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Incest The Innocent Wife Vishal Aditi - starts by adultery, turns to incest later (COMPLETED)


Dimaagh ka garam, Dil ka naram
Update 72 Darun Leena continued.....

But then Darun placed his arm over my shoulder and his fingers almost caressed the end part of it and I placed my hand over his hand to make him stop doing that......”

Aditi continued telling Vishal:

“I felt awkward his touching me that way and stood up from the bed and walked to my wardrobe pretending to be looking for something. But he walked behind me with a smile saying, ‘Gradually you will learn much more about Leena my dear little sis in law, we will then have more to talk about her, for the moment I have not told her anything; you don’t worry you can face each other as nothing has happened but I ask myself how long you will stay without talking about our relationship with her....’ .... I was a bit lost by what he said so turned to face him asking what he meant by what he just said. He was by then standing close behind me near the wardrobe and dared put his hand over my shoulder and talked to me like in whispers placing his mouth close to my ears that I felt his breath and lips brushing my ears which made me get shivers. But he changed the topic and said like flirting with me, ‘Tell me how you felt when you saw her in that position with me.... how did your body react at that moment? I wish to know that...’ Since he said those words in whispers and was too close to me, I tried to slide my feet aside to get distant from him but he also slides his feet to keep close to me... I felt his body touching mine from behind and I had nowhere to move as the wardrobe was in front of me.”

Vishal was listening attentively but here interrupted by asking;

“His hands were still on your shoulder by then? It’s exciting! Your elder brother in law in your bedroom alone talking of a sexual act you just witnessed!! It’s so hot sweetheart! And it was the first-time wow!! Please continue....”

Aditi tried to read Vishal’s expression either he was really getting excited or he was pretending to just to know more about that still she continued;

“Yes, yes his palms were on my shoulder and he was trying to move his fingers touching the bare parts of my shoulders and his lips were too close to that part of my shoulder when he talked. My heart was beating faster and I was really feeling very awkward so I replied this time me changing subject avoiding to answer his question I asked, ‘Where is Leena now, she may come looking for me please move aside will you if she comes in she will wonder why you are standing so close to me!’ But he this time held me by putting both his hands over my belly from behind and his whole body was pressed against my back. I crouched to get out of his arms and while doing so my butt got pressed to his lower part.......”

Before Aditi could say more Vishal talked in between asking;

“Wow!! Superb, and did you feel his dick on your butt baby? Did he have a hard-on at that moment? I bet you felt that well please tell me!!”

Aditi avoided looking in Vishal’s eyes when she continued this time;

“Yes, I felt it, he had a hard-on, I felt his dick on my ass, but I was out of his grip by then and walked towards the door. I was sweating and panting. My heart pounding even harder. He followed me in quicker steps to stop me getting out and stood near the door, still talking in whispers again asking, ‘Okay before you go out just tell me, were you excited seeing her giving me a blowjob?’ I felt ashamed and blushed, I understood his intention and looked daggers at him and almost shouted, ‘I was excited you say, I was shocked damn it how dare you ask me such a dirty thing, you are a real asshole!!’ Saying that I slammed the door and was out in anger.

Vishal laughed loudly and looking in my face asked;

“You really told him that Oh my God! I wonder what was his expression at that time hahahaahaha!! Poor Darun bhai, how should he have felt to hear such words from a young sister in law aged 18, he is being over 40!!! Hahahaha didn’t you regret having said those words to him afterward honey hahahahaha I am still thinking of his reactions oh My God!!”

Aditi laughed seeing Vishal laughing that much. She was amused by Vishal’s reactions and she laughed with him and hit him with her fist over his chest!! But then Vishal asked her to continue to relate and added, “You are doing good by telling everything in detail from the beginning keep it up sweetheart, so what happened then?” So, Aditi continued;

“Since I was out of my room, I called Leena loudly so that Darun does not follow me. I did not turn back to look either he was out of my bedroom or not. When I called for Leena the second time, I heard her reply from the kitchen, so I walked towards the kitchen to join her there. And before I got inside the kitchen I turned back and found Darun getting out of the lounge, you know that from the kitchen door we can see the lounge’s main door, so he was leaving and by his hands gestures and by the movements of his lips I could understand he said, , ‘don’t tell Leena I met you I am leaving!’ I got in the kitchen and was looking at Leena who was looking jovial and as though nothing had happened. She was as normal as she usually is, and I wondered how could she feel so normal and act so after just having had such an act with her elder brother. I looked at her in a queer way which I should not have because she noticed and asked, ‘Is there anything wrong bhabi? Why are you looking pale like that?’ I then realised that I was not behaving normally that’s why she asked me that so I pretended to have a little headache and she immediately came to press my head saying in a childish way, ‘Oh my poor bhabi is having a headache wait I will make it disappear within seconds, they all say my hands and fingers have magic powers when I massage!’ when she said that I seized the opportunity to try her and asked sitting on the chair while her hands were on my forehead massaging it. I asked in a casual way’ ‘Oh really? And who are those who say your fingers have magical powers?’ she went on moving her fingers doing circular movements on both sides of my forehead and bubbling she said’ ‘All say that dad, Darun bhai and Darsheel!’ Then I closed my eyes leaning my head on her chest and asked, ‘So you use to massage them often?’ I heard her voice becoming sexy as she said’ ‘Hmm not often but when they complain having any pain, they ask me to masage saying that my fingers do magic, so I do massage the part they say are aching and soon they feel relieved hihihihi!!’ I tried to question her more asking which part of the body she does massage. She hesitated for a while and said, ‘Just like this their arms, legs or chest even the head like I am just doing yours... but dad often, too often ask me to rub oil over his back and shoulders and he gets relief like that.....’ At that moment I thought or rather visualised how she was holding Darun’s dick in her fingers while giving him the blowjob and got a sort of sensation and opened my eyes to look at her hands and asked her to stop as I was feeling better. She shouted, ‘You see bhabi this is the magic of my finger your pain disappeared, isn’t it? Yeaaaaaah!’”

To be continued.................... immediately in nest post


Dimaagh ka garam, Dil ka naram
Update 73 Darun & Aditi

“I had a bad afternoon and worst evening that day thinking of all that. You were to be back late by 11 in that night that day as you had called and said that. In the evening when Darun was back I was avoiding looking at him but during dinner time I was compelled to talk to him in presence of all since I was serving dinner and he dared to touch me now and then stealing appropriate moments. Once I had to give him something and had to go by his side to serve him and he had patted my butt looking in others’ face when they were concentrating on their plates. When I was washing plates near the sink, he approached me twice and rubbed his lower parts pretending to rinse his hands, yet Leena was there too. Darsheel and dad were then watching TV and Darun told Leena, ‘Your favourite serial is going on you will not watch Leen?’ ...... He was getting Leena out of the kitchen to stay near me I understood that and had all the plates to be washed at that time. I asked Leena to finish gathering the plates before she leaves but Leena innocent of Darusn’s intentions kindly said, ‘Bhai do gather the plates for me I am off to watch my serials’ and she left running out of the kitchen leaving me alone with Darun!”

Vishal smiled looking in Aditi’s face and said;

“So, you got another suitor in the house that day!! And just like I used to stay with you in the kitchen when I was at home, he was replacing me huh? So, what did he do honey? Tell me, look my dick is erect listening to all these!”

Aditi: “You find this funny? I was very angry at that time and hated him! I wanted to hit him with a utensil at that moment!”

Vishal: “Oh that was the first approach that’s why you were feeling that way, but I am very eager to know how you let him at last, anyhow I want you to go slowly and in details by relating all step by step darling so continue from the kitchen, what happened then? He was alone with you in the kitchen when all were in the lounge watching TV?!! I am excited to know what follows!!”

Aditi: “Do you think I let him come closer to me then itself?”

Vishal: “It depends! He could have blackmailed you in a certain way that he will tell all to Leena etc I don’t know anything could have happened!! I was to be back by 11 PM and he was there with you, you tell me I don’t know...come on proceed my love.....”

Aditi felt Vishal a bit aggressive with his words still she continued;

“I told him I did not need his help and asked him to go in the lounge. He waited for Leena to be seated in the lounge then he came closer to me and talked in whispers again. He asked, ‘Will Vishal be late?’ I reply arrogantly, ‘That’s not your problem.’ But he laughed saying, ‘This could be your problem, but I can stay with you till he is not back what say darling sis in law?’ I answered bluntly, ‘I am not your darling don’t dare address me that way. I am not Leena!’ He laughed a bit louder and replied, ‘But you are better than Leena, you are experienced, and I am sure you can serve me better isn’t it?’ I blushed and was feeling very angry by his words and almost shouted answering him’ ‘Will you shut up and get the hell out of here will you?’ He blushed by getting my reply but he came closer to me and tried to hold me but I stepped aside saying, ‘If you touch me I am leaving all these as they are and going to the lounge then you will answer why the plates and utensils are not washed! Do you hear me?’ He lifted both hands up saying, ‘Oh! Oh! Oh! young lady don’t get scared I am not touching you okay I will only talk; you continue washing, look I am staying here only away from you...’ he stood about a foot away and I then felt it was he who got scared and I felt victorious at that moment and laughed to myself. Then he asked, ‘so tell me how did you face Leena when I left in the day? Everything was okay? Did you question her?’ I did not answer him. He then said, ‘if you don’t tell me I will have to ask Leena, do I?’ I still did not reply. He was standing in my right-hand side, and I could feel him staring at me from tip to toe. My belly and waist were uncovered in the sari and blouse I was wearing so I knew he was looking at my skin at that moment, so I shook water from my hand and covered the part which was visible to his eyes moving my sari over there on my waist. He immediately remarked, ‘why are you depriving me of that? You have such beautiful skin, hot and sexy, much sexier than Leena if I am not touching at least let me have the pleasure to admire them, my dear.’ I did not reply again. I felt him moving a step towards me, so I lifted my head and looked at him with big eyes which made him stop where he was!”

Vishal: “HAHAHAHAHAHA! You were getting him scared Adi... poor bhai I wonder how he must be feeling at that moment hahahahaha!! So then did he touch your waist? Wasn’t he erect? His dick must be hard on did you notice that?”

Aditi: “No at that moment I was so angry that I did not check all that but before leaving the kitchen yes I noticed his hard-on!!”

Vishal: “I knew it! So, he did not say anything more in the kitchen?”

Aditi: “No. I was not answering him, so he stood watching me and the last words he said when I was leaving were, ‘I can’t stop admiring you, you are irresistible Aditi! I wish to hold you in my arms tightly!’ But I walked away fast from there and went into my room. When I got out of the kitchen, passed by

the lounge Leena asked loudly, ‘Bhabi did bhai help you to keep the plates?’ I nodded with her and got into my room.”

Vishal: “And that’s all for that night?”

Aditi: “No. That was not all baby. Listen, what he did later....... I had my shower and changed into my nighty. Now since you always wanted me not to wear my bra when I wear my nighty; usually when I was at my parents’ I was wearing my bra under my nighty but you changed that habit by telling me it should not be worn under nighty so after my shower I had my nighty on and the gown over it. I was hesitating to go in the lounge thinking of him on that particular night. But I knew he never watched TV but always stayed in his room every night, so I went in the lounge to sit beside Leena like I used to do but I was amazed to find him there!! And he was cunning to be sitting near Leena as he knew I will come to sit there! I felt disturbed. On seeing me coming, Leena moved by making space for me on the couch. And Darun moved aside in such a way that the vacant seat was in the middle. So, I got to sit in between Leena and Darun. I wished to sit on another sofa but thought papa and Darsheel even Leena will wonder why I was not sitting near Leena that’s why I got to sit there itself in between them. I sat, and Leena said, ‘It’s a very emotional movie bhabi watch!’ And soon after I felt Darun’s hand on my thighs over the smooth nighty.”

To be continued....................


This was my last favorite that you wrote casi. will no doubt read it once again from the start my friend. have heard that you will complete this now. so my pleasure has no bound buddy.
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Update 1 - Introduction of characters

Vishal got married at the age of 35. He was
delaying only because he was not sure of himself either he will succeed to maintain a married relationship with a girl. When he was 23 he had sex for the first time with a call girl. He cultivated queer thoughts regarding the girl who will become his wife. He did not know why and how he started thinking that way but he had always thought to share his wife with another man. He had since younger days of his life thought he will watch another man having sex with his wife and he will watch without they being aware that he is watching them. It was kind of fantasy for him but he always told himself that he will realize that fantasy of his for true.

That is the reason for which he wanted to have a submissive girl, who would be naïve, tender, whom he could control and manipulate as he wished. He dated many girls to look for the one he was in search of, his dates turned to be 27 yet he did not find the ideal one. Time was passing by that way and his age growing, but he was busy enjoying life without paying heed that he is growing old. His mother died
waiting to see her daughter in law but Vishal could not please his mother by getting married. He was still looking for the special girl of his dreams. He was then 29 years old. At home had an 18 years old sister, named Leena and an elder brother, called Darun who was a hard bachelor who said he will never get married. He was almost 40 years old. And Vishal had a brother who was younger than him aged 22 called Darsheel.

After their mother’s death, Leena was taking care of the men in the house by cooking for them and doing all the house chores. Yet the father of Vishal requested him to get married and settled so that his sister and younger brother also could get married
afterwards. Since they knew Darun will never get married so Vishal had to start it so that Leena and Darsheel could continue, that is what his father told him.

Vishal was working as
project manager in a huge firm and was earning good, had his own car and lived and spent lavishly. His father was in the late fifties and still working too and Darun was an assistant manager in the public sector while Darsheel was studying law. And Leena stopped school as she was never that interested in studies and often failed.

Vishal had known and gone out with so many girls, had had sex with so many that he found it difficult to find the suitable one which he dreamt of. He often thought that his dream will only remain a dream.

Once he had gone out with a girl for a fuck session when he was around 25. And after the
fuck he proposed to see her getting fucked by someone else but without the other man knowing that he is watching. He got a hard slap with that girl who said, “What do you think of me am I a whore?”

After that Vishal tried with many other girls but he got refusals every time and more slaps! Despite
that he fed that desire deep into him that he will have a wife whom he will watch being fucked by someone else.

But where and when could he get such a girl who could be what he expected? In the long run of search and
wait he grew 27 years old when it was his father who, through the sisters of his deceased wife got the news that in a nearby village a woman was looking for a boy for her young daughter. And Vishal’s father arranged very quickly for a meeting to see that girl and forced Vishal to come along with his aunts to check on that girl.

And Vishal had never thought in his dreams that he will find in that girl what he had been looking for all these years! The girl was so shy and quiet that Vishal was amazed. She hardly uttered any word. Vishal wanted to hear her voice but she hardly spoke. Her eyes were always bent down, looking at the floor, a slight smile on her lips, her beauty lay in her manners more than in her physical appearance... it was just impossible to describe her on a first look but she fascinated Vishal who was then eager to know about her and to meet her.

Very fast a meeting was arranged for them by his aunts who managed all by talking to the girl’s parents. Vishal had the first date with her in her own house while her parents and his aunts were waiting for them in the living room and Vishal had to be with the girl on the balcony.

She was in a white
churidaar which reached above her knees, the rounded part of her legs, just upper her knees were where Vishal’s eyes went on despite they were covered, Vishal imagined the thickness of that part and the colour it must be…. The dress had a square cut on her chest which let her cleavage be visible to Vishal since he was taller, but they were covered with a thin ‘dupatta’. She was blushing and had her head bent and was turning on the end of her ‘dupatta’ holding them tightly in her hands while her toes were restlessly moving over her slippers.

Vishal was observing her nervousness and it was easy for him to understand that she is an untouched girl. The experience that he had had previously was in a way helpful to him for that occasion. He did the first step and talked approaching her bringing more reddish
colour to her cheeks,

“Hi, I am Vishal and my aunts wanted us to know each other before they proceed that’s why we are here, so won’t you like to know about me?”

Without looking at him she moved her head in a “no”

Vishal was still observing her and noticed that she is too young and asked,

“How old are you?”

“18!” she replied.

Vishal felt a bit uncomfortable and asked,

“What? You are only 18? And do you know how old I am?”

She nodded.

Vishal said,

“You know I am 27 and you being 18 accepted that I come to see you for a relationship our parents want to?”

She then spoke,

“Why? You do not want to marry an 18 years old girl? Am I too young for you? You want an elder wife?”

Vishal was mesmerized by her voice and the intonation they had, her voice had childishness and sounded too good to the ears and she reasoned like a very intelligent girl. That pleased Vishal who asked her,

“So you do not have to know me you just said, why?”

Still looking down at the floor she replied,

“It’s useless. If it was not you someone else would have come to see me and I would have to accept, and even if you do not accept now, someone else will come later and I will have the same answer, what is important is that the boy accepts, then the girl is supposed to be blessed! I accept or not I will be lucky if you accept me!”

Vishal was happy with her answer and dared to touch her hand. She at first tried to pull her hand back, but she realized that she should not then brought back her hand at the disposal of Vishal who held it in his hand and slightly tried to pull her towards him….. She got to move a step closer to him by his pull….. Vishal’s eyes were stagnant on her face and he gently put his crouched index to her chin and lifted it up to make her eyes meet his. She closed her eyes but smiled and bit her lips which made Vishal mad and fell in love with her instantly!

Vishal himself found a smile on her lips seeing her smile with closed eyes. Her breasts were moving up and down by her fast heartbeats and deep breathing….. her hands were still in his and he slowly moved them to his lips and kissed her fingers which made her open her eyes and turn her face with shyness. Vishal passed the palm of his hand over her cheek and moved her face towards his eyes and requested her to open her eyes and look at him….. she reluctantly obeyed and as soon as she opened her eyes and looked in his eyes she laughed and covered her mouth with her hands. Vishal asked,

“What makes you laugh? Am I funny?”

She laughed louder and then giggled to reply,

“It’s not that, I found it strange to look in the eyes of a person I hardly know, I had never done that before.”

Vishal said,

“But I am no longer a stranger am I?”

She bent her head down again and moved her head in a no.

Vishal asked her if she had any question to ask him, but she had nothing to ask. She only said,

“I am ok with everything you are ok.”

Vishal felt at last he has got the girl he was looking for all those days and was too happy and was now in hurry to have her forever.

The wedding took place fast within 2 weeks.

She was the first daughter in law to step in Vishal’s house. Her name was Aditi.

She very quickly got used to all the family members and was a good friend of Leena.

They lived for about 10 month there but Vishal got to transfer to another town for his job and had to move. Aditi told Vishal to make the travel everyday so as to stay in the same house, but Vishal said he will get too tired to drive such a distance everyday so better to go to stay there. Aditi wished to stay together with all the family members since she was used to all of them and they all liked her, but Vishal wanted to move to the other city since he was getting a big personal flat to live from the company!

To be continued……………..

re-started reading this and believe me its the same feeling, same sensation. :vhappy:
Have already read this story in the older forum many times.
Am reading this now again on this forum. It still weaves the same magic and every time you read it is as erotic as the first time.

Thanks for giving us such wonderfull story casi bhai.

one feedback - when ever you continue this further i wish if you can bring Anand's character with some naughty flirting with Aditi.
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Dimaagh ka garam, Dil ka naram


Dimaagh ka garam, Dil ka naram
Have already read this story in the older forum many times.
Am reading this now again on this forum. It still weaves the same magic and every time you read it is as erotic as the first time.

Thanks for giving us such wonderfull story casi bhai.

one feedback - when ever you continue this further i wish if you can bring Anand's character with some naughty flirting with Aditi.

Mask Editor, I can never forget you, in fact I know ALL my readers who were posting their point of views on my stories.
Thank you very much for adding more appreciation and re-reading it once again. believe me even me after 5 years to repost all I am reading them myself and asking myself how on earth did I write all this? I am reading my own written stories like I am reading someone else's oeuvre. it's a real pleasure. And thanks for asking what you would like to have as update...... well when I had started writing this back in 2013, I already had the whole of this in my mind. I already know how this will end, but for a reader like you, I can add sequences since it's for readers' pleasure that I write. So parts with Anand will be added bro, no worries.
and tons of thanks to you my friend. :hug: