Hi, like to share my experience with you people. This happened few years after my marriage, my child was 2 year old that time. My child was suffring from cough and cold , and it was Sunday , most of the clinics were closed. Anyways we found one child clinic far from our place opened. While checking up child the doctor saw that I was coughing too. So he said it's better that I get myself checkedup too. My husb said ok, why to go another doctor, it's cough only this doctor can check too. My husb was sitting and holding child, while doctor asked me to come behind them inside curtain for check up. He asked me to remove my dupptta, and put his stetescope on my chest. I don't know how by mistake instead of holding stestescope he grabbed my breast by hand. He immidetly said sorry and I too felt it was unintentional. Later while reaching home my husb asked my that he heard doctor saying sorry , what was it . I told him that accidently wat happened. I thought he wud by angry on doctor , instead he got exited and in night he was doing like a monster in him. This was the first incident with me ..