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Fantasy Sujata sexy village aunt


New Member
Update – 8

Sujata aunt had developed breastfeeding my father on daily basis. Grandma had told her to breastfeed him frequently so his health could be improved rapidly, So whenever she was not busy doing chores in house she would take my father to her bedroom and breastfeed him for some time.
Some times in hall, some times in kitchen in front of us without covering his face with her pallu.

One day Sujata aunt was going to go to another village for her relative's marriage with me. My father demanded to go with her also. Grandma asked Sujata aunt to take him with her. Sujata aunt smiled and said to my father ," I know why you want to come with me BIL. " My father was watching her breasts while she was sitting on the floor watching TV in the hall. He went near her and laid his face on her lap. Sujata aunt was wearing white blouse and a pink saree. My father slid aside her pallu and started sucking her breast from over the blouse .After some time he asked her desperately ,"Please breastfeed me Sujata. I am so hungry. " Sujata aunt smiled and said ," You are not so shy now. " She watched him desperately sucking over her blouse for some time. Sujata aunt opened her lower blouse hooks & lift the right-side blouse upwards. but afterwards she teased him by did nothing to lift the bra cup. Now seeing visibly the right side breast with bra to my father’s view, she waited for few minutes & saw my father’s reaction, My father was getting restless for the Sujata aunt’s did, Then Sujata kissed on his forehead and removed right side bra cup, big round 36D breast came out with chocolate coloured areola & nipple clear visible to my father, then by supporting & pulling his face near to nipple with her right arm elbow. Sujata aunt looked at him playing with her breast like a baby and She then thrust her long thick soft nipple into his mouth with her left hand and my father started to suck the breast nipple with whole areola eagerly, sweet milk flowed & he relaxed now and sucking her breast nipple very slowly for a long time like a baby.

आजी सुजाता काकूंना म्हणाली, "तो आता चांगला दिसतोय. एका आठवड्यानंतर तुम्ही त्याला दूध पाजणे थांबवू शकता." माझ्या वडिलांनी लगेच माझ्या मावशीच्या स्तनाग्रावर हलका चावा घेतला", सुजाता काकूंनी खाली पाहिले, माझ्या वडिलांचा चेहरा पाहिला, हसले आणि त्यांच्या कपाळावर चुंबन घेतले. आणि तिच्या हाताच्या बोटांनी डोक्याच्या केसांना हळूवारपणे आवळले, हसत हसत म्हणाली आजीला विचारले, "तुला वाटतं की तो पूर्ण बरा झाला तरी तो स्तनपान थांबवेल?" मला नाही वाटत." आजी हसली, "म्हणजे तू स्तनपान करणार आहेस. त्याला नियमितपणे " सुजाता काकू म्हणाल्या, " तो आता म्हातारा झाला आहे आणि त्याला त्याच्या बायकोला विसरायचे आहे, तोपर्यंत मी त्याला नियमितपणे 3-4 वेळा दूध पाजतो. " आजी म्हणाली, " ठीक आहे तू त्याला दूध पाजत आहेस आणि तुझे सासरे इथेच राहायला येणार आहेत." मी माझ्या मेव्हण्याला दूध पाजते?" आजी तिला म्हणाली, "काळजी करू नकोस. मी त्याला पटवून देईन. तो समजेल." सुजाता काकू समाधानी दिसल्या आणि आता तिचे लक्ष माझ्या वडिलांना धीर देण्यावर केंद्रित केले आणि तिच्या हाताच्या बोटांनी केस विंचरले आणि त्यांच्या गालावर चुंबन घेतले. , मग तो खूप आरामात चोखत होता ती त्याला एक तास स्तनपान करत होती

Next update please


New Member
अद्यतन - 8

सुजाता काकूने आपल्या घरातील रोज दूध पाजण्याची सवय लावली होती. आजीने तिला बाळाच्या पोटात सांगितली होती, त्याची योग्यता चांगली सुधारेल, म्हणून जेव्हा ती घरातली कामात व्यस्त नसते, तेव्हा ती माझ्या कुटुंबात तिच्या बेडरूममध्ये उठण्याची आणि काही वेळ त्यांना स्तनपान करत असे.
कधी हॉलमध्ये तर कधी किचनमध्ये आपल्या शरीराच्या पल्लूने चेहरा न झाकता.

एके दिवशी सुजाता काकू माझ्यासोबत तिच्या नातेवाईकाच्या लग्नासाठी दुसऱ्या गावी जाणार होत्या. माझ्या वडिलांनीही तिच्यासोबत जाण्याची मागणी केली. आजीने सुजाता काकूंना सोबत घ्यायला सांगितले. सुजाता काकू हसल्या आणि माझ्या वडिलांना म्हणाल्या, "मला माहित आहे तुम्हाला माझ्यासोबत का यायचं आहे बिल." ती हॉलमध्ये जमिनीवर बसून टीव्ही पाहत असताना माझे वडील तिचे स्तन पाहत होते. तो तिच्या जवळ गेला आणि तिच्या मांडीवर चेहरा ठेवला. सुजाता काकूंनी पांढरा ब्लाउज आणि गुलाबी रंगाची साडी घातली होती. माझे वडील तिची पल्लू बाजूला सरकले आणि ब्लाउजवरून तिचे स्तन चोखू लागले .काही वेळाने त्यांनी तिला हताशपणे विचारले, "कृपया सुजाता मला दूध पाज. मला खूप भूक लागली आहे." सुजाता काकू हसल्या आणि म्हणाल्या, "तू आता इतकी लाजाळू नाहीस. " तिने त्याला काही वेळ तिच्या ब्लाउजवरून हताशपणे चोखताना पाहिलं. सुजाता काकूंनी तिच्या खालच्या ब्लाउजचे हुक उघडले आणि उजव्या बाजूचा ब्लाउज वर उचलला. पण नंतर तिने ब्रा कप उचलण्यासाठी काहीही केले नाही म्हणून त्याला चिडवले. आता माझ्या वडिलांच्या नजरेला ब्रा सह उजव्या बाजूचे स्तन पाहून ती काही मिनिटे थांबली आणि माझ्या वडिलांची प्रतिक्रिया पाहिली, माझे वडील सुजाता काकूच्या वागण्याने अस्वस्थ झाले होते, मग सुजाताने त्यांच्या कपाळावर चुंबन घेतले आणि उजव्या बाजूचा ब्रा कप काढला, मोठा. माझ्या वडिलांना चॉकोलेट रंगीत आयरोला आणि स्तनाग्र स्पष्ट दिसणारे गोल 36D स्तन बाहेर आले, नंतर उजव्या हाताच्या कोपराने त्याचा चेहरा स्तनाग्र जवळ ओढून. सुजाता काकूंनी लहान मुलासारखे तिच्या स्तनाशी खेळत त्याच्याकडे पाहिले आणि मग तिने आपल्या डाव्या हाताने तिचे लांब जाड मऊ स्तनाग्र तोंडात टाकले आणि माझे वडील संपूर्ण आरीओलासह स्तनाग्र स्तनाग्र उत्सुकतेने चोखू लागले, गोड दूध वाहू लागले आणि तो आता आराम करू लागला. खूप वेळ तिच्या स्तनाग्र बाळासारखे हळू हळू चोखत आहे.

आजी सुजाता म्हणाली, "तो चांगलाोय. एका काकू नंतर तुम्ही त्याला दूध पाणे बंद करू शकता." माझ्या स्त्रीला माझ्या मावशीच्याग्रावर हलका चावा दाखवा, सुजाता काकू खाली पाहिले, माझ्या स्तनांनी पाहिला, हसले आणि त्यांच्या कपाळावर चुंबन घेतले. तरी तो आरामवेल?" मला वाटत नाही." आजी हसली, "म्हणजे तू बाळ करणार आहेस. त्याला नियमितपणे " सुजाता काकू म्हणाल्या, " तो आता महाताराही आहे आणि त्याला बायकोला विसर्जित आहे, तोपर्यंत मी त्याला नियमितपणे 3-4 दूध दूध पाजतो. " आजी म्हणाली, " ठीक आहे तू. दूध पाजत आहे आणि तुझे सासरे इथेच राहतात आहेत." मी माझ्या मेव्हण्याला दूध पाजते?" आजी तिला म्हणाली, "काळजी करू नकोस. मी त्याला पटवून देईन. तो समजला." सुजाता काकू समाधानी दिसल्या आणि आता भरपूर लक्ष आरामात धीर माझ्यावर केंद्रित केले आणि तिच्या हाताच्या बोटांनी केस विंचरले आणि त्यांना गालावर चुंबन घेतले.


New Member
Update – 8

Sujata aunt had developed breastfeeding my father on daily basis. Grandma had told her to breastfeed him frequently so his health could be improved rapidly, So whenever she was not busy doing chores in house she would take my father to her bedroom and breastfeed him for some time.
Some times in hall, some times in kitchen in front of us without covering his face with her pallu.

One day Sujata aunt was going to go to another village for her relative's marriage with me. My father demanded to go with her also. Grandma asked Sujata aunt to take him with her. Sujata aunt smiled and said to my father ," I know why you want to come with me BIL. " My father was watching her breasts while she was sitting on the floor watching TV in the hall. He went near her and laid his face on her lap. Sujata aunt was wearing white blouse and a pink saree. My father slid aside her pallu and started sucking her breast from over the blouse .After some time he asked her desperately ,"Please breastfeed me Sujata. I am so hungry. " Sujata aunt smiled and said ," You are not so shy now. " She watched him desperately sucking over her blouse for some time. Sujata aunt opened her lower blouse hooks & lift the right-side blouse upwards. but afterwards she teased him by did nothing to lift the bra cup. Now seeing visibly the right side breast with bra to my father’s view, she waited for few minutes & saw my father’s reaction, My father was getting restless for the Sujata aunt’s did, Then Sujata kissed on his forehead and removed right side bra cup, big round 36D breast came out with chocolate coloured areola & nipple clear visible to my father, then by supporting & pulling his face near to nipple with her right arm elbow. Sujata aunt looked at him playing with her breast like a baby and She then thrust her long thick soft nipple into his mouth with her left hand and my father started to suck the breast nipple with whole areola eagerly, sweet milk flowed & he relaxed now and sucking her breast nipple very slowly for a long time like a baby.

Grandma said to Sujata aunt ," He looks good now. You can stop breastfeeding him after one week. " my father immediately did mild bite on my aunt’s nipple”, Sujata aunt looks down, saw my father’s face, smiled & kissing on his forehead and gently caressed his head hair combed with her manicured fingers, said smiling asked Grandma" Do you think he will stop breastfeeding even if he is fully recovered” ? I don't think so. " Grandma laughed ," So you are going to breastfeeding him regularly ? " Sujata aunt said ," Why not ? He is old now. Let him suckle till he wants & he want forget his wife, so till he willing to suck my breast & I Breastfeeding him regularly more than 3-4 times daily. " Grandma said ," Ok. You can Breastfeeding him regularly. I am going back to city and your father-in-law is going to come here for living. " Sujata aunt asked ," But is he not going to be shocked that I suckle my brother-in-law ?" Grandma told her," Do not worry. I will convince him. He will understand. " Sujata aunt looked satisfied and now concentrated her attention on breastfeeding to my father by comforting him & combed his hair with her manicured fingers and kissing him on his cheeks, then he was sucking very comfortable She was breastfeeding him for one hour
Story me sasurji ko dikha do. Sasurji suraj se bhi kamjor hote hai. Sasurji jab gav aaye to bahut hi kamjor dikh rahe the. unake haath-pav bhi kaap rahe the. Sujata ko apne sasur ki halath dekhi nahi ja rahi thi. Sujata decision leti hai ki vo suruj ke sath sath apne sasurji ko bhi stanpan karegi
Update – 8

Sujata aunt had developed breastfeeding my father on daily basis. Grandma had told her to breastfeed him frequently so his health could be improved rapidly, So whenever she was not busy doing chores in house she would take my father to her bedroom and breastfeed him for some time.
Some times in hall, some times in kitchen in front of us without covering his face with her pallu.

One day Sujata aunt was going to go to another village for her relative's marriage with me. My father demanded to go with her also. Grandma asked Sujata aunt to take him with her. Sujata aunt smiled and said to my father ," I know why you want to come with me BIL. " My father was watching her breasts while she was sitting on the floor watching TV in the hall. He went near her and laid his face on her lap. Sujata aunt was wearing white blouse and a pink saree. My father slid aside her pallu and started sucking her breast from over the blouse .After some time he asked her desperately ,"Please breastfeed me Sujata. I am so hungry. " Sujata aunt smiled and said ," You are not so shy now. " She watched him desperately sucking over her blouse for some time. Sujata aunt opened her lower blouse hooks & lift the right-side blouse upwards. but afterwards she teased him by did nothing to lift the bra cup. Now seeing visibly the right side breast with bra to my father’s view, she waited for few minutes & saw my father’s reaction, My father was getting restless for the Sujata aunt’s did, Then Sujata kissed on his forehead and removed right side bra cup, big round 36D breast came out with chocolate coloured areola & nipple clear visible to my father, then by supporting & pulling his face near to nipple with her right arm elbow. Sujata aunt looked at him playing with her breast like a baby and She then thrust her long thick soft nipple into his mouth with her left hand and my father started to suck the breast nipple with whole areola eagerly, sweet milk flowed & he relaxed now and sucking her breast nipple very slowly for a long time like a baby.

Grandma said to Sujata aunt ," He looks good now. You can stop breastfeeding him after one week. " my father immediately did mild bite on my aunt’s nipple”, Sujata aunt looks down, saw my father’s face, smiled & kissing on his forehead and gently caressed his head hair combed with her manicured fingers, said smiling asked Grandma" Do you think he will stop breastfeeding even if he is fully recovered” ? I don't think so. " Grandma laughed ," So you are going to breastfeeding him regularly ? " Sujata aunt said ," Why not ? He is old now. Let him suckle till he wants & he want forget his wife, so till he willing to suck my breast & I Breastfeeding him regularly more than 3-4 times daily. " Grandma said ," Ok. You can Breastfeeding him regularly. I am going back to city and your father-in-law is going to come here for living. " Sujata aunt asked ," But is he not going to be shocked that I suckle my brother-in-law ?" Grandma told her," Do not worry. I will convince him. He will understand. " Sujata aunt looked satisfied and now concentrated her attention on breastfeeding to my father by comforting him & combed his hair with her manicured fingers and kissing him on his cheeks, then he was sucking very comfortable She was breastfeeding him for one hour
Sasur ji ki entry dikha do. Sasurji jab gav aaye the tab vo bahut hi kamjor lag rahe the vo suraj chacha se bhi kamjor lag rahe the aur unke hath-pav kap rahe the. Sasurji ki halat dekh kar sujata ko bahut hi daya aane lagi. Sujata decision leti hai ki vo suruj chacha ke sath sath apne sasurji ko bhi stanpan karegi. Sujata suraj chacha aur sasurji ko stanpan karane ka time table banakar usake hisab se un dono ko stanpan karegi.. next part pe iska varnan kar do.. next part please


No strings attached couple F24 & M34. Comment us
This story was already available in this forum posted by member Seemachachi. Full credit goes to him/her
But last few weeks there is no update from the author.
I have rearranged lines, added some erotic points from the update-3
pls. read the story, suggest any thing to add to make more sensitive.
If you are all ok with this will start the story by to night
Good one


New Member
Update – 8

Sujata aunt had developed breastfeeding my father on daily basis. Grandma had told her to breastfeed him frequently so his health could be improved rapidly, So whenever she was not busy doing chores in house she would take my father to her bedroom and breastfeed him for some time.
Some times in hall, some times in kitchen in front of us without covering his face with her pallu.

One day Sujata aunt was going to go to another village for her relative's marriage with me. My father demanded to go with her also. Grandma asked Sujata aunt to take him with her. Sujata aunt smiled and said to my father ," I know why you want to come with me BIL. " My father was watching her breasts while she was sitting on the floor watching TV in the hall. He went near her and laid his face on her lap. Sujata aunt was wearing white blouse and a pink saree. My father slid aside her pallu and started sucking her breast from over the blouse .After some time he asked her desperately ,"Please breastfeed me Sujata. I am so hungry. " Sujata aunt smiled and said ," You are not so shy now. " She watched him desperately sucking over her blouse for some time. Sujata aunt opened her lower blouse hooks & lift the right-side blouse upwards. but afterwards she teased him by did nothing to lift the bra cup. Now seeing visibly the right side breast with bra to my father’s view, she waited for few minutes & saw my father’s reaction, My father was getting restless for the Sujata aunt’s did, Then Sujata kissed on his forehead and removed right side bra cup, big round 36D breast came out with chocolate coloured areola & nipple clear visible to my father, then by supporting & pulling his face near to nipple with her right arm elbow. Sujata aunt looked at him playing with her breast like a baby and She then thrust her long thick soft nipple into his mouth with her left hand and my father started to suck the breast nipple with whole areola eagerly, sweet milk flowed & he relaxed now and sucking her breast nipple very slowly for a long time like a baby.

Grandma said to Sujata aunt ," He looks good now. You can stop breastfeeding him after one week. " my father immediately did mild bite on my aunt’s nipple”, Sujata aunt looks down, saw my father’s face, smiled & kissing on his forehead and gently caressed his head hair combed with her manicured fingers, said smiling asked Grandma" Do you think he will stop breastfeeding even if he is fully recovered” ? I don't think so. " Grandma laughed ," So you are going to breastfeeding him regularly ? " Sujata aunt said ," Why not ? He is old now. Let him suckle till he wants & he want forget his wife, so till he willing to suck my breast & I Breastfeeding him regularly more than 3-4 times daily. " Grandma said ," Ok. You can Breastfeeding him regularly. I am going back to city and your father-in-law is going to come here for living. " Sujata aunt asked ," But is he not going to be shocked that I suckle my brother-in-law ?" Grandma told her," Do not worry. I will convince him. He will understand. " Sujata aunt looked satisfied and now concentrated her attention on breastfeeding to my father by comforting him & combed his hair with her manicured fingers and kissing him on his cheeks, then he was sucking very comfortable She was breastfeeding him for one hour
Waiting for part 9
Next part please 🙏