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Fantasy Wife swapping by indian couple for two monthes


Well-Known Member
I couldn’t believe my beautiful angel is sitting next to me on my car. I don’t know what to speak as I’ve screwed my choices in her home by making a quick move of touching her hip. I started looking at her with my side view.

As she is seated, her waist line has slide fold (not heavy tire) that enhanced glamour to her waist line. I started looking at her hip in side view and thru the rear view mirror without her noticing me.

There was a thick silence from both of us. I could sense that she is looking at me, I don’t have any courage to talk to her.
I played music in car, I played my favorite IR song “ooru sanam thoongidichi” song. This song and the situation was mesmerizing.

Dark night, riding on the road, angel next to me, playing a romantic song in car. All these made the environment happy. Occasionally the vehicles passing from opposite direction flooded their head lights and with those lights I could see Harini completely glowing with her saree and ornaments, I enjoyed those fraction of flashy light moments.

I started coining words within my mind to start the conversation with Harini and break the silence. I was just about to say Sorry, I heard from Harini “Sorry…”

I surprised to hear “Sorry” from Harini and she continued to talk “Rajesh, I’m sorry for what I did to you in kitchen. I pushed you too hard to the extent you lost balance and you were about to fall.”

I started curiously listening to her and she continued ” I should have asked you to politely stop, I behaved too harsh. I’m sorry that I’ve disappointed you in our very first Interaction” I’m happy to hear this from her and she continued “Rajesh, I’ve not did that with any intention, basic instinct of security and femaleness made me to take this move. As Swathi and Vinod are around and I’m not prepared for it, so I pushed you off. Please don’t feel bad about it”

I’m touched with her justification and polite way of expressing her situation,
I started replying “Harini, you no need to feel sorry, you had not done anything wrong. I should be sorry for this. I’ve lost control and I took that move.
Though personally I know you and your requests thru Swathi,
I shouldn’t have done this. Something has pushed me at that weakest moment. I’m happy that you apologized me”

She giggled and said “I know that what has pushed you to do that to me “

I surprised with her statement and asked her with smile “What you know?”

she said “I know why you touched my hip losing your control”

I shy fully asked “What?”

she blushed and said “I know that your favorite black mole on my hip has made you to lose control”

I got shocked to hear that she knows that her black mole on her hip is my favorite, and immediately asked her with surprise “Hey Harini, how do you know that?”

she replied with cute expression “mm, Rajesh, not only this I know many things about you. Swathi told me about you a lot”

I thanked Swathi for helping me a lot on this. Harini continued “Hope you came to know about my request thru Swathi ?, I hope you are not disappointed with my request?”

I said immediately “No Harini, not at all. Enjoyment with you just not lies only with sex. See this moment I’m enjoying your closeness, I enjoying you sitting just a feet away from me. I enjoy seeing your cute face and smile.

Sex is not something I’m under estimating or considering as sin. That is also enjoyment, as you said, let it come naturally for us.
Until then I’m going to enjoy our togetherness and your presence around me. So ultimately I’m not sad about your decision”

Harini was touched with my “love boy” speech, she giggled and said “Thanks Rajesh for understanding me, when I mean I need time, it is only for taking the climax step of doing sex, there is no objection from me for you talk to me, romance me, hold my hands or even tease me.”

She giggled and said “And also there is no restriction for you to see my hip directly in front of me, you don’t need to do see it like school boy when I’m not noticing you”

I bit my tongue with kind of shy, she identified that I’m frequently staring her hip with my side eyes. I laughed at her comment and continued driving.

With all these small talks we reached my apartment.


Well-Known Member
I was completely happy that there is no more room for embarrassment or shyness over my action. I believe with this level of intimacy and closeness there is bright chance of opportunity today itself.

We entered our apartment and she started looking curiously as if seeing new place. I helped her to keep her suite case in home and I took her to different part of home to make her comfortable. While I’m taking her within home, I gently placed my hands on her shoulder and I walked her to kitchen and explained.

I enjoyed walking close with her keeping my hands on her shoulder, she never mind my hands on her shoulder. I took her and introduced to washing machine and other electronic appliances in home. I’ve gave password of the system so that she can use it. Made her familiar with the home theatre system.

I told her “Harini, from this moment this is your home and you are my wife.
You have rights to every single inch of this home, you don’t feel or think whether I can open this, or whether I can use this, etc.
Money for all house hold expense or what so ever is in safe, and safe password is “xxxx”. You can open it and use it, no questions asked.
There is no protected or privacy documents in home, feel free to explore and be yourself in this home.
Don’t feel like that this is somebody’s home and you are just guest”

The way I encouraged her made her happy and she smiled and said “thanks”

I took her to hall and she sat in sofa, I sat next to sofa. She requested “I used to watch TV serials, can I watch for some time ?”

I said “With pleasure, I streamed youtube on big LED tv” she started curiously watching that and started chatting with me.

Not much useful topics we chat, just we chit chat few things. I placed my hands on her shoulder. I was thinking to advance my hands to my favorite area ( her hip), with slow courage,

I moved my hands close to her hip and I just touched her hip gently with two fingers, she smiled and looked at me and started in teasing way “mm in front of Vinod and Swathi, you aggressively came and grabbed my hip, here in privacy you act like good boy and slowly touch with fingers?”

and she giggled and I don’t know what to respond and I smiled, she looked at me passionately for few seconds and she took my hands in her hand she opened my fingers one by one and she took my hands to her hip and kept my hands on her hip and pressed it soft on it and looked at me and said in teacher’s warning tone with smile “Ok, I know you like this area, and as I’ve disappointed you in our first interaction,
I’m allowing for this. Keep your fingers and hand there like good boy and don’t make any additional moves” she smiled.

I felt as if I’m in heaven as soon as she took my hands and kept it on her soft hips.

I closed my eyes and started feeling the softness of her hips. I could feel the warmness from her hip and waist passing to my body. She kept her hands pressed on my hands so that she is securing the grip position so that I don’t move my hands either upwards or downwards.

I started feeling arousal inside my pant, she started concentrating on TV without moving my hand further with gentle press and with finger, I started feeling the softness. I attempted to move my hands further up to feel her boobs, but she is holding her grip stronger on my hands so that I don’t move it up or down.

My shoulders are pressing against her shoulders. I started looking at her lap and I felt it would be good to put my head on her lap that too while she is in saree.
I waited for few more minutes to stop annoying her with very frequent requests.

I let her to watch serial for some time, and then I politely asked “Harini, can I put my head on your lap and just lye while you are watching serial,
so that I can relax a bit”

She just thought for few seconds and said “ok” She moved to one end of the sofa so that I have more space to lye my body on sofa. I’m super thrilled to keep my head on her lap, I gently put my head near to her knee so that she don’t feel uncomfortable with my heads brushing her thigh or boobs closely.

As I kept my heads almost near her knee, she gently pulled my head towards her and kept my head on her lap. My back of my head is touching her bare belly while I’m seeing tv screen along with her. My head is hardly touching her hip, belly and I could sense her boob is just above my ear.

I know if I turn my heads to look celling my mouth can kiss her lower part of the boob. I don’t want to embarrass her and I liked this posture, so I continued to be in the position and started enjoying it.

I could feel her thigh on soft saree, as my head is hardly touching her hip, she rested her hand on my head for grip and started sliding her fingers within my hair on fore head and she gently started massaging my forehead with her slender, cute fingers while she is concentrating on TV.

It was a soothing experience for me to feel her cute slender, nail polished fingers to rub my hair and massaging my fore head. While her left hand is playing with my hair and forehead, I hold her right hand and started playing with her fingers.

She was concentrating on TV, I literally started enjoying her touch and started fondling with her fingers. I felt that I want to feel her touch on my body.

I thought to lift my T-Shirt and keep her hands on my bare stomach and decided that would be too much at this moment and instead just I took her hand kept on my chest over my t-shirt and I called “Harini” she looked at me, and I said “You are here” as her are resting over my chest/heart.

She blushed and continued watching tv.


Well-Known Member
With her kind caress and fondling, I slept in her soothing touch.

She woke up me after some time “Rajesh, get up? You slept?”

I got up and smiled and said “Harini, It was heavenly feeling for me to put my head on your lap and enjoy your fragrance, as you were caressing my head,
I slept in soothing feeling”

She smiled and said “ok it is getting late, it is time for dinner, tell me what you would like to have for dinne r? Shall I make some noodles ?” I declined saying that I’m not hungry and she is not ready to leave me “No, you should eat something, shouldn’t go to bed with empty stomach” As I don’t want to argue with her, I said really I’m not hungry, hence you are requesting, I’m ok to just take milk, can you give me a cup of milk, mischievously I looked at her boobs while I asked for milk.

She smiled, Ok I’ll prepare it, and meanwhile you go and take bath.

I surprised “Bath? This time?”

She said, usually “Vinod will take bath before going to sleep, in that practice I’ve asked”.

Again I don’t want to disappoint her, I decided to do whatever Vinod does to make her to feel that I’m just another Vinod.

Without making me to further think, she pushed me from back by gently keeping her hands on my shoulder to bath room to take bath. I smilingly went to bathroom and took bath. I completely become nude and I started seeing my cock. My hard erected cock is not too black or brown, it is in wheatish color.

It is almost 6 inch in full erection. It is now fully erected and I started looking at it and started talking to it “Hey I don’t know how much you are lucky today ?
I don’t know you will get chance today or tomorrow, but be ready to impress her once you get chance”

I took bath and changed my dress to just vests and short and came to kitchen, she started preparing milk with humming a song. I felt that she is getting accustomed to this home and getting comfortable. She smiled and served milk in a cup and I started tasting the milk in cup and she was looking at my curiously.

I started thinking why she is staring me like that and then immediately realized and said “Harini, milk preparation is super” I know she is looking for my feedback.
She is happy to listen this.

She washed the cups and I said to her ok let us go to bedroom.


Well-Known Member
We walked and entered bedroom, I said to myself ‘My God, all happening today is true ? Finally my angel is in my bedroom going to sleep next to me in bed’

I distracted by her smile and looked at her…

With lot of love, emotions, happiness, sense of achievement I stepped into my bed room. I’ve made the room well earlier in the day as my angel
Harini is going to be here with me in this room today. I’ve arranged the bedroom neat with room refreshers earlier in the day and kept it clean.

It is a big master bedroom with a cot at center of room, closets at other end. Many pot lights on ceiling that can be controlled with remote to control the brightness of the light. Big LED TV at one side. I have personal taste when it comes to bedroom to keep it good. To add extreme glamour to this bedroom Harini is here today.

I entered bed room, cot is at center of the bedroom, I went to left side of the cot and Harini went to the right side of the cot and she started just glancing the room, her face has not exhibited any uncomfortness of being with me in this room and also she is not excited or appeared to be ready to have sex with me.
I don’t bother about not having sex with her tonight itself, I just love she being with me here in my room at this moment.

In fact I’m happy with the things happening, I’m least concerned that Harini is not ready for sex. In fact I feel I’m blessed with this kind of situation.

Where will be the happiness if I know certainly if something will happen for sure ? There is less excitement if I know 100% sure that she is unwrap her petticoat and widen her leg just like that. But now, this uncertainty brings pleasure and excitement. As it may happen or may not happen and don’t know at which time, when it will happen. It will be like a flower blossoms, sun rises, don’t know which exact moment it is going to happen.

So it gives me room to get aroused all the time until it happens. It opens an opportunity to use all my love and affection to melt a heart to make it ready, in fact a sex after such a wonderful love negotiations will be something which we can’t forget during our entire life. More over this kind of fantasy, you cannot even buy also. This is something naturally should happen.

I was watching her with lust and love, she appeared like an angel, she raised her two hands and stretched a bit. I was rewinding in my thoughts that all the things we all three had did to make this reality and ended up in reality as my angel is in my bedroom.

What else I can ask for more. I felt as I’m the happiness person in the earth in this day.


Well-Known Member
As I was in deep thought looking at her beauty, she distracted me by raising her both hands and just gently hitting bangles in both hands by crossing the hands, her expression was cute, I distracted by her bangle sound, I looked at her. She in her gentle hand gesture without speaking asked “what?” with a cute smile.

I simply nodded my head in gesture “nothing” with a smile and went to bed and sat on the left side corner of the bed and started looking at her.
She with a cute smile started looking at me. She was still standing on the right side of the bed. She gently raised her two hands and took her hands to back of her head to un fold the hair clip and adjust the hair.

As she raised her two hands and took her hands to back of her head to adjust the hair clips. As she raised her both hands her hip/waist was completely visible and I could very clearly see her curvy shape of the hip in ).( shape. As she has wide opened her hands and kept it on her back of head to adjust the hair, her boobs was bit protruding front, this whole thing has revealed a lovely shape of her body.

What a Buttery, softy, smoothy, milky, whity, Curvy hip. mm excuse me for describing her hip almost 50 times in this whole story. How many ever times I see her hip, my interest is not reducing and every time it is aggravating me to see it. What a lovely shape and I could see her naval. My god, she is too gorgeous. She clearly notice that I’m curiously looking at her hip and she doesn’t mind it as she has already gave me permission to look at her hip. So without any shyness and worry I started staring her hip while her hands are raised.

She in the sense of encouraging me to see her, she took few minutes to adjust her hair and she is enjoying the way I’m looking at her. She was looking at me with a cute smile on her face.

I notice that she is in complete saree as she came in like a bridal angel. Though i like to see her and want her to be with her saree, for formality I politely asked “Harini, do you want to change dress, if you need nighty, Swati’s nighty is there in closet, and you can change it. If you want I can step out for a while”

She said “No Rajesh, I’m comfortable being with saree and sleep”.

She gently sat on the cot, as she sat tiny fold/wrinkle created on her curvy hip, i never moved my eyes from there.

Harini said “mm, as I gave permission to see, Sir seems to be not ready to move his eyes away” and giggled in teasing way.

I’m happy that she is feeling comfortable enough to tease me, I’m happy for it. I blushed.


Well-Known Member
She comfortably sat on cot by resting her back on head rest area of cot, and just extended the legs straight and from sitting position, she dragged her body down the cot to full lying position and she turned towards me in side position. She adjusted her pillow, rested her head comfortably on pillow and lied in side pose and started looking at me in friendly way.

As it is double cot, there was ample space between me and her, she is not too far at the edge of the cot nor closer to me.
I’m happy that she is not uncomfortable to lye down in my bed next to me.

I too lyed completely in side posture and both of us in lying in side pose and looking at each other. golden tint of pot lights from ceiling is enhancing her glow. With love, lust I was staring at her cute face, eyebrows, lips, grape like eyes.

As she is in side posture, her saree pallu completely slipped especially from her hip and completely revealing her glamorous asset hip. It reminded me the actress tamannas hip.

Man, I couldn’t control my tempt by looking such beautiful hip at such a close distance and that too in a very glamorous posture.
As I did in her home, my hands without any control directly extended to her hip to grab it.

Harini, politely brought her hand and gently hold my hand without giving me a kind of rejection feeling or hurting me. She did it excellently by softly blocking my hand with her hand, she gently parted my five fingers with her cute little fingers and slided her five fingers with my five fingers, gripped it in friendly way and pressed it on bed.

She did it with a smile, politely, and the pressure she exerted in her fingers to my fingers and palm was so friendly that I never felt rejected.
She gently caressed my fingers with her fingers by keeping my hand on bed.

I bit wondered, when she allowed me to keep my hands on her hip earlier in hall, why she is now resisting ?

But I could see the reason, being in bed and lonely situation allowing me to fondle her hip, could lead to quick progression which she don’t want.

She distracted my thought with a gentle smile and cute voice “mm then…”

I distracted by her voice and I understood it that she wants to talk, I too love it.

I thought that this will be natural to talk her and develop a bond and friendship that could heart fully and love fully and naturally lead us to next step.