If you are trying to reset your account password then don't forget to check spam folder in your mailbox. Also Mark it as "not spam" or you won't be able to click on the link.
You may, of course, sometimes find yourself in work situations that are indeed unfair and unrewarding. But by reacting angrily or by impulsively 'running away,' you encourage people to conclude that you cannot handle frustration and are likely to enrage yourself when things get tough again. A much better alternative is to reduce your anger and do your best to improve the situation.
Even if you are just lying on the bed throughout the day, your body is working to digest food, keep your senses and brain active and work on demand. In fact, your brain works even while you are sleeping.
Self-discipline in the cornerstone of success. It can help you do better at school, work, sports, fishing, chess, and any other activity or goal that you have.