you every time that you came on the terrace to wait for your husband? Remember how I had asked you to lift up your leg so that I could see you lovely thighs? Then itself I had thought to come here in your bedroom when your husband will not be here...I was waiting with great eagerness for this moment my dear!!”
Aditi: “Oh really? And what makes you believe that I will please you?”

Om: “Come on Aditi, if you did not have to please me you would not have lifted your leg to let me watch your inner thighs, you would not be keen to show yourself to me now and then, now please don’t play smart I know that you like it so let’s not lose time and get to business!”

Aditi with a smile looking on the bed said, “What business? I have no business dealings with you Om!” By then Om was sitting over the bed close to her and lifted his hand to pat her bare thighs while seeing him doing that action Aditi moved her leg back by sliding farther on the bed!

Vishal looked for an appropriate time to slowly get into the apartment from the door which leads to the terrace and since he knew that Aditi never closed her bedroom door as they two only lived in the apartment, he took a position behind a flower pot from where he could clearly see into his bedroom and even hear their talks. He had already prepared for all that days earlier. He had already positioned that flower pot and tested either from there he could see his whole bed.... and it was positive. Now both he and his wife were the energy saver type people and Vishal had moulded her in his ways that each time that she went do kitchen works she used to switch off the lounge lights, and when she went to her bedroom to rest she switched off the kitchen and lounge lights. So she had done the same when she got in her room, she had switched off the lounge lights so Vishal was standing in the dark side behind the flower pot, thus he could never be seen from the bedroom!

As guided by Vishal, Om approached Aditi over the bed in a flirtatious way with a naughty smile saying words taught by Vishal to be told to his sensuous wife.

Om: “I have never gone with any girl till now, in short, I am a virgin you are my first discovery Aditi you like that?”

Aditi looked in his face with mixed feelings of shock and sadness saying, “Oh really? You have never approached a girl? Is that true or are you kidding me? I thought you must be a great gallant having slept with lots of women!”

Om: “Nah ma'am, I have not been that lucky where girls are concerned, each time that I tried to go close to anyone I have been unsuccessful..... But I dearly hope that you will not let me down, will you? Hmm?” And he gave a very sad look at Aditi looking deep in her eyes..... All that was taught by Vishal to him!!

Aditi naturally felt very sad for him and wished to please him yet she was feeling reluctant as well she did not know why! And she spoke, “Hmm so you are a virgin...you do not know anything about a woman hmm? Then how will you come to me? Hmm?”

Om “That will come naturally Aditi I am a man anyhow so I believe all that happens naturally my instinct will make me do what should be done....”

Aditi: “Hmm so you masturbate a lot do you?”

Om felt shy and bent his head like a little boy caught by a teacher in a classroom! Aditi felt victorious and liked that she will be dominating all now. She asked, “Whom do you think when you shag? Film heroines? Hmm? What're your fantasies tell me, tell me I am eager to know....” Aditi clutched both her thighs together tightly as if she was getting goosebumps!

Om tried to touch her upper thighs and his head still bent he murmured, “When I was a teenager I was thinking of movie actresses but since I have seen you, you are the only person of whom I think when I do that!”

Despite her, Aditi blushed but replied with confidence in her voice, “Oh I am flattered my dear, I don’t know how many others think of me and my body while masturbating; really you think of me? Come on, explain to me, how was the first time you shagged thinking of me, explain me in details.....”

This was not according to Vishal’s plan; he had not expected that Aditi will say such things to him..... However, he had told Om if ever Aditi asks things he is not prepared for, to use his brain and reply wisely to please her.....

As Aditi was waiting for Om’s answer looking in his face Om said, “Well the first time I thought of you to masturbate was the very first time I saw you coming to this apartment. You came here with your husband to check in the building and the environment and had talked to me asking either people are nice here. You were in a yellow sari and I was looking at your beautiful waist, your cleavage was partly visible and when you were talking to me I was watching the movements of your breasts to your breathing rhythm...... when you had left that day I had been to the bathroom to shag thinking of you and I prayed that you come to start living here! The next few days I masturbated visualising of you in that yellow sari..... Then when you came to get settled here my joy had no bounds... you were the first lady to get me an erection in this building, no other woman ever impressed me sexually like you did..... and so I started looking on you, watched on you and the day I asked you by signals to lift up your leg when you were on the terrace I shagged a lot that day after seeing your inner thighs and believe me I had seen your white panty on that day.....!!!”

Aditi looked amused listening to him and biting her lips with a naughty smile she asked, “From that distance, you were able to see my panty? Don’t tell me, at this moment I do not even remember which one I had worn on that particular day! Okay now tell me which part of my body attracts you the most, I mean which part you like the most in me, which part you love to watch the most?”

Om answered without any hesitation by placing his palm on her fleshy thighs, “this is the part I love the most, this is what kills me...whenever you are in a skirt I keep looking at this.... I just want to eat them, apart from this you are attractive bit by bit... I love your smile and your voice... your way of talking, your sweet approach...hence everything in you is special which turn any man on!!”

Vishal was listening and watching all with a hard on placing his hand on his dick.... he thought, ‘This Om is more than I expected him to be!! I never told him to say all that yet he manages so well! That could be the liquor effect hehehe!!”

And Om now could not hold any longer he tried to pull his hand upper under the short dress Aditi had worn, check on the pics of last update, and Om gradually placed his lips on her thighs and started kissing them while Aditi could not push him but stretched her body over the bed letting Om proceed, while Vishal shivered with pleasure looking at them.....

To be continued...................
very hot
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Dimaagh ka garam, Dil ka naram
Update 52 - Aditi & Om having a great time

Om could no longer resist, how could he resist a young and beautiful, hot, sexy lady on the bed like this in front of him?
Om’s eyes were on her thighs where his hands continued moving upper and upper slowly appreciating the soft, delicate, smooth beautiful skin Aditi was the owner of..... Now she was in front of his eyes for the last minutes displaying several poses on the bed which Om witnessed and adored like such way of sitting, lying, resting during the conversation:

At times Om was watching her inner thighs, then her shoulder and bra straps, then her cleavage but was mostly attracted by her thighs since they were so openly in front of his eyes...and Aditi was not hiding them at all but rather was sitting in such poses that Om could at times see in between her thighs and he found her white panty several times..... At that moment Aditi was very much aware what Om was looking at yet she did not bother and let his eyes denude her to his heart content!

Her skin was so beautiful and clean that anybody would wish to lick, suck and place dark red marks on them. Aditi’s naughtiness played a positive and encouraging approach in Om’s approach thus his hand went deeper and deeper under her dress moving it up till Om’s fingers touched her panty right over her pussy when Om felt the soft fleshy part under his finger which made him precum. Om swallowed his saliva and looking into Aditi’s eyes who by that time was already lying flat over her back looking up at the ceiling with her eyes turning like drowsy and she was taking deep breaths which made her cleavage move up and down to Om’s eyes pleasure......

Vishal on his part was watching, observing his wife’s reactions and behaviour with keen interest. This is what he wanted to check on. He was pleased and thrilled to see how Aditi was giving herself to Om and lying quietly over the bed. What must be going in Aditi’s mind at that precise moment thought Vishal? Was she visualising the role plays they used to execute almost every night? Was she feeling being with any man with whom she did role plays? Was she thinking of Vishal or was she engrossed with only Om by her side on the bed? These questioned drummed in Vishal’s mind.

Om felt his dream getting realised at that moment and felt he was dreaming...was he really in company of Aditi or was he only visualising her like he used to do when masturbating fancying about her?

The moment his fingers touched her pussy over her panty she quivered and took the bedsheet in both her fists pulling them a bit and glanced at Om with a vicious smile with her tongue between her teeth..... Om looked at her as well then brushed his lips over her white thighs moving upwards..... Aditi lifted one leg up which made her panty all clearly seen to Om who immediately looked up at her thinking either she did that to give him way or she was getting in ecstasy! He felt more encouraged and continued better. He then took out his tongue to start licking her thighs moving it upwards slowly but surely.

In a murmur, Aditi whispered, “Hmmm, pleeeeeaaaase, go on Om...... but I am afraid if Vishal comes earlier than he is supposed to!”

His mouth then reaching his underwear Om replied in a groan, “Don't worry he will not be back now...we have all our time sexy lady....” And he licked her panty which was already wet down there... Yes, Aditi was dripping already by his touch!

From where Vishal was watching he could very clearly see his wife’s wet panty, and Om as been told moved his head by the side to let Vishal get a better view as well. Om was at times trying to check either Vishal was watching or not but he could not see him yet he was sure Vishal was hearing and watching him doing his hot wife.

Om sucked Aditi’s panty taking the juiced from it which made Aditi moan and whimper over the bed with sighs and deep breaths. Soon Aditi clutched Om’s head in between both her thighs...Om’s head was like imprisoned between both fleshy thighs of Aditi.... by then Om moved one of his hands up over her boos, still, over the dress and he pressed them as hard as he could to make Aditi moan more and more...... Om gradually started moving down her underwear with his teeth.... Aditi then understood that she must give way and undid her thighs from Om’s neck to let him slide her panty up to her mid thighs.... The panty was then just a little bit above her knees while Om’s mouth was licking her clits which were all wet with her juices and she was going on moaning with hisses and shivers......

Her dress was all moved up to her waist....her hips were at the mercy of Om and Aditi had parted both her legs wide apart, throwing her panty on the floor to ease Om’s task. Since Om’s one hand was over her boobs Aditi took his hand pulling it near her mouth and started licking his fingers during the action. Down there mixed with Om’s saliva and Aditi’s pussy juices it was being made a cocktail. And up Aditi had wetted all her neck sucking and slobbering during the sucking of his fingers...... she was on fire Om understood that....

Vishal on seeing Aditi in that state, seeing her pussy being eaten by Om, and watching her wife letting Om doing all that to him could not resists and was holding his cock in his hand shaking it.....

Gradually Om had reached Aditi’s breasts after moving little by little from her pussy up to her belly, licking and kissing her navel, letting red marks all over..... Her dress was out already and Om’s dress was on the floor as well by then..... Both were all naked over the bed in each other's arms; her nude breasts clutched to his chest, their mouth was exploring each other passionately. Sometimes he was over Aditi and now and then Aditi was over him, they were rolling over the bed making it in a bad condition..... But the kiss was too passionate and demanding.... both their mouths were full of each other's nectar savouring one another’s taste. Their breath was chocked by the too long kiss; the nostril was as though not enough to breathe and they gasped for air in a sudden...... At that moment Aditi was over him, her hair all covering his face, she jerked her head to get her hair behind her neck and biting her lips she looked in his eyes mischievously, and smiled, took a deep breath and asked,

“So Om the watchman finally got me nude on my bed hmm? You must be very proud and happy of yourself isn’t it?” Her nude body was at that moment over him and his hard cock was crushed just under her pussy while Om was trying to get it rubbed..... his arms were around her, with his fingers running over her nude back while Aditi’s arms were around his neck with her over him.... it was like black and white, the way their body colour contrasted. Om was not that fair coloured whereas Aditi was like a white person; she had fair skin like the whites.... Om replied her with joy,

“I knew one day I will be doing this to you... I was sure of it.... I had told myself that since I know you I will lose my virginity with you only..... He was panting when he talked, Aditi did the same. And she talked panting,
“Hmm so let me check on your virgin dick now it’s my pleasure to taste a virgin cock honey hmmm, let me move down there......”

On hearing that Vishal was not shocked at all as he knew how far she is demanding during intercourse..... But he had never thought she will be the same with a stranger.....

Aditi reached Om’s lower part while he stood lying flat on his back..... He felt a shiver in his spine when Aditi’s fingers touched his organ..... It was erect looking up at the ceiling..... Aditi caressed it delicately, looked up in his face to find both his eyes closed in ecstasy.... she lightly kissed his dick holding it delicately in her soft hand and she slowly took out her tongue and like a snake hiss she lightly passed the tip of her tongue over the tip of his cock to get the salty taste of his precum..... She lifted up her eyes again to look at him and found him still with closed eyes deeply enjoying her tongue over his cock’s tip...... like in blindness Om tried to feel Aditi’s hand with his eyes still closed..... He took her hand into his clutching all her fingers into his feeling the pleasure when she was licking the tip of his dick.... Aditi let one of her hands to be crushed in his and she slowly opened her mouth to let his cock slide in..... As soon as he felt his dick in her mouth he whimpered with all his body stretched and he made his waist move up with Aditi’s head over it when he pressed on his toes lifting up his hip with the action of pleasure...... Aditi understood that she was really the first female taking his cock in her mouth... she sucked him delicately giving him all the pleasure she could...And personally Aditi felt very happy and proud to get a young virgin cock to be sucked.....she adored it, looked at it with joy and was like appreciating his dick bit by bit...... with one hand she started doing up and down movements just like when one masturbates and with her mouth she was going on sucking him moving her head up and down...... she made sure to press her moth the maximum possible to make him feel tight......, her fingers caressed his ball and once or twice she licked and caressed the ball as well.... she took one testicle in her mouth once which made Om moan...... she continued sucking vigorously and quicker when suddenly Om shouted,

“Stop stop I will come now...I will ejaculate aaaaaaggggggghhhhhhh oooooohhhhhhhh”!!!! Aditi did not stop...... his dick was still in her mouth, she got it imprisoned inside and Om shouted with moans and pleasure....... Om opened his eyes looked in her face, their eyes crossed each other and he understood Aditi’s looks meant he may come inside her mouth..... And he pissed his cum in her mouth when Aditi slowly continued to stroke his hard cock......

Om felt guilty and looking in her face said, “I am sorry mam, it’s my first time and I could not hold it, it was just fantastic..... I could not manage to hold it....”

Aditi then waited for his last drop and let his dick out of her mouth, and spat all his cum in both her hands showing him how much he had cummed!!! She took a piece of tissue paper to get rid of the sticky stuff and Om approached her mouth and took her tongue to be sucked and felt his own salty sperm in her mouth..... They got lost again in a passionate kiss both their body stuck to each other.....

When they broke off from the kiss he said, “Don’t worry I will do it after a few minutes, I have to penetrate you inside, and I want to see you orgasming as well....”

Vishal was almost going to cum masturbating watching his wife taking another man’s cum in her mouth..... He told himself, ‘she has never done that to me, never has she taken my sperm in her mouth... don’t know if she did same with Darsheel and others...... will have to know that too......”
Om was now sucking Aditi’s nipple..... She hissed asking, “Are you sure you can do it again, hmm your dick is still hard..... How come it did not get soft after ejaculation?”

Om answered..... Aditi maam, you are too hot and sexy to miss such an opportunity..... Don’t worry I bet that I will do it...it may take a longer moment but I am sure I can do it....... and he got Aditi lay on her back and her lovely boobs were in his mouth while Aditi now closed her eyes to feel him......

To be continued.............. (2110 words)


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very very hot update
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