One week every thing went normal without any spl plan pradeep also need some break from everything because he was in money problem. So he went for night shift work for painting . Zoya husband Asif called zoya and informed that he booked ticket he will be in India

only 15 days left. Zoya heart

beat raised she informed pradeep and sammer and pradeep so not worry I won't affect your privacy if your husband knows everything and divorce you means how can i fuck you. Your parents will picket you to your village so i won't you are golden duck I won't kill it for any reason.
Zoya become happy and do not have idea husband going to stay here or just a holiday vist she asked many to asif time but he said only depends on situation.
Next day pradeep got one call from sammer and he was in hurry and afraid tone. Pradeep pradeep like that
Pradeep : what happen man. Cool down and say
Sammer : i just on the way from college i met one accident and one man got injured and local boys took video and threading me. Please come
Pradeep : where are you send the location. He picked some local friends and went to spot.
And he was speech less sammer girl friend was standing with tears full eyed and sammer was is tensed face local people's are coming to beat sammer . Pradeep asked what happen to
Local people : they both came in romance mood with fighting that boy was not concentrate on driving so he crashed that man.
Pradeep : ok ok i will take care of that man. And pradeep picked that man and rushed to hospital during that he compromised local people and asked sammer to go back to home I will take care.
Sammer droped her girlfriend in her home and went back to her home zoya asked what happen sammer said nothing fel down from bike and zoya become sad and tears start to come from her eyes

and called pradeep to help pradeep said he was is hospital sammer crashed one man z : oh my God he came with blood so only I called you here he was serious ( but really there is no problem to make some scene pradeep said) zoya got freeze and she informed same to sammer and he also become freeze. No problem I will take care now cut the phone.
Pradeep was calculating use this situation
Sammer called pradeep and asked what happen and pradeep creating same scene he was having some major problem police also came so wait I will call. They all asking you and your girlfriend only.
Sammer was in tension he infromed same to his girl friend. And she was also become tension because her parents was really very strict.
Actually in hospital nothing happen that man was little drunken. so police came and said it may be your fault they asked who driven bike pradeep said me only sir ok come to station for formal enquiry .
To make sammer more tension pradeep called and said sammer police asking you to come station so be ready that's all sammer was in hell felling pradeep said do nkt worry I will take care. Zoya gave some money for station help.
Pradeep went into station and asked zammer to sit in outside. During that time police mens beating some rowdys that sound hitting sammer ears and making sammer more hard. Just a formal enquiry and he gave some money to them to avoid case they also said no problem that man was little druken so we will take care that all you need not to come to station.
Pradeep called sammer let go.. Sammer what happen what happen. Pradeep do not shout cool down come to tea shop we will talk.
Pradeep : listen pradeep that man having some serious injury if he gives case means sure you both will face problem so i talked with both police and that main problem is you do not have license also so it's a offence so i asked to remove your name and add my name . Thank, god thank, you, pradeep
P : what what thank you still they didn't changed name. What benefit I am going to get from this
Sammer : what ever ask I will please help me to come out from this.
Pradeep : that day what you say, while I talked about your girl friend
Sammer : ok ok sorry sorry you want to see my girl friend see . He showed his phone
P : no no no show some hot pics.
Sammer ; with a break he show some hot pics of her girl friend
Pradeep : I want to fuck her
Sammer : no way how can she going to be my wife man
Pradeep : then go to jail and fuck her in dream leave me.
Sammer : please please please
Do what I say or leave me
S : wait wait give some time
P : no time do Or die
S : ok k k k but she won't accept even I didn't fucked her
P : ha ha ha nice joke
S : really
P: thats not a problem do it now
S : she wants to accept
P : just convey the situation to her
S : sammer infromed everything to her without fuck matter
Sammer girl friend I was ready to do anything please ask pradeep to accept this case.
Pradeep : say that, he need you.
Sammer : said same to her girlfriend she become cold and start to cry. After 5 min she said her answerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr