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Incest Spanking elder sister

Proud Punjabi

While Tony left for home...Sam and Mira went on their way too...and by 3:30 they were at home too...her Mother in law had already cooked lunch and feed both kids and they were now on coaching center.

When she was changing after freshen up....Sam saw her red sore ass...

Sam: wow it has been long time since i saw your sore ass.

Mira: yeah he is natural....by the way your spanking is due too....it wasn't my idea to speeding and get fine..

Sam know he will be getting spanked he tried last time"please let it go.... let's go out have some fun sweetheart....

Mira: sure i will take you out but you will have sore ass too.... much redder than mine.

Sam: ok....

Mira:ok mr husband get ready i will go tell mom to don't let kid in here.

Saying this Mira came out her mother in law know everything.... Sam's father and her had same arrangement too.

She was watching tv Mira" Mom kids will be home soon....Pls don't let them came to our room...

Mom: what he did now...

Mira: got caught speeding get fine.

Mom: ok go take care of business i will watch for kids.

Hearing this Mira grabbed leather paddle... it was about 20 inch long inch thick and it has nice long grip to hold too.

When she came into bedroom first thing she did was take off everything...

Sam was already naked and standing in corner holding his ears.

Mira sat on the edge of bed and said" ok come I'm ready...

When sam turned like always Mira was naked sitting on pillow on the bed....he got instant hard on by looking at her. But he know he soon will be crying over her lap.

Sam: Tell me one thing.... why every time I'm going to be spanked you look hell of sexy to me.

Mira: are you asking to be spanked more often.....

Sam"no....but how come it's fair I don't get to spank you more

Mira: thank me for that....i let you spank me.... It's not fault you mess up frequently now hold me tightly....

when Sam feel Mira's body tense and she has raised her arm high in air he shouted hold hold gave me your bra or panty.....i don't want mom or kids to hear me crying...

Mira smiled and gave him her panty she was wearing all day.....sam put it panty in his mouth....and Next half an hour was nice painful lesson for Sam to don't speed....he know he will have trouble sitting down entire week.... Mira always make sure spanking is painful and add so many things to make more humiliating for him.

When Spanking was finished and he was jumping holding his ass crying while panty still in his mouth Mira asked"you want me to get my harness and Didlo or you want other thing...

Sam shake his head no and bent down kissing both of her feet....and when he got up Mira hold her both ass cheeks open and he start licking it. He was enjoying it today because Mira's beautiful ass was nice shade of red today..... it wasn't like his own ass but definitely she will be feeling it too for couple of days.

Anyway when they were done Mira told him" ok now clean up kids must be waiting outside....and ofcourse don't try to sit. Last time muskaan was looking very curiously.

And when they came out Their kids muskaan and son Rahul watching tv. They had no idea what happened in the bedroom....while they were busy watching Mira hanged the leather paddle again in kitchen. It was always hanged in kitchen...if Mira or her mother in law or anyone need they grab it from there and bring it back.

His mother smiled when she saw her son coming out walking slowly....she said" come beta sit i will make you tea....She pointed out at hard chairs.

Muskaan didn't know her she said" come dad i got A+ in my math test look...

Sam look angrily at her mom while sitting down very gently trying his Best not to cry out. Because Mira's leather sole sandal has made great impression everywhere on his ass.

Anyway and in the night sex was really great.... Sam took out his revenge by fucking her with all the power he had in his body....she was laughing but tired when Sam start fucking her 3rd time that night. She was like" let's sleep you idiot... we both have to go college tomorrow. My thighs are tired now pls.....

But sam didn't listen her and ended 3rd round at 1am both of them didn't get much sleep.

Next morning when Sam was getting dressed he has to wear the pant he had made for these kind of occasion very loose around his ass but he still cry out when he wore his boxer shorts.

Mira smiled and said"that's good that mean i did great job on your ass....will be good reminder.

Normally Sam drove to college but today Mira was driving the car even though her own ass was nicely spanked too and her own asshole was sore from last night fucking and when they arrived one of their co worker asked" hey what's up buddy Mira ma'am driving today....

Mira: he hurt his back yesterday....

Their co worker Rajdeep was also married....he got spanked by his wife all the time too and he use to make same excuse when his wife will drop him too.

He smiled thinking about it...they never talked about spanking in their home openly always in code words.

Anyway he Start walking with them to staffroom and said" yeah don't worry about it Sam i had same problem last week. Now I'm feeling great.

Mira smiled and said" yeah i remember babhi ji dropping you to college....

And when they came to staffroom Tony was already there sitting on Chair in corner wasn't taking to anyone just scrolling his mobile phone.

Mira greated him and introduce him once again"guys he is Tony he is our best friend and our new spanker.

Everyone shake hands once again and some of them even said" thanks we were in great need of your service...so many of girls need your service so badly.....they know Mira ma'am had to do double duty and ignoring so many of them because of it they were out of line

Tony: don't worry guys I'm here now so you guys can relax now.

And by 9am everyone went to their rooms for their classes.....only Tony and Mira were left.

Mira then start talking with him about normal things while walking to their office. It was separate room which had spanking arrangements....

They both were talking normally when Tony said" so babhi I did noticed something today....

Mira: what.....

Tony: you spank Sam too....he was walking funny and his face telling everything.

Mira: don't tell anyone ok...and yes we spank each other for any mistake.....well it's his ass all the time i try to avoid all the time.

They were talking when there was knock on the door and Mira shouted" come in...

A boy and girl walked in...Tony saw they were aged 20s....

They told their class and names....

Mira showed Tony about spanking log in....Tony then start entering the reason they were getting spanked their class and time on computer.

Today reason was copying each other assignment.

Girl was wearing jeans and top....

Tony was little slow entering data in the computer.. when he was done entering he looked up he saw Mira was already ready and boy had already taken off his shoes socks jeans and underwear..... and Mira was giving him lecture about cheating and doing own assignment.

Tony looked at girl and said" you know what to do....so take it off.

Girl was nervous like boy but she took off her sandal she was bare feet so next she took off her jeans and panty..

Then she stood in front of him hand at sides.... Tony told about helping other too like if she wanted to help her friend she could have teach him how to do it properly not just copying words to words. While saying this he had some thoughts about girl too. He was man too and looking at girls neat clean shaved pussy gave him instant hard on too.

But he know what he has sign up for so he patt his lap signaling girl to come...

And girl came forward and lay over his lap....Tony adjusted her over his lap and asked" you know why you being punished....

And when she replied" yes sir.... first slap landed on her unprotected ass. Spank!spank!spank! Tony didn't gave her much time to think and start spanking with mild power....from very first slap girl could feel tge heat and sting of hand. Last spanker was 55 years old man and he use to spank harder too but because of his he wasn't able to spank this hard with hand.

But Tony was much younger than him and he was increasing force with every slap. And Tony could see Mira was spanking with her hand too but much harder than him because of gender difference....and he was still spanking with hand when Mira pickup sandal from desk and start spanking him....and it was just 5-6 slaps Tony could hear boy crying out loud... hearing this he switch to top gear too and start spanking girl and pretty soon She was trying to get off his lap... kicking off her legs in air but Tony was holding her tightly so she wasn't able to get off from his lap...

Mira smiled when she saw girl crying loudly and desperately wanted to get up....

It was another 5 minutes when Tony stopped and told the girl get up....and he waited till Mira to finish boy's spanking with sandal....

When Mira was done he said" they love copying each other assignments so let's punish them together....

Mira: great idea sir....

So now both boy and girl was holding eachother and bending down...they could see each other in the eyes....

And when Mira and Tony spanked them together they hold each othe tightly....boy was saying sorry to girl and girl doing the same.

And when Tony and Mira thought they were punished properly they told them to get dressed.... slowly girl and boy wore their clothes. Boy managed to get dressed but girl had some trouble jeans she was wearing was super tight over her ass and tighs...

Mira smiled when she saw girl reaction....and pretty soon they were out from office.... outside the office couple of boys and girls were there too...they had listened everything....

Boy went to his class while girl went to bathroom...in the bathroom couple of girls were there from her class when they her classmate with puffy eyes they asked" hey how was new Sir....did he spank hard....

She pull down her jeans and turned towards them and said" you girls better be good he isn't like old man....dammn he spank hard with hand.....

Another girl replied" really but he is so handsome....

And they were laughing giggling....

And In the office Mira asked" so Tony how was it....

Tony:well to be honest with you babhi when she take off jeans and panties i was thinking sexually but when i start spanking her it was all gone...then it switched automatically to work mode...but it's fun....

Mira: yes...i know....i happens....and don't worry you will have plenty of fun.. it's only couple of hours in the first half we are free otherwise second half is always busy....

Tony: well I'm ready.....

Mira: ok good then...and don't worry about anything they all are adults and their parents know everything.....

They were talking when there was knock on the door when Tony shouted come in....

A man aged 50s walked in.....When Mira saw him she get up from her seat and walked to him and politely said" hello Sir...how are you....

When Tony saw this he got up too and introduced himself" hello Sir I'm Tony....New appointed....

Man also replied politely" hello Sir I'm kunal....

Tony know he had seen this man...but he wasn't getting it where...

And then he remembered he met him at one of business event he attended with his dad...

Mira then told him to have seat when he sat down Mira" Sir....we told you last time too when you need some time off for your Daughter and son please let us know in advance... you just can't send text message..

Kunal: I'm sorry ma'am we just had last minute vacation plan...

Mira: and because of you both of them will be spanked...

Kunal was 50 years old but when Mira was scolding him like he was her student he was listening to her head down...

Mira: you know what we are introducing new policy... since it was your fault you will share your children punishment...

Kunal was surprised he just said" I'm sorry i will not let them Skip in future...

But Mira wasn't letting it go...she replied" it's 4 times this month.....you know we told you every time when you want time off let us know couple of days in advance so we can let kids know about their next syllabus.....

Any way i have no choice left so please let me know when you can come with your wife.

Kunal know he has no choice so he replied" Saturday afternoon will be ok.

Mira: ok then see you Saturday....

When he left Tony" dammmn you really going to spank parents...

Mira: yes....they need to be responsible too...when they can blame their children for their poor results so why not they should share responsibility...

They were free for while but as Mira had told him after half time he wasn't free till last period..

He had to spank 15 girls all of them were from different classes different departments...from skinny to fat ass..tall short....he had spank so many beautiful ass...

And he was loving his job he love watching their cute ass turning pink to red...they kicking their legs in air trying best to avoid heat from their ass building up....he wasn't able to control himself while watching girls pussy....in his first day he had seen so many of them....

And he remembered when Mira had told them we need someone who can spank longer without getting his arm tired. There was no rest one after one....

And he was surprised there were more Girls than boys....

Anyway when he was walking back to his car with Mira she asked" so what do you think...

Tony: it's hard...you know I'm man too..i have feelings they all are beautiful adult girls...

Mira: yes...well you will get
use to it....

And with the time some girls might let you hit their hole...

Tony: really....

Mira: yes they all are adults we don't prohibit sexual activity....

Tony smiled while going back to his home..
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dare devil

New Member
While Tony left for home...Sam and Mira went on their way too...and by 3:30 they were at home too...her Mother in law had already cooked lunch and feed both kids and they were now on coaching center.

When she was changing after freshen up....Sam saw her red sore ass...

Sam: wow it has been long time since i saw your sore ass.

Mira: yeah he is natural....by the way your spanking is due too....it wasn't my idea to speeding and get fine..

Sam know he will be getting spanked he tried last time"please let it go.... let's go out have some fun sweetheart....

Mira: sure i will take you out but you will have sore ass too.... much redder than mine.

Sam: ok....

Mira:ok mr husband get ready i will go tell mom to don't let kid in here.

Saying this Mira came out her mother in law know everything.... Sam's father and her had same arrangement too.

She was watching tv Mira" Mom kids will be home soon....Pls don't let them came to our room...

Mom: what he did now...

Mira: got caught speeding get fine.

Mom: ok go take care of business i will watch for kids.

Hearing this Mira grabbed leather paddle... it was about 20 inch long inch thick and it has nice long grip to hold too.

When she came into bedroom first thing she did was take off everything...

Sam was already naked and standing in corner holding his ears.

Mira sat on the edge of bed and said" ok come I'm ready...

When sam turned like always Mira was naked sitting on pillow on the bed....he got instant hard on by looking at her. But he know he soon will be crying over her lap.

Sam: Tell me one thing.... why every time I'm going to be spanked you look hell of sexy to me.

Mira: are you asking to be spanked more often.....

Sam"no....but how come it's fair I don't get to spank you more

Mira: thank me for that....i let you spank me.... It's not fault you mess up frequently now hold me tightly....

when Sam feel Mira's body tense and she has raised her arm high in air he shouted hold hold gave me your bra or panty.....i don't want mom or kids to hear me crying...

Mira smiled and gave him her panty she was wearing all day.....sam put it panty in his mouth....and Next half an hour was nice painful lesson for Sam to don't speed....he know he will have trouble sitting down entire week.... Mira always make sure spanking is painful and add so many things to make more humiliating for him.

When Spanking was finished and he was jumping holding his ass crying while panty still in his mouth Mira asked"you want me to get my harness and Didlo or you want other thing...

Sam shake his head no and bent down kissing both of her feet....and when he got up Mira hold her both ass cheeks open and he start licking it. He was enjoying it today because Mira's beautiful ass was nice shade of red today..... it wasn't like his own ass but definitely she will be feeling it too for couple of days.

Anyway when they were done Mira told him" ok now clean up kids must be waiting outside....and ofcourse don't try to sit. Last time muskaan was looking very curiously.

And when they came out Their kids muskaan and son Rahul watching tv. They had no idea what happened in the bedroom....while they were busy watching Mira hanged the leather paddle again in kitchen. It was always hanged in kitchen...if Mira or her mother in law or anyone need they grab it from there and bring it back.

His mother smiled when she saw her son coming out walking slowly....she said" come beta sit i will make you tea....She pointed out at hard chairs.

Muskaan didn't know her she said" come dad i got A+ in my math test look...

Sam look angrily at her mom while sitting down very gently trying his Best not to cry out. Because Mira's leather sole sandal has made great impression everywhere on his ass.

Anyway and in the night sex was really great.... Sam took out his revenge by fucking her with all the power he had in his body....she was laughing but tired when Sam start fucking her 3rd time that night. She was like" let's sleep you idiot... we both have to go college tomorrow. My thighs are tired now pls.....

But sam didn't listen her and ended 3rd round at 1am both of them didn't get much sleep.

Next morning when Sam was getting dressed he has to wear the pant he had made for these kind of occasion very loose around his ass but he still cry out when he wore his boxer shorts.

Mira smiled and said"that's good that mean i did great job on your ass....will be good reminder.

Normally Sam drove to college but today Mira was driving the car even though her own ass was nicely spanked too and her own asshole was sore from last night fucking and when they arrived one of their co worker asked" hey what's up buddy Mira ma'am driving today....

Mira: he hurt his back yesterday....

Their co worker Rajdeep was also married....he got spanked by his wife all the time too and he use to make same excuse when his wife will drop him too.

He smiled thinking about it...they never talked about spanking in their home openly always in code words.

Anyway he Start walking with them to staffroom and said" yeah don't worry about it Sam i had same problem last week. Now I'm feeling great.

Mira smiled and said" yeah i remember babhi ji dropping you to college....

And when they came to staffroom Tony was already there sitting on Chair in corner wasn't taking to anyone just scrolling his mobile phone.

Mira greated him and introduce him once again"guys he is Tony he is our best friend and our new spanker.

Everyone shake hands once again and some of them even said" thanks we were in great need of your service...so many of girls need your service so badly.....they know Mira ma'am had to do double duty and ignoring so many of them because of it they were out of line

Tony: don't worry guys I'm here now so you guys can relax now.

And by 9am everyone went to their rooms for their classes.....only Tony and Mira were left.

Mira then start talking with him about normal things while walking to their office. It was separate room which had spanking arrangements....

They both were talking normally when Tony said" so babhi I did noticed something today....

Mira: what.....

Tony: you spank Sam too....he was walking funny and his face telling everything.

Mira: don't tell anyone ok...and yes we spank each other for any mistake.....well it's his ass all the time i try to avoid all the time.

They were talking when there was knock on the door and Mira shouted" come in...

A boy and girl walked in...Tony saw they were aged 20s....

They told their class and names....

Mira showed Tony about spanking log in....Tony then start entering the reason they were getting spanked their class and time on computer.

Today reason was copying each other assignment.

Girl was wearing jeans and top....

Tony was little slow entering data in the computer.. when he was done entering he looked up he saw Mira was already ready and boy had already taken off his shoes socks jeans and underwear..... and Mira was giving him lecture about cheating and doing own assignment.

Tony looked at girl and said" you know what to do....so take it off.

Girl was nervous like boy but she took off her sandal she was bare feet so next she took off her jeans and panty..

Then she stood in front of him hand at sides.... Tony told about helping other too like if she wanted to help her friend she could have teach him how to do it properly not just copying words to words. While saying this he had some thoughts about girl too. He was man too and looking at girls neat clean shaved pussy gave him instant hard on too.

But he know what he has sign up for so he patt his lap signaling girl to come...

And girl came forward and lay over his lap....Tony adjusted her over his lap and asked" you know why you being punished....

And when she replied" yes sir.... first slap landed on her unprotected ass. Spank!spank!spank! Tony didn't gave her much time to think and start spanking with mild power....from very first slap girl could feel tge heat and sting of hand. Last spanker was 55 years old man and he use to spank harder too but because of his he wasn't able to spank this hard with hand.

But Tony was much younger than him and he was increasing force with every slap. And Tony could see Mira was spanking with her hand too but much harder than him because of gender difference....and he was still spanking with hand when Mira pickup sandal from desk and start spanking him....and it was just 5-6 slaps Tony could hear boy crying out loud... hearing this he switch to top gear too and start spanking girl and pretty soon She was trying to get off his lap... kicking off her legs in air but Tony was holding her tightly so she wasn't able to get off from his lap...

Mira smiled when she saw girl crying loudly and desperately wanted to get up....

It was another 5 minutes when Tony stopped and told the girl get up....and he waited till Mira to finish boy's spanking with sandal....

When Mira was done he said" they love copying each other assignments so let's punish them together....

Mira: great idea sir....

So now both boy and girl was holding eachother and bending down...they could see each other in the eyes....

And when Mira and Tony spanked them together they hold each othe tightly....boy was saying sorry to girl and girl doing the same.

And when Tony and Mira thought they were punished properly they told them to get dressed.... slowly girl and boy wore their clothes. Boy managed to get dressed but girl had some trouble jeans she was wearing was super tight over her ass and tighs...

Mira smiled when she saw girl reaction....and pretty soon they were out from office.... outside the office couple of boys and girls were there too...they had listened everything....

Boy went to his class while girl went to bathroom...in the bathroom couple of girls were there from her class when they her classmate with puffy eyes they asked" hey how was new Sir....did he spank hard....

She pull down her jeans and turned towards them and said" you girls better be good he isn't like old man....dammn he spank hard with hand.....

Another girl replied" really but he is so handsome....

And they were laughing giggling....

And In the office Mira asked" so Tony how was it....

Tony:well to be honest with you babhi when she take off jeans and panties i was thinking sexually but when i start spanking her it was all gone...then it switched automatically to work mode...but it's fun....

Mira: yes...i know....i happens....and don't worry you will have plenty of fun.. it's only couple of hours in the first half we are free otherwise second half is always busy....

Tony: well I'm ready.....

Mira: ok good then...and don't worry about anything they all are adults and their parents know everything.....

They were talking when there was knock on the door when Tony shouted come in....

A man aged 50s walked in.....When Mira saw him she get up from her seat and walked to him and politely said" hello Sir...how are you....

When Tony saw this he got up too and introduced himself" hello Sir I'm Tony....New appointed....

Man also replied politely" hello Sir I'm kunal....

Tony know he had seen this man...but he wasn't getting it where...

And then he remembered he met him at one of business event he attended with his dad...

Mira then told him to have seat when he sat down Mira" Sir....we told you last time too when you need some time off for your Daughter and son please let us know in advance... you just can't send text message..

Kunal: I'm sorry ma'am we just had last minute vacation plan...

Mira: and because of you both of them will be spanked...

Kunal was 50 years old but when Mira was scolding him like he was her student he was listening to her head down...

Mira: you know what we are introducing new policy... since it was your fault you will share your children punishment...

Kunal was surprised he just said" I'm sorry i will not let them Skip in future...

But Mira wasn't letting it go...she replied" it's 4 times this month.....you know we told you every time when you want time off let us know couple of days in advance so we can let kids know about their next syllabus.....

Any way i have no choice left so please let me know when you can come with your wife.

Kunal know he has no choice so he replied" Saturday afternoon will be ok.

Mira: ok then see you Saturday....

When he left Tony" dammmn you really going to spank parents...

Mira: yes....they need to be responsible too...when they can blame their children for their poor results so why not they should share responsibility...

They were free for while but as Mira had told him after half time he wasn't free till last period..

He had to spank 15 girls all of them were from different classes different departments...from skinny to fat ass..tall short....he had spank so many beautiful ass...

And he was loving his job he love watching their cute ass turning pink to red...they kicking their legs in air trying best to avoid heat from their ass building up....he wasn't able to control himself while watching girls pussy....in his first day he had seen so many of them....

And he remembered when Mira had told them we need someone who can spank longer without getting his arm tired. There was no rest one after one....

And he was surprised there were more Girls than boys....

Anyway when he was walking back to his car with Mira she asked" so what do you think...

Tony: it's hard...you know I'm man too..i have feelings they all are beautiful adult girls...

Mira: yes...well you will get
use to it....

And with the time some girls might let you hit their hole...

Tony: really....

Mira: yes they all are adults we don't prohibit sexual activity....

Tony smiled while going back to his home..
not enoughhhh i miss jese ap pehle likhte thy achyeeee s mazye k storiesss