If you are trying to reset your account password then don't forget to check spam folder in your mailbox. Also Mark it as "not spam" or you won't be able to click on the link.
Keep improving your skills, and educational qualifications and you will greatly improve your odds of success either in your current work environment or in a new endeavor.
Always write down your specific goals in writing and paste it in front of your working table. Make sure your goal chart is in front of your eyes. This will give you motivation and keep you pumped up while working on your goal.
While it's true that hard work is a critical ingredient to success, there is a point of diminishing returns - in every profession. There is a point where you're actually worse off by working harder.
Effective communication will help you to strengthen your relationships with others. It will improve your ability to work with a team, make decisions and solve problems.
To be able to work at home successfully takes all of the following: motivation, perseverance, work, good habits, no excuses, balance, accountability, and action
Sometimes people seem to be doing better than you. They may seem to be way ahead of you in hitting some goals that you may not be close to achieving, but never be bothered by it. Just keep on working hard and carrying on with the steady pace that works best for you.
Unless you discover what will increase your positive feelings, you are unlikely to make a change that will offer a true difference to how happy you feel about going to work.