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Role play Ideas/ theme


चरित्रं विचित्रं..
Theme: Cheating/Drama

Biography: Mrs. Suparna: 40 years old female, 36-34-38, working in Corporates. Outwardly sophisticated, hard task boss, efficient in her work. Perfect cover for the personal secret life.

Dr. Ajit, 30: Chiropractitioner, meticulous & eminent in his field but secretive about his personal life. Barely anyone knows of his solitary personal life or his hobbies & activities.

"Mrs Sriparna, you may go in". The receptionist gave an assuring nod at the lady. Sriparna cast a small dry smile, as she clutched her purse silently & got up. She was still unconvinced about seeing a chiropractitioner.
'I really should hv taken a second opinion..' she thought to herself as she walked towards the door, even though she had consulted her husband, Google & YouTube videos.
With unsure hand she turned the handle & peeked in. The chiropractioner, Dr. Vyom had his back to the door. He was busy arranging his instruments & meticulously setting the table.

As Sriparna walked in, she took a curious look around. The room was spacious enough, a table rested in the further left end with various files neatly stacked. Various posters announcing the importance of postures adorned the wall alongwith Dr. Ajit's achievements in the field, which had extended its place to the mahogany shelf in the form of several trophies. Dr. Ajit finished with his work & turned at his new patient. "Mrs. Sriparna? Please, do come". He motioned at the chair as he walked & took his seat.
Sriparna frowned. The voice seemed eerily familiar. But, she didn't say anything.
"Mrs. Suparna Sehgal, 40 years female, Corporate service. Tell me about your problem". Dr. Ajit gleefully rubbed his palms & rested his forearms on the table, fixing his gaze straight into her eyes.
Sriparna couldn't help but feel a mild shiver. His gaze was piercing, as if he was looking right into her mind through her eyes. 'What might his age be?' Sriparna thought. He barely looked in his 30's, and yet..
"I hv this chronic pain in my neck.." Sriparna ran a soft hand to shift her hair sideways. "The ortho doc suggested some exercise but that hasn't helped much. The waist keeps aching a little as well now. Probably age is finally getting a hold". Sriparna chuckled to her own joke.
Dr. Ajit silently listened, jotting down a few notes as she spoke. Once he was done taking a detailed investigation, Dr. Ajit strolled to his worktable.
"Come here & lie down". There was a certain authority in his voice, Sriparna had to give him that. And this eerie feeling..

Anyways, Sriparna laid face down on the table, adjusted her top & closed her eyes taking a deep breath. She could feel Dr. Ajit's gaze on her body. She could hear as he put down the small pad & put his long, firm fingers on her neck. As soon as his grip tightened on the nape of her neck, the sudden memory came flooding into her mind..

Sriparna purred as the pleasure rushed through her spent body. She wondered how her body was perfectly tuning with the caressing touches that her dom was providing. She had already been subjected to a myriad of pleasures & pain, the evidence of which were still on the sheets & all over her body.
"Why are you pampering me like I am your baby?" Sriparna looked up at him as the guy massaged her thighs & buttcheeks with oil. Never before had any other dom that she had contacted online had provided her with such service. He.. Was different. She could not see his face, for he wore a mask.
"It is a dom's duty to care for his belongings". He said, as he expertly placed a series of gentle smacks on her back. Gosh.. That touch! Sriparna felt that she might shed a few more drops if he continued that way. How many times had she reached her climax during the session? Sriparna couldn't even remember. Her mind was clouded from the feelings. She rested her chin on the back of her palms, savouring the touch.
"I'll make sure to reach out only for you the next time I contact the website". Sriparna mused softly. "You are.. Flawless. How old are you?" His voice was not of an adult. From his physique & voice he looked like he had just stepped out of his teens.
The dom didn't respond. In reply, he swung his hand & landed a harsh smack on Suparna's butt..
"You wanna reach out for me? You will hv to wait for that".

Suparna tried turning her head to face the doctor. But his hand was firmly placed on her head, preventing any motion from her side.
"It.. It's you!" A soft whisper escaped her lips.


चरित्रं विचित्रं..

One Night Marriage

The port city of Bharuch, also known as Barugaza to the ancient Greeks, was located in the banks of the river Narmada. Since ancient times, this city not only served as a trading hub for the Greeks, Romans, Persians and Arab, but also has been the land of origin & works of sages.
Rich in such historical & geographic significance, the city was always buzzing with music, culture, trade activities.

It was one such busy day in the city that Rajkumari Mayurakshi, the heir of Chaudhary dynasty approached the temple of Shri Swaminarayan. Followed by her attendants and the guards following at a respectable distance, she had everyone captivated. Not only did her bewitching charm snatch everyone's breath and the dreams of the youth, but her demeanor, her voice, her regal attitude, everything spoke elegance.
She walked up to the Garbhagriha, the sanctum sanctorum of the temple to offer her prayers, like a demigoddess had walked up to the God to offer the words of her heart. After the prayer, as per the traditions of the royal family, she stepped out of the temple and stood before the line of beggars to provide alms.
It had been the royal tradition not to send any beggar away without fulfilling their wishes, no matter the hardship to carry it out. Gold, rice, pulses, cattle, the Chaudhary descent provided alms to all of them, whatever they demanded. And the recipients walked away, their eyes filled in happiness & hearts filled with gratitude. But among all the beggars, stood an individual no one in the city knew. Dressed in rags, mopped hair, eyes sunk, and yet, healthy. His eyes were gleaming like blazing stars. He was a burly, dark guy who would suit more as an asur in plays than a beggar.
Before him came and stood Rajkumari Mayurakshi, her fave full of heavenly bliss. With her sweet voice she asked, "What do you want? Please, do tell".
The beggar stared at her for a few moments, and then uttered, "Marry me. I am Kurumbaka, son of chieftain from the Nilgiris".
A short gasp escaped from the lips of Rajkumari. The guards yelled & prepared to attack the beggar, the crowd jeered. But Kurumbaka stayed unphased.
Rajkumari looked back at her attendant, her face clearly reflecting dilemma. Not marrying him would be going against the tradition of ages. And marrying him would not only break royal customs, but also make the neighbor kingdoms unhappy, for they had expected a marital link to strengthen the political relationship.

The princess had no choice but to beg for a day's time. "By tomorrow, I will let you know of the decision. That is the word from a Chaudhary. Please, excuse me for the day", she said.
Kurumbaka did agree, but he decided to stay at the same spot for the day and refused to budge.
The news of Rajkumari Mayurakshi's dilemma spread throughout Bharuch like a wildfire. The king Mayur fell into deep distress and summoned all the counsellors he could trust wholeheartedly.
Nobody could provide a definitive solution. Finally, Rajguru, the royal counsellor spoke. "Maharaj, there is a way. We can let Rajkumari marry. But, did you forget Rajkumari's fate?"
"Rajkumari's fate?" Maharaj frowned. And then, it dawned on him. Rajkumari Mayurakshi was born under the cursed horoscope, where her first husband would die and leave her widowed. This had been kept a secret, which only Maharaj and his trusted counsellors knew. After a long discussion and debate, Maharaj finally agreed. News was conveyed to Rajkumari Mayurakshi that, she could agree to the marriage.
The next day, Rajkumari appeared before Kurumbaka again. Bathed, dressed in white saree with scarce ornanents, her skin smeared with chandan and extracts of fragrant flowers, her dark hair cascading down her back, as if the Goddess of beauty had stepped out of some dream and appeared before him.
"I have permission to agree to the marriage". She said to the overjoyed Kurumbaka. "But, our marriage lasts only a day"


चरित्रं विचित्रं..
Possibly this is gonna be one of the weirdest plot ideas you could be reading. (Not like anybody reads them but yeah)

Inspirations: Dark, Steins;Gate
Genre: Issekai

3rd February, 2021
1:14 am

"Love knows no barrier".
"Love happens no matter what." "Love is blind".
Scrolling through the comments section I was reading these remarks, the post being about a romantic relation between a father and her daughter, the term being 'taboo'.
I slumped back into my bed, thinking about the topic. Indeed, history has instances of love breaking barriers. Barriers of social status, religion, age, gender, even blood relations. But is it possible to go a step beyond?

I was raising heaven & hell in my thoughts when the bed under me started shaking. And the floor started shaking, and so did the roof. Was it earthquake? I looked around in panic. My phone started sending notifications about an upcoming cyclone. Was it going to be the apocalypse?
I jumped out of my bed & proceeded to hide under my bed. But to my surprise, the wall of my room started tearing apart like a long fabric revealing behind it an endless pit of darkness. Now I was utterly confused. A part of my mind said, I will wake up soon & find myself late for my classes again. But all this experience seemed too true & bizzare even to be a dream. And that reached the peak when stepped out from the dark pit a lady. She was clad in some black battle uniform that stuck tightly to her skin, a headgear that covered half of her face & left her full lips open to my appreciation. Even with death a few moments away, I could not help but agree, that she was beautiful.
"Grab my hand". She extended a hand at me & commanded in a husky voice. I quickly grabbed her hand, and the next thing I knew, I was yanked into the same void she came out from, & everything became dark
"We're safe now". I opened my eyes to her voice, & found ourselves in a hall. It was a rather futuristic one, for many of the gadgets I had never seen before. The occupants of the room were busy in some discussion, & they paid no attention that we had just appeared there. How strange! Even stranger I felt when the lady I came with took her headgear off. The bizzare similarity of our faces! Had I just momentarily developed a crush on someone of my own bloodline? My future daughter maybe? Or granddaughter? Almost instinctively I uttered, "W-Where am I? And who are you?"
"The question isn't where. You should be asking, 'When'." The lady replied with a slightly bored tone to my question. "As for the second query, I am what you are. I am you. We are in the future, but you are an alternate timeline".
Le... What? Did I just develop a crush on.. Myself??!

"But.. Why me? And what is all this apocalypse about?" I literally had so many questions in my mind. "And how come you entered into my timeline?"
She rolled her eyes, exasperated from my questions but proceeded to reply them one by one.

"The apocalypse is just a cover". She started from the first query. "Since the invention, different countries hv gone on war, trying to eliminate competition as much as they can. The entire world is on the verge of war, & they want strategically to eliminate as many soldiers as they can. Our task is to gather soldiers so we can hv a better army but unfortunately,.." she cast me a momentary glare. "I was left only with you".
Wait, only me? Is that an insult or something? Why is she saying like she regrets it? I mean I regret it?
"Most of my other timeline versions hv been eliminated. Some were entirely different from my genetics. You, on the other hand were spared simply because... They thought you were too lazy & useless".
........ Totally. Not. A compliment.
"But I had to stick in & grab you, for I could not trust anyone else, & you can act as a healer". She said in a matter-of-fact way.
Wow. Since when did she- I mean I developed trust issues? I mean, I do hv a small friend circle, & am introvert, but... I guess I was stuck with Myself, in a war I had no idea about, to save my own selves. And I had developed a crush on her. I mean, myself. A path for a step beyond, eh?


चरित्रं विचित्रं..

(This post has 2 plots, one in flashback an the other in the present)

So I was done with my final year exams and at home enjoying the days of vacation before internships began doing what I loved most, lazying. And my mom said, “My friend Lathika called. She said she wants you at her place for some work. Said it will take a couple of days. Why not go there? You are doing nothing but being a sloth after all”. Now I did not have much of stuffs to do and, who refuses an outing? I had heard about Lathika aunty before. But never known her face. All I had heard was that she was the wife of the MLA of Chitkul. I packed my backpack, lifted it on my back and set ahead.
It wasn’t the first time I was visiting Chitkul. Mom hails from there, so I had gone there a couple of times before. It is a nice place, just a day of ride on train from Delhi. Filled with mountain terrain, greenery, fresh air, caring and friendly lasses, it could be an ideal place for picnic.
Sitting at the window seat, I stared out at the environment reminiscing about an incident that happened about 3 months ago.
It was just another night in the hostel, we friends were having a small chat when Naveen came and informed that his cousin was throwing the engagement party and he had the allowance to bring in some friends of his. Now, who wants to miss free treat? That too, in a party? No way. Naturally, we got ready and set off.
Now in the party, everything was good, but a bit too flamboyant. Not saying anything bad, the food was excellent. So was the music, dance, decoration. But after a bit, I felt like I really needed some fresh air and some seclusion. The class of the party was creeping onto me.

I looked for a chance, and slipped out to the balcony for a short smoke. I had taken a puff or two, trying to drown myself into the veil of smoke clouds when I felt that someone else had approached my side. Looking back, I saw this lady. She might have been some late 30ish to early 40ish, immaculately dressed in a maroon saree and scarce jewelry. She watched my face for a few moments, then at the cigarette in my hand wistfully. Like, she was some thirsty bird gazing at the cloud for a drop of rain.
“May.. May I?” Her voice was shaky, like she was with some inner conflict. I extended the cigarette immediately at her. She took it gratefully, staring at me as she took a long puff. “Please don’t tell anyone that I did it, will ya?” There was a trace of smirk and a plea in her voice I couldn’t ignore. Needless to say, I didn’t get it back. We simply stood there, she staring at the distance and taking long puffs. And me, trying hard not to stare at the gorgeous bounties that heaved up and down with each puff. “Royality.. It is not easy. Maintaining an image is just tough”. Was among the few things she said.
She disappeared after within minute or two, giving me no chance to even know her name. Just her face, her voice stuck in my mind.. Today, sitting at the window, it came repeating again and again into my mind.

Reception at Chitkul was different this time. A BMW 500 was waiting outside, and the driver standing with a placard saying my name. I mean, I knew Lathika aunty was wife of MLA, but wow.. that was quite an invitation.
The car went dow the winding road, past the trees towards the house that looked more like a haveli. The driver informed on enquiry that it was the house of the former zamindar, Kunwar Shaktipratap.
Standing in the hall, accompanied by the maids, was that lady! The one who had asked for a cigarette.
“Welcome!” She chimed sweetly as I walked in. “I hope you had no trouble arriving? I am Lathika. You don’t have to call me aunty”.


चरित्रं विचित्रं..
(This is a plot involving alternate timelines. Therefore, sorry if the times seems messed up. Basically I messed with Steins;Gate once again. El Psy Kongroo)

11thNovember 2020, 8:00 pm
Saket, New Delhi

‘It.. hurts so bad..’ Tanya tried her worst to raise an arm and call for help. But she had already lost a lot of her blood. Her body felt heavy like lead, and her strength was ebbing rapidly.
It hurt so bad that her nerves had given up sending any more signals and her brain would stop functioning soon. In that state of bare consciousness, she could simply stare at the crowd who had gathered to stare helplessly at her. The car that had hit her had far gone; and she had no idea why this had to even happen. Why would a car run upon her after breaking the signal? More importantly, why her? But, it was all meaningless now. For the cold, comforting touch of death was slowly embracing her body. Her gaze was slowly fading.. but in that last glance, only one face lingered before her. He was staring at her without a blink. And then.. darkness.

4thNovember 2020
Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi

Tanya sat up on bed with a jerk, gasping for a breath. Her body was entirely covered in sweat.
“It.. It felt so real!” Tanya quickly checked her arm, her abdomen under her loose top; she ran a hand on her skull. “I.. I am alive! Was it really a dream? I must have had a nightmare again”.
Tanya heaved a sigh and looked at her clock. 7:30 a.m.!!
“I am going to be late for my psychiatry classes once again. Come on!!” She whined and ran for her bathroom.
As she was pacing through the footpath almost out of her breath, fumbling with her backpack and her waist length unruly hair past the long line of cars waiting in the traffic, she felt her eyes fell for a moment on that face again. That face.. could it be? She tried to recall her memories where she had seen him before. Ah.. That dream from the last night! But, who was he?
Tanya had no time to ponder upon. Her watch was ticking, and she had to somehow make it to class by 8 am. She jogged her way ahead. This could be dealt with later.
4th November, 2020, 5:00 am
Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi
After a stressful day and tight schedule, Tanya always needed a good long bath. Today was no exception. As she sat on her couch in her loose polka dot top and grey shorts, waiting for her hair to dry she ran a quick search through her mails. This was her daily routine before moving onto the other social media. Hardly ever anyone used mail nowadays, except for the companies, sales or any group. But today, a new message in her inbox caught her attention. The username read Unknown.
She curiously clicked the message and started to read:
“Tomorrow at 6:30 pm. Right beside the pond in Hauz Khas Fort. I know who you are”.
Tanya read the message once again. The sender.. knows me? My past that I cannot remember?


चरित्रं विचित्रं..

I don't remember where I met her. It seems like a dream from a faraway past. I don't remember how she looked. I don't remember how she spoke. Was it a dream? Or was I swooned? No, I barely have a clue. But I do remember one thing: Her payal. The rhythmic melody when she took each step, the childlike frolic in each heavy step. What age could she be? 30? Could be.
The sound has stayed with me still..
In the silence of the night, in the sweet scent of jasmine evening, I hear the echo of her payal.
Moving away from me just like that day, when I met her. I was in the bedroom, hurt from a heavy branch hitting my chest. I don't remember the details. All I remember, that I sat up in a bed that was not mine. It was big, it was thick wooden. The room was decorated with elegant paintings, and maids changed the flower every morning.
"Where am I?" Had I asked.
"In the guest house of Rana Suryakant". Came the reply.
The host had come to meet me yes, and he had requested me to stay over for the night. But I couldn't catch a glimpse of her anymore. Only the sound of the payal stayed..

About two months have passed. The Rana sends his regards through his messages. I reply him that I'm doing well. But, I couldn't get to know more of her.
Finally, Rana invited me once again. This time, it was their marriage anniversary. It would be the second invitation. Declining him would be rude.
I got into the palace like a fish walking in land. Nobody except the Rana knew me. I knew no one either. I simply stood at a side, with my glass in hand. Staring clueless at the gathering. It was then that I heard the payal, again. That childish chham.. Chhamm.. Chhamm..
I quickly turned behind, and stood before me the owner of the payal. Oh she was gorgeous. With eyes like a happy doe, the ring on her chiselled nose, the beauty was accentuated by her rosy lips.
Layers after layers of jewelry adorned her neck, her mangalsutra rested proudly on her ample cleavage. The deep navel peeked like a shy but naughty child from under her aanchal, everytime she moved her hand. Her sharp waist bound in her kamarbund like a belt of glory, her smile captivated everyone who hath cast their fateful eyes. Yes, she was gorgeous.
She came to me & introduced herself. The Rana's better half she was, named Sameeksha. She had captivated the throne in my heart already, all she did now was to sit on her throne finally. I could barely speak. Words were lost in my mouth at her sight.
She greeted me, welcomed me to the party & walked ahead.

Suddenly, I heard a small squeal. It was the same familiar voice. I quickly ran to see what the matter was. Lady Sameeksha sat on the floor, her body leant on her beloved husband. Her eyes were teary. Twists of anguish writ clear on her lips. Her eyes were fixed on her ankle. She couldn't move it.
"The lady has twisted her ankle". One of the onlookers said.
I could stand and watch no longer. Quickly, I took a handkerchief & soaked it in the glass nearby. I wrapped it around her ankle, & looked in her eyes. Oh, how painfully she was pleading with her eyes. I took a deep breath, & with a firm grip pulled the ankle. There was a small sound of a crack. She winced in pain. Tears rolled down her cheeks, but momentarily. The next moment, she felt at ease with her leg. I tied the handkerchief around her ankle, & got up. Tomorrow, she would be prancing around the palace again.
The Rana obviously was overjoyed. He profusely thanked me, & requestes me to stay over. But staying in the alien crowd, was not my thing. The final plea however got me gripped.
"Please..?" Lady Sameeksha held my hand. I had no way to say 'No'


चरित्रं विचित्रं..
(Haiii.. Another plot to bore you out. This time a cat & mouse chase. Some inspiration taken from the anime 'Terror in Resonance' or 'Zankyou no Terror', which is really an awesome one.)

Inspector Rakshita put the coffee mug down with a bored expression in her face. It had been another bored late weekend night. She was scrolling on her screen, at her friends uploading pics of their weekend parties, some with their pets, some with their lovers.
It’s not like Delhi is a peaceful city without any crime, they had to stay alert for any kind of emergencies, but that wasn’t an every night thing.
For now, she was therefore just free with no emergencies at hand, and bored.
Suddenly, her eyes fell on a video. It had just come out of nowhere. Somebody had shared it.
A guy sat in the video at the edge of a bathtub. He wore a hoodie, and a crane mask. He looked small built, but there was no trace of bare flesh out, thanks to the hoodie & gloves. That made it difficult to discern anything about him.
The caption read, “The Riddle of Crane”.
“Good afternoon..” The masked guy began. “Uh, it’s kind of sudden but here’s tomorrow’s horoscope. Darkness will envelop C.R. Park tomorrow after 2 a.m.. There will be a loss. Stay alert, & recite ‘Jai Hind’ thrice. So, everyone, have a nice day”.
The video ended with

“Bunch of rubbish”. Inspector Rakshita muttered. Obviously, hardly anyone would be pissed at such prank. The other constables took a look up at her, and then went back to their work.

*** The Next Night at 2 a.m. ***
The poor kulchawala was dragging his cycle back to his home at the end of the day. The day had been poor for a bargain, & he did have to wait for customers late night too. Alas, it seemed luck wasn’t in his favor at all. His weary eyes became even darker all of a sudden with a sudden bang. What was that? He looked at the other side of the road. A crane had accidentally hit against an electric pole. The hook had torn off majority of the cables, plunging the city into darkness. People had gathered around, checking the vehicle suspiciously. The driver was pleading hard to explain how someone had flashed a sudden light on his eyes & baffled him.
In all this commotion, the Kulchawala’s eyes suddenly fell on the atm building. It was dark as well. But in the headlights of vehicles, he could see a man getting out with a big tourist backpack, and heading towards a Swift Dezire.

Inspector Rakshita woke up with a grumpy mutter to the buzz of her phone. Her eyes first fell on the time, then at the phone. It was 2:30 a.m. It was just last night she had a shift!
“Ughh.. those f*ckers won’t even let me sleep..?” She clicked the answer button. “Hello?”
“Delhi Police C.R. Park branch. There has been a robbery at Indian Bank at 2:00 a.m.”
“2 a.m.?” Inspector Rakshita glanced at her son asleep beside her. Did she have to leave him to the maid tonight again? But duty is duty, afterall.
“Okay. I’ll be there”. She planted a soft kiss on her son’s forehead & got up.

The sight of robbery was clean. The lock had been broken with corrosive chemicals, and the screws of the atm machine had been fixed back. The robbers surely had sufficient time in their hand. “CCTV camera?” Inspector Rakshita looked at constable Gupte.
“No trace. There was a crane accident that created a blackout in the area. All the wifi & power supply had been cut”. Gupte replied.
Inspector Rakshita bit her lip, taking a careful look around. That video.. yes, it must have been him. “Pull the atm machine”. She ordered.
“But ma’am..”
“I said, do it”.
Constable Gupte brought his toolkit from the jeep & got to work. After a little bit of struggle, he finally pulled the door of the machine. Yes, she was right in her guess. There was a box in place of cash. Inspector Rakshita took it up, & started examining it. After handing the wrapper out for investigation, she carefully opened it. The contents however, surprised her. Confused her even more. There was a bouquet inside, and a chocolate. No notes. no message.


चरित्रं विचित्रं..
Vish Kanya

Yeah. So, I'm bored to death. And my mind roaming spirals. And crickets chirping in my ears. And therefore, I have decided to scrabble so I can mess up some more brains not only mine.

And I think a better way to do that is to entirely screw up a classic masterpiece anime like Madoka Magica.
Here goes.. Nothing)

'Completely destroy your enemy and your illness'--Chanakya

2 years ago:
Aditi stood at the carnish of the Damascus State Hospital's rooftop, staring blankly at the city veiled in darkness. Hope had bidden adiéu, for she was out of every penny to save her father. This was the second attack, & his fragile heart could barely take anymore. Every job application of hers had come back rejected. That included her trial certificate for the Syrian Armed Forces (SAF). She had worked her butt off for the trials. How badly she wanted to erase the scar of immigration & earn the reputation as a soldier from the people, & now, she stood unable to earn a dime. 50,000 £S was needed to save her ailing father, & that too within midnight. How could she possibly do anything?

"Mohtarma Aditi?" She had totally failed to notice that someone had come & stood behind her. With a surprised yelp, she turned back. It was the silhouette of a man, about 6'2" tall flaunting the shadowy muscles & sporting his beard.
Once he was assured that he had her attention, he began to speak.
"I won't tell you who I am. Not yet. But I have some task for you. Consider it the same as serving in the army. A secret mission. Your fooding, clothing, health, everything will be taken care of, as long as you can vow on secrecy. I will be waiting for your reply right here after 3 hours".
And with that, he was about to turn & walk away, but after he had taken two steps he stopped & turned back. "I can assure you we can also pay the bills, if you want". And with that, he took off leaving a silent & utterly confused Aditi.

*Somewhere in Damascus, Syria*

Aditi stood shifting uneasily among 10 girls. They all were about the same height, beautifully built, chiselled features and yet, stout enough. No wonder that they had each trained for some purpose. Either by themselves, or Aditi didn't know.
The man standing before them wore a mahogany suit, and was walking one end to the other executing his military mannerisms perfectly.
"Mohtarma's. I today welcome all 10 of you for a particular mission. The trainings of which will last for 2 years. During that stay you will be taken care of, but you will be kept secluded from the outside world. Any phone or mails, prohibited. In case you need to contact to the outside, your parents, friends, you will be using letters. Anything you need to bring in, you can contact me. I will appoint teachers, & instructors, who will take care of your trainings. Am I clear?"
"Yes Sir!" All 10 voices replied in unison.
"Call me Sarge! Sarge Ali".
" Yes Sarge Ali".

2 years of rigorous trainings not only included basic communication & self defense, but also cooking, dancing, exercises, etiquette, manners, fashion, in short, everything that might make a girl into a truly desirable lady. The instructors were strict but caring. They made sure every girl they taught learnt well. Other than secrecy, they were given a good enough life. Their hygiene, health, clothings, make up were taken special care of. They were trained in suitable light not to get them tanned. They did send letters back home of course. Aditi for one, sent a letter every 3-4 days. And quite a pleasure that they all got replied. But, they had to destroy the letters after reading each time.

*6 months ago*

Aditi, Asma, Samaira, Anjum, Saira, Nazma, Nagma, Maham, Meher, Rebecca stood at the International airways of Damascus getting their tickets checked. Their training finally had been completed, & they were about to set foot to Palestine. They really could feel the effect of their training already. Every eyes would be taking their chances to take as much of their beauty. Each of them were ravishing, smoking with lythe figures. As if they had prepared for beauty contests. But the reality, was dark.

*3 days ago*

Aditi had done a good deal of her work. She was now among the most sought after females in Palestine. Every now & then she was the heartthrob of parties. Men thirsted badly for her. Every now & then she got invitations. Arm candy, companion, guest, anything. She was epitome of beauty. Every night the underworld to the political big heads would be knocking themselves out, panting in their bed. Not everyone took the same task. Some chose to be among the lesser paid ones, with crazier, wilder pleasure. Some went for the world of business. Getting into the lives of tycoons. But one rule they tried to keep in mind, was not to get attached.
But, to err is human. Saira had tried her best to keep her attractions in check. She had tried really hard, but ended up falling head over heels for a Palestinian youth. His voice & charms were simply too much to handle. And just 3 days ago, Aditi stumbled into her. She looked broken, terrible. The lustre Saira possessed was gone. She was like an empty shell of her previous self. During the conversation, the truth finally spilt out.
Saira had tried in vain to become pregnant. Three times had she failed to bring a life, & they never even survived a week. And now they were just a sad couple.
Aditi sat on the bed, shaken by the terrible news, when another news dropped in like a bomb. The area in Damascus nearby the Damascus State Hospital had been attacked. Several casualties were being reported. Aditi sat stunned for a few moments. Her dad..?
She quickly tried his phone. Nope. No response. She tried the Hospital telephone. Still the same.
Then who...? Sarge!
She desperately called whom she thought her guardian angel but.. The number did not exist!
In a hurry, Aditi ran for the airport. She whipped out her passport, demanding a seat.


After a few hours, she sat between two policemen, handcuffed. Her passport was deemed illegal, & she was declared an illegal citizen. None of her documents she could show, were legal.
Also, the fact came up during her trials that every person she had, or rather they had consummated with, were left childless.

(Now comes the boring part. Explanations:
1. They were not intended to be sent as spies, but as expendables. The agency who sent them never wanted them to return
2. The trainings were the covering enhancements. The actual essence was the medicine they were being given. That contained a genetically modified virus.
3. That virus attaches to the X chromosome of the sexual partner, and causes sterility. In short, they were carriers of the poison sent into the foreign lands. Hence, Vish Kanyas)


चरित्रं विचित्रं..

(Hope you all like it..)

Yes, I have seen her. I have seen her time and time again with my eyes open, and my eyes closed.
She used to come alone, along the dirt & gravelly path by the southern end of our college, clad in her usual attire of half sleeve top and jeans.
Fashion wasn't her forté, as much as academics was. Books were her allies, sketching was her passion, imagination was her abode, and to be a doctor was her dream.
And in the pursue of the dream, she trampled over the numerous subtle hints of distractions that came across her. Afterall, she was the topper of her batch. And she meant to keep her position, with all her effort. She shunned the company of students that she deemed troublesome for her career, & this demeanour with the heavy spectacles that adorned her nose earned her the reputation of a "behenji", an unsociable loner whom the guys avoided even a hint of romance.
That is, except me. When I came as a fresher, naturally, I faced the intense glare of seniors & their "personal development programme" whose synonym rhymes very closely with 'nagging'. Some of those tasks were harsh, & I ended up hating several of them from the bottom of my heart. But among those apparently ruthless diplomats, I found someone, whose indifferent demeanour appeared soothing to me. She was calm, composed, confident, & yet, a loner. It was her, Vishakha ma'am. The loner.
The plethora of tasks, yelling, assignment completion came to its sweet end at the end of the first semester, with the Fresher's Welcome. But, it didn't come in an easy way either. The freshers had to deliver their last performance of entertainment & devotion, of course, at the demand of the senior.
One such activity before the Freshers' was "Openning your heart to a senior". Basically, the fresher had to make a video, expressing their love & then propose a senior. A simple way for seniors to demonstrate their popularity in the class.
Naturally, as a fresher I too sent a video. I made the video expressing my love for the reputed 'loner' of the senior batch, Vishakha ma'am.
This led to a short murmur & whispering around the seniors. Why, an AIR 93 with the secret crush of several chicks in his own batch in his sleeve, end up proposing the loner?
Expectedly, something must've ensued in the Girls' Hostel as well. For, when I saw Vishakha ma'am the next day, she simply looked away with her usual silence. But, a hue of scarlet crept up her cheeks. She was blushing!
She walked up slowly towards me, & in her low sweet voice said, "Meet me behind the library today. 5:30. I will wait for you".
And, she walked away. With a soft smile under alongwith her natural shyness


चरित्रं विचित्रं..

(So, here I am.. with another plot. It is inspired from Vinland Saga, the masterpiece anime of 2019. Hope you guys like it)

"Damn.. Hey oldie! What are you doing sleeping in there?" 20 years old Bhumika writhed in agony as she desparately clawed onto the old man's coat. Rapidly openning it & proceeded to tear the sleek cotton shirt underneath.
"How could you let yourself be shot like that you idiot?"

"Come on.." The old man, Mr. Rashid Sheikh weakly protested at the lady's effort. "Shut up. Let me rest".
Blood was flowing out in torrents from the gunshot. The bullet had cleanly pierced its way into his chest, and was now drowning his lungs.

"You bast*rd. Get up quickly. We've gotta run while we can. I will get the ambulance".

"You fool". Mr. Rashid forced a chuckle & smacked her hand away. "Hurry up and do it".
His gaze slowly moved upwards at the ceiling. "I will give it to you. I will give you my life".

Bhumika gasped, shocked. Her eyes tearful.

"Kill me". It sounded like a pleading in the veil of an order. "We are enemies, right?" A cough with blood came out from Mr. Rashid's mouth. Time was stealing his life force bit by bit.

"Going to die? You?" Bhumika stared at him in clear disbelief.

"Hurry up.. We hv no time left". Mr. Rashid urged.

"Cut the cr*p! Get up & face me! Hey! It wasn't supposed to be like this!"
Bhumika was bawling. Pain and sorrow resonated clear in her voice.
"Get up! Get up! Hey!" She grabbed Mr. Rashid by the collar & lifted his head up, jerking his body again and again to wake him from the semi concious state.

"Come on.. That is why I hate kids".
Mr. Rashid muttered. Bhumika was still in her row, crying & urging him to get up. To face her.
"How.. Do you plan to live your life.. After I die?"

The question hit hard. For a moment, Bhumika was stunned. This is something she never thought of before..

"You never gave a thought about this? Don't stay here. Move on". Mr. Rashid took a stressful gasp. "Don't stay stuck into this place. Go beyond where I could go. Go beyond.. Where your father went. That, is your true fight".
Mr. Rashid glanced at Bhumika's face. She was blurry, but still staring at him. Sadly.
"Become better person, Bhumika". With these words, Mr. Rashid breathed his last. His body fell limp in Bhumika's arms.


Bhumika stared at the lifeless body of Mr. Rashid Khan the same way she stared at her father's body. That was some 14 years ago. Her father, Mr. Raman Seth was a successful enterpreneur, and an eminent businessman. Not only known for his multiple industries, some of which included spices, grains & pulses, but also for the secret charity. He was one true gentleman, who believed in his own sweat & brain to build up his empire.
But everything changed, when his competitor Mr. Basir decided to remove him from the path. He appointed Rashid, at the time among the leading smugglers but also running several shady acts underneath. He was a budding mafia.
Rashid took this job up with the condition to get a ticket for the next election, to which Mr. Basir of course, nodded an approval.

That fateful night, when Mr. Hingorani was back from his office and yet, with his daughter's relentless pestering sat with her upon a board of chess, Mr. Rashid barged into their house. Before Bhumika's very eyes the lifeless body of Mr. Hingorani fell down, painting a gruesome scarlet over the black & white board.

(Yeah, the play basically deals with the flasbacks of Bhumika, how she was exploited & used by Mr. Rasheed while all the time getting back at him for revenge, only to fail everytime)