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Fantasy THE SANON SISTERS (Kriti Sanon & Nupur Sanon)


A professional writer is amateur who didn't quit

Recap -

She quickly made herself presentable so she didn’t looked a bimbo and left the washroom with her tormentor no where in sight.

Now continue -

Kriti went home after the shooting, she still couldn’t believe that she again let that creep torment her, she was kinda lost in her thoughts when her beloved younger sister Nupur called her, but Kriti didn’t respond to her call, then Nupur shook her to reality.

Kya hua kya gum ho tum?

Her shaking and voice shattered her trance and she again entered into the reality, she was amazed to found how she magically entered her apartment without realizing. Nupur again called her, this time Kriti faced her beloved sister.

Nahi kuch nahi, I am fine, how’s your day went?

Nupur smile slightly “it was great” she said. After that Kriti went to freshen up, when she locked her room, she quickly removed all her clothes and become full nude in all her glory. She faced the mirror, her eyes fall on her nude body, today she was looking her body from a different perspective, she never looked her body with this curiosity ever before, her hands involuntrarily went to her long and sensual legs.

She started stroking her thighs, then her hands went to her BUM, she started squeezing her petite bums, she started kneading her ASS CHEAKS, she knead them hard till they were red. Then her hands moved to her small and humble breasts, she hold them for a moment then started kneading them as well, she hold her nipples, pinch them hard.

This gave her a sense of extreme lusty pleasure, she started playing with her nipples, she squeeze them, she pulled them and she even tried to touch them together, after playing with her nipples till they are red as bulb, her focus went to her pleasure hole, her very naughty pussy.

She moved to her bed, laid on it, the bed faces towards the mirror, she adjusted her position so her reflection should be visible, she then lifted her legs up towards the ceiling, then spread them in V position, so her naughty pussy should be seen in all her glory. She stared her naughty pussy in the mirror through the gap between her lifted legs.

She smiled perversely at the full on lusty reflection of her. Then she moved her right hand towards her pussy, she put her palm on her craving pussy and gave it a graze, this let out a moan from Kriti Sanon. Then she started stroking her pussy, one stroke, two stroke and then her hands become an express train, stroke after stroke were delivered on her naughty pussy, Kriti Sanon was determined to brought out all the naughtiness from her pussy, her pussy was getting redder and redder with each brutal stroke.

She couldn’t take any more, she was on the edge of getting discharged, she grabbed her small and humble breasts with a wanton force, and there she cum, cum like her life depends on how hard she cum and she did her best job in this cumming, she cum like a on heat mare, she howl like a wolfen, her howl was even heard by her beloved sister Nupur Sanon, who was listening to the music.

Due to extreme pussy water eruption this time as well she completely drenched her bedsheet, her body seemed like lifeless as she didn’t have enough strength to even get up, she somehow pulled the blanket over her, her mind was completely blank.

She slept for some hours and was woke up by the lusty itiching in her craved and nauthty pussy, her hands imidiately went to her pussy so she can rub it to satisfaction, but she forget that when a pussy starts itiching it’s hunger can’t be satiated by only rubbing it needs a big hose to extinguish the pussy fire.

She throw her hands in frustration.

(in her mind)
What you did to me you faggot? I can’t even sleep at night, who the fuck are you, what you made out of me? Fuck you...fuck you...fuck you...

Her eyes started tearing up, she knew she can’t live like that a fucking playtoy of an unknown low class creep, she need to decide a path for her future self. She slept over this thought.

In the morning Nupur knocked Kriti’s door, as today as well she didn’t woke up at her usual time, but she didn’t know that nowadays her beloved didi was indulging in the late night BED CARDIO, she knocked again as she didn’t get the response the first time.

After second knock kriti woke up, her eyes immediately went to the door to made sure that last night she bolted her door correctly as she again didn’t want to get embarrassed in front of her baby sister.

To her relief the door was properly bolted, she said that she’s up and will join her in breakfast soon, Nupur was surprised firstly because of Kriti’s late waking up and secondly her bolting her door as she never did it previously before but she didn’t made a fuss about it and went on minding her own business.

Kriti got out of bed, she saw her messed up reflection in the mirror, she saw a deprived woman, she felt like whore, she thought that even a whore might be better than her as the whore won’t crave and act like that shamelessly like she’s doing nowadays. She thought all night about further course of action for her messed up situation, she did a lot of brainstorming.

She knew she can’t go to authorities as that guy never forced him on herself, each time it start with a gradual touching and it’s she who’s on fault as she never tries even 1% to stop him, she always outflow in the gravity of the situation. She also can’t discuss this with her friends, what she tell them, that an unknown creep is molesting her and even after knowing it’s bad she let him torment her willingly. So, this option is also disposed.

Then the last resort she had is to confront that bastard face to face like a proper independent and faminist woman. To give him a piece of her mind, to show him once and for all his stature in front of her bollywood fame. Yes, Kriti was ready to take matter in her hands, and sort out her life. She walked to freshen up towards the washroom like fericious lioness(sherni).

She quickly freshen up but instead of having breakfast, she told Nupur Sanon, her lovely baby sister that she’s going for a small walk downstairs. Nupur was amazed by this sudden break in her morning routine but said “Okay”. The walk was just a excuse, actually she wanted to see whether that creep was still in front of her building. She walked to her apartment main gate, the watchmen were also shocked to see her in the morning and that as well going out of society.

They greeted her ‘good morning’ she just gave them a slight node full with her famous actress attitude. She came out of society and looked in the direction where she generally found that creep but to her disappointment that creep was not there today, she looked aroud in desperate hope to found him but the whole effort went in vain. She went back to the apartment.

While leaving for work in her car, she again searched for her tormentor but this time as well she only get disappointment. In the shot break, although she didn’t want to go for her vanity van but she thought that this time as well that creep might visit her in the van and then she could gave him a piece of her mind, so she went for her vanity van, she even told her helper not to disturb her and be away from the van.

The helper found it odd but what she can do when an order was coming from the top notch bollywood actress, she did accordingly, Kriti was waiting inside the van that now at any moment the creep might come to torment her, but her expectation didn’t turned into reality, she even closed her eyes that might be after seeing like that, the tormentor might thought that she’s ready to be tormented but her effort went in vain.

She become so frustrated that she even lift her skirt up to her waist and lower her panty to her knees and sit on chair in front of the vanity van door after unlatching it, she closed her eyes and put on her legs on chair side handles, so her legs made an open W inviting pose. She didn’t even care what if instead of her tormentor some crew member saw her like that, at any cost she wanted to meet him, even she wasn’t sure why she’s so desperate to meet that creep, she prayed that please send him again. But her prayers also went in vain, the entire gravity of situation getting a hold on her, she start getting wet between her legs.

Her hands involuntarily moved on her naughty leaking pussy, she grabbed it hard like wanted to rip that off, she grabbed her pussy for sometime, then released it, then we saw her fingers starts disappearing into her hole, one, two, three fingers were knuckles deep into her wanton hole.

After a few moments a low class crew member passing by her vanity van can listen “puch.. puch... puch...” Sounds which were coming from Ms. Kriti sanon’s furious finger fucking her needy and lusty pussy.

Oh yaaasss.... Work on it you bastarddddd... show up if you aaahh have courage aaahh... show your ahhhh face like aahh real man ... huuuuu(she howled) aaahh... yea give me deep strokes... loveee it....

She was babbling in the heights of her lust, the finger fuck was so furious that her pussy water was leaking and drenching the chair as well as floor, at a moment she squirt like a sex maniac and a small stream of piss leaked her hole like a fountain. She lost control over her body, she got up from chair and went in front of the mirror.

She turned around to face her ASS towards the mirror, then she came in the legendery GHODI POSITION, she even almost tear her top and threw at a corner of van, she was completely nude in her vanity van, which was surrounded by people who consider her a famous bollywood actress, who has a class in herself and now they can’t even imagine that their classy Kriti Sanon madam, was acting like a 2 rupee whore in her vanity van that also by thinking about an unknown low class creep who torment her.

She almost put her right hand palm in her throat to collect saliva, after that she stared in her eyes in the mirror very shamelessly and rubbed that saliva on her lusty hole.

You want that hole of mine.. you think I can give it to you that easily.. Okay, let’s see how much manly you are, satify me if you are a son of a man, do you have courage, if so give me your best strokes... GIVE ME...

A madness swept over Ms.Sanon, She was saying all these nasty things imagining that she’s talking to her tormentor in the mirror while directly staring in his eyes, while in reality she’s talking to her own reflection but she was almost out of her mind due to extreme lust, her body and mind were beyond her logical mind control, she needed the relief from that eternal itch in her pussy.

In that passion she almost shove her entire hand in her own pussy, all of her four fingers were knuckles deep in her naughty pussy while she holding the GHODI position, she was staring her own eyes like she’s challenging someone to satisfy her and there she started pumping her palm in her needy cunt, like you never ever can see finger fucking any lady like that in your entire life.

While fucking her pussy with her four fingers she kept chanting “yaas ... yaass.... Like thattttttt .... OH MY GOOD .. too gooddddd ... ahhhhh”, a low class sweeper was passing by her vanity van at that time, he also heard this wanton cries of the famous bollywood actress.

But the guy thought that her famous Kriti Mam might be rehearsing her dialogue line, but that who should told that innocent fellow that his Kriti madam was not at all innocent at that moment, but instead of rehearsing her lines she was rehearsing something else, she was rehearsing her pussye pleasuring capabilities.

Inside the van Kriti Sanon was completely drenched in sweat, a satanic passion could be seen in her eyes which were filled with an eternal lust like you can never seen in anyone’s eyes. The furious four fingers onslaught was still in action on her needy and lusty cunt, but her fingers were not enought for this on heat actress, she looked around to fill her lusty cunt with something else, she saw a few lipsticks on the dressing table, she grabbed them like her life depends on that act of snatching.

She grabbed the three shades, one red, one pink and one black, she formed the bundle of the three and shove them deep in pussy without wasting a moment, as soon as she did that, her tounge came out of her mouth, and she did a very kinky tongue flickering move like a snake, after ravishing her pussy for sometime with the combo of three lipstick shades she thought that lipsticks without the cover might give her more pleasure, as soon as this thought entered her mind, we saw three lipsticks cover on the floor of her vanity van a moment later and three open lipsticks in Ms.Sanon Wanton hole.

After a 30 minutes session with her lipsticks combo in her wanton hole, the famous bollywood actress, the classy Kriti Sanon cum, she cummed like you could never expect any women to cum like that, her entire body was covered in sweat, her tongue rolled out, her hairs were messed up like she got ravished by a gang of NIGRO’s, and on the floor we saw three completely used lipsticks, and the most lusty site was her colored pussy, a peculiar color combo of the red, the pink and the black was covering her snatch. A a very satisfied gruntal sounds were coming from her dreamy and fucked up face and mouth and then a darkness swept over her and she became unconscious.

Later that day, Kriti was lying on her bed and a reel of today’s events was rolling in her mind, how after that furious finger fuck she passed out on the floor of vanity van without a trace of cloth on her body, how she got awake by the continious band on her vanity van door by the crew members, she heard some people saying that “break open the door, Kriti Mam might need some medical attention” and how she quickly analysed her condition and feared what if all these people entered into her vanity van like that and saw her in all her naked glory, how she could face the world when her naked pics got viral in this condition over the internet.

How she shouted at the crew members that she was fine and was taking a nap all while she trying her level best to found her clothes scattered all over the vanity van floor. How she opened her vanity van door after making herself presentable to the eyes to the low in stature crew members, how she explained a false story about her not opening the door. She also remembered how the people close to her made a filthy looking face after smelling the lusty smell coming out of her body after a furious finger fuck and a huge amount of pussy water discharge, and how she felt humilated at that sight and how she took a day off by saying that she was not felling will today.

A shame and humiliation swept over Kriti, she couldn’t believe what the thought of her tormentor made her do on the shooting location today, not only that she almost got caught in action and naked by her crew members, who consider her a classy Kriti Madam. She was thinking all those scenarios, when she starts feeling an another itchy feeling in he naughty pussy once again, she tried her level best not to be swayed in the lusty feeling but her pussy was on full throttle mutiny with her logical mind, she (the pussy) needed her relief at any cost, her hands involuntrarily moved to her wanton hole and once again a wrestling match between her pussy and her hand started and stopped when her entire body was once again drenched in sweat and big mark of pussy water could be seen on her bedsheet.

when she came out of her lusty and fogy mind she again thought about her mystery tormentor, and she got up from the bed, she covered her naked in an expensive nighty without any undergarments, her legs who were in control of her pussy rather than her logical mind draged her towars the apartment door, she exited her apartment and went downstairs to the ground floor like some hypnotysm was carrying her, once she was at the ground floor, she looke in the direction where she usually found her tormentor standing, and to her dismay she found the mystery tormentor standing at the usual place, she was ecstatic to saw him, she could control her happiness, her legs started dragging her towards the society door.

But then her logical mind kicks in for a moment, and she got hold of the situation, sweat started forming on her forhead due to the fear what if she won’t be shook to reality in time and the guards on the gate saw her at 3 pm in the night walking towards a man who also from the looks seems like a low class person, but against her better judgement, her pussy started itching once again, whom she recently feed her four fingers, it felt to Kriti Sanon that her pussy become an insatiable monster who can’t be satisfied no matter how many times she fucked it with all the strength in her body, she (the pussy) as Kriti thought can only be satisfied by the touch of her tormentor, she knew she needed him at any cost, there’s no other way out for her to get rid of her this eternal itch.

The she saw that her tormentor signal-led towards a location, Kriti’s eyes followed her signal and a small smile appeared on her face, she nodded her head and walked back to her apartment.

To be Continued...
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Recap -

She quickly made herself presentable so she didn’t looked a bimbo and left the washroom with her tormentor no where in sight.

Now continue -

Kriti went home after the shooting, she still couldn’t believe that she again let that creep torment her, she was kinda lost in her thoughts when her beloved younger sister Nupur called her, but Kriti didn’t respond to her call, then Nupur shook her to reality.

Kya hua kya gum ho tum?

Her shaking and voice shattered her trance and she again entered into the reality, she was amazed to found how she magically entered her apartment without realizing. Nupur again called her, this time Kriti faced her beloved sister.

Nahi kuch nahi, I am fine, how’s your day went?

Nupur smile slightly “it was great” she said. After that Kriti went to freshen up, when she locked her room, she quickly removed all her clothes and become full nude in all her glory. She faced the mirror, her eyes fall on her nude body, today she was looking her body from a different perspective, she never looked her body with this curiosity ever before, her hands involuntrarily went to her long and sensual legs.

She started stroking her thighs, then her hands went to her BUM, she started squeezing her petite bums, she started kneading her ASS CHEAKS, she knead them hard till they were red. Then her hands moved to her small and humble breasts, she hold them for a moment then started kneading them as well, she hold her nipples, pinch them hard.

This gave her a sense of extreme lusty pleasure, she started playing with her nipples, she squeeze them, she pulled them and she even tried to touch them together, after playing with her nipples till they are red as bulb, her focus went to her pleasure hole, her very naughty pussy.

She moved to her bed, laid on it, the bed faces towards the mirror, she adjusted her position so her reflection should be visible, she then lifted her legs up towards the ceiling, then spread them in V position, so her naughty pussy should be seen in all her glory. She stared her naughty pussy in the mirror through the gap between her lifted legs.

She smiled perversely at the full on lusty reflection of her. Then she moved her right hand towards her pussy, she put her palm on her craving pussy and gave it a graze, this let out a moan from Kriti Sanon. Then she started stroking her pussy, one stroke, two stroke and then her hands become an express train, stroke after stroke were delivered on her naughty pussy, Kriti Sanon was determined to brought out all the naughtiness from her pussy, her pussy was getting redder and redder with each brutal stroke.

She couldn’t take any more, she was on the edge of getting discharged, she grabbed her small and humble breasts with a wanton force, and there she cum, cum like her life depends on how hard she cum and she did her best job in this cumming, she cum like a on heat mare, she howl like a wolfen, her howl was even heard by her beloved sister Nupur Sanon, who was listening to the music.

Due to extreme pussy water eruption this time as well she completely drenched her bedsheet, her body seemed like lifeless as she didn’t have enough strength to even get up, she somehow pulled the blanket over her, her mind was completely blank.

She slept for some hours and was woke up by the lusty itiching in her craved and nauthty pussy, her hands imidiately went to her pussy so she can rub it to satisfaction, but she forget that when a pussy starts itiching it’s hunger can’t be satiated by only rubbing it needs a big hose to extinguish the pussy fire.

She throw her hands in frustration.

(in her mind)
What you did to me you faggot? I can’t even sleep at night, who the fuck are you, what you made out of me? Fuck you...fuck you...fuck you...

Her eyes started tearing up, she knew she can’t live like that a fucking playtoy of an unknown low class creep, she need to decide a path for her future self. She slept over this thought.

In the morning Nupur knocked Kriti’s door, as today as well she didn’t woke up at her usual time, but she didn’t know that nowadays her beloved didi was indulging in the late night BED CARDIO, she knocked again as she didn’t get the response the first time.

After second knock kriti woke up, her eyes immediately went to the door to made sure that last night she bolted her door correctly as she again didn’t want to get embarrassed in front of her baby sister.

To her relief the door was properly bolted, she said that she’s up and will join her in breakfast soon, Nupur was surprised firstly because of Kriti’s late waking up and secondly her bolting her door as she never did it previously before but she didn’t made a fuss about it and went on minding her own business.

Kriti got out of bed, she saw her messed up reflection in the mirror, she saw a deprived woman, she felt like whore, she thought that even a whore might be better than her as the whore won’t crave and act like that shamelessly like she’s doing nowadays. She thought all night about further course of action for her messed up situation, she did a lot of brainstorming.

She knew she can’t go to authorities as that guy never forced him on herself, each time it start with a gradual touching and it’s she who’s on fault as she never tries even 1% to stop him, she always outflow in the gravity of the situation. She also can’t discuss this with her friends, what she tell them, that an unknown creep is molesting her and even after knowing it’s bad she let him torment her willingly. So, this option is also disposed.

Then the last resort she had is to confront that bastard face to face like a proper independent and faminist woman. To give him a piece of her mind, to show him once and for all his stature in front of her bollywood fame. Yes, Kriti was ready to take matter in her hands, and sort out her life. She walked to freshen up towards the washroom like fericious lioness(sherni).

She quickly freshen up but instead of having breakfast, she told Nupur Sanon, her lovely baby sister that she’s going for a small walk downstairs. Nupur was amazed by this sudden break in her morning routine but said “Okay”. The walk was just a excuse, actually she wanted to see whether that creep was still in front of her building. She walked to her apartment main gate, the watchmen were also shocked to see her in the morning and that as well going out of society.

They greeted her ‘good morning’ she just gave them a slight node full with her famous actress attitude. She came out of society and looked in the direction where she generally found that creep but to her disappointment that creep was not there today, she looked aroud in desperate hope to found him but the whole effort went in vain. She went back to the apartment.

While leaving for work in her car, she again searched for her tormentor but this time as well she only get disappointment. In the shot break, although she didn’t want to go for her vanity van but she thought that this time as well that creep might visit her in the van and then she could gave him a piece of her mind, so she went for her vanity van, she even told her helper not to disturb her and be away from the van.

The helper found it odd but what she can do when an order was coming from the top notch bollywood actress, she did accordingly, Kriti was waiting inside the van that now at any moment the creep might come to torment her, but her expectation didn’t turned into reality, she even closed her eyes that might be after seeing like that, the tormentor might thought that she’s ready to be tormented but her effort went in vain.

She become so frustrated that she even lift her skirt up to her waist and lower her panty to her knees and sit on chair in front of the vanity van door after unlatching it, she closed her eyes and put on her legs on chair side handles, so her legs made an open W inviting pose. She didn’t even care what if instead of her tormentor some crew member saw her like that, at any cost she wanted to meet him, even she wasn’t sure why she’s so desperate to meet that creep, she prayed that please send him again. But her prayers also went in vain, the entire gravity of situation getting a hold on her, she start getting wet between her legs.

Her hands involuntarily moved on her naughty leaking pussy, she grabbed it hard like wanted to rip that off, she grabbed her pussy for sometime, then released it, then we saw her fingers starts disappearing into her hole, one, two, three fingers were knuckles deep into her wanton hole.

After a few moments a low class crew member passing by her vanity van can listen “puch.. puch... puch...” Sounds which were coming from Ms. Kriti sanon’s furious finger fucking her needy and lusty pussy.

Oh yaaasss.... Work on it you bastarddddd... show up if you aaahh have courage aaahh... show your ahhhh face like aahh real man ... huuuuu(she howled) aaahh... yea give me deep strokes... loveee it....

She was babbling in the heights of her lust, the finger fuck was so furious that her pussy water was leaking and drenching the chair as well as floor, at a moment she squirt like a sex maniac and a small stream of piss leaked her hole like a fountain. She lost control over her body, she got up from chair and went in front of the mirror.

She turned around to face her ASS towards the mirror, then she came in the legendery GHODI POSITION, she even almost tear her top and threw at a corner of van, she was completely nude in her vanity van, which was surrounded by people who consider her a famous bollywood actress, who has a class in herself and now they can’t even imagine that their classy Kriti Sanon madam, was acting like a 2 rupee whore in her vanity van that also by thinking about an unknown low class creep who torment her.

She almost put her right hand palm in her throat to collect saliva, after that she stared in her eyes in the mirror very shamelessly and rubbed that saliva on her lusty hole.

You want that hole of mine.. you think I can give it to you that easily.. Okay, let’s see how much manly you are, satify me if you are a son of a man, do you have courage, if so give me your best strokes... GIVE ME...

A madness swept over Ms.Sanon, She was saying all these nasty things imagining that she’s talking to her tormentor in the mirror while directly staring in his eyes, while in reality she’s talking to her own reflection but she was almost out of her mind due to extreme lust, her body and mind were beyond her logical mind control, she needed the relief from that eternal itch in her pussy.

In that passion she almost shove her entire hand in her own pussy, all of her four fingers were knuckles deep in her naughty pussy while she holding the GHODI position, she was staring her own eyes like she’s challenging someone to satisfy her and there she started pumping her palm in her needy cunt, like you never ever can see finger fucking any lady like that in your entire life.

While fucking her pussy with her four fingers she kept chanting “yaas ... yaass.... Like thattttttt .... OH MY GOOD .. too gooddddd ... ahhhhh”, a low class sweeper was passing by her vanity van at that time, he also heard this wanton cries of the famous bollywood actress.

But the guy thought that her famous Kriti Mam might be rehearsing her dialogue line, but that who should told that innocent fellow that his Kriti madam was not at all innocent at that moment, but instead of rehearsing her lines she was rehearsing something else, she was rehearsing her pussye pleasuring capabilities.

Inside the van Kriti Sanon was completely drenched in sweat, a satanic passion could be seen in her eyes which were filled with an eternal lust like you can never seen in anyone’s eyes. The furious four fingers onslaught was still in action on her needy and lusty cunt, but her fingers were not enought for this on heat actress, she looked around to fill her lusty cunt with something else, she saw a few lipsticks on the dressing table, she grabbed them like her life depends on that act of snatching.

She grabbed the three shades, one red, one pink and one black, she formed the bundle of the three and shove them deep in pussy without wasting a moment, as soon as she did that, her tounge came out of her mouth, and she did a very kinky tongue flickering move like a snake, after ravishing her pussy for sometime with the combo of three lipstick shades she thought that lipsticks without the cover might give her more pleasure, as soon as this thought entered her mind, we saw three lipsticks cover on the floor of her vanity van a moment later and three open lipsticks in Ms.Sanon Wanton hole.

After a 30 minutes session with her lipsticks combo in her wanton hole, the famous bollywood actress, the classy Kriti Sanon cum, she cummed like you could never expect any women to cum like that, her entire body was covered in sweat, her tongue rolled out, her hairs were messed up like she got ravished by a gang of NIGRO’s, and on the floor we saw three completely used lipsticks, and the most lusty site was her colored pussy, a peculiar color combo of the red, the pink and the black was covering her snatch. A a very satisfied gruntal sounds were coming from her dreamy and fucked up face and mouth and then a darkness swept over her and she became unconscious.

Later that day, Kriti was lying on her bed and a reel of today’s events was rolling in her mind, how after that furious finger fuck she passed out on the floor of vanity van without a trace of cloth on her body, how she got awake by the continious band on her vanity van door by the crew members, she heard some people saying that “break open the door, Kriti Mam might need some medical attention” and how she quickly analysed her condition and feared what if all these people entered into her vanity van like that and saw her in all her naked glory, how she could face the world when her naked pics got viral in this condition over the internet.

How she shouted at the crew members that she was fine and was taking a nap all while she trying her level best to found her clothes scattered all over the vanity van floor. How she opened her vanity van door after making herself presentable to the eyes to the low in stature crew members, how she explained a false story about her not opening the door. She also remembered how the people close to her made a filthy looking face after smelling the lusty smell coming out of her body after a furious finger fuck and a huge amount of pussy water discharge, and how she felt humilated at that sight and how she took a day off by saying that she was not felling will today.

A shame and humiliation swept over Kriti, she couldn’t believe what the thought of her tormentor made her do on the shooting location today, not only that she almost got caught in action and naked by her crew members, who consider her a classy Kriti Madam. She was thinking all those scenarios, when she starts feeling an another itchy feeling in he naughty pussy once again, she tried her level best not to be swayed in the lusty feeling but her pussy was on full throttle mutiny with her logical mind, she (the pussy) needed her relief at any cost, her hands involuntrarily moved to her wanton hole and once again a wrestling match between her pussy and her hand started and stopped when her entire body was once again drenched in sweat and big mark of pussy water could be seen on her bedsheet.

when she came out of her lusty and fogy mind she again thought about her mystery tormentor, and she got up from the bed, she covered her naked in an expensive nighty without any undergarments, her legs who were in control of her pussy rather than her logical mind draged her towars the apartment door, she exited her apartment and went downstairs to the ground floor like some hypnotysm was carrying her, once she was at the ground floor, she looke in the direction where she usually found her tormentor standing, and to her dismay she found the mystery tormentor standing at the usual place, she was ecstatic to saw him, she could control her happiness, her legs started dragging her towards the society door.

But then her logical mind kicks in for a moment, and she got hold of the situation, sweat started forming on her forhead due to the fear what if she won’t be shook to reality in time and the guards on the gate saw her at 3 pm in the night walking towards a man who also from the looks seems like a low class person, but against her better judgement, her pussy started itching once again, whom she recently feed her four fingers, it felt to Kriti Sanon that her pussy become an insatiable monster who can’t be satisfied no matter how many times she fucked it with all the strength in her body, she (the pussy) as Kriti thought can only be satisfied by the touch of her tormentor, she knew she needed him at any cost, there’s no other way out for her to get rid of her this eternal itch.

The she saw that her tormentor signal-led towards a location, Kriti’s eyes followed her signal and a small smile appeared on her face, she nodded her head and walked back to her apartment.

To be Continued...


A professional writer is amateur who didn't quit
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A professional writer is amateur who didn't quit
Bro is this thread dead??when will the next update come
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A professional writer is amateur who didn't quit

Recap -

Then she saw that her tormentor signal-led towards a location, Kriti’s eyes followed his signal and a small smile appeared on her face, she nodded her head and walked back to her apartment.

Now continue -

Part A

Kriti was walking towards the rear gate of the apartment complex, she was in fear what if someone from the complex apartments saw her at that time of night walking to the back entrance.

But all these risks felt to her worth taking, she anyhow wanted to confront her tormentor. But she also wasn’t sure why she was so desperate to meet him, although her logical mind kept reminding her that she just wanted to meet her tormentor to gave him a piece of her mind.

But deep down she knew that it was just a cover up logic she was giving herself to convince her to meet the tormentor because she had serious doubt about her ability now whether she would be able to confront him as she desperately want. A corner of her mind telling her that she was loosing the battle without even fighting. She knew beforehand the end result of their meeting but still she kept moving towards the location where the tormentor signaled her to meet.

A few minutes later she was standing before the back entrance of the society complex. There was complete darkness behind the gate. She got scared for the moment and refrain herself to move forward but the itch, that deep itch between her legs gave her the courage to move forward, she dragged her legs, she looked around to make sure no one was looking at her that a famous bollywood actress trying to exit the society complex at 3 am in the morning via the back gate that also like thief.

Once she was sure no one was there, she unlatched the gate and came out in the dark alley behind the society complex. She was looking around for her tormentor but he was no where is sight. She was kinda disappointed, an unknown fear took over her, a fear of What if he ditched her again?. She frantically looked around for him. But her efforts went in vain.

She moved further from the gate into the darkness of the alley, but still the tormentor was no where in sight. She moved a little further and her left feet went inside a dirty smelly pot hole that was filled with litter. Kriti Sanon cursed herself. Although if she was in her right frame of mind she might have give up by now, but today she was not.

She ignored her dirty feet and moved further into the darkness, beads of sweat formed on her for-head, her breathing was fast due to a mix of fear and excitement. The excitement of meeting her tormentor to get tormented again.

Suddenly a hand wrapped around her mouth, which suppress her cry, then another hand grabbed her petite right boob harshly. Kriti felt the pain but she also immediately knew it was her tormentor. As soon as the fact registered into her brain, her pussy started moistening again.

“aa gai tu” a cold stern voice of her tormentor shattered her trance. “me muh se haath hataunga chilana mat” the tormentor again gave her the command, this was the first time she heard his voice. She was amazed by how manly and dominating his voice was.

She slightly nodded in agreement, the tormentor removed his hand. “chal mere peeche aa” he again gave her order and to her dismay she followed the command. She was walking behind a shadow figure of her tormentor, although her logical mind was shouting to Kriti to stop and confront him right there. But for some reason she neglected her logical mind’s argument and kept following her tormentor.

Soon the tormentor stopped in front of an abandoned room, the room was almost on the verge of collapsing with the wall’s plaster was cracking and flaking. She was thinking what might be the purpose of this room on this isolated alley. But her train of thoughts soon shattered by the sound of unlatching of door. The tormentor opened the gate and told her “chal ander”. This time also she also followed the command without a single word.

She went inside and was greeted by a very pungent and disgusted smell. She looked around to found out that someone was residing in that room as in one corner there was a cot while on the other corner there was a small kitchen setup. Although the room was so small that barely two people can stand at the same time.

She heard the door behind her latched again, and she heard the footsteps of her tormentor were getting close. Soon a hand was on her shoulder, a thrilled sensation crawled down her spine to her naughty pussy. She slowly started turning her head, a excitement was forming inside her to see her tormentor face for the first time.

Although the room was poorly lit by a low voltage bulb in one corner but it was enough to see. But as soon as she turned her face, her tormentor switch off the bulb, an annoyed frown appeared on her face, she wasn’t sure why he was playing this game? Why the fuck he don’t show his face to her? But all those thoughts were remain in her head; she didn’t dare to shout them loud.

Then she felt her tormentor hand on her back, a shiver crawled up her spine. The hand started moving on her back like a snake and suddenly he grabbed her right ass cheeks. The grip was not slack but it was a firm one, like he wanted to convey that he meant business. Kriti definitely know what kind of business he might be interested in.

She started to say something but before that a thick strong finger was on her soft lips, she got it that he didn’t want her to say anything and she obliged. Then his another hand firmly griped her left humble bun. A moan escaped her lips this time, the situation again started taking hold of her, her naughty pussy started secreting the thick white juice of womanhood.

“kya chati hai?” the manly voice of him broke her trance. Her logical mind kicks in, the logical mind shouted at Kriti to told him that she wants to end all this and if he didn’t obliged what she wants, she would report him to authorities. But instead of giving him a piece of her mind, she shusheds her logical mind and involuntarily grabbed the back of his head.

A chortle was heard from the tormentor. Kriti Sanon got shy as she analyzed that in the height of excitement, she involuntarily hold his head and started moving it towards her lips, she wanted a deep french kiss from her tormentor.

“bata kya chati hai? Kyu aai hai yaha?” the tormentor inquired. She didn’t have any answer. She didn’t know why she was there exactly? She remained shushed.

“chudna(get fucked) chati hai kya?” the tormentor asked her again. Kriti Sanon, the famous, pro-feminist bollywood top actress couldn’t believe her ears. Did this low class creep really talking to her like a cheap whore(randi).

She wanted to show him his stature(aukat) in front of her by giving him a tight slap but instead a meek “nahi(no)” escaped her soft and luscious lips.

“chudna nahi chati to raat ke 3 baje kyu aai thi mujhe dhudne?” he again used the derogatory language with the famous bollywood actress Kriti Sanon.

“bas waise hi milne” this time she answered in a meek tone. “kyu tera yaar lagta hu kya mai, jo adhi raat mere se milne aai chupke-chupke? Hahaha” the tormentor again asked her question. Kriti Sanon was getting ashamed because of his derogatory remarks, but due to some reason she felt spineless before him. She felt like she was her puppet doll and he can use her whatever way he likes.

“bata na? Yaar hu kya me tera?” He asked with a chortle. She remained silent. “agar me tera yaar nahi hu to chal nika yaha se” he holds her hand and started pulling her towards the door.

Kriti was shook to reality by sudden dragging, her logical mind telling her it was a good thing, but her body revolted against it, she hushed her logical mind. She didn’t want to be away from him, she knew she needs his touch on her body without that she can’t cum.

With each passing second the distance to gate was getting shorter and shorter. Kriti knew she had to take a decision else he would throw her out of that smelly and clumsy room. She also knew there was only one way to stop him from doing so, she has to surrender totally to his demands.

“ha ho” she answered with shaky voice. As soon as the tormentor heard that he stopped in his tracks. Since the room was dark she couldn’t see whether he was looking at her or not but she was happy that at least he was not going to throw her out of that dirty and smelly room.

Kya bola? Kya hu me tera? Fir se bol

Kriti Sanon realized what she said in the height of the fear of being thrown out of the room. She remained shushed for few moments but then again she felt his hand on her biceps like he’s going to push her out of room again.

Yaar ho na aap mere...

She heard a chortle.

Ab aai na sali kutiya tu line par haramzadi hahaha

She felt ashamed of getting those derogatory remarks again by the tormentor. She couldn’t believe where her self-esteem had gone, how a top notch bollywood actress like her can tolerate such disrespect from a low life creep. But despite what her logical mind saying, she knew her body had already surrender to him, and it doesn’t matter now what he wants her to say and do, she will tolerate all the disrespect.

To be continued ...
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Recap -

Then she saw that her tormentor signal-led towards a location, Kriti’s eyes followed his signal and a small smile appeared on her face, she nodded her head and walked back to her apartment.

Now continue -

Part A

Kriti was walking towards the rear gate of the apartment complex, she was in fear what if someone from the complex apartments saw her at that time of night walking to the back entrance.

But all these risks felt to her worth taking, she anyhow wanted to confront her tormentor. But she also wasn’t sure why she was so desperate to meet him, although her logical mind kept reminding her that she just wanted to meet her tormentor to gave him a piece of her mind.

But deep down she knew that it was just a cover up logic she was giving herself to convince her to meet the tormentor because she had serious doubt about her ability now whether she would be able to confront him as she desperately want. A corner of her mind telling her that she was loosing the battle without even fighting. She knew beforehand the end result of their meeting but still she kept moving towards the location where the tormentor signaled her to meet.

A few minutes later she was standing before the back entrance of the society complex. There was complete darkness behind the gate. She got scared for the moment and refrain herself to move forward but the itch, that deep itch between her legs gave her the courage to move forward, she dragged her legs, she looked around to make sure no one was looking at her that a famous bollywood actress trying to exit the society complex at 3 am in the morning via the back gate that also like thief.

Once she was sure no one was there, she unlatched the gate and came out in the dark alley behind the society complex. She was looking around for her tormentor but he was no where is sight. She was kinda disappointed, an unknown fear took over her, a fear of What if he ditched her again?. She frantically looked around for him. But her efforts went in vain.

She moved further from the gate into the darkness of the alley, but still the tormentor was no where in sight. She moved a little further and her left feet went inside a dirty smelly pot hole that was filled with litter. Kriti Sanon cursed herself. Although if she was in her right frame of mind she might have give up by now, but today she was not.

She ignored her dirty feet and moved further into the darkness, beads of sweat formed on her for-head, her breathing was fast due to a mix of fear and excitement. The excitement of meeting her tormentor to get tormented again.

Suddenly a hand wrapped around her mouth, which suppress her cry, then another hand grabbed her petite right boob harshly. Kriti felt the pain but she also immediately knew it was her tormentor. As soon as the fact registered into her brain, her pussy started moistening again.

“aa gai tu” a cold stern voice of her tormentor shattered her trance. “me muh se haath hataunga chilana mat” the tormentor again gave her the command, this was the first time she heard his voice. She was amazed by how manly and dominating his voice was.

She slightly nodded in agreement, the tormentor removed his hand. “chal mere peeche aa” he again gave her order and to her dismay she followed the command. She was walking behind a shadow figure of her tormentor, although her logical mind was shouting to Kriti to stop and confront him right there. But for some reason she neglected her logical mind’s argument and kept following her tormentor.

Soon the tormentor stopped in front of an abandoned room, the room was almost on the verge of collapsing with the wall’s plaster was cracking and flaking. She was thinking what might be the purpose of this room on this isolated alley. But her train of thoughts soon shattered by the sound of unlatching of door. The tormentor opened the gate and told her “chal ander”. This time also she also followed the command without a single word.

She went inside and was greeted by a very pungent and disgusted smell. She looked around to found out that someone was residing in that room as in one corner there was a cot while on the other corner there was a small kitchen setup. Although the room was so small that barely two people can stand at the same time.

She heard the door behind her latched again, and she heard the footsteps of her tormentor were getting close. Soon a hand was on her shoulder, a thrilled sensation crawled down her spine to her naughty pussy. She slowly started turning her head, a excitement was forming inside her to see her tormentor face for the first time.

Although the room was poorly lit by a low voltage bulb in one corner but it was enough to see. But as soon as she turned her face, her tormentor switch off the bulb, an annoyed frown appeared on her face, she wasn’t sure why he was playing this game? Why the fuck he don’t show his face to her? But all those thoughts were remain in her head; she didn’t dare to shout them loud.

Then she felt her tormentor hand on her back, a shiver crawled up her spine. The hand started moving on her back like a snake and suddenly he grabbed her right ass cheeks. The grip was not slack but it was a firm one, like he wanted to convey that he meant business. Kriti definitely know what kind of business he might be interested in.

She started to say something but before that a thick strong finger was on her soft lips, she got it that he didn’t want her to say anything and she obliged. Then his another hand firmly griped her left humble bun. A moan escaped her lips this time, the situation again started taking hold of her, her naughty pussy started secreting the thick white juice of womanhood.

“kya chati hai?” the manly voice of him broke her trance. Her logical mind kicks in, the logical mind shouted at Kriti to told him that she wants to end all this and if he didn’t obliged what she wants, she would report him to authorities. But instead of giving him a piece of her mind, she shusheds her logical mind and involuntarily grabbed the back of his head.

A chortle was heard from the tormentor. Kriti Sanon got shy as she analyzed that in the height of excitement, she involuntarily hold his head and started moving it towards her lips, she wanted a deep french kiss from her tormentor.

“bata kya chati hai? Kyu aai hai yaha?” the tormentor inquired. She didn’t have any answer. She didn’t know why she was there exactly? She remained shushed.

“chudna(get fucked) chati hai kya?” the tormentor asked her again. Kriti Sanon, the famous, pro-feminist bollywood top actress couldn’t believe her ears. Did this low class creep really talking to her like a cheap whore(randi).

She wanted to show him his stature(aukat) in front of her by giving him a tight slap but instead a meek “nahi(no)” escaped her soft and luscious lips.

“chudna nahi chati to raat ke 3 baje kyu aai thi mujhe dhudne?” he again used the derogatory language with the famous bollywood actress Kriti Sanon.

“bas waise hi milne” this time she answered in a meek tone. “kyu tera yaar lagta hu kya mai, jo adhi raat mere se milne aai chupke-chupke? Hahaha” the tormentor again asked her question. Kriti Sanon was getting ashamed because of his derogatory remarks, but due to some reason she felt spineless before him. She felt like she was her puppet doll and he can use her whatever way he likes.

“bata na? Yaar hu kya me tera?” He asked with a chortle. She remained silent. “agar me tera yaar nahi hu to chal nika yaha se” he holds her hand and started pulling her towards the door.

Kriti was shook to reality by sudden dragging, her logical mind telling her it was a good thing, but her body revolted against it, she hushed her logical mind. She didn’t want to be away from him, she knew she needs his touch on her body without that she can’t cum.

With each passing second the distance to gate was getting shorter and shorter. Kriti knew she had to take a decision else he would throw her out of that smelly and clumsy room. She also knew there was only one way to stop him from doing so, she has to surrender totally to his demands.

“ha ho” she answered with shaky voice. As soon as the tormentor heard that he stopped in his tracks. Since the room was dark she couldn’t see whether he was looking at her or not but she was happy that at least he was not going to throw her out of that dirty and smelly room.

Kya bola? Kya hu me tera? Fir se bol

Kriti Sanon realized what she said in the height of the fear of being thrown out of the room. She remained shushed for few moments but then again she felt his hand on her biceps like he’s going to push her out of room again.

Yaar ho na aap mere...

She heard a chortle.

Ab aai na sali kutiya tu line par haramzadi hahaha

She felt ashamed of getting those derogatory remarks again by the tormentor. She couldn’t believe where her self-esteem had gone, how a top notch bollywood actress like her can tolerate such disrespect from a low life creep. But despite what her logical mind saying, she knew her body had already surrender to him, and it doesn’t matter now what he wants her to say and do, she will tolerate all the disrespect.

To be continued ...
Keep it up bro
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A professional writer is amateur who didn't quit
Keep it up bro
Thanks bro :hug:


A professional writer is amateur who didn't quit
Part B

Recap -

she knew her body had already surrender to him, and it doesn’t matter now what he wants her to say and do, she will tolerate all the disrespect.

Now Continue -

The manly voice of the tormentor broke Kriti Sanon trance. She concentrated on what he was saying.

Chal raand khat(cot) ke sahare ghodi ban turant.

Although she understand her demand as she was born and brought up in Delhi, so was used to of hearing those derogatory words in her school and college life but she couldn’t believe what he was asking her to do. She heard a disappointed grunt from her tormentor, she didn’t want to test his patience anymore, so she suddenly bend over and attained the legendary “ghodi” position.

She again heard a chortle from the tormentor. Then she felt a hand on her right ass cheek. She was expecting another firm grip on her right bun but to her surprise a firm slap got imprinted on her left bum cheek. A painful “ahh” erupted from her lips. She was just soaking the pain from the previous BUM slap when another slap hit on her right bum cheek.

This time again Kriti somehow absorb the pain, and then the chain of slaps started. Each slap had more intensity then the previous slap, tears stared forming in her eyes. But the tormentor seemed in no mood to stop his assault. Then the final straw broke the camel back, the tormentor hit the famous bollywood, pro feminist, top notch bollywood actress, Kriti Sanon with all his strength on her right ass cheek, and a stark weep escaped her mouth. The famous actress was in tears, her night time eyeliner was leaking on her cheeks.

But even her cry didn’t stop the sadist tormentor, and he kept giving her brutal strikes and then the smashes stop abruptly just as they started. She felt a little graze on her beaten petite bum cheeks, she trembled in fear of another hit, but instead of hit, she felt the assuasive touch from the tormentor.

Dard hua

He asked in a compassionate tone. She was amazed by his caring words, and this time she literally started crying, this cry was not from pain or humiliation but was from his soothing and caring attitude towards Kriti. She felt like a cat who needs her master care after a rough time.

(she said in a meek and emotional tone)

Then the tormentor hands moved towards her head and started soothing her hairs. She felt really good like she found her support system in the form of the tormentor on which she can rely on. A warm feeling swept over her anguished body.

Aur maru teri gaand pe thapad
(he asked in a polite and authoritative way)

Although she didn’t like his tone and the derogatory remarks, but the way he asked her permission for the first time, she didn’t want to disappoint him. So, instead of verbal approval, she arched her back in total surrender which results in her ass got uplifted. As soon as she did it, a sharp and hard slap imprinted on her left bum cheek. Kriti felt the pain but instead of a painful weep, this time she howl a pleasurable cry. She herself got amazed by this delightful feeling she was getting by getting hit by a low class man on her posh bum.

Then a chain of hard spanks got started, which ends when the bollywood babe Kriti Sanon entire face was covered in tears, from the front it looks like she’s been brutally tortured, her mascara was spread all over the face due to weeping. She was not looking the top class bollywood actress anymore but instead a 2 rupee street hooker(sadak chap randi), whose cost might be only 10 rupees per night.

Then the brutal spanks stops, and all could be heard in the room was whimpering noise of the famous bollywood, pro feminist, lead actress Kriti Sanon. After a few moments that whimpering sound also subside as she was unsure why her beloved tormentor not tormenting her anymore. As she was contemplating the reason, she felt the tormentor hand on her left hand, and then slowly the tormentor moved her hand on her own BUM.

Apni gaand pe khud thapad mar haramzadi
(he said in an authoritative voice)

This time our beloved pro-feminist, top notch, independent woman, Kriti Sanon didn’t wince for a second as she knew the end result, and gave her own bum cheek a solid spank “chat”. A chortle could be heard from the tormentor. She stopped after one spank.

Rukne to kisne kaha sali kutiya raand, marti rhe apni khud ki gaand pe thapad jab tak me rukne ko na boli raandi ki aulad
(he yelled angerly)

Kriti trembled with fear and immediately started spanking her own ass “chat” “chat” “chat” spanks sounds resonate in the small room. But as she was going to give one more spank to her own ass, the tormentor stopped her.

Me light on kar raha hu, randi agar peeche dekha na to teri is ameer gaand me gandak-potas dal ke cheetde uda dunga, samji raand ki bachi

Kriti in pure terror said “samaj gai” in a meek tone. As soon as she said, the cramped and stinky room illuminated. The tormentor signaled her to spank herself again by giving her bum a playful smack. Kriti Sanon got the clue and start spanking her own BUM. “chat” “chat” “chat” sound starts resonating once again.

Wah maza aa raha hai raand, maar aur zor se apni gaand pe thapad
(”chat” “chat” “chat” sounds intensified)
Ruk teri ye maxi upper uta du, fir aur swad aayega hahaha

The tormentor lifts our independent woman Kriti Sanon nighty only to be greeted by a titillating sight, Kriti Sanon bum cheeks were red a tomatoes due to the spanking of the tormentor and herself. In the height of erotic sight the tormentor also take off her Victoria secret expensive thong, although Kriti felt why he was doing and her logical mind was telling her to rebel against his action, but Kriti was not finding the courage to did so, as her body was in total surrender mode, so she let it happen.

Soon we witness an extremely titillating sight, the famous pro-feminist, independent, top notch actress kriti sanon was in the “ghodi” position, her night on her waist and feet wide apart, beads of sweat and redness on her bum cheeks, mascara spread over her eyes and cheeks (due to crying), in a cramped and stinky room, that also in front of a low class man, whose face she didn’t see. Overall, it seemed our kriti sanon high class attitude crumbled to dust.

Randi ruk kyu gai, mar zor zor se apni gaand pe dhapa-dhap thapad, mar ye baat aur zor se de gaand pe thapad
(he boosting her moral)

Soon we witness a sight of disbelief, the famous Kriti Sanon was spanking her own naked ass like a woman possessed, her yelling could be heard outside in the dark alley, if someone was outside the room they would assume that a street hooker(sadak chap randi) was getting bonked in the room. The tormentor keep igniting her morale for spanking, by giving the complements, soon she heard the flash light sound from the phone, she knew he was taking her picture, her logical mind yelling to stop him else her reputation as the famous actress would be shattered.

But she didn’t care anything related to her societal stature now, she was in desperate need of his presence because she could feel deep down a major orgasm was building up. According to her feeling it was supposed to be the biggest in her lifetime. Then to Kriti Sanon dismay he asked her to stop spanking hew own BUM. Kriti felt cheated why he asked her to stop just before she was in desperate need to CUM? But she didn’t have courage to challenge her authority, hence she stopped beating her own ass like a mad woman right away.

Chal raand dono hato se majoot ghodi ban ja tera sultan ab teri sawari karega
(he said in sadistic tone)

She shivered in fear of unknown but did so instantly. She heard ruffling of cloths, she got the idea he was taking off his pants, now as she got some of her logical thinking back, the gravity of situation got a hold of it. A top notch, pro-feminist, independent woman like Kriti Sanon was in the legendary “ghodi” position, butt naked, in a cramped and stingy room with a low class man, whose face she still didn’t see, had her depraved pictures captured, but instead of being offended or angry, she was getting randier with each passing second.

Then she heard the ruffling of cloths, she got the idea that her tormentor was taking off his pants, she was getting happy that her pussy hunger would be satiate soon, she felt the cock head on her watering pussy and was expecting a brutal push deep down her wanton pussy. But reverse of her expectation his cock kept rubbing on her minora, in desperation, she pushed back her bum, but the tormentor push back his cock, Kriti Sanon again pushed back her ASS more in search of his majestic cock but the result was the same.

He was not entering her wanton hole but kept rubbing on her moist labia, Kriti was making lecherous moan out frustration, she was felling a huge orgasm was on the verge on her minora, she was gonna cum any moment, a perverted smile could be seen on her face, YASS.. it was there, a orgasm, that she deadly needed, just any moment.

Kriti’s eyes popped in utter shock, the cock on her pussy gone, she can’t believe that he did it to her, she was going to turn her head around when a firm grip on her neck refrain her in doing so.

Jab tak darwaze ki awaz na ho peeche mat dekhna, nahi to randi, nangi sadak pe phek dunga
(he said in an angry tone)

Kriti nodded her head in accord, she heard him pulling his pants up, then a few moments of silence like he was thinking something, then sound of flash like he was taking her depraved pictures, Kriti didn’t flinch, she was in pain not physically but emotionally, that tormentor just broke her heart. Tears developed in her eyes, she felt cheated. From the corner of her eyes, she saw a slip was kept near her by him, she couldn’t figure out what it was? But she care less now. She felt a warm breath near her ear and a dominating whisper “Aslam” and then she heard the gate behind her got closed.

As soon as it did, she got up straight, her nighty conceal her nakedness again, she picked the note, a phone number was written on it and a side note which says “agar zaroorat ho to call karna”. She understand everything, his tormentor name was “Aslam” and he gave his number. But the feeling of being cheated and the associated pain was still intact in her heart.

To be continued...
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