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Adultery Tulsi My Beloved Matured Working Lady by rakeshind23 ( Incomplete )

Tulsi, My Beloved Matured Working Lady - 24

I know all you are eager to know who is this Prashanth. I will not drag this story also for long dears. Because there are so many other stories in my life to share with you all.

Prashanth is a junior in Tulsi’s office. He is around 24 and a fresher who had joined in Tulsi’s team. He is not so good looking but very hard working boy. After reading messages from Tulsi and Prashanth, I was really eager to know who this Prashanth is and what is going on between Tulsi and Prashanth.

I had taken Prashanth number that day and after few days called him to know his background. Here is the conversation between Prashanth and I.

Me : Hello, is it Prashanth Kumar?
Prashanth : Yes, may I know who is this?
Me : I am calling from In******* Company
Prashanth : Yes sir tell me?
Me : We had got your resume few days back. So thought will speak to you if you are looking for job
Prashanth : But I haver joined a company recently. So not interested to change job
Me : Ohh ok congrats. But may I ask you where you got the job and how much salary you are getting?
Prashanth : I got in S**** Corporation Ltd and I am gettig 3.6 Lakhs
Me : Ok that nice. I know this Company. Which team you work there Prashanth
Prashanth : I work with MIS Reporting Team sir
Me : Ok good then who is your manager?
Prashanth : Tulsi B Lokesh, is my manager. You know her Sir
Me : no no I just asked. So how are you liking your job? Is your manager good for you?
Prashanth : Yes sir she is very good and understanding.
Me : What if we offer you 4.2Lakhs?
Prashanth : No sir. I will be here for minimum two years. And my manager is also so good.
Me : Ohh good in the sense, she is to much caring for you?
Prashanth : ya ya she is very caring and she likes me and my work also
Me : ok then I guess you are enjoying with your manager
Prashanth : yes sir.
Me : Ok prashanth. Thanks for you time take care
Prashanth : Thank you sir bye
Me : Bye prashanth all the best for your career growth

This is what we spoke and then I really understood, how she is caring for him. I understood clearly about Tulsi and Prashanth relationship.

Below is the messages which I had read between Tulsi and Prashanth. But they have not chatted more and also I don’t think they were much on Phone also.

Tulsi : Hi Prassu
Prashanth : Hi Madam
Tulsi : what are you doing?
Prashanth : I am in room madam. Waiting for my room mate for dinner
Tulsi : Ohh come here only will give you dinner
Prashanth : oh so nice of you madam. Shall I come now?
Tulsi : hey I was kidding. My hubby will come now
Prashanth : ok no probs
Tulsi : you want to come prassu?
Prashanth : I like to come but you told your hubby will be there
Tulsi : yes. I don’t know what to tell him he is sees you
Prashanth : don’t want madam. My friend is getting from hotel
Tulsi : how are you feeling at office?
Prashanth : nice place madam.
Tulsi : how about me?
Prashanth : you are so good. And I am happy to get you as manager
Tulsi : thank you prassu
Prashanth : its been one month, I didn’t feel like I am fresher here.
Tulsi : good. I liked your way of working prassu
Prashanth : thank you madam. I will prove I am very good at work
Tulsi : you will prassu. Ok my hubby will come now. bye good nite
Prashanth : good nite madam.

One more conversation
Tulsi : Hi Prassu dear
Prashanth : Hi Madam
Tulsi : What happened today you were so silent?
Prashanth : Nothing madam just like that little fever
Tulsi : ohh then take leave na
Prashanth : its ok I took tablets
Tulsi : good boy
Prashanth : Had dinner madam?
Tulsi : hey don’t call me madam. You can call me Tulsi
Prashanth : Ok tulsi madam
Tulsi : again madam?
Prashanth : ok ok sorry tulsi
Tulsi : that’s good boy
Prashanth : tulsi had dinner?
Tulsi : no dear will have now
Prashanth : Tulsi can I tell something?
Tulsi : Sure Prassu tell me
Prashanth : you were looking beautiful with the white shirt and khakhi pant
Tulsi : oh really? Thank you so much dear
Prashanth : sorry if I hurt you tulsi
Tulsi : no no I am feeling blushing
Prashanth : I was seeing you continously today
Tulsi : I observed it dear
Prashanth : you are very cute tulsi
Tulsi : ok now I will go my hubby will come. Good nite dear sweet dreams
Prashanth : good nite tulsi sweet dreams

One more conversation
Tulsi : Hi dear
Prashanth : Hi tulsi
Tulsi : what are you doing?
Prashanth : with my room mate having dinner? You tulsi
Tulsi : just finished preparing dinner and gave food to my kid and came to bed
Prashanth : your hubby didn’t come still?
Tulsi : he will come by 10:30 so untill then free
Prashanth : ohh ok then we can chat more tonite
Tulsi : sure dear
Prashanth : nothing tulsi you tell
Tulsi : you are so sweet dear. The way you work I am very happy. Will try to increase your salary in the appraisal cycle
Prashanth : waaw thank you tulsi
Tulsi : prassu dear can you do me favour?
Prashanth : sure tulsi tell me
Tulsi : can you do that Dubai and UK report and send me tomorrow? I have some personal work so coming to office late
Prashanth : sure tulsi. but what if John asks where are you?
Tulsi : tell him she has come to office but have some work and she is in next block
Prashanth : I am afraid tulsi
Tulsi : see dear. If you do this work tomorrow I will give u something
Prashanth : what will you give me dear?
Tulsi : dear? What prassu you calling me dear?
Prashanth : sorry sorry tulsi. it came just like that
Tulsi : its ok u can call me dear. I like it
Prashanth : ok dear tell me
Tulsi : I will give u one kiss.
Prashanth : oh my god. Are you telling this really?
Tulsi : I proimse. I will give you once you do this work
Prashanth : I am really not able to belive this dear
Tulsi : you will surely belive it
Prashanth : ok dear I will surely finish you work
Tulsi : ok prassu lets sleep my hubby will come now
Prashanth : sure dear good nite sweetdreams
Tulsi : ummmaaaa this is sample
Prashanth : ohh I cant sleep tonite thinking of your kiss
Tulsi : I will give u in reall don’t worry finish my work naa sweetheart
Prashanth : sure my tulsi dear
Tulsi : miss u bye
Prashanth : bye sweetheart tulsi.ummaaaaa from my side
Tulsi : ummaaaaaaa gud nite
Prashanth : where did u give this ummaaaa
Tulsi : keep it whereever you want prassu dear bye good nite
Prashanth : gud nite sweetheart

All the conversations where at night only because morning he was with her in office. Few more conversations will put tomorrow.
Tulsi, My Beloved Matured Working Lady - 25

After reading the conversations I came to know that she is very gud but her work has to be done. Here are few more conversations between Prashanth and Tusli.

Tulsi : Hi sweetheart
Me : Hi Dear
Tulsi : had dinnner?
Me : Not yet. Waiting for my room mate
Tulsi : ok. What have you ordered?
Me : Just rice and sambhar dear nothing much
Tulsi : Prassu chinni, thank u so much for the reports.
Me : Its ok dear. But you didn’t come to office only today. You told you will come late
Tulsi : ya I had some work sweetheart
Me : ok ok no probs.
Tulsi : did john asked for me?
Me : yes he asked, I told she came and went somewhere
Tulsi : anything else he asked?
Me : nothing he asked are the reports ready. I told tulsi madam has finished it and will mail in sometime
Tulsi : Thanks a lot dear. You are so sweet.
Me : Now you have to give my gift you promised?
Tulsi : gift? What gift sweetheart?
Me : you forgot?
Tulsi : you tell what is that gift
Me : you told you will kiss me if I finish that project
Tulsi : you think I will cheat you dear?
Me : no no I just reminded sweetheart
Tulsi : don’t worry. I will surely give you soon.
Me : I am eager dear
Tulsi : but where shall I give you kiss?
Me : you tell me dear. Shall I come to your house?
Tulsi : don’t do that mistake anytime. My hubby will keep coming now and then to house
Me : ohh ok then where shall we meet to take kiss?
Tulsi : what about your room dear?
Me : but my room is not so good dear
Tulsi : its ok just for kiss only naa
Me : mmmmm ok sure
Tulsi : what? Is something more you are expecting?
Me : no no
Tulsi : tell me the truth sweetheart
Me : I don’t know tusli dear. But I want to hug you and kiss you and romance
Tulsi : romance? You naugty… so you want to romance with me?
Me : no no I just felt. Don’t worry. I wont hurt you
Tulsi : good boy. I am not that type of lady ok?
Me : I know tulsi. you are very homely and nice lady.
Tulsi : thanks for understanding sweetheart
Me : thank god you told you will kiss me. that itself is so much for me
Tulsi : what if you lose your control?
Me : don’t worry I will proimse I wont do that
Tulsi : let me see
Me : sure dear
Tulsi : ok let me know when I can come to your room dear
Me : sure I will check when my friend is going to native. Then we both can stay at my room peacefully
Tulsi : sure dear. But I am little afraid. I have never did this
Me : even me dear. But my body is getting heated
Tulsi : naughty.
Me : I am eager and eager to kiss u
Tulsi : ok dear I will go now. hubby will come in any time. Ummaaaaaaaaaaaa
Me : ummaaaa dear. Where will I keep your ummaaa tonite?
Tulsi : whereever you like u keep now I am going
Me : sure I will keep on my lips
Tulsi : naughty fellow bye
Me : gud nite tulsi

Tulsi had missed that love caring romance in life with her husband. Also she wanted to grow very much in career. She was using Prashanth for doing the work and she was just roaming around in the office. Here are few more conversations.

Tulsi : Hello dear you there?
Me : hi sweetheart tell me
Tulsi : dinnner?
Me : just had.
Tulsi : your room mate left?
Me : he is packing. Will leave in sometime
Tulsi : good so tomorrow's plan?
Me : sure. You can come to my room anytime. Even now
Tulsi : stupid. How can I come now. hubby will come
Me : I was kidding sweetheart
Tulsi : morning will come by 8:30. send me the address
Me : sure. I will be waiting.
Tulsi : lets both go together to office. I will bring my car
Me : ok sure sweetheart
Tulsi : anyways tomorrow john is not going to have call also. So we can go little late by 12
Me : sure darling
Tulsi : happy prassu dear?
Me : yes yes
Tulsi : prassu, how was I looking today?
Me : that white shirt and khaki pant looks sexy on u dear
Tulsi : really?
Me : you know even that Karthik was watching you and was commenting
Tulsi : commenting? What was he commenting?
Me : he was telling, Prassu you are so lucky to get such sexy lady as manager
Tulsi : ohhh then?
Me : then he told that you have nice shape and also he was commenting on your butt
Tulsi : idiot fellow
Me : but you were so tempting dear in office.
Tulsi : ohh is it? Then I wont wear that dress anymore
Me : no no dear. Its suits you so well.
Tulsi : thanks a lot dear. But people are commenting on me right?
Me : tulsi, people see beauty in their own way naa. So why have to worry. They are feeling you are beautiful, then you should be proud dear
Tulsi : ohh ya ya ok then what else he told?
Me : he was praising about ur chest and lips and was commenting on your walking style
Tulsi : ohh so much he has observed?
Me : yes yes
Tulsi : what all you observed dear?
Me : tulsi you know when you were walking I could see your panyline. And your butt was really hot.
Tulsi : naugty you also see me so much?
Me : what to do you are so sexy
Tulsi : and then what else you saw?
Me : In our white shirt, I could see your light pink bra also.
Tulsi : oh my god was it looking awkward dear?
Me : no tulsi. It was looking very tempting
Tulsi : god you are making me to get heated now
Me : I am eager to meet you tmorow at my room
Tulsi : even me. but I am very nervous because this is the first time I am doing this dear
Me : same here tulsi. no ladies have come to my room. This is the first time
Tulsi : no one will come right?
Me : no one will come. Ours is independet house
Tulsi : ok no one will question na?
Me : if someone asks will tell my sister
Tulsi : sister? And you want to kiss your own sister?
Me : then what else I will say to them dear?
Tulsi : naughty ok as you wish
Me : don’t worry our place is safe dear
Tulsi : ok ok sure.
Me : you were looking so sexy today inoffice
Tulsi : I think my hubby came dear. I can hear the steps. Ok bye will meet u tomorrow. Gud nite
Me : gud nite dear sweet dreams

Next conversation is on their meet in the room and guys don’t worry I am not going to drag this story more. Since I am not getting much time. I am typing as much as I can in the given time.
Tulsi, My Beloved Matured Working Lady - 26

Read this conversation of Tulsi and Prashanth. This is really tempting and hot. After reading this only I came to know that Tulsi wants to enjoy her life and make boys mad and attract towards her and also get her work done.

Tulsi : Hi Prassu dear
Prassu : Hi Sweetheart
Tulsi : what are you doing?
Prassu : just had dinner. You?
Tulsi : Just gave dinner to Prajju and sitting
Prassu : You didn’t had?
Tulsi : will have now dear. Not hungry
Prassu : boring dear
Tulsi : why what happened?
Prassu : I am alone tonite. My friend is not there na
Tulsi : ohh ya correct
Prassu : have dinner soon dear
Tulsi : sure prassu. How did u feel morning?
Prassu : It was really sweet tulsi dear
Tulsi : I was really nervous until I enter your room prassu
Prassu : even I was really scared. I was thinking you wont come at all
Tulsi : even I was thinking not to come. But I had promised right
Prassu : you nice soft lips tusli
Tulsi : stupid, I thought will kiss only your cheeks
Prassu : but after you kissed my cheeks I wanted to feel that soft lips
Tulsi : naughty. But you kissed good.
Prassu : you think I am kiss very nicely?
Tulsi : you still need experience sweety
Prassu : You mean I didn’t kiss you properly?
Tulsi : you kissed me but you should be still soft and not so rough and rash
Prassu : sorry dear. This is my first kiss
Tulsi : its ok next time be soft
Prassu : ohh you mean I have a chance for next time as well?
Tulsi : you don’t want dear?
Prassu : I need it tulsi. but thinking whether you wil give or not
Tulsi : I will but one think if u promise
Prassu : sure I can do anything for you dear
Tulsi : next Friday, I may be on leave. Can you finish my reports?
Prassu : ohh that Cathy project?
Tulsi : Yes
Prassu : But I have John report as well dear
Tulsi : please Prassu. Monday I have to submit and you know Prajju is having some meeting.
Prassu : but I am planning to go to native dear
Tulsi : Ok prassu, you wont do that much also?
Prassu : But my mom want me to come there dear?
Tulsi : ok Prassu no probs. I will tell prajju that I cant come
Prassu : are you upset?
Tulsi : no no prassu. Today I gave you so much
Prassu : ya I know dear but..
Tulsi : ok prassu gud nite. Bye
Prassu : Tulsi darling, ok I will do it. Will tell mom that I am not coming this weekend. But next weekend will go.
Please.. Is that ok?

Tulsi : don’t worry next Monday I will give you leave you can go.
Prassu : sure dear
Tulsi : sorry prassu. Wat to do even my hubby wont help me, there is no one for prajju
Prassu : its ok tulsi
Tulsi : you are so sweet darling
Prassu : you have sweet lips dear
Tulsi : thank you prassu. Even you have very sweet lips
Prassu : this is the first time dear. I kissed a lady
Tulsi : Next time be little slow. You should feel that sweetness slowly
Prassu : sure. You teach me
Tulsi : I will my sweetheart
Prassu : I was tempted when you hugged me dear
Tulsi : I Could feel that
Prassu : what you felt?
Tulsi : as if you don’t know
Prassu : did u feel that really dear?
Tulsi : yes really
Prassu : I was trying not to touch from that.
Tulsi : you can stop it. It is natural and it was pressing my thighs
Prassu : When I was hugging I was holding your chest so got hard
Tulsi : naughty you think I didn’t know that?
Prassu : ohh you understood that I was touching your chest purposely?
Tulsi : yes
Prassu : sorry dear I was thinking you will scold me. did u like it?
Tulsi : I was thinking you will do more
Prassu : but was afraid.
Tulsi : I was thinking you will go still further
Prassu : ohh I missed it
Tulsi : you are one dumbo. When you were pressing my boobs did I restricted?
Prassu : no dear.
Tulsi : then you should understand that I like it right?
Prassu : ya but still I am scared
Tulsi : its ok leave
Prassu : I could feel the hooks of your bra behind sweetheart
Tulsi : I know that also dear
Prassu : oh god whatever I did you know that?
Tulsi : I expected all this from you. And was waiting for more also dear
Prassu : I am really getting hard thinking of whatever you are telling now
Tulsi : you were caressing my butt also searcching for my panty line right?
Prassu : yes tulsi. I was really tempted.
Tulsi : but you look so innocent
Prassu : you beauty made me to touch all over
Tulsi : its natural for boys at your age don’t worry dear
Prassu : thanks for understanding dear
Tulsi : Prassu shall I tell u something?
Prassu : sure dear tell me
Tulsi : if you finish that cathy project, I promise will show u my full body naked
Prassu : what did u say?
Tulsi : yes I can be naked with u
Prassu : my god. Love u so much tulsi
Tulsi : you like to see me naked?
Prassu : I am dieing for that. Today only wanted to rip all your clothes
Tulsi : then you should have done it dear.
Prassu : I was really scared dear thinking what you will feel
Tulsi : ok finish that project next week I will show u myself fully
Prassu : I will surely work hard for it dear
Tulsi : ok prassu guess my hubby is coming now. gud nite
Prassu : gud nite tulsi and thanks for all whatever you did today
Tulsi : you deserve it dear
Prassu : love u so much dear. Gud nite sweetdreams
Tulsi : sweetdreams dear. I will be thinking of todays kiss whole nite
Prassu : I will thinking of todays incident and shag whole nite
Tulsi : sure good nite see you in the office
Prassu : gud nite darling

This is the real color of Tulsi. read the next conversation

Tulsi : Hello prassu
Prassu : Hi tulsi
Tulsi : had dinner?
Prassu : not feeling like having. I am still in that morning mood
Tulsi : mmmm still not come out of it dear?
Prassu : how can I tulsi. you made me lose my viginity
Tulsi : naughty. How did u feel?
Prassu : god I cant explain dear. Even now I am feeling like heaven
Tulsi : but you still need more experience dear
Prassu : this was my first time darling
Tulsi : I can understand dear
Prassu : but I nevr expected I will be seeing you naked
Tulsi : how do I look without clothes dear?
Prassu : if I think only my dick is getting hard dear
Tulsi : I was feeling shy dear
Prassu : when you were removing your dress one by one, I was getting so nervous
Tulsi : how all you felt sweetheart?
Prassu : my body was getting so heated that I was feeling my body will burn
Tulsi : I could see your dick was getting hard inside your shorts
Prassu : then what do u think after seeing your semi naked body how I should feel
Tulsi : you were so nervous as well
Prassu : ya the way you were removing your dress one by one I was getting so nervous
Tulsi : you were eagerly seeing something right dear
Prassu : yes I was waiting for you to remove your bra. I was really mad to see your naked boobs and yout tits
Tulsi : naughty. You are really naughty fellow
Prassu : I was also feeling more hard when you removed your panty dear
Tulsi : I had shaved for you only prassu
Prassu : ya it was so neat and you have really good butt tulsi.
Tulsi : you liked it?
Prassu : it look more sexy when there is no clothes on your butt
Tulsi : mmm I know you guys always eye on my butt and boobs
Prassu : they are really awesome
Tulsi : I was also eager to see your dick dear
Prassu : how did u feel when you saw?
Tulsi : its little small dear
Prassu : ya its 4inches
Tulsi : you should have big dick to satisfy lady like me
Prassu : you didn’t like it tulsi
Tulsi : I liked it prassu. But to be frank I was not satisfied dear
Prassu : ya I know I leaked before inserting only first round
Tulsi : don’t worry second time atleast you were little good
Prassu : but didn’t do it for long no dear
Tulsi : I know but its ok prassu, you will learn soon
Prassu : I am feeling I need it again now
Tulsi : you know I am feeling like a troubled lioness now
Prassu : what do u mean?
Tulsi : you made me wet and wild and left half done. Now I am feeling I need more dear
Prassu : come here then
Tulsi : I am serioulsy feeling
Prassu : but my friend is there dear
Tulsi : as if I can come now. my hubby will also come now
Prassu : then how will u manage?
Tulsi : I guess I need to finger it dear
Prassu : you can ask your hubby right?
Tulsi : he will be tired and he wont do that’s for sure
Prassu : ohh. Sorry tulsi I didn’t satisy you
Tulsi : its ok prassu don’t be sorry
Prassu : next time you teach me slowly
Tulsi : sure. But one more thing prassu
Prassu : tell tulsi
Tulsi : shave your hairs
Prassu : sure I will have clean shave
Tulsi : gud boy. You are small cute dick. But I feel I need a big one to satisfy me
Prassu : when I fucked second round you didndt feel anything?
Tulsi : I just felt it entered only half of my pussy
Prassu : how to increase the dick size dear?
Tulsi : you need to consult doctor for that dear
Prassu : sure I will do it
Tulsi : but I liked the way you licked my boobs and ass
Prassu : I wanted to taste it nicely dear. You told na last time to be slow
Tulsi : yes yes and you have improved with your kiss as well
Prassu : you are my teacher
Tulsi : prassu, thanks for the cathy reports
Prassu : its ok tulsi, I should thank for giving such a pleasure
Tulsi : its k dear. I like you so much that’s why I did all this
Prassu : I am really lucky to fuck you dear
Tulsi : prassu, can you do that cathy one more report also?
Prassu : but next week I told I need to go to native
Tulsi : not this week dear next month first week
Prassu : sure dear I will
Tulsi : if you do that then one more round of show and sex
Prassu : really?
Tulsi : promise. But make sure you shave your hairs
Prassu : but next time I will remove your clothes
Tulsi : anything dear. You are so sweet
Prassu : I will surely be sweet for you always
Tulsi : but you will do that project for me right dear?
Prassu : my promise.
Tulsi : but you shouldn’t tell anyone that you did that project
Prassu : did I tell anyone about cathy project?
Tulsi : no no but still I am saying
Prassu : I promise I wont tell anyone
Tulsi : I have spoken to Giri about your salary hike as well
Prassu : waawww. Love you sweetheart
Tulsi : you work hard and help me, you will get good salary and
Prassu : and good sexy lady with hot sex
Tulsi : naughty fellow
Prassu : you are more naughty than me dear
Tulsi : ok prassu its time he will come now. bye and still I didn’t wash your cum.
Prassu : ohh why dear
Tulsi : I want to feel that till morning. I feel you are with me inside mypussy
Prassu : oh so nice of you dear
Tulsi : ok bye prassu take care sweet dreams
Prassu : bye dear gud nite. Love you
Tulsi : love you too bye
Prassu : ummmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Tulsi : ummmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Prassu : bye bye bye my sweetheart

I could get only these conversations. After that I am not sure how she is with him. But she was using him for getting her work done. But for sure she was not satisfied with his dick because when I was fucking her with my 8inch dick she was telling she likes big and thick dick and she was getting pleasure pain by my dick. So 4inch dick was not nothing for her juicy slutty hole. But she was behind him only for her work to get done.
Tulsi, My Beloved Matured Working Lady - 27

After reading all those conversations I was really thinking what kind of lady Tulsi was. Is she a good homely lady? Is she a slut? Is she taking advantage of all? But for sure, she was very good lady, but she was missing love care sex and even she was thinking of her son as well.

That is why is she was doing all this. But even she is a human being. She also wants to enjoy life. But one thing is she was very sensual, very hot, very kinky and very naughty in bed. She also was waiting for such a dirty, naughty and kinky person with long dick which can fuck her pussy to the depth. I don’t say she was wrong in getting fucked by Ramesh or Prashanth. She wanted some help, some time with the nice person, some nice fucks and shots which can release her sexual desires which she didn’t find in Ramesh or Prashanth. But she was using them so that SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING.

After reading all these messages, I seriously became more heated and hard to fuck her. I told this to maami. Maami told don’t be with her for long time because these kind of ladies will leave you in middle once they get someone who is better than you. Even I knew that and also I never be with one single lady. So I don’t have to worry. But I knew I will surely leave her once I feel I am getting bored of her pussy.

It was Tuesday, I was getting ready as I had to go to office little early. I got a call from Tulsi

Tulsi : Hello romantic lazy hero
Me : hi dear
Tulsi : still sleeping dear?
Me : no muddhu. I got up and getting ready?
Tulsi : so soon?
Me : ya I have a meeting by 9:30. so have to go soon.
Tulsi : ok ok then get ready will call you back
Me : no no its ok tell. I am ready. Just have to start
Tulsi : ok ok. Whats the plan tomorrow
Me : nothing much dear. Same office and house that’s it
Tulsi : I am planning to take leave tomorrow
Me : ohh what happened
Tulsi : nothing was feeling little tired. So thought will take leave
Me : ok ok
Tulsi : can you also take leave tomorrow?
Me : But that will be difficult dear
Tulsi : please you wont do that much also for me? I have taken so much risk for you dear
Me : I can understand but..
Tulsi : no butt or ass, you are taking leave that’s it
Me : ok baba sure.
Tulsi : good boy.
Me : ok now tell me whats the plan
Tulsi : shall we go for a movie?
Me : sure, which movie?
Tulsi : any movie dear.
Me : ok shall we go for that hindi movie?
Tulsi : no no many people will be there
Me : ok so you want to romance?
Tulsi : yes I want to romance inside theater
Me : waaaw. But have you tried this?
Tulsi : stupid with whom will I try dear?
Me : husband?
Tulsi : he is such a fool doesn’t know how to romance
Me : ok sure then will go that kannada movie. No one will be there
Tulsi : yes sure. Can you book the tickets?
Me : sure will do it once I go to office
Tulsi : then will have lunch
Me : sure as you wish darling
Tulsi : then I want to shopping dear
Me : what all this sexy madam is planning for shopping?
Tulsi : I am planning to take tops, some leggins, jeans, and want to buy some sexy fancy bra and panties dear
Me : ohh waaaw then I guess there is something new for me to show
Tulsi : yes dear, for you only
Me : along with that I was thinking will get you one saree
Tulsi : waaaw really?
Me : yes dear
Tulsi : I am so lucky to get you jaanu
Me : don’t worry I wil get you everything you want
Tulsi : love you such chinni
Me : love you too darling
Tulsi : raki, my mobile is getting hanged so much dear
Me : oh what hpnd?
Tulsi : no idea suddenly it will get hanged
Me : shall we get it repaired?
Tulsi : its very old one, shall we get one?
Me : sure tomorrow anyways we are going for shopping na lets see there only
Tulsi : thank you so much dear. You are so sweet
Me : I am eager for the theater romance dear
Tulsi : yes raki. Even I want to try all this. Never tried but I feel so tempted thinking of it
Me : what if I go further more and do something more?
Tulsi : I would love to if you do it.
Me : let see the situation and do it dear
Tulsi : sure I hope we can enjoy dear
Me : I want to be more kinky dirty throught out dear
Tulsi : you are rascal in that. Be as you wish and use the oppurtunity as much as you want
Me : Wear loose top and if you have long skirt. So that it will be easy for me to put hands everywhere
Tulsi : sure. I have long skirt but will wear another dress and come and will change in restroom in mall
Me : ok sure dear. That will be good. Where shall I book the ticket
Tulsi : book it in Phenonix mall whitefeild.
Me : sure darling. I am getting shall I start sweetheart?
Tulsi : sure dear. Bye love you
Me : love you too darling

I could sense she wanted all these items from me and wanted to get fucked in public.. I will tell you what all we did in the mall.
Tulsi, My Beloved Matured Working Lady - 28

It was Wednesday morning. I got up little early because we had planned to go out. I had not booked ticket. But I knew it was Wednesday there wont be any rush. I knew there will be some hot games in theater so was thinking to wear something lose so that it will be easy to play with Tulsi.

I planned to wear a lose shirt and a pant and didn’t in so that even if I get erected no one shouldn’t see my tent inside the pant. I was just waiting sexy Tulsi to call. it was 7:30am. I knew she might call in any minute. She called exactly after 5mins.

Tusli : Hi Dear
Me : Hi Sweetheart
Tusli : Got ready?
Me : no I just took out the shirt and pant
Tusli : sure gud. I want to enjoy whole day to the heart
Me : then shall I get ready? Where shall I pick you?
Tusli : I will be waiting near that circle
Me : ok give me 10mins will be there
Tusli : sure even I will get 20mins to reach there
Me : ok dear I will come there

I got ready soon. But somewhere I was thinking she might come to house and we both can have nice fuck here only. Why are we going outside to fuck? But I also thought she might need a thrilling experience in life and she wants to experiment all these in her life. Anyways for me fucking in theater was not new but I was excited to see a aunty with a kid having such kind of desires.

I started. It was already 8:00AM. I reached the circle. She had not yet come. I parked my car and got down. I could see Tulsi getting down by auto. Seeing her was feeling what the hell?

Tusli : Hi Dear
Me : Hi Sweetheart
Tusli : where you waiting for long?
Me : no dear just 5mins back I came
Tusli : sorry. Didn’t get auto
Me : that’s fine. Still there is lots of time
Tusli : I know but lets go na it will take atleast 40mins
Me : but what is this dress?
Tusli : what has happened?
Me : u have come with chudidhar?
Tusli : so what? Not good?
Me : no nothing. I just asked
Tusli : I can understand what you are asking (smiled)
Me : ya u got to read my mind so soon
Tusli : I can understand how a young hungry boy thinks
Me : then what is this then?
Tusli : don’t worry I have a long skirt and top inside my bag
Me : then we could have changed at my house only right
Tusli : no no. if I come there you will surely start and all the thrilling exitement will go
Me : ohh so you have lot of fantacies planned
Tusli : yes raki. I have never exeprienced all this. I just want to explore everything in life
Me : sure dear. Why not? But you can change at house only. I will swear not even come inside
Tusli : its ok come. I can change and mall only
Me : mall?how?
Tusli : in restroom
Me : (I had fucked, kissed, boob pressed in malls but never had a chance with my ladies to see changing dress in restroom)
Tusli : ok chaloo lets start
Me : sure darling

We both started towards the mall. But her words of changing dress in mall was making me more thrilled and hot. Was really thrilled about it.
Tulsi, My Beloved Matured Working Lady - 29

We both started towards the Mall. We reached around 9:15AM. We parked the car and came to Mall. There were hardly few people. We could see more college guys and girls. We were not finding much of Adults roaming around. Anyways even we both wanted the same thing only. We took lift to go mall from the parking lot. Only we both were there in the lift. I was just waiting for the lift door to close. I just grabbed her and started kissing her lips. Even she responded quickly because even she knew we will have few seconds only and the door will open. In just few seconds I just pressed her hot boobs and pressed her ass. But kissed her mouth passionately while pressing her boobs and ass. We could feel the lift was about to stop. We both got a part and stood far as if nothing happened. The door opened and we walked out. We both saw each other. I licked my lips to show her that it was tasty. She hit my back softly.

I was feeling hungry wanted to have something. Even Tulsi was hungry. I asked her lets have breakfast.

Me : Shall we have breakfast?
Tulsi : Sure raki. Even I am hungry.
Me : Then come we will go and have something.
Tulsi : wait let me change my dress and come. Then later many people will come and it will become difficult to change
Me : ohh sure why not. Even I want to see you in the skirt and top
Tulsi : naughty how much eager to see me in that dress
Me : you know one thing?
Tulsi : what?
Me : I am always eager to see you without dress rather than with dress
Tulsi : dirty rascal. Just your words only will make me wet
Me : ohh so you mean I fuck you by words only?
Tulsi : the way you see me only will make me wet, your words make my pussy flow with my juice
Me : mmm ok go and come soon lets have breakfast and watch movie and then will go for shopping
Tulsi : sure dear. Wait for 10mins will come back
Me : 10 mins? And you get ready and come? And I should belive this?
Tulsi : ok will come soon. Is that fine?
Me : sure darling. Go and come soon. I will be sitting here only
Tulsi : sure. Bye honey

She started walking towards the Rest room. God while she was walking, I could see her round ass swaying. Though I had seen her ass naked, really I was so much hungry to see her always. She was such a sexy aunty. I kept seeing her ass until she went into restroom. Was just thinking how all ladies will think about enjoying life.

Actually we boys think many times to do adventures. But ladies are not like that. I have seen many ladies who were adventurous when comes to romance, love and sex. This was another example. I was imagining how all she will be getting ready inside the toilet. Though there was no changing room, she had to use toilet only for changing. It was already 15mins. I was just waiting there. It becomes really hard to spend time at this situation. One thing is eager to see how she looks and other one is waiting for a lady. I have the habit of scanning ladies and girls everywhere. That day there we no more ladies or girls also in mall. But few girls were really good and I felt this is the only thing I get today to see. Another 15mins over. There is no sign of Tulsi. I knew surely it will take time. I just saw my watch. It was already 10AM. Anyways why should I be bothered. We are not going to any awesome movie though. And also I had cancelled all my client calls and project deliverables. I just wanted to spend nice erotic time with this bitch aunty.

Her every chats with Prashanth and Ramesh was making me really horny every time. After reading all those messages I didn’t get chance to fuck her also. I just wanted to think of Prashanth and her and fuck her pussy nicely.

Finally I could see the hot erotic bitch Tulsi was walking towards me. While going she went like a Sati Savithri with Chudhidhar. But while coming back she came like a hot babe with Black top and long designer skirt. She was damn sexy to see. I seriously got instant erection. I just wanted to pounce on her and fuck her badly. As she was walking towards me I could see her boobs bouncing. The view was really awesome. I just got up and I could feel I had tent in my pants. But I had to control now. she came and stood next to me.

Me : Marvelous sexy
Tulsi : really?
Me : you look like hot sex bomb dear
Tulsi : oh god. Really? I thought I wont suit me
Me : you made me hard by your dress
Tulsi : I can see the tent in your pant (she laughed)
Me : you made it. Now you only have to take care of it.
Tulsi : sure sure. But not now. come lets have breakfast and then we will go for a movie
Me : you look really hot and your boobs were bouncing when were walking dear
Tulsi : speak slowly rascal. What if anyone listens
Me : who will listen? No people only here. We both can fuck in public only here
Tulsi : shut up u dirty fellow. I know you will do it if I will allow
Me : then allow na dear. Let me fuck in front of everyone
Tulsi : chi naughty. You are making me also wet.
Me : then come lets start here.
Tulsi : shall I show u something dear?
Me : sure are you stripping for me?
Tulsi : (she hit my shoulder softly) chi no no. see this (she opened her bag and showed me)
Me : oh my god, now I know why your boobs were bouncing like that
Tulsi : yes yes. All for you dear
Me : ok come lets have breakfast and start soon. I am really hungry
Tulsi : I can feel that in your eyes dear come lets have something. I am hungry
Me : even I am hungry
Tulsi : I know for what you are hungry
Me : as if you are not hungry to that sexy
Tulsi : yes even I am hungry come soon
Me : sure lets go to that restaurant

We started walking to the restaurant. I was still thinking in mind the way she opened her bag and showed. I know you all would have guessed what she had shown me. Yes you all are right. She opened her bag and showed me her bra and panty. She had removed her bra and panty and had kept inside her bag. I was really thinking how all ladies want to have fun. Swear all, ladies have more kinky and sensual feelings than boys. I could see her hungriness in getting fucked. But something also came in mind that Tulsi is trying to get other boys attention by showing her bouncing boobs and swaying ass. All ladies will do this but we wont observe that’s it.

We both had breakfast in a restaurant. Then walked towards the theater. While walking I could seriously see her boobs bouncing very sensually. I could see many college boys seeing her so eagerly as if they will start sucking her nipples by pressing her boobs. Seriously it was that sexy and erotic.

We reached the ticket counter. We were checking which movie to go. Anyways it was Wednesday and we knew if we go to any movie also there wont be much people. We chose TANU WEDS MANU RETURNS. Though the movie was gud movie but I knew on that day very few people will be there. I asked the ticket counter fellow to give a corner seat. He just gave me the ticket. It was 11:30 show. It was 11AM. Anyways we thought we will go inside and sit.

We couldn’t go inside as the security didn’t allow us. We had to wait there until 11:30. But I could see no one was there for that movie except us. Anyways that will be still good if only we both are there. I can fuck her in whole theater if no one is there.

It was 11:25. They started allowing us to go inside the theater. We both went inside. Searched for our seat numbers. Ours was a corner seat on top row. A nice place to fuck as well. There were lights and we both sat there. The whole theater was empty.
Me : Hope no one will come for movie
Tulsi : yes even I am thinking same thing
Me : we can enjoy to the core
Tulsi : I will take you to heaven if this happens
Me : are you so much eager?
Tulsi : it is my fantacy from so many years raki.
Me : waaaw. You are also so naughty
Tulsi : don’t think we ladies don’t have fantacies. Even we have lots of fantacies
Me : good. I like the way you speak openly to me dear
Tulsi : yes raki. I am feeling so nice to speak to you now a days
Me : I can feel that dear
Tulsi : yes and I have never spoken so openly with anyone
Me : (bitch you have got fucked by your bro in law and your juniour and speaking so much lies, I was thinking in mind) you be open dear. Don’t worry.
Tulsi : come here will tell you something
Me : what is that (I took my face near her)
Tulsi : (suddenly she kissed me on my cheeks) I love you sweetheart
Me : love you too dear (I kissed her lips)

Exactly at 11:30 the ad started and few trailers started. But the lights were not switched off. I was really happy that no one is there. But I could see a pair coming inside and they walked towards us only. They were college students and both were young. The guy was so thin and was wondering how he can fuck any girls. But that girl was heavy and sexy. Good boobs and nice ass. Her thighs were awesome. They walked towards us and sat just in front row where we were sitting. Tulsi and I sat so innocently as if we are decent. Then I could see two more pairs coming inside and they went somewhere in the middle row and sat. guess the both pair were friends from same college.

The movie started. Slowly the lights got switched off. I took my hand and put around Tulsi neck. And was watching the two young boy and girl what they will do now. the boy took his hand and kept on her neck and I could feel he was putting his hand inside her top. In just few minutes no idea what happened to them, he took his hand from her neck. The boy turned behind slowly and saw us. After he turned front, he spoke to her something and then they both stood and walked towards the other side of the row. They walked to the end and sat. since we were on the top row, I could see those couples but they would not see us as it was down for them.

Now once the couples left, Tulsi opened her buttons on top and took my hand and put it inside since she had not worn her bra I could directly touch those mellons and the hard nipples.
Tulsi, My Beloved Matured Working Lady - 30

My hands were pressing those awesome big boobs and was planning with her nipples. I could see Tulsi licking her lips. I could make out she was enjoying it. I was really getting hard and wanted my dick to be removed out. She herself took her hand and kept on my thighs and was massaging it. Slowly she moved her hand on my dick. Slowly she was massaging up and down. I was really getting mad. I had to control because it was public. Totally we were 8 of us in the whole theater. But we were on top and no one could see us. She slowly moved her fingers to my zipper and opened it. She was not able to remove my dick because of the underwear. So I just helped her remove my belt and button and I totally removed the pant and underwear till my knee. My dick was hard and thick now. I removed my hand from her boobs and she saw me and smiled. She slowly bent down and started sucking my dick.

I guess she was missing all these fantacies. She sucked so much that I was really seeing heaven. And one point I was feeling I am going to shoot my cum inside her mouth. But I know how to control and I controlled so much. She was playing with my balls sucking them as well with her soft lips. While she was sucking I just put my hand inside her top and started massaging her boobs. It was almost 20mins she sucked me and she got up and sat. now I whispered in her ears “Open you top will suck ur boobs”.

Listening to this she opened her top till her neck. I took one boob in my mouth and other in my hand. Started sucking them so softly she started mourning. I just took one of my hands from boob and close her mouth. Just to tell her that don’t make noise. I could see her boobs with lots of colors falling from the screen as and when the movie was running. Though I had lot of sexperience in theater, never had such bold situations.

I took my hand and started pulling her skirt till her pussy. Her thigs were bare now. I stopped sucking boobs and took my head towards the thighs. She slowly spread her legs. I took my head in middle of her thighs. But couldn’t suck her pussy fully because the space was not enough. After some 30 – 40 minutes of foreplay we sat for few minutes to rest. We were breathing so heavily. Then she came near my ears and whispred.

Tulsi : I want your dick inside my pussy
Me : sure wait for few minutes
Tulsi : sure raki. I am totally wet
Me : I can feel that. But are you enjoying?
Tulsi : seriously dear, all my fantacies are coming true. Never dreamt also that I could do all this.
Me : don’t worry I will fulfill all your dreams
Tulsi : thank you sweetheart. You are really a dirty rascal
Me : look my dick how hard you have made
Tulsi : look my pussy how wet you have made
Me : both are hungry dear
Tulsi : yes yes, I cant wait raki afraid if interval will come
Me : don’t worry its still 40movie only we have 30 more minutes for interval
Tulsi : mmm but come lets start

We were thinking how we can fuck. It was realy difficult to because she was little plumpy. But I told her I will sit and she will sit on my dick and fuck. I sat stiff with my dick hard raising. She slowly got up from her seat pulled her long skirt till her ass. I could see her ass as she bent I kissed her ass. Though it was difficult somehow she sat and since she was damn wet, my dick exactly entered her pussy. There was no trouble of searching for the hole. She started stroking my dick. Since it was congested we couldn’t fuck for more time. We did this for 4 to 5 mins. She got up and sat on the seat. She was breathing hard. We both smiled each other. But still I had not cum.

Tulsi : it was awesome dear.
Me : yes I could feel the depth of your pussy and also I could feel my dick was touching every wall of your pussy inside
Tulsi : yes it was really filling my pussy fully. God your pussy is really thick and long dear. I feel like as if your dick is coming till my mouth
Me : I still need a fuck
Tulsi : but my legs are hitting the chairs dear
Me : do one thing quickly sleep on the floor I will fuck you soon
Tulsi : but what if anyone comes
Me : just 2 mins I wont much time. Already my cum is near tip
Tulsi : ok but quick I am scared
Me : don’t worry no one can see us if we sleep
Tulsi : ok I will just sleep there you come soon on me
Me : yes sure

As soon as we discussed she just got up slowly and slept on the path. I was feeling so nervous and also was scared. But still didn’t want to miss this adventure. She slept finally. I was still with my pant opened till my knee. I got and slept on her. As soon as I slept on her she mourned “ummmffff” as if some heavy weight was put on her. I pulled her skirt till her pussy and she spread her legs. I could feel her pussy was dripping so much. I put my dick and started fucking her hard and hard. In just 2mins I cummed. I felt the force of my cum was spraying her pussy everywhere. I could feel her pussy was full by my cum. As soon as I finished I just got up and went quickly and sat on chair. She also got up and sat on chair. While we both were going back, the girl who was sitting infront of us got up from her seat and she saw us accidently. I felt even they were planning something. But without any hesitation I just sat on seat
Now slowly I pulled my underwear and pant. She also put her buttons and sat as if nothing happened. I didn’t say Tulsi that the girl saw us.

I just saw those couples now. they had started kissing and romance. I whispered in Tulsi’s ears

Me : Look at them sexy
Tulsi : mmm let them enjoy dear. We didn’t had chance to enjoy at that age
Me : yes you are right.
Tulsi : shall we go now? I am not interested to watch movie
Me : yes even I thought same thing. We cant fuck also here properly
Tulsi : but it was really wonderfull dear. This is my best experience in my life and will never forget
Me : sure sweetheart
Tulsi : ok come lets move before interval only so that no one will see us
Me : yes you are right. (even I dint want to sit there till interval because that girl had already know what we had done. What if she see my face? But cares)

Tulsi got up and was walking towards the exit. I got up and looked at the girl. She saw me from that far. I just took my hand and said thumbs up. She smiled. In that dark though it was not visible properly I could see her smile.

We both came out and she was feeling little relaxed. We both sat for sometime and relaxed with fresh air. She told she will change the dress and come as she cannot be like this for whole day. I asked her let it be. She told she is not comfortable and wanted to wash her pussy because it was wet.

She left to the rest room. It was around 12:30. She came back with her chudhidhar. She was looking so homely in that dress. Suddenly she changes from homely aunty to sexy bitch and sexy bitch to homely aunty. She had that kind of looks. She is really lovable. But no one can tell Tulsi is such a slut with lot of kinky fantacies and also she had already got fucked by 3 other dicks.

She slowly saw me and asked for some shopping. She wanted to purchase a mobile. .i got her Lumia mobile around 15k. Then she told she wanted some bra and panties. She took me to jockey show room and took some nice panties and bras. I paid almost 3k for that. She wanted some tops and leggings. She took me to Lifestyle. There she purchased few cloths. I paid 8k.

We went to a restaurant and had lunch and it was almost 3 now. I had told her that she looks good in saree. So I had told her that I will get her one saree. I told lets take it today only as we have time still.

We started from there. From pheniox mall we drived towards marathalli I stopped near Kalamandir. But she told she wanted to take the saree in Nalli.

Anyways I told ok and we went there. She took a saree which was awesome. She was looking so sexy. She told to pack it. I came to counter and paid 8K for that sare. I spent almost 40k that day on my Tulsi. then I understood she is very selfish and she gave me sex, love care just for all this. But anyways I enjoyed a lot. And I didn’t mind to pay her 40k because she was really worth for it. But while fucking her in theater touch her boobs I was thinking how all Ramesh and prashanth had fucked her. But god knows apart from these two who all have fucked.

We took the saree and I dropped her til the circle where I picked her. It was around 5PM. I asked her come to room we can have one nice peaceful round of sex. She told lets plan one more day as she might be late. I didn’t say anything. She said bye and kissed me.

I just started towards my house.

Siraj Patel

The name is enough
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Sr. Moderator

Hi dear,

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As your Friend,
Regards - Siraj Patel
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New Member
Really great and sexy story bro


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